"Granny's Revenge"

Chapter 1
The Bloody Beginning

By Mistydawn

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

Why Lord, why did you have to take him too? Matilda sobs. She glances towards her Grandson's casket and then his picture beside it.

The late afternoon sun makes a faint appearance through the cloudy skies as the crisp northern wind sweeps through the area making the dreary day seem much colder. The reaming bits of snow scattered across the lawn adds to this arctic feel.

I remember the day that photo was taken. She wipes tears from her face as she pictures the day in her mind.

"What do you think, Grandma?" Troy asks as he steps into the room.

"You look fine, boy, real fine; any girl should feel lucky to have you for her date."

"I hope she thinks so."

"I'm sure she will. Now stand right there and let me get your picture."

"I'm already late, Grams."

"You're not leaving this house until I get my picture," she argues, as she quickly blocks their door.

We use to quarrel over everything. Recalling the numerous arguments, she smiles through her tears. She then thinks back to when Troy came to stay with her.

She wasn't sure she could handle an infant at her age, but his parents were killed by a drunk driver leaving him nowhere else to go.
 That was a big change for both of us, but we somehow managed. She cries. She then remembers Troy's toddler years.

"Park, Granny park," he'd say, as he hopped in his little wagon.

I couldn't say no to that face, no matter how tired I was. She then recalls his first day of school. He was a brave little soldier, but she cried the whole way there.

"I'll be alright, Granny, I promise," he says kissing her teary face.

You always were a sweet child despite the cruel hand you were dealt. She then recalls how it'd break her heart when she'd find him crying by their window.

"Why can't I play like that Granny, why?" he sobs in her arms. Born with a heart defect, Troy's activities were limited.

You don't have to worry about restrictions anymore. She sees a small ray of sun peek through the clouds like he's smiling at her from above. You go have fun, baby, make up for all that lost time. She sobs.

"Are you ready to go, Matilda?"

"Huh, what?" she asks.

"His services are over, dear."

She sees her friends slowly walk toward their cars. "Yes, of course."

"Our preacher gave a beautiful eulogy, don't you think?" Marge asks as she helps her to the car.

"Yes, it was very nice. I appreciated all the kind things everyone said about Troy." She sniffles.

"He was a great guy, you raised him well."

"Thank you, Marge." She dabs her eyes.

A stranger tearfully watches the grieving woman from a distance. "It's such a shame that things had to turn out this way. Poor Matilda loses everything and the killer remains free. I just hope somebody stops him before he does it again."  She wistfully heads toward her car.

"Would you like to stop anywhere before I take you home?" Marge asks as she pulls away.

"I'd rather just go to the home, lay down a bit if you don't mind."

"Of course, dear."

Matilda was moved to an assisted living facility after her fateful fall. She was told she could return home when she becomes a little stronger. I wish I can move back home now, she tearfully thinks as she glances toward the old brick building. The place is nice, the staff friendly, but it isn't home.

"Here, let me help you," Marge offers as she unfastens her seatbelt.

"No, no I've got it." Matilda grabs her cane and slowly climbs out of the car.

"Call me If you need anything, even if you just want to get out for a while."

"I appreciate that Marge, thank you."

Matilda's nurse, Liz runs to her the moment she steps inside.

"How are you, Ms. Brennan? Can I get you anything, tea or a snack perhaps?" Liz asks.

"I've had a very hard day and would like to lay down for a bit if you don't mind."

"Of course, hon; here let me help you." Liz takes her arm in hers.

Matilda pats her hand. "I can manage just fine on my own."

"Yes, of course, you can, I just thought that ..."

"It's ok, dear; I know you're only trying to help."


The bitterly cold wind sweeps through the area, chilling the elderly lady to her bones. It'll be worthwhile in the end. Granny glances toward the starless sky. Fastening her coat around herself, she heads toward the bar. I'll make sure another family won't have to go through what I have. A tall thick man stumbles into her as she continues across the yard.

She tries to maintain her balance, but her feet slip out from under her; she falls to the ground. "Watch where you're going, bozo."

"Sorry ma'am, I didn't see you there." He offers her his hand.

She snootily pushes it away. "I don't need your drunken ass to help me up."

"Geeze lady, I was only trying to be polite."

"It wouldn't have happened at all if you weren't so sloshed." She reaches over and picks up her cane. "I suppose you plan to drive home in that condition?"

"What's it to you if I do? Isn't it a little late for someone your age to be out preaching morals anyway?"

"Are you calling me old? Well, I'll show you old, sonny. I'll teach you a thing or two about respect too." She lifts up her cane and whacks him behind his knees. His legs jerk forward and fold underneath him. He drops to his knees; his top half tumbles to the ground.

"Didn't your parents teach you any manners, boy; tell you to respect your elders?" She smacks her cane across his back. She hears a loud whoosh as the air escapes from his lungs."That's what's wrong with you pampered youngsters these days, you don't have an ounce of morals in your entire body." She whacks him again and again. "My daddy used to take a stick to my backside when I got out of line and it didn't ruin me the way they claim. In fact, it made me stronger, taught me right from wrong." She thumps his head with her stick.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll be more respectful to you, and all the other grannies, I promise," he says, as he tries to stand. She wallops him across the back, he plummets to the ground. She hits him again for good measure.

"Geeze lady, take it easy, alright. I said I'm sorry what more do you want?"

"I don't believe your lying drunken ass for a second." She lifts her cane to his neck and squeezes its handle. They hear a high pitched swish as a bullet-shaped object projects from the bottom of her walking stick; she takes a quick step back.

A harrowing pain radiates through his neck as a sharp frozen mass pierces his artery. A warm, sticky liquid gushes through his fingers when he grabs a hold of his neck. "What the fuck?" He sees his hand is covered in blood when he pulls it away. "Help me, please somebody help me," he screams, as he struggles to get back on his feet. His head feels woozy; his surroundings begin to spin. "Help me, please help me," he yells as he takes an unsure step. He tries to take another but plummets face-first to the ground.

"You lose a lot more blood  if you continue to move around."

He looks down to see a large puddle pooling below him. "Help me, please someone help me," he screams again.

"Getting excited helps blood flow too. Besides, no one can hear you over that racket you guys call music."

"Why did you do this, why?"

"I want to make sure another family's life isn't ruined by a drunk driver."

I think I'll check on Ms. Brennan, see how she's doing. Liz lightly taps on her door. There's no reply. She taps again as she walks in. "I brought you a little snack, Ms. Brennan. I figured you'd be hungry since you skipped dinner." Liz sees her room is completely empty. I wonder where she could be. She sees one of her assistants when she steps into the hall.

"Nancy, have you seen Ms. Brennan?"

"Not since she's returned, why?"

"She's not in her room."

"I bet her friend picked her up for bible study."

"Bible study of course." Liz then remembers  Ms. Brennan sobbing all afternoon. "I'm sure it'll do her some good." 


Author Notes Here's a joke for you. Hope you enjoy.
An old lady is walking by a man at a bus stop singing "21 today, 21 today." The man says "Your not 21 you old bat." The lady smacks him with the cane and then sings "22 today 22."

Chapter 2

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver, The killer murders her second victim.

The Sergeant and his crew are preparing for a long-awaited bust. It's taken them two agonizing years of investigation, but they finally have enough for a warrant.

"Jerry, you and Jeff take the back; Rachel and I will take the front, the rest of you cover the sides. Be sure to do this by the book; I don't want him to get off on a technicality." Everyone nods. "OK, then, let's go, let's go." Joe orders.

The group is getting into positions when gunfire erupts around them.

"Take cover, take cover," Joe yells, as he ducks behind a car. A shower of bullets pings off the rusty junk scattered across the yard. Joe pulls his weapon from his holster. You're going down one way or another. He locks a new clip in place. Joe peeks around his car to see the shots are coming from a second-story window. We need to find the shooter's blind spot and we need to do it fast. He notices a gunman running up on Rachel when he glances across the yard. "Look out, Rachel," Joe screams as he squeezes off a round.

The gunman tumbles to the ground. Rachel falls beside him.

"No," Joe screams, running towards her. A spray of bullets knocks him to the ground. We can't go out like this, we just can't. "He crawls to over to Rachel. Hang on detective, help is on the way." Memories flash through his mind as they lay helpless on the cold hard ground. His flashbacks brings him to an astonishing discovery. I think I've fallen in love. "Don't die on me Rachel, please don't die." Joe hears a click. He looks up to find a tall brawny man standing over him.

"I told you I'll get my revenge," a voice says.

Joe gulps. "No, please, wait." 

"So long, Sergeant." He laughs.

Joe's shrilling phone startles him awake. Thank god it was only a dream. He fumbles for his noisy device.

"Hello?" ... " I'm on my way, Captain." He hangs up and then dials another number. "Rachel, it's Joe, there's been a murder at Charlie's bar... I'll be there in five and Rachel, be sure to wear your vest... Just do it, alright." He disconnects his call. There's no way in hell I'm in love with her.

Joe and Rachel pull up to see Jerry and Jeff interviewing patrons on the opposite ends of the lot.

Jerry has been with the police force for fifteen years, making detective in a little under four. He decided to switch his military career to the police force after his family's tragic demise. They were killed in a gang-related shooting while visiting his wife's parents in Chicago.

Jeff has been a detective a little under a year. He still has a lot to learn but shows a lot of potentials.

"I'll talk to Jerry, you talk to Kirk."

"You're acting awfully strange, Joe, are you sure you're alright?"

"Just worry about this case and not me, oK?" He storms away.

What's gotten into him? Rachel thinks as she walks across the lawn.

"What do you have for me, Jerr?" Joe asks.

"A whole lot of nothing, sergeant. There are no witnesses, or evidence and everyone I've talked to said they're glad he's dead that he finally got what he deserves."


"His rap sheet explains it." Jerry hands him a tablet.

"Rape, attempted rape, domestic violence, assault with a deadly weapon, drug possession with intent; why isn't this man in prison?"

"They just released him a few weeks ago."

"So his killer could either be one of his victim or a family members?"

"That's very possible."

"Did the cameras catch him?" Joe points towards the building.

"Kirk is checking it now."

Rachel sees Jeff busily taking notes as she crosses the lawn.

"If you think of anything, please call this number." Jeff hands the customer his card. He starts to walk to the next patron when he notices Rachel beside him.

"Hi, Rachel."

"What can you tell me, Jeff?"

"No one saw or heard a thing; said Mitch left a little after ten."

"Did he leave with someone?"


"Does he have any enemies?"

"It would be easier to tell you who doesn't hate him." He quickly flips through his notes. "They've all fought with him at one time or another."

"It looks like we're going to be busy for a while. Did anyone check the cameras?"

"Kirk is looking into it now."

"Is there any evidence?"

"I'm afraid not."

Rachel starts to leave when Joe walks up beside her.

"Did you find out anything?" Joe asks.

"Just that nearly everyone in Berryville hates him."

"They have a good reason." He hands her a tablet.

"I have a feeling this might be revenge." 

"That's what I'm thinking too."

"Sergeant, sergeant," Kirk yells as he runs towards them.

Joe turns towards him. "Do you have something for us?"

"I found him on camera. It looks like he's talking to someone, but I couldn't see who it is. I'm going to check the cameras across the street, see if they can tell us more."

"Did Sharon determine his cause of death?"

"She said he bled out from a severed carotid artery. She also said it looks like he was beaten with a thick, heavy rod. Said she'll know more once she gets him to the lab."

"So this is a personal attack like we thought," Joe says, as he glances around the yard.


This should be a good place to hit. She quickly surveys the crowded parking lot. Grabbing her cane, Granny stumbles towards her second bar of the night. I can probably kill two at this bar if I get them at opposite ends of the lot. She ducks behind a row of bushes and waits. I hope I'm making you proud son. Tearfully glancing at the starless sky, she recalls how it all began.

"I'll kill whoever did this to you, I swear I will," she sobs over her son's grave. He and his wife were killed by a drunk driver on their way home from dinner; Granny, the sole survivor was severely injured. She then remembers the wonderful night of her bittersweet revenge.

I would have to pick the hottest night of the year to do this. She wipes the sweat from her forehead as she hobbles towards her victim's car. If the law won't do anything about it, I sure as hell will. She props the hood open and looks around. It's just like what the manual showed. Relieved that her research paid off, she unscrews his oil cap and tosses it in her purse. If one doesn't get you the other will. She starts cutting through his fuel line with her knife. This is a lot tougher than I thought. She wipes the moisture from her face.

She barely makes an indention in the thick material when she hears footsteps clomping through the loose gravel. I have to hurry. She thrusts her knife into the material as she moves it back and forth. Come on, come on. She looks over to see a shadow six rows up. I only need a pin-sized hole. The rubber finally gives. She glances down to see a small slit on the side. That should let fuel escape. The footsteps get closer as she carefully lowers the hood. She turns to see the shadow is just two rows away. I've got to get out of here.

Granny climbs into her vehicle and lies across her seats. He didn't see me, did he? No, he couldn't have. Even if he did, he wouldn't expect an old lady to be up to anything. At least I hope he doesn't. A car roars to life in the near distance. Just a little longer and I'll be home free. Granny anxiously watches as his taillights fade out of sight. Maybe I should stop all the town drunks. It'd be a much safer place to live if I did.

Thanks to my new ice gun, I'm doing just that. I just wish there was a simpler way to keep the ice from melting. Granny recalls the tedious preparation. How she has to freeze the cane's styrofoam lining and then wrap it in foil before inserting it into her cane. The ice has to be specially made too. She's found that using boiling water and making larger cubes prolongs the melting time. All my trouble will be worth it in the end. Granny smiles, glancing at the door.


Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab.
Matilda lives in assisted living just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
The killer an older lady, out for revenge.
Marge, Matilda's best friend.
Liz nurse at Matilda's assisted living facility
Nancy, a nursing assistant at Matilda's assisted living facility. 

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 3
Granny on the Hunt

By Mistydawn

Granny Betty is scrunched down behind a row of hedges, waiting for her second victim of the night. She’d already been there over an hour and wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take. I hope someone comes out soon. She shuffles around hoping to relieve the aches in her arthritic legs. The music gets louder. She looks up to see a shadow staggering across the porch. You just think you're going home. She chuckles. She catches a glimpse of her target, in the bar's dim lights, Granny pauses for a second. My family's killer was a man. A drunk is a danger no matter their gender. She continues towards the lady. 

"Hey miss, you forgot something," the murderer yells as she continues towards her victim. 
The young blonde turns around. "What did I lose now?" she giggles, swaying from side to side. 

"You forgot to call a cab." the killer whacks her in the stomach with her cane.

The lady wraps her arm around her midsection as she doubles over in pain.

The murderer clobbers her across the back. 

The victim falls to the ground. "What did you do that for?" she asks as she gets up on all fours. 
Granny Betty whacks the lady across her butt. 

The lady falls face-first to the ground. 

"Cut that shit out," she yells. Getting up on her hands and knees, she tries to crawl away. 

The killer thumps her bum again, the young lady falls to the soil. This is kind of fun. Granny laughs as she raises her cane. 

"Leave me the hell alone you, old bat." The lady tries to get to her feet. 

Granny smacks her again. 

The victim lands in a puddle of mud. 

"Call me old again and see what you get." 

The victim turns to face her. Mud is dripping from her face and her long blond hair. "I've had just about enough of you." She wipes the dirt from her eyes. 

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't tried to drive home drunk." 

"What are you, the sobriety police or something?" She shoves dirt caked hair from her face. 

"I want to save families from going through what I have; losing loved ones to drunks like you." 

"I've never had an accident in my life." 

"I'm here to see that you don't." Moving her cane above the victim's clavicle, Granny Betty squeezes the handle.  

"What... What was that?" 

"It was ice, dear, just plain old ice." Granny laughs. 

The lady glances down to see blood spewing across the ground. A look of horror spreads across her face. "What the hell did you just do to me?" 

"You have approximately ten minutes to make amends. So, you might want to pray fast."

"Please, don't leave me like this, please. I'm sorry, I'll never drink again." 

The murderer continues across the lawn. 

"Please lady, please help me," she cries. 

There's no help for people like you, Granny Betty thinks as she heads towards the bar. 

A dark, starless sky looms overhead. The leafless branches sway to and fro. Joe and Rachel drive away from the crime scene in complete silence; each lost in their own thoughts. Rachel is going over a list of suspects while Joe thinks about the nightmare he just had. 

That was just a dream; A figment of my imagination, right? Of course, it was. He glances over at Rachel, who is searching through their list of suspects. She is a beautiful woman with her big brown eyes and her beautiful smile. She can be an annoying pain in the butt too. Joe remembers how she irritates him several times a day. How can I fall in love with someone that drives me nuts? Joe thinks back to all the fun they've had at the church social; all the good times they had as kids. She's like my little sister. Besides, I doubt she'd have romantic feelings for someone as old as me. Not that I could ever fall in love with someone as cantankerous as her.  

Rachel started on the police force soon after helping Joe and Jerry solve a case eight years ago. Her original plan was to become a Private investigator, but Joe talked her into becoming a cop.” 

He pulls up to her apartment. 

"See you tomorrow, Joe," she says, as she opens the car door. 

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I might see you later in my dreams. What am I thinking? This is Rachel for heaven's sake, my boss's daughter. I can't fall in love with her, I can't, I just can't. Joe watches her walk down the sidewalk. Oh, why does she have to be so darn attractive. 
Granny barely makes it across the parking lot when the bar door opens again. This double murder is going to be easier than I thought. Walking to the first row of cars; she ducks into the shadows and waits. The night creatures hum a lovely tune in the far distance as the gentle wind sweeps across her face, adding to her weary feel. I hope I have enough energy to see this through. She yawns. I think I'll just shoot him and call it a day no lectures or games this time. The footsteps continue to get closer. I wish he'd hurry. She sees the shadow is just a few feet away as she yawns again. You're almost there. The killer anxiously shifts her weight. Three, two... She sticks her cane in his path. 

