We are held participants, ponder planted in unaware fates endure, torn, in our minds, us to life realities taught by set ideals, its endeavors, what is right valued certainties truths laid factors, conveyed never to change tiny kids. Victims, paroled, no given restrictions, with views by others, and put ideals, desired of an approval, from them, bad principle they are declaring, brought unfair beliefs, held in full trust with a faith total success illusions, encaged thought that traps them. Souls a true bond, its views stated actuality, declarations by others, instructing, departing from interest of factual reality, a confinement, thinking, to themselves, no limitation of: it to teach them. Entities stumble under an guidance, shedding aspects as snakes of their skins, transforming them, placement of former known with new featuring known to trust to renewals truer say old. Lies that flourish that cast them in realities uncertainties of perhaps, marketing interests placing lords budgeting, plotted their state for them to dwell existence. Their agreement by accepting of others purpose precept has sentenced them, now lost souls in a state of confusion, yielding without any doubt their approval on set conceptions. Victims living aims to twinkle befallen sufferings dramatic confrontations, see out of the fog eyes peer view a realistic illusion of a fantasy, factors of good as given bad revelation.
Vessels we're lost water rages found in deceit imaginations, believers issue cast adjustment not self known to do needs, taking in others on a ship say assurances sinking in a voyage. Survivors afloat in livelihood combative in aimed situations, confronting sorrow as truth surely come in their set life span, their wish the mind hopes of balancing acts given to them. They are mindless figures in realms is the actual of what make believes, their paved prints in mud by trials they faced, those compromising acts a resolution of views they to grow. Their state dwelling bound by a fact told, says they to hold as the unquestionable actual to prevail over their life, with given illusion of set living to end hate lies by revealed held reality. Convicts in borders disclosed all behind bars entanglements, balance challenges its realistic factual , yielding resolutions fresh new revisions set assumed beliefs they thought as true. Fantasies held they shall encounter with life, discern fiction from the non-fiction detailed before them, as kids once again to select their best choice its direction in this puzzled life. Souls in pitted fields in eternal confusion, walking a pathway blinded enduring its hidden facts, being them cast in danger threat now interest tumbling all in the acts of endurance.
Author Notes | Opening stage to " Acts of Endurance " had fates, detailing views of its upcoming voyage to endeavors, life challenged facts: all about living struggles had that exist. |
I envision,
while I'm asleep,
in field crops it done hand efforts,
put work beats, did feats,
edible treats to eat,
hear adults above ground words;
launch buds scents:
aroma sent of meats.
Small stream is dark chocolate,
view mud curving,
sit forms in boats,
it's Milk Duds,
in bubbles,
rise from the depths upwards,
inside spheres from a ooze late;
hoping to find love:
fate mate.
nears a storm,
ring bell loud clangs,
downing Kiss' slope,
applies brakes made of cakes,
I it to scope,
sent lightning rope out sky;
tumble foam:
drops a cream.
bunch in a car,
few in walk aisle angers biting,
up rail lock on,
firm grip by hangers;
nobody two feet stand swingers:
rocked lean lollipops.
Red cherries,
found in oat cookie wheels,
swimming in syrup,
twirls around,
upon pretzels rails;
sound out forth an engine's stack:
perfect round marshmallows.
Long journey by rail,
in curve bend there's a crack,
striking high blend winds,
shaking candy bar cars,
tilts car hurl items,
send down to lower floor,
rolls on its sides;
end this short trip:
Duel tracks,
traveling to central hub,
heard ear crisp toot,
spurts hoot M&M,
on a post in boot single leg,
it's conductor;
thrusting him at Dots:
as loot.
Call sounded,
voiced echoing,
come to ask it fall to them,
being bound,
board it soon the next train,
arrival there;
then the mall:
ride waving of small hands:
stating I.
Author Notes |
All that promote a kindness, perhaps in real life, push by good acts to each other, joy yielding such dream delight out, generated in every wish; happiness: union of a family.
You're indeed friend,
submit good wisdom,
trust in Lord,
in evil heart promotes love,
had pal excitements,
telling it to do vision;
for night's shadows:
needed companion.
King appointed,
who was placed on a high throne,
aids to claim souls,
help stop evils allowed his death to be,
save all beloved,
nailed one innocent;
they to a cross:
You are,
as the upper Sun,
give good things a loner,
amidst host created a true Light,
over earth's surface exposing items upon;
sight rare that shine:
desiring friendship with others.
appointed you,
reign as a king,
you who,
never wanted it,
set requirements of duties,
before you,
you're selected;
desired person:
to know it.
You patch cuts,
fixing all put shortcomings,
ending faced lies,
its false beliefs,
in that's,
rebuke King all lows,
grateful I their end;
permits relief:
surges forth glorious truth.
You sir,
babysitting it each age,
time paved through set sorrows,
watching my growth,
aims shielding safety,
picked to anticipate I of future events,
God ruling over years;
do please:
pardon me.
You knew first then my limits,
constantly glancing makeover,
it's to do upon me,
sure to course there,
way by say instructs,
a torch light guiding;
scatters evils deceit:
cutting short any fearful trip.
A tiny seed,
sown in love,
taught views by You,
educated to do right,
within me it's rooted,
represents all people,
aims giving them aid upward;
that's informing:
knowing I have horns.
Unto you,
dear King,
it quick I do,
in faith's pure name,
serving acts for our Father,
we do both love,
obeying me His rules;
knowing me all it said loyalties:
God's ways.
come I to this end,
rests in silence,
had a very short life,
protect others to be heard;
marked on a grave;
it's written:
Author Notes | My Friend. |
Call me then,
when Heaven's army upon the low chaos that's beneath,
gates reopen;
aiming fully set for attacking ready:
assuring pick tactics a total victory.
Awake me,
from this time nap,
I've taken,
releasing it out inner Hulk,
which is inside me,
providing it help for its finish:
ending all those spoken lies.
Let me aid you,
help assisting,
wanting to protect all right,
laid relief by transaction,
cut those harsh evils,
hateful cruel deeds,
that's bad:
Give to me resources needed to do this,
its facts that's required,
performing all of it;
giving out my best of efforts:
that I have.
Author Notes | The coming era, face those kin above; this realm against Heaven: prepare for war. |
A factor,
seen picture detailed of twins,
it's sides recall in slides,
by each,
to the other,
both endured deeds,
resides solely one as;
mirrored an imaged reflection:
found everywhere.
Friends sitting at set tables,
eat a meal,
be seen apart,
by baring ordeal,
a coexistence,
no physical touching,
with it's the other,
yet better than nothing;
see yourself:
seal this cross reality.
Bedroom secrets,
by both it event known,
filled up tiny spaces,
zoom them therein,
until upper lights are turned on,
being in total darkness;
its complete solid gloom:
a friend.
Not any concern,
had either of,
in it,
taking it's a privacy,
debate face to face,
confront bad things,
by others said,
sad life,
seen it's better in sequences;
less joy:
sits both in not seen,
honk peering to cry out,
try both them it to clean self,
rushed effort put,
holding it together,
asking why,
dry stool;
it's before the flush.
Companions in front of a mirror,
faces the other,
play at times,
only one in this glass mirror,
reflection as,
yields one that twin image,
both sharing their actions inside;
being from the other:
Author Notes | Life probabilities, inside state of a mirror, an idea imaging, living, being there reflecting, it's as a shadow, copied; a memory: whatever of us. |
did acts of our nation,
in the halls of Congress,
its added factor in our system,
voice said to rule,
set pre-preparation:
serving it to fulfill an actual law.
Individuals elected,
given a seat,
haven wolves a feat,
beat poor world,
plots limits,
restricts family living,
laws' addition for us;
from those labor workers:
they obtain money.
Law by selects of do task, handwritten in ink stated principals, health care for body, stink fully it, seen of eyes winks, head nod it is approved; ruled yes: acts name a bill.
This planned system, it's built, yields a mix will, installed a bust, placed activities hurt, proclaimed this form a dollar, printed on it is in God; told a must: state us to trust.
People used various dollars, at the stores, to buy purchases, do in sips, yield life gift, causing flips to live, informing soldiers, they're alive, words clearly, still lips; said in a bill: set law.
Wealth, it's obtained, by taking put tax, an amount steal, having acts of crime, by this order, stole these say totes, ruled, invested in hopes notes votes selected; principals: this bill.
Each selected bill, it's a fine string wove, as a spider, from you funds are stolen, it's not just voters, free swing, its robbers, by a signed paper; that bring loot: to do evil things.
