
Chapter 1
Nelly Knichernoodleson

By Bill Schott

Nelly Knichernoodleson
related to George Washington
or was it Stanley Livingston
or Livingstone and Stanley

Impersonating those of fame
she'd get box seats at any game
connect herself with the big name
of some important dandy

Lately she's been lying low
stepped on one too many toes
not eaten in two weeks or so
looks like M
ahatma Gandhi

Chapter 2
C.C. 'Double D' Mofoseeyalater

By Bill Schott

C.C. 'Double D' Mofoseeyalater
used to be a USC student agitator
all the guys on varsity stood all week to date her
there may have been a prof or two in line

Sometimes her chesty qualities helped as a debater
more distracting than attacking twin-head alligators
paired with brains and rhetoric, opponents became traitors
and in the midst of winning would resign

After graduation CC had a breast reduction
apparently there's surgery used for this deduction
many an admirer framed it as abduction
we hear her post most-melons life was fine


Chapter 3
Franco Flippin Funnelatch

By Bill Schott

Franco Flippin Funnelatch
had an itch no one should scratch;
longed for a successful match
with his buddy's sister.

Friends forewarned and raised red flags;
he called them all provincial drags,
and found all other women hags;
could simply not resist her.

After spending loads of dough,
Franco found he was a schmo;
he might never have a go,
because of this plot twister.

Franco's buddy's sib-L-ing
was not human, more a thing;
a life-sized doll with gears and spring,
and urine in a blister.

Funnelatch was still undaunted,
now his infamy is vaunted;
his life is now a hell -- that's haunted;
a prominent blacklister.

The Funnelatches had some kids,
or had them made, at lowest bids;
installed in them were angst and ids,
and something quite si-NIS-ter.


Chapter 4
Missy Molly Mustarghast

By Bill Schott

Missy Molly Mustarghast
had a hateful, hidden past
a deadly, keen iconoclast
still wanted by the law

Part of her debauchery
included lack of subtlety
when letting flatulence fly free
a sound to drop the jaw

Authorities have not the heart
or think it even close to smart
to corner one who shoots a fart
that'd strip your nostrils raw

The current plan seems to be
to let Ms. Mustarghast stay free
and not invite the misery
of that olfact'ry yaw

Chapter 5
Jo Jo's Ride

By Bill Schott

Jo Jo was the last to drive the auto
He parked it by the fence for them to see
So proud he was of what that car had meant
To a boy without an ancestry

He was a swaddled castoff on our step
We reared him in our home as one of ours
Did our best to raise him up a man
Who'd love the feel of home yet seek the stars

How could we know his time was short on earth
A heart so strong should never cease to beat
but just as he had come from somewhere else
he left us with a life not quite complete

We found him by the fence inside his car
He'd worked for months to buy it from a friend
So proud he was of what that car had meant
He was in it, and his glory, at the end.


Author Notes Thanks to angelina onofrio for use of the pic

Chapter 6
Fifi Fungirl Feeziltow

By Bill Schott

Fifi Fungirl Feeziltow

was the lead girl in the show

dated Mafioso Mo

but also G-man Manny

One day the peanut gallery

let it out about Fifi

and her two-time revelry

flaunting her fine fanny

Now the dancers are one less

all they found was Fifi's dress

where she's gone is just a guess

her exit was uncanny

Now Mo dates two new young girls

they wear Fifi's clothes and pearls

somewhere a ship's mast unfurls

and chum is fed to shanny


Author Notes shanny = a type of fish
chum = chopped up fish (or dance girls)

Chapter 7
Benny Bijou Bastarrinn

By Bill Schott

Benny Bijou Bastarrinn,
bathing in some bathtub gin,
toasts us and invites us in
to take a jolt of gangster.

Inheriting a denizen
of thugs who are his brethren,
he rules like dad, Big Bad Ben,
a badass and a prankster.

Today we'll use these straws and grin
as we suck "bath water" in
and prove to Benny we are kin,
swallowing our angst here.

Prohibition may soon end,
when we may be ourselves again;
will there be a place for Ben?
Yes, I'll lock and load my "Thankster”.


Chapter 8
Flickenhausen Ubergooner

By Bill Schott

Flickenhausen Ubergooner

bought a pretty plywood schooner

'cause he was a honeymooner

having just been wed.

Floating the Pacific Ocean

slathering on tanning lotion

spouting poems of devotion

to his husband Jed.

Flickenhausen chose this pair-age

enjoying his new same-sex marriage

but sailed an unseaworthy carriage

which sank... so now he's dead.


Chapter 9
Hansel A. VonStoomer

By Bill Schott

Hansel A. VonStoomer sang

of his favorite boomerang

used to kill orangutan(g)

in these youthful years.

Hansel is a troubled boy

killing things his greatest joy

his boomerang is like a toy

with it he knows no fears.

Each time he bags an orange ape

he writes a song and makes a tape

and later makes a great escape

'cause it's illegal, it appears.

Chapter 10
Shoshone Flaming Melon

By Bill Schott

This story may seem an exaggeration,

a tale as tall as the sky;

but deals with a recent conflagration

that leveled a village nearby.

There was a fruit called the Melon from Hell, and

it grew in Death Valley at first;

then was transplanted by Zoey Magellan,

ignoring a Shoshone curse.

The melons grew huge and weighed 'bout a ton;

they couldn't be moved once full grown.

