"A Month of Poems"

Chapter 1
Feline Thoughts

By mermaids

delicate paws touch the window
my world is full of birds, treats
and delicious tuna
my taste buds sing
with the happiness of
a life of leisure

Author Notes I plan on writing thirty poems for National Poetry Month. This poem is straight from the felines in my home, life is a life of leisure for them.

Chapter 2
Tiny Dogs

By mermaids

bouncy, excited, happy little dogs
greet the waves as if the sea is a
returning salty friend full of faithful
fun expectations, diminutive canines
leap and bark at the ocean's frothiness.

Author Notes A gogyoshi poem is a five line free verse poem on any subject.

Chapter 3
Snow in April

By mermaids

windswept crystals soar
by my window
April's showers are
tiny blankets
blown from the ocean
a mermaid laughs
as spring's flowers
are covered in white

sharp cold air
hits my senses
where is warmth?
I hear her laughter
through the wind
as spring ceases
for a day and
a thick wetness
covers my world

Author Notes It snowed today on Cape Cod.

Chapter 4
Drunk Driving

By mermaids

liquor controls neurons

Author Notes When we drink alcohol, the brain is hit first. If we drink excessively, our neurons become intoxicated and do not do their job, for example, not sending a message to the lungs to breathe. Death can be the result.

Chapter 5
What a Bunch

By mermaids

what a bunch of
happy, smiling pills
acting festively
to a stomach lining

aspirin-zoloft-vit C

boldly travel in and
under life giving organs
nurses encourage ingestion
swallows, facial smirks appear
hopefully health prevails

Author Notes This crazy ditty appeared in my imagination after administering a med cup full of pills to one of my residents. Zoloft is a common anti-depressant.

Chapter 6
Still More Snow in April

By mermaids

April graces the air
with gusto
as the white blanket
still falls
upon my yard

the mermaid is
no longer laughing
yet the frozen daffodil
smiles at this stunned
human waiting for warmth

the yellow flower
knows the white stuff
will cease and
color will pop up
from the thawing
I pray for patience

Author Notes We had more snow on April 4, about two inches.

Chapter 7
Sight Loss

By mermaids

mother killed by a car
unable to fend for yourself
new home welcomes your
tiny, red self
sight long gone
yet you teach much to many
little girl fox
a delight at the zoo

Author Notes I just read that a local zoo rescued a blind, female fox kitten, her mother had been killed by a car. I am off to Florida for a much needed vacation for a few days. Thanks to all who read and review my poems. I will resume reviewing and creating the month of April poems upon my return. Happy Spring! It is 35 degrees here on Cape Cod.

Chapter 8
Tiny Squirrel

By mermaids

diminutive with fluffy tails
you come closer than my
New England nut hoarders
as you observe this human,
a tourist who will
provide goodies
in the land of Disney
you appear to belong
here among the palm trees
and alligators
I wave good-bye as
a smile twinkles in
your eyes

Author Notes I was fascinated with the small size of the squirrels I observed in Florida. They were much smaller than my backyard fluffy tails.

Chapter 9
The Eagle and the Osprey

By mermaids

soaring below a blue sky
gazing below at a pool
of aging humans
the eagle and the osprey
glide, turn, dive
towards the anomaly
beneath expanded wings

the birds are stunned
large floating two-legged
creatures peer up at
the ballet in flight

the eagle speaks first
"yeah, they do this often,
waddle around like sea-cows
not an attractive sight

the osprey replies
"it's worth the daily dose
of humor, strange beasts
bobbing in blue-green water"

the pool humans admire
the wingspan of the majesty
in the sky as nature has a
happy moment in
viewing homosapiens
in their man-made pool

Author Notes I was swimming in a pool on vacation in Florida when an eagle and an osprey flew overhead. I was just trying to imagine what they might be thinking.

Chapter 10
Dragon Poet

By mermaids

the fire he exhales
forms words of
sonnets in air
a time to breathe
and fly across
a blue sky

he is poetry,
songs emote
his inner soul,
the dragon poet
a voice of old

Chapter 11
Tiny Squirrels

By mermaids

diminutive with fluffy tails
you come closer than my
New England dwellers
as if you watch me
a tourist, who will
provide goodies
in the land of Disney,
you appear to belong
here among palm trees
and alligators,
I wave good-bye as
a smile appears in
your eyes

Author Notes I was noticing how much smaller the squirrels in Florida appeared to be than the ones in my backyard.

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