Their performance is put, stated as reality, by your pick wanted, aims its to aid, being as you will, ponders thrill, written down in a plan, ruling by a law, served to you; each month: this bill.
Author Notes | Your government tax, funds taken, paid out to do services, by law ruled, operation hurts, it stops fair justices for workers; allowing evils' counter point to hell: a blazing flame. |
I'm stabbed across the lower back, feel this twist, attempts to end me, seen this smile; upon my killer face: laughs at me.
There are no aims for a desired right, by those that makes its government, sides of took, solely personal; decisions: nothing to do about given justice.
This fight, is a constant war, in hid are its actual intents, dealings, ruling are the royals; always: we are the peasants.
Author Notes | The desire of the people, having one to rule over them, governing their affairs. |
Author Notes | Admiration for a brother, who is my Lord, its story of a family; war by members: belittle. I do worship: called truth. |
Early, our day starts, dawn rising, have a notion, preparation to work, clock into a job, doing hours, for a did ration, being at a station; tried effort: aid our nation's services.
People that band, in groups, being slaves, under brat's rule, peers by a cat's eye, see a rat's tail, owner, not like us, trim figure, we're in sun's heat, strikes bones, to dry folks: bat's skin.
Dawn by us, spent filling time, hours, a may at job, sway acts measured, given task do day, put moments, bang, sun hit us, rise higher; fresh dawn is bright: it is today.
These souls guided, in took stride, that is side danger, to build a structure, make an enormous effort, for more cash set tasks, to cope tried labors a ride, pushes to slide; it's just a little bit: moves an item.
A dusty trip, pitted in sand band, on land, its temperament, got gasps, grip a load, by their put hand curls, shoving granite, in dust, pity I destinies; the beings: there.
All hearts, face labor-sold arts, event hard occurrences, twirled folks, as darts, held value total, as used parts, confront law of owner sightless; said final tallies: all replaceable.
All at work, recall mount a placement, direct high a not ball, team actions by, it's a boulder, lift gigantic rock up; full balance: to equal a flat wall.
Folks, at heavy block endeavors, crossing a landscape, to dock, fit in a pit, by man's power, higher to lock stones, one up level, its ruler; being all paid to set this rock: on a pyramid.
Author Notes | The Holy Text, knowing us about its whole, becoming aware of only a child stated is allowed in heaven entrances, ponder actions the worker; this to serve God: then a job. |
Food stuff in a hole, by rips placed, bites selected, hit the cave side wall, tap, falling pick items, circling, swirls tumbling down; then flushed: into a pot.
These edible delights are pushed in a tube, size into a cube, join eaten, stirring it with other digested, drop downward, mixes of acids, churning a gas toxic concoction: in a lube.
Eats inside this hole, revolving put items, set in infusion, sinks, bits alter, hot heated, dissolving, erupt out gases, evolving these elements; exploding: exiting out a bad.
We all must control, that is placed in our body, eaten, stating it is enough, cuts back, from trust deposits, acts bust the ins, ills; aiding your life: better health.
Yet, times goods put in, do over-stuff, yell things, eaten, form a gas, erupt, corrupt treats your system, disrupt inner boiler; mire freed: or a loud fart.
Author Notes | My study, researched facts, about the human body, holding this real reality of it; unions of universes: assembled by atoms. |
You don't remember, being up On High, but I do assure you, of that, you were definitely there, took sides between Jesus and Satan; why you are where: you are at now.
This battle, between two brothers, it was about their existing realm realities, one projecting views of its fact, reflecting on what was known; stated it realistically: was the other.
Satan's views of life, were strange, create host, imagined, who dwelt below ground, dwelling all them in darkness; not as Angel were: in light.
Part of the brethren, sided they with Satan's opinions, thought that the confusion, it was all funny; used it to see: just how far it would go.
Just, before that, a visitor, unknown to Angel, spoke, commanded changes in their realm, all of Him; they could acknowledge: was a thundering loud voice.
There was no host below, but above them, took Him a third of the Angelic host, placed them, in their personal realm, below, apart from Angel, giving them, wherever they were; portion of them: flesh.
Author Notes | The origin of our universe, by my interpretation: of the Holy Text statement. |
Hero, who will aid, an end put to this set unfairness, halt bad, hating abilities stop ill, at target needed, curl an evil torment, measures at us, bunk threat; got pressures: rewarding treasures.
Years, being active a goal to protect pups, unfolds sad wisdom, hear kids cry, ripping tears, smile monitor, soothing lives, hugs for all that stops; ends their worst fears: comfort.
Man whom is picked, helps him sufferers, better treat them bed sick, utter thoughts of hope, aims an advocate, ear words that detailed a real; not mutter facts: truth.
He will be used, as a tool, golden key, glow brightly High Light, set as, clarity said he of God, beliefs it on heart branded, see this rarity; giving prosperity conquers a soul: soldier that trusts in Him.
God also, is needed, help, supplies fresh seeds for plants, let fall rain to farmland yielding growths, by faith feeds received, nourish soil sown crops, it's good; done deeds: to pop foods.
Word said, out God's mouth, say as if, strike as arrows, rip, at evil, stop it, shots Him, defeating, targets at shadows, pick to hate hell, said of Jesus; touch those bad hollows: evils palaces.
Man must be tripled a way, strong in thoughts, formation, achieved a ray to, it's good, it with a view, God brightness glow, delivering eternity a fall to stay, refreshes him fully; restoring: a newly viewed beginning at birth.
Fingers moving, fast, doing aims, seen that fade, settling all set divisions, decisions, his own capabilities of, simply being, write down newest revisions; it put: ends this itch.
Author Notes | Personal suggested, it's as attributes, define is the most just, or its unjust endurance, by self picked held selections. Your did best: to aid others. |
Your viewpoint, on them defined below, its host always to be, banishing, show this hatred, by views set, astonishing, any happiness, cast out from them, simply vanishing; it ends full truth: put thought.
Your twisted views, about those beings low, heated, grips the mind, cook a life of lies, hook victims, its shown wonders, seen everyone as bad, down gleaming, not like him; look they instead: more like monsters.
A precious gemstone, variations, motion in turns sparkling, many illustrated colors, it's all, they are to you, gasps their breath potion, its glow; to twinkle: action in others.
Soul there within, set in stillness, gleam to, is elegance, precisely put beam, aims, back on you, boomeranged, posted on Heaven wall; a team: promenade.
No need of words, that speak about it, already they're spoken, decorates palace, making its host weak, brighter, red; built your new home: it's a leak underneath.
Destiny, a fallen angel, you are, out heaven, in the Underworld now, live in a haven, viewing host death, given you this strange delight, craven of men; him: as diamonds.
Author Notes | Hades stated to lust after gems, the ideal him holding souls, makes me wonder: was those jewels men. I see in this perspective gravestone as trophies. |
My family, sing out, beaks, welcomes me, point a wing, stating words, ending hurt sting, facts instructs; reveals a fresh idea: giving me this view.
Their spoken advice, hits into inner mind, felt, points, sow new thought, seeds deep, touch a wall, strike a direct blow, upgrade sinks below, sprouts struggling; raises up spirits: it about themselves.
Pals, see vivid bright colors, do flips, team does as one, high on toes, dance tops, on tips, twist likened to those of clowns hips; did in full laughter: funny.
Both their feet, step in time moving, big up hop, leaps high, strikes the land, loud note, thunder, sounds all them a pop; joined bop: together in freed cheers.
Their life's manners, informing new hope, tips, dive views, to dip, its advice, lessons that teach aid, high in this nest, an egg twitch, alive; joys to a hive: it's a new to come birth.
This order, it speaks of rules, in bare new spirit set, it's law acts to follow, never fear felt, or any anger, to sorrow, direct strike within, it's toning my marrow; to obey: I'm a new sparrow.
My heart sounds, its crisp beat, loud, aids, thump within, bong rings, tell a complete truth, of a song; be a Kong to war: helping my enthusiasm.
My family dwelling, it is a fortress, lifted, placed high, witness my progress; it is all painless, now, at closing my issue hurting; stop those mounting fears: harmony.
Author Notes | A wish, its thrill of love, to aid happiness, its felt joy conveying, telling its fright, us walking blindly in darkness; confronting foes: hell's army. |
Behind close doors, then truth, its events, tells this real, things about your reality, it sells, as if on a stage performed, precise, unheard; yells out: your hid secrets.
Amnesia, fraction of your life retain, you forgot, set in twelve doors, blocked from your brain, risky to you, told the actual; its fallen pain: or a delighting thrill.