So Zoey would hollow them out, and once done,

would sell them as natural homes.

Centuries before this all took place

a Shoshone shaman named Mason,

cursed whoever would be so base

to take from the Shoshone nation.

He called on waianten to burst forth on felons

and take what the thief had around;

and so it happened that one day the melons

ignited and burned down the town.

The village was ruined, the melons were spewin'

flames 'til they all were but ash;

but Zoey skedaddled back home to St. Lou, and

was happy they all paid in cash.


Author Notes waianten = fire in Shoshone
Shoshone (show shown ee)
Picture from Google Images

Chapter 11
Franklin S. T. DePeteet

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Franklin S. T. DePeteet

love them ladies on the street

ha' spent some time atween a sheet

wit' gals a ill repute

Drinkin' spurs 'is lust fer lovin'

and the horizontaw shovin'

like sac-ro-fice at witchees coven

they aw give up the boot

One day it prob'ly take 's life

or leave 'm wit' a well-worn wife

and a willy like a budder knife

or a stubby, burnt cheroot


Author Notes Vernacular and misspelling is intended and, hopefully, not too far removed to be understood.
cheroot = cigar

Chapter 12
Gunga Dindin Gotchergoat

By Bill Schott

Gunga Dindin Gotchergoat
a miserly old misanthrope
is cleaner than a bar of soap
and just as good to talk to.

If he gives you the time of day
it is because that in that way
he'll prove you do not earn your pay
in the hours given to you.

Gotchergoat's the kind of chap
to have ghosts visit in a nap
show present, past, and future crap
in hopes to make him new.

But these spirits won't prevail
without a profit margin... fail
'cause he's the hammer, not the nail
so, I guess that we are through.


Chapter 13
Layman Raymond Mangaleest

By Bill Schott

Layman Raymond Mangaleest

used to beat the local priest

when they rapped was West meets East

for scrilla and the scrappa

Layman juiced the P for sheckles

beat him bad and hurled heckles

then they'd shake like Hyde and Jekylls

'cause it was a slappa

Then Lay-Man got burned with yayo

with a 9 faced off with 5 oh

ended in a six foot go low

last getty for a rappa

Author Notes scrilla, scrappa, sheckles = money
slappa= all in fun
yayo = cocaine
9= handgun
5 oh= police
go low= grave
getty = get together

Chapter 14
Jamie JoJo Jizzerilt

By Bill Schott

Jamie JoJo Jizzerilt

had a homemade Quaker quilt

wore it like a crazy kilt

to all formal occasions

People would all gape and stare

since he wore no underwear

his testes would be hanging there

despite our sight evasions

One day JJ changed attire

now dons drap'ries and barbed wire

threw his kilt upon the pyre

to fashion innovations


Chapter 15
Fu Man Chusoletto Kahn

By Bill Schott

Fu Man Chusoletto Kahn
Was stealthy as a spotted fahn
No one hoid him comen gahn
Spooky like da Shaddah

Did some second story heists
Pitter patted like da mice
Emptied safes a dough 'n ice
Den scurried don a laddah

Din on one day he got cot
In a house what's 'larm was hot
In his chest he took a shot
and din it didn't mattah

Chapter 16
Pinky Pamela Probunthai

By Bill Schott

Pinky Pamela Probunthai

used to hang out with that guy

you know -- he lived down at the Y

people called him Polo

They'd drink a soda with two straws

and often get some Oohs and Ahhs

as they'd pet with fervent cause

in deference to Y.O.L.O.

But Polo chased another bone

Pam's fond pet had finally flown

she sucks sodas now -- alone

in her life so solo


Author Notes YOLO = you only live once

Chapter 17
Azro Catter Chingtafeedz

By Bill Schott

Azro Catter Chingtafeedz
used to live on poppy seeds
chewed on wood chips, sticks, and reeds
while living in Dakota

AC moved from DC town
needed space to roll around
heard the Black Hills did abound
or so the anecdota

It was true and Azro thrived
in the desert he survived
he rolled about and was long-lived
which brings us to the coda


Chapter 18
Mikey Menthol Moppenasher

By Bill Schott

Mikey Menthol Moppenasher
stood in doorways as a flasher
being called a vagrant masher
by the passing gals

Mikey learned the art from Biff
who used to show his junk on 5th
"til he learned to make a .gif
from some IT pals

One day Mikey flashed a cop
while standing in a flower shop
a nightstick soon made Mikey stop


Chapter 19
Joe Jerome

By Bill Schott

Gentle giant Joe Jerome

seldom ever left his home

a little shack called Honeycomb

just outside the ville

Joe was born a burly boy

filled his mama's life with joy

treated her like Myrna Loy

though she was ment'ly ill

First time Joe left Honeycomb

his mama choked on bubbly foam

died because of a misnom-

that Alka-Seltzer was a pill

So Joe now swears to never leave

he stays at Honeycomb to grieve

and beg his mama, "Pweez (sniff) bweev"

but she never will

Chapter 20
Teddy 'Titan' Tamcaster

By Bill Schott

Teddy 'Titan' Tamcaster
would represent as ambas'der
rebels, the iconoclasts,
at functions serving a repast.

Ted the Red, or Filthy T
was their face, without a fee
he'd represent each Mutt and Jeff
though blind and mute and mostly deaf.