The man's toe catches on the wood sending him to the ground. "Why did you trip me, huh?" he asks as he struggles to get back to his feet. 

The murderer whacks him across the back, he falls to the soil. "I'm stopping you from taking a life." She pulls the handle. Granny Betty hears footsteps clomp through the gravel as the ice propels through her cane. She looks over to see a young woman heading their way. She glances back and sees a chunk of ice lodge into her victim's neck. She looks back over to find the girl getting closer. I have to do something, quick. 

"Run, Emily, run," the man screams as he tries to get off the ground. 

"That's enough out of you." The killer knocks him over the head with her cane. He falls to the dirt. Seeing the lady getting closer, the murderer ducks behind a car and waits. I'll take care of both of you and then call it a night. 

Matilda glances up from her book when she hears her door creak open. Seeing who it is, she tosses her book aside. The nerve of that woman, barging in like that. She's always butting into my affairs, and she treats me like I'm a helpless child. Guess a visit from my least favorite nurse is a perfect way to end this God-awful day. "Do you need something, Lisa?" 

"Liz said you went out for a while, so I wanted to make sure you made it home safe." 

"I'm fine, thank you." Matilda reaches for her book hoping she'll take the hint. 

"Would you like me to get you a snack or warm milk to help you sleep?" 

"No, I'm alright." She opens her book and pretends to read. 

"Well, good night then." 

"Good night." 

Lisa starts to walk out the door when something catches her eye. "What happened to your clothes?" She scoops up Matilda's bloody garment out of the trash. 

Why won't you just leave me alone? Matilda throws her book aside with a huff. "Marge and I tried to rescue a wounded dog we found at the side of the road." 

"Were you able to save him?" 

"The vet said he should make a full recovery within a couple of weeks. Now if you don't..." 

"Let me take this to the laundry, see what they can do." 

That's another reason why I don't like her in my room, she never wants to leave. "Don't bother; I don't want to wear it again anyway." She glances at the garment and then at the nurse. "I wore it at my grandson's funeral." She brushes a tear from her cheek. 

"I understand. Would you like me to take it away?" 

"Take them with it." She points to a pair of blood-splattered shoes. 

Lisa grabs a bag from the cabinet and throws Matilda's clothes inside. "Let me know if you need anything." 

"A little privacy would be nice." 

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry for your loss." 

"Thank you, dear.”  

Author Notes An explanation of how a cane gun is possible.
The cane has a styrofoam/ aluminum foil lining which she freezes before she puts it into her cane. The large pieces of ice are made with boiling water. This decreases air bubbles and increases the time it remains in solid form.

Chapter 4
Perfect Crime

By Mistydawn

Granny is hiding behind a row of cars waiting for her third victim to approach. Her second victim is unconscious beside her. A large puddle of blood is pooling around his head. The night creatures shrill in the distance adding to the unnerving feeling. I'll whack her in the head before she can make a sound. Granny raises her cane up to her shoulder as she tightens her grip on the wood. I can do this. She anxiously shifts her stance.  

The drunken lady trips on a parking barrier. Sheâ?¯tries to regain her balance. Her ankle twists she plummets to the ground. She looks over to find her boyfriend lying in the dirt beside. "Get up, George." She grabs his shoulder and shakes him. "Get up you big lug. It's time to go home." George doesn't respond. "You've got to get up, George." She shakes him again; he still doesn't answer. "Come on, get up. We've got to get out of here before they call the cops." The woman sees blood oozing through his collar; she then notices a stream of red liquid spewing from the side of his neck. She opens her mouth to scream. 

"I don't think so." Granny Betty swings her cane; it smacks the back of her head. The lady topples across her boyfriend. The killer whacks her again. Now I'll finish her off. Raising her cane to the victim's neck, she squeezes the handle. The bar door opens again. I need to get out of here before I get caught. Exhausted, she hobbles towards her car. She looks back to find the patrons going back inside. I hurried for nothing. Oh well, what's done is done. I bet I'll sleep well tonight. She yawns as she pulls away. 
Joe was walking to his house when his phone rings. He grabs his cell from his pocket and glances at his caller ID. The killer couldn't have struck again, could he? "Hello?... There are two more victims at the Pied Piper Pub?" Doesn't our killer ever sleep?"....â?¯ "I'm on my way, Captain." He dials a number as he walks back to his car. "Rachel, it's Joe"... "Jerry already told you... I'll see you in a few." He starts to climb in his car when his phone rings again. Now what? "Hello?" He puts his phone on speaker and then throws it on the dash. 
"Joe, it's Kirk; Sharon wants me to tell you that your victim was killed by an object that's the same shape and size of a 44 caliber bullet and that she believes our killer used some sort of spring-loaded weapon since it would take a great deal of force to go that far into a vein. She also said that our victim was beaten with a rod that's approximately two inches in diameter." 

"Did she find any fingerprints or DNA on the victim?" 

"I'm afraid not, sir. Sharon did say his attack was premortem." 

"How many times was he hit?" Joe asks as he pulls up to Rachel's apartment. 

"He was struck six times across his back and twice in the head." 

"Hi, Joe," Rachel says as she opens the car door. 

"Hey, Rachel." 

"Kirk?" She asks, glancing towards the back. Not seeing anyone, she turns towards Joe, a perplexed look on her face. 

Joe chuckles as he points to his phone. 

Rachel laughs. "Hi, Kirk." She closes the car door
"Hopefully, there'll be more to go on at this crime scene," Joe says. 

"We haven't found anything yet." 

"I'll be there in five." He turns towards Rachel. "Hang on." 

"Oh shit." Rachel grabs the bar above the window. 

â?¯Laughing, Joe pulls away. 

Joe and Rachel see forensics processing the scene when he pulls up to the bar. Joe then notices his detectives interviewing the patrons. 

"The ride wasn't so bad, right?" Joe asks as he turns off the cruiser. 

"It was a little scary." She says releasing her death from the handle. 

Joe chuckles. "But it was fun, right?"
 "A… A little." She nervously smiles as she hops out of the car. 

Joe meets up with Jerry halfway across the yard. "We have three victims, boss. Two are dead and one is in ICU," Jerry says as they walk towards the crime scene. 

"We have three victims?" Joe scratches his head. Something he does when he's deep in thought. 

"I'm afraid so, boss. The last one lost so much blood, they're not sure he's going to make it; they had to shock him twice in the field." 

"Did he say anything before he was hauled away?" 

"He was unresponsive." 

Joe glances around the yard. "What about them?" He points towards the customers. 

Jerry glances around the crowd. "They claim they didn't see or hear a thing." 

"Keep talking to them, maybe someone will tell us something. Find out if our victims have any enemies, and what their records are like." 

"I can tell you right now all of them have at least one DUI;â?¯I gave it to them when I was working the streets." 

"Find out what else is on their rap sheet." 

"Yes, boss." 

Joe sees Kirk busily searching the ground as he walks towards him. "What can you tell me, son?" 

"They were killed the same way as our first victim, a bullet-shaped object to the artery, but only one was beaten this time." 

"The killer might have been rushed." 

"Maybe; the bartender said the lady left first and the couple about ten minutes later." 

"Is there any evidence?" Joe asks, as he continues to look around. 

"We haven't found any yet and their cameras haven't worked in years." 

"I can't believe someone can just waltz right in, kill three people, not be seen, heard or leaves anything behind. That's just impossible." 

"We'll keep looking, sir." 

"You do that and let me know what you find." 

"Yes, sir." 

Jerry walks towards them. "Boss I found a group that says they saw the couple leave. Said they heard scuffling in the parking lot but thought it was them arguing. I guess they got into a fight and the owner threw them out." 

"They didn't see anyone besides the two victims?"                                                                             

"Keep asking." 

"Yes, sir." 

Nancy peeks in to see Matilda is asleep in her bed. The poor dear has been through so much the past few weeks; being forced to move in here and then losing her grandson to a drunk driver. It's no wonder she is the way she is. I'd probably be like that too. Hopefully, she'll settle in now that his funeral is over. The nursing assistant starts to close Matilda's door when she sees bloody clothes in a bag on top of the trash can. She recalls her nurse saying that she and her friend saved a stray dog and that Matilda expected her to clean up the bloody mess. I thought Lisa said she took care of them. I guess she didn't want to risk getting her clothes soiled or break a nail. Sometimes I wonder how that prissy,â?¯germaphobe became a nurse. I guess the better question is why did she choose this profession? She obviously doesn't care about her patients and we do most of her work, everything but pass her pills. It's the only thing she does with a hint of enthusiasm. Maybe that's why she's here; she's taking drugs and then sells them on the street. That'd explain how she can afford that fancy car and all her expensive jewelry. I remember hearing that her medicine count is wrong, and our patients seem to be in more pain the nights she works. I bet she gives them placebos and pockets the real stuff. I think I'll talk to the DON about my suspicions in the morning. She transfers the clothes to a bio-hazard sack. She then notices Matilda's cane lying across the table with the rubber ferrule in front of it. She's going to need it to get to breakfast. She grabs the two pieces and starts to snap them together. Why is it wet, and why does it smell so funny, like a salad? Nancy sees baking soda and vinegar on the table. I bet she cleaned it before she went to bed. Why would she choose those things instead of soap and water; does it preserve the wood or something? I'll have to ask her about that in the morning. Quietly placing the cane on the table, she tiptoes out the door.â?¯ 

Author Notes DON is Director of Nursing. He/she is head of all the nursing staff.
An explanation of how a cane gun is possible.
The cane has a styrofoam/ aluminum foil lining which she freezes before she puts it into her cane. The large pieces of ice are made with boiling water. This decreases air bubbles and increases the time it remains in solid form.

Chapter 5
Caught in Action

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. Joe tries to deny his feelings towards Rachel. 

Matilda is tidying her room when she hears a knock at her door. "Yes?" She turns to see who it is.

"Here's the hot water you asked for," Nancy says, as she sits a kettle on Matilda's table.

"Thank you, dear. I hate to bother you with such trivial things, but my tap water isn't hot enough to dissolve my special blend." She holds an open canister up to Nancy's nose.

"It smells delicious."

"Would you care for some, dear?" Matilda asks, reaching for a second cup.

Nancy glances at her watch. "I'd love to, but I really need to get back to work. I have a lot to do before I go home."

"I imagine you are rather busy trying to get everyone to breakfast. Perhaps you can stop by the next time you work?"

"I'd like that, thank you. I'll bring your tray to you in a minute."

"Don't bother, dear; Marge and I are going out for a while; I'll pick up breakfast then."

"Do you ladies have big plans?"

"We're going to visit our friend in the hospital; a mugger nearly killed him last night."

"Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope he pulls through."

"I do too, but it doesn't look too good; he's on the critical list in ICU."

"My thoughts and prayers are with you."

"Thank you, dear."

"If you need anything else, please let me know."

"I will, thank you. Please close the door on your way out."

Matilda picks up the kettle. That should be enough water for a couple of cups of my special tea. 


The daily bustle is just starting to pick up when Joe walks into the station. Give it an hour and this place will be total chaos. He sees his team busy at their desks as he crosses the room. They came in early today. He thinks as he glances towards the clock.

Yawning, Jerry reaches for his coffee cup. He yawns again as he scoots away from his desk. "Good morning, boss." Jerry smiles.

"You haven't been here all night have you, Jerry?"

"It was so late I decided to stay in our bunks instead of making that long trip home." Seeing the look on Joe's face, he continues, "I know what you're thinking, boss and you're right, but I'm not ready to sell my house just yet." He sees Joe is about to say something, Jerry holds up his hand to stop him. "I know it's been years since their shooting, but I need a little more time."

That house is what's holding him back. Joe remembers how he found Jerry in great despair. He then recalls what it took to save him.  It's been an uphill battle but at least he's making progress, slow as it may be. "You got some rest, though, right?"

"I even took a shower, see." Jerry lifts up his arm as he walks towards him. "I smell like roses."

Joe pushes him away. "I'll take your word for it, Jerr."

"Ah, boss, you've gone and hurt my feelings now." He lays his head on Joe's shoulder and pretends to pout.

"You're such a clown." Joe chuckles.

"Yeah, but you love me." Jerry kisses him on the cheek.

"Get away from me." Joe pushes him away again.

"Pucker up big boy." Jerry makes a kissy face as he walks towards him.

"I'm warning you, Jerr, stay away from me." Joe dodges behind a desk.

Rachel and Jeff laugh.

"You don't know what you're missing, boss."

"I'd rather not find out."

Jerry chuckles. "Want me to get you some?" Jerry holds his cup in the air.

"Please." Joe turns towards the other detectives. "Is there any news on our case?"

"The only thing our victims have on their record is a DUI."

"Did you find any connection between them?"

"George, the guy in the hospital has been dating our third victim for a couple of months." Jeff points to a picture. "All three of them are recently divorced."

"Look into their exes, see what else you can find."

"I already have, sir." Jeff hands him a report before he continues. "All three of their records are clean. Their divorces were quick and simple, no long drawn out disputes."

"I want you to talk to them anyhow. Have them give you an alibi for the time of their murders just in case. See if they can tell you who might have a grudge against them; try to find something that might connect our four victims together."

"Yes, sir."

"Is there any forensic evidence?"

"There isn't anything new, boss. All three were killed the same way. A bullet-shaped object to their carotid artery," Jerry says as he hands him a cup.

"What about the cameras at our first crime scene, the ones across the street?"

"Kirk didn't find anything there either."

"So our killer is smart enough to stay out of the camera's view and confident enough to kill in a public place."

"It sounds like a professional hit to me."

"I have to agree with you, Jerry. I'll go talk to our captain see if we can get a few undercovers to sit on the bars tonight."

"What do you want us to do in the meantime?" Rachel asks.

"I want Jerry to look into the victim's history, financials, Rachel; I want you to work on our list of suspects."


Granny pulls into the parking lot and starts looking around. A nice quiet day in the park is just what these old bones need. She grabs a sack of bread from beside her as she climbs out of her car. This has turned out to be a beautiful day.

The sun is shining brightly overhead as the birds chirp happily in the distance. A nice gentle breeze blows across her face as a sweet scent of lilac drifts through the air.

It's a perfect day to feed the ducks. She sees a man stumble towards her as she continues down the sidewalk. His long, greasy hair hangs well past his shoulders. His filthy, ashen face is covered by a thick, gray beard. His clothes are completely soiled and his eyes are so bloodshot she's surprised he can even see.

"Hey lady, do you have a few dollars you can spare?" he slurs. He holds up a small paper sack and shakes it. "I need a refill." He throws his sack on the ground as he continues towards her.

The ducks will have to wait. "It's a little early to start drinking don't you think?"

"Start, I haven't stopped." He chuckles.

"I suppose you drove here in that condition."

"Well, I certainly didn't walk. So are you going to give me some money or what?"

"The only thing I'm going to give you is a whack over your head, knock some sense into that pickled brain of yours." She lifts up her cane and stabs him in his groin.

He grabs his privates as he falls.

The killer smacks him across his back. He tumbles to the ground. "That's the problem with the younger generation, you don't think about anyone but yourselves. Always going out getting drunk, killing innocent people without giving an iota of thought about the consequences. You're a waste of space, a drain on society. It's no wonder this country is in such a poor state of affairs with people like you in charge." Granny starts to whack him again when she hears footsteps behind her. She turns to see an officer running towards them with his weapon drawn.

"Drop your weapon now," he orders.

She lets go of her cane; it clanks to the ground.

"I want your hands where I can see them," the officer commands.

"This crazy lady was beating me to death, officer," the victim slurs as he tries to stand.

The cop turns towards him. "Stay where you're at."

"Yes, sir." He plops back to the ground.

The cop turns towards the old lady. "You, hands in the air. Do it, now."

She slowly raises her arms above her head.

With his gun pointed towards her, the officer runs over and kicks her cane away. "You're under arrest for assault. Turn around, hands behind your back."

"I... I can explain officer..." Granny begins.

"Save it for the judge."

Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab.
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's good friend
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 6
Stretching the Truth

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. She tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. The investigation is quickly going cold for the Berryville detectives.


Granny is terrified in the back of a police car, unsure of what'll happen next. Her hands are cuffed so tightly in front of her; they're pinching her frail skin. Tears stream down her wrinkled face as she relives the horrid events. Why didn't he just leave me alone, why? All I wanted to do was have a peaceful day feeding the ducks and he had to go and spoil it for me. Oh, why didn't I just walk away, why? I should've known better than to beat him in broad daylight. Now, because of my lapse in judgment, I may have to spend the rest of my life in jail. Oh, what was I thinking, what? She sobs. She looks up to see two officers talking to her victim in front of the car. A male officer glares at her and then turns away. I bet he's feeding them a bunch of hogwash to make himself look better. Well, I'll have my own story to tell. Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll give them the most heartbreaking version I can think of. The car door opens; Granny looks over to see a female officer beside her. It’s just who I was hoping for. She wipes her face on her sleeve.

"I've heard his side of the story, now I want to hear yours," the cop says as she takes a notebook from her pocket.

Sniffling, Granny begins. "He asks me for some money. I told him I didn't have any, which I really don't otherwise I would've given it to him. I'm a Christian lady, who helps others when she can; it's what God would want me to do." She looks towards the sky.

The officer glances up from her paper. "What happened next?"

"I mentioned several places where he could go for help to get food, shelter, basic necessities. He became belligerent said all he needed was money for booze. I said I couldn't help him and tried to walk away. He said I better give him some money or else. This terrified me to no end. I'm still shaken up, see." Granny lifts her trembling hands away from her body.

The officer looks up again. "So what happened next?"

