"Precious Gems"

Chapter 1
An Ocean of Tears

By dovemarie

As I look back through the years,
I have cried an ocean of tears.
The mental abuse-
Treated like refuse.

I've cried even more tears than the ocean can fill
The next bit of suffering causes more tears to spill.

My eyes are wet with salt tears
As salty as the waves that rise overhead
Then I am pulled down,
My tears have caused me to finally drown.

My body is thrown around among the waves,
While the wild wind rages and raves.

Will you ever find me?
This kind of death was meant to be.

Author Notes Thanks to Moon Willow for artwork.

Chapter 2
Spring Storm

By dovemarie

I am a tree firmly rooted in the ground,
Gazing up at the sky with blossoms and branches
When all of a sudden comes this howling sound
Wicked white flakes attack me
Pouring rain drenches

Early spring snow...
Where did you come from? Oh, please go!

Dusting of flakes burying grass so green
Not a very pleasant scene
Yet spring will appear as she always does,
When birds sing and bees buzz

Winter with days as cold as hell
Will finally bid its late farewell.

Author Notes An early spring dusting of snow in New England, a few days ago. Thanks to Browncat for artwork.

Chapter 3

By dovemarie

Crisp, light grains blowing through my hair
As I cross the beach with its seagull-filled air
Caressing my feet, crinkling through my toes
Sun-warm, encircling my ankles, a crumb flying past my nose

Wet sand where my footprints stamp,
Rivulets of baby waves so cool,
Surrounding the castles, a child's tool

Dark, water-washed sand,
Light, sun-drenched sand
I scoop sand-splattered shells into the palm of my hand

Author Notes A chapter in my book "Precious Gems." I always loved the sand, the only thing I hated was cleaning it off my feet and the creases of my body when I went to the beach! Thanks to Denise B for artwork.

Chapter 4
On a Woody Trail

By dovemarie

I make my way on a woody trail
Through the trees I get a glimpse of a boat sail
Clustering around me are the woods
Where I see, smell, hear and feel God's goods

A snap of a twig,
(I hope there are no bears so strong and big!)

Dying trees and living trees,
Butterflies, birds and bees
To the eye, they all please

Mosquitoes buzz around and annoy,
Yet I still feel joy

Eagles swoop down and frighten the sparrow
I pray I don't lose the way; sometimes it's narrow
From a little distance,
I see a farmer pushing his wheelbarrow

The ground is covered with rugs of vari-colored leaves
Which the grace of God achieves
Rocks and tree trunks are rich with fern and moss,
To which they cleave

Air rushes through my nostrils
While I concentrate on the wooded hills

Presently I come to the end of my trail,
Sun is sinking and pale
Nature is a sight that will never fail.

Author Notes From walks in the woods that I've taken on trips. Thanks to CammyCards for artwork.

Chapter 5
I, Alone

By dovemarie

I, alone,
Stand on my own
I started late, at twenty-six
There were a lot of troubles to fix

I cleaned for the elderly,
And as I washed and folded their laundry
I wished I had my own family
In my own house with me
But God decided this was not to be

I stand on my own,
I hang my head and moan
I did have a son, now full-grown
But to me he's practically unknown
His adoption left me alone
We don't even talk on the phone
All my hopes of seeing him have flown

I, alone, as a child
Hurt, rejected, and reviled
Lonely and shy
I used to sit and cry

I used to play by myself with my dolls
There were no friendly calls

I stand on my own,
Torturously have grown
I, alone

Author Notes A poem about my life - I was shy, unsociable, had an inability to make friends. Thanks to booklotto for artwork.

Chapter 6
The Goal

By dovemarie

I sit down to make a goal,
If met, I consider myself whole

A goal is sometimes not easy to set,
How will I get my need met?

The goal is sometimes easy to make,
Just don't do more than you can take
I feel like I'm baking a cake

Start with ingredients you'll need
Mix them together, plant the seed

Like measuring salt, sugar and flour
Determination, order and strength will give you power

Like a cake in the oven,
Your hopes will rise
Whether short term or long,
Achievement and success will be the prize

Author Notes Written a few months ago when I spent a few days in a psychiatric hospital and we had a Goals group. Thanks to Linda for artwork.