As arbiter for agitators
he had acquired some be-raters
apologist for anarchy
though unable to hear or see.

Imagine as your cantor choice
a man with neither sight nor voice
whose intercession motivation
is free lunch and capitulation.

Chapter 21
Comrade Conrad

By Bill Schott

Comrade Conrad, Communist

used to pound men with his fists

broke some rules and then some wrists

in the grand old Union of Soviet Socialists ...Republic

Smiling like a Katzenjammer

He'd smash men's toes with a sledge hammer

then throw them in the Russian slammer

because they screamed a lot and walked funny

Conrad lived through czar and Stalin

Khrushchev, detente, wall-a-fallin'

then he died and moved to 'Helland'

the Netherworld, where he is a  javelin 

Author Notes The Netherlands is referred to as Holland. So I used that same idea to denote the Netherworld.

Chapter 22
Racoonoodle Rapheldeli

By Bill Schott

Racoonoodle Rapheldeli
had a tattoo on his belly
of a skunk (was labeled "Smelly")
that we all could see

On his chest he had a heart
not a tat, or work of art
it was raw and blown apart
and bleeding pro-fuse-ly

By his side there was a gun
that his kid had used for fun
aimed it at Dad's back and--son,
made Rac a gunshotee

It was too late for saving him
he'd joined the ranks of post mortem
but we'll ink and note his 'exp'ration'
Raccoonoodle R.I.P.

Chapter 23
Whamo Wiseman

By Bill Schott

Whamo Wiseman, PhD
wowed on AM 603
as he explained his history
from the college studio

He broadcasted from on the campus
with a voice-- sounded like Trampus
and a face fit for a grampus
and surely the radio

With a pitchy, whiney spiel
he declared with unchained zeal
he was the heir of Chamomile
the Prince of Patio

Eventually, the door burst in
as he sat with a toothy grin
dressed in just his naked skin
and braggadocio

Author Notes Trampus was a deputy on Gunsmoke who had a whiney voice
grampus is a snubbed-nosed dolphin
braggadocio is empty boasting

Chapter 24
Sven, Ben, and Fannie

By Bill Schott

Sven Svengalli bought a car

of a murdered movie star

drove it to a local bar

where it was stripped, burned, and ticketed (in that order).

Ben Bygolly tied a noose

'round his neck, but left it loose

just in case his drug abuse

charges were dropped and he could hitch to the border.

Fannie Folly Valentine

liked to write while drinking wine,

bourbon, beer, or even 'shine'

"Cuz it meks ma writin' 'n rymin' good -- sorta

Author Notes Picture from Christinestima at wordpress

Chapter 25
Able Baker

By Bill Schott

Able Baker, zulu dog,

emerged quite ghostly from the fog

his fur was simply analog

to what the wolves were wearing.

Able was the wolf-pack runt

sucked hind tit when on the hunt

some say he was, and some say wunt

worthy of their caring.

Soon a skinny, mangy bone

Able wandered out alone

no one missed him, no loss shown

no question of his faring.

Able Baker, left to die

hollowed out by worm and fly

beneath the dust as you walk by --

a fate we'll all be sharing.


Author Notes Thanks to 6Blessings for use of the graphic.

Chapter 26
Wendy Wadamatta Wong

By Bill Schott

Wendy Wadamatta Wong

vendor to the Vietnam Cong

sold them sodas for a song

during that police action

Slipping 'cross the DMZ

with Pepsi colas, nearly free

Vernors, Squirt, and some RC

she'd court their satisfaction

Sadly one day Wendy found

a landmine buried underground

she popped a Coke and drank it down

before becoming fractions

Author Notes Thanks to supergold for use of the picture

Chapter 27
Rudolfo Rominino Schwartz

By Bill Schott


Rudolfo Rominino Schwartz
made his fortune shipping quartz
to train depots and aeroports
'til quartz was everywhere.

Jewelers put the stuff in watches,
tailors studded all their swatches,
piercings went in people's crotches,
and some in braided hair.

Rudolfo had a little daughter;
named her Rudulfini Laughter;
I know that doesn't rhyme with daughter,
but do you really care?

Chapter 28
Rudulfini Laughter Schwartz

By Bill Schott


Rudulfini Laughter Schwartz
spent time in and out of courts
suing folks for false reports
and paying traffic fines.

Rudulfini's dad had left her
everything that's good or bester;
islands, castles (with a jester),
cities, fleets, and mines.

Now she battles by the dozens
all the bastard kids and cousins
from her father's many lovin's
with cloistered concubines.

When Fini's fortune moves along
from parasites and driving wrong,
she'll burn what's left and bang a gong
and make some new headlines.

