"Deadly Confession"

Chapter 1
Taking Care of Business

By Mistydawn

Rachel is sitting in her car, patiently waiting for the stores to open. Her friend's little bundle of joy made her grand appearance at six this morning. Being her godmother, Rachel wants to buy a special gift for the little doll.

It's such a beautiful spring morning. The sweet aroma of spring flowers drifts through the air when she rolls down her window. Little birds chirp happily all around her. I wish it could stay like this forever, she thinks, inhaling the delightful scent. Spring has always been her favorite time of year. It's when  new life begins and the old is revived.

She's enjoying the beauty all around her when she hears a gunshot in the distance, Rachel looks over to find a tall, lanky man stumbling towards her car.

"Help me, please, help me," he begs, stumbling towards her. His meager body smacks the hood of her car and then slides to the ground. Jumping out of her vehicle, Rachel runs to the injured man. She sees he is face down on the cool, wet pavement. Blood is pooling all around him. She hears footsteps a few feet away. She looks up to find a large beefy figure running for the woods. The man below her moans again. She glances down to find the man gurgling in his own blood. I'll deal with the shooter later. She rolls the victim onto his side. Putting her nursing skills to work, she began a quick assessment. She sees that his pulse is weak, thread, and he's barely breathing. Carefully turning him on his back, she starts evaluating his wound.

"Can I help?" an elderly woman asks. 

"Call 911," Rachel instructs. Darting to the back of her car she grabs the emergency kit from trunk. 

"The ambulance is on the way," the lady says, handing her the phone.

"Good, grab the gauze out of the backpack and start handing it to me," Rachel instructs. The two are busy working on the victim when the ambulance pulls into the lot.

"The cavalry has arrived," the woman exclaims.

"Thank god," Rachel says, as she continues to put pressure on the wound. Within a few minutes, two paramedics run to their side.

"We'll take it from here," one of the EMT's informs her, grabbing equipment from underneath the gurney. Happy to be relieved of her duties, Rachel decides to clean up. 


The police station sits on the north side of town just off the square. It's a small, older building that has its share of both charm and ghosts.

The officers occasionally smell a hint of pipe smoke as it drifts through their halls. Sometimes, they'll hear footsteps in the corridor when no one is there. These eerie occurrences are thought to be subtle reminders of the city's first chief of police. He liked to keep an eye on things long after he retired. He took his last breath in the bunks.

The captain sees Jerry and Jeff busy at their desks when he steps out of his office. Rachel is late again. Shaking his head, he walks across the station.

"Sergeant, Detective, there's been a shooting at Dollar General. I need you to get out there right away."

"We're on our way, boss," Jerry pushes away from his desk.

Hanging up the phone, Jeff turns towards their Captain. "Sir, that was Detective Webb, she said our shooter headed towards the woods."

"Notify the canines unit." 

"Copy that captain."


The forensics team is busily combing the woods when Jerry and Jeff pull up to the scene. Rachel is with their canine unit at the corner of the lot.

"Any luck with our dogs?" Jerry asks.

"They lost his scent in the alley, so we think he might've got into a car. They're checking security footage from the diner now." she points across the street.

"Can you give me a description?" Jerry asks as he pulls his notebook from his pocket.

"He's around six three with a muscular build. He has long stringy black hair that's pulled back in a ponytail. He's wearing a red striped jacket and jeans."

"I'll get an APB out on that description," Jeff says, walking away.

"So tell me what happened," Jerry says.

"I hear a gunshot in the distance. I notice this guy stumbling toward my car. He hits the hood and then falls to the ground. I go to check on him, and that's when I spot the shooter heading for the woods. 

Jerry glances up from his paper. "How is the victim?"

"They're not sure he'll make it, sir."

"I want you and Jeff to head to the hospital, see what you can find out."

"I'm on my way, Sergeant."

"I think I'm going to like that title." Jerry smiles as he walks away. He was promoted from Detective to Sergeant just a few months ago after Joe took the captain position.


Leo is outside of Dollar General watching the police do their work. Boss has got himself in a hell of a mess this time, he thinks as he pulls his cell from his pocket. He takes a picture of the lady cop and then sends it to his employer. It'd save us both a lot of hassle if he'd just leave his dirty work to me, he thinks as he waits for his call to connect. Leo has been cleaning up his mishaps for the past ten years. Messes that an amateur criminal wouldn't find himself in. "I just wish he'd let me handle the situation," he repeats. He hears his boss grumble in his phone."Did you take care of it?"

"Not yet... The matter is more complicated than you thought," he says as he glances at the detective. "The one who saw you running is a cop."... "Yeah, I'm sure." Leo wipes the sweat from his brow as he listens to his boss's rants. "I'll still take care of it for you, but my price is doubled. I expect half now, half when my job is complete." Leo smiles. "Consider it done." I'll take care of all the cops at that price. He laughs. Throwing his phone in his pocket, Leo climbs into his car.


I think he'll be very pleased with what I've done, Luigi thinks. Smiling, he continues down their dark-colored hall. The long, narrow walkway contains numerous pictures of him and his twin Tito through the years. Luigi scans the photos as he continues towards the office. Bruno made sure we never wanted for anything, he thinks. He steps up to the heavy wooden door and knocks. Glancing up from his desk, Bruno waves him in. Realizing he's on the phone, Luigi plops down on the couch and waits. With a nod of approval, the man turns away.

How can anyone believe Bruno is my dad when we look nothing alike? Luigi thinks as he surveys the old man's rugged appearance.

The doctor who delivered him and Tito admitted he switched the Greco's dead babies for Maroni and his maid's illegitimate twins. He said it was part of a coverup of an affair gone wrong. When Luigi asked about his biological mother, he was told she disappeared shortly after their birth.

Luigi confronted Maroni, even showed him the DNA results as proof. Maroni became outraged, claiming the results were bogus, a way to get to his fortune. He then threatened to harm the Grecos if he ever brought up the matter again. Not wanting the only family he's ever known and loved in danger, Luigi decided to pursue the matter a different way. That rich bastard will pay for what he's done, Luigi thinks, as he shifts in his seat.

"I'll reimburse you for all of your travel expenses and other expenditures you encounter," Bruno replies to his caller. "That's not including the sizable bonus that you'll receive for taking care of this matter on such short notice... Talk to you soon, Frank." Bruno glances at his son as he hangs up his phone. "Did you take care of the books for me?"

"According to your records, the bar is doing exceptionally well."

"Do the records match the deposits?"

"Down to the last penny." Luigi smiles.

 Impressive, Bruno thinks, raising his brow. "I have one last piece of business for you to take care of before you join the rest of the family in Italy."


The detectives discover the day has become unseasonably warm when they step out of the large brick building. Jeff quickly scans the hospital parking lot in hopes he'll find the Maronis, but he soon discovers the area is completely deserted.

"I can't believe the Maronis would do such a thing, leave their only son alone in a hospital like that; not sure if he'll live, or die. How can any parent be that cold, that heartless?" Rachel questions, climbing into their car.

"They're a strange bunch. They believe in love, honor and all of that, but if you disgrace their family name in any way they'll turn on you in a heartbeat."

"What could he have possibly done that'd make his own family hate him so much?"

"It's hard to say."

"Wait, they wouldn't hire someone to kill him, would they?"

"I'm sure they have the means to do it."

"I think it's time to visit his family, find out what's really going on."


Leo watches Rachel walk across the parking lot, oblivious to everything around her. Taking care of her will be easy money, he thinks, as he climbs into his car.

Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.
Leo, hired hit-man.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachell Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.

Chapter 2
Imminent Danger

By Mistydawn

The Berryville detectives are trying to solve a murder. Rachel witnessed the shooter and now has a target on her back.

Rachel and Jeff pull up to a beautiful two-story brick home centered on acres of lush green lawn. They notice a few of their groundskeepers busy in the older flower beds while others are planting seeds for the upcoming season.

"They really care about their lawn," Rachel watches the workers hustle around the yard.

"I guess they want everything to be perfect for the social gatherings," Jeff informs her, as they climb out of his car.

Rachel watches Mrs. Maroni yell at one of the hired hands when she walks across their drive. She realizes the poor young lad is on the verge of tears when she gets closer. "I'd hate to work for her," Rachel whispers.

"Me too," Jeff agrees.

"You may go now," Mrs. Maroni says. Gulping back tears, the young man hangs his head; he slowly trudges away.

No one should be chastised like that, Rachel thinks. She shakes her head. "Mrs. Maroni?"

"Yes." Mrs. Maroni gives the female detective a condescending look while she sizes her up.

Arrogant ass, Rachel thinks. She rolls her eyes, as she steps up closer. Play nice Rachel, she reminds herself. Rachel gives the lady a look of disdain before she begins. "My name is Detective Webb; I'm with the Berryville PD. I need to ask you a few questions about your son."

"I expected as much, Detectives," Mrs. Maroni snobbishly replies.

Ignoring her tone, Rachel takes a notebook from her pocket. "Does Carlos have any enemies?"

"I couldn't say, he's been living with that whore wife of his for years."

Rachel looks up from her notebook. "What's her name and where does she live?" 

"Her name is Adina Ricci. She and her two children live in that appalling trailer park on the other side of town. Neither of the little imps has the Maroni blood, thank God."

"Do you know if Carlos has a gambling or a drug problem?" Rachel inquires.

"I imagine my son has both since he hangs out with trash these days."

"Do you know their names?"

"No, and I don't care to, neither. I'm sure that gold-digger wife of his can tell you what you need to know. Now if you'll excuse me, Detectives, I have dinner to prepare." She turns away. It's more like they prepare while you bark out orders, Rachel thinks.

Jeff has another thought. "Is Mr. Maroni at home?" 

Aggravated, she spins back around. "He left for a business trip a few hours ago, won't be back until Friday. I assure you, he won't be any assistance to you either. Neither of us had spoken to our son in over two years."

Trouble in paradise? Rachel thinks. "Why is that?" 

Mrs. Maroni gives her an unnerving stare. "I don't see how that's any of your concern."

"It could rule you out as a suspect," Rachel snaps back.

"If you must know, he disgraced the family name when he married that tramp. Now I really must go," she huffs, storming into her house.

"Don't we think we're all high and mighty?" Rachel sasses as she walks down the sidewalk.

"Is that any way to talk about your new best friend?" Rachel glares at Jeff. "I'm kidding." He laughs.

"You don't know how bad I wanted to tell her what she could do with that pompous attitude of hers,"  Rachel turns and glares at the house.

"I saw you bite your tongue." He snickers.

"I almost bit it off. I guess we better talk to Adina, see if she can tell us more."

He chuckles. "You're in for a real treat now." 

"Why do you say that?" She snaps her seatbelt in place.

"Adina is one you won't soon forget." When he was a beat cop, Jeff was sent to her residence numerous times on domestic disturbance calls. He'd arrive to find a petite Italian lady beating the crap out of her flavor of the week. "Yep, you definitely won't forget her." Smiling he pulls away.

Rachel watches two young children play in the dirt when they pull into Adina's drive. She then notices their rickety mobile home behind them. The kids run inside when they see a squad car stop at their house.

"He must really love her to give up a life of luxury for this," Rachel replies; she glances at their faded blue eyesore.

"Maybe he hates his mom as much as you."

"I doubt that."

"What the hell do you want?" A short, heavyset woman hisses, from the top of a broken down porch.

"Are you Adina Maroni?" Rachel sees the lady start to tense up.

Adina anxiously steps back. "Who wants to know?" 

"We're with the Berryville PD and we need to ask you a few questions about your husband's murder," Jeff informs her.

"He's dead, what more do you need to know?"

"We're sorry for your loss," Rachel says.

"His death is a blessing to us all."

Puzzled by her statement, Rachel glances at her partner. Jeff continues with his questions. "Did he have any rivals?"

"He had lots of them. They came to our house every day, demanding Carlos pay them what he owes."

"Can you give us their names?"

"I don't know their names. I figure it isn't any of my business." She nervously glances around the neighborhood.

"Do you know any friends we could talk to, maybe get a little more information?"

"He doesn't have any Detective. He used to have lots of friends until he screwed them out of their life savings," she says as she continues to scan the area.

Now we're getting somewhere, Rachel thinks. "Can you give me their names?" Adina gets a horrified look on her face. Rachel gazes in that direction, but doesn't see a thing.

"I'm not answering any of your questions." She runs inside and slams the door behind her.

"We need you to help us find his killer," Rachel yells through an open window. Adina doesn't answer.

"The man who shot Carlos might come after you next," Jeff adds.

"I can take care of myself. So get the hell off of my property and stay off," Adina screams as she slams the window closed.

"I see what you mean, Jeff."

"That was mild compared to what she's normally like." He climbs in his car.


Joe sees his detectives walk into the station. "What did you guys find out?" 

"Not a darn thing," Rachel replies. She falls into her chair.

"We did find out that everyone is glad he's dead, including his parents."

"Tito will be happy to know he did the world a favor."

"Tito, who, Joe?"

"Tito Greco, the DNA at our crime scene confirms he's our killer."

"Do you want us to pick him up, sir?"

"I've already sent officers to his home." Joe notices a perplexed look on the detective's face, he continues, "I would've sent you, Jeff, but I didn't want a repeat of the mess you made at the Greco's home a few years ago. I'm still surprised the city wasn't sued over your stupid stunt."

"What happened?" Rachel glances at Jeff and then at Joe.

"He barges in their home in the middle of the night. Old man Greco gets mouthy so Jeff decides to show him who's in charge."

"Yeah, and our Captain put me on desk duty for four months and anger management classes for six."

"You're lucky he didn't can your sorry ass."

"I was a dumb rookie." Jeff shrugs.

"I think it's best if you work the sideline on this." Joe sees the two officers he sent to pick up Tito walk into their precinct empty-handed. "Where's Tito, Larry?"

"He isn't home. His father said he and his mother have been in Italy for the past two weeks."

"Is there any proof?"

"I have a receipt for his plane ticket right here." He hands Joe a small piece of paper.

"Make sure it's legitimate, Sergeant."

Jerry types information into his computer. "Larry's right, boss, Tito was on that plane."

"Does Tito have a twin?" Rachel asks.

Jeff pulls up hospital records. "According to this, Mrs. Greco gave birth to twin boys. Wait, there's a death certificate. Luigi, her second boy was stillborn. The twins are her only children."

"He didn't take a flight back, did he?"

Jerry glances up from his computer. "Not that I can find, boss." 

"Rachel, go talk to their staff." 


Leo sees Rachel rush across the parking lot. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" Straightening up in his seat, he glances towards the door expecting her partner to follow. "And you're all by yourself too." Leo excitedly watches her crawl into the Neon. I knew tailing you would pay off eventually, but I didn't expect it to be this soon, he thinks as she backs out of her space.

Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.
Mrs.Maroni, Charles wife.
Adina Ricci Maroni, Carlos' widow.
Leo, hired hit-man.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachell Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.
Larry, beat cop


Chapter 3
Attempted Murder

By Mistydawn

Rachel witnesses a murder, which puts a target on her back. She and her partners investigate but continue to run into dead ends. 