"I scream for help. He yells at me, tells me to shut my mouth. I keep screaming, hoping he'll get scared and leave. He throws down his bottle and charges towards me." She starts to cry. "I didn't want to hurt him, honest. All I could think about is how my dear sweet friend was beaten and raped last week."

"What did you do?"

She takes a deep breath before she continues. "I jab him in his privates which knocks him to the ground. He grabs my leg and tries to pull me down. She bawls.

"Take your time."

"I'm usually not such a crybaby but this has been so traumatic." She wipes her face on her sleeve then continues. "All I wanted to do was feed the ducks, that's it." She glances towards the pond. "Oh, why couldn't he just leave me alone, why?" She starts to bawl again. "Please, officer, please, you have to believe me. I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't know what else to do."  Sniffling she continues. "Please tell him God loves him and that I'll pray that he finds the help he needs." 

The officer gulps back a tear. "I'll see what my partner wants to do." She composes herself as she closes the door.

That went better than I expected. Granny watches the two officers exchange heated words. She then sees a third officer point towards a lamp post. What's he pointing at? She sees a camera midway up the wood. Good thing I didn't elaborate too much. Her door opens again.

"The surveillance tape corroborates what you just told me," the female officer states.

"So I'm free to go?"

"Yes, ma'am." She reaches for Granny's cuffs.

"What's going to happen to him?"

"He's headed to the station." She looks up to see her coworker running towards her.

 "Stop, don't release her yet; the captain wants to talk to her."

Granny doubles over in pain. "Nitro, I need my Nitro, they’re in my side pocket," she gasps.

The officer reaches in and pulls out a small brown bottle. "These?"

"Put one under my tongue."

The officer does as she's told. "Better?"

"No, that's worse, much worse. My heart, it can't take all this..." Granny falls sideways in the seat.


Walking into the ICU waiting room, Marge pauses at the door. This brings back a lot of bad memories. She recalls all the time her late husband spent in here. I hope George doesn't die on me too. It's different this time, much different. Taking a breath, she walks to their phone. "Yes, I'm here to see George Patrick... Is he alright? I don't understand... I'll wait for you by the door."

A few seconds later, she sees a nurse walk into the lobby. Marge darts towards her. "I'm the one asking about George Patrick."

The nurse takes Marg's cold, bony hands in hers. "I'm afraid Mr. Patrick didn't make it, ma'am."

Marge glances solemnly towards the floor; a tear slips down her cheek.

"Are you a relative?"

"No, I'm just a good friend, we go to church together."

"Do you know how we can reach his family?"

"He doesn't have anyone; it's their loss that caused him to drink. My friend and I were trying to help him get through it, but I guess we failed." She sniffles.

"Your friend said the same thing, but you two have to understand what happened to him isn't your fault. That unless he wants to change, there's nothing you can do to help him."

"I've been told that before. Wait, did you just say my friend was here?"

"Yes, she came in earlier." 

I wonder why Matelda didn't mention her visit to me.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss."

"Thank you, Hon." Marge slowly walks out the door. 


Seeing his detectives working at their desk, Joe walks toward them. "So how's it going, guys?"

"Not well, I'm afraid, boss. George died a couple of hours ago and that's just the beginning of our problems." Frustrated, Jerry tosses his glasses on his desk.

"Did he say anything about his attack?"

"No, sir, the nurse said she tried to ask him about it, but all he kept saying is Granny."

"It's highly unlikely that our killer is a grandma; considering how many times our victims were beaten."

"I bet he saw his Granny on the other side," Rachel says.

"Maybe, what about our suspects?"

Jeff glances up from his desk. "They all have airtight alibis for the time of the murder."

"How about the victim's exes?"

"Two of them have alibis and the third is out of the country. He has been since their divorce."

"He didn't make a quick trip back to the states?"

"Not that I can find, sir. I did get a list of possible suspects from their exes." Lifting up a piece of paper he continues. "I'm going through them now."

"What about their finances?" 

"I didn't find any red flags, boss and I'm almost finished with their histories. As far as I can tell they're just three working-class citizens struggling to get by."

Joe scratches his head. "Are there any connections?"

"The only common ground I've found so far is that they've all worked at Tysons, but most of Berryville's residents have."

Joe laughs. "You’re probably right about that. Is there any forensics?"

"It's all in this box." Jerry smiles as he taps on the small wooden container.

Why would Sharon put it in there? A snake pops out the moment Joe opens the crate. Screaming, he flings the lid across the room: it smacks an officer in the head.

The officer springs from his seat. He loses his footing and falls back in his chair. His butt catches the edge. He plops to the floor; his chair flies across the room.

"Two for the price of one." Jerry laughs.

"Oh, you'll get yours, Jerry; you can count on that, right Steve?"

"Damn skippy he will." He glares at Jerry as he gets off the floor.

Their captain walks out of his office. "What's going on out here and why is my rubber snake on the floor?"

"Jerry is up to his old pranks again, sir." Joe picks up the toy and hands it to him.

"Didn't you learn your lesson the last time, Jerry?"

"Joe won't get the best of me again.." 

"We'll just see about that." Joe smiles. 

"Leave me out of it this time."

"Yes, Captain," they say in unison. An ornery smile creeps across their faces as the two mischievous fellows glance towards Rachel. 

Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab.
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's good friend
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 7
Keys to the City

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. She tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then fakes a heart attack to avoid an arrest. The investigation is quickly going cold for the Berryville detectives.


Granny is lying quietly in a hospital bed; wires are coming off of her from every direction. I'd much rather spend my morning hooked up to these machines than spend a second in jail. She looks around the cold, sterile room. With its bare white walls and shiny tile floors, there isn't a lot to see. Granny's thoughts suddenly drift back to her grand performance in the park. They really thought I had a heart attack. She snickers as she glances towards the ceiling. You said I'd never make a good actress, Mama, but after that show, I'd say I missed my calling, wouldn't you? She notices her doctor walk into the room a perplexed look on his face.  "Is something wrong, doctor?" she asks, anxiously sitting up in bed.

"Quite the opposite, all of your tests came back normal." He glances down at a small piece of paper coming from the machine. "Your heart waves remain normal and your vitals are steady."

"I can go home then, right?"

"I'd like to run one more test just to be sure."

"I feel fine, really I do."

"You may feel alright now, but something happened to you earlier and we need to find out what it was."

Maybe I did too good of a job acting. "I'm fine, really, I am." She notices the doubtful look on his face. I need to show him how well I'm doing so he'll let me go. She starts to climb out of bed, the wires pull her back. That didn't go as planned.

"You promise to follow up with your physician?"

"I'll make an appointment as soon as I leave here, I promise."

"Tell you what I'll do; I'll have my nurse make the appointment for you, alright?" He says, unhooking her from the machines.

Granny sighs. "Whatever you think is best, doc."

 A nurse taps on the door then walks into the room. "Doctor, the Police Chief is here, he wants to talk to her before she leaves." She glances towards their patient.

"Send him in."

Did I go through all of this for nothing? I was so close to freedom too. Aggravated, Granny tosses her stuff in the chair. So long wonderful life. She starts tearing up as her visitor steps in the door.

"I just wanted to come down and congratulate you," the Police Chief says as he crosses the room.

I'm not under arrest? Granny glances up at him, a confused look on her face. "I...I don't understand; congratulate me for what?"

"You helped us catch the Nanny Bandit."

"The Nanny Bandit, who is he?"

"He's the perp who preys on elderly citizens. To show our appreciation, the mayor and I want to have an award ceremony in your honor."

"That really isn't necessary, sir." Granny blushes.

"Of course it is. Get dressed and meet me in the lobby in five." He winks.

"But Captain I..." He walks out the door before she has time to finish.

"It looks like we have a hero in the room." The doctor smiles.

"I'm not a hero doc, I'm just an ordinary old lady trying to make the most out of the time I have left."

"She's humble too. Nurse, get our celebrity spiffed up for her big debut."

"Right away, sir." The nurse smiles.

A few minutes later, Granny is wheeled to the front door.

"They're waiting for you out on the steps," the nurse explains as she locks the wheelchair brakes.

Granny watches a horde of reporters out on the lawn when the glass door opens. She then sees the Captain, Mayor, and the Chief of Police at the top of the stairs. "Do I look alright?" she asks as she nervously straightens her clothes.

"You look beautiful."

She looks towards the crowd again. "I... I don't think I can do this."

"They put their pants on one leg at a time just like you and me."

"Yeah, but still... "

The mayor steps in the doorway. "Your public is waiting for you, dear." He offers her his hand.

Granny watches as another group gathers at the entrance. "I... I'm sorry, but I really can't do this."

"You know what helps me get over my fear?" the Mayor asks.

"No, what?"

"I picture them in their underwear. Go on and try it, it's fun." He chuckles.

She glances outside. "You're right, this is fun." Granny giggles picturing a reporter in his skivvies.

"Are you ready now?" He offers her his hand again.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Taking his arm, they walk through the door.

The crowd cheers the moment she steps outside. Her thoughts drift back to the humiliating day she gave her graduation speech. I don't want to go through that again, I just don't. She tearfully pulls away.

The Mayor glances over at her. "Underwear dear, underwear," he reminds her.

"I... I..."

"Trust me." He pulls her to the front of the steps.


"Hey Sergeant, did you hear about the old lady in the park?"

Joe glances up from his paperwork. "What are you talking about, Jerr?"

"An old lady caught the Nanny Bandit in the park and they're having an awards ceremony for her now." He hands Joe a tablet.

So that's where Captain rushed off to in such a hurry. Joe thinks as he watches her ceremony take place.


Granny is clinging tightly on to the mayor's arm as the crowd continues to cheer. I hope I don't faint, please don't let me faint.

"How did you do it?" a reporter asks Granny.

"That question is for you, dear." The mayor hands her a microphone.

Granny nervously glances towards him.

"Remember our trick."

Granny takes a deep breath. "I... I hit him in his nuts with my cane." The crowd cheers.

"Get em, Granny." someone yells.

This isn't like high school at all. Smiling she continues, "That's the most debilitating place on a man you know; it's where all their bodily functions begin."

The crowd laughs.

I made a funny. Granny smiles.


"I guess he messed with the wrong Granny that time." Joe laughs as he hands the tablet back.

"Jeff told me that she nearly castrated him with her cane."

"It serves him right for preying on seniors." Rachel pauses for a minute. "Hey Joe, you don't think... No, that's too crazy."

"What's crazy, Rachel?"

"You don't think this is who George was referring to, do you?"

"I don't think she has the strength to do what our killer did."

"She did take down our bandit single-handedly, boss." Jerry pulls up crime scene photos and hands the tablet to Joe.

"Anyone would fall to the ground after being racked with a cane."

"Maybe that's how she starts off," Rachel suggests.

"Look at her; she doesn't have enough muscle in her flabby arms to do that kind of damage. See how she walks, all stooped over like that." He hands the tablet back.

"You're probably right, boss." He starts to walk away.

"Where are you going, Jerr?"

"Why?" He glances at Joe and then Rachel. "I know what you're up to. You're getting ready to set up some sort of prank."

"Are you paranoid, Jerr?"

"No, but I know how you think."

Joe chuckles. "I was going to ask if you'd get me a cup of coffee on your way through." He holds up his empty cup.

"Yeah, right, boss." Jerry plops back down at his desk.

Joe laughs "Don't you know by now that I'm not going to get you yet? That I'm going to wait for that perfect moment when you least expect it."  The phone rings, Jerry jumps.

"Think your imagination is doing the work for me, Jerr." Joe laughs.

"I'll get it, Sergeant." Rachel starts to grab the phone when she sees a mouse run across their desks. Screaming, she pushes her chair away. "Get it guys, get it," she yells.

"It's by your feet, Rachel," Jerry points towards the floor.

Rachel jumps on her chair; her coworkers laugh.

"What's so funny, guys?"

"It's just a toy." Jerry starts to reach for it, the mouse runs towards him. "It's real." Jerry jumps on his desk.

"And that's why I'm the king of pranks." Joe laughs as he scoops the mouse off the floor.

"You just wait, mister, you're going to get it and you too, Jerry," Rachel warns.

"I think we're in for it now, Jerr." Joe snickers.

"Damn right you are."


Granny watches a straggly dude stumble towards his car on her way back from the pond. Another damn drunk, that makes four within the last hour. Four damn winos, I couldn't take care of because of the stupid cameras. She wearily thinks. The longer she watches him the more perturbed she becomes. I know I was going to wait, but I can't let him leave like this, I just can't. She glances towards the sky. Besides, I should be safe now, right? It's almost dark and there are no cameras pointing this way. She starts to walk towards him when she sees a cop pull into the park. You're lucky he showed up when he did. Don't you worry, mister, I'll get you and the others eventually. Smiling, she walks away.


Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab.
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 8
Making Plans

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver. 
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. She tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then fakes a heart attack to avoid an arrest. The investigation is quickly going cold for the Berryville detectives.

Granny decides to have a little dinner before she returns to the facility. Try as she might, she couldn't get the drunks out of her head. I can't sit here and do nothing when I know those morons are killing innocent people. She then recalls how close she came to being thrown in jail. I'll just have to be more careful so it doesn't happen again. Damn government anyhow, always infringing on our constitutional rights. What's next, freedom of speech? Censorship already has a big jump on that.

A  boisterous voice blares through the diner. She turns to see her waitress yapping as she swings her hands through the air. Some need that privilege taken away. Granny snickers, as she picks up her cup. She recalls her morning in the park as she sips her coffee. The camera did save me from going to jail but, it would've been the opposite if I stuck to my plan.  

Seeing her look over, the waitress grabs a coffee pot and heads her way. "Would you like a refill?" she asks.

"No, I'm fine, thanks. I couldn't help but notice how upset you were a few minutes ago."

"Oh, that." She laughs. "I was complaining about the damn drunks that always comes in here. One is so rude and obnoxious that no one can stand him. And his god awful smell, I feel nauseous every time I get near him. He's not the worst of them; we have a group that comes in who's twice as bad as him."

"Do you get a lot of drunks in here?"

"Practically every night, it starts around nine and continues until sunrise."

Granny glances at her watch. I have an hour until show time. "I think I will take a refill and a piece of that apple pie."


The sergeant and two of his detectives are steadily working on their list of suspects when their captain walks over to their desks. "Joe, detectives it seems they can only spare a few undercovers for our stakeout tonight; so that leaves us with a few bars."

"Which ones do you want us to take, Captain?" Joe questions.

"The Rocking Pig and Legends Saloon are left. I'll let you decide how you're going to split it up."Patting Joe on the back, he heads towards his office.

"Rachel and I will take Rocking Pig; Jerry you and Jeff take Legends."

"For not liking someone, you sure pick her as your partner an awful lot, boss," Jerry smirks.

"I just figure you two don't want to pair up with someone who's so inexperienced."

"So, by choosing her, you're taking one for the team?” Jeff questions.

"As your Sergeant, I feel it's my duty to show her the ropes, train her right, the way I did you two."

"Are you trying to convince yourself or us, sir?" Jeff smirks. Everyone at the station knows Joe has a thing for Rachel, but he's too stubborn to admit it.

Jerry chuckles. "So, which is it, boss, us or you?"

"Do you two really want to be cooped up with her for hours at a time?"

"She can't be all that bad, boss."

"Listen to her talk nonstop and then tell me that, Jerr.” 

"Who are you talking about?" Rachel asks as she walks towards their desks.

"Ah... Um, my Aunt Martha, she goes on and on for hours and says nothing at all.” 

"People like that are so annoying. It's the main reason why I don't listen to our president's speeches or any political crap."

Joe looks over at Jerry and smiles. "Tell me about it."

Let's see if you can worm your way out of this one. "It's funny you never mentioned her before." Jerry chuckles. 

"Yeah, why is that?" Rachel asks.

Joe glares at Jerry. Smiling Jerry crosses his arms as he leans back in his chair. "Ah, Um, we're not really close; don't talk, but once every few months."

"That's a shame," Rachel says.

"A real shame, you should remedy that before it's too late, boss. You know, be a sport, take one for the team." Jerry laughs.

"Yeah, take one for the team." Jeff chuckles.

"You two just mind your own business."

"You better ask her while the asking is good, boss."

"I would if I felt differently, but I don't so drop the subject, alright."

"Someone needs to wake up and smell the coffee." 

"That's for sure, Jerry," Jeff chuckles. 

"What's going on, guys?" 

"Nothing, Rachel." Aggravated, Joe turns towards Jerry and Jeff. "I'm not taking advice from you idiots. So drop it, already."

 Jerry glances towards his family picture. "You never know how much time you have, boss." He tearfully strums his finger around the frame. God, I miss you guys.

Joe looks over at Rachel. "I hope you don't have any plans tonight because you and I are going to Rocking Pig."

"That's not a very romantic first date, Joe and besides, the way you asked me just now, I'm not too sure I want to go." She turns her back to him.

"It's not a date, Rachel... "

"So I'm not pretty enough for you? That hurts Joe, that really hurts."

"That's not what I mean, Rachel."

She spins back around. "Then exactly what do you mean, Joe, hmm. That I'm not smart enough or classy enough for you? I'll have you know there are plenty of men out there who want to date me, plenty. I just hoped one of them would be you." She pretends to cry as she turns away.

"I... I, oh, please don't cry, Rachel."

"How can I not when you broke my heart?" She sniffles.

"You want a romantic date, fine we'll go."

"I'd rather date Godzilla than go on a sympathy date with you." 

She starts to walk away; Jeff grabs her arm to stop her. "He was trying to tell you about your stakeout at the Rocking Pig."

Rachel smiles as she turns to face them. "Captain already told me. I had you guys going for a minute though, didn't I?" She laughs.

"That was cruel, Rachel, really cruel," Joe says.

