"Rise from the Fall"

Chapter 1
The Routine

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


How long has it been? Six months, a year? God's, I can even remember anymore. The red lantern district may have been a cesspool. But at least something was always happening. I'd take a brawl, a drunken race, or even a brothel fire. Here, it's always the same thing every day. From here to the outer wall, field hands bob their heads like fleas on a dog's back, only to disappear in the brush, and a snake of wagons eats its own tail on the road below. I slump on a crate. The fumes giving me a headache. Rubbing my temples helps, but it doesn't last. In this crumbling tower, I'm reminded of the empty promises.

"'Service for citizenship, protect your Empire.'" The poster lectures from its wall. From what? A volley of fire arrows and the fields would light up like a tinderbox. I fight to stay awake, but the midday light offers its warm embrace, whispering to me to close my eyes and rest. Boredom winning me over, I close my eyes.

A thunderous bang echoes through the tower, and I'm wide awake now. My heart is racing with my panicked breath. As the hatch creaks, I reach for my sword, readying myself for whatever comes.

"Damn door," a familiar voice bellows. "Kid, give me a hand." I open the door and help the aging soldier into the tiny room. "Thanks." He dusts himself off. "Bored yet?"

I look back towards the fields. Of course, I'm bored. They don't send you here for the excitement. It's for getting you out of the way. They knew what was happening, and the Madame still threw me out, and worse of all, Gisllie agreed, saying I needed fewer distractions in my life.  

"Well, you better get used to it,"-closing the door behind him-"You didn't do yourself any favors,"- he chokes back a swig from his canteen- "Nobles defend their little shits even when they fuck up."

He's right. Have the right name or enough coin, and the rules don't apply to you. That girl lost the use of her eye, all to satisfy that sick little fucks pleasure. I tighten the grip on my sword, but it does nothing to ease my anger. I did what had to be done, and I don't regret it. He deserved everything I did to him.  

"You should go, kid. Not like anything is going to happen here."

"Yeah," I put my sword on the rack. The creaking of the trap door echoing through the room, torturing our ears. I grit my teeth, trying to stop the ringing in my head, buts it lingers like the sting of a fresh cut. Everything here is falling apart. If it's not one thing, it's another.

"I'll get the quartermaster to fix that," he promises.


Leaving the guard tower, I'm drowning in the afternoon traffic. It's still early, so Aunt Iona should still be at the Eagle Tavern. With the tide heading to the market, I have one option. Swimming through a sea of bodies and wagons, I enter the training ground, hoping not to draw attention. Under the watchful eyes of officers, not one dares to brake rank, allowing me to walk through without any problems. When the gate comes into view, I sigh with relief. However, my luck runs out. A group of imperial soldiers encircles me. Like a pack of hungry wolves, they block my escape. Confidence etched on their faces.

Fear washing over me, I raise my arms in defense, my gaze darting between them, anticipating who would attack first. There are five of them, and though their not seasoned soldiers, they still have the advantage.

"What have we told you about coming here, Arverni," one of them says. "Didn't you learn your lesson last time?"

"I'm just passing through Atamus," Not lowering my guard. Anger now overshadowing my fear, I welcome the idea of a fight. They egg each other on, luring others with the prospect of a beating.
"Look, mongrel," Atamus grabs a stick from the ground, "People like you don't belong here. Guess you need a reminder." He charges me like boar, a brave but stupid move.

Cracking a smile, I step to the side, and he stumbles into a weapon stand. His squeals turn the area into a plethora of chants. Officers order everyone back in line and to cease their barbaric behavior, only for their words to fall on deaf ears.

I get a few hits in, but a knee to the gut rips the air from my lungs. I keel over, unable to breathe, grasping my stomach as everything around me becomes blurry. They kick me like an alley dog, and all I can do is endure it; one plants his knee on my back, restraining me from behind, forcing me to look up. "I warned you." Atamus stands over me, about to bash my head in, only for the chanting to stop.

"What is the meaning of this?" Armored footsteps march toward us, and the senior commander pushes past his men. When Atamus drops his weapon, I know the fight is over.
"This is not a tavern. Who is responsible for this?" Looking at all of us until his gaze lands on Atamus. "Atamus! Is this you're doing?"

"Sir, I..." was all he could mutter before being kicked to the ground.

"You're imperial soldiers. I will not have you acting like savages," he grabs him by the collar. "Get back to your training," throwing Atamus towards the sparing circles. "That goes for all of you! Move!" They scramble over each other like pups running from the broom.

Stipping some blood, I rise to my feet, and a firm hand grips my shoulder. "As for you, Arverni," he growls, "Don't come through here again." The stench of his alcoholic breath churning my stomach. "I won't protect you again." Releasing me, he walks over to the exercise, barking orders as his men.

While I'm still dizzy from the fight, I soldier on through the pain. Not willing to risk the main streets, I decide that the side streets are my best option; I quickly glance at the sun and hasten my pace, wincing from the bruises decorating my flesh.

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV Character
Atamus: An young Imperial soldier

I appreciate the feedback provided. One request that I have is to provide something that you like and dislike.

If you see something that needs improvement, please don't hesitate to let me know. I can't improve otherwise.

Thank you to everyone that is enjoying Rise From the Fall so far. I'm going to be cutting longer chapters up, so one old chapter may become two to three smaller ones.

Chapter 2
Bar Brawl

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


I can't let her see me like this. She'll only worry. A few scrapes and bruises litter my face, but they are not too bad. I wash up with water in hand, and a stinging sensation runs along my face. Slapping myself, I stare at my warped reflection in the barrel water. Satisfied, I dust myself off and enter the tavern.  

I'm barely inside, and the stench of pipe smoke burns my eyes. Boastful mercenaries clack their mugs together, ogling the girls. Their antics are only kept in check by the wet chopping of the owner's hog-splitter—severed hands displaying their grizzly purpose on the bar's back mantle.

The pain in my gut flares up, but the scent of pomegranate soothes me. I look for the source, and the owner's wife meets me. Her lean and withered features hide what was once a great beauty. However, those stern but brilliant eyes reveal a kind soul. Ushering me to follow, she leads me to an adjacent room that reeks of oil and sweat. Inside, four souls gather around a table; among them are three war-weathered men bearing the sigil of the Grey Hawk. Across from them, my Aunt sits, sipping wine.

I thank her, getting a firm slap on the ass as she leaves. One of the men waves me away, focusing solely on his parchment. "This is a private meeting, boy." I refuse to go, and his comrades move for a more direct approach.

"He's my nephew, captain," those piercing green eyes matching my own. Though a twinge of worry escapes, she quickly hides it behind a stoic expression. "He won't bother us, I promise." The tension leaves the room, for the moment at least. "Now, you require experienced combatants. Those recommendations should speak for themselves."

"You cannot be serious, Iona," the Captain drops the parchment on the table. "You're a fucking arena fighter with a chip on your shoulders. I need seasoned men." His condescending words irk me, but I hold my tongue. "Not entertainers."

"I've served in three expeditions from here to the frontier. How many of your boys say the same?"

The Captain gestures to his men. "There's a difference between protecting caravans from bandits and fighting real soldiers, Iona." Her composure is unfazed even as they surround her; I know she is not some weak wallflower. But worry chips away at me. "But you're a fool if you believe I would allow a woman in my ranks." One tries to grab her, but the wet snap of his finger and a broken nose set him straight. Furious at her defiance, the Captain flips the table, distracting her long enough for the Captain's man to grab her from behind. Held aloft, she still keeps her composer, unfazed by her predicament.  

"Let me be clear." The Captain draws his sword, stabbing it into one of the tables, then pulls her by the hair, forcing her to look at him. "We have no use for some northern." He spots the tattoo on her wrist. "Especially an heir of those traitorous Averni."-punching her in the gut-"Fighting in the arena is not battle, Iona; there are no Umpires. You glorified bitch." His blow sends a spatter of blood from her lips.

I bolt towards them, fueled by rage, freezing at the cackle coming from my Aunt's crimson smile. "Is that supposed to scare me?" She strikes the shin of her restrainer, elbowing his throat the second she's free. "I was one of the condemned, Captain,"- ducking under a chair turned weapon- "I fought every day for five years." Then, like a dance, the two begin to trade blows.

He has the advantage, and he knows it. Every chance he gets, he throws something to keep her at a distance. If he manages to get one good hit, she's done. But he gets cocky, and my Aunt slips past his defenses. Jumping on his back, she uses his cloak like a noose. 

The man with the broken nose stands, pulling a knife. Panic taking over, I rush him, planting my knee on his back as I use my size to pin him, knocking the blade across the room. His compatriot tries to rip me off, but I get my arm around his throat. "Don't get involved," I growl, trying to keep them out of this fight.   

"Get off me, you northern bitch!" The Captain tries smashing her into a pillar to knock her off, but she coils her legs around his chest, pulling them both to the ground with all her strength. "Wait." He squirms, frantically trying to free himself. "Kill me, and my men will hunt you down." He looks at me, baring his teeth like a feral dog. "All of you!"

With a bloody smile, "Oh, I won't kill you." She tightens his noose, and his face turns red like a tomato. "But Captain, if you ever threaten my family, I'll kill every last one of you." The Captain goes limp, panic gripping me. I race to free her.

Letting go of my prey, I rush over to my Aunt. "Are you okay?" I pull him off, checking if she has anything other than that oozing cut on her lip. When she pushes me away, I know she's okay. I make a rag from the Captain's cloak. "Here," she cleans herself off. "They could've killed you." He's breathing, but barely. The storm of emotions recedes, but like the tide, they'll return.

"I had it under control, Colton. Stop fussing." She trades the mercenary's badge for her bloody rag. "I'll be taking this." Ignoring the moans, we leave, bribing the other Hawks with a round.

Many eyes follow us out of the streets, unsure if it's Iron Iona. Some try to approach, but with a flick of my wrist, they scurry off. "How many companies is that now? Five?" Seven, she corrects me. "Why are you trying so hard to join them? There are other ways to make money."

"I'm a fighter, Colton. It's all I know how to do." She traces a well-healed scar by her eye. Could you honestly see me doing anything else? I don't have Triana's looks or Mago's trading skills." I wish I had comforting words, but my mind is blank.

"But, none of these imperial Mercs hire women." I try to be honest. "Yes, they pay better than most, but aren't you worried they'll retaliate?" My eyes patrol our surroundings, looking for any threat in the sea of people.

"They won't," she reassures, "Men like the Grey Hawks take pride in their skills. If it was known, they were bested by a woman. Their company would lose all their credibility."    

"But you're not just a fighter. What about teaching? Why not become Lanista?" She pins me in a side alley, her forearm against my throat. Those eyes are barring into me, and fear grips my heart while my neck feels every angry twitch coursing through her body. 

"Let me be clear, Colton, I will never force what they did to me onto another," her barbed words, hiding her past. She releases me, crossing her arms, and she looks away, flushed at what she had done. The fire in her eyes fading.

"I'm sorry," I said, clenching my throat for air. "I didn't mean to open that old wound."

She hugs me. "It's okay," the tough exterior cracks and a flicker of the actual Iona shows. Our eyes meet. "We'll save every coin we can, and we'll get that land they promised. But we won't become imperials to do it. Come on. I need to meet someone before we head back."

We enter the market, losing ourselves in the colored fabric that creates an ever-changing street labyrinth. The fog of grilled fish and spices tempts me from my ration, but I force it down to ease my hunger. The taste of sawdust remains with me. We push through the sea of flesh, our ears bombarded with every known language. A few vendors spot us asking for an endorsement from Iron Iona, but their offers don't interest her.

We find shelter in one of the indoor stalls, hidden by large rugs. The flicking of torches is our only light, illuminating walls filled with powders and dried herbs. I couldn't even guess what they were. Like thieves, we step carefully over mousers, paroling the floors until we reach the counter in the back.

An elderly man sits at the counter, opening his eyes when we approach. "I'm here for," my Aunt says. He tosses a coin purse at my Aunt and then gestures toward the back door. "Thanks," she says. With our task finished, we leave for the estate.           

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
The Captain: Leader of the Grey hawk Mercenary Company

This chapter is a rewrite from the feedback I have gotten over the last few months. All I ask from reviewers is a minimum of one thing that you liked, and one thing you disliked.

If you see something that needs to be improved or fixed, please let me know. I can't otherwise enhance.

Chapter 3

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


A sea of bodies blocks us at every turn. Sweeping, stocking, not a soul is idle, for it would ensure that the faceless guards would correct them. A mother-daughter pair stands above the ocean like a lighthouse in a storm. Their sari draped over them like a tapestry, beckoning us like a moth to a flame. We walk towards them, and the sea divides, closing behind us.

"Did we miss something, Alexis?"

"If you'd come to the estate's meetings, you'd know Iona." She etches onto a scroll handing it to a slave. "Iona? Again," she lands with a pinched expression, "Honestly? You are not in the arena anymore. You should stop this mercenary nonsense before you get killed." Her paws grip like tongs. Every cut, bruise, and blemish is criticized, silenced by a flick of my Aunt's wrist.

"Alexis. Just tell me, what's going on?"

"Very well. Do you remember that Cato boy? The one Lady Livia was smitten with?"


"Last month, he sent a courier and got Livius's blessing." Their conversation drones on, and words become ground glass in my ears. But I'm trapped; stealing glances from Melissa is my only relief, her smile one of the few honest ones in this world. My thoughts are shattered from the elbow embedded in my gut. Those green eyes' warn me to keep my distance, but it's hard. She didn't see Iron Iona's nephew. She saw me. Someone she had grown up with, a friend. Now we can barely talk to each other.

"She has suitors now."

"I know."After that night, they made it clear where I stood. Melissa would marry an easterner husband, honoring tradition. And we would never be alone again. Or there would be consequences. The skunk eyes from their veiled attendants were the most obvious.

"Colton, are you listening?"


Alexis frowns; her nails rip into her arms. "Fine, I'll be blunt, Lady Vita will be hosting a party for Livia's engagement. The two of you need to clean up and change before that." She massages her temples, ordering something for her migraine, which an attendant provides. With a sour expression, she exhales, her shoulders no longer rigid. "Now, I need to remind Giselle that her presence will be mandatory. Make sure you're both ready ok?"


"Make sure Servious shaves you, Colton, and have your Pale fix that lip, Iona." Reaching safe harbor at the estate's entrance, we enter the labyrinth of corridors. Echoes shadow us, fading into the thick marble walls. Only our steps are our company for a brief moment until my Aunt cracks her knuckles.

"You alright?"

"No," she bit her lip. "But, I'll bear it for now," she heads towards her room.

I open my door, bombarded with scented oil. Inside, Servious stands, his withered features hiding the compassionate soul underneath. He directs me to sit with a boney finger, prepping his razor. Then, with my armor on its rack, he works on my face. "You got into another fight, didn't you?"


"I worry about you sometimes."

He proves his skills haven't dulled with age. The blade effortlessly clears my face, leaving no scratch in its wake. "You say the same thing to all of us." He hands me a rag to dry my face. "You're not getting soft in your old age, are you?"

"No, I only worry that my students forget what I taught them." He points to my bed, "Your clothes for the night. Remember, keep up appearances." Then, with his kit in hand, he leaves. Alone, I find a basin on my desk. One whiff and I get to work.

I scrub myself raw, my skin a patchwork of red. Though unpleasant, the stench of the tower is gone. The once clear water of the basin is now a murky brown. I fall on my bed, my mind wondering, is there any way I can get out of this? The attire mocks me with the idea of acceptance. If I dress like them and act like them, it would make everything better.

With my hand raised, I look at my wrist, three ravens circling each other--the mark of our clan, the only thing connecting me to my people. A clan is more than blood; it's a family and a promise. Those words burned into me so long ago. But I can't remember who said them.

The weight of reality returns, and I stop delaying the inevitable. Everything about the clothes is imperial, but one piece of jewelry stands out, a golden torc necklace worn by the northern nobility. Was this intended? Did Servious sneak it in when no one was looking? It doesn't matter, collaring myself, there's a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone.

"Hi, Colton," I peek through, "Melissa said, sending a shiver down my spine; what was she doing here? Is she trying to get us both in shit? I throw the door open, and her mischievous grin never leaves her face. One tilt of her head, and the panic subsides. Her guard was here. "You didn't think I'd risk my mother's ire, did you?" She twirls herself, "So, how do I look?"

The sari she had before was lovely, but this tapestry is a sight to behold. Every inch shimmered in the pale light, each line, an intricate pattern leading you across the wearer. My attention was only drawn back by the jingling gold on her wrist. Two fingers gesture to me, "You look beautiful." That was all that came to mind, earning a smile from those glossy lips.

"You're too kind, Colton," with crossed arms, she stares at her towering guard, "You see, Husam, that's how you compliment a woman." She teases, which he ignores. His stoic expression is unchanging. "Anyway, Colton," now flushed in the face, she tucks her hair behind her ear. "I need to ask a favor of you." Closing the distance between us, "Please escort me to the party."

"Are you insane?" a thousand questions pop into my head. My throat tightens with the memories of Alexis's harsh words. I try slowing my frantic heart. "Why can't he escort you? He's your bodyguard." I try to leave, but she hooks to arm and won't let go.

"Please, Colton," she pleads, "Their pigs." Those hazel pools, chipping away at my resolve. I won't risk Alexis's ire, not even for her. Ever since we were children, she gave me that look, and I'd cave, but not today.

Author Notes Character list
Colton: Main POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Alexis: Estates advisor
Melissa: Alexis's daughter, and childhood friend of Colton
Sevrious: Senior house slave who helped raise Colton

This chapter is a rewrite of chapter two, now as a new chapter 3. I ask that reviewers give a minimum of one thing they like and dislike. If you see anything that needs to be fixed or improved, don't hesitate to point it out, I can't improve otherwise.


Chapter 4
Loving Gift

By Rinshikai


How did she rope me into this? All I wanted was a nice, quiet corner with a stiff drink. Now our arms are locked, the illusion of a couple. She ruined a night orchestrated by her mother. And she'll drag me through the coals for it. "Thank you." She said with a genuine smile.

"You know you can't stick to me all night."

"I know." She clings tighter. We danced around the other guests. Who only care about rumors in their ears and wine dyeing their lips. The aura of pomposity matches the stench of perfume. The second an opening presents itself, we escape prying eyes in the garden, where the music of the party fades into the night.

In the night's air, my headache clears. The pond's gentle stream calms my nerves. "We should be safe for a while." The warm flicker of torches illuminates what the stars can't reach.

"Was wondering when you'd show." In the shadows, my Aunt catches the light in silk and iron. With a half-smile on her mended lip, she ushers us over. Nuzzled on her shoulder, my younger sister Enid rests. The blindfold she often wore is now a mask.

"Had to get away?" Her dress is a sharp contrast to her regular attire. Leather armor is now fine silk, hugging her feminine frame. Iron bands line her arms, accentuating the softer features by hiding the toned arms. While her hair, often loose, is now in a bun. You'd believe she was a noblewoman.

"By the gods, yes." She hunches forward, propping her head up with her fists. "I hate these gatherings." She focuses on the walkway stones while she taps her foot. "Either nobles trying to woo me," she shudders, rubbing her nose, "Or Merchants that want me to sell their crap."

"I can give you some space?"

"No," she stops. "I wanted to speak with you in private." Now I understand why Melissa was so insistent on this, "Thank you, Melissa. Both of you sit. Go ahead, Enid." My sister asks if I can hold out my arm and close my eyes. Hesitant, I do so, feeling her hands tying something around my wrist, after a few curses, and let her do it herself. Then, she says I can open my eyes.

"What do you think?" On my wrist is a bracelet thread intertwining with three polished stones. While faint, each bears a rune, family, friend, and home. It's simple but beautiful.

"Did you make this yourself, Enid?"

"Aunt Iona and Melissa helped."

I pull her into a hug, "Thank you. I'll treasure this. But why am I getting a gift?" I'm bewildered by the sudden silence. Did I say something wrong? Did I forget something important? A shiver goes up my spine, and I shudder, thinking about what it could be. But, from the raised eyebrows and tilted heads, they look as confused as me.

"Colton, it's your birthday," Melissa said.

"What?" My birthday, no, it couldn't be. Is it? My mind is racing. I count out the days. Going over it all, they're right. Now, I want to kick myself for being an idiot. "Your right. Everything has been so hectic. I guess I forget."

"It's alright; you like the gift." Enid rests her head on me. "That's what's important."

The night air fills with the aroma of perfume, its source, a trio of Eastern women led by Alexis. Quickened steps echo through the garden, followed by angered cries. Then, Melissa jumps to her feet in a blink of an eye. She fixes her hair, her posture perfect, and her hands in position. "Melissa, I won't tolerate this anymore." With a snap of her fingers, all protest ends. "There are two suitors left, and you will meet them." The attendants lock arms with Melissa, and they head inside. As Alexis follows, she gives me one last look before leaving.

"I've made my appearance. Time to turn in." She helps my sister to her feet. "Don't stay up too late, ok." Walking away from the party, my sister turns to my Aunt, whose cheeks are flushed. I can't hear what is said, but it warms my heart when I see the woman who hides under so much armor.  

Finally, alone, I savor the tranquility. Wisps of wind blow, and the day's problems go with them. Disappearing into the void, and like the stars, I remember what's important. Family, friends, and home are such simple things that are often ignored. The faint voices inside harden my resolve. I won't ever become one of them. I admire my sister's work, but a shadow towers over me. At first, I expected one of the guards, but it was a woman. Slim and beautiful, her features show her noble heritage. Our eyes lock for a moment, and I feel flushed, blood running to my cheeks, and I avert my gaze.

"Might I sit?"

"Go ahead."The silence I once enjoyed is ruined. Who is this woman? There's something about her, those eyes I'm sure we've met, but where? Her thin fingers pull me back from my thoughts. Our eyes meet again, and those dyed lips crack a smile.

"You don't remember me, do you?" Using my hand as a mask, "How about now?" One look into those pools, and it hits me like a runaway cart. Livia and her friends were playing prostitutes, their act of rebellion, and Lady Vita sent me to find them. No, they couldn't send imperial guards; rumors would spread.

"Your Lord Titus, daughter."

"Glad you remember. I was worried." She exposes her shoulder, enticing me. Heat running to my face, I turn away. Her giggle eases the mood, "It's alright; you've seen them before." The smell of her perfume was sweet but not overwhelming. "Would you be willing to escort me back to the party?

"Don't you have guards for that?" I try to leave, but she grabs my wrist.

"Yes, but I'd prefer to go with you. You are the nephew of Iron Iona. And you're easy on the eyes."

"What am I a gigolo?"

She pulls out her purse. "I'm willing to pay you," the jingle of coins tempting me. The very idea is appalling, but sacrifices are needed if we ever want our own home. Agreeing, she hooks onto me, plopping a gold coin in my hand. My stomach churns, and my nose burns again as we enter the miasma.

Author Notes Character list
Colton:POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Enid: Colton's younger sister
Melissa: Colton's childhood friend
Alexis: Melissa's mother

This chapter is a rewrite of chapter 3, now as a new chapter 4. I ask that reviewers give a minimum of one thing they like and dislike. If you see anything that needs to be fixed or improved, don't hesitate to point it out, I can't otherwise enhance it.