Rachel pulls up to the Greco home a few minutes later. It was a beautiful refurbished two-story Victorian surrounded by acres of gorgeous lawn.

Lifestyles of the rich, right down to their fancy doorbell, she thinks as she listens to a beautiful melody chime through the house. Rachel starts to push the button again when the door flies open. She sees a flustered half-naked Latino woman in the doorway. Her face is flushed and her hair is a tangled mess. No wonder it took her so long to answer. Rachel smiles: eyeing the distraught young lady in front of her.

"May I help you?" the petite young woman breathlessly asks. She pulls her lacy robe around her.

"Yes, my name is Detective Webb and I'm with the Berryville Police Department. I need to ask you a few questions, please."

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Greco is retired for the evening and his wife is out of town," she answers in a thick-accented voice. She tries to shut the door; Rachel reaches up to stop it.

"I want to talk to you." The detective shifts her body; putting her full weight against the barrier.

"To me, no, sorry, I cannot help you," she nervously replies. She tries to close the door, Rachel shoves it back open. The heavy barrier crashes against the wall. The lady anxiously looks behind her.

"Where is Tito?" The detective raises her brow.

"He's gone; he and his mama left for Italy two weeks ago." The lady shifts her stance.

"Then why was he spotted in town this morning?"

"I...I don't know, I just work here." She peeks behind her again.

She's definitely on edge about something. "Is that it, Mr. Greco said he'd fire you if you tell me the truth?"

"That is the truth, Tito is gone; he left with his mama. Now please go away before you wake Mr. Greco." With one hard shove, she slams their door closed.

Aggravated, Rachel stomps back to her car. "Something is going on in that house and I'm going to figure out what it is." Slamming her car into gear, she pulls away from the curb.


Rachel's been gone a long time. Joe glances at his watch. It's been nearly three hours. That could mean she's getting somewhere, he concludes. The longer he thinks about her lengthy absence, the more concerned he becomes. I could call her, make sure she's alright. He grabs his phone and quickly dials her number. Joe taps his fingers on his desk as he waits for his call to connect. "Come on, come on, answer, damn it." He hears a click on the line. "Hello, Rachel?" he asks, leaning towards his desk. "Damn voice mail." Tossing his phone aside, Joe runs his fingers through his thinning hair. His thoughts are going a mile a minute trying to come up with a reason as to why she'd be gone so long. Maybe her partners know something. Jumping out of his chair, he walks towards the detective's cubicle. "Have either of you spoken to Rachel?"

Jerry looks up from his computer. "Not since you sent her to the Greco's, why?"

"I'm worried about her." Joe peeks at his watch again. "You know how she always gets into sticky situations."

"She couldn't possibly get into trouble talking to their staff, could she?" Jeff watches the captain wring his hands.

"The last case we worked, she was held at gunpoint by our killer," Joe reminds them.

"True, but..." Jerry suddenly recalls all the other close encounters she's had through the years. "I'll check on her, just in case." He grabs his cell phone from his desk and dials her number.

"I've already tried that and it went straight to voicemail; something that rarely happens." Joe shifts his weight.

"Maybe she'll answer this time." Jerry lets his call go through. Her voicemail picks up at the end of the fifth ring. "I'll try and find her, boss." He pushes away from his desk.

"Call me when you locate her."

"I will, boss," Jerry says as he darts through the door.


The facts continue to play in Rachel's mind as she heads back towards town. Tito must have left for Italy and then jetted back to the US. How could he when there's no record of him on a plane? He might have taken a private jet, or he could've used a different name. What if he had someone else use his name to make it look like he's out of the country when he's not? If that's true, then he has to be hiding somewhere, but where? Rachel slides around a sharp curve. The city needs to put in a few street lights back here; of course, this fog doesn't help a bit. She dims her lights, in hopes that will reduce the deflection from the thick mist. That's better, Rachel thinks as she slows down to a mere crawl. She notices bright lights pierce through the darkness when she looks in her rearview mirror. This sudden illumination decreases her visibility even more. "Dim your lights buddy." She starts to flip the tab on her mirror when she realizes the truck is picking up speed. "You better slow it down." She pumps her brakes, hoping the driver will spot her taillights through the heavy cloud. The truck closes in, smacking the edge of her bumper.

"What the hell are you doing?" Rachel grabs her steering wheel with both hands and speeds up. The truck bumps her again, harder than the last. "Knock it off, buddy." She pushes down on her gas pedal a little more. The truck hits the back end of her car. The impact forces her to veer right.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." She tries to steer her car back on the road. The truck crashes into her vehicle; Rachel's Neon skids off the pavement.


Sliding his car into the parking lot Jerry storms into his boss's office. Startled by this sudden intrusion; the captain jumps back in his seat.

"I think Rachel is in trouble, boss," Jerry quickly blurts out as he darts across the room.

"Did you check...?"

"I've checked her apartment, her parents' home and everywhere else she might be. I've even called her a dozen times, had her parents try her number." Jerry breathlessly leans against Joe's desk.

"I'll get an APB out on her car." Joe starts to pick up his phone when Jeff runs into the room. "Captain, Sergeant, dispatch just called, they found Detective Webb's car at the bottom of Bluebird Mountain." Jeff anxiously glances back and forth between his two bosses.

"Is she alright?" Joe springs up from his seat.

"They're trying to get to her now, sir."

"I've got to get out there." Joe scoops his keys off his desk and runs out the door.

"I'll drive, boss," Jerry volunteers.


Rachel slowly lifts her head off the steering wheel and groggily gazes around. She discovers smoke barreling from underneath the hood when she glances through her broken windshield. I need to get out of here. She quickly realizes that her legs are pinned between her dashboard and the seat. This is no time to panic. She takes a deep breath, hoping to calm her nerves. I need to find my phone. Rachel quickly discovers her cell on the passenger floorboard. She reaches for it; her fingertips hit her phone, scooting it further away. I can still do this. She stretches her arm out as far as it'll go, but her phone is still out of reach. I need to find something that'll knock it back my way. She scans her surroundings, but doesn't find a thing. What am I going to do?  She hears a loud crackling sound coming from outside her car. She looks up to see flames shooting from under the hood. "Help me, please, someone help me," she screams.

Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.
Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.

Chapter 4
Second Attempt

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. The detectives continue to run into dead ends.

Jeanie is setting the table when she hears her youngest daughter Emma bounce into their apartment.

"Mom, I'm home." Tossing her keys on the foyer table, Emma heads towards their kitchen.

Jeanie glances up when she sees Emma step in the door. "How's work, honey?"

"Just wonderful, it's so rewarding being able to help people just like me." Emma was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia when she was sixteen and has been hospitalized for manic episodes several times since. Her last occurrence was a little over a year ago while fleeing from the cops.

Jeanie and Emma sought revenge on everyone who hurt them; they refer to it as their bittersweet revenge. Rachel distracted the police so they could escape. Emma became sick shortly after. Rachel took Jeanie in; Emma moved in when she was released from the hospital. Now, Emma helps others like herself manage their mental illness. The police still have no clue about their crimes; Rachel helps them keep that under wraps.

"I'm so glad you like your new job." Jeanie smiles.

"I love it so much that I almost feel bad about being paid for it." Emma giggles. Jeanie laughs along with her.

"I'm so glad you're happy for a change."

"Me too. I don't know what you're cooking, but it sure smells delicious." Emma licks her lips.

"It's baked ravioli made just the way you girls like." Hearing it's her favorite dish, Emma grabs a plate from the table.

"I think we should wait for your sister to get home, don't you?"

Rachel is actually Emma's cousin and Jeanie, her aunt; Jeanie has taken care of Emma since she was an infant, so Emma feels more like her daughter than a niece. The two look so much alike they can easily pass as siblings.

"Shouldn't Rachel be home by now?"

Jeanie checks her watch. "It is late."

Emma sees the concern in Jeanie's eyes. "Think I'll find out what's keeping her." Emma picks up her cell and dials Rachel's number. "It went straight to voicemail."

"Maybe she's on an assignment?" Jeanie says as she anxiously stirs the vegetables.

"Yeah, maybe." Emma tilts her head to the side; a look of doubt on her face. "Why don't you call Bonnie and Max; find out if they've heard from her?" She hands her mom the phone.

Jeanie glances at the device, trying to decide what to do. "I'd hate to worry her dad and stepmom over nothing." She lays Emma's phone on the counter.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

I hope so, Jeanie thinks, eyeing her watch again.


Joe sees an assortment of vehicles parked along the edge of the road when he drives up to the scene. She has our entire crew out here, he thinks as he pulls in behind them. Joe hears an EMT arguing with Rachel when he climbs out of his car. "Nothing slows that girl down." Their arguments start replaying in his mind. "Not a thing." He chuckles.

"I said I'm not going." Rachel sits up on the gurney.

"You really need to have a doctor check you out." The paramedic holds up his hands to stop her from scooting off the cot.

"I said I'm not going." She tries pushing him out of her way.

Joe walks over to a firefighter who's observing their argument from afar. "How is she?"

"She has a few minor lacerations, but other than that she seems fine. Which is surprising considering what we pulled her out of. The EMT points down the hill. Joe sees her car horizontally on a cliff. The front end is burnt to mere ashes.

Joe shakes his head. "She's lucky to be alive."

"Yeah, well, her injuries seem to have made her sassier."

"This is normal behavior for her." Joe laughs.

"Don't you dare strap me to that gurney," Rachel hisses, as she shoves the EMT away.

"I'll try and calm her down, talk some sense into her."

"Good luck with that, Captain." He chuckles.

I need more than luck, Joe thinks as he walks towards her. "What are you throwing such a fit about, Detective?"

"These goons want to take me to the hospital, but I'm perfectly fine." Determined to prove her point, Rachel sits up.

Joe watches her teeter back and forth. "This is for your own good." He pushes her down on the stretcher. The EMT's quickly secure their straps.

"Let go of me," she yells as she tries to break free of their grip.

Hearing his daughter scream, Max runs down the hill. He's taken aback by her appalling behavior. "That is enough out of you, Rachel Elizabeth Webb."

"Ah, hi, Daddy," she says, trying to act innocent.

"Don't you hi daddy me, young lady. I want you to stop acting like a child and go to the hospital."

"Yes, Dad." 

"Thank you, sir," The EMT loads her into the ambulance.

"Tell Rachel, Joe and I will meet her there and I said to behave."

"Yes, sir."


The smell of antiseptic drifts across the cold, sterile room as Joe paces back and forth waiting for Rachel to get dressed. I wish she'd hurry, he thinks, feeling a sharp twinge in his stomach. The hospital has affected him this way since his Mother's death.

"I told you I'm fine." Rachel pulls the curtain back.

"Not so fast, I need to get a statement from you before you leave."

"Can we do it tomorrow? It's late and I'm starving."

"It's best to do it now while it's still fresh in your mind."

"Oh, alright." She turns to face her boss. "I was driving back to the station when I notice this black F10 speeding behind me. I pump my breaks, in hopes that he'll spot me and slow down. He catches up to me and slams into my car. The next thing I know, I'm at the bottom of Bluebird Mountain."

"Are you sure it's a black F10?"

"Yes, dad has a white one identical to it."

"Can you describe the driver?"

"It was too dark and foggy to see."

"Where had you first noticed him?"

"I was about a half mile from town." The totality of her situation finally hits her. She glances towards the floor as tears stream down her face.

"What's wrong, hon?"

She looks up at Joe. "My poor car is totaled, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so."

"I loved that old car, too," she cries.

"I know you did, but now you can get a newer, fancier vehicle."

"I don't want a fancier car. I want my neon," she bawls. Joe reaches over and gently pulls her to him; she snuggles in closer.

"Maybe we can find you another Neon," he suggests, hoping his idea would soften her blow.

"It won't be the same," she blubbers.

"Tell you what I'll do, I'll bang it up for you, so it'll be just like your old car, OK?"

"Oh, Joe." She playfully smacks his chest. He teases her about all the dents in her vehicle. Often telling her he's seen demolition cars with less body damage. "My car may not have looked the best, but I bet it would've beat your crappy car any day."

Joe laughs as he wipes away her tears. "You're probably right about that."

She stands on her tiptoes and gives him a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thanks, Joe, you're the greatest."


Lying in her bed, Rachel starts thinking about how she was run off the road. I know it was purposely done it had to have been. And I know that I was the intended target since I have the only purple Neon in town. Why would someone come after me? I don't have any enemies. Well, none that I know of. Was my accident because of our new case? Why me, why now, when we don't have a clue. Maybe something I said or did today made him nervous. I don't know what that could've been since it was all dead ends. Did this person want to kill me, or warn me? What if he intended to kill me? Will he come back and finish the job when he finds out I'm alive? Joe would've put a detail on my house if he thought I was at risk. Rachel runs to her window. She quickly discovers an undercover outside her building. Oh my god, he does think I'm in danger. Why didn't he tell me? A previous incident comes to mind. He knew I'd refuse again. Well, I'm going to make sure we're safe, she concludes.

After checking the locks on her door and windows, Rachel runs back to her bedroom. Scooping up her gun from a metal lock box, she pops a clip in place. "Come after me again and see what happens." Hearing her window rattle, she turns towards the noise. 

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.
Leo, hired hitman.


Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.

Chapter 5
Killer on the Run

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. The detectives continue to run into dead ends.

The killer slowly creeps along the edge of the woods, towards his victim's house. The cool gentle breeze has a damp feel to it; a lingering reminder of the long, hard winter they've just endured. I hope it warms up soon. He throws his arms around himself and continues on. Dogs are barking frantically in the distance, a warning that a harmful intruder is nearby. The prowler is too busy planning his attack to pay them any mind.

I'm going to have a little fun with Mrs. Maroni before I send her to where she belongs. I'll have her begging for forgiveness for all of her sins before I'm through. Maybe then she'll know what it feels like to be weak and defenseless; the way my mama did. Threatening to deport her, knowing she'd be killed when she steps off the plane. His mother was under investigation for exporting drugs. The Maroni's smuggled her out of the country; claiming they're saving her life. Once safely in the new land, she discovers their charity is for personal gain; free labor for room and board.

The bitch deserves everything I'm going to give her too. She made my poor mama believe that her babies died at birth when they didn't. Then deported her the first chance they got. Well, tonight, I'm getting justice for my mama and everyone else this family has harmed through the years.

With a quick look around, he carefully slips around to the edge of the house. Taking a piece of paper from his pocket, he punches in a code. A few more minutes and the world will be rid of three Maroni's; old man Maroni will get his too when the time is right, he thinks as he cautiously slips through the door.

He creeps up the old wooden stairs, towards the children's room. The full moon is shining brightly through the window, making it easier for him to see. He watches his half-sister's chest lazily rise and fall as their snores softly drift through the air. Which one of these spoiled brats should I take care of first? He continues to observe the two girls sleeping peacefully in their beds. Luigi notices the oldest child stir. He secures his silencer in place and then squeezes off two shots into her heart.