"I just wanted to show you that you're not the only one who can pull a fast one around here." 

"Have fun on your stakeout, boss." Jerry walks out the door. Jeff starts to follow.

"You might want to stay here, Jeff," Rachel smiles.

"Why, what's going on?"

"You'll see." Laughing, Rachel turns towards the window. They watch Jerry climb into his car. A second later they see him darting towards the front door.

"That fat boy can run." Rachel laughs.

"What did you do to him?" Joe chuckles.

"Watch and learn." Rachel laughs again.

"Boss, boss, you have to help me, you just gotta," he says, as he tries to catch his breath.

"Why, what's going on Jerry?" 

"There's a skunk..."  Joe laugh. "You had something to do with this, didn't you, boss?"

"It wasn't me, Jerry, I swear," Joe says as he holds up his hands.

"I sure hope stinky didn't spray your car." Laughing, Rachel walks out the door.

Granny sees it's ten minutes till nine when she glances at her watch. I better get things set up before they wander in. Grabbing her purse and cane, she heads to the register.

"How was everything?" the cashier asks.

"Great as usual." She glances at her watch and then the lady’s slow pace. "Can you please hurry; I want to leave before those drunks come in."

"I wish I could leave too." The hostess rings up her order.

"It's ok, I've got this." Her waitress says as she walks across the room.

"Are you sure?" Granny asks.

"Positive, go on, get out of here before the stampede hits."

"Bless you." Granny starts to leave when another thought occurs to her; she turns back around. "I have a feeling tonight won’t be as bad as you think." Smiling, she waddles towards the door. She no sooner steps outside when a solvent man runs into her.

"Hey, watch where you're going, lady," the lush says, as he shoves Granny to the ground.

You're going to pay for that. She grabs her cane and whacks him in the back of his legs. He tumbles face first to the sidewalk. "Didn't your mama ever teach you to keep your hands to yourself?" She starts to smack him again when she notices a camera on a street light beside them. Damn cameras ruin all my fun. "You're lucky we're on camera." She smacks him again as she heads towards her car.

Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab.
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner


Chapter 9
Plan B

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. She tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then fakes a heart attack to avoid an arrest. The investigation is quickly going cold for the Berryville detectives.

Lightning flashes across the sky; Granny scurries from the cameras' view. Thunder rumbles a short while after, making her jump. The uncertainty of the storm rouses her already frayed nerves. 

"Hey, get back here," the vile man yells, struggling to get off the ground.

She glances back to see the lush stumbling towards her. Excitement coursed through Granny's veins as she continues across the parking lot. That's it, buddy, follow me to the alley. She snickers; she picks up her pace. When she's a fair distance from the roadway, Granny stops and looks around. She sees lightning flash all around her, but there's not a camera in sight. Just the way I'd hoped. She lifts up her cane.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" He stumbles towards her.

"No, but this will." She squeezes her cane's handle; A bullet-shaped object lodged into the side of his neck. Tripping over his own two feet; the drunk plunges towards her; he grabs her arms as he falls. Granny lands with such force, her cane slips from her hand.

Chaos continues all around them as the detectives recover from the last prank. Business as usual, Joe thinks as he gazes around the station. The entire crew seems to be occupied with some sort of menial task. Joe glances over at his distraught detective at his desk.

"She got you good, Jerry. A pet skunk in your car, I never would've thought of that one." Joe laughs.

"That was pretty ingenious," Jeff agrees glancing up from his computer.

"Yeah, well laugh it up now, boss, but don't forget she's after you too."

"She'll play hell trying to get me." Joe Straightens his shirt and then reaches for his phone. "Sergeant Bower... You have something for us?" he repeats as he looks at his detectives. "I'll be there in a minute." Joe hangs up the phone and then turns towards his crew. "Sharon says she found the break we're looking for; it was on one of our victims."

Jeff sees Rachel is no longer outside." Are you sure it isn't one of Rachel's pranks, sir?"

Joe turns towards the window. Sharon wouldn't go along with her, would she? The sergeant recalls Sharon's threat after his last prank. 

"One of these days, Joe, one of these days," She warns, as she shakes her fist in the air.

Jerry glares at his partner, Jeff shrugs and then silently mouths, "What?"

Jerry mouths back "That was my prank, doofus." He smacks Jeff in the arm.

Jeff silently replies "Sorry, I didn't know."

Joe turns back around. "You're right, it could be."

Joe grabs his receiver and dials Sharon's extension. "Your fun is over, Sharon. We know what you and Rachel are up to." He puts his phone on speaker as he plops down at his desk.

"I'm not up to anything, Joe; I have evidence that will help solve your case."

"What is it then?" he questions. Smiling, he glances towards his detectives.

"It'd be easier to show you than explain."

"Rachel put you up to this, didn't she?" Joe presses as he leans closer to the phone.

"I don't know what you're talking about Joe; I haven't seen or heard from Rachel all day."

Joe runs his fingers through his hair. Am I wrong about this? He looks towards the window. "You swear this isn't a prank?"

"You should know I'm more professional than that, getting caught up in a childish joke." 

Maybe she isn't a part of this. "Ok, I'll be there in five." Joe gets an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach when he hangs up the phone. Why do I feel like she's lying? He cups his sick stomach. "I'm going to take the elevator instead of the stairs, do a surprise entry."

"Good idea, boss." Jerry smiles as he glances towards Jeff.

"My thinking ahead is why you guys will never get me." He chuckles.

"Never say never, sir." Jeff chimes in.

"Shut up," Jerry whispers. He mean mugs him again.

Joe turns around. "Whose side are you on, anyhow, rookie?"

"Yeah, who's side?" Jerry asks.

"I'm... I'm not on anyone's side, sir. I figure it's safer that way, keeps me out of trouble."

"Good plan. I'll let you guys know what she's found." Joe heads down the hall.

Jerry chuckles watching the elevator doors close behind him. "Wait for it." Joe screams a few seconds later. "Never say never, boss." Jerry laughs as he walks out the door.


I'll be so happy to get back home, Matilda thinks as she puts the last of her knickknacks in a  box. Her room was small, bland with its neutral-colored decor. Tan wallpaper with brown drapes doesn't do a lot for a person's spirit. Matilda starts to climb into bed when Liz storms into her room. Aggravated, she spins around. "I'd appreciate it if you'd have a little common courtesy and knock next time," she huffs.

"Why did you file a complaint against me, huh, why? I've been nothing but nice to you from the moment you stepped through those doors, catered to your every whim."

They weren't supposed to say anything until I left. Well, what's done is done, I suppose. "I wouldn't have if you'd do your job instead of making Nancy do all your work."

"You don't know half of what I do in a day's time. Besides, it's none of your business how I run the floor." Liz states as she crosses the room.

"Somebody should be concerned since you don't run it right, not the way all the other nurses do."

"Well, unlike the other nurses, I run a tight ship, make sure everything is done right." She stomps her foot in protest.

"How, by running the girls ragged? The poor dears barely have enough energy to make it to their cars on the nights your in charge."

"They shouldn't be in this line of business if they can't handle the work, now should they?"

"Maybe you should take your own advice and call it quits. Now if you don't mind, I need to get some sleep. I have a big day tomorrow." She turns towards her bed. Take the hint and leave

"Are you having tea time with the girls?"

Of course, you wouldn't. Matilda sighs as she turns around. "I'm moving back home."

"You're not strong enough to be on your own."

"I didn't realize you cared," Matilda puts her hand on her heart.

"I... I don't." Liz storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

I won't see her again. Matilda smiles as she climbs into bed.

Jackie watches her last customer walk out the door. I have a few minutes of peace and quiet before the drunks come in, she thinks, as she gazes around the empty diner. With its faded red curtains and matching booths, you can tell it's stood the test of time. I remember when they had mini jukeboxes on every table. Smiling, she walks towards the hostess "I'm going out for a quick smoke before we get busy." She grabs her cigarette case from her purse.

"Have one for me." the hostess says, unwrapping her nicotine gum.

"You're more determined than I was."

"You can always try again; you know, be the other's supporter." She hands the gum to her.

Jackie pushes it away. "Last time I tried to quit I gained thirty pounds and I can't afford to gain anymore." She pats her rounded belly.

"I feel you there, girl." The hostess laughs as she waddles from behind the podium. "Jenny Craig here I come." 

"I'm right behind you," Jackie chuckles as she walks down the hall. She sees someone scuffling in the dirt when she steps through the door. "You better knock it off before I call the cops," she warns. Looking closer she sees Granny on the ground; a rude customer is on top of her. Oh no, you don't, you're not hurting that sweet old lady, if I can help it. Throwing her cigarette case down, she runs towards them.

Granny reaches up and grabs her cane. In one swift movement, she whacks him in the side of his neck. Copious amounts of bright red blood gush from his wound. She starts to smack him again when she hears footsteps coming towards them. Granny tilts her head and sees the waitress headed their way. Not now, she thinks; she reluctantly lowers her weapon.

"She tried to..." He takes his final breath and then collapses on top of Granny.

"Get him off, get him off." Granny cries, trying to push the man away.

Jackie grabs a fistful of hair and pulls the drunk off her.

 Granny recalls the chain of events earlier in the day. I'll do like I did before. "He tried to attack me, he tried to attack" Granny cries. Tears stream down her wrinkled face as she struggles to get up.

Jackie looks over to see Granny's dress is covered in blood. "Oh my God, you're hurt." She pulls her phone out of her pocket. "Stay put until the paramedics arrive, OK?"

"I'm... I'm alright, really; just a little shaken up is all." Thunder sounds in the near distance; Granny to jump.

"You're... You're covered in blood, honey" Jackie exclaims, pointing towards her dress.

Granny glances down at her clothes."That's his blood, not mine, see." She points towards the lifeless body on the ground.

Jackie sees a large puddle of blood encompass the repulsive man. "He needs help."

"It's too late, he's already gone," she solemnly replies, trying not to smile.

"Well, we have to tell somebody." Jackie starts to dial a number.

Granny knocks the device out of her hands. "You're not calling anyone," Granny warns lifting up her cane.


Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner


Chapter 10
Making a Deal

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny bandit.

The Berryville detectives are planning a stakeout hoping to catch the killer.
Thunder and lightning continue all around them as the cool north wind gusts through the starless sky; giving the night a chilly feel. Granny shivers as she lifts her cane towards Jackie. 

Seeing the fire in Granny's eyes, Jackie steps away. She nearly trips over the lifeless body when she takes a second step back. Regaining her foothold, the frightened waitress tries again. "Why... Why are you acting like this, so cold, heartless like you've completely lost your mind?" She suddenly recalls what her friend had said about dementia patients. "Why don't we get you home where you can lay down and rest?"

Granny steps closer "I don't want to go home; I want to stay and to finish what I started."

"I think you'll feel a whole lot better if you lay down for a while." Jackie nervously smiles as she steps away.

"Stop treating me like I'm a damn child. I said I want to stay and that's just what I'm going to do." Granny swings her cane through the air.

Jackie glances behind her and sees the restaurant is a distance away. I could scream for help. That'd only upset her more. Besides, I doubt if anyone can hear me over this storm. I'll just keep her talking until I get closer to the door, she thinks. Lightning flashes across the sky, thunder roars soon after as she takes another step back. "What mission is that?" Jackie glances at the body between them. Do I really want to know?

"I'm going to get the damn drunks off our streets once and for all," Granny waves her cane around again.

Jackie remembers reading about a handful of murders in the local paper. That couldn't be her. She glances at the frail old lady and then at the man as she retreats a few steps back. I could make a run for it. A fat girl outrunning a bullet, that's not a smart plan, she thinks, inching back a little more.

"I have to do something with you, first," Propping the cane on her shoulder, Granny steps to the side.

Jackie turns to face her as she continues towards the door. I have to get that weapon out of her hands, but I don't want to hurt her; it's not her fault she's this way. Maybe one of my coworkers will come to my rescue. She looks towards the entrance again. I doubt they even realize I'm gone, she gloomily concludes. "What... What are you going to do to me?" Jackie asks as she backs away.

"You'll see," Granny smiles, closing the distance between them.


Joe is fuming mad as he rides the elevator up to the main floor. Wait until I find out who's behind all of this. Telling me we have a break in our case only to discover it was all a big prank. That was cruel, no, that's beyond cruel, it was heartless. Well, whoever planned this is in for it now. Joe sees Rachel in the hall when he steps off the elevator. "You did this, didn't you?" he questions, holding a life-sized doll in front of him.

Rachel snickers. "Did Mr. King of pranks finally get punked?" She bursts into laughter. A group of officers turns towards them.

Noticing his large audience, Joe's face turns red. Now everyone knows I was pranked. Hoping to save himself further embarrassment, Joe quickly barks, "This isn't any of your concern." He sees everyone turn away. Joe steps closer to the detective. "You set this up, didn't you?" He shakes the doll in front of her.

"That's what got you?" She laughs again.

Joe glances around their station; he sees the group of onlookers has moved down the hall. "Answer me, damn it. Did you do this?" He shakes the doll again.

"I wish I could take credit, but I can't."

"Who did it then, who, who?" Joe demands.

"Are you trying to imitate an owl, Joe?" Seeing the fire in his eyes, she wipes the smirk off her face. "Look for yourself." She points to a sign pinned to its chest.

"Oh, he's in for it now. Yep, Jerry is really going to get it this time."

Rachel laughs. "You want to borrow Stinky?" She starts to hand him over; his tail flips in the air.

"That's ok, you keep him." Joe pushes the skunk away.

"You don't want to hold my baby?" She pouts.

Joe glances at the wild creature. "Not really."

"He's really adorable and he loves to be cuddled, see." Stinky rubs against her neck.

"That's alright, I'm good," Joe says as he backs away.

An ornery smile spreads across her face as she walks towards him. "Come on, Joe, just for a second."

"I said I don't want to." His legs hit the bench; he falls to the seat.

"You can hold him better now." Joe leans back as she tries to hand him over. "Don't worry, he can't spray you." She plops Stinky on his chest.

Crawling up towards Joe's neck, Stinky snuggles against him.

"Aw, he likes you, Joe." She sees him nervously shift around. "You'll probably get clawed or, bit if you move too much."

"Get this thing off of me now, Rachel."

"Agree to a truce and I will."


"I hope you have fun with Stinky." Rachel walks away.

"Don't you dare leave him on me."

Rachel waves as she continues down the hall.

Joe glances down at the beast. I could throw him off. He'd probably do a lot of damage before I could get a good hold. "Ok, ok. I promise not to get you, now get this damn skunk off of me."

"I knew you'd agree." she laughs as she takes Stinky away.

The storm is right on top of them as Jackie continues to back away. She looks over to see a small sapling nearly bent to the ground. I need to get her out of the storm. "Why don't you put your cane down and we can talk about this?" Indoors where it's safe? She thinks anxiously glancing around.

"There's nothing to talk about." Granny inches a little closer. Thunder roars all around them as debris flies across the alley. A weather alarm screeches in the distance.

She definitely has to go in now. "Why don't we go inside before we get soaked?"

"Why, so you can call the cops on me?"

"I won't tell anyone about this, I promise."

"Like I'm going to believe you," Granny lifts her hand towards the handle.

"Wait, wait, I have an idea," Jackie exclaims, as she nervously glances towards Granny's cane.


Joe and Rachel are sitting quietly in their sedan waiting for their killer to show. A cool night breeze gently sweeps through their window, bringing a fresh scent of spring rain with it; a remnant of a previous storm.

 Joe sees Rachel is trying hard to stay awake when he glances her way. She's talked so much, she's 'thoroughly exhausted. He chuckles.

Yawning, Rachel turns towards the window.

She sure is adorable when she's tired. I wonder if she meant what she said about wanting to date me. No, that's ludicrous, how could someone so beautiful be interested in me. I would be the happiest man alive if it were true. What am I thinking; this is Rachel, for God's sakes, my biggest pain in the ass. She sure is a cute pain. He pictures kissing her pretty face. Stop it, Joe, stop it; you know this is ridiculous, that it'd never work.

Rachel glances towards him. Joe quickly turns away, splashing coffee across the dash. That wasn't obvious. He starts sopping up the mess.

Rachel smiles. "You were kidding about our romantic date, right, Joe?"

"You said you didn't want a sympathy date with me, remember?"

"Right, I almost forgot," she sullenly replies. Rachel glances out her window and then turns back around. "If you were to... Oh my God, Joe, look."

"What is it, Rachel?" He turns in his seat.

She points at a bloody man stumbling out of the alley.

Scrambling out of their car, they run towards the victim. "We need a bus at Rocking Pig Bar," Rachel blurts into her radio. They see at least a dozen victims spread across the alleyway when they get closer. "Make that two, no three buses. Oh my God, Joe, there are bodies everywhere," she cries.

Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab. 

Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner


Chapter 11

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny bandit.

The Berryville detectives found a dozen victims in the alley.

Granny carefully opens the large metal door and steps inside. An overwhelming stench of urine and feces hits her, making her gag. I can't wait to get out of this place for good, she thinks. Clamping her nose shut, she heads towards her room. The long, mundane walkway with its bare earth-tone walls and white tile floors make it seem more like a Bridewell than a home.

Granny's lengthy stay at Autumn Hill has been a nightmare from the moment she first arrived. I never would've agreed if I'd known it'd be like this. Its foul odor, bad food, and screaming all night long is more than anyone can take. My only solace is I can come and go as I please; it’s how I've kept my sanity through all of this, she concludes as she continues down the hall. 

Granny was injured by a drunk driver six months ago. It was the same horrid accident that killed her remaining family. After nearly two months in ICU, her doctor suggested she stay here for a while, for the additional rehab. Wanting to get back to her full potential, she agrees.