Chapter 7
The Questions of Aliens

By dovemarie

Ever since our planet's birth
(Which we can't even remember)
We've wanted to reach the planet you call Urth(?)

We have traveled among the moons and the stars
We look down from our ships, and see things you call "cars"

Who is your leader?
Who teaches a child its reader?
We are all of one size and shape
We see all of you trying to escape
What you call "terrorism" and "war"
What's it all for?

You are different shapes and sizes
You are also full of surprises
Sometimes you are friends,
Then all of a sudden that ends

We've been to Pluto and felt its horrible chill
Yet there's nothing worse in trying or succeeding to do what you call "kill"

Our planet is called MetroRose
Though none of you care very much, we suppose

Why do you dig up beautiful grounds?
What you call "bulldozers" cause painful sounds

We're more advanced than you, it's true
We've been on every planet in your galaxy
While you are only beginning to study Mars,
We have touched on the billions of stars

We come from the next universe,
Why on your planet do you make things worse?
Please accept us, we want to pleasantly converse

Author Notes Thanks to Bruceiorio for artwork. I've often wondered if our planet has been contacted by aliens, or if they've been on our planet and watched what goes on.

Chapter 8

By dovemarie

The pull of the waves,
Choppy, a little rough
At high tide, deserted expanse of watery sand covered with footprints

Grass blows in the wind
Tufts of dry, crackly seaweed tumbling about

Storm approaches
Lowering clouds hovering above the horizon
Ominously moving in hazy yellow sky

Evening settles, low rumble of thunder mixed with swishing waves
This is how I perceive my life...
With storms passing, who knows what the morrow will bring?

Author Notes Inspired by a large picture in a room called the Sensory Room, in a psychiatric hospital. Thanks to Denise B for artwork

Chapter 9

By dovemarie


Building a brand new home
Baking a birthday cake
Borrowing a friend's car
Building a life of hope
Breaking in bicycles
Basking in summer sun
Building happy, fun times

Author Notes Inspired by a form that Dovey used. Thanks to avmurray for artwork.

Chapter 10
Oceans of Grace

By dovemarie

Torrents of mercy

I confess my sins to Thee

Holy Grace is mine

Chapter 11
The Patriot

By dovemarie

Young man

Defending us

Answering Revere's call

Fighting for our dear countryside


Author Notes A tribute to Patriots Day which is coming up on the 16th. Thanks to SCHATZLING for artwork.

Chapter 12
April Showers

By dovemarie

April spring showers

A prelude to May flowers

Our Lord's great powers

Author Notes Thanks to Bellzer98 for artwork. We have had so much rain where I live that I was inspired to write this 3-line.

Chapter 13
Apology to My Angel

By dovemarie

My angel I used to ignore
Never realizing I'd hurt him to the core

He is my guide
Yet I always strayed to the other side
And he sat by me and cried

O, dear Angel, I apologize
I didn't recognize
That the Lord was wise
Until now, after all the ugly things I've done
You were told not to turn and run
Rather, to radiate down on me like the sun

Now I'm in my sixties - getting old
But my hand you still hold
I long to behold
Your loving face
If you get to lead me to my Heavenly place

This is a sincere apology
I've often eaten the forbidden fruit from Eden's tree
Everything I do, you see

Please accept my apology
Then you, Christ and I will be a blessed trilogy

Author Notes So many times I haven't paid any attention to my Guardian Angel. And it's gotten me into a lot of trouble! Thanks to Jayden T for artwork

Chapter 14
Race Against Time

By dovemarie

Time is what you make it
Slow, fast, sometimes you can't take it
The hours have too soon passed
At times they go too fast

I'm racing through my NaPoWriMo rhythm and rhyme,
I started late
Dashing toward the April 30 date
This is my race against time

Author Notes Thanks to Schatzling for artwork.

Chapter 15
The End of the Day

By dovemarie

Wonderful time to think and pray
At the end of the day

I hear the last dog bark
While I hear the farewell song of the lark

The sun sinks low in the sky
And I ask myself "Why?"