"Marla?" the youngest girl asks. She notices a figure between them when she glances towards her sister's bed; the child screams. Luigi spins around and pumps two bullets into the little one's chest. Her pint-sized body collapses on the bed. Now I need to take care of your mama. Luigi hears footsteps coming down the hall; he steps into the shadows and waits.

"Marie honey, are you alright?" A silhouette steps inside the door. Luigi grabs her arm and jerks the woman towards him; their bodies collide with great force. Luigi places his large hand over her mouth; his gun pressed against her head. "Yell and you'll get what they did, understand?" She realizes her two daughters are dead when she looks towards their bed. He feels her tears roll across his hand when she nods. "Good, let's go." He starts to shove her towards the door when he notices shadows dancing along the darkened hallway. So much for that idea. He pulls the trigger. Mrs. Maroni collapses on the floor in front of him. Luigi runs to the window and throws it open. The alarm wails all around him as Luigi hoists his leg over the pane. This could be suicide, he thinks as he glances towards the ground. He looks back to see two rounded figures walk through the door. It's either prison or jump? He pushes off the window; his body plummets to the ground.

"Oh my God, they're dead; all three of them are dead." He hears a lady exclaim from the window above him. The gunman looks up to see red and blue lights fill the evening sky; sirens continue to howl all around him. I've got to get out of here. Pain surges through his body as he scoots across the trampoline; the cops are just blocks away. Gritting his teeth, Luigi lowers himself to the ground; His legs collapse underneath him. I can't go out like this, I just can't, he thinks, watching the cruisers head down the road.


Joe runs through the apartment to find Rachel being held at gunpoint by the killer; her revolver down by her feet. "Drop your weapon now," Joe orders.

Smiling, the gunman squeezes off a bullet; brain matter spews across the carpet.

Joe tries to pull his trigger, but the small piece wouldn't budge. The intruder turns towards the captain, he smiles, and fires again.

A high-pitched noise startles Joe awake. His eyes fly open as he breathlessly looks around. It was only a dream, he sighs, relieved by the discovery. Hearing the noise again, he searches for his phone. 

Rachel is beside her bed with her gun pointed towards the window; her hands shaking in front of her. She's held perps at gunpoint before, but she's never been forced to shoot anyone. Hearing stories about the aftereffects, she wasn't sure she wanted to. I've been trained for this, she thinks. Rachel takes a deep breath in hopes that it will calm her nerves. She hears the noise again. She cocks her weapon as she takes a stance. There's tapping on her glass again. Rachel nervously shifts her weight. I could aim for his kneecaps, maim, but don't kill. Rachel takes another deep breath as she waits for the window to open. The noise completely stops. He didn't see my shadow, did he? How could he through my blinds? Maybe he chickened out, or maybe an undercover found him. She starts to lower her weapon when another thought occurs to her. He could be waiting for me to go to bed. She raises her gun again. With her eyes on her window, she makes her way across the room. Reaching behind her, she flips the switch; the room goes completely black. That should do it. She walks towards her window again.


I shouldn't have parked so far away, the gunman thinks. He hobbles a few more feet to his car. His entire body throbs violently with every little movement as he continues towards safety. I'm glad I hit the trampoline; otherwise, I may not have walked out of there at all. He opens his door and painfully slides into the seat.

It may not have gone the way I'd hoped, but at least I know the Maroni's will never hurt anyone again. Well, they won't when I take care of one more piece of business, daddy himself. Think I'll let him grieve for a while before I take care of him. It's the least I can do after everything he put my mama through. He starts to put his key in the ignition when he realizes a cop is headed his way. He anxiously lies across his seat and waits. His body trembles as the sirens continue to get closer.

They should pass me soon. Lying motionless in his vehicle, he anxiously watches three sets of police lights whiz by. Just a little longer. The sirens slowly weaken to a dull roar. That was too close. He lets out a sigh of relief. Luigi starts to sit up when he hears tapping on his window. Just when I thought I was safe.


Joe rubs his eyes as he waits for his caller to respond.

"Three people were killed at the Maroni's, sir." Jeff blurts into the phone.

Joe jumps out of bed. "Did you say dead?"

"Yes, sir, I've sent the address to your phone."

"I want you and Jerry to head to the scene. I'll pick up Rachel and meet you there." He starts to dial her number when his nightmare replays in his mind. It's just a stupid dream, besides, the gunman is probably long gone by now, he concludes. He punches in a few numbers when he stops again. Maybe I should let the guys handle this one, just in case. 

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems 
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.


Chapter 6
Collateral Damage

By Mistydawn

An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. The detectives continue to run into dead ends.

The Detectives notice Kirk running to their car when they pull up to the scene. "This is what we know so far, sir," he begins as they climb out of their vehicle. "There are three victims. The two little girls were shot in their beds and their mother in the girl's bedroom doorway. The housekeeper said she heard the youngest child scream, so she ran in to check on her and that's when she discovered the three of them dead."

"Did the maid see who did it?" Jerry asks as he closes the door.

"She told me she saw a guy with long hair and a striped jacket jump out of the window when she stepped into the room."

"So the gunman is dead?" Jerry starts to cross the lawn, Kirk sprints to keep up.

"I wish it was that simple, sir. The trampoline broke his fall which helped him escape."

Jerry turns towards his detective. "Jeff, check the hospitals for anyone with broken bones, or internal bleeding. Then narrow that down using the description."

"Yes, sir." Jeff walks away.

Jerry pivots towards the forensic tech. "Where's Joe?"

"He hasn't arrived yet, sir."

"If you see him before I do, tell him I'm in the house."

"Yes, sir." Kirk heads back across the yard.


Rachel has been waiting for her intruder to enter for so long that her muscles are starting to ache. She shakes out one arm and then the other hoping to relieve the pain. I'd like to get this over with so I can get some sleep. She glances at the clock on her bedside table. It' s been over an hour since I've heard anything. She waits a while longer then looks at her alarm again. I'm done with this game. Taking a deep breath for courage, she grabs the lift cord and pulls it up. She expects to see a face staring back at her, but she sees a little homing pigeon instead. I went through an hour of hell because of a stupid bird. She laughs as she lets the blinds fall into place. Her phone rings beside her, she jumps. "I'm this spooked over a stinking bird." She laughs again. "Hello? Three people are dead? I'll meet you out front, Captain. Wear my vest? But... OK, OK, I'm putting it on now," she sighs, glancing towards the cumbersome object.


Luigi is lying across the seat when he hears a tap on the driver side window. I have two choices; I can either give up or outrun them, he anxiously concludes. He hears the noise again.

"Can you spare some change, mister?" A gruff voice asks. He turns to see a large, bearded man beside him. Luigi can tell by his unkempt appearance and layers of filthy clothes that he's one of the many homeless.

The man's overwhelming stench floats through the air when he shuffles around. "My kids haven't eaten in almost two days and they're really hungry." The intruder points to a park bench nearby.

"Get a job like the rest of us." Luigi starts his car.

Anger boils inside the bum. Clinching his fist, he hisses through rotten, gritted teeth. "Let me tell you something, mister, I had a good job, a nice home and a fancy car. Then the economy tanked and we lost it all.

"Tell your story to someone who gives a rat's ass because you're not getting a penny from me." Luigi reaches for the gearshift.

The transient looks towards his frail little girls crying in their mama's arms. He's giving me money one way or another. He reaches inside the car and grabs Luigi's hair. With one hard jerk, the bum slams his head against the partially opened window. "Give me some money, now."

Luigi grabs his cold, bony fingers and tries to pry them loose. He feels his hair being ripped out of his skull as he forces the foul-smelling extremity open. "I said get the hell out of here," Luigi warns, reaching for his pocket.

Furious, the bum shoves his other hand through the window and grabs more hair. "Give me some money, now." The bum pounds Luigi's head against the window over and over again.

Luigi tries to free his gun from the material. The transient slams his head against the glass again. Luigi holds his weapon just above his shoulder and pulls the trigger.


Joe and Rachel gulp down their strong coffee as they head to the crime scene. They hope the strong liquid will give them the boost they so desperately need.

Hearing something in the distance, Rachel straightens up in her seat. "Did you hear that?"

"It sounded like gunfire." Joe pushes the pedal to the floor.

"Over there." She points to a body on the side of the road. Skidding to a stop, they run towards the victim. Rachel begins a quick assessment while Joe looks for witnesses. Noticing three figures on a park bench nearby, he runs to them.

"He killed him, he killed him," the lady cries as she pulls her two daughters against her.

"Who killed him?" Joe asks.

"This...this gunman, he shot my husband and then sped away."

"What kind of car is he driving?"

"It's an old black Mustang." Joe runs over to his partner. "Get their statement." He darts towards his car. Rachel sees a haggard looking women on the bench dressed in layers of worn rags. Her face is filthy and her hair a matted mess. You could tell they were mere skin and bones underneath their blanket of clothes. Rachel pictures her family in that same spot not long ago. The trio became homeless after Jeanie lost her job. It'd be nice if I could help them the way others have helped me. I'll take their statement and then see what I can do, she concludes. She stops in front of the grieving family. "I know this is going to be difficult for you, but I need you to start at the beginning and tell me what happened tonight."

"My husband, Arnold went over to this man's car and asked for some money. The guy shot him and then drove away. I tried to save Arnold, I really did, but he was already gone," she sobs.

"Can you describe the gunman?" Rachel takes a notebook out of her pocket.

"He's tall, around six three I'd guess. He has long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. He's wearing a striped jacket and faded jeans. Why did he have to kill my husband, why? All we wanted to do is feed our girls," she bawls.

The detective glances up from her notebook; a puzzled look on her face. "You said he has long dark hair and wore a striped jacket?"

"Yes, why?" She wipes tears from her face.

"The man you described is a suspect in another murder investigation."

"Do you know who he is?" The woman asks, hopefully.

"Not yet, but we're going to find out."

The lady jumps when she notices someone rushing towards them. Grabbing her gun, Rachel spins around. Realizing it's one of her coworkers, she laughs. "You just about got yourself shot, Kirk."

"Guess I should know better than to sneak up like that." He nervously laughs, watching her put her gun away. "Joe called, said that there's been a shooting and that I need to grab Jeff and get over here right away."

She sees Jeff walking towards them. "The captain has been overly concerned about my safety since the accident." Rachel rolls her eyes as she points to her vest.

"I don't blame..." Noticing her glare Kirk quickly changes the subject. "Where's the victim?"

"He's over there." She points to the side of the road. Nodding, Kirk heads towards the body. "If there's any evidence he'll be the one to find it," Rachel informs the grieving widow.

"I think you need to see this, Detective," Kirk yells.

"I'll be right back." Rachel rushes towards Kirk and Jeff.

"What is it?" she asks, squatting down beside him.

"I found a gun shell casing. By the looks of it, I'd say it came from a 38. I'll see if it matches the ones from the other crime scenes when I get it to the lab. There's also this." He pries the guy's fingers open and removes a clump of long black hair. "I should be able to get DNA from them."

"How much do you want to bet that it comes back as Tito's?"

"I wouldn't doubt it. Was she any help?" Jeff glances towards the family.

"Her details match the guy I saw yesterday."

"That's the same description the maid gave us at the Maroni's."

"So, the Maronis must be the target, and this bloke got in the way," Jeff concludes.

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems 
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective

Chapter 7
Evading Justice

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. All the evidence points to someone who couldn't have committed the crime, leaving the detectives baffled. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and is trying to escape the law. 

Joe speeds down the highway, lights, and sirens blaring. I know he has to be around here somewhere, he thinks as he quickly surveys the peaceful town. Berryville is a small community; a place where everyone knows each other and where ruthless crimes are seldom heard of. As an officer of the law, Joe hopes he can keep it that way.

Seeing taillights pull down a dark country road Joe turns off behind him. "I got you now, sucker." he chuckles, glancing down the treacherous road. Realizing the vehicle is getting further away, Joe pushes on the gas. "You're not outrunning me tonight, asshole." Joe starts to shove the pedal down further when he sees a large creature cross between them. Joe slams on his brakes; his car skids to a stop; dust explodes all around him. Joe sees an angry bull glaring at him when the haze finally settles.

"Get out of my way you stupid beast," he yells as he lays on his horn.

The bull lets out a long, deep bellow as he slowly crosses the road. Joe looks up to see the taillights fading out of sight. "Damn you, bull."  Frustrated, he slams his hand against the wheel. 


The sun slowly peaks over the beautiful Ozark Mountains; the birds chirp cheerfully in the distance, happy for a brand new day. Finished with the extensive crime scene, the techs busily pack up their equipment.

Rachel walks back to the weeping family, a female officer in tow. "This young lady will take you to the motel where you'll be safe."

The widow looks up at the officer, tears streaming down her withered face. "I..I don't have any money."

"The city will pay for it since you're a witness, but only if you agree to testify."

"I will, I will and so will the girls." Pulling away from their mama, the two girls nod.

Rachel turns towards the rookie. "Make sure they get something to eat." She hands the cop some money.

"Oh, thank you, thank you so much," the woman cries. She jumps up from the bench and throws her arms around the detective.

It's the least I can do, Rachel thinks, hugging her back. She turns to see Kirk headed towards them; a perplexed look on his face. "What's wrong, Kirk?"

"You're never going to believe who owns a black Mustang."

"Is it Tito Greco by chance?"

"Yep, and all three descriptions match him perfectly." He hands her a tablet.

Rachel studies the photo for a second; the shooter from Dollar General quickly flashes in her mind. "He must have flown back under the radar. That's if he left at all. Why would the maid say he's gone when he isn't?"

"Maybe she wants to keep her job, or she's his partner in all of this."

"What does Tito have to gain by the Maroni's deaths?" Jeff scratches his head.

"Maybe its revenge for something they did or they should've done but didn't?"

"That's a good motive, Kirk. I'll talk to our Captain and see how he wants to handle this." Rachel starts to walk to her car when she remembers Joe picked her up. She swings back around, an embarrassed look on her face.

"What's wrong, Detective?" Kirk chuckles, watching her face turn three shades of red.

"I didn't bring a car."

"I'll give you a lift."

"You don't drive crazy do you, Kirk? I can't handle any more turmoil tonight."

"They say I drive like a grandpa."

"Believe me, he does," Jeff pipes in. Kirk smacks him in the arm. "Well, you do. I walk faster than what he drives, Rachel. Heck, I bet Granny even does." He chuckles.

"Guess you'll be testing that theory out, now won't you?" Kirk turns towards Rachel. "Are you ready to go?"

"Lead the way." Rachel follows Kirk to his car.

"I was only joking, man."

"You're so mean." Rachel laughs.

"Yeah, I know." Kirk chuckles.


Jerry and Rachel are searching through the evidence logs when Joe walks through the door.

"I hope you're having better luck than me," he says, stomping towards them.

Jerry glances up from his desk. "You didn't find him I take it?"

"I was right on his tail when this damn bull decides to cross the road."

Rachel anxiously looks up from her report. "You didn't hit him, did you?" 

"Luckily, I saw him in time."