Chapter 29
Leon Ezra Shawn O'Keefe

By Bill Schott

Leon Ezra Shawn O'Keefe
liked the marijuana leaf
mixed it in with his Red Chief
chewed it all day long

O'Keefe never spit his chaw
never dropped a drip at all
sometimes you could hear him call
out a little song

"Likes ma chew dat I jist swaller'd
Likes ma song dat I jist holler'd
Now dis chantin' will git foller'd
Wit reefer inna bong"

Author Notes Thanks to Renate-Bertodi for use of the cool image

Not an endorsement of mj

Chapter 30
Ricky Ruckney, Rocket Man

By Bill Schott

Ricky Ruckney, Rocket Man

strapped into his candle can

someone counted, "3 - 2 - 1"

and shot him to the sun

Ricky's lawyer knew his client

wasn't such a mental giant

so, made sure his will was done

before launching to the sun

Ricky Ruckney, Rocket Man

knew it was a daring plan

to attempt to land at all

on the blazing ball

Ricky's friends all hoped the plan

to land a rocket with a man

on the fiery sphere of heat

would not meet with defeat

All the papers took a turn

at saying Rick would not return

since, for a successful flight,

he'd have to land at night


Author Notes Thanks to BRUCEIORIO for use of the graphic

Based on a joke I heard as a youth

Chapter 31
Witty Warren

By Bill Schott


Witty Warren rarely works
he's enjoying all the perks
will let all the other jerks
slave away their days

Writing funny fabrications
with enough elaborations
to elicit fan citations
who want to know his ways

Meanwhile at the mills and plants
others work like army ants
just to keep the hope and chance
to keep on drawing pays

Prob'ly I should stop combusting
whining, "Warren is disgusting"
'cause he isn't knuckle-busting
but writing witty plays

Maybe I'll just quit my job
then begin to hob and nob
with my pen I'll write a gob
and 'slave' away my days

Author Notes Thanks to Loyd C. Taylor, Sr for use of the photo

Chapter 32
Barney Beppotoozoleema

By Bill Schott

Barney Beppotoozoleema

was the ever-constant schemer

to his next job in his Beemer

he cruised into the state

Barney's buddy Pops Petasky

was his strong arm, rather nasty

Drinking from a leather flask he

Pondered the day's date

B.B. had a mark in play

The con job would be done today

he'd meet his sap at Sounder's Bay

just up from Golden Gate

Down in Texas Barney sold

the San Francisco bridge for gold

told a schmoe that he'd soon hold

the deed, so don't be late

Dexter Dimbulb soon was given

the Golden Gate for which he'd driven

up from the South where he'd been livin'

in the Lonestar State

Barney got the gold from Dex

while Pops looked tough and pumped his 'pecs'

Dimbulb grinned and asked, "What's next?"

and then he met his fate

Pops grabbed Dexter by the throat

threw him in a motorboat

went out to sea to see him float

with sixty pounds of weight

Dexter sank without a fit

Pops picked up his bullion split

Barney thought 'bout goin' legit

but too many cons await


Author Notes Thanks to ftbtaxman for use of the photo

Chapter 33
Lucky Liam Lingersmootch

By Bill Schott

Lucky Liam Lingersmootch

made a livin' sellin' hootch

'til last spring he screwed the pooch

and got hisself arrested

Liam got a speedy trial

all through which he wore a smile

all charges met with calm denial

ain't nothin' he 'confested'

The DA's charges soonly sank

'cause all the evidence'd been drank

so Liam has us all to thank

for the swill we each ingested

Chapter 34
Victor and Nick

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Victor and Nick took a drive through the park
lookin' for nookie and Needles the Narc
bein' now under the cover of dark
they felt pretty confident

Sin-D was sellin' her face by a tree
the john what was buyin' was in ecstacy
until a bullet entered his knee
Sin-D knew just what that meant

She scurried off with a Grant in her mitt
Needles knew Nick was here for a hit
half-a-dozen holes later... ZIT-ZITTY-ZIT-ZIT
Nick's magazine was spent

Victor tossed Needles into the trunk
laughed at the lipstick still on his junk
sad that Sin-D was here with this punk
Nick headed off where she went

Remains of the two would never be found
both were taken where horse meat is ground
they'd be in cans on a truck outta town
before the sun's new ascent

Author Notes Image from Google

Chapter 35

By Bill Schott

Felix Felix Finderelli
ate a jar of pretend jelly
sitting in a downtown deli
practicing his miming

Felix' father Fenton Fenton
learned to cook when in San Quentin
serving out a six year senten --
for illegal end-word rhyming

Both now work at Dolly's Eats
Fenton fixes tasty treats
Felix pantomimes feigned feats
for people who are dining

Chapter 36
Zingy Feddermoshalot

By Bill Schott

Zingy Feddermoshalot
couldn't drink another drop
a gallon seemed to hit the spot
imbibing then was through

He began the journey home
in which he tripped on every stone
ripped his pants and broke a bone
then belched a gurgling spew

Zingy reached his home a wreck
one hundred feet had been his trek
all was well, so what the heck
he'd drink tomorrow too

Chapter 37
Small Job

By Bill Schott

Luther and his cousin Cliff
said they'd be here in a jiff
but they're late and I am miffed
and contemplating change

Last week when we needed help
counting clams and cutting kelp
Where were they? The worthless whelps
Both out getting 'strange'

I'm looking at the Brothers Blee
to take on a small job for me
dump two cousins in the sea
who have become deranged

Author Notes Thanks to GaliaG for use of the photo

Chapter 38
J Jones

By Bill Schott

Here's a bit 'bout Jenkin Jones
who called on clients late on loans
left them with some broken bones
and promised to return

One day he met Renaldo Red
who broke ol' Jenkin's bones instead
then lopped off Jones's boney head
so he would not return

Same day Renaldo wound up dead
by Jenk's sister, someone said
now she collects Jones' family bread
and she will soon return

Author Notes Thanks to pattigirl for use of the money shot

Chapter 39
Denzil Did It

By Bill Schott

Wilbur was a welder and the elder of five brothers

Vernon was a vender and much gentler than the others

Connor on his honor was the liar of the clan

Zeke was quite the freak and a singer in a band

Denzil was a mental and a fratricidal loon

He bumped off all his brothers during the waxing of the moon

There is a rhyme, but reason may be missing from the tale

Of Wilbur, Vernon, Zeke, and Connor, and the one in jail.