Why did a waste a lot of precious time,
While up the ladder I climb

I say goodbye to the birds in the bush
Evening's approaching hush

Squirrels scurry up the trees
You can no longer hear the buzz of the bees
Early twilight's tranquil breeze

There seems nothing left to say
As I pack up and go on my way
At the end of a glorious day

Author Notes Thanks to donnadiann for artwork.

Chapter 16
A Child's Bedtime

By dovemarie

Running around through the day
Trying to catch a child at play

Teaching him to learn what to say
Teaching him to read
Planting his seed

Comes the time for bedtime slumber
I race after my little tumbler
I gaze on the face of my little wonder

At last he's tucked in,
It's so quiet, you can hear the drop of a pin

His eyes slowly close
And I miss him, as he starts to doze

He is now entering dreamland
I soothe him with pats of my hand

The next morning again we'll meet
A rosy sunlight always to greet

Author Notes Inspired by three little boys I babysat back in the 1990s. Thanks to cleo85 for artwork.

Chapter 17
April Snows

By dovemarie

Here they come again, the April snows!
I wonder where Spring goes?
I peeked out and my nose almost froze!

Patches of earth pelted by rainy snow
How will anything ever grow?

I tried to have a Spring Fling
But, alas, snow covered everything!

Lawn-green, fertile-brown pieces of earth
Spring has never really had her birth

Sweet sparrow,
Hunting for food,
Hopping around in the icy snow

Windy rain mixed with snow
Again I wonder - where did Spring go?

Author Notes Again, here in Massachusetts, winter reviving! Thank you to Susan F.M.T. for artwork

Chapter 18
The Library

By dovemarie

One day I took a walk
Found myself near City Hall
There was no one with whom to talk
So I entered the library nearby
With books from wall to wall

I studied its numerous shelves
It's so good when we educate ourselves

I pulled out a history book
With a colorful cover
I took a long look
There were so many facts to discover

I wandered through the quiet rooms
And consumed the knowledge of medicine
Novels, mysteries, and stories about Thomas Edison

I was drawn to the children's stories,
Mothers with children in carriages
Checking out books about animals, balloons, and fairies

I've done my homework in the library
Constantly looking up in the dictionary

The library educates
And there are no charging rates
Except when you get a note about late return
The you have some cause for concern!

The library is where I study for a test
And it is there that I always do my best

Author Notes I love going to the library, it is not a far walk from my apartment. I have studied there and done work on the computer. It's near our City Hall. Thanks to cleo85 for artwork.

Chapter 19
My Mother's Month

By dovemarie

On the lovely first day in May
My mother gave birth to a sweet little baby
May 9th was her wedding
A day of blessing

In May she celebrated Mother's Day
And the three children with whom she would play
May 16 was the day of her birth
One of the most special times bringing us to this earth

In May she saw me receive Holy Communion
Knowing it was a Holy union
In May she saw me graduate
She was full of joy on each date

Author Notes Dates in May that my Mother celebrated that were important to her. Thanks to bd shutterspeed for artwork.

Chapter 20

By dovemarie

Warning! Expecting hurricane
The skies threaten
The chirps of the birds wane

Wind swirls through the streets
Rain comes down in sheets

You can hear the thunder rumble
Trash cans tip over and tumble

Windows are closed tight
Children feel fright

The winds' speed grows higher and higher
All over is pulled down telephone wire

A hurricane has chilly blasts
Rolling in from the sea, billowing the ships' masts

It crashes onto land
Many houses no longer stand

At the end of its destruction
We all must join in new construction

We are appalled by its force
Suddenly it comes to the end of its course

Author Notes Thanks to cleo85 for artwork

Chapter 21
A Poem About God

By dovemarie

God is both invisible and invisible to me.
He takes care of me materially and spiritually.
He can be light, when He gives me grace and joy.
He can be dark, if I don't feel Him near or know I have sinned.
He fills my life with blessing,
Especially when I'm in a state of distressing.

God is my Father,
Who gave me a holy, sinless Mother.
God is the King of Angels and Prophets

He wrote the Bible; His true Word,
Psalms and Proverbs are some of the sweetest verse I've ever heard.