There's a special key, for each of these closed doors, allows you inside, did lives reside therein, about you, side known, by entering within; chance acts; its owner.
All doors are closed to you, twisting on its knob, might cross ones skin danger, to harm you, see darken shadow of someone, a stranger; hide furious anger: threatening to you.
Long quiet hall, pick a door, to find your love, not any hatred, felt affairs, they soothe, it feels safe, in a protective zone, seductive encounter; thinking: active you.
Each of these doors, reflect, a true reality, portrays a time then, perfect match, it's guaranteed, face up, to ponder it; yourself its sect: enter.
Author Notes | The black dream, spoken about from the upper gods, accounts lost, blanking a life; restricting memories lived: who you are. |
Poetry, arrows strike at desires, say stand, felt within, declares out a word, heard is to me a voice, land view, statement free emotions, sighted in written lines; by my wand pen: and bow.
Love, activating this need, it to calm, sent wind breeze, low, by intentions, aim slow at this target, pulling a string, stretching it back, direction goes up that flow, release; hitting: its hum.
Archer, held view its picture, with a direct lined of sight, which defeats evil, capture an angel's bad, save love things; comforts my heart: its rapture.
My weapon, in total readiness, beside me, aimed trap, assuring the eye, it observes this fact, mark strike, line straight release, slap at a target; stop bad intent: its cap.
Truth summoned by a call, surges, should be heard, fall view in a dream, to conquer this wall, spoke a word, touched by none, therein; slicing sound: fulfills arrow ring.
Poetry, assisting efforts, comfort as a blanket, it's a fort to cover, around me, relaxes, shield put time, there I, when my site isn't precisely lined, to abort; know that's amiss: I'll cry.
Poetry, chalk thought out, began I to talk, launched an arrow, directs a hit, ideal to tingle, awaited time for clear shot; sometime take a walk: doubting this consideration.
Her love near strikes, convey a right, shred it the worst of things, touching my fear, senses feelings, pull back my tear; echoing that sing: of a yearning heart.
Author Notes | Two pals be joined as one. Life fact dilemmas, told it is someone else. Good, with the bad and ugly; it's behind a trust: of friends. |
Law, rip, just in case, place flaw, stop trap right, defer a rightful trust in law set rule, hiding deceits, bust victim fairness for legal rights, label them as guilty: before court even open.
Courtroom, in law's room trap, weakens a bone, having a tone, by a verdict, to plot, face it alone, pressed lips tight, not with a huge stone you, acts put to do wrong; harmful: by law.
Whispers, felt a spear, heard to lower ears, set threat fears, law of colleagues, ear, idealization once of; flipping an ignorant tear: did to fully an injustice.
Fool to believe, cast judgement by might it's a legal to, aims to protect don't see, hate live to beam, ruling is evil, posing as a good light, in unjust eyesight; be guilty: an innocent man.
I dispute this, in a law ruled fact trust, denounce a payment to bad, reject, as rightness illusions, filled renews pleasure, without any aid, release forth cure; factors: at cruel folks throats.
My best, to die, on down knees, right less, being a good opposite, of it, expose aims wicked, defining this test, as either, protest my demands out; for a fair justice: rights.
Author Notes | This dragon, entering, it is a liar, acknowledged the seriousness of any protest, for the truth. Man facing odds; it at wrongs: this challenge. |
Thin string, tied over box, into a bow, as ribbon, can bind a gift, can cap its wrap, to a Happy Birthday, untie in quick snap; from kid's eyes: see tears.
Small string, can patch up a hole, fed straight as pole, not a fact firm, through needle port, hooked; able to join cloth pieces: burrows as a mole.
A string, combined with others, make a rope, loop dangle, hang not hope a fool, a dope, slice a throat; eliminates it: them of evils: of all their sins.
Strong item, can seal a wound, found hospitals, reside in rooms, to go a lot around walk, not by itself, not alone, I do appreciate you; greatly: thanks.
Long string, about a finger, hold a time to remember, renews a total recall ring, reminder, be at a family wedding; in one line joined in a dance: with all your kin sing.
Thread extended, it can trip foe, cut their breath, upper neck choke, sight throat red, from zigzag rip; drip flows: kills a victim.
String used as a wire, deliver a call, hear out item, words, of fact recall, shall, I answer back; by a line: it through this cup.
A string used as a tool, aid hanging straight a picture, of back time sentiments capture, show events, broke anywhere; a place cut: it is a mere fracture.
Author Notes | A simple thread, element in existence, used for various things, it is strong, ;being tiny, many performances: able to survive. |
Never knew, my father, as for my mother, she lived in the city, far from me; parted years from each other: providing care was Mother Nature.
Mostly alone, known thought of family, seen faces, never facts to know, about them; their real hidden truth: behind those eyes.
I ponder, spoken realities, if you cannot be nice, to your own brothers and sisters; being my aunts and uncles: what chance have I.
Author Notes | The true meaning of family, togetherness, escaping it to care, sometimes, for other members. |
Crystal heart, it core from, factors, exchange due verdict, deposits fate, start of life, or death, reflect no part of this judgement, himself; truth spoke out: by God.
He decides issues, cuts shear, for a sorrow, reveals tear, aims to do good, chance fear, not by this soul; to: he only tips a balance.
Man, in trap, behind him, there's a another, maybe life to be doomed, in the rear, at strings Contractor, moves a puppet; an attractor: factor God.
Phantom pick a victim, one percent any theory, or a of opinion, about, he's an innocent, await concerns; in descent think ideals: put in mind.
God's will, questions, gives him, placed man, a Dealer, see victims, punish any poser actions to, attack Satan, His thrill through him; it's freezing chill: by Self done acts.
Crystal, which light shines, listen a ray to statements, display in mind, right, just fairness, by viewed might; set a motion to it; Bless: or Curse.
Author Notes | Work appointed to you, it to do, face brethren on a throne never wanting to sit and rule, also; doing it to learn earned values: by errors. |
My future, stop work, near, view pits of life, face, dazzled, it's an ace, no job, retirement; isn't great for me: kept in a race.
Reality fated a laid trap, bust any man, intend to kill me, a timeless evil, thrust at death, rippling fear; shears: rust in once able bones.
My life treasure, on this dated, yet to be sunk ship, in a low chamber hid, with this ax, to cut, towering in one hand, there, slice someone's neck, across a rip; dip: a sentenced fate.
This brainless, darken state, is not a direct conscious to good, cage inside a tangle, knotted, a damp wet prison, filthy, resettled wrangle, final destiny; it is a froze corpse: mangle death.
Everybody has a truth, told wisdom, sown life, conveys your destiny, trapped in, it is a fool, sent into a hell alone, having full rent, to lye within, bent a sad gift: a factor seen full age.
Infant's birth, becomes elder, rebirth him into, fallen horrors, found in a coffin, no repair, buried low in hard ground, eternal palace, fair; its home of despair: it's a grave.
One's autumn, to come a day, reveals a tragic factor, yell of, tell your song flaw, stating your life story, turn reality to a fate aging, be summed up, totals; fallen in a closed cell: larger cage.
Life, set rays that glow, to fall downward, in this swim, row years in ages, activities to live, into cut destiny, slow in descent, unfortunate its imminent, of those old; their death: fated time.
Author Notes | One's concept of themselves, being viewed by oneself to be above peers, abilities to rule over others: as a higher. Mind knowing this fate is not by an emerging new born: but ruled by those eternal. |
Author Notes | Safety, it's for an elderly, aging souls awaiting, as sitting ducks theft aim at them, suffer neglect and abuses at: denied rights. |
In deep mind logic not understanding to know, got sand placed upon to band me the attacks, plotted evil lies threat the sick intent that land.
Statement faithful not to question said words, folding this innocence pull a string web cords, displays decree lords cursing you given hate.
Workman dollars low made a buy trade blow, ruling by invisible law a hollow, got below of the hand that writes its stated thought by a bill.
I am back-stabbed by its held bin corruptions, by the Ripper rip harm grin draining red blood, given killer name isn't gin not solely it is Sam.
I do love you my baby not to live without you, said this dove to mate agreed this union only, above her there to say me a second husband.
Dream as successful it all seen a lie, in a glass I'm shiny to merely die, scattered left no hope haven not a slice of pie pondering its why view.
Rights all for services I to fight sided this war, combat it not by them by law structured a bar, wonder how far I have not yet to be fully free?