Chapter 40
Picking Flowers

By Bill Schott

We were walking in the forest
Picking flowers for the florist
When there appeared a jelly giant
Looking for a candy client

"Cooze me, vellas," be began
"wookin' foda Cookie Man."
"We ain't seen 'im," I returned
You think that I will ever learn?

Never speak to woodland creatures
Especially with jelly features
Now we've a gelatinous giant
With whom we were not compliant

"Cookie Man!" the gel Joe screamed
"Wake me fwum dis cookie dweam!"
Then he smashed my good friend Finn
A crushing slush slap did him in

I turned to make a hasty flight
But jelly fingers held me tight
"Wait!" I gasped and spun to speak
"I am the Cookie Man (you freak)"

The mega-gelatin man froze
A snot of syrup filled his nose
His mouth agape he slowly said
"I wanna wake now, in my bed."

"Run," I thundered, "to the falls."
"Disregard NO DIVING laws
launch yourself into the torrent
and you soon will awake I warrant."

The behemoth grinned and left
Ran to the falls, leapt to its death
Got back to town, taking hours
Dragging Finn and picking flowers.

Author Notes Thanks to Sierra Treasures for the graphic

Chapter 41
Be the One

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Lyle had style and plenty of cash
Miles flew miles to sample his stash
Kyle had guile and a pile of bucks
He compiled in exile while getting his ducks
in line

Lyle dialed Dale to set up a meet
He then called Kayla, who was discrete
She filed her nails while rolling a joint
Was wearing a gun in case a point
had to be made

So Lyle and Kyle and Miles and Dale
All came together to complete a sale
A pile of cash and some grams of 'Sieg Hiel'
(a Euro-cut jam) that would cost a pile
of the green stuff

Kyle would rile as easy as anything
Kayla could kill you, 'cause that's just her thing
Lyle and Miles and Dale the Dude
Thought the rest vile, defilers, and a crude
bunch of punks

The transaction had happened and then in a pile
The demented dealers dropped dead on the tile
Some filled with graphite sent by Kayla's POW-POW
With bile like the Nile flowing from vacated bowels
into the drain

Kayla collected what the corpses had dropped
The money and merchandise (a bit and a crop?)
Stuffed in a duffle bag she walked to the station
Caught a bus then a plane to a tropical nation
which she now owns

Moral: Be the one with the gun

Author Notes This is a violent poem and I'm sorry if you read it and wish you hadn't.
Thanks to Loyd C. Taylor, Sr for the picture

Chapter 42
Cyril Seamus Sephrelletti

By Bill Schott

Cyril Seamus Sephrelletti

and his sister Joyless Jan

would create a new spaghetti

made from tapioca bran.

They'd created graham tacos,

acorn pretzels, corn husk chips,

lamb gland mustard, and then Jocko,

Cyril's cousin, smacked his lips.

Tasting all the gourmet goodies

Jock told Jan he'd buy them out;

they got rich, but still the foodies

want to make a candied trout.

Author Notes Thanks to Lillia for the photo

Chapter 43
Terry and Manny

By Bill Schott

Tobberdod and Mossgot

were a have and have not

bow tie and an ascot

were what each would knot

T-dod had a nanny

M-got lived with Granny

somewhere on his fanny

M had a tat said Manny

Manny made the Gulf War

Terry joined the Peace Corps

M's work made his back sore

T's stocks were all offshore

Mossgot had a bad wife

killed him with a butter knife

Tobberdod knew no strife

bought himself a new life

Chapter 44
Faux Fred and Phony Tony

By Bill Schott

Faux Fred and Phony Tony

lied about their alimony

to the lawyer of their exes

from a phone in Fred's new Lexus

An unconvinced divorce attorney

took the long cross-country journey

to discover if they'd lied

about the funds now alibied

He found them both at Trader Vic's

with rented women and gold bricks

the women were both nearly bare

the gold was merely sitting there

The lawyer cleared his throat out loud

which silenced the entire crowd

of party goers dancing 'round

a pin drop was the only sound

"Your 'used-to-be's' are sadly lacking

the agreed financial backing

that makes them provided for

every day forevermore"

Phony Tony smiled and said

"Can't you see that me and Fred

have no roof above our heads

All we have are these few bricks

to build a house that isn't sticks

Report our state of destitution

and join us in this prostitution"

The lawyer made the call and lied

that further funds would be denied 

then grabbed a seat twixt gold and gals

and made a toast to his new pals


Chapter 45
The Rip

By Bill Schott

Jammin' Jeffrey ripped his pants

splittin' during a '50s dance;

I see London; I see France

and a boil that should be lanced.

The sight hits my brain like a comet

causing a projectile vomit

bursting like a gooey bomb it

hits the back of Tommy Zombit.

Tommy felt the globby burst

touched his back to feel the worst

then offered this reaction first

he blew chow in Chloe's purse.

Chloe screamed and thought to faint

mumbling prayers to some odd saint

thought she was tougher; guess she ain't...