God brought to me Fan Story's Teri7,
She and I both write a lot about Heaven.

Dear God, I am Your child
Though many times I've lost control and gone wild
Your breathing on me with Your Spirit is so mild

You are leading me by the hand
Towards the Promised Land.

Thank you for dying for me,
Whipped so cruelly,
Hanging on the rough wood of the tree

You were a Carpenter,
You worked to build
Homes and lives
Though scorned by Pharisees and Sadducees with their sharp knives
You are forever compassion-filled.

I know I must not have a taint,
In order to become a saint
I long to see the Heavenly country,
My Angel will conduct my pure entry.

Author Notes Writing prompt Thanks to Dick Lee Shia for artwork.

Chapter 22
Tribute to the Holy Spirit

By dovemarie

Powerful, graceful, mysterious
Descending with gifts and graces
I am moved by the Spirit
From Him emanates zeal
Creator of Christ
Divine Person

Author Notes April is the month of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church. Thanks to avmurray for artwork.

Chapter 23
Three-ringed Friendship

By dovemarie

They met by the river
Cupid took an arrow from his quiver
They came together as one
A new friendship had just begun

He used to get up and walk alone
Now they always talk in person and on the phone
And they go to church every day
It was just the Lord's way

Walking all alone, I wondered
How he could survive
Now she picks him up, for she can drive
So their friendship can thrive

Lots of times they include me in their day
And I never feel as though I'm in the way

It's a three-ringed friendship
Made from love
The Lord's triangle
Where He watches from above

Author Notes My best friends Rachel and David met when he was sitting on a park bench on the boulevard. I have had many good times with them too. Thanks to booklotto for artwork.

Chapter 24
Jesus, When Will You Come Back

By dovemarie

Jesus, Jesus, when will You come back?
All this time I've been under the devil's attack

Jesus, Jesus, when will You come back?
All this time I've tried to stay on the right track

Jesus, Jesus, when will You return?
You taught me lessons I needed to learn

Now I long for Your consolation
And the unearned gift of Heavenly salvation

Jesus, Jesus, when will You come back?

Chapter 25
Spring Resides

By dovemarie

Spring has finally
Taken up residence
Upon our Earth
Valley and hills
Different hues of Primavera

Author Notes Thanks to Sush82 for artwork. Primavera in Spanish means "Spring," or literally "first green."

Chapter 26

By dovemarie

Loneliness comes in different
Shades and colors,
Sometimes when we're alone
And sometimes with others

Being lonely has nothing to do with having a hubby
Though he's probably you're best buddy

I once had two cats, they kept me company
But they could only meow
And they're gone now

Alonelyness is a state of being
No matter who or what you are seeing

I wonder why lots of people are alone,
Even though they have the computer or cell phone?
It seems all human beings have flown

Loneliness can't be seen
I don't think it can even be felt
It is elusive
Even when you're with someone
It can be intrusive

Yet being lonely is something we all need
Something we have to be aware of and heed

Loneliness is hard to define
As I sit here and away I pine
Even when some are indivisible
Loneliness can be invisible

Other times it's visible
And we all at times need to be alone
Someday the sweetest person you've ever known
Will unexpectedly appear, like a miracle

Author Notes Alonelyness is a word I made up, a combination of "alone," "Lonely," and "loneliness." My poem was inspired by my poem "Three-ringed Friendship" and also by a Fan Storian's review. Thanks to BHAKTI MUNOT for artwork

Chapter 27

By dovemarie

Lots of times I find myself under what I call "stressure,"
A combination of distress and pressure.
No days or weeks of pleasure,
And I feel under the weather.

My head feels the pressure;
My mind, the distress.
Some days I can hardly get up and dress
Suicidal thoughts, onward they press.

I look at my meds-
Whites, yellows and reds.
I feel a strong surge of desire for someone to inquire
How I got this deep into the mire.

Oppression, repression, depression, suppression,
My life is hanging in suspension.
One bright day I'll get rid of this "stressure,"
Annihilation of distress and pressure.