"I'd say you're both pretty lucky to come out of it unscathed."

"You're probably right about that." Joe runs his fingers through his hair as he thinks about all the damage the beast could've caused. He shivers at the horrific thought. "I never realized how ugly bulls are until tonight."

"I'm sure that bull is saying the same thing about you, boss." Jerry chuckles.

"Yeah, the beast is probably bragging to all of his friends about how he survived an attack from the scariest creature alive," Rachel adds. The detectives laugh.

"You two aren't one bit funny."

"No, but your face sure is," Jerry says. The duo laughs again.

"You two are hilarious this morning."

Jerry turns towards Joe with a smirk on his face. "Horror land called, boss. They said they want their mask back." Jerry reaches up and touches Joe's face. "Oh my God, it's real." The detectives laugh again.

"I'm so glad you two are enjoying yourselves."

"You know we love you, boss, ugly and all."

"Right back atcha, Jerry." Joe winks.

"We have some good news on our case, Joe."

"I sure could use some about now." He plops down at his old desk.

"We know who the gunman is."

"Who is it?"

"It's Tito Greco."

"That's impossible Rachel; Tito is in Italy with his mother."

"He was in Italy. Evidently, he came back under a different name." She hands him a report.

Joe quickly scans through it. "So I assume someone is picking him up?"

"Not yet, Sharon and Kirk are trying to get enough evidence for a warrant."

"Guys, I have your DNA results right here." Kirk runs to their desk.

"Is it Tito like we suspected?" Rachel questions as she grabs the paper from his hand.

"That's what it shows. When I entered his DNA into the system I found something very strange. He hands her another piece of paper as he continues. "According to my results, he and the two girls have a familial match, but yet he and Mrs. Maroni don't. I compared Mrs. Maroni to the girls and they are related. Out of curiosity, I evaluated Tito's and the girl's DNA to Mr. Greco and there wasn't a similarity there either. Unfortunately, Mr. Maroni's, and Mrs. Greco's DNA isn't in the system to finish my comparison."

"So we can assume that Mr. Maroni and Mrs. Greco had an affair which produced Tito," Rachel concludes.

"Tito finds out; he confronts the Maroni's, demanding his share of the family fortune. They deny his request, so Tito decides to get revenge," Jerry adds.

"Knowing that If he kills them, and then proves his relation, he'll inherit the entire estate," Rachel finishes.

"That's a strong enough motive, so let's see if we have enough for a warrant," Joe says as he reaches for the phone.


Luigi slowly trudges up the long, steep incline towards his home. He knows he has to hide the Mustang in a remote location, in case the cops start snooping around. After his last screw-up, leaving a witness and a police chase, he didn't want to take any more chances.

No one will bother looking for it there, he thinks. Pulling the barn door closed, he secures a lock in place. I wouldn't have to do this if that bum would've left me alone like I asked. Now, thanks to him, I have to kill his wife, two daughters and the Maroni's staff. Guess I need to get a better weapon for all of that. He pulls his handgun out of his pocket and starts to toss it in the lake. Memories of when Bruno gave it to him quickly come to mind. He then recalls all the years he spent admiring the rustic weapon.

"That'll be yours someday, son," Bruno promises, watching the young lad gently stroke the piece.

I was so happy when he finally gave it to me, he thinks, remembering how excited he was when he opened it on Christmas day. Luigi glances at the pistol one last time. "Bessy will do just fine." He shoves the gun in his pocket as he continues towards the house.


Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems 
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.

Chapter 8
The Take down

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. All the evidence points to someone who couldn't have committed the crime, leaving the detectives baffled. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and is trying to escape the law. 

With a warrant in hand, Joe quickly assembles a team. I hope this goes smoothly. He anxiously glances around at all the faces waiting for his command. I don't have anything to worry about with this group. He smiles proudly as he continues to scan the crowd. "Ok gang, we have a warrant, so let's suit up." Joe sees Jeff grab a vest. He starts to say something but stops. I'm sure he's learned his lesson by now, besides, he has every right to be there. After all, it's his hard work that's got us this far. What if Mr. Greco tries to rehash old business, or his attorneys claim he planted evidence for revenge. That could put everything we find into question and without solid evidence, he'll walk again. Joe has tried to take the Greco's down several times now, but no matter what he does, the charges never seem to stick. This could be our final shot and I don't want to take any chances. Joe tries to figure out a way to break the news as he walks towards the detective.

Jeff is securing his vest in place when Joe approaches him. "Hi, Captain."

"Jeff." Joe anxiously runs his fingers through his hair.

Jeff notices the perplexed look on his boss's face when he glances up. "What's wrong, sir?"

"I know you've been looking forward to this bust..."

"Ever since our last skirmish, sir; that's why I worked so hard to make it happen."

"You've put a lot of time and effort into this case that's for sure." That's what makes this so hard. Joe recalls how he felt when the same thing happened to him. I have to do this for the sake of our case.

"Is something wrong, sir?" Jeff nervously shifts from side to side.

"I have a bit of a dilemma."

The detective's face grows solemn. "What's the problem, sir?"

Joe reviews his decision one last time. You have to do this, Joe. So put your big boy pants on and just say it already. "I know you've earned your right to see this thing through." He takes a deep breath and then quickly finishes. "I'm afraid your history could hinder his prosecution. So I don't think it'd be a good idea for you to join us tonight."

"I'm sure Mr. Greco has forgotten our little incident by now." He recalls how he stormed in the Greco house with a chip on his shoulder and lots to prove; his and Greco's pissing contest that took place shortly after.

"Maybe so, but I still think it's best if you stay here."

"But Captain." the detective hits the top of his desk.

"You don't want his attorneys to get him off on a technicality, do you?"

"Of course not, but..."

"Ok then, it's settled, you're staying here."

"But I've worked so hard on this case, sir, you said so yourself."

"You're still on the case, just not part of our raid."

"So I'm stuck with the grunt work while everyone else does the bust?"

"You can handle that side of the investigation where these guys can't." Joe waves his hand across the room. Stomping around his desk, Jeff plops down in the chair.

Joe notices Jeff's mean mug when he steps to the center of the room. "Sorry son, but I don't have a choice." Jeff crosses his arms in front of him. Joe turns towards the crowd. "I want everyone to follow protocol down to the letter. Make sure your partner is at your side and your body cams are in place." He won't be able to make any false claims with the video running. Joe chuckles. Remembering his nightmare, Joe searches for his other detective. He sees she's by Jeff when he looks around. Here we go again, he thinks, as he walks towards her. "Rachel..."

"Come on, Joe, don't bench me too. After all, I worked just as hard as Jeff on this case," she says.

"I'm not, I'm not, but I want you to be real careful when you're out there and I don't want you wandering off by yourself."


"Either agree to my rules or keep Jeff company, your choice." She glances towards her disgruntled partner.

"One of us should see this through," Jeff says.


"Alright, what, Rachel?"

"I agree." She flops down beside Jeff.

I bet that put a dent in her obstinacy. Joe chuckles. He turns towards his men. "Let's get this show on the road." There is a loud scuffle as the officers scrambled to the door.


The group assembles outside the home a few minutes later. When his team settles around him, Joe starts barking out orders. "I want you two to go around back. You two take the right side of the house and you two cover the left." He points to his rookies. "Remember, Tito is armed and dangerous, so use extreme caution when you approach him." The group nods in unison. "Go, go." They hustle across the yard; Joe turns toward his remaining men. "The rest of you will follow me. I want you to start your search as soon as I give him the warrant and be sure to follow your training to a T." They nod again. "Ok then let's do this." The crew hustles across the yard. Joe bangs on the door. He waits a few minutes and pounds again, harder than the last. He starts to knock a third time when a petite Latino lady cautiously opens the door.

"We need to see Mr. Greco on an urgent police matter." Joe glances around the house.

"Mr. Greco is asleep, but I'll be sure to tell him you dropped by in the morning." She starts to close the door, Joe shoves it back open.

"This matter can't wait. So, I suggest you wake him or I'll arrest you for obstruction of justice and then wake him myself, your choice."

"But I..."

"That's it, Rachel, arrest her for obstruction."

"Turn around, hands behind your back." Rachel pulls out her cuffs. Realizing the maid isn't budging, Rachel grabs her arm and spins her around. Her small frame plops against the door.

"Do you have to be so ruff?" she asks, pushing away from the barrier.

 Rachel shoves her against it and then secures the handcuffs in place. "Maybe next time you'll do what you're told." 

"No, please don't do this," the lady begs.

"Jerry, take her out to the car and be sure to check her immigration status."

"Yes, boss."

"No, please, don't send me back, please don't. I'll tell you everything you want to know, just don't send me back there," she protests. Jerry escorts her out the door.

"What's all this commotion about?" an older gentleman grumbles as he sleepily stumbles down the hall.

"We have a warrant for your son Tito's arrest and a warrant to search the premises." Joe hands him a piece of paper and then motions to his team. The officers storm into the house.

"I've already told you, Tito isn't here; he left for Italy last week."

"We know he's here because we found his DNA at three crime scenes, and a witness saw him flee from one of those sites early this morning."

"I swear Tito isn't here."

"Arrest him for obstruction of justice and any other charge you find fit," Joe comands.

"The house is clear, sir."

Joe turns towards his men. "Get our forensic team in here to start looking for evidence."

"Let's go." Rachel drags the man to the door.

"Rachel, wait." She turns around. "I don't want you to go out there by yourself."

"The killer wouldn't be dumb enough to try something here." She points towards all the officers on the lawn.

"Yeah, he probably wouldn't, but I still want you to come right back just in case."

"Yes, sir."

"I have rights you know," Bruno protests.

"Why don't you use your right to remain silent?" Rachel says, shoving him down the walkway.


Hearing the commotion above him, Luigi runs across the room. He sees the cops have the main house surrounded when he watches his video feed. I knew it'd only be a matter of time. Luckily, they won't find me down here. He glances around the room. His dad had the chamber built in case of a situation like this. He even included an underground tunnel that leads from the main room to the state line. A plethora of money and a few basic essentials are waiting for him by the door. Luigi notices the lady cop dragging Bruno towards her car when he looks closer. "He's not going to prison for my crime, not if I can help it." Grabbing his weapon off the table, Luigi snaps the silencer in place.

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems 
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.