Did I mention Jeffrey ripped his 'paints'?

Chapter 46
Axel Basil Clyde DeCloy

By Bill Schott

Axel Basil Clyde DeCloy
a most extr'ordinary boy
Known from Corpus Christi to
The Bronx, Detroit, and Juneau Zoos

He is a boy with ferret face
Breath like pepper spray or mace
A disposition like a snake
integrity just like a rake

His frame is dense with body hair
And body odor twice his share
He likes to bite and chase the cars
Read dirty books and smoke cigars

In order to his actions thwart
It was decided by the courts
To have him caged, put on display
And moved from zoo to zoo each day

Today he'll be in Timbuktu
Wildly screaming, throwing pooh
Be sure to come and see this boy
Axel Basil Clyde DeCloy

Author Notes rake=degenerate
cartoon from Canstock

Chapter 47
Shovel Meyer

By Bill Schott

Shovel Meyer saw his chance
To compete and then advance
In the game, the daily dance
For dimes in dirty under pants

Shovel was in competition
With established street traditions
Like a nudist or mortician
He spent his day in exhibition

Today was now his time to shine
Like seagulls on the foamy brine
Like spittle on his dollar wine
He'd do his dance in double time

Shovel shuffled for his dimes
Competing with the silent mimes
'Gainst fire eaters, bards with rhymes
And a guy who juggled limes

When the urban show was through
Tourists gone and people few
Shovel counted dollars -- two
Tomorrow he would start anew

Chapter 48
Ray, Fay, Sam, Moe, Me and the Maid

By Bill Schott

Ray saw red when he read the story
Fay wouldn't say what she'd said to Rory
Sam put to sea just to see its glory
Moe didn't know there was no inventory
Ray turned blue then he blew his top
Moe called the maid and she made me stop writing.

Chapter 49
Flippin' Freeda Funtune

By Bill Schott

Flippin' Freeda Funtune
Ladled on the perfume
Headed for the ladies' room
Grinnin' like a skull

Never cleared her panty hose
Pinched a loaf down to her toes
Lookin' for a fire hose
to power wash the stall

Her date was Marty Mackelroy
her floor mat and her boy toy
Freeda was his only joy
Except for all them others

Freda left for Marty's home
Her eyes were crossed and mouth afoam
and 'under the spreadin' chestnut...' poem
she 'knew' his seven brothers

Flippin' Freeda Mackelroy
Ladles rice with super soy
Rocks a little Mackelroy
who is some father's son

Author Notes Fun days

Chapter 50
Melancholy Mary Melon

By Bill Schott

Melancholy Mary Melon
Was a frequent flyer felon
Cruising for a life in stir
Should a third arrest occur.

Then there was the jewelry store
Smash and grab, an easy score
Mary made a major heist
Hauled away the hottest ice.

Mary used her common sense
Since five oh checked out every fence
She gave them to her closest friends
To pay old debts and make amends

She met a man and it wasn't long
'Til the dude had done her wrong
Her bullet was that cheater's end
Now Mary's sad and in the pen.

Chapter 51
Jose, O'Malley, Sookie, and Sally

By Bill Schott

Jose, O'Malley, Sookie, and Sally
met up to hang out at Bob's Bowling Alley

O'Malley bought beers and Jose kept score
Sookie said "Selly, ya sich a beg ho-ah!"

Then it was on 'Woid to ya mutter'
Jose threw strikes, O'Malley the gutter

Sally threw punches but never connected
Sookie seemed safe and fully protected

Jose kept killin' the pins like a pro
O'Malley drank beer and ordered some mo'

Leaving the lanes, out with the crowd
Jose was happy, O'Malley was plowed

Sookie was singin', Sally was mute
O'Malley thought Sally looked kind of cute

Jose then noticed that Sookie was fair
Not a strike, mind you, but surely a spare

"Say there, Sookie; you seem pretty swell."
"Doan try it, man; Selly's jallus ez 'ell"

Back to their homes, they ambled that night
After high scores and no score and half of a fight


Chapter 52

By Bill Schott

Sammy had a light repast
'fore his death this Thursday last
mouthed a prayer to his god
waited for a wink or nod

Whether it had come or not
died with Sammy on a cot
DT's shook him to the core
'til he didn't shake no more

County dug a legal hole
Sam went in without a soul
that soul's now here where I am
I wink and nod with Brother Sam

Author Notes I let the last line go long

Chapter 53
Bert and Benny

By Bill Schott

Bert and Benny bought a ring
for their girlfriend Freda Fling.
She would date Bert on the day
that the other was away.
And when Bert was out of town,
Benny would come hang around.
They decided it was fair
to approach her as a pair,
and suggest a marriage of
brother, wife, and brother love.
Freda gave a moment's thought
to the coupling that was sought.
Turned them down with no regrets,
and left to marry trip-o-lets.

Chapter 54
Jolly Raleigh Riptofreeka

By Bill Schott

Jolly Raleigh Riptofreeka
likes to cut and snort paprika
he and TomTom from Topeka
party hard in Kansas

Jolly joy pops Pepsi Free
smokes a bowl of pars-o-ley
has held his breath for ninety- three
seconds (so a fan says)

Together JR and TT
live on the edge in old KC
won't get caught, oh no sir-ee
they's 'marter dan da mans is

Chapter 55
Lyle Load L. Yodel Lincoln

By Bill Schott

Lyle Load L. Yodel Lincoln
took a bath if he were stinkin'
only closed his eyes when winkin'
at some local filly.