Promise this fact being high it potential, react God ends all promises upon us, given a truth pact it's resurrection of ground everlasting hell.
Author Notes | Moments to be a part wait act of endurance, but simply left out due the trusted statement, unfolded never a fact. A pal states a promise. |
"Run", cries a sparrow in green tree heights of, warning people to see said tweets had to fear, command care to flee responds none of them.
"Men coming", put a hop; turn a hop again "there", playing it not to stop people why won't you, in near dark harm seen atop all had fright.
Happy event enjoying it fun happening, with laughter unions people here joys run everyone of us, holding to belief by a sunk sun to party.
Men from land bushes slowly come to venture, throwing the old down raging pushes, rushes their faces to level the flatness of the ground.
Sparrow tilted the head fight ending settled, by might the beads and of the bracelets removed, chained people joined bagging without sight.
Lonely singles that did hark them lined as well, beneath the open sky a brief hut hidden park, in thick dark gathered mumbling inside a hole.
On a big ship boarded rising top its water rips, dips side to craft legs moonlight a trip, going a vessel bird seen a tip sinking it into the night.
Best to thee said fair! All to thee a haven well! Sparrow this view of a host's story to tell, in a cell removed from here their rightful birthright.
Author Notes | Family recording time act of endurance place, displays a division by self taught illusion of a separation: in a hollow shell being meat heads. |
Author Notes | Life situation, war efforts back up this evil, desiring, it's God throne, their sins; lost idiots who say there is no God: end made lies. |
Journey got snares unseen a trap cage, acts not seen did in cloak uncertainty, pits between in the world all in it to play.
A trip to venturing doors that's locked, ruling of floors cruel its injustice clocked, guest docked there in the maze to pray.
Choice of a path is trusts in God's barn, His wisdom to seek merits to earn good, warn all being aware of His granted grace.
Voyage of shadows a strike hits by fools, in dungeons wits to unveil divine tools,
passing caverns fits ghoul's minds ideals.
Together we shine His beam laughter, us caring for others being divine a team, entwined we steam friendly as brothers.
Rejoice to proclaim world is conquered, reclaiming us from our given fallen hell, factor claim held on the Heaven reigns.
(Upside Down)
Rejoice to proclaim world is conquered, reclaiming us from our given fallen hell, factor claim held on the Heaven reigns.
Together we shine His beam laughter, us caring for others being divine a team,
entwined we steam friendly brothers.
Voyage of shadows a strike hits by fools, in dungeons wits to unveil divine tools,
passing caverns fits ghoul's minds ideals.
Choice of a path is trusts in God's barn, His wisdom to seek merits to earn good, warn all being aware of His granted grace.
A trip to venturing doors that's locked, ruling of floors cruel its injustice clocked, guest docked there in the maze to pray.
Journey got snares unseen a trap cage, acts not seen did in cloak uncertainty, pits between in the world all in it to play.
Author Notes | Endurance looking ahead doing the opposite walking backward, given acts outside the path desired to go. |
Author Notes | The figures, disclosed as shadow people, seen by us that venture; viewing them throughout time: there's beings among us. |
Fright pit wipe away sadness my anger, a new fit way to rise movement I in heart, you afraid shadow no more to sit in fear.
I sugar you with my love vowed forever, everlasting fire your dove who desires, joys unsung clove in many hopes for us.
Acres by acres it of green got meadows, flavors scents there seen fresh flowers,
pleasing in its plenty fruit and herb teen.
Rainbow led steps to touch better time, unheard below blue sky sad we're well, carefree ride low in the rainbow's lanes.
Under clear skies I ask forgetfulness, actions hostile had tear by hateful acts, times habitual to rip I say you to bear it.
My heart you know its aims is sincere, living you in rays of mere abundance,
laughter view there in had its utmost fun.
We all joined us to play always smiling, having no tears at to you stay hide obey, heart hoped interest comforting a bay all.
We must be aware feeling compassion, beware of pain given to a friend felt harm,
climbing us to the Golden Door by fare.
Author Notes | Endurance regrets ills done to ones you love, fallen fates of harshness, cover concern by abusing those near to you. |
Author Notes | Always, endure, magical moments, awoke or not, had desires answered by acts performed, by a lone kind; it's: unseen visitor. |
A gun is not a big deal to me crossing, teasing fun a child I had two snap toys, teen rising sun given BB my time to hunt.
I moved to the big city from the farm, my shocking alarm of the violence there, feeling calm again relieved warm home.
Gun pushed in gut opening door space, woman from purse drew put to my face, elderly race him to point shaking a colt.
At airport child my basket to drop a gun, abort this woman of her kid stopping, illegally found her to transport the drugs.
I've seen it all heard it swear to protect, been their lust there intent to draw blood,
run foolish fright they're afraid a teen.
Is it right ten cops shot to kill a man, into his body tops twelve had bullets', say no one nothing Supreme bops bad.
God loves you souls told hell to hate you, harmony them to be together as doves, moves apart given in differed set opinion.
A gun present force without fight strikes, consent each to own most not to carry it,
intent solely to end the life of something.
Author Notes | Endurance shot at to see your death, escape unlikely, finding yourself cornered facing the bullet. |
Plenty good laughs among caring eyes, bounty of all that is there rooms within, yet still empty want to leave its comfort.
Love it full desire for from all directions,
not you know next fire hurt to descend,
other than in mire at need of some aid.
Complacent views taunt come at you,
bee in a dome with parents in the honey,
times of doubts set you'll be safe home.
Ideals emerged is to be self-independent, mature purged you at being self serving,
submerged free of ones safe enclosure.
You rush stumbles to leave cave safety,
in quick quiet hush of where you going, yourself to push out any way for the door.
Life theme facts by happening realities,
trials a given creme its woe attacks you,
times now extreme should stay content.
Prisoner found in struggles you to live,
realist in drop dive tricked by betrayal, hive its aims target to threaten it to kill.
Captive found firm in a wrap held by web, fly in a trap viewing life's snare as real,
seeing on-coming a tap you of a spider.
Author Notes | Endurance views of a greener life can't wait, current times not perfect enjoy. You'll get your wish or wish a nightmare. |
Words, I heard, it is out a box, hit its note deep in heart, touch, silent tone, awaiting sits pox, sights in one eye, mud fox appear, projected pain; about shocking news said: echoing alerts in me.
This tiny dot, appear, at rape strip, drop to be a solid form, flicker, wobbling, change its whole shape, inner angers, hurt escape, swirled fast out an eyeball, seen rock; pile a fact: become a mound.
I am, indeed, of this tear, its maker, bite evil scheme at me, not its sole creator, be, yelling cry of a baker, sink faker, upon my left cheek; drip: it's a puddle.
Events shocking in life, firm in actuality, form a tear fact, rage from me, with this pain hell, impact, realizes for real believed, of a cruel act, fate, touch intent direct, connect; element lived: by this statement.
Time is up, off cheek sent a tear, to its call, off chin depart, leaps down tumbling, fall, open air, far from me, ear zero, seen as a bright gem; likens a wall: twinkling as a dot.
A self entitled crown, strike shear feelings, paved in misery, fear freed, line over body, carries every tear its to unrighteousness, soon to end this, fully, to burst; splash: found guilty.
This angry, dropping, drip, traveled, zoom to lower floor, boom, doom hit, destroy a small dot, splattered in parts, into pieces, rolls beads; touched things: multiplying my pain.
A tear, brought from dark pit, exposed as a ball, free to go, as willed, reflects a fall, that does harm, stop, it by none; giving to you a call: answer sorrow.
Author Notes | A tear is rooted to each broken heart, responds to ones emotion, conveyed honesty, immediately, wet ball; flow of undeniable: water. |
Faith, entering this blind journey again, walking alone in the dark, its uncertainty to gain chill, hurting to an ordeal laid fears, giving thoughts to hit my brain, it's to stain pits.
My home set this desire on foot to walk by tips, pace wild woods, not even a flashlight took sips in rips, placing dips of not just it in these trees but with leaves.
A dope to drop, seeing a slope, down it is slowly bent safely, sightless, a root rope not to trip, eyes locked low, stretching, leaning afraid I will not slip: I cope this hill.
Nightmare, not having any vision, is a chosen thrill in a pit, an assumption of this quiet, a silence, a hush , reach out this limb, a bush to crush, grabbing quickly it flush, fear dark trees.
I zoned by an ear tilt, lean to hear any harm outward, paused for any noise to fear, bangs it is a threat alert of its nearest, sighted shadows I'll let out tear expectation.