Chapter 9
Final Attempt

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. All the evidence points to someone who couldn't have committed the crime, leaving the detectives baffled. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and is trying to escape the law. 

~~~ indicates you're going back in time ~~~ again conveys the present day

Rachel notices the orange hazed moon and the blanket of stars that surrounds the glowing globe as she heads towards the house. We're going to wish for cooler evenings like this soon, she thinks, remembering how hot and humid their summers can be. She hears a strange noise from the corner of the lawn; Rachel turns towards the commotion. She sees the bushes move followed by a weak cry for help. She starts towards the clamor when she recalls what Joe had said. Rachel anxiously looks towards the mansion. Should I risk it and save her or get help? She hears a woman's weak plea again. I have to save her. Pulling her gun from her holster she runs towards the cries. A figure pops up from the bushes when she's halfway across the lawn. Rachel quickly realizes it's the same man she saw running towards the woods. Freezing in mid-step, she raises her gun in front of her. I'm going to end this once and for all. She points her weapon at his chest as she takes a stance. "Put your hands where I can see them," she yells, hoping someone would hear. "Do it now," she orders, cocking her gun. Spinning towards her, the killer pulls his trigger.


Jeff frantically paces in front of his desk trying to work off some pent-up rage. The more he thinks about being excluded from their raid, the madder he becomes.

"In all fairness, I should've been the first to be included in this bust; since I'm the only one that's worked on the Greco case for over three years. It was my hard work that got them enough evidence for a warrant," he says as he continues to stomp around the room. "Why couldn't Joe let me go, why? I know I made a stupid mistake, but that was years ago. Now, because of my poor judgment and Joe's lack of forgiveness, I may miss out on what could be the biggest bust in my career. Why did I let Greco get to me like that, why?" He continues to walk back and forth as that night replays in his mind.
With their adrenaline in overdrive, the team busts through the Greco's door. "Go, go," Joe orders. The team storms through the house. 

"You won't find anything in here." Bruno laughs as he smugly reclines on the couch.

"We'll just see about that."

Bruno turns to see who sassed him. "Well, well, if it isn't little Jeffy playing dress up again. Do you run home for titty milk, or bring it with you?" Jeff ignores the comment. "Saw your daddy sleeping on the street corner the other day. I think it was him; the way your mama is, it's hard to tell." 

"You're just mad because she refused to sleep with you," Jeff spouts.

"I wouldn't want that trash in my bed; God knows what diseases come from her twat." He points towards Jeff and laughs.

All the hurtful things Greco's said to him as a child replays in his mind. Jeff lunges for him. Joe pulls him away.

"You better drink more titty milk before you take me on, little man." Bruno laughs, arrogantly straightens his clothes. Jeff charges towards him again. Grabbing Jeff's vest, Joe drags him across the room.

"I'm going to make sure you get yours if it's the last thing I do," Jeff yells.
I can't watch them take down the smug bastard because of it. I wish they'd at least call and give me an update. He realizes they've only been gone a few minutes when he looks towards the clock. I need to keep busy. He picks up an old report off his desk. Jeff tries to concentrate on his project, but the harder he tries, the more frustrated he becomes. "It's no use." He throws his pen across his desk and then glances at the clock again. Maybe Sharon has some news for us. Happy he's found something to occupy his time; he pushes away from his desk.


Rachel should've been back by now, Joe thinks as he steps out on the porch. His nightmare starts replaying in his mind as he frantically searches the driveway. Not finding her in the near vicinity, he darts off the steps. I've got to find her. He quickly scans the area. Panic sets in the second he discovers a lifeless body lying in the yard. Oh please don't let it be her, please don't let it be her. He runs towards the body. Relieved it's not Rachel, Joe checks for a pulse. I'm too late, he sadly concludes as he continues to search the area. Hearing a weak voice calling for him; Joe anxiously looks around. He spots Rachel at the edge of the bushes; blood pooling around her head.

"Call an ambulance, and check on our prisoner," he orders, as he rushes towards her.


Jeff finds Sharon busy in the corner when he steps into the lab. I don't know how she manages to keep this place so clean, he thinks as he glances around the immaculate area.

Hearing footsteps, Sharon turns to see Jeff step through the door. "You just saved me a trip." Grabbing a report from her desk, she walks towards him.

"What do you have for us, Sharon?" He takes the report from her hands and quickly scans it.

"All three victims in the house, Carlos, and the homeless guy were shot in their chest with the same 38. For some reason, the perp used a silencer on everyone except for the transient."

Jeff glances up from his paper. "How can you tell?"

She grabs a spent bullet from the table. "See this line?"

Taking the object from her hand Jeff studies it. "Yeah."

"That's made from the silencer; I didn't find that extra mark on the homeless guy's bullet like I did the rest. The trace DNA on the trampoline is a perfect match to Tito's."

"All we need to do now is find..."

"Hold that thought," Sharon says as she heads for the phone.

"Yes, Captain." Taking the phone away from her ear, she turns towards Jeff. "The Captain wants to talk to you." Walking over, Jeff takes the receiver from her.

"Hello? How bad is she hurt, sir? Ok, I'm headed there now... I'll be sure to wear a vest. Yes, sir, I will." Hanging up, he turns towards his co-worker. "I've got to go."

"Who's hurt, Jeff?"

"Rachel, but it's just a bump on the head."


Jeff arrives to find his partners in the ambulance. Rachel is arguing with him about going to the hospital and Joe is doing his best to reason with her.

"Here we go again." He laughs as he watches the two argue back and forth. "Hi, guys." Jeff pops his head in the ambulance.

"I'm glad you're here; Tito is out there and I don't want him to get away. Is the canine unit with you?"

"They're unloading the dogs now."


"Come on, Joe; let me up so I can search too." Rachel rises up; Joe pushes her back down.

"You're going to the hospital and that's an order."

"But, Joe." Aggravated, she sits up.

"Do you want me to call your father?"

"No." She plops down on the gurney.

"Got this, guys?" Joe asks the paramedics.

"We can handle her." He smirks, glancing down at their patient. Rachel glares at him.

"Call her dad if she gives you any trouble. This is his number." Joe hands the EMT a piece of paper; Rachel smacks her feet against the stretcher. Smiling, the captain walks towards his men; Jeff sprints to keep up. 

"Where's Mr. Greco, sir?"

"He's at the station. You do realize he set you up, to get out of his arrest, right?" Jeff glances at him, a bewildered look on his face. Joe chuckles. "You're not the only rookie that he's done it too?"

"He played me, sir?"

"Like a fiddle." Joe laughs.

"Well, that little..."

The captain laughs again. He pulls a map from his pocket as they approach their team. "This is how I'd like it to go."

"Captain, I thought you'd like to know their housekeeper, Camilla was shot in the chest at close range with the same 38, as Detective Webb."

"You didn't tell me there's another victim, sir."

"It looks like Tito is tying up a few loose ends."

"Who found her?"

"Rachel, she said she was walking back to the home when she heard a cry for help. Rachel ran over to see what was going on and that's when Tito shot her. The vest saved her from the bullet, but not from being knocked unconscious by her fall."

"You realize this is the second time in a matter of days."

"Lucky for us she has a hard head." Joe chuckles.


Darting to his hideout, Luigi pulls out his cell and quickly dials the hitman's number. He paces back and forth as he waits for his call to connect. "Remember the lady cop you're supposed to kill? Yeah, that's the one. You didn't finish the job so I took care of her for you... Save your apologies for later, because we have more work to do."

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems 
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.

Chapter 10
Missing Suspect

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. All the evidence points to someone who couldn't have committed the crime, leaving the detectives baffled. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and is trying to escape the law.

Jeanie sees the coffee maker is on with half a pot simmering in the canister when she shuffles into their kitchen.

Joe must've called Rachel in early. She grabs a mug from the cabinet and pours herself a steamy cup. Jeanie starts to sit down at the table when her phone rings. "Hello?" she answers, putting it on speaker, she lays the cell beside her.

"Mom, it's Rachel, I need you to pick me up from the hospital."

"Are you alright, honey?" Jeanie jumps up from her chair, knocking her cup over. She scoops up her cell as hot liquid rolls off the edge.

"I'm fine mom, I just fell is all. The boss panicked, sent me to the hospital to get checked out." Rachel decided not to mention the impact from the bullet made her fall or that she was knocked unconscious because she knew Jeanie would throw a major fit; worse than the one she's already going to have.

"This is the second time you've been injured in a matter of days." She grabs a dishtowel and starts sopping up the mess.

"I know, I know, but...."

"I wish you'd go back to nursing. You'd be a whole lot safer if you did."

"Not really, Mom; addicts rob hospitals all the time, besides, I like my job."

"Your father and I would rather you work at the hospital than chase hoodlums all hours of the night." Carrying the soaked towel across the room, Jeanie throws it into the sink.

"You spoke to dad about this?"

"Max and your stepmom Bonnie, they both agree."

"They're worried about my safety when he's the prosecutor and she's his legal assistant?"

"Their jobs aren't half as dangerous as yours, Rachel."

Rachel remembers the threats her dad received. That's what you think. "Will you please pick me up?"

"I'm on my way." Jeanie plops down in her chair and begins to cry. "Please God, please don't take her away from me, not now, not again," she bawls.

Finding her mom sobbing at the table Emma races to her side. "What's wrong, Mama?"

Jeanie looks up at the concerned young woman. "Rachel is in the hospital."

"Oh my God, is she alright?" She gasps.

"She said she's fine."

Emma squats down beside her, a baffled look on her face. "Why are you crying, Mama?"

"I'm afraid something bad is going to happen to her," she blubbers.

"She's a strong woman, she'll be alright."

Jeanie wipes the tears from her face. "I hope you're right, Emma. I love you both so much; I don't know what I'd do if I Iose either of you."

"We love you too." She wraps her arms around her mother.


Seeing the Captain by his car Jerry runs to his side.

"The dogs aren't finding his scent anywhere, boss."

"Did you try using different things, an old T-shirt, shoes, socks?"

"Yes, and the canines keep stopping in the driveway."

"Maybe he shot them and then drove away," Jeff suggests.

"We purposely blocked in the three cars when we pulled up to their house, see." He points across the yard.

"Maybe he was picked up, sir?"

"Surely, someone would've heard a car pull in the drive. Are the men still searching the woods?"

"Yes, but they're not having any luck either." Jerry looks toward the forest.

"You guys keep looking, I'll go to the station, see if Mr. Greco will tell us where he's at." He starts towards his car.

"Good luck, boss. Hey, did you hear anything about Rachel?"

Joe turns back around. "She just has a small cut on the back of her head."

"Two blows to the head and she comes out of it practically unscathed; she's one lucky lady." He laughs.

"Like I said before, Jerry, she has a very thick skull."


"Thanks for picking me up, mom," Rachel says as she climbs in the car.

"I really wish you'd reconsider being a nurse again. You made good money, the hours are better and you're not injured on the job." Jennie pulls away from the curb.

"I really don't feel like discussing this, now." Rachel leans against the leather interior rubbing her throbbing head.

"We'll talk about this again, real soon. I mean sit down and really discuss it." Looking over, she sees her daughter yawn. "When you're more alert."

"I wasn't injured, mom." She yawns again.

"This time, but what about the next or the one after that?"

"I'm too tired to argue."

"I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just worried about your safety." Rachel turns towards the window. "I'm only saying this because I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Seeing Jeanie wipe a tear from her cheek, Rachel's anger quickly fades. "I know you do mom and I love you too." Rachel thinks about what her mother said as she gazes out the window. She knows police work is dangerous, but it feels so good to be able to get the scum off the streets. She figures it's her way of giving back to the community; make sure other children don't have to go through a horrible childhood the way she and Emma did.


We didn't find anything helpful in there, Jerry thinks as he steps out of the house. He sees his partner headed towards him when he walks across the lawn.

"We've searched everywhere, Sergeant and we still can't find him."

"Did the canine's ever pick up his scent?"

"Only as far as their driveway."

"They didn't find anything in the woods?"

"No, sir, and we've tried all of the dogs and several different personal items."

"You're sure they've searched everywhere, right?"

"At least twice, sir."

"Let me call Joe, see if he wants us to continue." Jerry pulls out his cell and quickly dials a number. He puts it on speaker so Jeff can hear.

"We've searched everywhere, boss, and he's nowhere to be found."

"The dogs didn't pick up his scent?"

"Nothing past the driveway and the officers have tried every one of the canines and several pieces of clothes."

"I want you and Jeff to talk to the staff, see if they'll tell you where he might be."

"Do you want me to send the search team home?"

"No, have the crew sit tight until I talk to our suspect."

"Will do, boss."


Luigi is sitting in the truck stop just across the state line. He figures he'd be safe for a while since the cops are still searching the house. Those idiots will probably be out there the rest of the day. I just wish they didn't have to drag Bruno into all of this; at least I know he'll be out before lunch. Seeing a cop cruise by, Luigi anxiously shifts around. I wish Leo would get here. Luigi glances at his phone. What's taking him so long? A frightening thought suddenly occurs to him. What if the cops are questioning him about the hit and run? He sees a second cop pull into the drive when he glances out the window. He wouldn't spill his guts to save his own ass, would he? He pictures the scene in his mind. He'd deny everything of course. After all, Leo is a professional with a spotless reputation and I'm sure he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. Maybe I should call and find out what's keeping him. He nervously watches the second cruiser drive by. He starts to dial a number when he sees Leo pull up on a bike. It's about damn time. Luigi slams his phone on the table.

"Sorry it took me so long," Leo says as he slides into the booth.

"What's up with the bike, Leo?"

"My truck is in the shop. I had to remove a few dents after I ran that cop off the road. Speaking of which; I saw her leave the hospital with her mama."

"There's no way that bitch is still alive."

Leo scrolls through his phone. "See for yourself." He hands Luigi his cell.

Taking it from him, Luigi glances at the screen. "That's impossible."

"I overheard an EMT say her vest saved her."

Furious, Luigi clinches his fists. "Yeah, well, I'm going to make sure that bitch dies this time; a slow, painful death," he says through gritted teeth.

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.


Chapter 11
Wrong Target

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. All the evidence points to someone who couldn't have committed the crime, leaving the detectives baffled. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and tries to kill Rachel. Finding out he didn't succeed he plans to try again. 

Joe walks into the interrogation room angrier than he's ever been in his life. No one kills in my city and gets away with it. Stomping towards the suspect, Joe glares into his eyes.

Alright, Greco, we know Tito is hiding somewhere, so you can either tell us where he is, or I'll arrest you for hindering prosecution and conspiracy."

"I already told you that he and his mother left for Italy last week."

"Bullshit." Joe slams his fist on the table hoping to rattle him; Greco gives him a snide smile instead. His cocky smirk pisses Joe off more. I should've let Jeff have at you. Joe feels his entire body tense up as anger coursed through his veins. Give me five minutes off camera with this dude, five minutes and I'll guarantee you he'll cough up a location. Joe clenches his jaw as he tightens and untightens his fist.

Jerry rushes over and places his hand on Joe's shoulder. "Boss."

"Not now, Jerry." Joe shrugs his hand away.

Jerry steps in front of him. "He's not worth losing everything you've worked so hard for."

Joe slams his hands on either side of Bruno's chair. Hovering over top of him, Joe leans in and whispers. "You're damn lucky these cameras are on."

"Don't do it, Boss."

Joe moves in closer and says, "You better pray like hell I never catch you alone." Pushing against the seat, Joe tears himself away. "Ã tempo DI fare le pulizie DI primavera."( It's time for spring cleaning.) Straightening up in his seat, Bruno nervously fidgets with his clothes. You better be scared, you and your son. "Why did we find Tito's DNA at three different murders if he's gone?"

"Murder, no you have it all wrong; Tito would never kill anyone." Seeing the look on Joe's face, he quickly recants his statement. "He'd never kill anyone If he was here."

"Well, he did. We have witness statements and DNA to prove it'."

"My son would never hurt anyone, ever," he screams.

Joe decides to add to his anger. "Here's another fact for you, Greco; Tito is not your biological son."

Shackles clank against the chair legs as Bruno springs up from his seat. "How dare you say such things to me."