There was gals what liked his ways
would stay with him a couple days
then run away like they's ablaze
we thunk all them was silly.

Seems aneath his bullish bark
were a heart that had a spark
fer the kind of liltin' lark
who'd dress up prim and frilly

Weren't no womens ah that ilk
what drunk only store-bought milk
put on airs and dressed in silk
or done things willy nilly

Eventual he left our town
and went shoppin' all around
fer a pris what'd wear a gown
and be his little lily

Heard he found one in the spring
they got hitched and had a fling
now he's happy; that's the thing
love's more'n a wet willy


Chapter 56
Lasso Linda Leathernotsees

By Bill Schott

Lasso Linda Leathernotsees
drinks the beaucoup kamikazes
then she fights the men and quasis
at the Dew Drop Inn

Linda loves some scotch and gin
like breathers like their oxygen
or lovers like that out and in
and in and out again

Leathernotsees' daytime job
is moving money for the mob
and once a week to bob a knob
of some old cop named Flynn

Then at night she bares the claws
belts back a few and breaks some jaws
breaks some rules and natural laws
and plumbs the depths of sin

one day, sure, she'll meet her end
out on the streets or in the pen
but she'll be nitro until then
each day a new explosion

Chapter 57
Michael Mayonnaise Mc Gotten

By Bill Schott

Michael Mayonnaise Mc Gotten
was champion of the down-trodden
hero of the misbegotten
a man with no detractor

Wandered nightly through dark alleys
looking for the Sams and Sallys
who were in life's deepest valleys
to be their benefactor

One day a creepy, caustic cretin
jumped Mc Gotten, left him beaten
crushed his skull with heavy feet and
each bone had its own fracture

His body laid there in that scene
the denizens had picked him clean
his naked body turning green
beside a trash compacter

Mc Gotten was a rarity
who never had the clarity
to see that clueless charity
gives power to bad actors


Chapter 58
BenBen Bookolotto Bane

By Bill Schott

BenBen Bookolotto Bane
used to ride the northern train
through the woods near Derry, Maine
and past the gates of Hell

BenBen rode the rails for years
bumming dimes to buy some beers
to fan the never ending fears
that turned some nerves to gel

He's dollar dumb but Pennywise
now contemplating sewer-cides
folks forget so he resides
in Derry for a spell

He may be seen just as a clown
or a sad sister with a frown
but he is there to take the town
to where they'll float and smell

Author Notes I alluded to a couple of names and a plot piece to give this a connection to Stephen King's novel IT . Derry, Pennywise, and the sewage plant.

Chapter 59
Nappy Lion Nestocoocooz

By Bill Schott

Nappy Lion Nestocoocooz

called the ladies yelling yoohoos

left them bawling bitter boohoos

seeking greener grass

The "Lion" liked to play the field

stayed 'til ev'ry grape was peeled

drained them dry and left well-heeled

flying out first class

One day he met his Waterloo

her name was Nestocoocoos too

she was his daughter from a few

years back in the pas'

She had legal papers which as

it turned out drained all his riches

left him with his shirt and britches

and kicked out on his ass


Chapter 60
Emo Fotophlem Gannixerz

By Bill Schott

Emo Fotophlem Gannixerz
became famous for elixirs
that he'd serve at college mixers
to each budding mind

It was said that his solutions
raised the inner constitutions
of students at these institutions
giving insight to the blind

Several of these educatees
opened shops on the Euphrates
or the Tigris where conflatees
sold drinks to those inclined

Now the patrons are jihadis
driving 'round in Maseratis
serving hot Gannixerz's toddies
and shooting up mankind


Chapter 61
Isabella Mos'ley Fella

By Bill Schott

Isabella Mos'ley Fella

at the ball would be the bella

in the trio played the cella

it's said she is well-rounded

Rumor is that she's a male

seems to have an upfront tail

singing alto was a fail

the evidence compounded

Izzy's brother wears a dress

it fits him pretty good I guess

a nonconformist is the best

comment that is sounded

As siblings they are quite the pair

unusual might be a fair

assessment of their family flair

further views would be unfounded


Chapter 62
Spanky 'Little Sponge-o' Spenser

By Bill Schott

Spanky 'Little Sponge-o' Spenser,
at a candy bar dispenser,
kicked and tilted it until
enough had dropped to get his fill.

Next, the bottled pop machine
was moved to make it somewhat lean,
which made a soda take a tumble
into the grasp of Little Sponge-o.

Alas, the pop machine fell down,
pinning Spanky to the ground;
he ate some candy, drank his pop,
was soon arrested by a cop.


Author Notes Sponge World 10

Chapter 63
Telly Jellyfish Fizzelli

By Bill Schott

Telly "Jellyfish" Fizzelli

was rotund with bulbous belly

amorphous fellow, little smelly

rode an electric cart

On days ending in Y he ate

like food supplies upon THAT date

would discontinue -- dissipate

from the groc'ry mart

One day he took a final munch

on deep-fried butterstick for lunch

assuredly, it’s not a hunch

that is what stopped his heart

Now that could be this poem’s ending

no denying or defending

but if a message I were sending 

go back to the start (and read again)


Author Notes Jellyfish World 10

Chapter 64
Uncle Octo Pussonelli

By Bill Schott

Uncle Octo Pussonelli
used to hang out at the deli
lack of hygiene left him smelly
he had a bad aroma

No suggestions made a dent
then there came the incident
one which no one could prevent
"Dare vas zo mooch droma!"