Chapter 5
Cruel Gifts

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.


Once thundering over everything, the music is now a hum in the night. "Your attention, please," a familiar voice fills the air. Through the sea of bodies, Lady Vita stands at the center of it all. She is adorned in fine silk and gold, "Thank you all for attending this joyous day." Her lines are pompous. "It is my honor to welcome one of our courageous soldiers home."

The metallic steps drew the gaze of all. Like the rising sun, he comes into view. Armor polished to a shine. On his arm Livia perches, wearing a red dress matching his cloak. "It warms my heart to be home once again." He plays the triumphant hero, "The bite of winter was harsh,"-turning to Livia, and they kiss- "But the comforting words of this woman kept me going." The room agrees, clapping like seals hoping for a fish. "And that is why the house of Juliana will join its legacy with the hero Livius."

An eruption of cheers fills the room; marriage with one of the five; was like finding a sack of gold in shit. While not perfect, it was a guarantee of a lifetime. Tatayana's perfume burns my eyes while she rests her head. A few eyes dart at us but quickly return to the main event. "Hmm, smart move." She rubs against me.

"Makes sense," I try pushing her away, but she persists, reminding me we can't make a scene. A few gossipers mutter between each other, but I ignore them. It's not worth it. The windbag continues his speech, leaving no detail of the ever-changing threats on the frontier. However, my attention is drawn back by the rattling of chains.

Two soldiers drag a woman into view. I see various tattoos across her flesh, clad in mud and dirt. "This Pagan priestess attempted a campaign of conversion across the frontier. Polluting the minds of those we have saved." The room fills with hushed whispers, followed by a sense of dread. "I do not doubt this pagans importance,"-snipping his fingers, they forcefully turn her, allowing all to see her back-"this mark is proof of this." A great tree grows from neck to ass, branches heavy with leaves and roots running deep. My heart sinks, knowing it's the World Tree itself.   

Heat fills my veins, and my muscles tense. What has Cato done? Yes, the border has been secure for years, but the lands beyond were another story. I thought the guests would flood my ears again. However, it never comes. Across the room, lips whispered in hushed words. The room is a mixture of pride and panic, "People, I understand the fear in your hearts. You fear retaliation. But I have faith should that come to pass. My brothers and the alliance we fought to create will hold the line." He reassures, "We cannot allow these pagans to divide us. This priestess's capture proves that even their gods have failed them, and only we can bring this world into the light."

Unable to listen to another word, I push my way to a slave carrying a tray. With Tatanya still on my arm, I offer her a cup which she graciously accepts. Taking my own, I swallow the wine in one gulp, ignoring the taste. "Cato always loved making speeches."


Handkerchief in hand, she hides her amusement. "Even when we were children, he adored Lord Livius." He was the hero that stopped King Oswald's revolt, a man every imperial soldier was inspired to be. Even an arrow through the leg couldn't destroy his vigor. Many would consider it an honor to live under his roof. Learning from the best, but there are always two sides to that coin. I remember every blow of the switch, a reminder of how unworthy I was. Painful memories jump into my mind, but I push them back, stopping myself from touching my shoulder. I consider getting drunk, but the windbag himself struts towards us, his blushing bride in tow.

"You two make quite the odd couple."

"It's not what you think, Livia," Tatyana returns her cup. "I needed an escort,"-we lock arms- "And Colton was kind enough to offer." She doesn't mention the coin. I'm grateful, but it's suspicious. What is she planning? "You're marrying one of the most desirable men in the empire,"- those lovely pools stare at me, "I wasn't going to let you have all the attention." There it is, another pompous attempt at one-upping.

I rip my arm from Tatyana so I can turn in for the night. "I assume you weren't happy with my guest Colton?" I walk past them, "Well, considering your lineage, I'd thought you'd make a scene." Every muscle tenses, and I fight the urge building up inside me. "I respect your restrain," my heart quickens, sending a wave of hate across my body. With one deep exhale, I remind myself that it isn't worth it, so don't ever fall for their traps again.

"You don't fear they'll retaliate?"

He causally laughs through those ivory whites, shaking his head like he is talking with a child. "Why would I." He sends the women off and orders me to follow. "Come, Livia, and I have a gift for you." The idea of getting anything from him or Livia makes my skin crawl. "Colton, the Empire cannot allow these pagans to act without consequence. It will lead to uprisings; trust me, it's not something either of us would want." The sound of music is now only the echo of our footsteps. "You've never been on the frontier." His solemn words ring hollow. "These heathens are worse than a scheming politician, sowing the seeds of rebellion just as King Oswald.     

"What did you do?" Dread fills my heart.  

My room comes into view. Two slaves stand on either side. "Simple, I removed the weeds before they could spread." Smug pride becomes a smile, "Is it ready?" The slaves nod before excusing themselves, and then we enter.

Blind rage clouds my mind, and I pin Cato to the wall in the heat of the moment. "What is this?"  The glittering of gold steals my focus, and I'm in awe. A woman hangs, naked, bound, and beaten, her face hidden by a mane of red, only one emerald eye pierced through, darting between us like a beast ready to strike. Lost in her gaze, Cato frees himself. Unfazed, he dusts himself off, then walks to the woman.

"She's a gift," he caresses her; "She was with that priestess, spreading their disease." She thrashes in vain, petrified once Cato shows her a funnel-like tool. "Put up quite a fight."

"You force-fed her?"

"You prefer she had starved to death?" I want to protest, but he has me. Unable to focus, a knot forms in my gut; I wouldn't wish that on anyone. "I was going to sell her," –showing the rug matched the drapes. My knuckles ache, and images of him bloody and broken flood my thought. "But Livia convinced me she'd be better off with you." With the funnel on my desk, "enjoy."

I grab his forearm. "Is this a sick joke?"      

"I can always sell her." I can feel the daggers she throws at us, "There are several brothels that would love a natural redhead." His poisoned words rip my gut. The mere thought of owning a slave disgusts me, but I can't leave her to that fate. Swallowing my pride, I say the one word he wants to hear.



Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Cato: Son of one of the Five great families
Lady Vita: Mother of Livia
Livia: Daughter of Vita
Tatyana: Daughter of one of the Five great families

This chapter is a rewrite of chapter 3, now as a new chapter 5. I ask that reviewers give a minimum of one thing they like and dislike. If you see anything that needs to be fixed or improved, don't hesitate to point it out, I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 6
Trust and Understanding

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.


Can you even understand me? In the eerie silence, we stare each other down, unsure of what the other will do. I pick up the funnel, and she refuses to look at me. I let it fall, drawing her attention. With my arms up, I stomp on it until the crunching stops, kicking it under my desk.

Through her mane, one brow rises. Like a puppy, she tilts her head. "I don't want to hurt you, do you understand?" Even gagged, I'd hope for a nod or a muffled yes. The moment I step forward, she tenses, the fire in her eye now an inferno. She was daring me to try anything, with everything she had been through; her unbroken will is impressive and a relief.
I've seen many people broken under the Imperial boot, but she hasn't given up. With each step, her features become apparent. Fit but not muscular, feminine but not soft. Faint freckles adorn her body; it's a rare sight. As my eyes wander, the glint from her chest draws my attention. Tucked between those pierced breasts dangles a golden tag.
Before I could read the name, she tries to kick me. I avoid it, but she swings back on the wall and launches like a coiled snake. I would be gasping for air if my training hadn't kicked in. With my arm around her waist, I pin her to the wall, "I'm not here to hurt you!" I said as she struggled in my grip. Teeth bared like an animal, ready to gnaw off a limb. Of course, you can't understand a word I'm saying. I curse in the northern tongue.
Suddenly she calms down, and our eyes lock. Could she understand me? I let her go, but we remain cautious. "If I remove your gag, do you promise not to attack me again? I ask in the northern tongue. She nods, so I remove her gag. With a few heavy pants, she bared her teeth at me.
"Where's my mother?"
"Your mother?"
"You killed her, didn't you?" Her words are hot coals. "Well, I won't be your pet!" She sticks out her tongue. Without thinking, I shove my thumb in her mouth, and she bites down. Her teeth dig deep into my flesh, sending a wave of pain through my arm. I try to pry her mouth open, but she bites down even harder. The dam bursting at the seams, she's prepared to die. My heart racing, I strike her in the chest. Gasps fill the room, and I free my hand. However, I hesitate at the thought of gagging her again. On cue, a river coats the floor, leaving a putrid smell, forcing me to open the window.
As I catch my breath, all I can hear is her panicked breath, then nothing. She wasn't moving. Worried, I check her pulse, relieved she isn't dead. I gagged her, only realizing my hand was crimson. Fighting my racing heart, I make a makeshift bandage, only for it to bleed through. With few opinions, I enter the hall, desperate for help.
"Colton?" I followed the voice, relieved Serivious was here. "My God, what happened to your hand?" He applies new bondages, but it doesn't help. Crimson spots show through, "I'll go get Luna. You go back to your room and wait." Before I can protest, he uses his lantern, showing me the rudy trail I had made. "Go," he gestures to the door. When another wave of pain shoots up my arm, I do what I'm told.
Despite my mind clouding over, I get my guest down. Her limp form was now huddled like an infant. Slumping onto my chair, I feel warmth flowing across my arm. It bled, though, and it won't stop. I'm cold. A creek of the door allows me to focus, and I'm relieved; my Aunt Luna is here, wearing Iona's dress. With precision and grace, she gets to work.
"Colton?" those blue sapphires dart across my face. "Need you to eat this ok," she slid a piece of dried meat into my mouth. Though it's hard to chew, I manage. "Good, let's get a look at that hand." Removing the crimson rag, she cleans my hand with a moist cloth. Though it burns, I ignore it. "She tried to kill herself, didn't she?"
"How'd you guess?" Looking up from her work, the expression on her pale face said it all. "Right, the arena."
When my wound stops bleeding, she binds my hand. "There, you won't lose your thumb to the rot now." She leaves a poultice on my desk, "I want you to apply that to your hand in the morning, ok." I nod," Good, now can you,"-she pinches her nose, handing me a vial. "Deal with that while I help her." She ties the white hair back.
Again the putrid smell filled the room, challenging my stomach not to add to the floor. Bucket and rag in hand, I fight the two battles, winning by the skin of my teeth. Opening the vial, I pour it into the bucket choking back the aroma of sweet combating sour. Now in the corner, I snap back at the sound from my bed. The girl was awake and panicking.

"Easy, we're not going to hurt you."
She reaches for the gag, "Your mother's alive." She and Luna stare at me. "The Priestess, the one with the tree of life on her back. She's your mother, right?" Her frantic movements stop, going rigid, then slumping. Eyes full of tears, she nods. Her expression is a mixture of anger, relief, and confusion.
Now that she's calm, the extent of her injuries is apparent. Her hair hid a swollen eye, while scrapes and bruises litter everything else. She didn't go quietly, "You're hurt. Let me help you." Luna kneels, gesturing for her case. I take the hint and hand it to her, going to the window and giving them what little privacy I can.
The night air clears my lungs, and I process the events of the evening. What did Cato mean? Out in the yard, embers dance off torches, glinting off the jewelry of a cloaked woman. One snap of her fingers, and I know it's Vita. Her guards pull the priestess into view, shoving her into the arms of two handmaidens. My heart jumps into my throat, but I swallow it when I see the maidens are lady Giselle's. "Thank the gods."
"What is it," Luna finishes her work handing the girl one of my shirts. Silent as a ghost, she joins me. "Is that her?"

With a deep exhale, she sits on my bed. "Your mother is safe." The girl shoves Luna away, springing off the bed and rushing to the window. Dancing around me, she frantically looks for her mother. I pull her back in while she kicks and squirms like a child. Calmly, Luna grabs her face, forcing their eyes to lock. "Listen, listen, listen to me!" She stops, yet her heavy breathing continues." I know you are scared and alone. But your mother is in good hands." Her words are soothing and motherly. "Giselle is from the north. She won't let any harm come to her. I promise." I let her go when she relaxes, but it's like dealing with a cornered animal.
"What's your name?" I ask, getting a raised eyebrow in return. "I'm Colton, and this is my aunt, Luna." We set the foundations. Hopefully, she'll build the bridge. A quick look between us and her shoulders cave with a long exhale.
"Becka," she answers.
"It's nice to meet you, Becka," Luna said. "I know you don't trust us, but we will do everything we can to reunite you with your mother." She opens her case, offering her a herb. "Wounds need time to heal, and this will help you sleep." Swallowing some shows that it isn't poisonous.
Hesitating, Becka takes the herb and then sits on my bed. With a flick to the shoulder, Luna signals me to follow her to the door. "I need you to watch her," her gaze darts past me, "She'll fight the urge to sleep. I'm worried she'll do something stupid." A quick kiss on the cheek, "Protect her from herself." She leaves, the echo of the door lock sending shivers down my spine. I lock the window and then sit at my desk. It's going to be a long night.


Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV Character
Luna: Colton's Aunt
Servious: House slave that raised Colton
Becka: POW given to Colton as a gift

This is a rewrite of chapter six. I ask that you provide a minimum of one thing that you liked, and disliked. If you see something that needs to be fixed or improved, don't hesitate to point it out; I can't otherwise enhance it.

Thank you

Chapter 7
The Long Night

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


Trusting a stranger, it's like walking barefoot on sharp rocks: one misstep and you break your leg. Your only hope is someone will be there to catch you. The question is will Becka let me catch her? I glance over, and the situation weighs on me. Luna was right; she's fighting to stay awake.

"I'm not going to try anything, Becka." I want her to trust me, but my words fall flat. She curls up against the wall, throwing daggers with a glare. Her eyes dart between the door and window. Behind the aggression, there's worry and a twinge of hope. "Your mother is in good hands. Giselle will keep her safe."

"Then let me see her."

"I can't do that." The warm light of sentry torches seeps through the window, dancing across the room before fading into the night. Their metallic steps hid whispered words of guests. With this many eyes, we would be seen for sure. It's too big a risk.

"You're no better than them."

"Who?" When she points to my armor, my thoughts are flooded with what Cato's men could have done to them. "Did they touch you?" My blood boils, only cooled when the smug look of satisfaction coats her face. My muscles relax, and I let my anger leave with my breath. "Thank the gods."

"Why would you care? You're an imperial dog!"

Something snaps; without thinking, I'm on top of her. "I'm nothing like them," I hissed through my teeth. She spits in my eye, landing a blow to my side. I hunch over, gasping for air, and she wiggles free. She tries running to the window at full speed, but I pull her back. Bear hugging her in my lap, flushed; she continues her struggle, skin glinting in the heat of the moment. Then she winces, and the stench of iron hits me. "Great."

"Let me go!"

"Not until you calm down," her struggles continue, and I tighten my grip. "Do you want to die?" she freezes, "If you run, they'll kill you. Do you want to leave your mother all alone? Her frantic breathing slows, relaxing in my grasp. "One night. If you can wait one night, I promise you'll see her again." I let her go, grabbing the poultice from my desk.

"Why do you care?" Her anger and shame resonated from her situation. Through snapped stitches, a crimson tide flows from her arm. She tries holding it back, but the makeshift dam fails. Red trickles seep between her fingers, and she curses at her now blood-soaked hand.

My shirt slowly dyed from the trickling wound. "I know how important family is. And I know what it feels like to be ripped from them." Applying the poultice, I try to bind the wound, but my greasy fingers make it difficult. In frustration, Becka ends up doing it herself.

"So, they took you from your family?"

Flashes of that day hit me with memories of fire, screams, and blood. Then those arms pulled my sister and me into the darkness. I thought I'd never see Iona again. "Me and my sister, but we endured." The crack of ceramic snips me back. I broke the poultice jar. Too tired to care, I sit at my desk, my eyes tracing Becka's figure. "Look, we're both tired. I'll make you a deal." My words tug at her, "If I can't reunite you and your mother," I hesitate. It rarely worked. "I'll help you escape the city."

The bed creeks, and the thud of feet follows. I turn, and our noses to touch. "Why would you do that?" Those emerald eyes cut me, "What are you trying to pull?" Her guard is up, and the walls grow by the second. I meant what I said, but I hope it doesn't come to that.

"I know people."

"And they would help me?"

"For a price." The flicker of hope fades, and dread quickly consumes her. She slumps forward, but I catch her. "But your mother is alive, Becka. You'll see her again, I promise." The embers reignite, and a half-hearted smile crosses her lips. The herb was winning over her, and I was not far behind. "Can we please sleep now?"

"Fine." She lands on the bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. My head starts getting heavy, and I welcome sleep's embrace. However, one slip of my arm and my head meets the desk." The blow echoing in my ears, hiding a snicker. Through the haze, Becka's bindings still hang like a noose. Not willing to risk anything, I pull it down, wrapping one end to my wrist. Then an idea pops into my head.

"Becka, give me your wrist."

She turtles up. "What, why?"

I sat next to the bed, "Can I trust that you won't try to escape?" She rolls over with a heavy sigh, dangling her arm over my shoulder. I bind our wrists, but every movement sends a wave of pain up my arm." No matter what position we're in, neither one of us can get comfortable.

"Will you just get in the bed already?" She tugs at the rope, its rough textures digging into my arm. She slid over, and I lay beside her, the bed creaking under our weight. Neither of us moved, fearing something would give. We gaze at the ceiling, tracing the canyons formed from disrepair. She pinches my nose, and I'm forced to look at her. "You'd better keep your word?"

"I will." she rolls on her side, staring at me. Which I meet head-on. Again the flicker of torchlight dances across the room, illuminating what the shadows try to hide. Even with that scowl, she's beautiful. Her eyes flicker closed, finally submitting to sleep. However, worry continues to eat at me. I hope I can keep my promise. I allow the night to claim me when I'm sure she's out.

Author Notes Character list
Colton: Main POV character
Becka: POW from the north

This chapter is a rewrite of chapter 6, now as a new chapter 7. I ask that reviewers give a minimum of one thing they like and dislike. If you see anything that needs to be fixed or improved, don't hesitate to point it out, I can't otherwise enhance it.

Chapter 8

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.


In my morning haze, my door creaks open to shuffling steps. I move, but I'm weighed down by something. Then last night hits me. Becka is lying on top of me, her expression peaceful. I almost feel bad for having to wake her. With my free hand, I shake her. Groans, then snuggling, is her response. Those damn piercings rub against me, and my cock touches her thigh. She pins me down, and her rosy cheeks say it all.

"What?" we start to grapple, only for the blinding light of day to stop us in our tracks. From the protection of my hand, a familiar figure hides in the morning glow. "A little warning would have been nice, Servious!" He closes one of the windows doors with a laugh, allowing my sight to return.

He places fresh clothes on the desk. "I'm too old to be breaking up fights," he speaks in the northern tongue. "Besides, Miss Giselle wants you to join her this morning." Instantly memories I'd rather forget claw at me. "Colton," he buries my thoughts. "I know you and Giselle have had your differences, but she does care for you and your sister in her way." He tries to reassure me, acting like the parent I had lost.

Forcing my attention, Becka glares at me, "My mother, you said that Giselle has her."

"She does indeed," he answers. "I will escort you to her as soon as you change." Becka stands up, but the rope stops her, dragging me down with her. Before hitting the ground, I pull her into my lap, and the sausage is now between her buns. Blood rushing to our faces, I unbind us as quickly as possible. We steal glances from one another, and the red from our faces only deepens. I use the bucket, relieving myself of last night's wine.

With my soldier no longer at attention, the pain in my hand flares up. Unraveling the binding, my hand is a red mess. Dried blood fills every toothmark, leaving a crimson smile. I fear if I move my fingers, the river will flow again. While I had used most of the poultice for Becka, there should be some left. On my desk, what's left is seeping out like tree sap. I quickly apply what I can and then rebadged myself.

"What in the world are those?" Becka points at the leathered straps Servious offers her.

"These are sandals. I guess you wouldn't see them in the Northlands." He offers to help her, but the walls go up. Our eyes lock, and he takes the hint. "I'll wait outside." With the door closed, I toss her some clothes he had left her. However, all I get from her is a look of confusion when she inspects them.

I let my clothes hit the ground, throwing them on the bed. "Don't tell me you've never seen a naked man before?" My actions leave her flushed, hiding behind her hand. "Look, the sooner you change, the sooner you can see your mother."

"Fine." With a twist of her shoulders, my shirt falls to her ankles. The glint from her piercings drew my attention, and she quickly covered herself. "Haven't you ever seen a naked woman before? " Lips curl into a smile, mocking me for staring. We promptly dress the rustling of cloth, our only companion. "There, you happy now" I slide my clean shirt on, and I'm impressed with what I see. The simple dress hugs her, accentuating her curves.

Gesturing to the bed, "I'll help you with the sandals."

Arms crossed, she plops down, offering her leg to me like a spoiled brat. "Just get it over with." Her impatience oozed off her. Kneeling, I crisscross the strips until they reach the knees. Satisfied with my work, I offer my hand. "Can we go now?" I nod, and she rushes to the door. However, I pull her into a bear hug. "Hey!" She dangles like a cat in my arms.

"Becka, promise me you'll behave. Ok?" We're so close we can taste each other's breath. "If anyone says or tries anything, ignore them. " My grip tightens, "It's not worth it; believe me, I know."

"Ok, I promise to be good. Can we go now?" Letting go, she lands gracefully, dragging me through the door. As expected, our presence sent a wave of gossip through the estate. Their stares ask who Becka is, filling ears with rumors. But they scurry away like rats fearing the old cat would catch them.

We arrive at Giselle's quarters. Two living fortresses of scale and chain protected the doors, towering over us like golems. "Lady Giselle is expecting us," Servious said. The pair glance at each other, then pull the double doors open. We enter a lavish common room illuminated by four windows. Furs and pelts litter the space, offering comfort from the Imperial walls. In the center of the room, a long table acts as the centerpiece.

On one side sits Giselle, ambassador for the Northlands. Veins of silver creep through her golden locks tied in a single bun. Next to her is my sister, squinting at a parchment. Across from them is a woman I'm sure I know. Becka stops dead in her tracks, and the tears start to fall. Their eyes lock, and they rush to embrace each other, falling to their knees.

She stops Becka's tremors, whispering comforting words, rocking her like an infant. She calms her weeping daughter, stroking her hair. This moment sends me back to that day. It warms my heart knowing I could unite them. I'm pulled back by Giselle's rising, signaling me to sit. However, Becka stops me. "You kept your promise." She said through sniffles and tears.

I kneel, "A promise is a promise." She tackles me down with a hug, nuzzling my neck. Blood rushing to my face, I slowly hugged her back. I was surprised when her mother grabbed my shoulder. I had expected a glare, but she offered her thanks wiping the river from her cheeks.

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV Character
Giselle: Colton's foster mother
Enid Colton's younger sister
Becka: POW from the north
Servious: Slave that raised Colton.

This chapter is a rewrite of chapter 8. I ask that reviewers provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that can be improved, don't hesitate to point it out. I can't otherwise enhance.