"Our DNA test proves you're not his biological father." Joe throws a piece of paper on the table.

Remembering how the police work, Bruno shoves the document away. "Your bullshit won't work with me, Captain." Smiling, he sits back down. They hear a small tap, the door opens.

"His lawyer is here, Captain," Nick announces. A short, rounded man hurries past him.

"I'd like a few minutes with my client."

"You need to explain hindering prosecution to him because that's what I'm charging him with. Joe turns on his heels and walks into the hallway; Jerry follows behind him.

"He wasn't going to give him up anyhow, boss."

" I just hope Jeff is getting somewhere."

"He just called and said the staff claims Tito is in Italy," Nick says as he steps up beside them. Nick started with the force a few months ago. He's still a little green, but Joe sees a lot of potential in the young lad.

"I bet he paid them to say that, or he threatened to deport them if they didn't lie." The attorney opens the door.

"My client is ready to talk to you now."

Joe storms back into the room. "So you decided to tell us where Tito is?" Joe smugly strolls across the floor.

"My client has graciously agreed to give you the number of their relative's house where he's staying; so you can call and talk to him yourself."

"How will I know it's not someone posing to be him, or the number is in Italy for that matter?"

"Oh for God sakes, Captain; the least you can do is meet us halfway."

"Go ahead, and give me their number." Bruno scribbles it down on a piece of paper. Snatching the scrap from his hand, Joe runs out the door.

"What's your plan, Captain?"

He hands the paper to Jerry. "I want you to send Tito to the police station, so they can verify it's him.


"Would you like me to make you breakfast before I go?" Jeannie asks as she helps Rachel into her apartment.

"I already did." Emma grabs a hold of their patient's arm and leads her to the bedroom. Rachel sees a plate of food on her bedside table. Next to that is a TV tray with magazines, puzzle books, and a remote. She sees Emma's TV on top of her dresser when she glances across the room.

"You didn't need to go through all of this trouble for me, Emma."

"It's no trouble at all; besides, it's the least I can do after everything you've done for me. Now get to bed, like your doctor told you."

"Great, now I have two people bossing me around."

"Make that three." Her stepmother pops her head through the door."


"Your dad asked me to babysit since we all know how well you listen."

"I'll be fine here by myself, really."

"You'll probably be running around this apartment the second everybody leaves."

"No, I won't, I promise." she tries not to smile.

"I might've believed that if you didn't smirk."

With a serious expression on her face, Rachel tries again. "Ok, I promise..." She snickers.

"I'm definitely staying, now. So get your butt to that bed, young lady, march." Bonnie smacks her behind."

"Ouch," Rachel says as she rubs her butt.

"That's a love tap compared to what you'll get if I find you out of this bed."

Jeanie looks over at Emma and smiles. "I'd say Sergeant Bonnie has her under control."

"I'd say so." Emma laughs. "Good luck, Rachel."

"Thanks, I'm going to need it." She glances back at Bonnie.

"Enough stalling already, get your butt to that bed."

"Yes, ma'am." Rachel trudges across her room.


"Did you get everything situated, Jerry?" Joe asks.

"Yes, Sergeant Abele is supposed to call me when he arrives."

"Tito knows who to ask for?"

'Yep, I gave him specific instructions and I had him repeat it back to me just to make sure."

"Was it hard to get him to agree?"

Remembering what he did, he smiles. "Not really, boss. I told him the police will haul his ass to jail for hindering prosecution if he didn't show."

"He believed you?"

"Yeah, in the few minutes I talked to him I could tell he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I used it to my advantage."

"I've taught you well, Jerr." Joe laughs.

"Maybe that's the officer now." Jerry reaches for the phone.

"Jerry here... He did and you're sure it's him? Alright, thanks for your help." Hanging up, he turns towards Joe.

"He's right, boss, Tito is in Italy."

"They're sure it's him?" Nick scratches his head.

"Yes, he showed Sergeant Abele his passport and his driver's license. The Sergeant wasn't completely satisfied so they fingerprinted him just to be sure."

"How could his DNA be at our crime scenes if he's in Italy?" Nick questions.

"Maybe he flew back to Italy after his little shootout."

"That's impossible, Jerry because it takes nine hours to fly from Springdale to Italy."

"I think I'll go talk to the lab techs, maybe they can help me figure it out," Jerry says, pushing away from his desk.


I'll be late for work if I don't hurry. Emma thinks as she rushes towards her car. She's halfway across the parking lot when she feels someone grab her from behind. She moves her arm up and forcefully swings it downwards. Her elbow slams into the perp's stomach.

"That's a sissy punch." He laughs as he continues to drag her to his van. She doubles up her fist and punches him in the nose.

"You'll pay for that one, bitch." He tightens his grip on her neck.

Emma gags from her rigid restraint. "Help me, please, somebody, help me," she gasps as she struggles to break free.

"What's going on over there?" A man asks, running towards them.

Using his free hand, Luigi pulls a weapon from his pocket and shoots.

Emma watches in horror as the man tumbles to the ground; blood spewing from his chest. "No," she cries.

The gunman throws his van door open and tosses her inside. She lifts up her feet and kicks him as hard as she can. The weapon flies from her attacker's hand as he stumbles across the pavement. Jumping out of his vehicle, Emma darts towards their apartment.

"Help me, please, someone help me," she screams, running for the door.

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems 
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.
Nick Johnson, new Detective.

Chapter 12

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. All the evidence points to someone who couldn't have committed the crime, leaving the detectives baffled. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and tries to kill Rachel. Finding out he didn't succeed he plans to try again. 

Joe sees a crowd gathering around the scene when he pulls up to Rachel's building. He then notices the beat cops struggling to keep everyone behind the tape. I don't miss that at all, Joe thinks. He spots Rachel hovering over a body in the middle of the street when he glances around. Jumping out of the car, he races to her side.

"What can you tell me, Rachel?"

"We have one injury; he took a bullet to the shoulder," Rachel says, as she continues to apply pressure to his wound.

"What's your name, sir?" Joe asks.

"Randy Maccabee; I'm her neighbor." He glances up at Rachel, she smiles.

"Can you tell me what happened, sir?" Joe takes a notebook from his pocket.

"I heard a lady screaming for help when I was walking to my apartment. I ran over to see what was going on and that's when this tall, thin guy shot me." Gritting his teeth, he glances up at Rachel. "Stop Rachel, that hurts."

"Quit being such a baby."

Joe looks up from his paper shaking his head. "Can you describe the guy?"

"Yes, he's around six four. He has long, greasy hair that's tied in a ponytail. He's wearing a striped jacket and jeans."

"What type of vehicle was he driving?"

"It's an older black Ford Econoline; I'm not sure about the year of the van. Easy there, Rachel."

"I have to stop your bleeding."

"Did you get a license plate number?"

"I didn't think about it at the time."

"Can you remember anything else about the van? Were there any decals, designs? Maybe it has a luggage rack on top?"

"No, sorry. Damn it, Rachel," Randy hisses.

"You have two choices, bleed to death or deal with a little pain." Randy exhales loudly. "That's what I thought."

"Don't you just love her bedside manner?" Joe chuckles.

"Who wouldn't love all that compassion?" Rachel smacks Randy's good arm. "Big baby."

Joe chuckles again. "Thanks for your help." He starts to walk towards the apartment when he spots Kirk running towards him.

"I found this weapon a few feet from the curb; he must've lost it trying to escape."

"Send it to the lab, so we can see if it's the one used in the other crimes."

"Yes, sir."

Joe finds Emma crying on the steps when he walks into the building. "How are you holding up, Emma?" He sits beside her.

"Oh, Joe." She wraps her arms around his neck. "I was so scared. I thought I was going to die. I really thought I was going to die," she sobs.

Joe awkwardly wraps his arms around her. "You're safe now, and the guy who tried to save you will be alright too."

"I don't know what would've happened to me if it wasn't for him," she bawls.

"It's best not to think about that."

"I suppose you're right." Pulling away, she wipes tears from her face. "I'm sure you don't want snot all over you." She wipes her face again.

"I've had to deal with worse things than that, trust me." He winks. Emma giggles through her tears. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I was headed to my car when a guy grabbed me from behind and started dragging me to his van. I punched him in the stomach, but that didn't faze him so I hit him in the nose."

"Is that where the blood on your knuckles came from?" He points to her hand.

She quickly inspects it. "I guess so."

"I'd like to take a sample for a DNA comparison."


"So what happened after you hit him?"

"Randy heard me screaming and tried to help. That's when the gunman shot him. I thought he was dead, I really thought he was dead," she sobs. "It was so scary watching him get shot and the way he fell. I kept thinking his life is over because of me."

"What happened after he shot Randy?"

Emma takes a deep breath before she continues. "He threw me in his van. I kicked him as hard as I could and ran."

"The screaming, fighting back is all smart thinking. It gave you the few seconds you needed to get away."

"Thanks, Joe," she sniffles.

"Can you describe your attacker?"

"Yes, he's around six five he had long black hair tied in a ponytail."

"Can you describe his clothes?"

"He has a striped denim jacket and faded jeans."

"Can you describe his vehicle?"

"It's an old black work van. The back seat is out and he has tools scattered all over the floor. I remember landing on a pile when he threw me inside."

"What kind of tools are they?"

"I'm not sure."

"Do you remember anything else about the van?"

"No... Wait, it smelled funny, like an old garage and it didn't have carpet in it either."

"Thanks, Emma, you've been very helpful. I'll send someone to get a sample, ok?" He points to her hand.


Joe sees Jerry pulling up to the crime scene when he steps into the bright morning sun. He walks over to him.

"I just heard, is Rachel alright?"

"Rachel didn't get attacked, Emma did."

"Is she ok?"

"She's pretty shaken up, but she'll be alright."

"Why did he go after Emma this time?"

"I think he confused Emma for Rachel because they look so much alike."

"That's possible I suppose."

Joe glances towards the parking lot. "I want to move Rachel somewhere safe now the killer knows where she lives."

"You know Rachel won't agree to that."

"She will if her daddy tells her too."

"That's an underhanded trick, boss." Jerry chuckles.

"Maybe so, but I'd rather be a little sneaky than have her killed by a psychopath."

"True, so what do you want me to do?"

"Find out who owns an older black van. I'll call Max."

Once Randy is in the ambulance, Rachel decides to check on Emma. She's halfway up the sidewalk when she sees her dad rushing towards her.

Here goes another lecture. She turns to face him. Jeanie and Bonnie were finishing up their sermon when the shooting occurred. The two strongly suggested that she go back into nursing, where she's safe. She tried to reason with them, but they wouldn't listen. She finally told them she'd consider it, just so they'd leave her alone.

"Bonny called and told me what happened, is everyone alright?" Max breathlessly asks.

"Everyone is fine, Dad. Randy was shot in the shoulder, but he'll be ok. Emma is really shaken up, but she'll be fine too."

"Is it the killer you've been chasing, the one that ran you off the road?"

"We believe so."

"You're not safe here, now that the killer knows where you live."

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll be alright."

"No, you won't. I want you to stay at my house until this monster is caught."

"I'll be OK, really." She turns away; Max grabs her arm to stop her.

"This isn't up for discussion, young lady, you're staying with me and that's final."

"What about Bonnie?"

"I've already talked to her and she believes you'll be safer in our house, too."

"I can't leave Emma and Jeanie behind."

"We have plenty of room for them."

"I'm not sure they'll agree to this."

"If they don't, I'll have Joe handcuff them and drag them to the house."

"That's called kidnapping, Dad and it's very illegal, even for the DA."

"I'd rather go to jail than have you guys hurt. So go upstairs and pack a few of your things. Tell Jeanie and Emma to do the same."

"I swear you're getting more stubborn as you age, Dad."

"That's because I have you for a daughter, now scoot." He points towards the building.

"Old fart," Rachel mumbles under her breath.

"I heard that, Rachel." Seeing her stomp towards the apartment, he walks over to the captain. "They're staying at my house."

"I knew you could talk her into it."

"I didn't talk her into anything; I had to threaten to kidnap the three of them if they didn't go willingly." He glances towards the apartment. "She says I'm the stubborn one." Joe laughs.

"With all due respect, sir, I think you're two peas in a pod." Max turns towards Jerry with a stern look on his face. I'm going to be written up now, the detective thinks, wanting to kick himself for spouting off to the DA.

Noticing the terror in Jerry's eyes, Max bursts out laughing. "I guess she did get some of her hardheadedness from me."

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.
Nick Johnson, new Detective.


Chapter 13
Switched at Birth

By Mistydawn

An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. All the evidence points to someone who couldn't have committed the crime, leaving the detectives baffled. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and tries to kill Rachel. Finding out he didn't succeed he plans to try again.

Luigi nervously walks down the long, dark hall towards Bruno's office. He was saying his final farewells to their staff when he was told that Bruno requested to see him. Luigi figures this meeting has to do with this morning's event and he wasn't sure how he was going to explain it.

Luigi sees Bruno behind his desk when he steps up to the door. Losing his courage, he quickly turns away. Bruno's thunderous voice stops him in his tracks.

"Come in, and sit down." The lad hesitantly does as he's told. Bruno waits until Luigi settles in before he begins. "The police were here this morning, searching for your brother."

"They're still looking for him? I thought they would've moved on by now." Feeling Bruno's stare blaze right through him, Luigi nervously shifts in his seat.

"Joe claims they found Tito's DNA at several crime scenes."

"That's impossible; Tito's been in Italy for nearly a month."

"The captain showed me footage of a guy identical to your brother leaving one of the  murders; I was able to prove Tito isn't their guy." Taking a deep breath he pushes on. "Since he's out of the country, the only other explanation is that it was you." Luigi glances towards the floor, confirming Bruno's suspicions. "Why did you do it for, son? Why did you kill five people in cold blood?"

"It's a personal matter; one that couldn't be handled any other way."

"I might've believed that if it was just Maroni and his wife, but you killed their children too."

"They would've turned out just like their parents if I hadn't stopped them."

"What did the Maroni's do to make you despise them so?"

"They did a lot, dad; not just to me, but to their staff and all their associates."

Bruno leans in closer. "Like what, son?"

Luigi glances up at the man's pleading eyes. He didn't want to tell him because it'll only break his heart if he finds out the truth. He doesn't want to hurt the only man who's ever loved him.

"Please tell me, son."

Feeling like his heart is being ripped from his chest, Luigi tearfully turns away. "It doesn't matter anymore, now does it?" He wipes moisture from his cheek.

"It matters to me."

A plethora of emotions surges through his body; Luigi springs up from his seat. "I killed the Maroni's for what they did; what they've been doing for years, and to make sure that it'll never happen again. So just leave it at that, alright."

Slamming his fist on the desk, Bruno lunges out of his seat. His chair clanks against the hard wood floor as he leans across his desk. "How dare you use that tone with me," he hisses, glaring into the young lad's eyes.

"Stop asking me to explain and I won't." Turning on his heels, Luigi storms down the hall.


Jerry finds one black van listed in the city when he searches the DMV databank. He then discovers it was totaled during a big snowstorm last winter. Deciding to expand his search, he quickly reenters the information. He's in the middle of his task when his phone rings. Jerry puts it on speaker so he can finish.

"I know who the killer is, Jerry." The caller excitedly replies.

"Who is it, Rachel?" Jerry scoops the phone off his desk.

"Luigi Greco, who is actually Luigi Maroni."

"That's impossible, the Maroni twins died at birth, remember?"

"The records show they died, but I spoke with a colleague who remembers the day they were born. She said Mr. Maroni and his maid's twin boys were healthy. It was Luigi and Gallo Greco, who were stillborn."

Jerry recalls a search he conducted in the very beginning. How it showed that only one child from the two sets of twins survived. "Is she sure both of the boys lived? Wait a minute, did you just say Maroni's and his maid's boys?" Jerry asks, completely baffled.

"Yes, she said Mr. Maroni paid to have the doctors switch them so he wouldn't have to support illegitimate sons. He then told his maid he's glad their babies died because he didn't want a half-breed ruining his family name. My friend said that he upset Maria so much that she had to call security and have him escorted off the premises; that's why she remembers it so well."

"Let me look up something. I love how you're resting by the way."

"I'm resting; I'm in bed watching TV, talking on the phone." She laughs.

"Vital Statistics show Luigi Greco died. Let me try the DMV records. Hmm, I didn't know a dead man could drive."