Lethal Keith came to the store
the stench of Octo made him sore
he pounded him into the floor
and put him in a coma

Now the deli smells like cheese
cold cuts, spices, in the breeze
while Uncle Octo scratches fleas
somewhere in Oklahoma


Author Notes Also known as ..... Octopus World 8......

Chapter 65
Jerry's Back

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Jimmy jumped on Jerry's back
justified in his attack
used a brick to bat his head
and kept it up 'til he was dead

Jerry's body had collapsed
his brain had sent its last synapse
when suddenly he was aware
he floated in the crime-scene air

Jimmy still seemed cruelly led
to make a mess of Jerry's head
Jerry felt that if he could
he'd inhabit Jimmy Hood

Soon he found and was surprised
to see himself through Jimmy's eyes
He had looked better, wasn't well
in fact his brains were beat to hell

Then he came up with a trick
to beat his own head with the brick
he used the block to hit his gourd
revenge would soon be his reward

It hurt a lot, so soon he stopped
his bubble for revenge had popped
then a thought occurred to him
he wasn't Jerry, now he's Jim

So he buried his remains
cleaned up blood and bones and brains
started living Jimmy's life
enjoyed his car, his home, his wife

His new life was a master plan
to be the Boss, the Chief, the Man
his life seemed blessed, a greater good
'til he was killed by Mrs. Hood

Chapter 66
Fear Phil

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Phil has found a plastic pipe,
with properties just like a spike,
one sharp end that looks as though
it would make an awful hole.

Tending garden is his job;
he also is Beelzebub,
when he's not receiving meds
or eating crayons colored red.

Phil was sentenced to be here
for the killing of his peers,
or until his mind is clear,
then he'll serve six hundred years.

Here comes the nurse, now he can see
just how deep the hole will be
that he makes into her chest —
then it's lunch, and get some rest.


Author Notes Image from Maniac ad

Chapter 67
Foster Osterplakinmooler

By Bill Schott

Foster Osterplakinmooler
hung out by the water cooler
Trivia? He was the ruler
king of worthless data

Didn't know who's president
but had the scoop on every cent
that was ever lost or spent
in Las Vegas, Nevada

Was versed on Venus atmosphere
the shelf life of each type of beer
the quirky, jerky, odd, and queer
the happy and the sada

Unfortun'tly he didn't know
where the decimals ought to go
so the balance sheets would show
yada yada yada

Foster's now in federal stir
'cause of funds that never were
but he cer-tain-ly is sure
the rung width of a ladda


Chapter 68
Barney Beppotoozoleema

By Bill Schott

Barney Beppotoozoleema

was the ever-constant schemer

to his next job in his Beemer

he cruised into the state

Barney's buddy Pops Petasky

was his strong arm, rather nasty

Drinking from a leather flask he

Pondered the day's date

B.B. had a mark in play

The con job would be done today

he'd meet his sap at Sounder's Bay

just up from Golden Gate

Down in Texas Barney sold

the San Francisco bridge for gold

told a schmoe that he'd soon hold

the deed, so don't be late

Dexter Dimbulb soon was given

the Golden Gate for which he'd driven

up from the South where he'd been livin'

in the Lonestar State

Barney got the gold from Dex

while Pops looked tough and pumped his 'pecs'

Dimbulb grinned and asked, "What's next?"

and then he met his fate

Pops grabbed Dexter by the throat

threw him in a motorboat

went out to sea to see him float

with sixty pounds of weight

Dexter sank without a fit

Pops picked up his bullion split

Barney thought 'bout goin' legit

but too many cons await

Author Notes Thanks to ftbtaxman for use of the photo

Chapter 69
Heather and Freddy

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Heather Hade the Weather Maid,

meteorologist's aid,

did some more than she got paid

to do on Channel 8.

She and Fred, the station head,

had some times, or so she said,

in and out of Freddy's bed...

"Kinda like a date."

Freddy's soon-to-be ex-wife

is leaving 'cause... "He's ruined my life!"

and mentioned maybe with a knife

her husband she'd castrate.

At six p.m. we hear the weather

from meteorologist, Miss Heather,

and her assistant, dressed in leather,

Fred (sans berries) Tate.


Chapter 70
Meltin' Milton

By Bill Schott

Meltin' Milton, Magic Man
had a sideshow that he ran
with a partner, Dodo Dan,
over near the park.

Friday nights just after six,
Milton pulled his bag of tricks
and entertained the local hicks
until it was past dark.

The magic man would stand up straight,
then flow into a liquid state
and have his partner then inflate
a life-size, great white shark.

Dodo Dan would get a hose
syphon Milton through his nose
as the crowd moaned 'Ooos' and 'Ohs'
at this scene so stark.

Dodo Dan, the bloated goon,
would vomit on the shark balloon
and in the shadow of the moon
the sight of Milt's hallmark.

After this tremendous act,
Meltin' Milton stood intact;
you think it's fiction, but it's fact,
a Friday evening lark.


Author Notes Thanks to Judiverse for suppor

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