Granny jumps when she hears a high pitched shrill coming from down the hall. "I can't wait to get back to my quiet home.” Her nightly events replay in her mind as she continues on. "Jackie and I took care of a dozen lushes. That isn't too shabby, I suppose." 

Granny springs back when Lisa steps into the hall.

"There you are, I was wondering where you snuck off to this morning."

"My therapist suggested I walk, so I thought I'd get it done before it gets too hot."

"It’s supposed to be a scorcher today, despite last night’s storms."

"Everyone says it was a bad one, but I didn't hear a thing."

Lisa laughs. "Liz said you were sawing logs every time she checked on you."

My plan worked just like I'd hoped. Granny recorded herself snoring and then plays it back when she's out. “The melatonin really worked.” Granny starts to leave.

"Wait, I have something for you." Her nurse takes a cup of pills from her drawer.

"I can't forget them." Granny laughs as she turns to face her.

"What happened to you?" she asks, pointing towards Granny's outfit.

Granny looks down to see blood smeared on her dress. I must've had some on me when I changed. She nervously glances towards Lisa, hoping to come up with an excuse. "There was an accident in the park and I tried to help him. You know, stop his bleeding until the EMT's arrive."

"Is he alright?"

"The paramedic says he needs stitches, but he'll be fine."

"Let's get you cleaned up before breakfast." She closes her drawers.

"A hot bath does sound nice, but I'd like to lie down instead of going to breakfast; it's been a very hectic morning."

"I imagine it has. I'll have an aid bring a tray to your room, in case you change your mind."

"That sounds lovely, thanks."


The sun is glaring from above, promising a hot, muggy day ahead. Birds chatter noisily in the distance, distraught over last night's storm. The sergeant glances up to see six large vultures circling above them, waiting for their feast to begin. You guys can be quite intimidating, he thinks, trying to ignore their eerie calls. Joe notices steam rising from the damp pavement as his crew processes the extensive area. It's going to be another hot one, he thinks, wiping sweat from his brow.

Once their initial survey is recorded, the area is taped off to preserve the scene. Photographs are taken and sketches are drawn before anything is collected. The evidence is photographed, logged in, and then stored accordingly.

Joe decides to do a second walk-through, initial findings in hand. I can't believe something like this would happen in my quiet town, Joe solemnly thinks as he carefully assesses his surroundings. Satisfied with his outcome, he walks towards the ME.

"What can you tell me, Sharon?"

Sharon sees a large, muscular man standing over her when she glances up from the body. With his looks, build and fun personality, many are surprised that Joe is still single. Rumor has it that he's secretly gay. "It looks like all our victims died the same way, a bullet-shaped wound to the carotid artery."

"Do you have any idea what would make that type of indention?"

"My team is still working on it."

"Did you find anything on the camera?" Joe points towards a pole at the top of the alley.

"Someone is checking it now," she says, moving to the next victim.

Opening the side door, Kirk steps out of their van. "I have something you need to see, sir."
"What is it, Kirk?" Joe follows the young lad back inside.

"This is from the camera across the street." He pushes play. They see a large man stumble into an elderly woman. Words are exchanged; the gangly man pushes her to the ground. Reaching over, the lady picks up her cane and whacks him in the legs; the man tumbles beside her. Saying a few words, she smacks him again and then walks out of view. Pushing pause, Kirk glances over at Joe.

"What does this have to do with our case?"

"He's one of the victims.”

"Zoom in on her. Good, good, now make it a little clearer."

"I've already tried, sir, see." He shows him a printed photo.

"I doubt if photo recognition will be any help." He throws the picture on the desk.

"It's a good thing I know who she is." Kirk smiles proudly.

"Who is she, son?"

"Her name is Matilda Brennan."

"Matilda Brennan?"

"She's the lady that took down the Nanny Bandit a few days ago." He pulls up a newspaper article and then puts that and the security photo side by side.

Joe moves closer to the screen. "I think you're right. Use one of these fancy gadgets of yours and get me an address." He glances at all the machines.

"There's no way she did this, sir; she's too old and feeble."

"She took down our Nanny Bandit didn't she?"

"She took him down but didn't kill him. Besides, I don't think she's healthy enough to kill that many in one night. Heck, I'm not sure I can do it."

Images of all the dead bodies flash through Joe's mind. We counted a dozen victims, Joe thinks. "I still want to find out what happened, see if she saw anything."

"She's living at Autumn Hill."

"She lives at the retirement center?"

"She's been there since her grandson died. Her doctor thinks that she's too weak to be on her own."

The video of her and the Nanny Bandit runs through Joe's mind. Her doctor hasn't seen her pissed, Joe thinks.


The nursing assistant knocks on Granny's door and then pushes it ajar. "Honey, it's nearly lunchtime. I thought maybe you'd want to eat?"

"I'm not very hungry, Nancy, but thank you anyhow."

Concerned about her well-being; Nancy steps into the room. "You hardly touched your breakfast. Are you sure you’re alright?" Nancy feels her forehead.

"I'm just tired is all.”

"I’ll have the cook make you a sandwich for later."

"That sounds great, thank you." Granny lies back down in bed.

"Your friend Matilda is leaving today, I thought you might want to tell her bye before she goes."

"That harlot isn't my friend. She never has been or ever will be." Granny sits up in bed. "Did you know she's shacking up with her dead friend's husband? She's been after him for years; since college, I believe. She was after my Henry too, but I set her straight, put him on a tight leash." Granny pauses for a second. "I think I'll say goodbye after all; it's the neighborly thing to do." Granny smiles.

"Don't go stirring up any trouble, now."

"I'd never do a thing like that." She chuckles. Granny sees an officer walk into the facility when she steps into the hall.

"I wonder what he wants. You go on; I'll be along in a minute. You better not be causing problems when I get there," Nancy warns, walking towards the desk.

Granny watches the two of them talk. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with last night. The chain of events flashes through her mind. I completely forgot about the camera. Frightened, Granny runs back to her room. What am I going to do now? I need to stay calm, think this through. She sees them walk into Matilda's room when she peeks out the door. I did give them her name at the award ceremony. A few seconds later, Joe escorts Matilda to the front door. "I finally got even." Granny chuckles. 


Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab. 

Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 12
Getting Away With Murder

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit.  A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park.

The Berryville detectives find a dozen victims in the alley and ID's a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station.

Joe notices his detectives working hard at their desks as he escorts Matlida across the room. Maybe with what they find and what she tells us, we'll be able to get to the bottom of this once and for all, he thinks as he shoves his way through the commotion.

Jeff glances up from his desk when he hears someone shuffling towards them. "Isn't that the lady that caught the Nanny Bandit?" he questions.

Rachel looks towards the door. "I believe so."

"Why is the sergeant bringing her to the station?"

"Kirk told me they have her on camera arguing with one of the victims." The three watch the older lady hobble across the floor.

"If Joe thinks she's the murderer, then he's lost his cotton-picking mind."

Jerry shakes his head. "No, you idiot, he thinks she might be able to ID our suspect."

"That makes more sense." He chuckles.

"Jeff, take her to room one, I'll be right there," Joe orders.

"Yes, sir." Walking around his desk, Jeff grabs a hold of her arm.

Matilda pulls away. "Can someone please explain what this is about?" She quickly scans their faces.

"It's about your argument last night at the Rocking Pig."

"I was never at the restaurant. I went to church and then home to bed."

Jeff reaches for her, she jerks away.

"I've got this, son." Joe takes her arm and leads her down the hall. "We have a recording of you and him arguing in the parking lot," Joe says as he guides her into a small windowless room.

The only furnishing is a small metal table with two chairs on either side; a fluorescent light dangles from the ceiling. A one-way mirror is apace with the door. 

The veracity of her situation hits her the moment she steps through the door. They really believe I did this. Me, the one who's never been in trouble in her entire life. She suddenly recalls reading about offenders that were wrongly convicted. I've got to clear this up before I become one of them, she thinks. Misty-eyed, she spins back around. "Whoever you saw on that camera wasn't me. Ask my friend Marge, she'll tell you I wasn't there." She wipes a tear from her cheek.

"There's no reason for you to deny this since it was obviously self-defense. We just want to ask you a few questions pertaining to another crime." Joe quickly explains.

"I wasn't there," she sobs as tears roll down her cheeks. 

"We have witnesses that say they saw you inside."

"That wasn't me." She collapses in the chair.

Frustrated, Joe runs his fingers through his hair. "You said you were with your friend?"

She wipes the moisture from her face as she straightens up. "Yes, that's right, Marge Sigmund. She picked me up a little before six and brought me back around eight."

"Give us her number so we can verify your story," he says, pulling a notebook from his pocket.


Granny is busy packing when she hears a knock on her door. Emptying her hands, Granny turns to see who it is.

"I brought you something to eat." Nancy puts a white plastic sack on the table.

Granny inhales the savory aroma as she opens the bag. "It smells delicious, but you didn't have to go through all of this trouble for me."

"It's no trouble at all." Nancy notices Granny's stuff is packed when she glances around the room. "You're not anxious to leave us, are you?"

"You girls have been very nice and I appreciate everything you've done for me, I really do, but there's no place like home."

"I understand. So when is your big day?" Nancy hands Granny her napkin and silverware as she situates herself at the table.

"My utilities will be turned on sometime tomorrow."

"I hope everything goes well for you." She hands Granny a Styrofoam box.

"You and your children are welcome to stop by any time."

"A half-hour with my monsters and you'll wish you'd never said that."

"I highly doubt that." Seeing Nancy's skepticism, she continues, "They were perfect little angels when they were here."

"That's only because I threatened to ship them to their dad's if they misbehave."

"How's it going between you two?"

"He's still drinking his life away; I guess that'll never change." She sighs.

"I bet he's not giving you a single penny for those children either."

"Not a cent and when I ask for his help he always tells me he's broke. I did take your advice about the insurance policy."

"You were able to budget it in?"

"I have to cut back on a few things, but at least the kids and I will be taken care of if something ever happens to him."

When it happens, Granny thinks. "I'm so happy to hear that. I'd hate to see you go through what my friend did. She had to sell everything just to pay his final expenses."

"That's such a shame."

"At least you and the kids will be alright." Granny pats her hand. You'll be well taken care of after this evening. Granny smiles.


The door crashes against the wall as Joe storms across the room. Startled, Matilda springs back in her seat. "So we talked to your friend, Marge, and she said she dropped you off around seven and not eight."

"Did I say eight, I meant to say seven. Our services usually last until eight, but it let out early last night; the pastor's wife was a little under the weather."

"Can anyone verify you were at the nursing home the rest of the night?"

"The night nurse can, she brought me my pills."

"What is her name?"

"Liz Bowman, she works from six pm until six in the morning."

"Sit tight while I check your alibi." Joe heads towards the door. No, this charade has gone on long enough, Joe thinks. Spinning back around, he stomps towards her. "If you'd just admit you were there, we wouldn't have to go through all of this. I could ask you a few questions and you can leave."

Frustrated, she throws her hands in the air. "How many times do I have to tell you I wasn't there?" Matilda's eyes start tearing up.

"Then why does this photo look like you?" Joe lays a picture down in front of her.

"That doesn't look anything like me. Our hairstyle is different. Our shoes and our canes don't even match."

Joe compares the hair, shoes, and cane. These things are easily changed, Joe thinks. He glances at the lady's eyes in the photo and then at her. It's hard to tell with this poor resolution. "I'll be right back." Straightening up, he crosses the room.

Joe sees Rachel and Jerry by the door when he steps through the door. The hall's dark wood is part of the original structure. Each of its blemishes entwines a piece of Berryville history.

"I may know what's going on with her, why she claims she wasn't there." Rachel hands Joe a tablet before she continues. "Jeff noticed pill bottles on her table when you were there. I had Kirk go back and take a picture. I figure it'd give us an idea about her health."

"What are these medicines used for?"

"Rivastigmine and Galantamine have several uses, but they're mainly prescribed to Alzheimer's patients." Seeing his inquisitive look she continues, "It's possible that she doesn't remember being there, Joe."

"Just when we thought we were getting somewhere," Jerry says.

"I still want you to talk to the staff, see what they can tell you and see if she was in her room last night."

Rachel's phone rings. "Detective Webb... You found the dress and shoes in with Matilda's things, Kirk?" She glances at Joe.

"Put it on speaker," Joe says. Rachel does as she's told.

"They have blood all over them. One of the other staff members said they removed another bloody dress from her room a few days ago. When they asked her about it, she claimed she and Marge helped an injured animal. I talked to the vet and he doesn't remember them bringing one in." Kirk explains.

"Where did you find these items?" Joe questions as he runs his fingers through his thinning hair.

"They were on top of a box in her room, sir."

"Don't touch anything, or let anyone into her room, we'll be right there." Joe turns towards his detectives. "You guys secure the scene. I'll get a warrant and meet you there."


Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family, being injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Author Notes I'm sorry for all the confusion
Matilda and Granny live in the same facility but are two different people.�???�??�?� 
I think the way I wrote the beginning, didn't put Granny on the characters caused you to believe they are the same. I'm going back and edit the beginning added Granny to the list. Again I'm sorry for the mix-up.�???�??�?� 

Chapter 13

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park.
The Berryville detectives find a dozen victims in the alley and ID's a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station.


Nancy and Granny are busy chatting as they enjoy their meal. Only a few overflowing boxes, a bed, and a folding table with matching chairs remain in Granny's room. Hearing a loud commotion, the two women jump.

"What is going on?" Granny asks, glancing towards her door. They hear heavy footsteps and muffled voices echoing through the corridors.

"I better find out." Nancy springs up from her seat. Grabbing her cane, Granny follows behind her. The ladies first see three officers standing outside Matilda's door. They then notice a second crew snooping through her things. The ladies watch in disbelief as they photograph items and then place them in containers.

"What... What are they doing?" Nancy finally manages to question.

"It looks like they're collecting evidence."

Nancy turns towards Granny. "What could she possibly do that'd cause the police to go through her things?"

"Maybe she's the one who's murdering all of our town drunks," Granny suggests, trying hard not to smile.

"It can't be her not sweet little Matilda." Being a little under five feet, and excessively overweight, Matilda is as round as she is tall.

"Serial killers are good at personas; making everyone believe they're normal when they're not. Take Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer or Albert Fish, for example."

"I know that, but Matilda? She just seems so sweet, so caring like a typical Grandma."

"Guess you never know these days." Granny walks back into her room.

"How do you know about all this stuff, anyhow?" Nancy asks as she follows her to the table.

"I watch a lot of crime shows, dear, lots of crime shows." That's why I'll never get caught. Granny thinks as she shoves the last bite of food in her mouth.


Joe and his three detectives watch their forensics team diligently process the scene. Passerby's continually stop and stare, Joe politely ushers them along. "Make sure you do this by the book, guys; I'd hate to see our serial killer get off on a technicality."

"We will, sir." Kirk photographs an item and then puts it into a container.

"I just found our murder weapon, sir." Kirk holds up a blood-smeared cane.

"Keep looking; see what else you can find."

"I will, sir."

Jerry glances over at Jeff. "Do you still think Joe is losing his marbles?"

The rookie has some nerve to doubt my abilities, especially since he's still so wet behind the ears. Joe spins around. "You're questioning my judgment, son?" Joe gives him a piercing stare.

Jeff nervously glances at his partners and then back to Joe. "I didn't think she would do it, sir."

"Why did you think that hmm?" Joe taps his foot as he waits for a response.

"She doesn't fit the normal profile, sir." He anxiously shifts his weight.

"Never assume anything, son, because, false assumptions can get you injured or killed," he firmly states, getting in Jeff's face. I need to be tough about this, drill it in his head. 

Jeff takes a shaky step back. "I'll... I'll remember that, sir."

"See to it that you do." Joe grabs his phone from his pocket. "Joe here...." "You have something for us, I'll be right over." Joe hangs up his phone and then turns towards his detectives. Sharon says she has some..." Realizing his detectives have a big grin on their face he stops in mid-sentence. "This isn't another one of your pranks, is it, guys?" he questions as he carefully watches their body language.

Jerry holds up his hands like he's surrendering. "I didn't do it, boss," Jerry says as he tries not to smile.


"We called a truce, remember?"


"I'm not a part of this, sir."

Joe glances at each of them again. "So why are you three smiling?"

"Kirk told a joke, boss."

Joe sees the lad walking across the room.

"How could we do anything when we're all right here? Besides, we've been with you all day." Rachel adds.

Joe looks at each one again. They're either great liars or they didn't do it, he concludes. "I suppose you're right, but you're still going with me, just in case."

"Sure thing, boss." Jerry chuckles. Joe eyes him again. "You're funny when you're paranoid," Jerry laughs.

You'll think funny if this is a prank, Joe thinks as he turns around. "You're in charge, Kirk."

"I won't let you down, sir."

"I know you won't." Joe winks.


The smell of antiseptic nearly knocks them over the second they step into the lab. The area seems so cold, sterile, with its eggshell walls and long metal tables. Numerous machines encompass the outer portion of the room, while workstations occupy its center. They see Sharon recording her findings when they step further into the test station. Sharon holds up her hand to stop them as she finishes her thought.

"The COD is blunt force trauma to the back of the head. His time of death is TBD per an autopsy." Sharon clicks off her machine. "I found two things on this victim, a speck of blood and a hair. Nothing came back when I ran the blood through our databank; I'm running the hair now. I do know the blood spatter and hair are from two different people and I believe the hair belongs to a person of color. She notices Joe's inquisitive look. "The hair is kinky, it has a flat cross-section and its pigmentation is rather large. I also know it's from a female and that the DNA from the blood and hair doesn't match."

"We have two serial killers on our hands?" Joe questions.

"It looks that way. My tech is collecting a DNA sample from Matilda now. I'll let you know what I find."

"I know exactly what you'll find." Hurtling the stairs, Joe storms into the interrogation room. "Ok, Matilda, your game is over. We know all about you and your partner's killing spree."