"Luigi has a driver's license?"

"Yep, I sent you a copy of his license; tell me if that's the guy you saw."

"Hang on a minute." Rachel checks her messages. "That's him alright."

"Since the two are identical twins, their DNA would match."

"So I was right all along that it is Tito's twin." Laughing she continues. "Wait until I rub this in Joe's face."

"I hope I'm there to see it," Jerry laughs.

"I'll make sure you get front row seats. Keep me posted, ok and Jerr, please stay safe."

"You do the same." Hanging up, he quickly dials Joe's cell.

"Hey Joe, Rachel figured out who the gunman is."


Luigi softly knocks on the office door. He knows he should apologize for the way he acted this morning. He just hopes Bruno will accept it and leave it at that.

Hearing the light tap, Bruno glances up. Luigi sees his puffy red eyes when he looks towards him. I broke his heart anyhow, he thinks, dolefully stepping into the room. "I wanted to apologize for disrespecting you, sir, and I promise it'll never happen again." Luigi lowers his head.

"Come in, and sit down." Bruno motions to a chair. Luigi hesitantly does as he's told. "I know why you killed them, son."

"Luigi glances up with a shocked look on his face. "You do?"

"Maroni denied you and Tito as his own, didn't he?"

"How did you find out?"

"Joe told me you're not my son at the station-house this morning. I didn't believe him at first; I figured it was a trick, a way to upset me so I'd tell them where Tito is hiding. The more I thought about it the more I realized he might be telling the truth; you two don't look anything like me. So I had my own test done. That's when I discovered that you're not my biological son." Sniffling, he continues, "Why didn't you come to me with this? I could've helped you get what's rightfully yours."

"It's not about the money, dad, it's about righting a wrong."

"Go on." Leaning forward, Bruno places his arms on the desk.

"See, after Tito and I were born, he paid the doctor to switch the infants, Mom's live babies for two that were stillborn; claiming they ran into medical complications in the nursery. The day she was released from the hospital, the Maroni's shipped her back to the old country, knowing she'd be killed the moment she stepped off the plane."

"That's revolting," Bruno exclaims.

"She's not the only maid he's done this to; there are at least two before her and two or three after her. So that's why I decided the family should pay for what they did to her, to you, to all of us." He waves his hand through the air.

"So you killed the Maroni's to avenge your mother's death?"

"That and for the money. Then I realized that if I killed them for those reasons, I'm no better than my father, and I sure don't want to end up like him. That's why I decided to change his will so that his entire estate will be split between several reputable charities."

"How did you manage that?"

"It was quite simple, really." Smiling, he continues. "I figure some good should come out of the Maroni's blood money and who's more deserving than hospitals and research centers, right?"

"Your humanitarianism makes me very proud." He wipes a tear from his cheek.

"Thank you, sir."

"You realize it's only a matter of time before the police figure out who did it."

"No, they won't. According to vital statistics, I died at birth. Since Tito is no longer a suspect we have nothing to worry about."

"It's not that simple, son. You forgot about your social security number, driver's license, and passport."

"Once the cops find out that I'm dead they won't bother to look any further."

"Maybe, but I'd rather not take any chances."

"What do you suggest I do?"

"What we'll do," he corrects. Grabbing his hand, he continues, "You're still my son, no matter what the DNA tests say."

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.
Leo, hired hitman.
Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.
Nick Johnson, new Detective.


Chapter 14

By Mistydawn

An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and tries to kill Rachel. Finding out he didn't succeed he plans to try again. This final attempt leads the police to him.

While the captain reviews the police reports from their last crime scene, Jerry decides to do a little research on their perpetrator. He soon discovers Luigi requested a passport fifteen years ago and that he's been making frequent trips to Italy since. So, his birth certificate had to show he's alive at some point, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get a driver's license or a passport. I'm going to call vital statistics, see if they can tell me anything.

After twenty minutes and several prerecorded messages later, the frustrated Sergeant finally reaches a human. "Yes, this is Sergeant Rudder, I'm from the Berryville Police Department. I need you to check on a birth certificate for me."

"I'll transfer you to vital statistics, just a moment please."

"Wait, don't put me on hold again."

"That's the only way I can transfer you, sir."

"The last time you guys put me on hold I was disconnected," he anxiously blurts into his phone.

"I'm sorry that you're having trouble with our phone system. I'll tell you what, leave your name and number so someone can return your call if you get disconnected."

"My name is Jerry Rudder and I work at the Berryville Police Department. The number is 501 423 2000."

"Thank you, sir, I'll connect you now." Another lady answers the phone a few minutes later. "Vital statistics, how may I help you?"

"My name is Jerry Rudder and I work for the Berryville Police Department."

"How may I help you, sir?"

"I need for you to check on a birth certificate for me."

"What's the name?"

"Luigi Greco."

"Just a moment, please. According to our records, he died at birth. Hmm, that's strange."

"What is it?" Jerry questions, pressing his phone to his ear.

"I'm not sure. Let me get my supervisor to take a look and then I'll call you back."

"Let me give you my number?"

"The operator already has."

"Call me when you find out what's going on." He sees Joe walking towards his desk when he hangs up the phone. "I wanted to let you know that everything is taken care of, boss. I have the local police departments and the sheriff's office searching for him, public transportation is aware and there are roadblocks at every major street that leads out of the city. I figure his father will probably help him escape, so I've got someone monitoring his bank account and I've also put a trace on their home phone and on both of their cells."

"Sounds like you have it covered, Jerr."

"We're not going to try their house again, sir?" Jeff questions.

"I doubt he'll be there after this morning's raid."

"True, but we might find something that'll lead us to him."

"It's worth a try I suppose, get everyone ready."

"Yes, Captain." Jeff pushes away from his desk.

"I may have to sit this one out if you don't mind, boss."

"Why, Jerr?"

"I'm waiting for a call from vital statistics. They found something suspicious when they looked up his birth certificate for me. They're supposed to call me back when they figure out what's going on."
Jerry glances at the ringing phone. "Maybe that's them now." He reaches across his cluttered desk. I really need to file some of this crap, he thinks, watching papers scatter across the floor. "Berryville Police Department, Jerry speaking. When did this happen? Thank you for checking into this for me. Yes, I understand, I think everyone has increased their security since the 9/11 attacks." Hanging up, he turns towards the captain. "It seems like someone tampered with his birth record about a month ago. The lady said their system caught the discrepancy and red-flagged it for further review. She  said that she had to make sure I am who I say I am before she could give out that information."

"How much do you want to bet he's the one who changed it? Let's head to the house, see what we can find."


It's only been a few hours since she was ordered to bed, but Rachel is already tired of being cooped up in the house. Since Bonnie and Jeanie are guarding the downstairs, she figures the only way out is to sneak through her window. I don't know how many times I climbed in and out of this thing when I was younger. She laughs. Rachel realizes it's further down than she thought when she glances towards the ground. I hope I can still remember how I did this. She anxiously surveys the large tree branches in front of her. Rachel starts to push the window open when Bonnie walks into her room. "I've always loved this view," Rachel states, nervously walking to her bed.

"I wanted to check on you, make sure you're alright."

"I'm a little tired, but feel fine other than that." Rachel pretends to yawn. "I was thinking about taking a nap." Rachel yawns again as she stretches across her bed.

"That's a wonderful idea." Bonnie pulls the covers over her and quickly tucks them in. "Let me know if you need anything."

"I will, and Bonnie, thanks for staying with me."

"It's my pleasure, sweet dreams, honey." Bonnie walks out of the room closing the door behind her.

 Hearing her step-mother's footsteps fade down the hallway, Rachel throws the window open. Here goes nothing. She hoists her leg across the pane.


Once half the team is assembled around the home, Joe, Jerry and the remaining team head to the front door. "Remember to follow protocol," Joe says, as he bangs on the old wooden barrier. No one answers. He bangs again, harder this time, but there's still no response. "Guess we'll have to break it down."

"Why don't we just walk in, boss?" Jerry asks turning the handle.

"Smart ass," Joe mumbles as he steps through the door. Chuckling, Jerry walks in behind him. Once the team is inside, they cautiously spread out. Joe and Jerry take the long, narrow hallway in front of them. Reaching the first room they peak inside, but find it's completely empty. They do the same with the remaining rooms, only to find them unoccupied as well.

"The house is clear, sir, Jeff says as he approaches them.

"They must have left in a hurry, boss." Jerry points towards the belongings scattered across the hardwood floor.

"I figured as much."

"What do you want us to do now, sir?"

"Start looking for clues as to where he might go."


Both father and son are sitting quietly in the back seat of their friend's limo. Bruno figures the police are watching every car the family owns. So he borrows his friend's vehicle to ensure they'll have an uneventful trip. We wouldn't have to do this if our escape tunnel didn't collapse from the heavy rain. He glances over at his son. I'm just glad he managed to get out of there before it came down. Removing a disposable phone from his shopping bag, Bruno makes a call.

He's been in the business long enough to know the police often uses cell phone signals to find a criminals location. So he purposely left his and Luigi's old cell underneath the cab seat this morning, he then purchased two untraceable disposable phones as their replacement. For extra insurance, he had a jammer installed; so if the police figures out their new numbers they still won't be able to track them. "Yes, you're right. Thank you for letting me know." Putting the cell in his pocket, he turns towards Luigi. "Well son, it doesn't look like we'll be going to Italy anytime soon."

"Why is that?"

"The police have warned all the airports that you may flee."

"Ah, Mr. Greco, sir, there are roadblocks a few miles ahead." their driver says.

"I should've figured as much. Take the first side road you see." He turns towards his son. "I need to talk to someone, see if he can either get us out of town or find us a place to lay low until this wretched manhunt is over. Since we don't know where the roadblocks are located, I think it's best if we drop you off somewhere safe."

"Sir, there are barricades on this road too, and all the ones surrounding it."

Luigi glances over at Bruno with fear in his eyes. "What are we going to do now, dad?" He frightfully looks around.

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.
Nick Johnoson, new Detective

Chapter 15

By Mistydawn

An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and tries to kill Rachel. Finding out he didn't succeed, he plans to try again. This final attempt leads the police to him.

Bruno and Luigi find themselves blocked in by a clutter of idling traffic; cop cars are lining the street all around them. Luigi sits rigidly in his seat watching the takedown unfold. I hope my plan works. Bruno nervously pulls a floral dress from his bag. "You need to change into this." He hands the silk print to his son.

"But, dad, I..."

"Just do as I say and make it quick. Here, put this on too." He tosses his son a long blond wig. Scooping up Luigi's clothes, Bruno shoves them in a bag and then stuffs them in a secret compartment. Grabbing the toupee beside him, he puts it on. Bruno sees the sky is lit up by red and blue lights as he fearfully glances around. Please help us get through this, he begs.

"We're next in line, sir," the driver announces from the front of the limo.

Bruno looks over at Luigi. "Hurry up, son."

"I'm trying, dad." He throws the wig on his head. "What do you think?"

Bruno reaches over and straightens Luigi's clothes and then scans the lad's appearance again. "That should do it." I hope. Bruno nervously adjusts his disguise. 

Hearing a light tap, the driver anxiously rolls down his window. "Can... Can I help you, officer?"

"We need to check your car." He shines the flashlight in the front of the vehicle and then towards the back. Luigi turns away. The officer starts to leave when something catches his eye. He shines his light directly on Luigi.

Bruno looks over to see the young lad shaking; He grabs his son's hand. "We're in this together no matter what, I promise." The cop turns the light towards Bruno.

"Mr. Greco, sir?"

"Yes, it's me, can we move this along." Stepping away from the car, the officer motions them on.

"What was that all about, dad?"

"It's always good to have a cop on your payroll." I just wish I had a few more, Bruno thinks, anxiously glancing around.


Bonnie walks down the darkened hall towards her daughter's room. Rachel hadn't eaten much of her breakfast so Bonnie figures she'd probably be starving by now. "Rachel honey, would you like some lunch?" Bonnie asks as she lightly taps on her door. She waits a few minutes but doesn't hear a sound. "Honey, I made you some lunch." Rachel still doesn't answer. Maybe she's still asleep. Bonnie starts to turn the handle when another thought comes to mind. I should probably let her rest, after all, she has been working hard these past few days. She starts to turn away but stops in mid-motion. She really needs to put something in her stomach. Bonnie glances at the food and then the door. It won't hurt to let her sleep a little bit longer. She quietly tiptoes down the hall.

"Wasn't she hungry?" Jeanie asks as she passes Bonnie on the steps.

"She didn't answer, so I'm guessing she's still sleeping."

"I imagine she is exhausted since she only slept a few hours last night and the night before."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

After a long, heated discussion Luigi finally agrees to Bruno's plan. He didn't like the idea of being stranded, especially now that he's a wanted man, but he doesn't want to take a chance on their lives either.

"This will be fine," Bruno instructs pointing towards an older brick building. The repair shop is one of several businesses he owns. Although it doesn't do enough business to cover overhead, its books show that it's doing extremely well. "I'll be back as soon as I can, son," Bruno reassures as they pull alongside the structure. "Remember, stay out of sight, and phone the driver if you run into trouble."

Luigi rolls his eyes. "You've already told me, Dad."

"Love you, son."

"You too, Dad."

Father and son memories quickly come to mind as Luigi closes his door. Please keep him safe, please, I beg you, Bruno tearfully prays, watching Luigi walk away.

As soon as he's out of sight, Luigi pulls his cell from his pocket. "Remember what we talked about, Leo? Well, the plans have changed. We need to take care of the matter today. Yeah, yeah, I know. That's why I want to handle it now while I still have a chance. So, pick me up at dad's repair shop ASAP."


Rachel decided to take a walk down by the park. Its beautiful green lawns and a large assortment of flowers make it one of her favorite places to visit in the spring. Maybe I'll even see speedy while I'm here, she thinks, glancing towards the pond.

Rachel fed the ducks nearly every day last summer. That's when she met a duck she lovingly calls speedy. No matter where she threw the food, this one little duckling would snatch it up before the others had a chance to get near it. If another duck tried to take it, the little hellion would flog them, despite their size. Rachel became so attached that she decided to name her.

Rachel walks over to the duck feeder and deposits some change into the machine. Wanting to have plenty of food, she adds a few more coins. That should be enough. She starts to scoop the seeds into a container when a large hand covers her face. Rachel screams as loud as she can, but her voice is too muffled to hear. She tried to break loose, but her attacker's large arm holds her firmly in place. Rachel starts feeling dizzy, light-headed, as she continues to fight her assailant. She soon discovers that the more she struggles the dizzier she becomes. What's happening to me, she questions as the world spins all around her. She feels her eyes starting to close, Rachel forces them back open. I can't pass out now, I just can't. Rachel tries hard to stay awake, but despite her attempt, she falls into a deep peaceful sleep.


"Captain, I wanted to let you know that Eureka Springs and the surrounding cities are aware of our situation; so is the Highway Patrol."

"He shouldn't be able to get too far then, now should he, Jerr?"

"I hope not, boss. Oh, and I've informed the police in Italy. They've graciously agreed to tap the relatives' home phone and they put a trace on Mrs. Greco and Tito's cell in case he tries to call."

"What about the trace on Bruno and Luigi's phone?"

"Neither has made or received any calls today and the bank accounts haven't shown any activity."

Joe glances at the clock. "Something has to give soon."

"I hope so, boss."

Nick walks over to them. "We have a situation, Captain. Patrol just spotted an older black van leaving the park. They believe it's the same one used during Emma's attempted kidnapping."

"They're following it, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"I want the dispatcher to tell everyone to be on high alert for the black van."

"I'm on it, sir." Nick dashes across the station.

"I just hope no one gets hurt, Captain."

"Me too, Jerr, me too."