My chest lacks air, both eyes are too dim, makes in shell rapid breaths it is pressures, fall in a hell site, herein it is in a trap to tell live fright hope just vacant.
A beast out of nowhere, the action of a cop, confronted, peers eyes a mop to stop a fast jump, attacked this angry bear surging, and hit this to hop striking for me.
Wolf sounds out its howl, and lone eye an owl blinks, growl in the bush sightless sits threats nearby, rush me swiftly there's a ghost to prowl BOO at my zoom.
Author Notes |
A haunt it among the trees, come upon a shack abandoned it's alive, see a ghost and the monster, endured you seeing this in the darkness a walk in the woods alone.
Author Notes | True act of endurance told you could not in your sleep get harmed, wishing it was fantasy, having physical proof something did happen. |
A bell sounds, a bang, sang outwards, night's silence, shatters, await fang, out darkness, I'm asleep; ears in: a tang.
A joker, a plot, its being playful, intended to fill, bent will, by legal Hill, in a bill, now a law; no freedom for: in a cage.
A lioness creeps, rips, swiftly sips approach, flips, on a concrete, by progressive, foot leap; dip to reach: her prey.
My mind, projects this wrap, map laid, plan a cap, sunrise, at dawn, revelation catch, night figure; it's an eye: trap.
Up sun's rays, twinkling down, alter, seen after her peer, sinister sight, to filter; stops actions; behold: two round balls.
My freedom, has a meal, limit room in a yard, by a seal, jealousy, in rage not a plus, denied an appeal, got a slap: ponders deal.
Liberty, an unjust, stops a fluff soul, state a legal judgment, cuff enforced, law rules, it is a muff; act stuff cat: at mocks a dog.
Author Notes | Others, face to face, set beliefs, thoughts, flows languages, of different tones, each soul, this fact of existence: a total life. |
I am excited returning home enjoying reunion, grips and hugs finally ending to union us two, with my cousin a time to relate apart a vision.
Lips smack walking to travel the closest store, coming both to an old shack aside a tar road, recall a pack of people then in the small house.
Low room completely reaching top very filled, slowing upon aspects seen gloom we to talk, used as a barn storing this home being doom.
Glass shows new hay inside all stored therein, blocking windows the bails lay piled all to top, routed this pathway to a door cut to move one.
This store to leave us in a pitch dark pal seen, cleaving in the night it lark unseen cores there, remembering the gore had laughs hark at a pit.
House abrupt pop up appearance we to stop, shine out of windows bright beams, plays in pounds sound it of hop music it an active party.
Cousin picks up stone given immediate action, in palm a rock fraction, hurling this small part a factor sent out to get any feedback reaction.
Pebble into the dark pit striking the top tin roof, struck this stone hard bangs heard hit ringing, pounds a bit stopping the house given events.
Author Notes | Ghosts or aliens act of endurance occurrence not certain, maybe you to face angels in a true account, encouraging soul enters their space. |
I'm a serious candidate to play hoops,
did a drop out loop to fight society,
slip to fall whoops to fly in the air.
I'm a dedicated lover, a father, changing a mover of complexities, mostly a lone groover by myself.
I'm a to be best destined driver,
quick reflexes able to test curves, hidden pest to pedestrians in street.
I'm a to start a business saving,
my part will collect the money,
tasks apart from an active manager.
I'm a crack shot shooter,
given tooter to passing women,
absolute boot-er, cards played wrong.
I'm a light to bring the sun to rise,
fun glances of opening eyes,
thought without, they won't survive.
I'm a very fast runner,
having time to hold my banner,
don't mind a tan-ner before beach.
All I'm a, stated ever to be,
never a completed tried dream,
captured in my fever - not to be.
Author Notes | Person with a thousands things they can do, statements rendering never fold to reality. |
Author Notes | God formed a shell, a body to restrict and place us into it prisoners. My bag book was upside down. |
Author Notes | Individuals, in a close-up, confronted sour said evil, or receive sweets shared is space factor; voids tell doubts: their differences. |
Life treasure tasks hated such as failing to recall a feature, retain the funds the replacement to uplift cash, to have no job but pleasure safely in a bank.
My duty is to target it is minor, at draining steals this item cutting, reveals faults it stops to pits and boasts a max: ends fear to retire seals final facts.
Goal hit refuge an issue disclosing the mistakes I tire, highest gain never a desire weak it give sinks, replacing flawed assets tasks bashes out the fire.
Efforts predestined to a dream site the may route, choose I am paved lane directing it way to dream course, at this weak aim it sway retiring set peace.
My selection I've picked plummeted it low a sack, deleted void the downs a lack stop, whole stack totally lifted investments earnings the job all years.
Job I will soon leave its living life, foretold rest is another side, to reside it finally total finance years sought stride, terminate friendship ends scheme.
Cash earns in this bank by laboring secured he is said child again wanting to play, bids right routes cuts it is worries joy mild, fallen tear got I am wild.
Plan is at fault removal increasing funds not fall short, making it no error it to abort lost gain cost to end work, welcoming a job retirement in resort.
Author Notes |
Things that're wanted its work deeds to earn them delights, given struggles this act of endurance for those items you buy said it not obtained pleasures.
Life entities within this world we're yet to meet, by acts did infidelities set activities fact done, left in mud indignities marks printed by steps.
Lover fights this hater, put full total BS maker, picked time man freed dwelling spirit a shaker, vigorously at tumbling leaves works is a raker.
Melon shaped is head given not a point round, sowing this bent bead no port circle, babbles of a fool go downward in a fall lead into a trap.
Innocent of situations, its wanderer lost soul, viewing life memories lived a story put to post, paying a cost all debts tolls it endured a smile.
Family to the other to not talk never, stand to walk the unknown gate as a certainty, scribe it by chalk marks that are of brethren a war apart.
Black turning color to be a white, changing it to a rainbow red shines, smell His pines scent it to purify things, they in night mines to touch.
Companions place in a life ace to be in living, surviving of lives their shared space separate, watch over other back know it not other name.
Lies of independence each to project a cloud of hate, seeing a death of another fate, facing that's a mate we to see travel come a stranger.
Author Notes | Life this imaginary line which produces ill wills set against another not them believing the God, relating His viewpoint stated we all are family. |
Author Notes |
Issue act of endurance intents aid others said method fact to ponder correctly do the factors. What picked thoughts timed to speak say you?
Author Notes | The leader, endure all he could carry, claims, voted in, serving as king. It is sad how aspects of war; and evil profits: bury a truth. |
Daily given practice moments prior sleep,
peep I at trees tops to see the Orion Belt,
in deep dark above looking at the stars.
Timely occurrences by house side I'm in,
above trees stars to glide lined in inches,
glittering three in a tide in a joined flow.
Visitor to throw out normal night course,
departing my might I to retain a lost gap,
paused to peep the light those trio stars.
Mind reacting slow to a factual meaning,
look I out a window something strange,
touching stars tops of trees seen so low.
Realize time a what is it I am looking at,
knowing a dime fact seeing what it is not,
back to house is to chime the Orion Belt.
I think in the mind of the Phoenix light,
watch a doubt these twinkle bright spots,
suddenly after vision sight I see now four.
I felt violated by an awareness sensing,
viewing through my eyes their unfairness,
took out fear I of a world completeness.
In this revision four stars hung in a loop,
likened cars lights to vanish it from vision,
disappears one by one in division night.
Author Notes | Unknown gate it of an actual event that happened, mystery to boggle the logic of mind, seen truth viewed close by you. |
Perhaps, given life's superstitions on me,
driven fears to lurk in a consciousness,
insecure need safety it I from craven eyes.
I am seeing faces it here watches at me,
paused cut of a shot to see traces of lives,
erasing tries paces not power me a view.
Perhaps figment of a mind's imagination,
aims them for any pleading salvation,
preparation repeal I at surging assaults.
My daydream seen awoke sleepwalking,
crossing a stream had childish beliefs,
laughs them viewing ray's beam out eyes.
I am still shaking at notion possibilities,
probabilities factors it of a scientific fact,
acknowledging put realities lower head.
It's just grease it off a cooking pot thrust,
stains a crust done on plain white paper,
find no trust maybe I in it a gory picture.
Author Notes | Unknown gate taken feeling something it there unseen is with you, watching eyes not you able to see knowing them there. |
A hard belt hit, just a bad memory,
as Oz witch to melt a thought,
felt its drag resistance.
Tip of a spear blade to perch me,
to hear my trying grasp for air,
its near threatening my conclusion.