"What on earth are you talking about?" she gasps.

"We know you two killed all those drunks in the alley." Joe lays photos down on the table.

Matilda glances down at the gruesome pictures and then she quickly turns away. "I've already told you that wasn't me."

"Then why did we find a wig, cane, and dress in your things?" Joe questions, as he throws a photo on top of the pile.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Matilda glances down. Horrified, she turns away. "Someone must've put them there."

"How did your blood end up on one of the victims?" Joe points towards a photograph.

Matilda continues to glance around the room. "That was planted too."

"How did you get those scratches on your arm?"

Matilda looks at her extremities. "My friend's cat did that when I visited the other day."

Joe inspects her wounds. "They look pretty fresh to me."

"I'm old, detective, so my body heals slow."

"Your night nurse didn't back up your story. She said she went to give your meds to you, but discovered you were out. She then went on to say that you didn't get back until right before shift change, this morning."

Her eyes start misting up. "I should've known she'd lie to you. I bet she's the one that planted that evidence too."

"Why would she do that?" Joe questions.

She nervously shifts in her chair."Her entire family hates me because of what I did years ago." She sniffles as she wipes a tear from her cheek.

"If she is lying about your medicines then why is it marked as not given, and why does the dispensary show it's been returned?"

"I don't know, I don't know," she bawls.

"The way it stands, you're going down for twelve murders. It'll be a lot more once all of our evidence is processed."

"You have it all wrong. I didn't do this, I didn't, I didn't," she bawls.


Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family, being injured by a drunk driver.
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner.


Chapter 14
Justice for All.

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park.

The Berryville detectives find a dozen victims in the alley and ID's a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station. The police found bloody clothes, wig and the murder weapon in Matilda's things

Granny sees everyone scurrying around when she glances in the hall. The noise has become so thunderous that she's finding it difficult to read. There is no sense in trying in all this commotion. Laying her worn novel aside, she glances around the room. I might as well finish packing my things, she thinks, taking knick-knacks off the shelf. Her and Nancy's conversation replays in her mind as she carefully wraps her belongings.

"Sometimes I think the boys would be better if I relinquished my custody to him," Nancy tearfully replies as she moves the food around on her plate. She claimed she was hungry but, she has yet to take a bite.

"Relinquish your custody, why on earth would you even think about such a thing?" Granny questions.

Nancy's eyes start tearing up. "He could give them everything they need; private schools, nice clothes, opportunities that I can't afford." Seeing the disapproval in Granny's eyes she continues, "I don't want to, Granny, believe me, I don't, but I don't want my babies to do without because of me. Besides, if I give them up willingly, they wouldn't have to go to court and that'd be a lot better for them," she blubbers, grabbing a tissue from the box.

"Why would they have to go to court?"

"Barry threatened to file for custody if I didn't sign them over. I don't want the boys to have to go through that, but I don't want to give them up either. I don't know what to do, Granny, I don't know what to do," she sobs, as she lays her head on Granny's shoulder. "I know it's selfish to want to keep them, but they're my world, my everything. They're the reason I'm alive; I just can't let them go."

Granny put's her arms around the shaken women. "There, there, child, it'll be alright," she soothes.

Nancy wraps her arms around Granny's middle as she moves in closer. "How can it be alright if my babies are snatched away?"

"You do realize that you're entitled to half of Barry's money once your divorce is final, right?"

"I would be if I hadn't signed a darned prenuptial."

"You signed a prenup?" Granny asks.

She glances up at Granny. "I was a young, dumb teenager madly in love. I didn't know what I was doing, or that it'd turn out this way. What am I going to do, Granny, what?" she sobs, laying her head on Granny's chest.

"When are you supposed to sign those papers?"

"I'm supposed to meet with his lawyer first thing in the morning," she bawls.

"Your lawyer will be there too, right?"

"I can't afford a lawyer. They want a five hundred dollar retainer and I don't have that kind of cash."

"Don't go tomorrow."

Nancy springs up in her seat. "Won't I get into trouble?"

"Not if the meeting is with his lawyers and not the court."

"It is."

"Good, I want you to call and say you have an emergency and that you'll reschedule in a few days. That'll give me time to get a hold of my lawyer; see if he can represent you."

"I can't pay him."

"You let me worry about that, you just call and cancel."

"Are you sure?"

"I figure it's the least I can do after all you've done for me."

"Thank you, Granny, thank you so much," she says, hugging her.

I'm going to see to it that her meeting never takes place. Gathering her things, Granny heads towards the door. She sees Nancy hard at work when she glances down the hall. Granny is about to make your life a whole lot easier, child, a whole lot easier, she thinks as she tiptoes towards the back door.


Jerry and Jeff decide to go back to the Big Dipper; see if they can find something that'll help them with their case. The day is unseasonably hot and muggy; the high humidity intensifies the sweltering day.

"What's wrong with this damn air?" Jerry grumbles. He feels an icy stream hit his hand when he places it on the vent. 

"Maybe this will help." Jeff cranks his AC on high.

"I don't think anything will help with this heat." He takes a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the sweat from his brow.

"Being this hot so early, I'd say we're in for another sultry year."

You're probably right about that, Jerry thinks, glancing towards the blazing sun.

They see the cafe is packed when they step through the door. The waitresses are scurrying to and fro while bussers quickly clear the tables. An older, distinguished gentleman is barking orders from the counter.

"You talk to the waitresses, I'll talk to the owner," Jerry shouts over the racket.

Nodding in agreement, Jeff heads towards the wait station.

Weaving around the foot traffic, Jerry finally makes it to the back. "Sir, my name is Jerry; I'm a detective with the Berryville PD. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you."

"I suppose this is about the murders in the alley," he says as he wipes down the counter.

"Yes, sir, did you see or hear anything suspicious last night?" Jerry questions, as he takes a notebook from his pocket.

"No one was here when it happened. Excuse me a second. Jan, number 8 needs you."

The waitress nods.

Jerry glances up from his paper. "I thought you were open 24/7?"

"We usually are but we had to close last night; we lost our power in the storm."

"When did this happen?"

"I sent everyone home a little after nine; I left shortly after."

"Do you think one of your waitresses might've seen something on their way home?"

"They could've I suppose, but they didn't say anything to me. Table 8 is still waiting, Jan." He turns towards the detective. "She has a tendency to slack if I don't keep after her."

"Are the waitresses from last night here now?"

"Everyone but Jackie. She called in; said she wasn't feeling well. She left early last night too; said she got sick around back and needed to go home."

"Do you have a way to reach her?"

"Hold on, I'll get her information for you. They'd like service today, Jan. See what I mean, Detective?"


Jeff walks over to a waitress "My name is Jeff Morgan I'm with the Berryville PD. I have a few questions about last night."

"Is this about the murders out back?" She tosses dirty dishes in a tub.

"Yes." Noticing her name tag he writes Leah at the top of the page.

"We had to close because we lost our electricity in the storm."

"Do you have security cameras?"

"We have one out front and another in here, but not in the alley." She glances towards her tables and then back to the detective.

"Did you see or hear anything unusual before you closed?"

"We didn't get the same amount of customers that we usually do, but that's probably because of the storm. I really need to go."

"If you think of anything, please call this number." Jeff hands her a card.

"I will." She stuffs it in her pocket as she heads to her table.


Granny is waiting in the bushes, just outside the Shamrock Motel, her ice cane in hand. I know exactly what I'm going to do with you. How I'll take you down, make you suffer the way my family did. She starts thinking about his court case as she waits for her victim.

"Explain to us what happened the evening of July twelfth," his lawyer says.

Tearfully glancing towards the jury, he begins, "I was driving home from my pharmacy when noticed a big puddle of water. I tried to slow down, but didn't have any brakes."

"Defense exhibit one, your honor." He hands the judge a picture of the flooded roadway.

"Explain to the court what you did next."

"I tried to use my emergency brake."

"Defense 2, your honor. What happened next?"

"The car slid sideways, crashing into another vehicle." He turns towards the judge. "I didn't mean to kill anyone, your honor, I didn't, I didn't," he sobs, covering his face with his hands.

"Give us a minute, your honor?"

 "I'm fine." He sniffles. He looks toward the jury as he wipes tears from his face. 

"The police gave you a blood alcohol test, correct?"

"I tried to tell them I just had the Tdap vaccine, but they didn't listen."

"Defense 3 shows the effects Tdap vaccines have on blood alcohol tests. I have no further questions, your honor."

"That little stunt might have worked with the courts, but it didn't work with me." She sees him step out of his room. Tightening the grip on her cane, Granny raises it above her head. That's it you damn drunk, stumble my way. Hearing footsteps behind her, Granny spins around.

"What are you doing?" the voice asks.

Terrified, Granny drops her cane.

Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family, being injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner


Chapter 15
Conspiracy Theory

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park. Jackie catches granny in the act so Grany decides to make her a partner. Together they kill over a dozen.

The Berryville detectives find a dozen victims in the alley and ID's a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station. The police found bloody clothes, wig and the murder weapon in Matilda's things

Granny is hiding behind the bushes anxiously waiting for her next target to approach. I've been looking forward to this for a long time, she thinks. She nervously adjusts the grip on her cane. This is what drove me to get better, the reason I pushed so hard. Granny wipes her sweaty forehead across her sleeve. The sun went down hours ago, but it still remains hot and humid. That's it you damn lush, keep on walking this way, she thinks as she shifts her stance. Hearing footsteps behind her, she spins around. She sees a tall dark stranger drawing near. Granny anxiously glances towards her victim and then her intruder.

"What are you doing?" a booming voice asks.

Granny drops her weapon; it bounces across the dry cracked soil. How am I going to explain this? Sweat rills from every pore of her body as she tries to think of an excuse.

"What are you doing?" the intruder asks again.

That voice, it sounds so familiar. Granny tries to recall where she's heard it before as she studies her large rounded build. "Jackie?" she questions.

"I decided to wear a disguise this time, make sure I don't get caught."

"I wish you would've told me instead of scaring me to death."

"Sorry about that." Jackie chuckles.

"We'll talk about that later, right now I have a more important issue at hand." Picking up her cane, she turns towards her victim.

"Who are you waiting for?" Jackie asks as she glances around the bushes.

"The sorry sack of crap that killed my family," Granny explains, resuming her stance.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Watch and learn dear child, watch and learn."

"I want to help." Jackie protests, as she stomps her foot in the dirt.

"You'll have plenty of opportunities tonight." Granny smiles.

"Like last night?"

"It'll be more than that. We're going to get everyone we can."


Jerry sees bolts of lightning flash across the sky as he heads to his car. I hope another storm isn't headed our way. He wipes his sweaty brow. We haven't had a break from this heat in nearly two weeks and summer is still a ways away, Jerry concludes, wiping his face again.

"That was a big waste of time," Jeff grumbles, as he stomps across the parking lot. Jerry and Jeff interviewed the entire staff in hopes they'd get a lead, but everyone claims they didn't see a thing. To make matters worse, their cameras lost its signal in the storm.

"Maybe not." Jerry holds up a small piece of paper.

"What's that?"

"It's the name of their waitress that didn't show." He takes his phone from his pocket, as he continues, "The owner said she was out back for quite a while before she asked to go home. So I decided to look her up, and this is what I found." He hands Jeff his phone.

 "Just because she's black..."

Rolling his eyes, Jerry snatches his phone away. "No, you idiot, look at her rap sheet." He scrolls to the second page and then gives it back.

Jeff scans page after page of charges. "They're all nonviolent," he says as he continues to scroll down the list.

"Maybe she's advanced her skills, practicing what she's learned in prison. Her sudden violence could stem from her traumatic childhood." Jerry grabs his phone; presses a few keys and then hands it back. "My gut says she's good for this and it's usually right."

"Let's see what she has to say."


The squad room is dark and empty except for the detective's workstation in the far corner of the room. Rachel and Joe are working side by side, trying to piece a timeline together of their most recent victims.

Joe is trying to concentrate on the task at hand, but with Rachel sitting right beside him, he's finding it difficult to do. She's a real beauty, a living work of art. With her long auburn hair, big brown eyes, and her gorgeous smile. He studies her cute pouty mouth. I'd give anything to feel those sweet lips against mine in real life like I do in my dreams. Joe thinks as he relives their romantic encounters. If only my fantasies were real, he sighs as he gazes into the darkness.

Why doesn't Joe take the hint and ask me out? Can't he see I'm interested? I've done everything but come right out and say it. Maybe that's what I should do, tell him how I feel. She starts to ask him when another thought occurs to her. What if he's not interested? Can I handle that rejection? What if he's the one I'm destined to be with; my Mr. Right, my dream come true?"  Rachel and Joe start to speak at the same time.

"Joe I..."

"Rachel... Go ahead."

"No, you go ahead."

"I...I was just wondering..." Joe hears heals tap across the wood. He turns to see a small silhouette moving towards them. I can't let it happen again. Turning towards Rachel he quickly blurts out, "Would you..?"

"I'd love to." Excited, she leans in and kisses him.

I'm in heaven, Joe thinks as he pulls her in closer.

"That's one hell of a kiss," Sharon says.

"You'll never believe what just happened," Rachel breathlessly replies as she pulls away.

"What, what?"

"Joe asked me to marry him." Rachel winks.

"M... M... Marriage?" Joe stutters.

"Congratulations, you two."

"I can't believe it, my dreams have finally come true."

"M... M... Marriage?" Joe repeats as his face turns pale.

Rachel turns towards him. "It'll just be a small wedding with a few friends and family."

"I'd love to help you plan it." Sharon volunteers.

"But I... I..." Joe tries again.

"You're not getting cold feet already, are you Joe?" Sharon laughs.

"I... I... Didn't... I mean..."

Rachel sees Joe shaking. "Think I should let him off the hook?" Chuckling, Sharon nods. "I know you were only asking me out on a date."

Joe puts his hand on his chest. "Don't scare me like that."

Sharon and Rachel laugh.

"Did you find anything?" Joe questions, still trying to recuperate from the prank.

"I found a few things. The blood on Matilda's cane matches several of our victims." She hands them a report. "The DNA from the hair came back to a Jackie Harris. She has a record a mile long, it started when she was twelve." She hands him a second piece of paper.

"It looks like she spent half of her childhood in juvie," Joe says.

"The other half was dodging foster care." Sharon hands them a list of addresses. "She never stayed with a family for more than a few months."

"What happened to her parents?" Rachel questions as she scans the page.

"The police report claims that her dad killed her mother and then held her and her two sisters hostage in an abandoned cabin where he beat and raped them for days.

"How awful."

"Her horror doesn't end there. She was placed in several homes that were just as bad as the one she came from."

"What happened to her sisters?"

"They ended up with their Great Aunt in West Virginia."

"Why didn't she take Jackie too?"

"No one knew where she was."

"Another kid fell through the cracks in our broken system." A scary realization occurs to her as she scans the photos. This could've been me and Emma. Rachel suddenly recalls her horrid childhood. How she and her cousin Emma were forced to have sex to support her mother's coke habit until DFS took them away. If only DFS had saved them sooner. Rachel thinks as she wipes a tear from her cheek.

"Are you alright, Rachel?" Sharon questions, nudging Joe.

Joe sees the crime scene photo's shaking in her hand. He reaches over and takes them away.

She glances up at Sharon and then over at Joe. "I...I will be in a minute," she says. Just when I thought I had a handle on my emotions too, Rachel thinks. Aggravated, she dries her face.

"The DNA found on our victim matches the swab taken from Matilda." Sharon hands him a final report.

"So Matilda and Jackie are working together to kill all the drunks?"

"It'd make sense, Joe, since Matilda's Grandson was killed by a drunk driver and Jackie was abused by drunks most of her life."

"I'll have the guys pick her up for questioning."

Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family, being injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner, Granny's partner in crime.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 16
Indisputable Facts

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park. Jackie catches granny in the act so Grany decides to make her a partner. Together they kill over a dozen.

The Berryville detectives find a dozen victims in the alley and ID's a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station. The police found bloody clothes, wig and the murder weapon in Matilda's things. The police believe her partner is Jackie. Joe finally asks Rachel on a date.

Granny glances up at the stars sparkling across the dark sky. She then notices the full moon shining brightly beside them. "This one's for you," she murmurs. The night creatures clamor seems to intensify as her victim fights for a final breath. Granny looks down at the battered man. "You'll never hurt anyone again," she says, walking towards her partner. She sees Jackie beside her car as she pushes through the brush. "He's taken care of." Granny sniffles as she slides into her vehicle. She glances at the area and then at Jackie. "I know it won't bring back my family, but at least they got the justice they deserve." Wiping a tear from her cheek, she pulls away.

"That's what we're doing it for, to make the perpetrators pay?"

"Absolutely, dear." Regaining her composure she continues, "Our next target is one I think you can relate to. He pimps out his wife and daughters to all the lowlifes around town." She hands her a stack of pictures lying between them. "His twins just turned six."

Jackie looks down at the sad little girls in the photo; all broken and beaten from their daddy's nightly abuse. The poor things never had a chance, just like my sisters, she thinks. Jackie's eyes start tearing up as her mind flashes back to the last time she saw her siblings. They were being wheeled out of their house on a stretcher all bloody and beaten barely holding onto life. She then remembers her dad lying dead on their cold wooden floor, blood pooling all around him. I'm glad I pulled the damn trigger, and that he suffered to the end. The next photo in her stack was of a gruesome man. The coldness in his stare, the hate in his eyes put a shiver down her spine. She then notices the vile look on his face, the way he snarled at the camera. His jaw was clamped shut and his fists tightly clenched on either side of his body. 

"That's who we're going after," Granny says as she points to the picture.

He looks vaguely familiar. Wanting a better look, Jackie flips on her phone. "Oh, my God, it is him." She springs back in her seat.