Chapter 9
Barbed Words

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


Giselle clears her throat. "Lady Runa. I'm sure you and your daughter would like some privacy." She gestures to one of the rooms. "As long as you are my guests, these quarters are yours," she said, sitting back down.

"Thank you, Lady Giselle. You have been a generous host." She leads Becka out of the common room. Once the door clicks shut, I rise, pain rushing across my arm. I fight the urge to wince, not wanting Enid to know what happened. But there's no hiding it from Giselle. I feel her inspecting me, top to bottom.

"Servious, I believe it's time for Enid's morning lessons."

Her veil shields her eyes from the sun but can't hide her sour expression. "Do I have to?" She pouts, focusing on Giselle. "It's so dull. I'm never going to use it." She turns in my direction, trying to get me on her side. She gives me her best puppy eyes, but I refuse to fall for it.

"I know my lessons can be tedious, Miss Enid. However, I must insist on them." With a sigh of defeat, she takes the hand he offers, allowing him to lead her toward the double doors. However, they stopped beside me, and those faded eyes hit me.

"Are you two going to fight again?"

That question always cuts deep. I hug my baby sister. "No, little light," Her fist sends a ripple up my spine. My gaze darts to Giselle, who nods in agreement. "We just need to talk about a few things." The lie twists my gut, and guilt chips away at me. But she doesn't need to hear the barbs. "I promise we're not going to fight."

"I'm thirteen, Colton. You don't have to defend me." She hugs me, "And stop calling me Little Light," she said, pretending to be angry with her nickname. Yet, her half-hearted laugh can't hide how she feels. Taking Servious's hand, they exit the room.

The doors close, and the room's aura changes; I sit while Giselle sips on citrus water. I'm about to join her. "How much did you drink last night?" She throws the first knife, "I saw you with Melissa, so I assume you must have been drunk." She twists it deeper, those sapphires piercing into me. It takes all my will not to snap at her, but I cap my frustrations.

I pour my citrus, savoring the sweet taste. "Nothing happened. Melissa and I met Iona in the garden. Then, her mother dragged her off. That's it."

With a heavy sigh, "You know how it looks," her disappointment oozes. As my heir, you're expected to present yourself in a way that befits your future station." She shakes her head, refusing to lay eyes on me. Yet you fight me at every turn. Most would kill for what you have."

Unable to take anymore, I stand. Finishing my drink, and I slam my cup on the table. "Sorry to be such a disappointment." Walking towards the doors, every memory of her venom hits me. I'm tired of these arguments. I fight to control myself through heavy breaths and the thumping of my heart.
"How did we end up like this?"

I stop dead in my tracks, forcing my anger into the pit of my soul. Ever since I was little, she told me to forget that day, to bury my past, and to think about our people and our responsibility to them. Where were they when my people needed help?

"After the loss of your parents, I gave you and your sister a home, education, everything your parents could only dream of." Her honeyed words, laced with barbs digging into my resolve. "Yet, you start fights and affiliate with those mercenaries? Why?" Her eyes demanding an answer,

I march towards her until we are face to face. "Because they treated us better than you ever did. They were all we had from before...." Her hand rests on mine, and I pull away. "To them, we're not tools." I throw barbs of my own. "We're family." This spat is pointless. I'm about to leave when she sighs, the weight of my words pushing her down.

"Her sight has gotten worse."

Pain rips through my chest, and I stop. I clench my fist, trying to bottle my emotions. But it takes all my will not to fall apart. My job was to keep her safe, and I made it worse. What kind of brother does that? "How long?"

"Before she's eighteen," she wipes tears from her eyes. "I warned you time and again that this would happen. Had you just done as you were told, maybe she wouldn't be going blind." Her words cut deep, and my guilt overwhelms me.

I pull myself together. "You're right. It's my fault Enid is going blind." I rip the torc from my neck, tossing it to the ground. "If I had been the good little soldier everyone wanted me to be. Everyone would be better off." I give her exactly what she always wants: to be right. "Maybe I should go to the frontier." I open the doors, "After all, what's one more dead Arverni to the Empire." I walk past the guards, unfazed by my actions.

The echoes of her feet bounce frantically from the walls and then stop at the door. "Colton, wait!" she yells, unwilling to leave the safety of her quarters. She crossed a line but wouldn't jeopardize her image to follow me. Every time this happens, I want her to follow me, to show me that I'm more than just some tool for her legacy. But again, she disappoints me.

With hastened steps, the world disappears. I want to hit something, anything, and the yard is the only place to do so. Focusing on my goal, I stretch as I walk, ignoring the weary eyes on me. It's early, so I should have everything to myself.

I leave the halls, and the stone floor turns to sand. There isn't a soul in sight, only some training dummies with crudely drawn faces. Taking a stance, I start my routine, striking my stuffed opponent in the gut. A twinge of pain shoots through my arm. I've always remembered those words. I start muttering, "'You should be grateful,'" I land a blow on my opponent. "'You'll just be a burden to them,'" I strike faster. "'Stop being selfish. Think about your sister.'" I punch faster. "'It's your fault she's going blind.'" With one final blow, the dummies head is gone. But my anger remains. My body refuses to move, and every breath is a struggle. I collapse, sweat falling like rain. Guilt blurring my sight, a hand grips my shoulder, and I jump to my feet, whipping my eyes.

When my vision clears, that hand cups my face. Aunt Iona stands before me, offering reassurance with a faint smile. Without a word, she rests her head on mine. My anger fades as my heart slows, but the guilt still claws at me. I have to do something.

Author Notes Character list
Colton: Main POV character
Enid: Colton's younger sister
Giselle: Colton's foster mother
Iona: Coltons Aunt
Runa: Becka's mother
Becka: Runa's daughter
Servious: Slave that raised Colton

This is a rewrite of chapter eight, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 10
Duels and Families

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.


She walks away, throwing her coat off. Stretching those toned arms, she turns to me, assuming the position. Without warning, she strikes, my panicked step saving me from a blow to the face. As if she was dancing, she grabs my collar, and her elbow robs the air from my lungs. I find myself winded on my back. She looks at me with a smile, gesturing to get up.

I stand, readying my defenses, blocking the blows she throws at me. Giselle's words still claw at the back of my mind, and I can't focus. My Aunts fist lands square in my jaw, the taste of iron filling my mouth. Managing not to fall, I try to counter her. Each time I strike, she evades it, landing a blow of her own, sending wave after wave of pain across my body. My knee hits the ground, and I'm fighting to catch my breath.

Get up; a voice echoes in my mind. Anger numbing my pain, I stand. Raising my arms, we start trading blows. Now that I'm focused, the openings begin to reveal themselves. For a brief moment, I see it, she goes for my ribs, but I counter. Hitting her instead. She stumbles back, wiping her nose. She looks at me, nodding in approval.

We continue, matching blow for blow. Crimson spatters dye the sand, while sweat coats us like the second skin. I needed this, I don't know how, but Iona always finds a way to help me deal with things. I see another opening, and I go for it. However, in the blink of an eye, she knocks me flat.

Lying there, my moment of pride turns to humility. I was so sure I had her. Surprisingly I hadn't seen the audience we had drawn. Several of the estate's workers had stopped and were watching us, whispers and coins passing between them. Sitting up, I look around, seeing a familiar redhead watching from a window. When those beautiful emeralds meet mine, she turns away, climbing back inside.

A fist hits my shoulder, and Iona offers to help me up. Accepting her hand, she leads me away from prying eyes. We enter a tarped-off area with a well. As usual, she pours a full bucket over her head, throwing her hair out of her eyes. Relishing in the embrace, she fills cups, offering me one.

Without hesitation, I chug it down, only to choke. A few taps to the chest, and I can breathe again. I sit down, joined by Iona, who rests her head on my shoulder. She tenderly wraps her arm around mine, and our fingers intertwine. Not a word passes between us. My anger has stopped, and the pain is now a gentle numbness. I'm at peace. Safety, compassion, no matter how bad things have gotten, she's always been there for me.

"Luna told me what happened." She caresses my wounded hand. "I am proud of you." Giving me a genuine smile. She stands up, fetching water. Through her soaking wet shirt, I see the scars decorating her back. Floggings, fights, they're all a reminder of what she endured. It's both inspirational and terrifying. She kept going no matter what was thrown at her.

I'm drenched with water. "What was that for?" I stand, taking my shirt off, darkening the sand at my feet. I try to be mad, but I feel refreshed by the cool waters.


"Yeah." I sit back down, embracing the warmth of the morning. I look at the sun and quickly shield my eyes. Remembering one of the many times Enid and I had run away. My guts twist, and I'm being pulled back to those days. However, Iona's words do help me cope with it.

"You're worried about Enid's sight, aren't you?" I nod," "We can't change the past, Colton." Resting her head on my shoulder, "When I thought I'd lost the two of you in the purge, I was ready to die." Her words are filled with sorrow. "But I had a reason to keep going when I learned you were alive." Hope starts to resonate in her voice. "I'm here now, and I will never abandon either of you."

"I wish I had your strength."

She laughs, "Colton, you endured so much to keep Enid safe." Our eyes lock, and the warrior becomes the parent. "You are strong." Her words give me strength. "It's something you and your father have in common."

I can't remember either of them. Every time I try, the purge is all I can see. I can remember a man's voice, "'Protect your sister; she needs you.'" And a woman with bright hair. When I learned Hahaku was looking for us. We ran to him for safety. But Giselle's armed guards would always bring us back. I know now they couldn't provide for us. However, we were always welcome in their home. If Servious wasn't there for us, I don't think we would have survived.

"Come on," she gestures to me to follow. We return to the yard, preventing one of the slaves from stealing her coat. Draping it over her shoulders, we head out. This early in the morning, the streets lack their usual clutter. Sentry's steps echo on the paved ground while carts destined for the market heave and creek under the weight of their goods.

We follow the caravan into the next district, helping one of the carts down the uneven streets. The stench of rot floods my nose, and the citrus water threatens to come back up. I see a forgotten soul in an alley. Their memories feeding the rats. In the shadows, a figure emerges, a black clock hiding his features. He crouches next to the dead child, gently picking him up. As he walks away, he glances back at me, a wooden mask where his face should be. Without a word, he disappears back into the shadows.

A hand taps me, bringing me back. "Let's go, Colton," Iona leads me east. I know where we're going, and I have to prepare. My heart is like a war drum: every thud, a fist to my chest. My breath is short and frantic as dread envelops me. One look of reassurance from Iona, and I start to take longer breaths. The pain disappears into the shadows, but I can't help but feel eyes watching us, sending a shiver down my spine.

Author Notes Character list
Colton: Main POV Character
Iona: Colton's aunt

This is a rewrite of chapter ten, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 11
Why we Fight

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


Those gates have been sealed for nearly fifteen years, concealing an event that marked this city for a generation. For most Imperials, it's nothing more than a ruin, but for us, it's a reminder of what we lost.

Through back alleys, we move like shadows, ever wary that the guards will spot us. They rarely leave the gate, fearing what may await them in the darkness. I'm sure someone is following us. A crate falls over, and we prepare ourselves for a fight. When a dog runs past us, I sigh with relief, but that feeling won't disappear.

We carefully open the door of an old guard post, its hinges creaking their horrible wail. The echo thunders through the area, but the sound of soldiers doesn't echo back. Slipping through the half-open door, we find the place a ruin. Dust fills the air, choking our lungs. And it's hard to see through our watering eyes. The rustling of a curtain fills my ears, "There it is." Iona carefully steps over broken furniture, ushering me to follow. Once inside, we can breathe again.

Stairs encircle us like a snake crawling the walls. And the only way out is atop its back. With reluctance, I follow my Aunt. Each step echoes as the snake sheds its skin; one of its stony scales gives way, but my Aunt's quick thinking spares me. She pulls me back, and we continue our ascent.

Bathing in the midday light, the smell of ash fills my nose. I'm afraid. Iona's touch gives me strength. We look over the edge, and my heart drops. Below us lies a necropolis, its charred remains like blackened bones. Only the ghost of what was, walk these streets. Turning to screams as the flames engulf them all, I turn away, fighting the memories. My heart sends ripples through my body, "Why are we here?"

She hugs me. "To remember, Colton." Her grip tightens, and she starts to tremble in my arms. "This is what our loyalty got us. A cramped district with barely enough space to survive." She pushes away from me, standing on the edge of the wall. Crossing her arms, she said, "My brother's sacrifices meant nothing to them. And now only three of us are left." Turning to me. "We can't let them die for nothing, Colton."       

"We won't." A fire starts to burn in my soul. I try to be the pillar she's always been. This place marked us, but we can't let it break us. "I promise." I have to be strong for my Aunts, my sister, and the memory of everyone else that died. If we give up, then the Empire wins.
"I know." She laughs, pushing me as she wipes away tears that threaten to fall.

Claws meet stone, and before I know it, a giant ball of fur is on top of me. Its fang-filled maw is dripping on my face. Deep growls fill my ears, only for a mountain of licking to replace them. "Wulf, down!" A familiar voice yells, trying to pull the beast off. "Sorry, Colton," my best friend says, pulling the dog by the scruff. With the snap of a finger, the beast goes docile, trotting to its one-eyed master. The dog eagerly walks next to Hahaku, receiving a few pats on the head. Helping me up, I wipe my face with my arm.

"Thanks, Tristan." He helps me to my feet, embracing me like a brother. How did I not notice they were following us? "How long have you been following us?"

"Since the market. It's a day late, but Oma made this for you." He reaches into his pack and hands me a large honey cake. The sweet aroma fills the air. My stomach is growling worse than the dogs.

"Thanks," I rip into the treat, offering a piece to everyone. Hunger overtakes me, and I quickly gobble my share down. The sweet honey washing the taste of iron from my mouth. How can such a grumpy old woman make something so lovely?

Hahaku inspects the once-proud district, "Fuck," his words hide his grief. "I should have done more." He clenches his fist, only for the dog to console him. Who, in turn, gets a rub behind the ear as a reward.

"You had your own problems Hahaku," Iona said as she joins him. "And too many mouths to feed." She grips her heart, fire burning in her eyes, "But we're together now. That's what matters." Resolve resonating from her, earning a laugh from Hahaku and admiration from Tristan and me. She's not Iron Iona without reason.

We turn some crates into makeshift chairs and reminisce. However, the hair on the back of my neck is still standing. And their dog agrees with me. We both stare at some rubble near the stairs. Someone was there, and they've been there a while. "Did one of your clan follow you?" I ask as worry starts to eat at me.

"It's probably one of your Aunt's stalkers. You know how they are." Usually, I can spot them, but this one is good. Jumping to my feet, I walk towards them. Tristan offers to back me up, but I can handle one starstruck fool. I go around the back of the rubble, stepping as lightly as possible. Peering around the corner, I see a woman spying on us, a scarf hiding her features.

"Hey," I grab her from behind, but she wriggles through my grip. Lunging at me with a stick, I barely manage to avoid the bow. One of my feet is knocked out from under me, and I land on my ass. The assailant tries to strike me with an overhead blow, but I turn a piece of rubble into a shield. I hit her leg, and she lands on top of me, rolling on top of her. Those green eyes throw daggers at me as she struggles. I know those eyes. "Becka?" I rip the scarf off, and sure enough, it's her. "How do you get past the gate guards?"

"Showed them this." She reaches between her breast, and the glint of her slave tag draws my attention. Finally able to read it, the pieces fall into place. Cato made her my body slave, which gives her access to me at all times. Most guards won't bat an eye, but they're not the only ones who wander the street. She's either very lucky or good at sneaking. "You going to get off me? Or will you pull out your knife again?" she mocks. I stand, helping her to her feet.
"Hey, Colton! You alright?" Tristan said.

"I'm fine."

We walk out into the open, and the group eyes us. "So, not a stalker then?"

With a grin, Becka points to herself than me holding her tag between her fingers and resting her head on my arm. Is she trying to piss me off? I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Pinching her ass, she goes to slap me. "What the fuck was that for?" She hisses, ripping her arm from my grip.

"You're a pain in the ass. I'm just returning the favor."

Iona clears her throat and circles us like a predator ready to pounce. "You're the daughter of that priestess?" Becka raises her wall again, not knowing how to respond. "You can't take risks like this." She stops in front of us. "You're easy prey if you're alone."

"I can handle myself."

Becka hits the ground, with my Aunts hand on her throat and her foot firmly on Becka's arm. "Is that so?" Her grip tightens, and panic fills Becka's eyes. She gasps for air, eyes darting for an escape, "I thought you said you could handle yourself." Eyes flooding on her reddening face, Becka looks at me. "Colton can't help you." She forces her to look at her. "Do you yield?"

Frantically nodding, Becka is set free. Her gasps become coughs as she fights to breathe. I offer to help, but she shoves me away, those eyes full of angry tears. Never get in her way when my Aunt wants to teach you a lesson. "Was that necessary, Aunt Iona?"

"Would you rather find her with a slit throat?" The thought is chilling. I can't let that happen, not after everything that has occurred. "I'm sorry for doing that." The intensity from before disappears, allowing the real Iona to show. "You have spirit, but you lack discipline. To protect your mother, you need to understand how this city works." She smiles, offering a hand, "I would be willing to teach you. And I'm sure Colton will be more than willing to help." She looks at me with a smirk.

The pair eyes me, and I can already feel the future bruises forming. Our eyes lock, and my heart starts the thump. Becka has a warrior's spirit but is unrefined. Under that tough exterior, she is beautiful. I agree, knowing that things were about to get interesting.

Author Notes Character list
Colton: Main POV Character
Iona: Colton's aunt
Tristan: Colton's childhood friend
Hahaku: Tristans father
Becka: POW from the north

This is a rewrite of chapter ten, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 12

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


Why did I agree to this? My regular armor would have sufficed. This chainmail and plates hug my body, and the leather shielding on my arms reminds me of a pig wearing the finary of a noble. I'm supposed to look like an Imperial officer, but all I see is me?" the sword, shield, and helm complete the charade.

Across from me, Giselle's stoic expression matches her new look. A steel crown protects her head while a heavy cloak drapes over her shoulders. Its mane is held aloof by a rope. A pauldron of a boar's head guards her shoulder with a feral stare.

These three months have not been good for any of us. We share this carpentum, a veil of purple hiding us from prying eyes. Hahaku rides outside, forging a path through the crowded streets. Uncomfortable seats, the crowds, if it wasn't for the pay, I swear I would never have done this. The reserved woman I had come to know is distracted. A torc holds her focus, hiding the storm of emotions.

News of Runa's capture spread like wildfire. Every day, more refugees would flood the city. In response, the northern frontier grew unstable, and the Empire swelled the Legio X Equestris ranks. The promise of a swift victory echoed for weeks. Then nothing. No word had reached the capital since. It was as if the Legion had just disappeared. The fear of not knowing made this situation truly terrifying.

In response, The Emperor himself had summoned Giselle. Though I doubt she could provide anything his men couldn't. "Do you have any idea what's going on?" I ask, only for her to ignore me. She places the torc next to her with a heavy sigh, trying to rub away the migraine forming in her thoughts.

"No, but I fear the worst." Again, she plays with the torc, but I take it from her out of annoyance. With my point made, she fixes herself. "The Jarls' messages are a mixed bag." The voices outside become a tide of chanting. "Some claim it's Berserker raids, and others say a new revolt is on the horizon."

"And you?"

"I don't know, Iona." The shadows of the crowds creep through the window like tendrils from a great beast. Only to be consumed by our guards' imposing form. They show their anger by throwing things at us. However, their barrage does little. And like cowards, they run the moment they are spotted.

We pass under an arch, its menacing size deterring our would-be assailants. The click of massive gears, followed by a thunderous boom, tells us we have arrived. I put my helmet on, shoulder my shield, and tie my sword to my belt. "Let's go," I reach for the door.

She stops me.
"Iona, I want you to reconsider-"
She shakes her head in frustration, tightening her grip on my arm. "See, reason, we both know I can give them a better life." She tries to pull at my heartstrings. But it falls on deaf ears. "And I have to do what is best for our people."
"So do I." I echo the last words she said to my brother. That day hits us both, and we slide back into our seats. I cross my arms, my mind racing but not going anywhere. You're doing this for the money, Iona, don't get bogged down by the politics. It's not your concern.
Hunching forward, Giselle looks at her feet. "I didn't know what they were going do." She starts her half-hearted apology. "I thought they would exile your people to the frontier, giving you a chance." She looks at me. "I swear I never intended for."
"Just stop." I don't care what she intended, and I won't allow her to divide my family again. The Empire butchered us like cattle, and her soldiers tried to claim me as a prize. I still taste that soldier's blood and hear his gurgling cries from ripping his throat out. Then, because I was so feisty, they turned me into an act for their amusement. I would have ended it if Luna hadn't been there.             

Helping her out of the carpentum, I'm taken aback at what lies before me. Compared to the rest of the city, we might as well be in another world. Lush trees dance to the melody of twin streams hugging a granite road. All being tended to by slaves draped in silk. Soldiers glint in their polished armor in perfect lines, unmoving and expressionless, watchful of threats. However, all this pales in comparison to our destination. At the end of the road, stairs lead to an imposing sight. Crimson banners hang from marble walls, while great pillars hold a mosaic telling the Empire's origins, the Imperial Palace.

Hahaku dismounts with a thump, handing the reins to one of the guards. Like me, he is dumbfounded. I doubt many of our people would ever get to marvel at this sight. He signals everyone to get into formation. We create a diamond around Giselle, shielding her from threats. As we march to the Palace, our steps echo like tower bells. It's an eerie feeling.

Two heavy doors are pushed open, moaning their deep wails. Once inside, we are led through a hall, and everywhere we look, something is happening. Slaves, soldiers, and lords congregate, barely noticing us as we pass them. In hushed tones, worry pales their features. "It's this way." Our guide says, his steps long and frantic.

Standing before us is yet another door, a cross beam barring entry to all but the desired. The sentries bang on the door in unison, and the rattling of chains sends the beam skyward. "Remember where you are." One of them warns under his helm. We enter, and it's nothing like I expected.

The room is lit by the sun shining through an open roof held aloft by several pillars. At the room's center, a round table is divided into four quarters, seating a dozen individuals and outlining a floor map. Five of these, I assume, are the heads of the five great families due to the lavish Imperial attire each of them is wearing. While the other four must be for ambassadors from other nations. Though, the years have grayed his edges. The Emperor is still imposing. Like a god towering over the world, he looks down upon his Empire. "The scouts have not sent word for weeks." He points to the most northern point on the map. When our presence becomes known, all eyes fall upon us. "Ambassador Giselle, good you're here, please," he gestures for her to join them. "Take a seat."

As Giselle sits, another woman stands. Gold jingling like wind chimes off her lovely frame. It's unheard of for women to be even allowed to sit here; however, her purple dress marks her royal blood. "All I'm asking for, brother, is one Legion. No more than what Lord Titus was given." That voice is strong yet alluring. I quickly throw those thoughts away, grateful my helmet hides my face.

"Surely your allies in the Divine Union can provide support, Lady Orianna." The aged Lord Titus scolds her. "We cut off the head of that snake almost twenty years ago. And they have been eating each other ever since," his cold demeanor whitening her knuckles.