Words spoken from a hater,
dark hidden being, lurks a faker,
a maker of a deal not deep.
My trust in a said pledge to me,
union no aid to assist my wants,
paid off full, surely placed in a hole.
A demonic held spirit, not fleshly,
soul being captured, he sits in it,
perhaps it merits an opposite view.
A creature able to align others,
constitutional, pure disregards, theme to feature malice hate.
Specters living inside humans,
not a fan giving anguish to mortals,
striving endlessly, can to harm us.
They are fallen brethren to join us,
children that are descended,
to burn giving tears in hells' barren.
Author Notes |
Taxes paid without representation, federal look the other way to State,
payee always found at fault. |
Our concerns, that is about many things, out there, sometimes had events, we face, its with spoke doubt, bad moments, its entanglements which exist, prevail cases; seek ace for its real: to surface the truth.
A person, as a wing, flaps his arm, points up, react, he a did, desiring something to state, gotten issues it disturb him, out his mouth, not a word, painful stretched eyes; bring fears: about their endured occurrence.
I went to high school, bent fact then, of time, results of actions graduated me in two years, burying, past affairs, history, this present account is not alive; not even mentioned: detailing that fallen event.
I was going about my day, not really in a good mood, chewing upon some tasty food, and felt-in my mouth a sharp pain; it hurt within: there's I've a broken tooth.
Things, in the night sky high up, ponder features, things said of, about our universe, race, fight of man, aims it's to reach the planets, near us; wonder if it's right: to be there.
I've been in various forms of the human riots, factors being crushed by others to run, earring death, fearing, I'm pushed down flat, and piled upon; covering in a hush: my mouth.
I was told, there's a heaven, above, and down below is a hell, too, its troubles, all to come, judgments, each act as right be measured, ruled over by God its fact, about this; not for me to inter-react: with Satan's domain.
Author Notes | Statements to motivate, pointing to daily issues confronted by us, within living in the world to be faced; tell of uncertainties: given seen views about events. |
Stories told of you a alligator or a whale,
breaks metal spears like sticks myth tale,
neither stated male known to snap iron.
I deny those spoken facts thoughts held,
reacts showing me mentioned identity,
lined its truth in the Holy Text told acts.
You are under a lock earth held put there,
inside the ground in its muck you will live,
cry alone you safe a sock from all away.
Image a beast God punished put it in jail,
you did not hear the curse a death's cage,
yet the ones in rage chained to it survive.
High Lord bells this gigantic eel to praise,
before a death time as world's laws feel,
curls hisses a snake blow to head a heel.
Eve asked this to be what had God stated,
growing big to see then now behemoth,
not to run or her to flee eaten by a giant.
Body stretched is a tour blocking a river,
witty firm language his opinion it to pour,
actions era man to sour over dry ground.
You play its former land ruler flash fast,
before man his vast size is over the trees,
cast remembrance he awaits Leviathan.
Author Notes | Unknown gate a love it had of another by desires, cursed soul put loneliness' dust by yourself, thinks a superior taunt views. |
Time it before death will there curse land,
ring fear fright out a grip to kill anyone,
thirsted lust to kill a thing He called man.
We dwelt in peace over an entire planet,
ruling it fair to love animals a living race,
retrace memories it of a gone past time.
Our history it yielded no high air pollution,
extraction grew big herbs and big fruits,
reflection of no evil nothing on the earth.
God made decision alters the tranquility,
removal of animals to rights put a reality,
said purity it claims a creature His image.
God formed out of clay ground a figure,
granted authority he to rule around world,
left on a mound to build him a kingdom.
He claimed himself high self made god,
proclaimed his self independent of God, reclaimed interests him owning low soil.
Author Notes | Unknown Gate told of animals prior to the creation of man, dwell them in peace with acceptance of the existence things. |
A nice fresh carrot pleases your tongue, jaws to eat slide to each side it to dice, mice had bites as said Peter the Rabbit.
You hop all around just like a rabbit low, one ear top long up and down the other,
jet to stop its yank to throw a predator.
I love at Bugs a thug not for Roger Rabbit,
his fight tug at duck I see them amusing,
their had witty mug antics it does thrill.
All fluffy brown fur a look appears gentle,
a smile took two big teeth its hey in front, acts a rabbit's cook their own fun thing.
Feet too long rare to wear shoes either,
no wrong upon their uncaring guilty face,
not song joy spread creating the laughter.
Common species it to speak no English,
nor act them other than push to a teak,
don't mix well with to peak us our lives.
Heroic lad each in pressed endeavors, their pad preferred maybe under earth, happiness it to turn views of sad by us.
Love I special action done by one rabbit,
dove joys eggs laid in brilliant colors, gift wove pleasure by Easter's wabbit.
Author Notes | Celebrations people gathering, know each other: reborn to each other. Best wishes for upcoming events. |
Author Notes | A boastful heart its act of self assurance, urging to do a folly; enters interest falling that will harm: no escape of its adventures. |
Author Notes |
Everlasting waters, that's an act of endurance held times inside the dwelling, known eternal a ground and its sky that's for man origin a Day and Night.
. |
Author Notes | State of illusions there act of endurance being outside a known reality, trapped in your mind's imagination to endure a jungle it home's hell. |
God it's to stop installing something special in me, said ending call to hate aids fall of a wickedness, sown a small gift factor gives weak man powers.
Eyes bright both search to target as a lighthouse, cutting beams the night it a demon step perhaps, monitored eyesight that of those righteous deeds.
Realistic a set measure to combat threat foul sin, opposing a defeat with the equal win to balance, forming a coat of tin to shield aids block arrows.
Your steady strength to oar no war missiles soar, comforting a host not a death kills its by this roar, readiness ready to fight wrong armed it is hunter.
Arm firm strength bulks are built to endure tasks, in heart cares thumping friendships warm bonds, promotes in mind views not it to harm facts good.
Huge ark on the land its property to You reserved, pointing mark on posts to help guard the visitors no food, permission it to the guests to come park.
A virtuous soul in heart warm beating hard a tick, stopping it a crook said harm wickedness a trick, mentioning is a believer to assist a Rock as brick.
God to state clearly out the truth words ring ears, revealing fact its say to me this element a swing Your to wisdom it a Bing, said loud a declaration.
Author Notes |
Injustices presenting an act of endurance living it, at war got horrors freed in law righteousness this unto its facing sent bad. God sees it, Happy Day?
One silent night, comes a stranger,
invade your home put it to waste,
carry away in plume your delights.
You'll not hear him enter premises,
doors and window no alarm to ear,
entrance clear is through the walls.
Entity seen in the shade swift moves,
in made seconds to terrorize there,
fade from shelter, as he came.
Dark figure viewed a passing blur,
head to neck place arm measures,
of his pleasures had he will do.
What's to believe of him to call,
all on the planet under attack,
your safety at home a final wall?
Can you withstand the judgement,
given its had settlement of lives,
sad be sentiment sincere suddenly?
Shall the morn see your face,
will you become reborn another fate,
torn with the left remains?
Will you sing out a relief tone,
words flourishing of heart still,
by a thrill of perhaps escape?
One silent night.
Author Notes | Thoughts of the forth coming rapture. |
Your love to gleam out shine bright sun spots, pour flammable into an engine applying a hose, calm conduct never a sour choking days cold.
Lover to rock my body cradling factor mother, protecting safety home sanity vanishing world sad to bother, helping soother you're a dream.
Times joined freedom reserve men a fortress, given its small den go therein I to escape hurt, driving to Kyawha Yen favorite Chinese's food.
Hands motion I to rub up and down your back, massaging each hub I check under laid hoods,
climbing up cub upon you connecting bodies.
Companion true that fun done thing together, toured us a low region leaving us behind sites, desired pals never the legion, saw just us two.
Moments sit together us endurance my thorn, sound your horn clear ring tingles on my body, plays a radio of love in yellow corn lay in a car.
Author Notes | Always having it room us for an imagined pal, sharing it times caring, joining together of pals fell moment changes facing those difficulties. |
Author Notes | A victim of circumstance, ventures self in alone, to probabilities, considered, never peering, numerous eyes; watches: near you. |
Author Notes | Life, fighting war fronts, all alone, against this evil your survival; left protect things right: is a glorious combative for its victory. |
The Angels' dawn of unhappiness, origin had lawn of birth given titles,
its hosts' pawn views by set names.
A tree planted of bad and good,
lies or a truth about sad set worms,
mad imagined as common sane.