Seeing that it's starting to get late, Bonnie decides she better wake Rachel, otherwise, she'll have trouble sleeping tonight. Stepping into the bedroom, Bonnie flips on the light.
"Honey, it's almost... Oh, my God, she's gone, Rachel is gone," Bonnie screams.

Hearing her yell, Jeanie and Emma run up the stairs. "What's wrong, Bonnie?"

She shakingly points towards the bed. "Rachel is gone."

Emma walks over to the partially opened window. "It looks like she snuck out."

"It's too dangerous for her to be out there by herself," Bonnie exclaims, glancing into the eerie darkness.

"I'll find out where she is and pick her up." Emma pulls her cell from her pocket.

"It's not safe for you to be out there either, honey."

"We'll all go," Bonnie says, watching Emma finish her call.

Emma turns towards them a terrified look on her face. "We have another problem, guys."

"What is it, honey?"

 "Rachel isn't answering her phone."

"I better call Joe and tell him what's going on," Bonnie says running out of the room.


Slowly opening her eyes, Rachel starts looking around. She sees the driver is wearing a striped jacket. She then notices his long dark hair. That's the guy I saw running to the woods; the same one that's killed all those people. I have to get out of here quick, but howI need to stay calm and figure a way out of this. She nervously scans her surroundings, hoping to come up with a plan. I know, I'll text Joe, have him trace my call. She slides her hand into her pocket, only to discover her cell isn't there. She frantically searches the others but finds them empty as well. What am I going to do now, she thinks, anxiously glancing around.


Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems 
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.
Nick Johnson, new Detective

Chapter 16
Hostage Situation

By Mistydawn

An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and tries to kill Rachel. Finding out he didn't succeed, he plans to try again. He's able to grab Rachel in his final attempt. 

Jerry is sorting through a pile of papers from the top of his desk when the phone rings. I'll never get this done, he thinks as he reaches for the noisy device. "Berryville PD, Sergeant Bower speaking. Just a minute, please."

"Joe, Bonnie Webb is on line two. She seems really panicked." Jerry hands him the phone.

"Hello. What do you mean she's gone, Bonnie?" He puts the phone on speaker.

"She must've snuck out of her bedroom window. I tried calling her, but it went to voicemail. She always answers her phone, Joe, always. You know that."

"Ok Bonnie, calm down." He waits for her to take a few deep breaths before he continues; Jerry checks the GPS on her phone. "When was the last time you saw her?"

"Around eleven thirty, she said she wanted to take a nap. I knocked on her bedroom door around one, but she didn't answer. So, I thought she's still asleep. Oh, Joe, this is all my fault. I should have known better than to leave her alone like that. I should've known better," she sobs.

"It's alright Bonnie, we'll find her."


"We're tracing her phone right now." He glances towards Jerry.

"She's at the park, boss."

 "I'll pick her up and bring her to you."

"Please hurry."

"I will." Joe slams the phone on the cradle. "I'm going to kill that girl, I swear I am. Out roaming the park with a target on her back, how stupid can she be? Oh, just wait until I find her, I'm going to... To... I don't know what I'll do, but I guarantee you she won't do this again," he yells, stomping towards the door.

Jumping out of his chair, Jerry runs after him. "Wait for me, boss," he yells, trying to catch up. Hopefully, I'll be able to calm him down before we get there, Jerry thinks, bolting out the door.


Joe jumps out of his car, the second he and Jerry pull into the park. "Rachel?" he yells, quickly surveying the area. He's halfway down the hill when Jerry calls him back.

"Hey, boss, I found her cell by the bird feeder. There's a cup of spilled bird seed by it too." Jerry flips her phone over. "That's not a good sign, boss,"

"What is it?" Joe anxiously bends over top of him.

"There's blood on the cover." Grabbing the phone, Joe quickly inspects it. "Didn't patrol just say they saw a black van leave this area?"

"Get a search party out here now," Joe orders, running back down the hill.


Rachel is trying to come up with a plan when the kidnapper swerves onto a rugged dirt road.
"They won't be able to find me now." Various items slide across the floor. Hearing the loud commotion, he looks in his rearview mirror. "That's one way to clean house." He laughs, glancing towards the rugged path.

Slowly opening her eyes, Rachel scans the items that have recently moved her way.
They aren't going to help me. She turns her head to the other side and starts looking through that new selection, Oh, but you will. She carefully reaches for an object.


Bonnie and Jeanie are pacing across the front room floor, waiting for their troublesome daughter. Emma is keeping busy tidying the kitchen.

"I wish he'd call and let us know she's alright," Jeanie says as she swerves to miss Bonnie.

"Maybe I should find out if he has her yet." She starts to reach for her cell when someone knocks on the door. The three dash across the room.

"Rachel!" They exclaim as they throw the barrier open. The frightened young man takes a quick step back. Realizing it's not Rachel, Jeanie and Emma walk away.

"I have a package for Max Webb." The shaken man holds a box in front of him.

"Thank you." Grabbing the container, Bonnie closes the door. "I was hoping it was them."

"Me too."

Bonnie looks at the package again. "I don't remember Max mentioning a shipment today. He has so much on his mind lately, I bet he just forgot." She places it on their dining room table. Hearing a car pull into the driveway, she runs to the window; Jeanie and Emma are at her side. "It's only Max," Bonnie lets the lacy curtain fall into place.

'I'm sure they're on their way."

"I hope so, Emma." Bonnie glances at her watch.

"Honey, I'm home," Max announces as he walks through their door.

Bonnie rushes to his side. "You'll never believe what our daughter did today."

"What did Rachel do now?"

Bonnie looks at him with a puzzled expression on her face. "How did you... Oh, never mind. She climbed out of her bedroom window."

"She what!"

"She snuck out of her window. Joe traced her phone and believes she's at the park. He said he'd bring her home, but that's been over an hour ago. I'm worried that something's happened, Max; I'm so worried that..." Throwing her arms around her husband, she starts to cry.

"It'll be alright, Bonnie, I promise."

"How can you be so sure?"

"You haven't heard anything, right?"

"I wouldn't be so worried if I had." She wipes a tear from her face.

"So, it stands to reason that he has her."

Bonnie pauses for a second. "I suppose your right. Your shipment came for you; it's on the table."

"I don't remember ordering anything." Max picks up the small box and inspects it. "Hmm, that's strange."

"What is it, honey?" Bonnie asks, walking towards him.

"It doesn't have a return address or a postal code."

"All I know is some gentleman knocked on our door and said he had a package for you."

"Now I think about it, Bonnie, I don't remember seeing his delivery truck."

"I didn't either. Did you, Emma?"

"No, and he didn't have a uniform on either."

"I'm going to take it outside until Joe gets here. Let him decide what we should do."

"Be careful, Max," Bonnie warns as she opens their front door.

"I plan to." When everyone is a safe distance away, Max carefully carries it outside. I need to get it as far away from our house as possible, he thinks, heading towards the back. He'd just made it past their storm shelter when he hears a loud ticking noise coming from inside the container. "It's a bomb," he yells, running towards the woods.


Joe frantically searches the entire area, hoping he's wrong. Discovering it's completely deserted, he runs back to his partner. "She's not in the park or the stores."

Jerry hangs up his phone. "The search team is on their way, boss."
"Good." Joe anxiously glances arournd hoping to figure out where Rachel might go.

"What if a friend gave her a ride home?"

"I thought about that, but if I call and she's not there, everyone will panic."

"They won't if l call. Especially if I use this voice," he says in a deep tone. He takes the phone out of his partner's hand and redials the last incoming call.

"They'll recognize my number, Jerr."

"It won't show up on their caller ID." The call connects. "Hello, this is Randy, Rachel's neighbor, can I talk to her, please. Ok, thank you." Jerry hands the cell to his partner. "She could be with her friends, boss."

"He has her, I know he does."


Rachel reaches for the tall, slender object, but finds that it's too far away. It's the only thing that'll get me out of this alive. She inches her way closer. Something rattles underneath her; Lowering her arm she quickly closes her eyes. I hope he didn't see that.

Luigi glances in his rearview mirror. "Decided to wake up, did you?" Pulling to the side of the road, he slams on his brakes. The tools slide across the floor.

Rachel sees her chosen weapon lying in the back. I need to find something to defend myself. She quickly scans the item nearest to her. I've got to make one of them work. Making a selection she moves the object to her side. I hope I can do this. She takes a deep breath for courage. She starts to take another when she hears police sirens screaming in the distance. Rachel glances at her attacker. They may not get here in time. She nervously readjusts her grip.

Luigi sees red and blues coming from all directions. His bloody takedown suddenly plays in his mind. His body starts to tremble from his horrific thought. I've got to get out of here while I still can. Throwing his van into gear, Luigi speeds away.

Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she seems
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.
Nick Johnson, new Detective

Chapter 17
Final Showdown

By Mistydawn


An attempt was made on Rachel's life because she witnessed a murder. Meanwhile, Luigi kills 4 more and tries to kill Rachel. Finding out he didn't succeed, Luigi tries again. He kidnaps Rachel in his third attempt. 


Joe and Jerry watch their team carefully comb the park, hoping they can figure out what happened to Rachel. Dark clouds move across the sky, warning of a pending storm. They need to hurry this up. Seeing a lab tech walking towards them, he turns around. "Do you have something for us, Kirk?"

"The blood on the case isn't Detective Webb's, it's our perp's, and it's dried, so I'd say it's been there for some time."

"I bet it was from this morning's crime, boss."

"That still doesn't prove she's safe."

Hearing footsteps behind him, Joe spins around. "Sir, the dogs picked up her scent at the bird feeder. They tracked it to the parking lot, but lost it there."

"He does have her." Joe nervously runs his fingers through his hair.

"We don't know that for sure, boss."

"He's right, sir, she could've had one of her friends pick her up," Kirk adds.

"He has her, I know he does." The dispatcher's voice blares across their radio. All units, please be advised, the suspect is heading towards the railroad station.

Joe recalls all the bodies they found buried there a few years ago. It was one of the few cases he hasn't been able to solve. He glances at his detective, a terrified look on his face. "We've got to save her."


The ticking gets louder as Max continues towards the woods. I've got to get the bomb as far away as I can. Carefully positioning the small box in his hand, Max tosses it into the woods. The parcel explodes into a thousand pieces when it crashes into the tree. Hearing footsteps behind him, Max spins around. He sees Bonnie running towards him, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm so glad you're alright," she cries, wrapping her arms around him.

"I am but I'm not too sure about our feathery friends." He points toward the birds hovering above their demolished home.

"How did that happen?"

"The box exploded when it hit the tree."

Bonnie glances at the forest and then at Max. "We... We could've been killed." 

Feeling her body tremble, Max pulls her in close. "We're safe now, honey."

"Now, but what if you hadn't come home? What if..." Bonnie starts to cry.

"It's best we don't think about that." Max shivers, pushing horrific thoughts from his mind.

A terrifying thought pops into her head. "You don't think the same guy that's after Rachel did this, do you?"

"It could be."

"That means she isn't safe here; none of us are. Oh, Max, what are we going to do, what are we going to do?"

"I'll have patrol sit on our house until this is over." Max hears leaves rustle in the near distance. He looks towards the area but doesn't see a thing. There are plenty of places for him to hide. "We should probably go in." 

"Yeah, lets."

"Oh Bonnie, Max I'm glad you're alright," Jeanie says as they step through the door.

"I'm going to call Joe; tell him what happened, get a few officers out here." He pulls his cell from his pocket.

"What happened out there?" Jeanie questions.

 Bonnie quickly explains as Max makes his call.

"We... We could've been killed." Shaken, Jeanie plops down on the couch.

"Max is going to have patrol keep an eye on our house until this is over."

"Honey, the captain wants to talk to you." Max hands Bonnie his phone.

"Hello. I don't remember a truck, Joe and neither do Jeanie or Emma. We will. Is Rachel... The line goes dead before she has time to finish. "Call him back and ask, Max."

"I'm sure he would've told us if something is wrong."

I hope you're right, she thinks, gazing out the window.


The driver makes a quick right, then a left. Rachel tries to grab the gun as it continues to slide past her. I was so close. Seeing it coming towards her, she tries again. Items clank together when she scoops up the weapon.

"What's going on back there?" Throwing his van in park, Luigi stomps towards her.

Rachel jumps from the sudden noise, the weapon flies out of her hands. She picks up another object and whirls it around. It smacks the back of his legs; he tumbles face first to the floor.

"You're going to pay for that, bitch."

 That's what you think. Springing to her feet, Rachel swings the bar towards his head. Luigi grabs the metal object and jerks it away. "I don't think so." He pushes her away.

Stumbling over the tools; She thuds against the back door. Rachel starts to become dizzy, light-headed; her vision begins to blur. She shakes her head, hoping to clear the fog, but the feeling only increases. I can't pass out now, I just can't, she thinks as she fights to stay awake.

"You won't get away from me this time," Luigi says as he stomps towards her.

Rachel scoops the rifle off the floor. "Hold it right there, dirtbag." She cocks her gun.

"It's not loaded, you idiot." 

"A good cop is always prepared." She glances towards a box of shells. "Hands where I can see them, now." The van door slides open. Startled, Luigi turns around.

"No one threatens my son." Bruno pulls the trigger.


It's not too far now" Joe pushes down on the pedal. 

Jerry grabs for the dash. "And you wonder why I refuse to ride with you, boss."

"I' haven't had an accident yet."

"Let's not break that record today."

Seeing his partner's death grip on the plastic, he laughs. "Relax, I got this." They hear a panic-stricken voice blare across the radio. "Shots fired, shots fired, in the railroad station.

"Hold on."

"Oh shit." Joe stomps on the accelerator. Jerry falls against his seat. "Don't kill us, boss." 

"I won't." He pushes the pedal down further.


Rachel dives behind a stack of tools when the gunfire begins. I hope this protects me, she thinks, hunkering down as far as she can go. A few more shots ring out and then the van grows eerily quiet. Is it over, are they gone? She peeks through the pile of junk. I don't see anyone. She starts to rise up when she hears someone coming towards her. She reaches for her gun. You're not getting rid of me that easy. She positions the weapon in front of her. I'm ready for you now. She nervously taps her finger on the trigger as the footsteps get closer. Show your face, I dare you. The intruder is just a few inches away. She grips the weapon tighter as she takes a deep breath. Ready, aim...

Randy notices a red substance oozing from under the tools. "Please don't die on me; please, don't die," he cries running towards her.

Rachel is about to pull the trigger when she recognizes the voice. "Randy?"

Seeing transmission fluid toppled over beside her, he lets out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad you're alright." He wraps his arms around her.

"What... What happened to..."

"They can't hurt you anymore."

"Thank you for coming to my rescue." She hugs him again.

"How sweet, a lovebird reunion. Too bad I have to cut it short." Leo raises his gun. 

The detective see the crime unit taping off the area when they pull up to the scene. They then notice EMT's wheeling bodies across the yard. "It looks like we're too late." Joe's eyes start to mist up as memories replay in his mind.

"We don't know one of them is her, boss."

"Where is she then?" Wiping the tears from his cheek, Joe glances around the field.

"Over there, boss." He points to the corner of the lot.

"She's going to get an earful for doing what she did." Drying his face one last time he jumps out of his car; Jerry is right behind him. Grabbing Rachel's arm, Joe spins her around. "What the hell were you thinking, sneaking  off like that?" You had us all worried."

"Someone had to stop them; isn't that right, Randy?"

"Yep, he smiles."

"By the way Captain, I was right about the perp being Tito's twin. Yep, I was right, and you were wrong, again. That's how many now, Jerry?" She looks over and sees he's smiling ear to ear. "Oh yeah, four, count it four in a row." She holds her fingers in his face. "Maybe one day you'll learn to listen." Straightening her clothes, she walks away.

Joe glances over at his Sergeant, a solemn look on his face. "I think I've created a monster.

"I believe so, boss." He laughs.


Jeanie, Rachel's mom
Emma, Rachel's cousin, but she is 
like her sister.
Max, Bonnie Webb, Rachel's dad and step mom.
Randy, Rachel's neighbor
Bruno Greco, He's in the Import business. He also has numerous side companies to cover up illegal proceeds.
Luigi, Tito Greco 28-year-old twins. Live with and work for Bruno. They thought he was their dad until recently.
Charles Maroni, Luigi and Tito's biological father.

Leo, hired hitman.

Berryville PD
Joe Bower, Captain
Jerry Andrews, Sergeant
Rachel Webb, Detective, the captain's girlfriend
Jeff Montgomery, Detective.
Nick Johnson, new Detective




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