Those hazel pools dart to the Emperor, who sides with Lord Titus. "These raids may be small now, but they'll see us as weak if we don't stomp them out." She leans over the table. "If they rally, we won't be able to hold them back," pointing to the southern border. "If that happens, you all know where they'll attack," her gaze burning into each of them. She has a strong spirit; I'll give her that.

The Emperor locks eyes with her and then gestures for her to sit. "Please, sister." She returns to her seat. Rubbing his temples, he joins her, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. Duty weighing him down, he looks to those gathered. "My sister does bring up a valid point. We cannot look weak to the Steppes." A smile creeps across Lady Orianna's face. "However," he looks to Giselle. "I won't commit troops without cause. Giselle, what news do the Jarls send."

She stands, hiding something under her cloak. "I am afraid I am as much in the dark as you, Emperor Octavian." She holds a parchment, "There are rumors of Berserkers raiding on the frontier." Hushed words start echoing across the room. "But I can assure you it's being taken care of as we speak."

While her words reassure those gathered, hooves thunder behind me, and my heart is ready to leap from my throat. "Let me in," a panicked voice roars, banging on the door with heavy hands. The rattling chains rise, and a madman rushes in. Caked in blood and dirt, he collapses on the floor. Through panicked breath. "I bring news from the north!"

Author Notes Character List:
Iona: POV character
Giselle: Northern Queen
Lord Titus: Head of one of the Five great families (Northern Province)
Emperor Octavian: Current Emperor
Lady Orianna: Octavian's sister
Hahaku: Friends of Iona and Mercenary captain

This is a rewrite of chapter twelve, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 13
Ever Changing

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


I watch the poor man take the water offered to him with trembling hands. After a sip, the Emperor himself provides a comforting hand. "Thank you, my Emperor." The man looks around in a haze; he's in rough shape. The stench of dried blood and dirt coats his gaunt figure, and the dark bags under his eyes show he hasn't slept for days.
"What happened?" The Emperor asks as he returns to his seat.
"We lost all contact with our garrisons north of the Scar." He coughs violently, wiping away the blood that trickles from his lip. "Our Commander sent out messenger birds; one returned, begging us to send aid." Taking another sip of water, he reaches for his shoulder, trying to silence his armor rattling. "Our orders were to escort the survivors back to Bloodcrest." The rattling gets worse, and he fights to keep his composure.
"Did you encounter any resistance?" Lord Titus asks.
"None." Finishing his water, he wipes his mouth. "We found the remains of our caravans, but the Northman stripped them to the bone." He hugs himself, desperate for warmth. "They didn't even leave the bodies."
No bodies? Strange. Northmen, and especially the berserkers, leave the dead where they fall. Why take them? I look to Hahaku, but he's as confused as I am.
The soldier, through labored breath, continues. "When we arrived at the garrison, it was empty. All that remained of our brothers was a corpse pile in the courtyard." He punches the ground, "We were too late."
They were wiped out. The Imperial Legions are supposed to be the best-trained soldiers on the continent. The idea that a group of ill-trained, under-equipped wildmen managing to take them out boggles my mind. Who are these warriors? I grip my sword hilt, but it offers little comfort.
Eyes to the ground, the soldier's anger and fear ooze off him as he digs into the floor with broken nails. Each breath he takes is long and deep, fatigue slowing winning over his will to fight. "We made a pyre for our brothers. It was the least we could do. By nightfall, we had the garrison fortified. Some of us were outside scouting when we heard whistling." He clenches his fists, bearing his teeth like a feral animal. "Then it happened."
"What happened." Lord Titus demands.
"The attack, my lords." Looking towards the ceiling, the soldier continues. "They came from marshes, like corpses rising from the dead. One killed six of us before we could put him down." He claws at his head, fighting the memories. "Then the pyre turned green, and..." He reaches for the back of his head.
A fist slams the table, snapping the man from his delirium. "Solider, what happened after the pyre turned green?" The Emperor orders.
Turning to the Emperor, the man looks like a lost child. Rubbing his head, "A Northman struck me from behind. I didn't come to till dawn." He walks towards the table in a haze, ignoring everything around him. "I rushed back." A sorrowful smile crept across his face. "All of them, all of them, dead." To everyone's horror, bloody tears begin to fall. Using his finger to wipe his face, the man looks at the blood-soaked tips with an eerie calm. Falling to the ground, the soldier lands on his back. Choking on the blood pouring from his mouth. "Crimson tears in their eyes."
One of the sentries rushes to his side only to shake his head. Offering their fallen brother one final courtesy, they wrap him in a cloak, carrying him away.
I've killed men and seen them die. I've watched them try to put their guts back in or scream at a severed limb. But I've never seen anything like this, and it scares me. My gripe tightens on my sword, but it still offers no comfort.
"Gods! How could Berserkers do this?" Giselles said.
Footsteps echo through the room, "They didn't." A man walks past me. His body is draped in leather armor and furs, with twin axes hanging off his belt. Across his back, a yew bow and a quiver of arrows hang. Those piercing blue eyes are hard to miss, while he hides his features with a hood. "They're merely the tip of the spear."
The Emperor eyes the newcomer, "Who are you?".
"This is Hunter, an aid of mine," Giselle says, stealing a glance but keeping her composer. "He has been keeping an eye on the frontier for me."
Stonic as a glacier, Hunter walks to the table, and every sentry draws their swords. He eyes them, daring them to try anything. Yet, one gesture from the Emperor, and they sheath their weapons. No longer under threat, Hunter draws an arrow, pointing to the region north of the Scar. "Someone lured you men to that garrison. And reports have told me of similar attacks on all your garrisons north of the Scar."
Lord Titus huffs, reaching into his sleeve and snorting what I assume is medicine. "It's Impossible." He wipes his nose. "You expect us to believe that a pack of savages managed to lay a trap?"
"Lord Titus, these savages, as you call them, are more organized than you know." Hunter points to a distant location known only as the Ice Rivers. "They've been gathering strength for years under a man named Baer."
Everyone but Giselle chuckles to themselves. "Baer, that man was a drunkard without a strategic thought. Why would he risk our ire?" Titus said, turning to Giselle, who hides her anger behind a cold glare.
As a child, I heard stories about him—the personal guard to the Rebel King Oswald, bathing in blood and drinking ale by the barrel. Tales told how he killed Imperial soldiers by the dozen before being brought to heel. But instead of giving him a warrior's death, they sent him to the wilderness, expecting him to die.
"Perhaps you took something from him," Hunter said. 
"Runa," Giselle whispers.
Lords Titus glares at Giselle, then turns to the Emperor. "Octavian, even if this priestess is connected to Baer, it couldn't justify an attack of this scale. It's an invading force." Titus stands. "Let me send word to my brother in Titos. He'll rally the Legions, and we can finish what we should have done years ago." He eyes every member sitting at the table. "We must snuff this threat before it grows."
Hunter's gaze falls on Titus, and he gestures to the map. "Do you know where they are, Lord Titus? How about the size of this force? Do you know how they're supplied or how to counter this poison?" He looks to the Emperor. "Emperor Octavian, look to the man who died to warn you. Will you send more men to a needless death?"
The group erupts with debate, some agreeing with Titus and others preferring a wait-and-see approach. Octavitian rests his head on his hands, and Hunter crosses his arms. Both of them observe the situation like kings of old. The Emperor rises, the sentries bang their weapons in unison, and all debate ends.
"Titus, send word to your brother. Have him pull all our forces back to Bloodcrest and cut all routes over the Scar. Until we know more about this threat, we will act defensively." His attention then falls to Hunter. "This poison, how do we counter it?"
Hunter shakes his head, "You can't."
For so long, they have all lived in their gilded cage. Now, vultures peck at the wound. I look around the table, and this news hangs over them like a stormcloud. And they fear lightning will strike, burning their precious world to ashes.
"If I may." Giselle stands. "We know little of Baer since his exile. But Runa, sorry, the priestess, might." She corrects herself. "Over the last few months, I've been able to talk to her on many occasions, and she told me she and her daughter were fleeing from someone."
"Then this priestess should be brought here for questioning," Titus said.
Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Giselle sighs and turns to Titus. "Her treatment at Cato's hands has not endured her to the Empire, Lord Titus. If you drag her here like a prisoner, she won't cooperate." Giselle turns to the Emperor, "Give me some time. She'll talk to me if we offer her sanctuary."  
That's quite a tall order. I look to the Emperor, who is deep in thought. He has treated the Northmen better than his predecessors, but that's not a high bar. "Two weeks," The Emperor said. "I will give you two weeks to get all the information. But should you fail, I will resort to harsher means."
"We will convene in two weeks." The Emperor stands with his guards, leading him to exit. The rest of us follow, bombarded with questions regarding the body taken out of the room. We push through, and the daylight embraces us, offering its warmth.
I remove my helmet, pulling my sweat-soaked hair from my eyes. When my vision clears, I go to the carpentum, ready to return to the estate. I may still get some sparing in before dinner.
"Iona," Giselle said, being escorted by Hunter, "I want you to ride ahead and tell Runa about what happened." She tosses my payment. "Take Hunter with you."
"You sure?" I said
"Yes," she turns to Hahaku and the rest of his men. "Your friends will be more than enough. Now go."
One of the palace slaves brings a pair of horses. I put my helmet back on, and we race through the streets, avoiding the larger crowds. They chant and boo, calling us Imperial Dogs. One throws a stone that bounces off my helm, nearly knocking me from my horse. Through the haze and ringing, screams penetrate my helm. Bow in hand, Hunter hits my assailant through the skull, drawing another arrow as a warning. Fearing repercussions, the attackers drag their fallen friend away, glaring from a distance.
Once at the estate, I find Colton and Becka have taken my sparing lessons to heart. Colton is less aggressive and thinks more strategically. And despite her protests, Becka has tightened her moments, leaving fewer opportunities to exploit. It makes me proud.
"Aunt Iona," Colton walks up to us, coated in sweat. "I wasn't expecting you back so soon," he's drawn to Hunter. "Who's this?"
Handing my helmet to him, I gesture for them to follow me. "That's Hunter. He's a friend of Giselle's." I look toward Luna's lab as they help me out of my armor, but the blinders are closed. "I need to speak to Runa. Do you know where she is?"
"She's with Luna. Why? Did something happen?" Becka said, helping Colton put the pieces of steel into the trunk I left on the yard's edge.  
"No, I need to talk to her about something." Hunter said, looking my nephew over, "You've grown." Ignoring our confusion, he walks past my students, wondering where to go. I lead him to Luna's lab.
However, before I allow him to enter, I grab his arm. "How do you know my nephew?"
Without hesitation, "How do you think Colton and Enid came under Giselle's care?"
I'm taken aback. For years, I thought they had died and that it was a miracle they had survived. But why? Why would anyone bring them here to her? Why bring them to Giselle? "Others would have taken them in. Why bring them to Giselle?"   
"At the time, it was the best option. Giselle was devastated by what had happened. And taking them was the only way to keep them safe." Bowing his head. "Had I known you'd also survived, I would have brought you along. I'm sorry. I wish I could have done more."
We enter the lab, bombarded with a strong aroma of herbs. They dress the walls, hiding the imperfections with wild beauty. But Luna is nowhere to be found—only her strange devices sit on the tables, drip-feeding ingredients. I don't understand how they work, but I've always found these things fascinating. I'm about to touch one, but a pale hand slaps me away.
"Don't touch," Luna says, waving a finger at me. "It's a delicate piece of equipment." She places a bushel of fresh-cut plants on the table. "I swear you're like a child sometimes." We are about to kiss, but Hunter's presence ruins the mood; leaning in, she whispers, in honeyed words, "Later."  
A shattering vase echoes through the room, and Runa pales at the sight of our guest. Like a cornered animal, she hugs the wall behind her, trembling as she points a sickle at Hunter. "You're a Harii, aren't you?"
Hunter nods, putting his hands up, trying to look nonthreatening. "I am."
"He sent you after me." Runa panics, her hands trembling so badly that sickle slips from her grip. Hugging herself, she glares at him defiantly. "I won't go back."
"I'm not with Baer," Hunter said, calmly closing the distance. "We want to protect you and your daughter, but you must tell us about the weapon that turns flames green."
Those two words send Runa to the ground. She turns to Hunter. Dread etched on her face. She looks shamefully to the ground with her hand on her forehead. "Baer, what have you done?" Taking the hand offered, Runa takes a seat next to the table.
"What do you know, Lady Runa?" Hunter leans on the wall, staring coldly at her. "This weapon is deadly; it claimed a man's life who wasn't directly exposed. It took him weeks to die." He walks over to a lantern sitting on the table. "Just want are we dealing with?"
"I doubt I could explain it."
Hunter drops something in the lantern, and a blue flame fills the room. Panicking, I shield Luna with my body and draw my blade, holding it to Hunter. Unfazed by my actions, his attention returns to Runa, who herself is eerily calm about Hunter's firey stunt. "Try."
"After his exile, Baer was angry and bitter, leading raids and trying to stop the Empire and Jarls expansion." She leans on the table, guilt weighing her down. "But the Empire just kept pushing. Grinding them to dust." Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she continues. "When I found him, his wounds had taken their toll. I saw a wounded animal needing help, but I should have put him down."
"So why didn't you?" Hunter asks.
Clenching her hand on the table's edge, Runa stares at the ground, "I thought I could save him."
"There's more to this," I said, seething my blade, kneeling, and taking one of her hands to calm her. "Runa, what aren't you telling us?" I stare into her sapphire eyes, and regret pours from them.
"The Berserkers have always been a problem." Runas's attention falls on Luna's tools. "We tried to calm the Bloodhaze that plagued their minds for generations. And through Baer, we finally succeeded." Though her voice has a twinge of pride, the regret still hangs heavy on her. "But, our success was a double-edged sword."
"What happened," I ask.
"Baer began gathering clans, promising them vengeance against their common enemy. And he promised he had a way to keep our families safe." She reaches for her stomach, rubbing it carefully. "Thanks to the Seer's blessings, he had a way to fight back. 
"The poison," Hunter said.
Runa nods. "I thought they'd only use it as a last result." Her distress starts to chip away at the walls she's desperately trying to keep up. "But when one clan refused to join, they..." Her trembling gets so bad that I worry she'll collapse.
I pull her into a hug, trying my best to calm her nerves. "It's ok, Runa, you're safe here. The tremors stop, and I can look her in the eyes. "Runa, if they're going to use this weapon, we need a way to fight back."
Now calm, she whips her eyes. "I'll share what I know, Iona, but in exchange, you will promise me to keep Becka safe no matter what happens."
"I promise."

Author Notes Character List
Iona: POV Character
Hahaku: Friend of Iona
Giselle: Northern Queen
Livius: Minor Lord
Hunter: Giselle's agent
Emperor Octavian: Ruler of the Empire
Lord Titus: Head of one of the five great families

This is a rewrite of chapter twelve, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Update May 7
I've rewritten this chapter after taking feedback from the fan story committee.

Chapter 14

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


"Pig!" Becka knees her groper in the groin, igniting a powder keg of frustration and anger. Fists start flying, and chaos fills the streets. I pull her to a side alley before she can join in the maelstrom. However, I did enjoy watching that idiot hit the ground.

Whistles blare, and guards fill the street, "Break it up, break it up." They strike anyone who resists, but there are too many of them. In the ensuing chaos, we slip away. The storm fading behind us, we take a moment to catch our breath. Standing in, I don't even want to know.

"Fuck," I curse under my breath. I look back to the brawl and see the desperation. The crowds of refugees were bad enough, but the guards make it worse. This was supposed to be a simple job: make the delivery and go home.

Becka dusts herself off, "You didn't have to do that, Colton." Even after these few months, her edges haven't dulled. Her skirt gets caught, and she rips it in frustration. "Fucking dress!" She rips it until it hangs above her ankles, then smiles triumphantly over her opponent. "There! If you had let me change, this wouldn't be happening."

"Hey, you wanted to tag along, Becka, so it was either the dress or your skivvy." I toss her one of the packs. "Come on; we have to get to the Blackstone district."

Tristan whistles at us, "I know another way. Follow me." He hands me my share of the load before we slug through the trash. A putrid smell rises with each step we take. Making our way into an open area flies gather in buzzing clouds, eager for their next meal. Buckets rain down from the bridge above, oozing across the cobblestone. I trust Tristan like a brother, but sometimes I question his sanity.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?"

"Relax, Colton," he reassures me, "I always come this way." The glint in his eyes telling me all I need to know. He's leading us to Smith Alley.

Becka wipes her face, then punches my arm. "Again, pants would have been nice." she gestures down her legs, her skirt coated in muck. She's never cared about her appearance before. I don't know why she cares now.

I pull her close when another wave falls, narrowly dodging a direct hit. But droplets still manage to pelt us like stones. I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, and I panic, resting my chin on her shoulder. "We'll have a scented bath when we get back."

She leans into me. "With the berry scent?"

I wipe the spatter from her cheek. "If you behave."

"Hey! It's this way," Tristan yells, leading us back into the narrow alleys. These once-proud buildings are now bones, ready to give at the slightest touch. "So, either of you hear about that incident up North?"

Debris blocks our way forward, so we start clearing it, "Something about Besekers and poison?" The thought of such a weapon sends a shiver up my spine. "Yeah, we heard. The Empire lost everything north of Bloodcrest Keep."

I throw the last beam, revealing a poorly maintained door, and wisps of black smoke puff through the cracks. I ready myself, that day threatening to engulf me. My breathing quickens, and memories creep their way into my mind.

A hand snaps me out of it. "Are you going to be ok, Colton?" Tristan asks.

"Yeah, I'll deal with it." I calm my nerves with one last deep breath, and we open the door. Tying scarves around our faces, we enter. A wave of heat blasts us, and flashes fill my mind. I close my eyes and say, "It's in the past, it's in the past," pushing those memories back down.

Ash fills the air. Compared to the rest of the city, this place is a graveyard. The warm colors are now an oily black. An ever-present cloud of smoke blackens the sky. The echo of anvils singing their off-key chorus while metal footsteps hush the voices of the masses.

The voices grow louder, and curiosity gets the best of us. Out in the open square, a black iron statue is surrounded. Many soldiers try to calm the sea of people at its knees, "People, we understand that you are tired, but you must endure."

"I lost three men to exhaustion," one of them yells. One of them fell into the forges." He rallies the crowd. Emboldened, they close the gap, but the click of crossbows breaks their will to fight. Like beat dogs, they return to work. Curiosity sated, we follow Tristan to Smith Alley.

Tucked away from prying eyes sits our destination. The Steel Rose is a smaller smithy run by one of the most cantankerous old men I know. I bang on the door, and a pipe flap opens above us.

"We're closed."

"Then open the door," Tristan answers.

"Oh no, I ain't letting you lot in here." The lid on the pipe closes.

"That's a shame. I have all this steel, but I guess we'll have to sell it somewhere else." Tristan starts to walk away, counting to three with his fingers. The pipe opens again, and he stops. "I guess we were doing business then?"

A loud sniff shoots out of the pipe. "Not smelling like that, you ain't. You know the routine mutts."

Another pipe opens, rattling so hard that fissures form in the wall. Tristan and I lock arms with Becka. What's about to happen is going to piss her off. "Hey!" She squirms frantically, unable to touch the ground.

"Don't be mad, Becka. We have to do this," I say. We close our eyes and are drenched by a tidal wave of cold water. It's refreshing. The grime oozes off of us, taking the smell with it.

"You dick!" Becka kicks me in the shin, water dripping off her fiery features. Her cheeks flush red, and her shirt is soaked, giving me a good view. Seeing my eye wonder, she covers herself. Something starts running down her cheeks, and she wipes it away with her sleeve. Was she wearing makeup? She turns to Tristan, ready for a fight, stopping when the door opens.

Supported by a metal leg, the owner tosses us some rags. "Don't drip on anything." He limps his way back into the shop, taking a seat. "Show me." Becka and I open our packs, and several weapons we liberated fall on the table with a metallic ting. "I won't ask where you got these," He eyes most of them, unimpressed. "I can salvage most of this. What do you want for it?"

Tristan opens his pack. "I need these blades repaired." Wrapped in a wolf's pelt are several spear tips. "With how things are going, my father wants us prepared." Tristan's gaze darts around the room, "Is Sophia here?"

The room turns cold, "And why do you want to see my granddaughter?"

Folding the wolf pelt, Tristan hands it to the Smith. "I wish to court her." His resolve is unwavering, even with that metal boot ready to meet his ass. "I love her, and I ask for your blessing."

Locking eyes with Tristan, the old man pulls a knife, stabbing the table between Tristan's fingers. "What makes you think you're worthy of her hand?" his expression cold, daring Tristan to flinch.

"I'm still breathing."

No words pass between them but smiles creep their way through. The Smith starts to let out a laugh, and Tristan follows suit. "You're a brave man, Tristan," he pulls the knife, "Sophia!"

Metal rattles through a door in the back of the shop, and a head pops out. "Opa, I'm in the middle of..." Her soot-covered face spots Tristan, and her cheeks flush red. The door shuts, and she exits a moment later, her face clean. "Tristan, what are you doing here?"

"I was making a delivery." He walks to her. "And I have a proposal I wanted to give." He takes her gloved hands. "Sophie, will you marry me?"

She turns to her grandfather, who gives a nod of approval. Her legs become jelly at a loss for words, and she goes limp in Tristan's arms.

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV Character
Tristan: Colton's childhood friend
Becka: Northener POW
Sophia: Blacksmiths granddaughter
Blacksmith: Sophia's grandfather

This is a rewrite of chapter fourteen, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 15

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


Wringing out a rag, I place it on Sophia's head. The cool waters calm her, but she hasn't woken up. "She needs rest," I say. Both Tristan and her grandfather are worried. Seeing her like this must be disheartening.

Tristan rubs his temples. "Is she going to be ok?" He caresses her cheek, guilt weighing him down, her eyes flutter open, and he is overjoyed. He hugs her, but let's go when he remembers they are not alone. "You had me worried. Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok, just tired," she says. "Wait, did you?"

Tristan nods, "Yeah." With red cheeks, he rubs the back of his head. "So, wanna marry me?" Closing the gap, she plants her lips on his. "Alright then."

While this is a touching moment, my medical lessons kick in. "You need to rest," I offer Sophia a fresh cloth. At the rate you're going, you'll pass out again." I turn to her grandfather; while he manages to hide it, he's not far behind her. "Both of you."

"We have orders to fill." The Smith stands. "If we don't meet them, they'll take our shop." Stress is oozing off of him. "I put my life into this place, and I won't lose it." I can respect his resolve, but he's being foolish. Even if they finish this order, the army will demand more.

I reach into my pack and toss Sophia and her Grandfather some herbs. "Here, this helps when I'm stressed." I turn to Tristan, gesturing to him to convince them to leave and have them join his father's company. They can't keep this up, and we both know it. Strangely, I don't see or hear Becka. "Where's Becka?"

"She's over there," Sophia points to a wall display on the other side of the room.

Still a statute, Becka focuses on a pair of daggers hanging amongst several weapons. They're plain in design compared to the axes and short swords. "Why?" she mutters, reaching for them as if possessed.