Author Notes Some days I feel all of these words that are listed in the last stanza. I always manage to get over them, even though it takes time. I think I've created another new word too! (Stressure) Thanks to emspics for artwork

Chapter 28
Love Visit

By dovemarie

Shared day

Visiting him

Relaxing; awakened

I had missed seeing him at home

Nice time

Author Notes I visited a male friend the other day, at his place. He's going to take me to a local baseball game. We had a nice time, and I had a nice walk home (he doesn't have a car and I don't drive. It was Sunday - there were no buses). I saw the Cinquain contest too late - it was due today, but I saw it 2 hours too late. Nevertheless, it inspired me to write a cinquain. Thanks to seshadri_sreenivasan for artwork.

Chapter 29
Rain Chill

By dovemarie

Rain chill

Dancing in warmth

Had to wear a jacket

Hiding in deceptive sunlight

Fair spring

Author Notes Today, April 26, it was cool and rainy. Then later it turned sunny. When I went outside, I wasn't wearing a jacket - someone told me I didn't need to. They were wrong! I felt the windy rain chill, and dashed back inside to get a jacket. Spring up and down again! Thanks to seshadri_sreenivasan for artwork.

Chapter 30
In God's Hands

By dovemarie

I shelter in God's Hands

He holds me like a sparrow

I am a lost soul

Chapter 31

By dovemarie

I live for Mary, My Blessed Queen
She lives inside God's Paradise unseen

I give her my slavery
With fortitude and bravery

All I have belongs to the Virgin
All of myself, from without and within

She gives Her graces how, when and where She wills
Nothing is in me
Yet Her love is divine
Consecration fills
My every thought
I am Her slave, that She has not bought

I freely gave Her my heart, spirit, mind and soul
Thus She makes me a part of Her whole

On this day of Consecration
I am bowed down in veneration
To my Queen
I owe honor and dedication

Author Notes Written on the day of St. Louis de Montfort's death, the made Consecration to Mary. He died at the age of 43. Thanks to helvi2 for artwork.

Chapter 32
A Farmer's Seed

By dovemarie

A farmer carefully plants his seed
Works to dig up choking weed
He stands on his porch
Looking up at sun he hopes will not scorch

He waits for the sweet, blessed, gentle raindrops
So nourishing and healthy for his crops
He dreams that there will be no doubt
That his plants and vegetables will sprout

So many depend on him in their need
His family, and others in the world to feed
He takes pride in his fertile soil
Enriches and rewards his back-breaking toil

Chapter 33
Seaside Tableau

By dovemarie

Breeze through the wavelets
Sand swirling around
Waves in high motion
Love the sight and sound
Gulls cover the sky
A babe's gentle cry

Sun descends so low
Red gleams disperse clouds
Take care - undertow
Beach emptying crowds
A lone fish splashing
Eerie waves crashing

Author Notes I've always loved the seaside and the setting sun hovering over it. Thanks to Dovey for inspiring "Tableau" poem. Thanks to seshadri_sreenivasan for artwork.

Chapter 34
Ascending Prayer

By dovemarie

Prayer ascending

The Lord is understanding

His will descending

Author Notes Thanks to booklotto for artwork. Our prayers are constantly ascending to Heaven, and God sends down HIs answers (descending).

Chapter 35
A First Time

By dovemarie

A first time

The last time will come


Author Notes Breaking a date with someone who has given me a hard time about going out through the years, dropped me for another woman in 2006, then has played around with me ever since her death in 2013. Thanks to avmurray for artwork.

Chapter 37

By dovemarie

Swirling, multi-hued leaves
Every day grows shorter
Piles of leaves scattered on the ground
Time to go back to school
Evening twilight, temperatures cool
Memories of vacations abound
Beautiful colors floating in the air
Everything changing, new season
Rich creation, God's divine reason

Author Notes I live in New England, and there are glowing twilights here and wonderful foliage. Thanks to MoonWillow for artwork.

Chapter 38
What I Am

By dovemarie

A giant, sun-baked clam,
That's what I am
Winds felt gentle as a lamb
I sat and watched the overflowing dam

Chapter 39
Young at Heart

By dovemarie


at heart


Author Notes Thanks to tekayep for artwork. I was sitting thinking how I'm growing old, but I still feel young - I walk places, I move fast, I think well.

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