In the beginning sown by Superiors,
a to down philosophy of what exists,
host as clowns disclosed as fact.
Introduce to earth host as time,
inferior soil of normality prime,
start death its angel slime of the law.
It aroused the tar of GOD,
angel was split them to war,
them to come far know our world.
Fallen instructed earth host in pain,
they implant sorrows to stain family,
certain to open up portals to hell.
God the Son pain is our cry said,
our long years had try shouts,
our dry aims in our will to live.
The Son (God) of GOD, son of Adam,
son of Abraham, he to Isaac,
as David, and to Mary: a common man.
Author Notes | The beginning of the Holy Scriptures with the earth creation. Jesus had fun with this element, per GOD's anointment was his duties. "I have always been with you" , he said. |
Chance, its lone odds against you,
money a lost tone by an investment,
a solid bone gones down the drain.
Players as foes to get together, strangers toes point to be in game,
touching woe with aim feel of kill.
Snake coming to a victim to curls,
self ready confident in its hurls,
teddy hope in whirls before strike.
Worm to face mongoose thinking rat,
drop of hat-trap to see an opponent, becoming prey the hunter who sat.
A spade meets a diamond to play,
words points in distraction to way,
their crossed say intents in card-flip.
Killer awaits an appropriate moment,
its fated chance by viewed given bait,
waits eel a blow an unblinking eye.
Mongoose spike to hop in a twist,
each to strike hits not harming other,
much had -the snake stop.
Mongoose wins bouts fake a victim,
watching a sin creature leave,
he to fade into a pin out of sight.
Author Notes | We all have taken risks, a flip of a card decision made, this way or the other: at a crossroads us in our lives. Struggles to gain. |
Author Notes | The bright sun, set your daily life, unfold strides, face each day its served task; abducts you in a plan ahead: efforts for you. |
A soul, fully isolated, it's voided in silence, totally, out a mature man rain cries, sure, as a child, entrapped, along this river guy, lonely, captured in thoughts, cautious steps; done by tips: in a pasture.
My mind, it is tossed, place inside riddled, reveals a living fate, activities, within its inner, a numb state, which to me, ride is taunting, reflect past thoughts; actualities: its harsh side.
My movement, steps to go forward, lived, expands to a wrong, throbs a sharp pain, in head, kept loud its forgotten song, bong sung, by occurrence; heard: draining an aged body's frame.
I see ahead, in short distance, steadily to a valley peace, hell's core to go, burying me in the ground, therein, before this, more paces towards goal, attempt; ends my gloom: at death's door.
I have knowledge, it is basic, about known things, fell not yet tears from me, dropped, all them, never events to recall a true fact, of account, not comprehend the ears journey; fright times: its years.
A, solo traveler in this life, alone, not a preset final point, best fated bet set downer, not for a chance of, to ring any winning bell, trap is a fail soul; not fact common: majority of men.
Strange visitations, walking lone road haunted, endured angry encounters, periods in complete terror, sealed in, entrapment, sound, like a toad, up a hill efforts going; with fixed load: a struggling ant.
Although timid, I do sing, to myself, as I tour, small elf found alone, facing this hell, being on arrival attacked, my final position; simply I: on a shelf.
Author Notes | Life, within its unexpected elements, found all alone, hid therein, reveals items governing, telling of our being; set destiny: giving fears. |
I said there is a say in the thunder,
a mere word God to angel's heart,
a sad tear here to share to man.
I said by my views a strong warning,
a bong to your noggin with hurt,
its song that combats evil intents.
I said there is life within the wind,
elders duties paid as watchers,
its raid pulsating on the earth.
I said they are guardians and kin,
kind bin protectors to us -brethren,
their had to win to govern our lives.
I said there is a call out for battle,
an innocent man unjust in a cell,
man guilty by a yell held under law.
I said may its worth to be by us,
say not for us to die -but to us live,
we're in Gods' services to way facts.
I said my had prayers unto the hosts,
testing defeats that I've sad fallen,
with joy glad times confessed views.
I said time to be laid silent for a reply,
adventuring I not aid had matter,
then, winked watching a maid.
Author Notes | The values of immortality and those who abide and oppose faith. Jesus states, "if you believe the things I say: you will never see death". |
Author Notes | The ideal given of all of us being hell's play toy, suffering many attacks caused by the demons, warning Satan is God granting due torments. |
A football event among in this game,
what's my part in its design frame,
my to be lame in its whole state.
What's my part it exact to be,
my heart function to be to play,
fart as there to be in set day?
Am I a howling fan seated high,
tan figure to cheer in waves,
in vision a spotted man in a crowd.
Or I an owner viewpoint of front line, manager of one side playing mine,
or am on the pine I to be seated?
A role a Center to bow to field,
a Quarterback to do play how,
or am me in its show to be an End?
Life's game has protectors existing,
we all have our concerning factors,
performing us to be actors in life.
I hope GOD, as God, exists in real,
watching good as game officials,
in played roles all us being as gods.
They ready to aid my hurt with me,
did a had to slip need of some help,
said my healers broken.
Author Notes | Once we see ourselves as performers, our as upon a stage being watched, we will know the whole game played, also our placement of it. |
Author Notes | A union, together, a pair plan broken, given cause, deletion, after shock loss, life renewed, a new fate. A single; unknowns facts. |
Author Notes | Tragic event, confronting hostile horrors, targeted at you, challenge to face, its danger, harm escapes; flee death: their survival. |
A hero tale strip clothes to be "him",
an average male a newspaper man,
post hollow of self a writer job sale.
Images of a giant and a meek loved,
one bent iron as a geek typed words,
dual creek of a common man.
Neither to drink liquor or smoke,
curse, no drugs, took a stroke,
just to poke lives brave and true.
Hey save people aim their truths,
about tasks given they do no claim,
fighters had acclaim chasers set fear.
At work no one suspected a giant,
hid behind specs his eyes defiant,
seen pleasant mild manner stuff.
Other side to leap tall buildings,
swift to call passing trains to fly,
beyond aircraft to yell in space.
If, you seek a hero strong to relate,
suggest me a song that was meek,
to peep recall Kent secret bong.
Kent like us has a dual existence,
no mere mortal - a perfect pal,
loyal both in justice a Superman.
Author Notes | One proud figure of a man. I guess its the thought of what one might become. What one should do? Not mortal but loyal. A Superman. |
Author Notes | Belief in others' trusted facts, as a God's rule, or science view, their detail conveyed as final reality; settle doubts: self-truths. |
Author Notes | A trail, spoke lies to give terms to, if they're right, terrorize event, surviving luck: took harsh choices. Now, the bottom line: an explanation. |
Author Notes | Life's bringer of death act of endurance with the living dead, and to see angels the reapers. God allows or doesn't, check out Job's story. |
This daily task, things to do, done in darkness, in loneliness steps did, nights tired, I awoke, fights this restless state, ponder, sleeplessness; turning: factors in life.
A pit, cast sorrow, I felt threatened, endure blindness, torments, site is unknown to, sure it is my final end, before it; ruling this king sits: as pure on God's throne.
I got, a deep hurting pain, its righteous, in pretense a set mind, bags of illusions, worn tags, displays avoid, instead; best wear of clothes are rags: no hype.
I lost, total freedom, I of belonging, plenty stuff, could do harm, peered as a nobody, wearing this badge, it protects, puff this sinful troll, spoke opinion on; short it fact himself: huff shouted by God.
Hollow, factors me to learn, an empty bottle, plenty just needs, various things to know, bounty of the set fields, fixed issues surely, I lack doing, to do; I blinked instead: no hope.
Many sadden events, it's by close brethren, cast fact learnt from, attacks, acts to help had never resourceful, hating me, lift up eyes mad, facing; defy bad: hatred a troll.
My final attempt ends effort, halts set will, put false truth, stop, slap a full cop, on this matter, hitting a ball batter to top this wall, cut from me evil, which is; grants life within: a better fate.
Glorious acts; it's God works by deeds: done in Heaven. Amen.
Author Notes | How things would be, places loving peace, cooperating, other than killing, by at evils. Maybe, realms; doing righteous: its reality. |
Author Notes | An unknown given act of endurance seeing a specter or a dark black shadow person, in the Holy Text view our out of flesh returning soul. |
Author Notes | View act of endurance sharing a heart writer, relating told stories of with its filled emotions, find soul a storyteller performing as Simon. |
Author Notes |
King upon a large hill the act of endurance reason, put confidence pride in the fall, perceived being over others not thought it had of sharing equality.