"Becka," I grab her from behind. "Don't just go for a weapon like that."

She trembles in my embrace. The lack of her usual spark makes me nervous. She's cold, and it worries me. She knocks me to the ground. A dagger meets my throat. "How did they get these?" she demands, through heavy breaths and bared teeth. "These are mine!"

Tristan leaps to his feet, but I signal him not to get involved. "So what now, Becka?" I try to stay calm, scared shitless at my situation. "Are you going to kill me? Them? What's your plan?"

Reason flickers in her eyes, and the trembling blade slowly leaves my throat. "No...I don't know." She's reaching for her head, trying to rub the frustration away. "Let me think." Stress chipping away at her, allowing the tears to run free. She looks at me through slow breaths, and the dagger falls from her grip. Collapsing onto me, she starts whimpering. "I'm sorry, I."

All I can do is hug her. "It's ok, Becka. It's ok." I sit up, piecing together the situation. "Cato sold you those daggers, didn't he?"

"How did you know that?" The Smith walks towards us, taking the dagger from the floor. "Yeah, he did. He demanded I fix his sword. He said I should be honored to work on a noble's blade." A faint smile escapes that wrinkled face. "Funny, probably didn't want people knowin he broke it."

I stand, Becka still clinging to me, her nails digging deep. "He sold them as payment?" The Smith nods. Looking closely at the daggers, they're too small for me. They're made for a woman's hand. And Becka's bluntness only proves the point. "What are you going to do with them?"

He places the blade back on the wall, "I'll use the metal to fill the orders."

"You can't do that!" Becka shoves me away. "Cato stole those from me! They're mine!" She tries to get past him, but he effortlessly shoves her back. Regaining her balance, I see her ready to fight. Before she can throw a punch, I restrain her again. "Let me go, Colton," She kicks frantically, going for my shins and groin.

"Becka, stop!" I tighten my grip. "This isn't helping."

Like a cat, she goes limp, dangling in my arms. I let her go, anger boiling off her like steam; she refuses to look at me, focusing solely on her daggers. Her breasts puffed out, and an idea hits me.

I turn to the Smith, "What if we buy them?" I get a confused look from both of them. "If you had some gold, you could buy the steel." I whisper in Becka's ear, "You still want those piercings out, right?" Putting two and two together, she reluctantly shows her breast.

Averting his gaze. "Girl, cover yourself." He turns his attention to the blades. "As nice as it would be to have that gold, it's useless to me." Straightening his back, it creeks like a rusty hinge. "With everything that's happened, we ain't getting steel from Titos Quarry anytime soon." Stress overcoming him, he sits. "I'm sorry, but I need that steel."

"Opa," Sophia walks towards us, holding Tristan's hand. "Just sell them the handles. We don't need the wood."

"Girl, we-"

Sophia kneels, taking his grandfather's hands, "Opa, I know how much this place means to us. But it's killing you," those brown pools start to drain on her cheeks. "Tristan's clan needs a smith, and we need a new home. Please." She begs, her words chipping at his resolve.

The weight of the situation hits him hard. He looks around the room, a lifetime of work crumpling to dust under the Imperial machine. "We finish this order first. And if we're going move, we still need coin." Before I can even speak, his arm flies up. "Coin, not gold."

"He's right," Sophia looks at Becka's breasts, examining the piercing. "I don't have the fine tools to remove these. And gold will be hard to trade with."

"So, you want what? Silver, copper?" I hesitate to reach for my coin pouch. It holds everything I made this month. The idea of spending it all in one go is disheartening. But if I could sell just one of those piercings, I would make it all back. With a heavy heart, I offer her my pouch, "Will this be enough?"

"Absolutely." She hands the pouch to her grandfather and gets to work on the blades. With precision and skill, the tangs come loose. With one last look at the handles, she hands them to Becka, who hugs them like an old friend. "You know. If you two still want those removed, I'm sure someone in the Red Lantern district could-"

"No." I haven't been there since they threw me to the wolves. The idea of crawling back for help makes my blood boil. But I'm out of options. Swallowing my pride, I remind myself it's for family and home. "Let's go, Becka. Tristan, you coming?"

"I'm going to stay for a bit."

Becka and I leave the shop, nearly blown away by ash-filled winds. It rushes through the street, blackening everything it touches. I take Becka by the hand. "Don't let go, ok." I pull her along until we reach that rickety old door.

We fight our way through, but the winds keep chasing us. The remains of buildings moan and cry all around us, breaking under the pressure. Their bones give way, and we run like madmen, narrowly escaping their wraith. With one last heave, we're blown out into the open.

I shield her with my body, our hearts racing. "Well, that was fun," I push myself off Becka, Removing my mask. We dust ourselves off, helping her to her feet. We stare at the rumble now littering the ground. "I hope Tristan has another way home. You ok?"

She rips off her mask, laughing between frantic breaths. "I can't believe we made it." She reaches into her cleavage, happy the handles are still there. Our eyes lock, and before I can react, we kiss. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet." I gesture to her breast. " We'll be even when we get those trinkets off."

Author Notes Character List:
Colton: Main POV character
Tristan: Colton's childhood friend
Becka: POW from the North
Sophia: Blacksmiths granddaughter
Blacksmith: Sophia's grandfather
This is a rewrite of chapter fourteen, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 16
Blood and Berry

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.



Fuck I missed this. Drums echo through the streets, and the sweet scent of ecstasy fills the air. In the ever-changing maze of flesh and silk, whores, and gigolos offer their skills to anyone that catches their eye. A few recognize me, but I pull my mask over my nose. If word reaches Giselle that I'm here, I'll never hear the end of it. 

Most people turn their noses at The Red Lantern district, saying it's nothing but debauchery and lies. But that's why people come here. They want to forget about the reality of their daily lives, and these people are more than willing to help as long as they pay the price. 
However, something is off. This place has always been busy, but now it's like a dam ready to burst. Mercs patrol the streets in large numbers, and some wealthier patrons travel with a full contingent of guards. With the refugees flooding in daily, even this place isn't immune to the outside world.

"Don't wander off, Becka?"  When she doesn't answer, I find her with a group of thirsty women gawking at a man auctioning his services. Sneaking behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist, and her muscles tense. She glares at me, hiding her frustration under her mask. Resting my head on her shoulder, I say, "I think you're a little small for that ride."

Leaning her head back, she pinches my leg to get back at me. "I'm curious, not crazy."

"So, let's start bidding, ladies. How much are you willing to pay for this?" He gestures to his third leg, and like bitches in heat, they start betting large purses of gold like pocket change.

Not wanting to wait for the blood bath, I take Becka's hand, and we head deeper into the district. Perfume hangs heavy, masking the rot hidden in every nook and cranny. We keep bumping into other people, so I break for one of the side streets. Though it's less crowded, purse cutters wait among the broken crates. They size us up, one even going for his rusty knife, though it's little more than a broken blade with a cloth handle.

The fool rushes us, so I push Becka away, drawing his attention. They are not hardened killers, but they're no less dangerous. Our assailant points his weapon at me, but one blow to the back of the head knocks him flat. With the leader on the ground, the rest scurry back into the darkness. Broken bottle in hand, Becka drops her makeshift weapon, allowing us to continue.

We turn into another alley. I spot a familiar face. Pinning Becka to the wall, I ignore her protests, covering her mouth so we're not heard. Gesturing her to be quiet, I peer around the corner. I swear it's like the gods hate me.

"Great." I take my hand from Becka's mouth.

"What the big deal?" Becka follows my gaze. "They're just two drunks. I don't see the problem."

Of course, she didn't. She wasn't there. Those distant memories flicker at the back of my mind, yet I remember them clear as day. I did my usual patrol through the brothel hallways, ensuring everyone played nice. A scream drew my attention, and I rushed to the source. Throwing a door open, I found one of the girls cowering in the corner of the room, blood oozing from an open wound in her forehead, her eye swollen shut.

Her abuser looks at me, trying to get me out of the room so he can continue his fun, but I block his attack, slamming his face into the door frame. He bitched and moaned as I dragged him through the halls. I threw him outside, but he still wouldn't shut up, threatening me; I beat him till he was a whimpering child in the streets.

The next day, the Madame kicked me out, telling me never to return. I was only doing what she paid me to do. But, it's true, nobles will defend their little shits no matter what they do.

That man, Atius, the one I threw out of the Silent Sin a year ago, is blocking our path, nursing on a bottle of wine, "That fucking old cow, does she not know who I am?" he finishes his drink, shattering the bottle on a wall. "I swear I burn that brothel down for this!" His slave helps him to his feet.

"Screw this." Becka shoves her way past me, walking straight to Atius. 

"Becka!" I rush after her, only for my voice to give us away.                  

Grinning like a fool, Atius pushes past his slave, cleaning himself, trying to impress Becka. "Well, if it isn't the bastard that knocked out three of my teeth." He leers at Becka's going for her slave tag, only to have his hand slapped away.

"I don't have time to deal with you." I take Becka by the hand, but Atius stops us, reaching for something. At first, I thought he had a knife, but it was a purse full of coins, more than I could make in a year.  

"You know I still owe you for what you did to me." He shoves a pouch of coins into my chest. "I'll forgive you if you let me have a tumble with that slave of yours." I throw the purse back at him.

"She's not for sale."

He shoves the purse back into my chest. "You don't seem to understand the situation you're in. You take the money, and you walk away. It's that simple." He goes for Becka, but I grab his arm, ready to snap it like a twig. His slave goes for his weapon but hesitates when I stare him down. Shoving him against the wall, I gestured for Becka to follow me. 

But that cackle echoes through the alley. Forcing himself to stand, Atius draws a knife on me. "You still don't understand, do you? My house is second only to the five Great families. And I won't be disrespected by some fucking mongrel."

I ignore his self-righteous condescension and shove his friend out of the way. It takes every ounce of my will not to beat him to an inch of his life again. This day was supposed to be simple, make the delivery and go home.

"I guess you're beyond redemption, mongrel. But what about your sister." I stop dead in my tracks; what was he planning? "I should teach her how to be a proper Imperial woman." Grinning as he twists the knife. "Or I could just take her as a concubine. She could pay back the debt you owe me. You know, after I give her a thorough education."

I throw him to the ground, his laughter ringing in my ear. My heart starts racing, and I start wailing on him, but he won't stop laughing, no matter how many times I hit him. I can feel the fires in my angry haze while the stench of burning flesh floods my nose. The screams echoing all around me. Standing, I fight for air. He finally stops laughing like a madman; only wet gargling remains. Turning to Becka, she and Atius's friend are pale, and shock decorates their faces.

Through heavy breaths, I look to Atius. His face is gone, now only a pulpy mess of blood and bone, his body twitching as a crimson pool forms. I look at my hand, now socked red, and it's clear what happened. 

"Oh, you've done it now, mongrel." He pulls Becka into a headlock, pointing a knife at her. "You murdered a noble; they'll make you bleed for this." Becca bites his arm and manages to wiggle free. "Ah, you bitch!" Grazing her across the back with his knife, she falls to the ground, grabbing her shoulder.

I rush him. Like two bears, we slam each other into the walls, desperate to get the knife. In this dance of death, broken crates and shattered vases fall, making it harder to get a footing. The blade glides between us, and we nick each other. I get a cut on the cheek, but it pushes me harder to stop him. We stare each other down as I slowly gain the upper hand. His bravado is replaced with utter fear as I slowly push the tip of the knife into his throat. His one hand flails, desperate to free himself from my grip, but I slide the blade further and further into his throat. He begs with gargled words, but they are ignored. In one quick motion, I pull the knife across his throat, and he slumps to the ground, his blade clenched in his hand. He twits momentarily, desperate to stop the bleeding, but he goes limp, his eyes glazing over. 

Everything becomes a hazy mess, and my body acts on its own. A pile of debris is next to Atius's body, and I throw it to the ground. It lands directly on his head, giving the illusion it killed him, but I'm spattered with his blood. I look back at his friend slumped against the wall. If we're lucky, people will think it's a suicide after the two of them got into a fight. Satisfied with my work, I fall onto a wall, trying to catch my breath. Becka joins me, and for a time, we sit in silence for a while. "Are you okay?" I asked. 

She rubs her shoulder, trying to ease the pain. "I'm fine, Colton." 

"Let me see."

The knife had cut right through her dress, leaving a nasty red line on her shoulder blade. It isn't deep, but we still should get it looked at. I push myself from the wall and offer Becka my hand. "What about them?" She gestures to the bodies. "Shouldn't we hide the bodies?"

"No," We start to walk away. "As far as anyone is concerned, this was a drunken fight that led to a suicide." 

We zigzag through the side alleys, ignoring the beggars in their shanties, desperate for anything we can give them. We come to the street that'll lead us to our destination. But something is off. There wasn't a fortified wall and door a year ago. I'm sure we went the right way. Did I make a mistake? I bang on the door, and a little peephole opens.

"What?" a feminine voice says, a single blue eye staring at me through the peephole. The woman gasps and quickly tries to close the hole, but I stop it with my finger, recognizing the voice. "No, you're not welcome here anymore, Colton." She tries to force the peephole shut, threatening to chop my fingers off if I don't move them.  

"Whisper, please. I need Madame's help," I say softly like I did back then. Give me five minutes, and you'll never see me again." I pull my fingers out of the peephole and hear a click as the large metal door opens, revealing an old acquaintance of mine.

In the last year, Whisper has matured quite a bit. The skinny girl was now a woman, wearing a blue silk loincloth with a top that left little to the imagination. But the cloth over her one eye pulls at my heartstrings. If I had been quicker, I could have saved her vision. She takes us by the hands and leads us down the familiar alleyway.

When we arrive in the little nook, I'm taken aback. There used to be five brothels working in this spot, but now everything is different; a sweet smell fills the air, and I swear I'm hallucinating. The old tree in the center area is bursting with life. At its base, a mercenary is teased by a girl half submerged in a makeshift pond. I can see scales from the waist down, as if she has a tail.

Behind them, two girls with goat's legs and horns pull a man into their grotto decorated with vines heavy with flowers. That man reaches for his lover, as she is shouldered by a bear wearing a man's skin. Something's wrong; I can't focus on anything and feel light-headed. I look at my hand, and it's nebulous. I look at Becka, and she is grasping her heart, silently panicking as her gaze darts around the room, her eyes black as onyx.

"Come on," Whisper pulls us from the main area into a familiar location. Her otherworldly voice dancing in my ears. Guarding the door is a giantess wearing nothing but a golden torque and blue body paint. Her hair, a lion mane, giving her a fierce warrior look, tantalizing men brave enough to hire her. We walk past her, and she gives us a wink, smacking my ass as we pass. 

The Silent Sin, or what it used to be, has changed into a bathhouse. Steam hangs heavy in the air, silhouettes tempting us like a siren's call. Where the bar used to be now lies a large communal bath, its edges littered with mermaids, each wearing shells like jewelry, their tails glistening as they tend to the guests. 

Desperate for clarity,  I close my eyes and shake my head. When that fails, I focus on the pillars, heavy with flowered vines wrapping around them like snakes. On the second floor, I spot several massage tables. Unlike everything else I had seen, the girls are ordinary. Good, I'm not going insane.

Becka clings to my arm, trembling like a fearful child. Whatever this stuff is, it's hitting Becka hard. Whisper pulls us into a side room with a door. Once inside, the room's finery glints in the midday light as a silk curtain dances in the breeze. I remember this room being one of Madame's private rooms. How did Whisper get access? The large bath at the center can seat at least four people. A massage table and clean linens lie ready for use in one corner. Opposite of that, soaps, herbs, and oils litter a shelf held in various-sized containers. 

"Colton," I turn to Whisper, who wraps her arms around me, sticking her tongue down my throat. A bitter syrup fills my mouth, taking the haze from my mind but leaving my head feeling like a war drum on the march. "I'll get the Madame, and then we're even," our attention darts to Becka, crouched in the corner like a beat dog. "Give her this," she plops a vial into my hand, "Make sure you're clean by the time I get back." 

"Thank you, Whisper." I slide my fingers between her blindfold and cheek, revealing the eye I couldn't save. Though the bruises are gone, her eye is now a milky gray. "I'm sorry, I should have acted sooner." Flushed, she knocks my hand away, slamming the door behind her as she leaves the room.    

The thud of the door causes Becka to yelp. I kneel, reaching for Becka, only for her to slap me away in a panic. Her eyes are still as black as onyx. She grabs my face, trying to make sense of the situation. The touch of my face calms her down, and she focuses solely on me.

"You're real, right?" she begs. 

Taking her hand, I look deep into her eyes. "Do you trust me, Becka?" With the simple nod, I get confirmation. Vial to lip, I finish the bottle and then press my lips to hers. I pinch her nose and hold her jaw open to slide my tongue down her throat, letting the medicine do its job. She struggles at first, digging her nails into my shoulders and threatening to bite my tongue off. But, she calms down, kissing me back using her tongue, battling for control of the situation.

When she swallows the drug, I let her go, and she instantly goes for her head. "Oh, what did you give me? It's like I just drank an entire keg." She rubs her eyes, desperate for the headache to stop. After a moment, she looks at me, her eyes no longer black voids. "What the fuck happened?"

I help her to her feet as we both nurse our raging headaches. "Sorry, I should have warned you. Places like this always use aphrodisiacs or some other fucked up concoction. Gets people in the mood." I turn to the center of the room. Then, an idea pops into my head. "On the plus side, I can promise you that bath now." I gestured to the bath. 

Peering behind me, Becka then looks at me with a skunk eye. "Couldn't wait till we got back to the estate? Crossing her arms with a smug look, her gaze darts between me and the bath. Taking a whiff of herself, she caves. "Fine." She points at me. "We do this back to back. I don't look at you. You don't look at me, deal." 

"Works for me." Peeling my clothes off, I searched the shelf, finding what I was looking for. "Looks like." A projectile of green, bloody fabric blinds me. Ripping the dress from my face, I'm rewarded with a flushed and naked Becca who covers herself. 

"I said don't look you perv." Her bare feet echo across the marble floor as she slowly creeps into the bath. She takes a deep breath, disappearing under the water. 

Not wasting time, I join her, dropping the dried berry powder into the water. I submerge myself, and the world disappears. It's peaceful but doesn't last when a sharp burning brings me back—popping my head above the water. The dirt and grime peel off like a second skin, but the cuts still burn. I glide my finger across my cheek; it's not bleeding anymore. 

Becka pops back out, splattering me with a torrent of water. Pulling her hair from her eyes, she looks at me and quickly covers herself. I marvel at her as the waters glisten off her pale skin. Crouching, she covers my eyes with her hand. "I told you not to look." Moving her hand, we eye each other, trying our best not to break eye contact. 

Taking the opportunity to mess with her, I stand up. Like I expected, she looks at my crotch but quickly looks away. "There, now we're even." I sit back down, getting a punch in the chest as a reward.

"Ass." She crawls to the other side of the pool, refusing to look at me, exposing her back. The wound she got in the alley is still fresh. If we don't get that treated, it's likely to cause a mark. However, I doubt Becca cares if it would leave a scar.

Creeping towards her, I reach for her back, tracing the wound with my fingers. Her muscles twitch, but she doesn't turn around. It's my fault she got hurt, "We should get this treated. Don't want you to get a scar right." A trickle of blood breaks through the seam, and I apply pressure, doing my best not to poke her below the belt. "When the Madame arrives, I'll ask for a needle and thread, but you'll have to take it easy for a while." I lean in so that my lips are right next to her ear. "So try not to use me as a punching bag, okay?"     

I turn around, but Becka stops me by wrapping her arms around my chest and resting her head on my back. "Thank you." Her nails dig into my chest as if afraid to let go.

"Don't worry about it." I take her hand, "Once we get those piercings out, we're even."

She tightens her grip, Her nails on the verge of ripping into my flesh. "That's not what I meant, you ass." I turn around, and she rests her head on my chest. "I would have killed myself if it wasn't for you." She looks into my eyes, trembling, sorrow hanging heavy on her features. The only thing I can do is embrace her. What's gotten into her? "You've done so much for me, more than I can ever repay." Taking my hands, she rests them on her breasts. "So, let me pay you back." She kisses my neck. 

My heart wants to jump out of my chest when she says that. Are the drugs still messing with her mind? I'd lie to myself if I said the thought never came to mind. Becka has a natural beauty few women have. A feminine frame but not soft, And that red hair mixed with those freckles is a rarity even amongst Northern women. But the last time I let myself go, I burnt bridges with Melissa's family. I don't want to do that with Becka and her mother.  

"What's wrong?" Becka stops herself. "Don't tell me you're not interested?"

"It's not that." I look down into those emeralds. "Every time I let myself go, it always bites me in the ass." I sit on the edge of the bath with only my legs in the water, but Becka continues her antics by crawling on top of me. I cup her face, "You grew up on the road, free from this bullshit." My mind wonders about a life that could have been. "I'd trade lives with you in a heartbeat."

I'm pinned to the ground in the blink of an eye, Becka glaring down at me with a stare that could kill, water dripping from her hair. "No, you don't." She lays on top of me, those damn piercings rubbing against my chest. "Colton, I never spent more than a month in any place before coming here. I had no friends and no family other than my mother. We could never trust anyone." She looks at me on the verge of tears, "We were never safe." Her fists clench, and she stares, trembling. "At least you had a home." 

I'm taken aback. To be hunted down like an animal, I can't even imagine what that must be like. But that hatred, I know that all too well. I wipe her tears away with my thumb, and the world disappears. Not even thinking, I let myself go. 

It starts with a kiss, and we savor the taste of our lust before letting go. A smile creeps on Becka's face, and she sheaths me. Not wanting to give her the satisfaction, I roll us over and pin her arms over her head. Smiles turn into grins, and we lock lips again. 

It was like a dance with Melissa. We'd read each other's movements, flowing like the current of a river. But with Becca, it's like a battle. We fight for dominance as if we were sparring. But I'm enjoying myself, even when she manages to get on top. She grinds her hips, one hand behind her head while the other caressing her chest. She looks at me hungrily, biting her lower lip in satisfaction.

Closing the distance, I grab her by the scruff and nibble on her neck. My tongue runs across her neck until I reach her earlobe. Gasping, Becka wraps her arms around my neck, grinding faster, trying to climax. Bear-hugging her, I rob her of an early victory.

"What's wrong?" Rubbing her nose against mine. "Don't want to lose to a woman?" Her smirk driving me wild.

Standing, I pin her against the wall, taking control of how much she's allowed to have. Not backing down, she wraps her legs around my waist, biting my lower lip. I force a kiss, only for her to shove her tongue past my defenses. Our duel grows most passionate, and we both ache for release. With one final thrust, my muscles tense, forcing me to lean on the wall for support while holding Becka, now collapsed in my arms. 

Through heavy breaths, we look into each other's eyes. I lower Becka to the ground, her legs giving out under her. Falling backward, she takes my hands, pulling herself into my embrace. Taking the hit, I kiss those sweet lips. Taking the chance to mess with her, I pick her up like a bride. Though all she does is smile, her cheeks flushed. 

Walking into the bath, I slide Becka onto my lap, washing the leg she offers. "Well, are we even?" she rests her head on my shoulder. 