"What is it, dear?"

"This... This man, he's one of the men who raped me." She pictures herself tied to her bed, his large foul-smelling body on top of her, spent from their last encounter. Jackie shakes the horrid image from her mind. "I want to take care of him on my own."

"I think it's best if we work together."

"You had your solo job so it's only fair I have mine," she states.

"If that's the way you want it," Granny says, trying not to smile.

"It is."

Framing her is going to be easier than I thought, Granny thinks as they continue down the road.


Joe and Jerry hesitantly walk back into the station. They knew their Sergeant wasn't going to be too happy with what they had to tell him, but after searching the entire town they didn't know what else to do.

"Ah, boss..." Jerry timidly begins.

Joe glances up from his desk "Where's our suspect, guys?"

"She wasn't home."

"We checked with her friends and neighbors, but she wasn't there either." Jeff quickly adds.

"Did you...?"

"Patrol is sitting on her house, her work and I had dispatch put an APB out on her car."

"Work like that is why I made you my right-hand man." Joe pats Jerry on the back and then turns towards Jeff. "You can learn a lot from this guy."

"Thank you, boss."

Rachel glances up from her desk. "I was looking into Matilda's history and discovered she has a twin."

"And?" Joe says, motioning her to continue.

"Her sister's DNA would be the same, right?"

"It would if they were identical twins, but that doesn't matter because we have the wig, cane, and dress."

You're not dismissing my idea that quick, Joe. "What if her twin is trying to frame her?"

"That'd be another possibility if it weren't for Matilda's fingerprints on the cane?"

"Sharon found prints?" she asks, shocked by the news.

"Hers and Jackie Harris' were on the handle."

"There goes that idea," Rachel says, throwing her hands in the air.

"Maybe not," Joe says, running his fingers through his thinning hair.

"What do you have in mind?"

"What if we use her sister to our advantage?" he says as he continues to conjure up his plan.

"How are we going to do that?"

"Maybe her sister can get her to confess to the murders."

"It's worth a try, boss."

Rachel glances at her screen. "There's one problem with that idea."

"What's that?"

"She lives in Missouri."

"It looks like we're going on a road trip then."


Granny and Jackie see their victim walking to his car when they pull up to the liquor store. The area was completely deserted except for the junk heap he calls a car.

"There he is," Jackie excitedly opens her door.

Realizing she's about to bolt, Granny slams on her brakes. The stupid idiot almost got herself killed. "You can't take care of him here."

Jackie turns towards Granny. "And why not?" she demands.

"There are too many cameras in this area." Granny points them out.

"Why did you take me here if I can't do anything to him?" Aggravated, Jackie slams her door closed.

"You'll see." Smiling, she drives away.

A little farther down, Granny pulls to the shoulder of the road. "What do you think about this spot?"

Jackie looks around. "It's pretty secluded."

"A perfect spot for murder don't you think?"

"I suppose."

"I'm going to flag him down. When he stops to help, I want you to sneak up behind him and hit him in the back of his head."

"I'm doing this one on my own, right?"

"If that's what you want, dear."

"It is."

"We made a trip to Blue Eye for nothing." Joe slams his hands against the dash.

"I didn't know she's at our rehab facility, Joe."

"You had no way of knowing."

 An ornery smile creeps across her face. "It doesn't have to be a futile trip."

"How do you figure?" he asks as he turns towards her.

"We couldn't do this at the station." She reaches over and kisses him.

"That made it all worthwhile." Joe smiles, kissing her again. His cell vibrates across his dash as he pulls her in close.

Rachel reluctantly pulls away. "Shouldn't you get that?"

"I'm sure it'll keep." He kisses her again. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?" he asks as he strokes her face. He leans in for another kiss when Rachel's phone rings.

"Something is going on." Taking her cell from her pocket, she answers it. "Rachel... He's right beside me Jerry, why? Hold on a second." She presses a key on her phone pad. "You're on speaker."

"We just found another body at the Shamrock. It looks like it's the same MO. I have forensics at the scene and uniforms interviewing their guests. We're also looking at their security footage. Is there anything else you want me to do, boss?"

"It sounds like you've got it all covered. If I didn't know better, I'd think you're gunning for my job."

"Not at all, boss, I'm just doing like you taught me."

"Well, keep up the good work."

"I will, sir. Oh, and the guys want me to congratulate you and Rachel on your upcoming wedding." Jerry laughs.

Joe sneers as his passenger, Rachel chuckles. "You're not one bit funny, Jerry."

"The guys think I am."

Joe hears cackling in the background. "See you soon, smartass." Hanging up her phone, he turns towards Rachel. "Your time is coming, you Sharon and Jerry's."

Rachel laughs again.


The victim is motionless on the cold hard ground. Blood is gushing from every pore in his body as he scarcely hangs on to life. Granny is watching from the sidelines as Jackie continues to tear into the defenseless man.

"That's for raping your wife and daughters," Jackie says as she slams the cane down on his ribs. "This is for what you did to me." Childhood memories come flooding back as she continues to pound on his bloody flesh.

Granny hears police sirens in the distance; she turns to see red and blue lights flash across the sky. We've got to get out of here.

Running to where Jackie's standing, Granny grabs a hold of her arm. "We've got to leave, now."

Jackie pulls away. "I'm not done yet." She starts to swing again; Granny grabs a hold of her cane. "The police are coming." Granny points down the road.

Bending down, Jackie spits in his face. "Now I'm done."

"I'd say you are." Granny smiles.


Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family, being injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner, Granny's partner in crime.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 17
Wrapping it Up

By Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park. Jackie catches granny in the act so Grany decides to make her a partner. Together they kill over a dozen.

The Berryville detectives find a dozen victims in the alley and ID's a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station. The police found bloody clothes, wig and the murder weapon in Matilda's things. The police believe her partner is Jackie. Joe finally asks Rachel on a date.

The team is finishing up when Joe and Rachel pull up to the scene. Joe first sees Jerry barking out orders; he then notices how everyone is busily carrying out his plan. "I think he'll make a fine Sergeant someday, don't you?" Joe asks as he admires Jerry's proficiency.

"You're not quitting, are you, Joe?"

"Of course not." Rachel breathes a sigh of relief, Joe smiles. "The Captain wants me to take over when he retires, and I'd like for Jerry to take my spot, once we pass our exams."

"The Captain is leaving?" she asks, shocked by his news. She figured he'd be there until his dying day.

"He doesn't want to, believe me, he doesn't, not after thirty-five years on the force. Millie is a lot sicker; can't take care of herself anymore. The captain feels like he needs to be there in her final days.."

"I can understand that."

Joe grabs her arm as she starts to climb out of the car. "Don't tell anyone I told you alright?"

"When is his last day?"

"Soon, real soon."

"Does Jerry know?"

"I told him yesterday so he can prepare for his exam."

"What did he think?"

"He says he wants to do this, but I can tell he's a little worried about his test."

"So, that's why you've been laying on the praise."

Joe scratches his head. "I'm that obvious, huh?"

"Just a little." Rachel laughs. "We should throw the captain a party; show him how much we care."

"That's exactly what he doesn't want, teary goodbyes."

"We have to do something for him after what he's done for us, for this city."

"Why can't you just honor someone's wishes, for once?"Joe asks, pretending to be annoyed.

"What if we throw a party just because?"

"Everyone would question us to death, trying to figure out the reason behind the celebration."

"You're probably right about that." She glances out the window, hoping she'll come up with another idea. "I got it!" Joe jumps in his seat. Smiling, she continues, "What if we claim it's for his birthday."

"You're two months late."

"It'll be a belated party then." Chuckling, she climbs out of the car.

That's what I'd hoped she'd do since I promised the captain that I wouldn't. Joe follows her across the yard. 

"So what can you tell us, Jerry?" Joe questions as he steps up beside him.

"The victim died the same way a wound to their carotid artery. Sharon says our victim died between eight and midnight and his beating was done premortem."

"Did you see anything on the security footage?"

"We found Jackie headed over to where our victim was found."

"So she's taking over, now Matilda is behind bars?"

"It seems that way, boss."

"What can you tell me about our victim?"

"His name is Mike Morgan; he's recently divorced and has two convictions for DWI." 

"Everyone they've targeted so far seems to have a drinking problem."

"I was just about to mention that, boss."

Jeff runs towards them. Joe and Jerry turn around. "Sir, sir, we just got another call about a body over on seven south," Jeff replies.

"Jerry, Jeff, I want you to take forensics and head on over, I'll see about locating her once and for all."

"Everyone on the force is already searching, boss."

"I'm going to get Eureka PD and the sheriff's office involved."

"What do you want me to do, Joe?" Rachel asks.

"Take one of the cruisers and start looking."


"Where do you want to go now?" Jackie asks, opening the car door.

"Clean up first," Granny says, throwing her a roll of paper towel and a bottle of water. Both women are covered in blood from their last encounter. We would have to find a bleeder, Granny thinks as she cleans up the best she can. "I think we should head to the bar."

"I'm sure we can wipe out a lot of drunks there." Jackie excitedly replies.

"That's my plan, dear, get as many as we can." Granny smiles as she slides into her car.

Jackie follows. "I can hardly wait."

Granny glances over at the bubbly woman beside her. Maybe I should be worried about my own life? Granny gives her an inquisitive look. She wouldn't kill me, would she?


Rachel has been cruising around town for hours, but Jackie's tan Lincoln is nowhere to be found. Where on earth can she be? She sees the sun breaking through the darkness as she stares across the horizon. Someone should've found her by now, she thinks, pulling onto the rugged backroad for the third time tonight. A thought occurs to her as she bumps down the weathered road. What if she's using someone else's vehicle? Whose car would she use, her partner's? Wouldn't Matilda's car have been seized? I think I'll check just to be sure. Rachel pulls up to the lot a few minutes later. "I'm looking for the dark blue Toyota that came in two days ago."

"A detective from Stone County took possession of it a couple of hours after it got here."

Why would they be interested in this case? "Did they sign for it?"

"No car ever leaves this lot without a signature." He grabs a clipboard off the wall and starts scanning through it. "Here it is, her name is Detective Morgan. She showed me her credentials and forfeiture papers on the car."

"Thanks for your help."

"No problem, Detective."

I better let Joe know what I discovered. She starts to dial a number when she hears a dispatcher's voice boom across the radio. "More dead bodies? Will this nightmare ever end?"


The sun is peaking over the Ozark Mountains as the woman drive back in silence. Both are physically and emotionally drained after a long strenuous night.

"I think we did very well," Jackie says as she leans her head against the window. She admires the beautiful sunrise with its array of oranges, reds, and golds hovering just above the mountain tops.

"I think so too. In fact, I think we should be done with this town after tonight."

"What are we going to do then?" Jackie questions.

"I'm going to move on, start again."

"You mean we are, right?" she anxiously inquires.

Not if my plan works. "I figured you'd be bored with our mission by now."

"How could I ever get tired of doing something for the greater good?"

We could take care of a lot more and it wouldn't be so taxing if I had her help. Some of the stuff she does is bound to get us caught, Granny concludes.

"With your crafty plans and my love for revenge we can wipe out all the drunks in no time."

She's right, we could, but do I want to take a chance of getting caught over my greed? Granny thinks as she turns onto her road. She sees suspicious cars parked in front of Jackie's building as she gets closer. She presses on her brakes. The cops figured it out quicker than I thought. She studies the car again. That's them alright, so what am I going to do? She glances over at Jackie, whose still unaware they've stopped. I have two choices; I can drop her off here or keep driving, hope for the best. She pulls to the curb.

"What are you doing?" Jackie glances around, expecting to see a potential victim.

Granny starts to explain when another thought comes to mind. What if she says something that'll exonerate Matilda put me on their radar, but what would that be? She starts replaying their conversations in her head. I don't think I said anything pertaining to my own life, but I can't be completely sure. She'll get us caught if I keep her on. So do I take a chance of us getting caught or her blabbing to the police? I could just take care of her like I do my victims; make it look like a murder gone bad. Picturing the scenario in her head she smiles.

"Why did you pull over?" Jackie asks.

"Get down on the floorboard, now."

"Why?" she questions as she scrunches her large rounded body down as far as she can go.

"You'll have more room if you push the seat back."

Jackie does as she's told. "What's this all about?"

"You have two undercovers outside your door."

"Undercovers as in cops?"

"Yes, dear."

"What are we going to do?"  Jackie asks, nervously looking up at her partner.

"We need to get out of town as fast as we can."

Granny starts to drive away when she hears a whoop, whoop behind her. Please don't let them pull me over. She sees a police car pulling up alongside her when she glances in her mirror.

Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family, being injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner, Granny's partner in crime.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 18
Outsmarting the Law

By Mistydawn

Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. Proving its self-defense, she receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. The duo continues their killing spree, killing over a dozen their first night. Granny pulls up to Jackie's building to find the cops have it surrounded.
The Berryville detectives identify a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station. They discover bloody clothes, a wig, and the murder weapon in Matilda their suspect's things. Believing her partner is Jackie Harris they begin a statewide search.


Granny's eyes start tearing up as an officer pulls up alongside her. This is it, the end of my spree, she thinks, as she wipes tears streaming down her face. We did get quite a few off the streets, but I wish we could've gotten more. She remembers watching prison scenes on TV; with their horrid conditions and population well above the limit. She then recalls the narrator saying how quickly an inmate could lose their life if they weren't careful. Maybe they'll put me somewhere different because of my age. Scenes from Shawshank Redemption play in her mind. Their elderly were in the general population. Her stomach tightens into a hard knot. I can't sit here and do nothing, knowing what's coming my way. Granny starts to pull away when she hears the whoop, whoop
again. She sees the cop car idling beside them when she glances over. He's going to block us in.

"What's going on?" Jackie asks, as she nervously looks around.

"We're being pulled over."

Jackie looks up to see a squad car parallel to theirs. "I don't know about you, but I'm not going down without a fight." Moving up on her seat, she throws her door open.

Granny grabs her arm to stop her. "No, don't."


"You'll never outrun their bullets."

She looks outside and then at her partner. I probably would be gunned down before I get a few feet from the car, she concludes.

Granny takes a quick peek to her left. She sees the cruiser's back door beside her. I'd wish he'd just get this over with, she thinks. She wraps her arm around her aching stomach as she leans against the wheel.

"Are you alright?" Jackie questions.

"I'm about to get sick." She feels the bile rise in her throat as she breaks out into a cold sweat.

"He's about to pass us." She points towards his car.

Granny turns to see his taillights in front of them. She anxiously watches as he parks a few spaces ahead while another pulls away. "It must be shift change." She nervously chuckles.

"I've never been so scared in my life," Jackie says with a sigh of relief. 

"Me either. Get back down on the floorboard."


"You don't want to go to prison do you?"

"Oh, alright." Closing her door, she does as she's told.

Granny pulls out behind a delivery truck and then slides over to the far lane. "That's the way, buddy, shield me from those cops." She smiles as she cruises alongside him.

"Is it over?" Jackie nervously asks.

"We're almost there."

"Please hurry. Oh, damn it."

Granny sees Jackie wiggling around on the floorboard when she glances over. "Now what's wrong?"

"I've got to pee."

"Now that you mentioned it," Granny says, squirming around in her seat. "Ok, you can get up now."

Jackie sees that her building is surrounded when she climbs back in her seat. "What are we going to do?" she asks as she turns around.

"We need to find a bathroom and then get the hell out of Dodge," Granny says as she anxiously looks behind her.


The detectives no sooner finish with their second crime when they're called out to the bar. They see body after body strung along the alleyway when they pull up to the scene. The victims were swimming in blood; bruises covered their decomposing flesh.

"This has to be the worst mass murder in all of Berryville history," Jeff says.

"That's for sure," Jerry agrees as he continues around their crime scene. "I'm going to call Joe and give him an update."

"Jerry, wait. This victim is still alive."

Jerry sees a thin, battered man lying helplessly on the ground. Blood continues to gush from his body; accumulating all around him. "Call for a bus," he orders. Getting down on all fours, he puts pressure on his wound.

"Who did this to you, son, who?" he asks.

"Two... Two ladies," he mumbles weakly.


The man nods.

"The bus is on the way."

"Show him pictures of our suspects."

Jeff scrolls to a photo on his phone. "Is this one of them?" he asks as he holds his cell down by their victim.

"Yes, the other is an old lady." He coughs.

The detectives glance at each other, shocked by what he said. "Isn't Matilda behind bars?" Jeff asks.

"I was told that tthe judge denied her bail."

Jeff scrolls to a second picture and then lowers it towards their victim. "Does she look like this?"

"Her hair is different; it's gray, not brown."

"What about her features?"

"They're exactly the same." He coughs again.

"Could it be her twin?" Jeff questions.

Jerry notices their victim's eyes rolling to the back of his head. "Hang on, bud, the ambulance is almost here." The victim nods.

"I'm going to call the sergeant and tell him what the victim said."

"Put it on speaker," Jerry instructs.

"Sergeant, it's Jeff, one of our victims is still alive. He said that there were two women, Jackie Harrison and one that looks like Matilda, only she has gray hair not brown. So I think Rachel might be right about the twin framing Matilda."

"How do you explain her fingerprint on the cane?" Jerry questions.

"Maybe Matilda moved or borrowed it; twins often share. I'll call the Blue Eye PD and let them know what's going on; put an APB on Betty's car," Joe says.

"We'll keep working the scene, sir."

"Let me know if you find anything else."

"We will, boss. The ambulance is here so we better go."

"How's he doing?"

"He's lost a lot of blood, but he's still holding on."


Granny starts to pull onto the highway when she notices roadblocks up ahead. Terrified, she slams on her brakes. Tires squeal behind them; her passenger lunges face-first against the dash.