Author Notes |
Picture with fingers as it brushes this fluorescent paint it acts of endurance, under light sight feature to come to life, looks all sadly it is people at you.
Author Notes |
Us sown all are evolving "biological speculation" act of endurance it, fact living life acts to vibrate reasons, America Eats its Young: Fuckadelics.
Author Notes |
Under this all seeing eye you in its sight vision as an act of endurance with this silence. Beholder of times seen its canopy on life watching whole lives.
A need to know facts, assured of its full views understanding, of set statements, becomes leg short of aim, results, effort I try, considered actual; still: to know that truth.
Life for, is like a broke puzzle, scattered, we are tiny sized pieces, grasp a few of them, won't answer reality beliefs; belonging: of any spoken event.
No. You must have been there, feeling whole sequence, at the beginning, living that time its act, that moment, intensities; before you can give out advice: your thought.
Author Notes | People, giving advise, upon past occurrences in another's life, never coming to things; full awareness: of those events. |
Author Notes | A fact shared from one's birth to death that act of endurance, grips death's hand walk in hell. Life in uncertainties not having hopes this freed hell's pit. |
Author Notes |
Act of endurance beliefs the thought Father is this Creator God, promise to wipe death's tears. Man this theory places patch heals times by a science.
Author Notes |
Ends got chaos answer stopping holder the act of endurance achieving of this dream hoping to seek wisdom its issues watches time watchers.
My written stories in a say loud in harks, conveys an eerie adventure, wrote did view in marks, states of life inked, dangling had truth reality; its fault: barks brown leaves.
These fresh ideas, done all in clear concept attempted, in my workshop, thoughts, they would win, set for top target; all go below, got low review fact to stop: the bad.
A river it curls, by my tree, flow to its top is glittering rays, rolling rippling waves to glow light crystals; seen to row bold ads of a fresh job: an invitation this puts news.
My other job I do, finding at night the visuals, reviewing of each new theory, writing notes of its aids viewpoints, protection of this good it's a right thing, paused a knight to face evil: cut wickedness.
Human affairs, strikes each leaf that taunt, sound toot, trumpet a horn's hoot, aims to shoot at fears its bent injustice; destroyed that evil for good striking: stop horrors a goal.
I treat about, my tree, clear the outer borders, along its branches trim, and test for the best condition to grow seeds I have, blackened soil sunk in: containing a nest high.
One leaf wise note tingles, giving a gift, it's for others brother, thinking those said conceptions, off this limb, it is no bother; former refresh those decisions: reviving it is Mother Nature.
The wind gusts this cloud's face formed, peering back to reply, release from seen mouth, words airing, out of the lips, it is to imply this to me; soon falling errors will comply: coming of Spring.
Author Notes | Woe, present a live threat, with its fears, comes fright madness this spent chaos, given your efforts to challenge, freed its your ascent out, hell, finding this peaceful calm. |
Pals sparkling fearlessly in flight roar at sounding out soar brethren, downs rain thunder to hear it out from skies, in free open air this oar to land independently.
Cloud's tear ground to fall it wet the tap, spreading a mountain's cap none fear twitches spot rays twinkle, plummeting it many drips to shear a rap of splashes.
Drops each shape to alter it as one whole glow stack, swiftly curls in a big bend the speeds to mow course, cruising on by passes low cutting the land from earth.
Storm it towering a forest it is downpours to plunder, happy kids to pound land I wonder hits the activities, smells of tall pine scents into trips under the leaves.
Jewels to wink jump off limbs that sink, glitters its lights, blink beings at the top of branches living life, moving crystals it's blues that flutter it to mate pink.
Spark grace given without a got breeze, water's gust a push, going about a life laughs families tale playful a rumble, in a stream race group to pace a liquid soil.
Droplet downfall it's a big slope forming its puddles, it projects manners rarely discourteous action never unfriendly, playful factor a dope leap it's to lope earth.
Creatures had life in trees delights in them, pleasing sung song the voices sight features by the total group, assembling mixtures they go for a swim the Rapids.
Author Notes |
Encounters hard change act of endurance to face, horrifying it's failings of, tripping breaths coughs down rainfall project it is the struggle it obstacles.
I'm, on white cloud tops, above flying, twirling lip, took a flip, its tip, escape burning sun dip; therein all foam: in endless mist.
This arrow likens, sent as a dart, it's out of a cloud's part, soar a dot, depart, freed in open sky, vision see; start of food: adults.
A field is jewels, seen red curls, out rich soil plants, feed buds growth, in bed asleep, fed ideal, if just; one bit: it from this farm.
A creek, old house near, aromas touch, in nostrils seek, felt peek, uplifts of fog, sight leek, intention; foul crime: do wrong act.
About two-story home, it's thirteen seen treats, sense of it, keen delight, blooming, good snacks; smell of young: a teen.
My heart, knows, it is a wicked, it's stealing, an evil devil, I do it, tumbling it; stumbling: on bad act prevailing held temptation.
My mind, turns criminal, aims to steal, put grapes, in mouth to seal, burst it nectar, to heal, absorbs; tongue in belief: its real.
I'm twitching, dreaming, roll both eyeballs, twirls, reality, inner mouth seam, it's a stream, go outside; a beam glow: lust water.
Author Notes | Your ideal, having sown the belief, you're asleep, still awake, life's things, touch them, feel senses; all envisioned: in a dream. |
This shy child, words to self, shivering in full dark a hark question, pondering at soul, his uncertainty, bared in his doubts being, serious aloud say: his bark not speechless.
This tiny kid sits set therein, inside he is there, invisible, he's beneath this huge lid, performed by a mid adult its factor same isn't exact; grown acts chances either: not fated an act casts a bid.
Children to make cuts in pretense activities, not hear their sake voiced, out from others his views fading: it always is, fumble sounds, a fake, stuttering his words in quietness: being this clown.
Both are inside a shadow, in a high fort, inside to stand, hid in gigantic walls hiding, therein rest allows them to abort any danger issues; or responsibilities go: seated in a dark resort.
Their spoken soft cries, in a chamber of the ear noises, hear a low note, below summoned by a fly, alert tries: warns him; notes of a worry to slow: sounding a hum both ears.
Quickly, given to him back response, it's to heal those fears: its woe, aware taken the got action to care, acts to protect is one a big toe, obtaining help aid; out said cry tears: it is a doe.
This man stands with a firm bone, formed was he a rock fort, there's protection, both live in homes in darkness as, hidden them in a lone shadow, doesn't share this love; spot all alone, by ignoring duties.
He is this brave soul, loved each day that's there, way him both youths to safety, shield them, concealing, both legs all, watching eyes the factors of: standing a say their Dad.
Author Notes | The beliefs, slept dreams acts, hold no faults of it in you, in time, trusted that we admire it, grows then, had its biggest change, altering your factors its comforts; surprisingly. |
I like to consider myself a researcher, finding studies of investigative interests mostly prevailed on theology. This book records my search to identify what I was writing periodically outside that projected choice to endeavor. Short story features pertaining my tiny descriptive notes scribbled about events during the course of intended investigation. They were brief written conveyances containing delightful viewpoints I found captivating to my appetite giving a break in studies. Finally, efforts a desire for them coming to a need to know these messages true potentials. I held this new endeavor putting aside my intended research, captured by those given efforts done in short presentation, my aim defining these notations chances poetic. Efforts result illustrating my short-comings of the art of poetry as my improper written expressed English grammar. Conclusion of works given a flexing feedback ranging their views of them, consisting of low or high rates by responding readers stated comments reviews. Their remarks testing my word expression or complimenting unique aspects of the same poem. These comments prompting my fight to combat those low rates of those poems I had written. Most my notes lacking vital grammar form, defined by my readers of them an absence of coherency. Yet, those write despite such ills, meriting exceptional and excellent marks I had to attribute to interest. The experience drove me to do countless revisions, shaping a better view of my expression of the English language. Hopefully, understanding my endurance proper aspects better, prompting efforts to give a more comprehensive conveyance in my work. This book intention bringing forth components about life, defining items in aspects of endeavors, things we can face in set existence. The poems listed covering obsessions, befallen struggles that exist, formed natural to us exchanges had in life. I wish to thank those who gave their reviews of poor, to exceptional, realizing my flaws in grammar are still relevant, hoping to better their written view on future readers.
Author Notes | My attempt at a completed work, quite an endeavor with its highs and lows of contained items, a countless path of endless flaws by reviews. As Adam's Family Gomez Adam would state: "I'm feeling better, now." |
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