"Yeah," I squeeze her breasts. "But I'm still taking these." I play her piercings, getting a giggle from Becka.

She leans forward. "Fine with me," she cups one of her breasts. "Don't like these anyway." With her hunched forward, I spot something under her mane. Curiosity getting the better of me, I pull the red curtain back, revealing a tattoo of a fox hiding behind its tail. "Hey!" She leaps off me, shielding the back of her neck." Don't do that!" The grin turns to a scowl.

I'd crossed a line, raising my hands, "Sorry, I was just curious." 

She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms. "Yeah, whatever. Just don't do it again."

The door flies open, revealing the Madame. Her silk dress is ready to burst from her hefty figure. She's gotten bigger since I saw her last. Rings line her fingers, each bearing a precious stone, while elaborate earrings hang from her ears. Though she wears fine makeup, it can't hide that glare of hers.

"Usually, I'd charge you for using my bath." She pulls a lever next to the door, opening a hole in the bath. While the water drains, the Madame pulls another lever, causing what I thought was a wall decoration into an aqueduct. Boiling water rushes towards Becka and me, so we jump out of the tub to avoid getting burned. "But Whisper has convinced me to be lenient." Pinching her nose at the smell of berries, she stares at us like unwanted guests, "So, why are you here, my little soldier?

"I need a favor." 

I turn to Whisper, ready to thank her, but she refuses to look at me. She's flushed, a layer of sweat coating her body. Without a word, she gathers our dirty clothes, pausing when she sees the dagger handles. She and Becka lock eyes like a pair of alley cats. Not willing to risk Becka's ire, Whisper leaves us clean clothes. Turning to me, she takes my underwear and sniffs it, tucking it into her loincloth. Great, thanks, Whisper. At least we're even now.

Author Notes OCT 29 update: I've rewritten this chapter using feedback from the community and readers.

Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Becka: POW from the north
The Madame: Owner of the Silent Sin brothel
Whisper: A girl from Colton's past

This is a rewrite of chapter sixteen (formally Herb and Spice). I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 17
A Deal

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.


“Becka, would you just sit still?” I take her under the chin so she has to look at me. Every twitch makes stitching her wound all the more time-consuming. I’ve already lost enough thread and don’t want Madame trying to fleece me.


With her cheeks puffed out like a squirrel, Becka grabs me by the scruff, leaning back, her warm breath running along my ear. “You try sitting still with this fat harpy squeezing you like a cheap whore.” She grits her teeth, glaring at the Madame who threatens to squeeze her breast till it pops. 


“This harpy has claws,” she returns to examine Becka’s piercings. Digging between the golden globes, hugging Becka’s nipples. “Honestly, it’s always a hammer and nail with soldiers.” 


“Can you get them off?” I finish by applying a damp cloth to my work.


“I suppose I have the tools to cut them off.” She looks to Becka, who covers herself at the Madame’s choice of words. “The clips, not your nips,” her eyes dig into me, looking for an opening. “You know you’re the last person I thought who would own a slave Colton.”


The Madame was always a shrewd businesswoman, but she did show me kindness. Back then, I opened up to her. But after she cast me out for helping Whisper, our relationship was strictly business. “It’s not by choice,” Becka gives me a hurt look. “But it’s not all bad.” She grins at my relief. However, it ends when the Madame stands.


With only a pair of trousers and a shirt between us, Becka and I dress, following her out of her private bath. Though the sweet aroma floods my nose, I don’t feel like I’m in a dream. Whatever Whisper gave us is working its magic. Even as guests enjoy their distractions, a few give us unwelcome stares, but I don’t care anymore. A lesson the Madame taught echoes in my ear. All they care about is what they can get out of you. When girls learned who I was, a couple of them tried their luck, hoping to get pregnant so they could blackmail me. Thankfully, Aunt Luna’s herbs stopped that from happening.   


When their little ruse came to light, Giselle lectured me for letting my guard down, and the Madame worked me like a dog to make up for the money the girls lost. I hate admitting to myself, but I was glad to leave. Though the guard tower was unpleasant, I didn’t have to worry about a knife in the back. 


We climb the stairs, scurrying between patrons offering the Madame thanks—a few offering gifts that quickly disappear from prying eyes. The plane bar, once filled with mugs of ale, now had a carved mural depicting every depravity imaginable. The few tables once filled with drunkards eyeing up the girls are now decorated with perfumes and oils that only the wealthy can afford. 


“You’ve done well,” I say.


“I’ve been at this a long time, my little soldier.” She turns her arms wide open. “Now I get to enjoy the fruits of my labors.” She gestures to us to follow. “Come, we’ll talk about payment in my study.” She leads us past some gruff-looking guards into a familiar hallway. Like the bar, murals litter the walls, enticing guests to pleasure for a price.


“Right,” one of the girls offers a drink from her tray, but I decline. I want to get this over with and go home. “And who’s dick did you have to suck to buy out the competition?” Becka raises an eyebrow, holding in a laugh. “Last I checked, your neighbors weren’t keen on selling.” 


I remember the Madame’s ambition; she wanted to expand her influence. But it is a cutthroat business. Yet, in less than a year, she made impossible gains. “Colton, a woman doesn’t kiss and tell.” A faint grin leaves her dyed lips. Nails between the cracks, she opens a pair of doors hidden in plain sight. “Come on.”  


Entering her study, we’re met by a Madame’s attendants. Glinting head to toe in gold accessories, the warm light of the afternoon only adds to their allure as it flickers between the silk drapes. If we weren’t in a brothel, I’d have mistaken for nobles’ daughters.


One smiles, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, her hair ornaments ringing like a wind chime. She whispers into her friend’s ear, earning a giggle. Scurrying away when I meet their stares, their attention either on a wall of scrolls or eyeing various items on the tables.    


A year ago, this room housed plants for brewing alcohol and other vices to get people to spend their hard-earned coin. But now, no matter where you stepped, something elaborate stood in your way. Fancy tables are littered with gifts from wealthy patrons to marble statues of holy figures. 


At the center of it all is a desk carved from northern pines, blanketed in eastern silk, with precious stones from the sea of Mem acting like little islands in a sea of purple fabric. 


Becka bumps into me, dumbfounded at every little glint and shimmer, reminding me of a crow. The Madame snaps her fingers and gestures for us to follow her. Climbing the stairs, we join her out on a balcony. From here, the area below looks different. Safe from the intoxicating mist, the creatures tantalizing the guests are no longer otherworldly, just performers in elaborate costumes.


The Madame clears her throat, sitting at a small table with a bottle of wine. Becka enjoys the view, so I join her, refusing the wine she offers. “I’ll remove the piercing.” She swirls her goblet, admiring her crimson prize. But I expect payment?” she takes a sip. “I’m not running a charity,” she says, placing her drink back on the table.


My gaze falls on Becka, who’s leaning on the railing, her tunic barely covering her ass. The events in the bath flood my mind, but Becka’s flushed glare brings me back to reality. She tries covering her ass but settles for sitting on the edge of the balcony. “Perv,” she mutters, but I swear a grin escapes those lips.


Crossing my arms, I lean on the table to gather my thoughts. “Becka’s piercings are mostly gold. I will pay you with one, but I want the other for yourself.” 


“Oh, Colton, I would have taken that offer a few months ago.” 


What is she getting at? Gold is gold; it’s unlike her to reject easy money. “It’s not like you to reject money.”


She gestures to the area, “Look around you,” her ringed fingers shining in the sun. “I have more gold than I’ll ever need, no,” pulling a small crystal decanter. “I’ve gotten a taste for something more refined.”        


“No,” I clench my fist, hiding my frustration under my breath. Many arena fighters have perfumes made from their sweat. My Aunt Iona is no different. However, she refused to give it to anyone but her closest friends. She has no right to ask for such a gift. “Ask for something else.” 


Unsatisfied with my answer, the Madame takes another sip from her glass. “Do you remember Atius? That boy you threw out of my establishment last year?” Those eyes peer over her cup like a pair of suns on the horizon. “He was found dead in an alley today. His head crushed like a melon, and his slave was covered in cuts, his throat slit like a pig.” 


My heart drops into my stomach, and panic rushes through my body. Keep calm, I chant in my head. You covered your tracks. There is no way she could know how things played out. I glance over to Becka, who rubs her shoulder, agitating her wound. She winces, looking at her hand. She’s relieved at the lack of blood, pulling out one of her dagger hilts tucked between her breasts. When she sees my staring, the hilt disappears between the mounds, crossing her arms, refusing to meet my gaze.


Shrugging my shoulders, “The streets just aren’t as safe as they used to be. Atius’s drinking problem likely didn’t help.”


“Indeed,” the Madame finishes her drink, placing the glass on the table. “I told him time and again that his drinking would be his downfall,” She looks between Becka and me. “Whisper said the two of you were injured when you arrived.” She focuses on Becka. “Tell me, how did you get that gash on your shoulder, girl?


A finger stops me from uttering a word. Dammit, she’s testing us. Glancing over my shoulder, Becka twirls her slave tag between her fingers, ignoring the Madame’s question. When she sees us looking at her, the Madame repeats the question. Looking to me for answers, I can only gesture to the Madame.


Standing, Becka walks towards us with her arms crossed. “We cut through the alleys,” she looks at me, continuing. “Someone jumped me with a knife, trying to steal this,” she holds the shiny slab of metal dangling around her neck. “I fought him off,” Rubbing her shoulder. “He got me on the shoulder.” She wraps her arms around my neck, resting her cheek against me. “Thankfully, Colton chased him off.  


Taking me by the arm, the Madame examines my cuts. “Hmm, that would explain these.” She looks me in the eye like a cat cornering a mouse. “Do you inform the sentries?”


“No,” I pull away from her grasp, only for the cut to open. I apply a handkerchief the Madame offers to the wound, a smear of red dyeing the white fabric. “We handed it, no point in getting them involved.”


“I see,” the Madame pours herself another drink. The cat-like stare is still on her face. “A bit of advice, my little soldier, to report such a crime is always a good idea.” She finishes her drink in a single gulp. “If you don’t, rumors spread.”


What is she playing at? I clench my fist on the table but force myself to relax. I can’t show she’s getting under my skin. “And what rumours would those be?” I can feel hairs on the back of my neck warning me. 


Leaning forward, the Madame rests her chin on her hands. “Stories are racing through the streets that a blonde man and redheaded woman were running through the area where Atius was found.”


Becka’s nails dig into my chest, so I cover her trembling hands, praying the Madame didn’t notice. “You don’t believe these rumors, do you.” My heart starts thumping in my chest, making it hard to breathe. I need to calm down, but the Madame’s smile hides a viper, ready to strike when I let my guard down.


“Of course not,” she tilts her head, her eyes barely a slit, as she continues to smile. “In fact, I would like to stop these rumors from spreading.” She stands, walking to the edge of the balcony. “Your mother has such a burden to bear.” Her eyes land on me, cold as ice, yet she smiles calmly. “I can’t imagine hearing the rumor of her adopted son murdering a noble’s son in cold blood.” She returns to her seat, calm as an autumn breeze.


Now, it all makes sense. I lean forward, weighing my opinions. I can’t give her the perfume, but if I don’t, word of what happened will spread. It gets harder to breathe, and I can’t focus, but Becka pulls me into a hug from behind. My heart stops pounding, and the haze starts to clear. I cup her hand on my shoulder, telling myself it will be ok.


A glint from the curtains races across my eyes, pulling me from my thoughts. Without a thought, I shield Becka with my body, reaching for where my blade would be. I step back until Becka’s piercings are pressing into my back. I don’t hear the cocking of a crossbow or the twang of a bow. Instead, the head of an axe creeps through the curtains, pulling them aside, revealing the wraith in the shadows. Stepping into the light, a man clad in leather and fur joins us on the balcony. I know this man. Those cold blue eyes make me uneasy, just like the day he came to the estate.


“Hunter,” I say


“The two of you were due back hours ago.” He steps forward, ignoring the attendants, and panickedly apologizes to the Madame. “Your mothers were worried, so they sent me to fetch you.” 


Standing, the Madame eyes Hunter head to toe. “Who are you? How did you get past my security? Was that a twinge of fear or admiration in her voice? 


Looking her in the eyes, Hunter keeps his composure even as one of the guards rushes out with a hand on his sword. His cheek is bruised from a blow to the face. “Madame, are you ok?” He says through panicked breath.


Her answer, was a flick of her wrist, telling the guard and her assistants to leave. Though hesitant to leave their mistress, they comply, though I’m sure they’re not gone. “Now, I’ll ask you again, who are you?”


Holstering his axe, Hunter looks coldly at Becka and me. “I work for ambassador Giselle. These two were due hours ago, so Giselles sent me to find them.” 


“I see,” the Madame returns to her seat. “Well, we were just negotiating.” She slides the decanter to the side, giving her arms a resting place. “Colton, I can silence these rumors, but it will cost you more than your aunt’s perfume.” She eyes me, ready to go for my throat if I don’t play her games. “Think about your family, little soldier. Surely it’s worth the price?”


Her fake niceties make me want to vomit. Behind those honeyed words is a venom that could tear my family apart. If I don’t give her what she wants, she could hold that debt over me for the rest of my life. 


I look at Hunter, whose calm has remained unchanged since his arrival. He walks up to the table, reaching into his cloak. “I agree.”


Why would he agree? Is there something I’m missing? 


“I believe we can come to an arrangement.” Pulling out a sphere-shaped sack, the stench of rotting meat hits like a hammer. “Silence for silence.” A dark red liquid oozes from the fabric. We all know what it is, but none of us say it aloud.


The Madame pales, yet she keeps her composure. Straightening her back, she looks at the rotten sack spilling blood on her expensive table. Though she stands her ground under Hunter’s gaze, it is like a cornered mouse against a lion.


“Ambassador Giselle has had me hunting smugglers since before this attack on the frontier.” He walks behind us, leaning on the balcony’s edge. “For years, holy sites have been desecrated for their herbs.” He takes a deep breath. “Herbs that are now being used here.” He turns around, sitting on the balcony’s edge, crossing his arms. “I’ve been working with these herbs my whole life. So, I hope you were not aware of this sacrilege.”


Sighing, the Madame joins Hunter on the balcony’s edge, “If these herbs were stolen from the north as you claim, I can assure you I had no part in it.” She rests one hand over her heart, playing innocent.


Hunter walks to the table without a word, unraveling the sack and the fumes erupting like ash from a volcano. The skin is pulled tightly against the bone, and the nose is curled back like a pig. Dried-out lips leave a grizzly smile, with eyeless sockets completing the look of terror. Grabbing it by the little hair felt on the head, Hunter’s gaze returns to the Madame.


“Before life fled, this poor wretch gave me names in exchange for a quick death.” Hunter puts the head back on the table, making a wet, squishy noise. “I’ve been following these trails, which led me here.” He gestures to the district.


“I admit the man decorating my table was known to me, but again, I had no idea where he acquired his goods.” She goes to the table, eyeing the head. Cup in hand, she finishes the few drops of wine. “However, I fail to see how his demise would pay for my silence regarding a lord’s murder.”


Standing next to the Madame, Hunter looks out across the district. Stoic as a statue, he rests his hand on his axe, pointing at Becka. “The man who took out your northern garrisons.” He stares with cold eyes, making it clear how serious he is. “Is her father.”


“What?” I look at Becka, who is trying to avoid my gaze. “Becka, is this true?” she refuses to answer, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. “Becka?” 


She trembles, hanging for dear life, calming down when I take her by the hand. I can see why Becka wouldn’t say a word if it's true. Her father sounds like a monster. Looking at the Madame, she agrees with my sentiment.


Hunter turns his attention to the study, his hand still on his axe. “The girl and her mother’s capture have given all the justification Baer needs.” He pulls his axe out, “If word were to reach him about his daughter’s mistreatment or how the Empire was smuggling sacred herbs.” He let the handle slide through his fingers until the pummel kisses his hand. “Many more northerners would rally to him.” He says in a cold tone. “But if the smugglers were all dead, and these rumors were silenced, it would be in the Empire’s best interest.” He turns, towering over her like a mountain. “All the smugglers are dead, right, Madame?” The glint of his axe shines as he raises his arm over her head.”


“Yes, I believe he was their leader.” She points to the head, sighing when Hunter sheaths his weapon. “A pity, I’m going to miss being able to purchase such lovely herbs.” She looks behind her, finding a faint smile on the hardened warrior’s face.


Taking her hand, Hunter gives it a gentle kiss. “Thank you for your hospitality, Madame. I’ll ensure the right people know. Now, will you be so kind as to remove Miss Becka’s piercings, and I’ll see if her mother is willing to part with one of her recipes.”


The Madame’s eyes shimmer like gold with the prospect of future money. “Well, then, I have to prepare some appropriate attire. I can’t have her leaving like that.” She claps her hands, ushering her handmaidens out onto the balcony. “Girls, prepare some clothes while I work on our guest.” They both bow, one leading Becka while the other leads Hunter and me to another room.


Closing the door behind us, I find the only pieces of furniture are a table and a chair. I have a shirt and a pair of boots prepared for me. If not for the light from the tiny windows high on one of the walls, we’d be in complete darkness. I get dressed while Hunter leans on the wall with arms crossed.


“Did you intend to kill him?” Hunter says.


I freeze in place, debating on how I should answer. I barely know the man, but my gut tells me he is ok. “No,” I pull the shirt over my head. “He said he’d force himself on my sister if I didn’t let him have Becka.” I sit, sliding a worn boot around my foot. “I didn’t mean to go that far, but he would stop laughing.” I clench my fist, but it doesn’t help. 


Pushing himself off the wall, Hunter joins me at the table. “If he threatened your sister like that, I can see why you wanted to hurt him.” He leans forward, resting his head on his hands. “But by pulling that stone, you may trigger an avalanche.”


I’ll deal with it.” He starts sounding like Giselle, which only adds fuel to the already stewing emotions I’m fighting to control. “Did Giselle actually send you?” I pull the other boot on, tying the laces. 


“Is that so hard to believe?” I ignore his words, which he notices right away. Pushing himself to stand, he walks around the table to stand next to me. “Colton, I know you believe Giselle doesn’t care. She can be cold and distant, but you must know behind all the stoicism that you and your sister are her world.”


I tap the front of my boot on the floor, “Well, we must be talking about two different women.” The bad memories flood my mind, and I feel like that ten-year-old boy again. “I can’t remember a time where she said that she loved me or was proud of anything I did.” I sit on the table’s edge, crossing my arms as I look to the floor. “It was never enough.” I look at Hunter, wondering why I’m sharing this with him. “The only time I saw her happy was when I wasn’t there.”


The door flies open, and I have to hold back a laugh. Standing in the doorway, my redheaded companion scowls in a lovely green dress that hugs her frame. A pair of earrings adorn her ears, creating an upside-down triangle with her slave tag, which has a partner in the form of a polished stone held aloft by a rope. “It had to be a dress,” Becka says, stomping into the room. “Here.” She plops two golden piercings in my hand. “Now we’re even.” She pulls me into a kiss. “And thank you.”


She takes me by the hand, making a mad dash for the door. But Hunter’s hand grips my shoulder, foiling her plans. I turn around, finding those cold eyes looking at me, yet they are softer. “When we return, you, me, and Giselle will have a long overdue chat. It’s about time we clear the air on a few things.”


I pull away. “Good luck with.” 

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Becka: POW from the North
The Madame: Owner of the Silent Sin Brothel
Hunter: Giselle's agent

This is a rewrite of chapter seventeen (Formerly called an Accord). I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point it out. I can't improve otherwise.

Updated April 5 2024

Chapter 18
Wedding Bells and Battle Horns

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.



The slap echoes through the room. I'll be feeling it for hours. Allowing the blow to turn my head, I can avoid Giselle's glare. I can deal with the physical pain; it fades. But those eyes, that look of disappointment, it was like getting stabbed in the heart.


"Becka, go to your mother." Becka gives me a worried look, but when I gesture, it's okay. She does as she's told. Disappearing into the side room, she shares with her mother, leaving me alone with Hunter and my now furious foster mom. Hunching over the table, Giselle digs her nails into the wood. "I allowed you to help your friend on the condition you would return immediately."


"Things got…" I protest. 


With one finger, she silences my protests. "Not only did you break your promise, but you endangered Becka's life." She glares at me. "Going to the Silent Sin." Rubbing her head, fighting the migraine taking shape, her usually well-kept hair now in tatters. "What were you thinking?"


"Like I said…" I say


"Enough!" she reaches for her cup. "Colton, go to Livius's office. There are things we need to discuss." As she is about to grab the pitcher, Hunter walks past me, his hand over the cup.


"You've had enough." His words are calm yet firm. Though she doesn't like his gull, she relents. Those war-weary eyes land on me. He gestures to the door. "Go. I will join you shortly."


"If you'd just listen," I say.


Giselle throws her hair back, taking a deep breath. "Colton, for once in your life, do as you're told!" She barks, pointing to the door. "Go." She cuts me deep, and we glare at each other, but as always, it's a pointless endeavor. I look back, but the scowl is still there. "You had me going, Hunter." I wanted to believe Hunter's words, hoping she'd actually been worried about me, not her reputation. 


I throw the door open, a torrent of frustration racing through me. She demands answers but won't let me talk. Then she questions my every action and silences me when I try to explain. It's never good enough for her. Master one language, learn another. Become skilled with a weapon; learn another. I want to punch the wall but stop for fear of breaking a finger. 


I look outside, the training dummies tempting me, but my bruised cheek says otherwise, so I continue my journey. Lost in my thoughts, the voices of the house slaves are little more than hazy words at the back of my mind. Despite everything, Giselle's demand to learn other languages comes in handy. I always know when they're talking about me.


Something is off. Usually, two guards are standing watch over Livius's office. Peering in, Livius has his back to the entryway, his full attention on the map on the back wall. Cane in hand, he draws a path along the major roadways as if planning for war. I walk into the room, the desk littered with parchment and letters. The wax seals of Jarls and Trajan lay scattered amongst the papers.


"Tell me, Colton, why are natural barriers better than man-made ones?" He turns, his cane tapping the ground with a thud. Those grizzled features drilling into me like a commander expecting the troops. It's always a test with Livius, and if you screw up, we'll, I don't want to relive that.


"They're less costly to maintain. Allowing us to control where the enemy can attack." He nods but glares at me. "Sir." Satisfied with my answer, he gestures for me to sit. "What's this about Lord Livius?"


"I'd like to know myself." Aunt Iona's voice fills the room. She sits beside me, checking the bruise on my cheek. "Oh, I'm going to have a few words with Giselle about this." She growls but holds her tongue. Eyeing Livius, she crosses her arms, leaning back with her legs crossed, "It's rare for you to want to see either of us. What's going on?


"War is on the horizon." He sits, his weary bones making each move a challenge. "This Baer has raided our northern territories, and our Jarl allies are refusing to reinforce our lines along the Scar."