"What the hell?" Jackie asks as she rubs her forehead.

"The cops have roadblocks set up on the highway."

"Well, you can't park here." 

Glancing back at the traffic accumulating behind them, Granny pulls to the shoulder of the road. "I...I don't know what to do?" she tearfully exclaims as she watches the officers move from car to car.

"I know a back road that'll take us to Missouri."

"Are you sure it's safe?"

"I don't think the cops know it exists; at least I've never seen a cop going down it." Noticing her partner's inquisitive look, she explains. "I used it a lot when I was running drugs." Granny's gaze switches from questionable to concern. "Don't worry, I don't do that anymore." 

"So how do I get there?"

"You need to go back to Oak Street. Now follow this on around," Jackie instructs as Granny pulls onto the road.

"This will take us to Missouri?"

"We won't hit a single highway. You might want to slow down because it's going to get rugged soon."

The tires squeal as they fishtail around a corner. "You didn't warn me about these hairpin curves," Granny says as she jerks the wheel to the right.

"You want me to take over?"

"I've got it."

Jackie grabs a hold of the dash as they slide around another corner. "Are you sure?"

"I've been driving longer than you've been alive."

"Geez, you don't have to get so testy."

"I'm just tired of people implying that I can't drive."

"That's not what I meant at all. I just thought it'd be easier for me since I know these roads better than you."

She glances over at Jackie. She's probably right. "You promise not to run my baby too hard?"

"I'll treat her like my own."

That's no comfort, Granny thinks, remembering the shape her partner's car is in.

Once she's settled in, Jackie pulls away. They only make it a few feet when an oncoming car forces them off the road. Jerking their car to the right, she slams on her brakes. Their car slides to a stop at the edge of a cliff.

"Are you alright?"

Feeling something trickle down her face; Granny raises her hand to her head. She sees blood on her fingertips when she brings it back down. Taking tissue from her purse Granny puts it against her head. "Yeah, I'm fine, let's go."

Jackie starts to pull away when she notices a brawny dude beside her, she screams. The intruder grabs her neck and shoves her against the seat. Reaching up, Jackie tries to pull his hand away; he squeezes harder, making her gag.

"Let go of her this instant you... You monster," Granny mouths as she reaches for her cane.

"What are you going to do about it, old woman?" he asks as he tightens his grip on Jackie's neck.

"I'll show you old," Granny lifts her cane off the floor.

"I don't think so," another man says, trying to wrestle the cane away.

Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family. Injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner, Granny's partner in crime.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Chapter 19
Facing Their Dilemma

By Mistydawn

Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. Proving its self-defense, she receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. The duo continues their killing spree, killing over a dozen their first night. Granny pulls up to Jackie's building to find the cops have it surrounded. She escapes that only to find roadblocks set up all over the city. They take a backroad, hoping to flee the state. They are run off the road and then held hostage by two goons.
The Berryville detectives identify a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station. They discover bloody clothes, a wig, and the murder weapon in Matilda their suspect's things. Believing her partner is Jackie Harris they begin a statewide search. One of the victim's ID'd Jackie as the killer and a lady who looks like Matilda. The police believe it might be Matilda's twin.

Jackie continues to scuffle around in her seat trying to get away. The hefty thug laughs as he tightens his grip on her throat. She gasps for much-needed air. "Please don't hurt us. Take whatever you want just please leave us be," she begs as a tear trickles down her cheek.

Granny sees the anguish on her partner's face as she continues her own skirmish, getting control of her cane. I've got to do something before he kills her. A thought suddenly occurs to her. I'd be saving her only to kill her later. She recalls how helpful her partner has been. Do I really want her dead? She looks towards the defenseless woman again.

"Help me," Jackie gulps.

With one hard thrust, Granny jerks her weapon away. She raises her cane to her shoulder and then pulls the trigger. An ice bullet shoots from the weapon, abrading her attacker's neck.

"Missed me, you old bat."

"I'm not old!" Granny yells as she throws her door open. The metal pings against his legs. The guy stumbles into a batch of loose gravel. He tries to regain his balance; his foot slips causing him to fall face-first towards their car. He grabs hold of its window frame on his way down. Granny slams the barrier closed and then thrusts it back open. Losing his grip, the assailant slides down the mountainside. She turns her cane around and squeezes its trigger again. Blood splatters across the car as the ice bullet lodges in the second thug's skin.

"You bitch," he yells. The aggressor stumbles backward as he reaches for his neck. 

Jackie plants a death grip on her steering wheel as she gasps for much-needed air. The invader takes a few shaky steps towards them; blood continues to spew from his wound. He becomes dizzy, light-headed when he takes another step. The goon stumbles back and then folds to the ground.

Granny hears a noise beside her. She turns to see tree limbs swaying in the breeze. She notices the second goon getting off the ground when she glances over. "Go, Go," Granny screams as she shakes her partner out of a trance-like state. Frightened, Jackie peels away.

The ladies regain their composure a few miles down the road.

"Can you believe them bastards, coming at us the way they did?" Jackie questions glancing over at her partner.

"I showed them 
old." Granny recalls the fear in the man's eyes as he held onto her door.

"You sure did." She laughs. "I say we go back and finish them off and then steal their vehicle since the cops probably have an APB on this one."

"I can't give up my baby, I just can't; it has a lot of sentimental value," she cries.

"Which is more important, a keepsake or your freedom?"

Memories of trips with her family replay in her mind as she tearfully glances around. "I suppose you're right. You surprise me sometimes, Jackie."

"How do I do that?" she questions, glancing at her partner.

"The way you always think ahead, trying to outsmart the cops."

"I was quite a criminal back in the day."

"Until you got caught, right?" Granny questions.

"Nope, I never spent a single night in jail. In fact, I wasn't even on their radar."

"What made you turn your life around?"

"I lost my one and only, my true love because of drugs," Recalling their happy times, Jackie starts to cry. "He got a hold of some bad heroin; OD'd in my arms, and I couldn't do anything to stop it," she blubbers.

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

Jackie wipes tears from her face. "I have to move on, do something good with my life." She sniffles, trying to put on a brave face.

"Is that why you volunteered to help me?"

"That's exactly why. I want to make my mark in the world, do good for a change." She wipes her face again. "You probably think I'm a big baby, blubbering the way I did.

"Not at all, in fact, I admire your aspiration." Seeing the shocked look on her partner's face she continues. "It takes a lot of strength, tenacity to walk away from drugs, start all over again."

"You're a pretty spunky lady yourself." Jackie chuckles through her tears.

"I was quite a spitfire back in my day, a little cantankerous too."

"I'd say you still are." Jackie laughs, as she pulls alongside their attacker's vehicle. "I don't see his partner anywhere, do you?"

"No." They climb out of the car and start looking around.

"I found him."

Granny walks over to her. She sees a man lying awkwardly on the edge of the cliff. She then notices tire tracks across his back. "It looks like you ran him over when you pulled away."

"That's one way to do it." Jackie chuckles. "Help me drag him to your car."

"Why?" Granny questions as she nervously glances down the road.

"If we put them in your car and then set it on fire the police will assume it's us and stop their search; at least long enough for us to get away."

"Burn my car, are you nuts?" Granny questions, tossing her hands in the air.

"Do you want to run from the cops or finish what we started?"

"I want to finish, of course, but..."

"Ok then, help me."

The captain sees Joe concentrating on a report when he steps out of his office. At least I know this department will be in good hands when I leave, he solemnly thinks. "How's it going Sergeant?" he asks as he continues towards their station.

Joe glances up from his desk. "We have roadblocks set up at every major street leading out of the city and we have an APB out on them and their car."

"Has public transportation been informed?"

"I just finished it up," Jerry says as he walks towards them. "Yep, there's no way those two are going to escape now."

"I hope not."

"I showed the victim a photo array and he picked Betty out of the bunch, sir."

"How bad did Rachel rub it in your face, Joe?" The captain smiles, remember how merciless she can be.

Jerry glances over at the sergeant and snickers. "The chicken-shit hasn't told her yet." 

"You haven't told me what?" Rachel asks, coming up behind them.

The captain smiles. "Do you want to tell her or should I?"

"I think you should, sir." Jerry snickers. Joe punches him in the arm.

"Hey," he protests as he grabs his injured extremity. Rachel shakes her head.

"It turns out you were right all along." The captain grins.

"Right about what, sir?" Rachel asks, glancing curiously at her partners.

"Betty is our killer, not Matilda."

"You don't say." Smiling, she turns towards Joe.

"Thanks a lot, sir."

The captain chuckles. "Think of it as a payback for all the hell you've given me." He laughs again. "Go ahead Rachel, give it to him and then give him some more." He sees the twinkle in her eyes as an ornery smile spreads across her face.

"Oh, she will, sir, believe me, she will."

"It serves you right." Laughing the captain starts to walk away. Having another thought, he turns back around. "I hope she gives you hell too, Jerry."

"I'm an angel, sir."

"Is that why your halo is tarnished and held up by horns?"


"It should be smooth sailing from here on out," Jackie says. She turns on the cruise control and then kicks back in her seat.

"Are the rest of the roads like this?"

"They should be."

"Thank god, I don't think my insides can take much more of that jarring."

"The road has gotten a lot worse since I last..." She gasps when she glances in her mirror.

"What's wrong?" Granny asks as she turns around in her seat. She watches behind them but doesn't see a thing.

"I thought I saw a cop." She glances in her mirror again. "It must've been my imagination." Jackie nervously chuckles. She starts to look away when she notices red and blue lights flying down the hill behind her. "That wasn't my imagination."

Granny quickly scans the area, hoping to find a place to turn off. She soon discovers there are only open fields around them. "What are we going to do?"

"Hold on tight." She pushes the pedal to the floor.

"You're not going to outrun them are you?" Granny asks as she secures her seatbelt in place.

"Just until we cross the state line."

"They still can arrest us, you know."

"Not if they can't find us." Jackie chuckles. She hears a high pitched alarm inside the car. Looking down she sees the engine power is reduced flashing across the panel. That's just my luck, she thinks.

"What's going on?" Granny nervously questions.

"The car is being shut down remotely. I'm guessing it was reported stolen by the real owners." Her partner frightenedly explains, pointing to some papers stuffed between the seats. 



Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family. Injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner, Granny's partner in crime.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner


Chapter 20
Running Out of Time

By Mistydawn

Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. Proving its self-defense, she receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A nurse notices blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. The duo continues their killing spree, killing over a dozen their first night. Granny pulls up to Jackie's building to find the cops have it surrounded. She escapes that only to find roadblocks set up all over the city. They take a back road, hoping to flee the state. They are run off the road and then held hostage by two goons. The women kill the thugs, put them in Granny's car and burn it. Then steal their assailant's car. The women soon discover the car they've just stolen is being shut down remotely. Looking behind them, they see the cops are closing in.
The Berryville detectives identify a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station. They discover bloody clothes, a wig, and the murder weapon in Matilda their suspect's things. Believing her partner is Jackie Harris they begin a statewide search. One of the victim's ID'd Jackie as the killer and a lady who they believe to be Matilda's twin.

Joe runs to the captain's office and knocks on his door. "Sir, I just got word that a State trooper spotted Betty's car on a back road leading out of the state. They said that their engine caught fire, causing the entire car to go up in flames."

"Are the women alright?" He takes off his glasses and tosses them on his desk.

"No one knows, sir; they can't find them."

"Tell Jerry and Jeff to get out there and take our canine unit too."

"What would you like for Rachel and I to do, sir?"

"I want you guys to inform the police stations in the area. I'll notify the state troopers and the Sheriff's Department; make sure our BOLO goes nationwide."

Jeff knocks twice on the door and then quickly steps inside. "Sir, Missouri Sheriff's Department just called. They said they found human remains inside the car."

"Did they say if it was our suspects?"

"They're not sure, sir. The bodies are too disintegrated to tell."

"Jeff, you, Jerry and Kirk go on out there; bring our canines along just in case."

"Yes, sir."

"I'll still advise the local authorities of the situation since those corpses may not be theirs."

"That's my thoughts exactly, Joe." The captain smiles.


The car slows down to a mere crawl as it reaches the top of the hill; terrified, Jackie and Granny look around, trying to figure out what to do. Jackie sees the cop car is only a few hills behind them. "We've got to make a run for it, Granny, it's our only hope," she anxiously blurts out as she throws their car in park.

"Run to where?" Granny questions as she glances across miles of uninhabited land.

"When was the last time you rode a horse?"

Granny watches two beautiful, black stallions frolick through the field. "You're kidding, right?"

"They're our only option," Jackie says. She continues to glance around, hoping to find a better alternative. Jackie spots a farmer's truck in the middle of a field. I wonder if I can still hotwire a car. Jackie tries to remember what she was shown but draws a quick blank. I'll probably remember when I take the ignition apart, she thinks. She nervously looks behind her again. "Do you think you can make it over to there?" She points to a rusty pickup in the middle of the field.

"You want to steal another vehicle?"

"Not steal, just borrow until we get across the state lines."

"You see where the first one got us," Granny argues, glancing behind them.

"It's either that or we take a chance with those beasts."

Granny watches the animals run wildly through their pasture. "I don't think they're broken."

"Pickup it is." The two women bolt out of their car. Jackie is halfway across the field when another thought occurs to her. "You go on ahead, I'll meet you there."

"You can't go back now."

"I have to."


"I'm going to burn the car; keep our original plan authentic."

Granny scans the road. "You better make it quick."

"You just get yourself to safety; let me do what needs to be done."


Jerry and Jeff discover the area is deserted when they pull up to the crime scene.

"You'd think they'd know better, abandoning evidence like this; especially since it's connected to an ongoing investigation."

"It's not their case, so why should they care?" Jeff says.

"Where is everyone?" Kirk asks as he walks up beside them.

"I guess they had better things to do with their time," Jerry remarks.

"At least they secured the crime scene," Kirk says as he ducks under the yellow tape.

"Hey Jerry, I found something over here." Jeff points towards the middle of the road.

Jerry and Kirk walk over to where he's standing. They see a large puddle of red liquid in the soil. They then notice two indentions on either side of the solvent and small footprints on the outer side of it. They soon discover the marks lead to the vehicle when they follow it across with their eyes.

"It looks like someone killed them and then dragged them to the car. Kirk..."

"I'm already on it, sir." He takes a notebook from his bag and quickly sketches a picture. He then snaps a shot of the scene. Grabbing a clean dropper from his kit, Kirk starts collecting the blood.

"This is a big undertaking for just one person," Jerry says as he surveys the desolate area.

"I can handle it, sir."

"I know you can, better than most." He smiles. "But you shouldn't have to do it alone." 

"I really don't mind, sir."

"You don't want to be stuck out here all night do you?"

Kirk scans his eerie surroundings. "Not really, sir." He shivers.


Finally reaching the pickup, Granny exhaustedly climbs inside. She watches the car going up in flames. She then sees her partner hightailing it across the open field. Granny nervously glances towards the road. Jackie isn't going to make it, she thinks, anxiously searching for a spare key. The driver's door flies open; startled, Granny jumps back in her seat.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" a tall rounded man asks.

Granny first notices the way his dishwater blonde hair is thinning on top. She then sees his wrinkled, sun-kissed forehead and the deep creases on his face; putting him in his late sixties. His bib overalls and button-up shirt suggest he's much older as does the thick gray stubble on his face. His large stature and hostile demeanor frighten Granny. She quickly scoots back, smacking a rifle with her leg. Granny glances at the road and then at her partner, trying to figure out what she should do.

"I suggest you leave, now," the man says. Terrified, Granny scoops up the gun beside her. The long metal object feels strange in her hands as she swings it around. "Give me your keys, or else," she demands.

He notices the way her hands shake as she tries to steady the rifle. I bet she's never handled a gun in her life, he thinks. "Put that thing away before you get hurt." The man laughs.

"The only one that's going to get hurt is you." He takes another step towards her. "I said give it to me," she yells; mustering up every bit of courage she can in hopes that she'll sound brave. He moves in closer. "I warned you." She pulls back on the trigger but nothing happens. Granny tries again; the gun clicks in her hands.
"You have to cock it first, bonehead," he says as he jerks his gun away. He folds the barrel down and then thrusts it back up; the metal locks in place. "Get out of my vehicle, nice and slow," he instructs.

Granny hears a loud whack and then watches as the guy tumbles to the ground.

"I thought this might come in handy," Jackie says as she hands Granny her cane.

"I'm so glad to see you."

"Save our happy reunion for later, when the cops aren't closing in." Grabbing a set of keys from the man's pocket, Jackie runs to the driver's door.
Granny turns to see two cruisers coming around the last curve. "Go, go," Granny screams as the cops close in.

Jackie starts the truck. The old beast sputters and then dies. "What's going on?" Jackie questions.

"The choke, the choke," Granny yells as she points to a nob on the dash.

Jackie starts to try again when she feels a small circular object press firmly against her head. 

"Make one wrong move and I'll blow your brains out," the farmer warns. Jackie looks up to see the cops have them completely surrounded. 

6 Months Later.

Joe and Rachel are cuddled up on the couch watching their favorite program when breaking news flashes across their TV. An announcer pops up on their set as a warning scrolls across the bottom.

"This just in; two fugitives escaped police custody while they were being transported to the Arkansas State Correctional Facility." Two pictures flash across their screen.

"Oh my God, Joe, it's Betty and Jackie," she exclaims as she springs up from her seat.

"No!" Joe yells, jumping up beside her. Victim after victim flashes through his mind as he stares at the screen.

The commentator continues. "The fugitives are thought to be connected to over two dozen murders. If you see the suspects, seek safety immediately and then call your local authorities."

"It looks like their murdering spree is starting all over again," Joe says as he plops back down on the couch.


Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family. Injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner, Granny's partner in crime.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner


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