"You can't blame them." Hunter enters the room with Giselle, her hair back in its usual bun. "The Trajans and the Jarls have been at each other's throats for generations." He stands behind me while Giselle sits next to me, earning a glare from Iona. The ire she gives off, you could cut it with a knife. Hunter grabs my shoulder, but I shove him away. "Those years of mutual distrust have festered into hate." He looks at me with those icy blue eyes. "If it's left untreated, we'll all bleed for it."


Livius rubs his temples, his eyes narrowing as he reaches for one of the letters. His face contorting as he reads, "Our enemies rally in the south, and the Emperor expects me to handle the north in his absence." Tossing the slip of paper, he rubs his eyes.


Giselle clears her throat. "I understand that, as the Emperor's former teacher, he places great faith in you. But shouldn't this be handled by the Trajans and the tenth?"


Rising from his seat, Livius turns to the map. "Normally, yes, but these recent attacks have taken their toll." Cane in hand, he points to the Titos quarry. "The region is unstable, spreading the legion thin. They have no time to train new soldiers. So they must prioritize defending the quarry and Bloodcreast."


It makes sense. The quarry is known for producing the best ore on the continent, which has given the Empire an advantage for generations. Losing it would prevent them from making new weapons and armor.


Giselle looks at me apologetically, trying to reach for my hand. But I refuse to acknowledge her. She doesn't get off that easily. "Will another legion be sent?" I ask, desperate to avoid Giselle's gaze.


All Livius does is shake his head. Reaching into his sleeve, he pulls out a letter bearing his family's seal. "Livia has sent word. Cato was summoned to lead the imperial vanguard to the holy land. They have no men to spare." He turns his attention to Iona.


"You're planning on sending mercenaries?" Iona says.


"Yes. It would take Titus's people more than six  months to rebuild a local militia." He points to the Eastern mountains. "So the Trajans have two options. They can either recruit  eastern sellswords or southern mercs."


"I wasn't aware the east had sellswords?" Hunter asks.


Giselle turns with one arm on the back of the couch. "They're the largest military force the East can muster. Nearly ten thousand strong." She turns her attention back to me, but I refuse to meet her gaze. "Livius. Titus has had no love for you since the brothel incident with Livia." Giselle said, turning to Hunter, who nods in agreement. "He'll turn to the East before ever asking you for aid. They have as much to lose if Baer invades."


It makes sense. Melissa used to talk about how her people's strength came from trade. But does Lord Titus have the means to employ the Silverscales? They're the most well-renowned mercenary company on the continent and the pride of the Eastern military. Yet it's rare to see them outside the Eastern plains.


"True," Livius leans on his cane. "I'm sure Titus would stoop to that just to spite me. But the merchant princes won't risk such a valuable force without a heavy price." He turns, leaning on the desk, his eyes searching for something. "For the good of the Empire, we need seasoned men to be able to fight year-round." Finding his prize, he tosses it to Iona. "Thus, mercenaries."


Iona eyes the papers with a look of confusion. Whatever is in these documents vexes her. I try to sneak a peek but can't understand what she's looking at. They look like names; some are scratched out, while others are circled.


"Veteran soldiers don't come cheap," Giselle says, sitting back and crossing her arms and legs. "Just how do you plan to pay them?"


"With land, Giselle." He walks around the desk. "The Trajans will provide ample land for mercenaries to settle. They can act as a permanent line of defense. Don't you agree, Iona? That's what most of them want in the end."


"Most of these companies are inexperienced." she glares daggers. "These greenhorns won't get along and would run at the first sign of trouble." She throws the papers on the desk.


I grab the papers, trying to understand what she's saying. Names litter the sheets like drops of rain. None of them are familiar to me other than the Greyhawks. Names like the Imperial Line and the Heirs of Arios sound impressive, but their accomplishments, not their names, make a company.


Unfazed by her venom, Livius stares her down like a father scolding a child, handing her some parchment. "Enlighten me. Who would you recruit?"


Taking a quill, she writes several names, Hahaku among them. When she returns the quill, I glance at about twenty names. After a moment for the ink to dry, she hands it to Livius, who looks through the names and finds a pattern in her choices.


"Iona, most of these men are well past their prime." He drops the parchment as he leans on the edge of the deck, rubbing the bridge of his nose. With a weary stare, he pushes himself to stand. "Have any of them been in a large-scale battle these past twenty years?"


"Some, others have been acting as private military to the regional lords; they have combat experience, and they know how to work together."


"But, they lack numbers, which companies like the Greyhawks can provide," Livius says.


The air in the room grows heavy, and neither one is willing to give the other an inch. I imagine the situation. The Empire needs veteran mercenaries. Aunt Iona's friends have experience, while the imperial mercs have numbers. But the Greyhawks will never back her after what happened at the Eagle Tavern. They may even turn on her, given the chance.


In the midst of it all, Hunter walks to the map. "It won't matter either way." His words are cold as ice. "Baer has been massing his forces for twenty years. They number in the thousands." His eyes dart around the map like a hawk stalking its prey. He taps a few spots on the map, ignoring everything else. With an icy stare, he turns. "You need more men."


Joining him, Livius stares at the map. "Numbers alone don't win wars." He points at the Scar with his cane. "We control every large access across the Scar. Their moments will be limited."


"There are other routes," Hunter said.


Turning to Hunter, Livius offers a stoic expression. "At worst, we will have small warbands raiding isolated farms and villages. It's an acceptable loss." He taps his cane in front of him. "Should a large enough force cross the Scar. Those stationed at Bloodcreast will outlast them."


I was expecting them to throw barbs, but it feels like the build-up before a bolt of lightning strikes. "You fought the Northmen, Livius. You know how they will fight." Crossing his arms, "But Baer knows how the Empire fights. He'll pick at the scab until it rots, sewing distrust along the border. 


Though I have little love for the Empire, is this Baer any better? I look over to Giselle, who rubs her hands together and tries to wipe away invisible filth. She doesn't talk about her life in the North, but this situation bothers her. Muttering under her breath, she closes her eyes, leans back, and focuses on the lines that make up the ceiling. "What about the poison?"


So, the rumors are true? Did the Northmen attack with a new weapon? I try to read the room, but it's a mixed bag. Hunter and Livius are stone-faced, while Aunt Iona hides scared memories behind a glare. But Giselle, those eyes scream hopelessness. Her confidence is a broken mask.


"It's hard to say." Hunter walks around the desk, kneeling to take Giselle by the hand. Her back straightens as they lock eyes. "From what I witnessed, the poison must be in large quantities and is most effective in a closed space." Resting his head against hers, Hunter says, "I have people working a countermeasure as we speak."


They start whispering in a northern dialect I can't fully understand. Through it all, the only words I can make out are family, home, promise, and amends. The glint of a tear starts to creep from Giselle's eyes, but she quickly whips it away once she sees me looking at her.


Hunter's words ignite a spark in her eyes. A smile starts to form but quickly fades. Even in this dire situation, she still forces herself to remain composed. With a deep sigh, she rises, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her index fingers. "I'll regret asking, but how did you convince the Trajans to part with a piece of their province, Livius?"


I'm curious. Livia and Tatanya have been thick as thieves since they were kids. But their fathers are a different breed. Livius is new money, a man who made his own house from nothing, while the Trajans have leeched off their ancestors' legacy for generations. 


"Through a marriage pack." Livius turns to Giselle, reaching for a black-edged letter among the clutter. "Titus's younger brother Dorian holds the northernmost part of their territory. He lost his wife to a fever, and with his only son lost during Cato's expedition, he stands to lose his claim without an heir." Rummaging through the pile of paper, he offers Iona a scroll. "In light of this, I will offer him a new wife, offering mercenaries as her dowry."


How does he plan to do that? Livia is with Cato. He has no other daughters, no sisters, or extended family. His eyes dart to Iona, making me nervous. Livius has always found ways of outplaying his opponents despite the odds against him.


"You don't plan on breaking your pack with the Juliana?" Giselle says.


"Of course not," he looks to Giselle, stone-faced, a vain thumping on the side of his head. Such an alliance is necessary for the Empire to endure. "While I have only one daughter," his attention returns to Iona. "But the winds of Arios are never still, so we must change with them."

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV Character
Giselle: Colton's adopted Mother
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Hunter: Giselle's agent
Livius: Colton's patron and head of the estate

This is a rewrite of chapter eighteen, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Updated April 5 2024

Chapter 19
Our Bloodline

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


This can't be right. It's a family tree of Lord Livius's line going back generations. But why is my father's name there? Why is Aunt Iona's? The shock sent ripples through my body. I look at my Aunt, who looks as confused as me. Our gazes turn to Livius, who is stone-faced.

"Is this real?" Iona asks, her eyes wide.

"It's real to those who matter," Livius says.

My gut tells me something isn't right. Livius wouldn't have shown us this for curiosity's sake. He never did anything unless it was for the benefit of his family or the Empire.

"It appears my father was not the honorable man I thought he was. But life is full of disappointments." Disgust pollutes his words. "However, this will give us an opportunity. We can help each other." He turns to the map.

"How?" Iona asks.

Livius is a cold man, his resolve forged from a life at war. His expectations were always high, and if you didn't meet them. I rub my side, remembering one of my failures giving me ghost pains.

"You desire land Iona, and I believe the Trajan's have grown complacent in their duties." A grin escapes through his peppered beard. "A firm hand is needed," His eyes land on the two of us, "And we are in the best position to do so."

Unable to hold her tongue any longer, Giselle speaks. "Livius, Colton, and Iona are known members of the Arverni." Her words are missing their usual ire. "The mere idea of their clan is tarnished by rebellion." The room starts to feel like a pot ready to boil over. "And the fact that they are related to Taranis himself doesn't help matters." She almost sounds concerned for us.

I want to protest, but the years proved her right. Taranis, the rebel who once fought for the Empire, nearly led a revolt in this very city, or so the story goes. The purge happened when he refused to stand down, leaving only three survivors.

"Even with their tainted blood," Livius continues. "They are now my blood, Giselle." He stands, towering over us all. "As such, The Trajan will have no complaints when I offer my nephew as a match for their youngest daughter." Looking at me, daring me to question him, he turns to Iona, "Our, my younger sister, bringing fresh troops to aid their struggles."

Standing, Aunt Iona crosses her arms. "Nice as that sounds, Lord Livius, it isn't possible. Yes, I know several companies of mercenaries, but their numbers are in the dozens, not thousands."

Like a beast ready to pounce, Livius leans on his desk, staring Iona down. "There are other companies, Iona." He hints at going to the loyalists for aid. "Do you understand that they will come here if they are unopposed? And they will kill everyone. Your niece and that pale pet of yours included."

Iona's resolve breaks. Enid or Aunt Luna being taken strikes at her very core. I take her hand, and she sits, "I wouldn't even know where to start. We can't promise land to random companies." She folds in on herself, confidence waning.

She's right; we need hardened killers, not greenhorns looking for glory. But any companies worth their salt are far in-between. Imperial companies would be a safe bet. But they'd never follow a woman into battle.

"There may be another way," Hunter says. Walking to the map, he points out the mountainous reign west of the borders. "There are nomads in the mountains." He turns and locks eyes with Iona, "The promise of a home would be very enticing."

Livius bangs his cane. "You would have us break bread with traitors and ne'er do wells?" His calm demeanor is gone, "They're little more than bandits, Hunter. They are unreliable."

"The same is said for mercenaries. They're survivors, Livius. And the promise of a new home will be more enticing than coin. Or would you prefer they join your enemies?'' Hunter's words are blunt, but they're sound. Ensuring we don't make our enemies stronger is a good thing.

Livius looks down with a sigh. "I'll humor you then." He slumps back into his chair, whipping his face with both hands. "Say you manage to convince these Nomads to fight for us. How many would they bring?"

"If the Gods are merciful, half a legion. Give me the word Lord Livius, and I'll dispatch messengers by tomorrow."

Rubbing his temples, Livius turns to Giselle. "How many fighting men can you rally?"

"My allies can spare only a few hundred men. But they'll guard the mountain passes, so we are not flanked." The grim reality seems to suffocate her, peeling away the layers she tries desperately to hold. "If this were only a large raid, they would have sent more."

This back and forth whittles away my sanity; they all know why this is happening. "But it isn't Lady Giselle." I snap, standing. "It's retaliation. Cato poked the bear, and now we must fix his mess!" All eyes fall on me, and my anger quickly turns to embarrassment.

A gruff chuckle draws my attention, and Livius lets out a smile. "Your right, Colton. Cato's the one at fault here. But his title protects him." He walks around the desk, cupping my face. He locks eyes with me, a raging fire burning behind them. "The five families' corruption has been allowed to fester for too long. Their legacy is rotting from the inside."

His words are passionate, but I'm still hesitant to trust his motives. "And you want to prove this to the people?"

"Yes." He almost sounds proud of me. "A new family is needed, one that isn't living off the legacy of its forefathers." And there it is, I knew it; he wants to use us, just like everyone else.

Iona huffs, "I heard those words before." She stands, her confidence returning. "Your Emperor promised lands if my people fought with you against the Horse Lords. And yet, when the time came to honor the deal, he left us to rot." Her words are angry, "How do I know this Emperor won't do the same?"

I see Giselle rise out of the corner of my eye, but a flick of Livius' wrist silences her. Standing in front of her, Livius focuses solely on Iona. I grip my pant leg worried about what is going to happen. The air grows heavy, like a volcano ready to erupt.

With a deep breath, Livius says. "You are no longer a refugee fleeing from a revolt Iona. You, Enid, and Colton are now a branch of my family." He closes the distance, "And your lives are far more valuable." He bangs his cane, but Iona doesn't flinch. "If you or Colton were to die, the Trajan wouldn't be able to maintain order. But that can only happen if you have mercenaries, do you understand?"

"Yes, brother."

"Good, the two of you can go now. Hunter, Giselle, tell me more about these Nomads of yours."

As we leave, a sense of dread envelops us. We've become pawns in the Empire's games in less than a day. They promised us a home we could call our own, but will we have to sell our souls for it? I have to wonder, is this how my father felt when offered this chance? And will the Empire honor it?

Author Notes This is a rewrite of chapter eighteen, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 20
Dark Memories

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


I'm drowning, ash filling my lungs. The screams are everywhere, echoing all around me. I can't get away; I can't get away; it's burning me. Where is Aunt Iona? She'll keep us safe. Someone's calling my name. Who is that?

"Colton," Enid calls my name, shaking me, "Are you ok? Did you go to the bad place again?"

I catch my breath, tears blinding me. Whipping them away, I remember now; we're here, where everything changed. Through blurry eyes, I try to focus, trembling from my memories. "I'm ok, Little Light," I lie.

She strokes my hand, calming my nerves. "If it's too much for you, we can leave."

"No," I stand, taking her hand; I guide her down the ruined street. "You wanted me to describe this place. So, I'm going to do it." The charred remains of buildings and people decorate the area, forever trapped where they were struck down.

"What does it look like?" Enid says, clinging to my arm.

"Like death, Little Light. A burnt-out husk ready to crumble to dust."

She clings tighter, unwilling to let go. "And if you and Aunt Iona don't stop the Northerners, this will happen everywhere, won't it?"

I stop, pulling her into a hug, "Yeah." Tears threaten to fall, and I hold her tight, fearing this will be the last time we hug. "I need you to protect Aunt Luna. Can you do that for me?" She nods into my shoulder, on the verge of tears herself. "Good girl."

 A voice starts singing in the distance. There shouldn't be anyone here. Where are they? Pushing Enid behind me, I try to find the source, grabbing the first thing I can for a makeshift weapon.

"The Wraith shall haunt you through the night, only banished by the light. The Wolf shall hunt you as you flee until you fall onto your knees. The Watcher finds you with true sight no matter where you choose to hide." It's like a dirge or a warning.

Curiosity overwhelming her, she points out. "It's coming from over there." She tries to follow the voice, but I pull her back. "What if someone else is here, Colton?" Those grey eyes look at me through her veil. "It could be another survivor." Optimism pours from her like a torch in the night.

The idea of another survivor ignites a little hope inside me. But reality battles it at every turn. "Will go, but we have to be quick and quiet, ok." I let her crawl onto my back, allowing those ears to lead the way.

In these burnt-out streets, every step sends me back to that day. But I must endure for her sake. Burying my weakness with anger, I whisper to myself never again. I won't let this happen ever again.

Following Enid's ears, we reach the edge of the district. Water pours from an old aqueduct, filling a fountain with its clean embrace. I stop dead. At its base sits an old woman washing ash-covered clothes. What's she doing here? Was Enid, right? Could she be another survivor?

She stops singing, wringing out the last of her clothes. "Have they come to gawk at her?" She says, looking directly at us. To my horror, she has no eyes, only empty sockets with blackened skin. "Does her appearance bother them?" She takes a piece of cloth and covers her eye sockets.

"I'm sorry, I didn't...."

"Manners, such a rarity in this world." She searches for her walking stick. "Thieves licked these bones clean many years ago. There's nothing for you here." By touch alone, she gathers her belongings and stands, shrouding herself. "Go home."

Leaping from my back, Enid says, "This was our home before the purge."

The old woman cackles, "They butchered every child that day. She remembers it well." Touching her blindfold, her withered hands tremble. "Before they put her eyes out, they made her watch them burn." She walks away, effortlessly avoiding obstacles. "You are too young to have survived."

Before she can disappear into the alley, I take her hand. I need answers. "We did survive, our Aunt Iona and us." The tension fades, and she turns, disbelief on her face.

"Little Iona," she reaches for me, tracing the lines of my face. "You called her Aunt, then your...."

"Colton," I answer. "And she's Enid, my sister."

A genuine smile creeps across her lips as she continues tracing our features. "Come with her, quickly." She orders, nearly falling over herself. Did she know us from before? Maybe she knew our parents? I can't let this chance slip away.

She leads us deeper into the darkness. The remains of buildings prod out like broken ribs. A tarp dances over an old guard post. I open the door, and I'm surprised at what's inside?" Fire lights the room, a bubbling cauldron offering its odd aroma. A straw bed rests in the corner, with totems of bone dangling above. Across from that is a low table decorated with pots and vases containing everything from herbs to water.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Once, she was a midwife." She lays her stick and linens near the fire. "Now, she's a blind old woman, waiting to join those children she couldn't save." She works effortlessly at the table, mixing various items. "She remembers you both. The boy was a fighter, kicking her nose as she cleaned him." She laughs. "And the girl wailed. But she calmed in her mother's embrace."

Enid's fingers intertwine with mine. "What were they like?" She asks.

"Like all fleeing the warring clans. They wanted a home." She adds her mixture to the cauldron. "The Empire promises much. But a promise is only worth something if kept." The wind rustles her totems as they dance with the fire.

"Our father, was he planning to rebel?" I ask.

"Perhaps, tempers were high, and bellies empty." She stirs her brew. "But she doesn't know for sure."

I want a better answer, but she raises her hand. Footsteps echo outside, and a sudden thump hits the door. "We know you're in there, Arverni! Come out, and we'll make it quick."

"Enid, stay here." Standing, I walk to the door. Once outside, several men armed to the teeth trap me. The click of a crossbow is all the warning I have. The next thing I know, my shoulder is in agony from a bolt. I use the door for support as my eyes get hazy. Fuck, it's poison-tipped.


"Lock the door!" I say, my one arm going numb.

An older man with a bolter pushes his way through the group. Even with my blurry vision, his features are undeniable. Fewer wrinkles and grey hair, and it's that noble shit I killed.

Handing his weapon to one of these men, he knocks me to the ground. As I gasp for breath, he forces me to look at him. "I will give you one chance," he shows me a vial. "I'll spare your life, but in exchange, your flowering sister is mine as payment for my son. Understood?"

I spit in his face, forcing a smile, "Fuck you."

He drops the vial, its contents seeping into the cobblestone. "Pity," he stands, gesturing to the door. "Open it."

Panicking, I snap the bolt in my shoulder, stabbing one of them in the leg. Then, the others kick me," each blow ripping the air from my lungs. I collapse on my side, blood everywhere. My vision blurs, and their words grow distant. All I can do is pray. Don't open that door, Enid, don't open that door.

The world goes black, and the sounds of battle echo. A beast drags one of them away, and another falls to an arrow. He lands next to me; his expression is one of horror. Someone helps me sit up straight; it's a woman with blonde hair. I think she's calling my name, but I can't hear her. I'm tired, and the world fades around me.


Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Enid: Colton's younger sister
Blind old woman: Another survivor of the purge

This is a rewrite of chapter twenty, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 21

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


The world is a haze; people dance around me like ghosts. Their voices echo in the wind. Am I dead? No, I can't be my shoulder is killing me. I reach for it, but a hand holds me down. I can't see their face, only locks of golden hair.

The crackling of the fire is always in my ears. Every time I open my eyes, the world grows clearer. I'm fed something bitter that helps with the pain. And a voice keeps reassuring me that they won't abandon me, stroking my head, apologizing.

After what feels like an eternity, I'm able to sit up. My head starts spinning, and I'm hit with memories. "Enid." I have to find her. As I try to push myself up, my arm gives out.

"The boy should lay back down," The old woman says, mixing herbs at her table. "He isn't ready to leave."

Through dry lips, I ask, "Where's my sister? I have to make sure she's safe." I try standing, only to fall to my knees, the world spinning around me. A pair of hands steady me, and I'm laid back down. Locks of blonde hair draw my gaze. I look for the source and find Giselle. Why is she here?

"She's safe. Hunter took her back to the estate." Her hair is tied in a braid, and she wears commoners' clothes. "It's time to change your bandages." She reaches for me, and I swat her away.

"I'll do it myself," I say, trying to remove the bandage's with my good arm.

"Colton, must you be so-"

"Stubborn? Yeah, just get it over with," I say. "Tell me how I'm here because of my stupidity." She sighs, and I ready myself, but her barbs never come. The dry air in my lungs forces me into a coughing fit. Wiping my mouth, I spit, my lungs now clear.

"That's not important right now." Her hand rests on my shoulder. "Please, let me help you." She tries to help, but I swat her hand away.

"I'll do it myself." I glare right at her.

I start coughing again, unable to breathe. She rubs my back, trying to soothe my pain. Through gasps, she gently cups my face. "Let me help you." She reaches for my wound, and I again swat her away.

"Don't pretend you give a shit."

"I care, Colton. The thought of you dying tore me up inside." She clenches her chest. "When I heard you had brought your sister here, I had Hunter and that Mercenary Captain lead me to you." Again, she reaches for me, but she stops. "I was ready to kill you for putting your sister in danger. But there you were, on the ground, bloody and dying."

Trying to tie my bandages, I drop them when my hand refuses to work. A sharp pain shoots through my arm as the bandages coil tightly. Out of frustration, I swallow my pride and let her help me. It's weird; she's never been this gentle. "Do my Aunts know what happened?"

"They know," The old woman says. "Little Iona wanted to bring you back. But that would have killed you." She points to her shoulder. "The poison was repeatedly spreading. Had the lady not sucked the venom out, the boy would have joined his parents in death."

The thought of Giselle going to such lengths shocks me. Her attention solely on my wound, I ask, "And they asked you to watch me?"

She finishes her work on my arm, then prepares a bowl of stew from the fire. Offering me a spoonful, I reluctantly accepted. "Iona demanded that she stay with you. But I begged her to leave you with me."


Everything goes still. Only the grinding of herbs and the crackling fire fill the room. Giselle's calmness is off-putting. By now, we would have been at each other's throats. What's going on? Her shoulders slump and a sigh escapes her lips. "'I can't undo the past, Colton, but I can make amends to those left."

"What did you do?"

The world fades around us, my mind running like a madman. Giselle has always been aloof and distant, only around when it affected her position. She's never been soft, and begging to stay with me doesn't make sense.

"You have to understand. People were starving. Your father made himself a target, and sometimes you must sacrifice a finger to save your hand."

It takes everything I have not to snap. It had to be done? The massacre of everyone, down to the last child, had to be done? Reason overcoming grief. "Then why were we spared?"

"It doesn't matter."

"No, you had a reason. What was it?"

"I wanted children!" She jumps to her feet, unable to catch her breath. Our eyes lock, and she shakes her head. "The gods took that away from me, but I thought my prayers had been answered when Hunter brought you to me." She paces, emotions pouring from her. "But when I learned the two of you were Arverni and Taranis' children no less. I had to make tough choices."

"By making us, loyalists?"

The barbs should be flying by now. Yet her composure holds firm. "It was the only way to keep you safe. I thought you and Enid could be an example. To show others that even an Arverni could be saved if you submitted." She kneels, closing the distance. "But all I did was push you away." She hugs me. "I wasn't there for you when you needed me," Those arms wrap tightly around me, fearing to let go. "I'm so sorry. I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but know I've always loved you and that I'm proud of you, my son."

A flurry of emotions hits me. She's never called me that. Without thinking, my arm wraps around her. Nothing will ever undo the past. The scars won't let me forgive her. But through it all, I'm grateful for one thing, "You reunited us with our Aunt; that's something."


We share a half-hearted laugh, but we're interrupted by the door opening. I put my walls up, but a pair of familiar green eyes knock them right back down. In the blink of an eye, my Aunt drops everything and pulls me into a hug. "Thank the gods you're awake." Turning to Giselle, she pulls her into a hug. "Thank you for keeping him safe."

The tender moment quickly fades. Bowl of stew in hand, my Aunt, sits next to me with a look that could sink a ship. "We have a problem," she says. "The Emperor is taking the largest companies south." She gulps down the stew savoring the taste. "We won't have enough men."

"Then we place our faith in Hunter," Giselle says.

"How can you have such faith in him?" My Aunt asks.

Giselle looks at me. "He's never broken a promise to me. Have faith in him, Iona; he'll pull through for us."

"I hope you're right, or we're as good as dead," Iona says.

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Giselle: Colton's adopted Mother
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Blind of Woman: Another survivor of the Purge

This is a rewrite of chapter twenty, divided into two parts. I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 22
We march to war

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.


It's finally happening. In the blazing light of dusk, mercenary groups load wagons with everything they need. It's quite a sight, but compared to the refugee camp, it's a drop in the ocean. Fewer than one thousand answered Iona's call.

Walking among the crowds, I reach for the Torc around my neck. The realization that Giselle was the one that gave it to me breaks a barrier I built around myself. We lock eyes. Seeing my worry, she smiles. "Have faith. Hunter will come through for us."

"How can you be sure?"

"He was always there for me. Picking me up and knocking me down when I needed it." We stop at one of the tents, and she gives me a guilty look. The last month has been a ride for both of us. Stuck with each other, we were forced to face our problems head-on.

Steeling myself, we enter the tent, only to be bombarded by the stench of booze. At the room's center sits a makeshift table with a map. The Captains gather like kings of old. Iona directs everyone's attention to Bloodcrest Keep, the largest Northern outpost. To the east and west of The Scar are stones, possibly our allies?

"We'll fortify Bloodcrest with the remnants of the Tenth Legion. If all goes well, the Northerners won't make it past The Scar," Iona says. I'd mistake her for an Imperial commander if she wore her helmet. Strange, it's not like her to wear something like that. "Any questions?"

"What about the poison?"

All eyes turn to Captain Locke. He's older, grizzled, and scarred. From how others treat him, it's evident that he has seen more than most. Calmly rising, he looks at Iona with an expression cold as ice.

Walking to the Captain, Iona holds out her hand. "We'll use these."

"What is that?" Locke asks.

"It's a bladder," Iona holds it to her face. "They use these in the deep mines. It should filter the poison." She drops it on the table. "We will need to gather these as often as possible."

A snarky laugh fills the room. "Iona, why should any of us listen to you?" The young captain Zeno leans back in his chair, ploping his feet on the table. "You're not a captain of your own company, so why should any of us follow you?"

Without a word, Iona flips the man onto the floor. Foot firmly on his chest; she looks down at him with crossed arms. "One, I'm paying you. Two, while I don't run my own company, I've been a mercenary for years." She puts her whole weight on his chest, continuing, "And three, if you don't like it leave. Are we clear?"

Zeno gives a frantic nod, and Iona releases him. Through gasps, he glares at her, his pride shattered. Before he retaliates, my Aunt drops a pouch onto the table. Emblems roll out, each marking a mercenary captain that underestimated her. Point made. Zeno returns to his seat.

Like a brother, Hahaku hugs Iona around the neck. "What did I tell you lot? She's got the fire in her belly, just like Taranis." Though flushed at the gesture, Iona endures it for now.

The mention of my father's name changes the mood of the group. At first, it's sorrowful, but a few crack a smile. They must have known him back during the war on the Steppes. Captain Locke raises a cup. "To our brother Taranis. May his legacy live on."

"It will." Iona spots me and gestures to come closer. With a fine grip on my shoulder, she smiles before introducing me, "This is my nephew, Colton. He'll be marrying Lord Titus's daughter, giving us a claim to one-third of the region."

"Why would Lord Titus marry his child to someone of your rank Iona?" Zeno asks.

Iona throws a parchment onto the table. "Apparently, Livius's father was with my mother for a time."

"So... you're now a...?" Locke asks, shocked at this revelation.

"I doubt it. Livius's ambition is insatiable." Iona leans on the table, eyes darting around, looking for something. "He wants power." She looks up. "Maybe, replace Lord Titus as one of the five great families. And he will use anything or anyone to get there."

Speaking off to the side, Giselle makes herself known. "But it's a double-edged sword, Iona. If we lose, he loses along with us." Taking in the map, Giselle marks the western mountains and the paths that allow passage. "Iona, my warriors should be able to hold your left flank without problems. But these masks would be a great boon?"

Footsteps echo across the tent, and a handmaiden draped in black walks toward us. Though her vale hides her features, those pale blue eyes give her away. My Aunt Luna, with grace and the scent of lavender, joins us. "I'll provide you with the designs. But the poison needs a flame to work. Those narrow paths don't allow anything larger than a torch."

"But the attack on the Tenth. They sacrificed their own men. What's to stop them from doing that again?" I ask.

"Colt," Hahaku says. "They'd lose in the long run." The other nods in agreement. "Attrition has costs, and they can't risk overusing that weapon. You're young, but you'll learn." He looks to Iona and those gathered. Fatigue is wearing everyone down. "It's getting late. We should say our farewells and prepare to march at dawn."

The other captains rise and leave. With just the five of us, Iona slumps into her seat, her armor ready to crush her. But she is finally able to relax. Throwing her hair back, she looks at Hahaku with a grin. "Thank you for being here."

He points to his missing eye, "I gave your brother an eye. It's the least I can do."

"Still, it's appreciated," Giselle says

With a cold glare, Hahaku replies. "That's what families do for each other." He walks past her, turning back. "A shame it took Colton nearly dying for you to realize that." He leaves, the tent flaps dancing behind him.

Our group heads for one of the larger tents as the sun starts to hide behind the mountains. Inside, Runa and Becka sit together, offering prayers to a group of mercs. Across from them, Servious dotes on the blind woman while Enid tries to put her cloak on.

Giselle and I join the trio. I help Enid, and she gives me her best pout, irritated that I am helping her. "It's ok to ask for help, Enid." I say

She jumps into my arms, hanging from my neck. "Please come home safe." Her words are barely a whisper.

I hug her back, tears threatening to fall. "I can't promise that, Little Light." I turn to Servious, who reassures me. "Should the worst happen, you won't be alone. Aunt Luna, Servious, and-" I pause when I look at Giselle. "Giselle will be there for you, I promise."

Enid looks right at me. Her eyes are less grey than usual. "You and Giselle aren't fighting anymore?"

"Oh, Enid." Giselle embraces us both. "I'm so sorry." She cups Enid's face. "I wasn't there for either of you, but I'm trying to make amends." She looks at me, "I wish it had not taken me so long to realize."

Servious sits at a table, sipping on wine and chuckling to himself. "It is about time. I thought I would die before you started acting like a family."

He's right. I wish this moment would last, but the heavy steps of Imperial Elites shatter that dream. Six armed men march into the tent, lining up like good little soldiers. The tent flaps are held open by slaves, and Lord Titus enters with Tatanya in tow.

I pull Enid close, whispering into her ear. "Do you remember the game?"

"Middle, index, ring." She answers.

"Good girl. Never forget that"

Author Notes Character list
Colton: Main POV Character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Luna: Colton's Aunt
Enid: Colton's younger sister
Giselle: Colton and Enid's foster mother
Hahaku: Mercenary captain and close family friend
Captain Locke: Older mercenary captain
Captain Zeno: Mercenary captain

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 23
Calm before the storm

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.


Armor glinting in the pale torch light, Lord Titus inspects the tent. An expression of disgust pours off him. He does not want to be here. The Sight of Runa draws his ire, and he starts spitting coals at Iona.

"Iona! Why is the priestess here?" he says.

My Aunt crosses her arms, leaning on a pillar. She gestures to the mercs. "She's offering prayers, Lord Titus. There's no harm in that?" She points to his armor, polished and without a scratch. "Do you plan on joining us in battle?"

"Of course not, I've come to inspect Livius's investment, and so far, I've been unimpressed with this rabble you call an army." His harsh words send a ripple across the tent. Everyone gives him the stink eye, but it barely affects him.

Arms behind his back, Titus wanders the tent giving each of us a look of disdain. We are beneath him, dirt under his nails, and he does not hide this. He stops in front of my Aunt, grabbing her face.

I go for my sword, but Giselle stops me. One look at Iona, and I see the storm was not coming. Letting go of my blade, I watch the pair stare at each other down. Their battle of wills continues until Titus releases her, continuing his would-be inspection.

"Have you heard anything from this Hunter?" Titus asks

"No. Not since he left for the North." Iona replies

"And no word from our Eastern allies." Titus rubs the bridge of his nose. "A third of my land is offered, and Livius can't even muster enough men to protect it." He snorts something off his hand, shaking like a dog, and his mood changes. Titus's gaze darts to Runa, who stays silent. As he marches towards her, she continues to act aloof, focusing on offering prayers. He stands next to her, shadowing her every move.

"You know who's attacking us, don't you?"

Runa glances up but ignores Titus. Furious at her defiance, he reaches for her. Swords are drawn from their sheaths, with a blood bath teetering on the edge of this knife. Iona intervenes.

Whispering with each other, Iona nods as they turn to Lord Titus.

"The Bloody Bear," Iona says. "He's the one attacking us."

"For what reason?" Titus asks.

Iona's eyes land on Tatanya, who has remained quiet. "What would you do if the Northerners took your daughter Lord Titus?" She stares between the pair, awaiting an answer everyone knows.

With this information in hand, the wheels start turning. Becka grows defensive under Titus' glare. Returning to his regal stance, he eyes Iona and me. Signaling to join him, the four of us congregate in the corner of the tent.

"We're going to use that cub as bait."

Did that drug melt his brain? I look to my Aunt, but she offers no answer. If we bring Becka to the North, everyone would think we are smuggling her or conspiring with Northerners. The other families would never allow that.

"This, Bloody Bear, must be lured out. And this girl is the perfect bait." Titus says, taking another snort of his drug. "We cannot afford a prolonged war. You will bring her with you and take this Bear's head."

"Lord Titus, we don't have the men," I say.

Wiping his nose, he rips into me with those eyes, ready to tear out my guts. He closes the distance, and the stench of his imperial perfume burns my eyes. "Do you think I am a fool, boy? I know what that snake Livius wants, and let me tell you one thing. It is my land, and I will not allow an upstart to steal it from under me."

"Lord Titus, your land through this marriage is the only way to get these mercs to fight. If you rescind the offer now, you jeopardize the Empire." Iona says, striking him where it hurts. "You don't want to be seen as a fool, do you?

A smile creeps across Titus' face. And he lets out a chuckle. "You've got guts, Iona. It is a shame I am not twenty years younger. You would have made a fine mistress." The grin quickly fades when Iona spits on the ground. "But it is still my land, and what I say goes. You will bring that girl and lure the Bear out."

"But we don't." I protest.

He quickly silences me with a raised hand. "Enough! The Hadi family owes me a great debt. I will forgive it if they supply me with a legion of Silver Scales."

With no word from Victus, I'd lost hope of the Easterners aiding us. But if Titus can bring them to the cause, we may turn the tide. A spark of hope starts to burn, but the Hadi's are Melissa's family. She wouldn't betray us, but the rest of them burned that bridge.

My gaze is drawn to Tatanya, who offers a glance before turning away. "Lord Titus, will Tatanya be joining us." I immediately kick myself for that. Of course not. We are going to war. It's not a place for a wallflower like her.

"That is something to consider, Lord Titus," my Aunt says. "Having a member of the Trajan line would boost morale."

"You two are playing a perilous game."

Iona leans back on a pillar with crossed arms looking at her feet. "If you are worried about her protection, I know someone." Frustration washing over her, she rubs the bridge of her nose. "Triana, I'm positive she'd lend us her skills."

I remember her. Pale blue eyes and cheerful demeanor. A deadly duet of mystery and murderous intent. Each time I saw her, she looked different. Her hair, clothes, and even her skin tone were different.

Titus contemplates the idea. "Hmm...the first of the condemned protecting my daughter? Say I allow this; how long would it take to connect her?"

"Father!" Tatanya protests.

"Enough!" Titus turns to his child, frustration blazing his face. "You will do as you're told. After the brothel incident, you're lucky I do not disown you here and now, Tatanya." His point made, his voice softens. "Girl, I need you to do this for the family."

"Yes, father," she replies

"I'll have her ready within the hour, my Lord," my Aunt says.

"You know she'll ask for-" A sudden spike of pain shoots up my leg. Aunt Iona's heel begins to twist, drilling the point home. I swallow the yelp that threatens to escape my lips.

"Is something wrong, Colton?" My Aunt asks me with an innocent smile on her face.

"No, Ma'am."

With the matter settled, Titus leaves, Tatanya in tow. She gives one final glance. Her anger and dread are thrown at me like trash. With a huff and a pout, she leaves, barely married and already a storm on the horizon.

We return to the group. I sit next to Enid, and she falls asleep on my lap like when we were little. Giselle rests her head on my shoulder, enjoying the calm before the storm. Across from us, Aunt Iona's fingers intertwine with Luna's, and the glint of their rings brings warmth to my heart.

"Gods protect our loved ones." Runa prays, "And should you take them from us, let it be in glory."

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Lord Titus: Head of one of the five great families
Tatanya: Lord Titus's daughter
Runa: Northern Preistess captured by the Imperials

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 24

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.


You fool, Why did you charge me? You should have run. From tip to the hilt, my blade is dyed red from the sheath that now lies at my feet. My hand goes to my face, the fleshy mask protecting me from the green haze that clouds the area. Like many villages we've passed, the aftermath is hard to bear.

I look at the carnage all around me. Crimson tears fall from the cheeks of villagers, weeping at their untimely end at the hands of our foes. We couldn't save them. But we managed to avenge them, at least.

"What did I teach you, Colt?" Hahaku stands next to me, admiring my kill.

"Quick and clean."

"Quick and clean. Treat it like hunting; you never prolong the suffering. Out here, it's you or them. Ok." Hakaku gives a reassuring shoulder squeeze, and we join the rest of the unit.

In the village square, bodies of friends and foes litter the ground. Our losses are few, but the pungent smell threatens to blind me. One of the men takes a knife to his fallen comrade. Ready to take his bladder for himself. I go to stop him, but Hahaku stops me, shaking his head no. These masks are worth more than gold, but to take one from your dead friend. That's hard to watch.

We salvage everything usable from the dead, blades, armor, and whatever else we can find. In the hand of one of the villagers, a vial of green dust catches my eye. I carefully remove it, marveling at the craftsmanship. Showing it to Hahaku, he pockets it for the time being.

"They shouldn't be here." I look at the northern warriors among the dead. "How did they get past The Scar?" If they managed to get this far south, there's no telling if Bloodcrest is even standing.

A firm hand grips my shoulder. "I need you to stay focused, Colt. If they are this far south, we need to report to Iona." He whistles for everyone to gather. "Everyone. We're moving out, gather the wounded, and burn the dead."

"Is that wise?" I say.

"Colt, look around you. We've searched everywhere. There's no one else alive." We pile the dead, gathering what little hay we can spare to ignite the pyre. Offering a prayer, I look at the woman who charged me. Among the dead, her expression is peaceful. Or that's what I tell myself, the guilt gnawing at me like a rat. They're right; it's nothing like the capital; you know where you stand with others. Out here, it's so grey.

With the houses starting to burn, I grab my share of the salvage. We climb the hills to the south and make for our camp on the edge of the woodlands. A deep woosh grabs our attention. Flames rush into the sky, sending debris across the village. What in the world could have done that?

We arrive to the sounds of merriment, and a few camp followers offer to take our gear. Unburdened, we remove our masks and can breathe again. Among the tents dancing in the wind, the scent of smoked meat teases us. You'd mistake us for nomads rather than an army.

Cheers echo between the tents, ushering many to gather. Following the crowd, we find the source of the commotion. At the center of it all, Aunt Iona and Captain Locke are fighting. No weapons, no armor, just a bare-knuckle brawl between them.

Locke has reach and experience, but she has flexibility and youth. I marvel at the bout; Iona manages to evade most of Locke's strikes. However, when it did hit, it sent her flying. Yet, she keeps standing, learning, and anticipating Locke's moves. He'd go for a punch she'd evade. He'd go for a grab, and she would strike him. She's wearing him down till they're both on their last leg.

Locke leaves himself open, and she takes the bait. Like a snake strike, he grabs her by the throat, lifting her, only to throw her down like a rag doll. Knocking the wind out of her, she grasps for air, fighting to free herself. Through a bloody smile, she struggles, unable to push Locke off her. Then she wraps her legs around his neck, sending them both onto the ground.

For a second, I thought Iona would come out on top. But Locke manages to get her into a bear hug. With her arms restrained and feet off the ground, it's a victory for Locke. Nose to nose, he coils tighter. "Yeld Iona. You're trapped." He says. Getting a knee in the groin, he stumbles, yet, he manages to stay on his feet.

A wet crunch, and both of them land hard. Locke, flat on his back, covering his face. While Aunt Iona lands on her ass, rubbing her forehead. Clever, going for the nose. I kneel next to my Aunt. Who looks at me in a haze. They're both panting, soaked in sweat, unlikely able to continue.

Offering my hand, "You ok?" She nods, allowing me to help. "Captain Locke, you ok?" He sits up, snapping his nose back into place. Spitting some blood, he smiles through bloody teeth. Unable to stand on his own, Hahaku helps him to his feet.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Fuck, that hurt." Locke says.

The crowd starts booing, demanding more blood. "Come on. I have money on this!" One of them says, rallying the others behind him. With a simple gesture, Captain Locke offers the man the circle.

"Knock yourself out."

"What?" The crowd throws the man and one of his friends into the circle, chanting for them to fight.

Deciding it would be best to get Iona and Locke to the healer, we leave the crowd to their fun. Moans and whimpers dance in the air, creating a song no one wishes to hear. We enter the camp's hospice, and it's a grim sight to behold. Bed after bed lay the victims of our northern foes. Their only reprieve coming from the faithful crazy enough to have joined us.

We head into the back. Yanna, another survivor of the purge, sits at her table, mixing one of her brews. Fireflies trapped in her lanterns create an incredible light all around us. But, it does little for the cold wind blowing through the hills.

The wet chop of meat draws my attention to the corner of the room. Triana hunches over a corpse. Its chest is wide open, blackened organs oozing pus, the stench turning my stomach. Helping Iona sit, Yanna gives her something for her headache.

Drawn from her work, Triana drops her tools, eyeing me like a piece of meat. "Ah, the brave heroes return. Did you bring me a present?" Her hands explore my body, only stopping when Hahaku clears his throat. He pulls out the vial I had found, and I'm forgotten instantly. "You boys always bring me such lovely jewelry." She pops the top, and I cover my face with my mask. "Don't worry, little soldier. I'm just going to use a pinch."

She sprinkles a pinch of the dust onto a candle, and its flame glows an eerie green, then quickly returns to normal. It's as we feared. The Northerners have made their way past The Scar.

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Hahaku: Mercenary captain and friend of the family
Iona: Colton's aunt
Locke: Mercenary captain
Yanna: Old woman and healer
Triana: Old friend of Iona's who knows poisons

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 25
What do we do now

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.


"We need to limit our use of fire," Iona says, swallowing the medicine Yanna had made for her. "It's the only way to combat the poison for now."

"That's easier said than done." The old smith Eran enters the tent. "We can't let the forges go cold, Iona, and we'll all freeze to death without the bonfires. Not to mention the torches to light the camp."

"I know that, Eran. But what else can we do? Iona starts rubbing her head in frustration. "An attack happened less than a day from us." She fights her migraine, closing her eyes tightly. Hahaku offers his reassurance.

"Your herbs aren't the only poison we need to worry about." Eran's words draw everyone's attention. He takes a pouch from his pocket and sprinkles something onto the candle. Like the vial of poison, a green flame sparks to life before fading.

Taking a moment, we all swallow the reality of what we just saw. "How did you do that? What was that?" I ask.

Eran rubs his gloved fingers together. "A mixture of copper and sulfur. Deadly stuff." Wiping his fingers in the dirt, he continues. "It's how they're creating this deadly fog. They must have a mine somewhere."

"Master Eran, even if that's true, every corpse I've examined has the signs of mushroom poisoning, possibly the death cap," Triana says. "We can't go hunting for something as vague as a mine."

She's right. We barely have the resources to keep our people safe. We can't go searching for a mine, let alone take it out. The scale of it all is starting to eat away at me. For every problem we fix, two more are waiting on the flanks. Looking at my Aunt, I can't imagine the strain she's going through. Yet, she's still able to keep her composure.

"With our limited resources, the masks are our only defense," my Aunt says, "Our only chance is to find a countermeasure. I'm counting on you, Triana."

"I"ll do my best, but you're asking for a miracle," Triana says. "The seasons are changing, and we'll need as much milk thistle as possible.

I look at those gathered here and feel so out of place. These problems are beyond my understanding, so all I can do is follow their lead, a flicker of light dances around my head. One of the fireflies had gotten out. I swat it, and in return, it mocks me by evading. "Where did all these fireflies come from?" I ask Triana.

"You can thank your spitfire for them."


"Yeah, I guess her mama taught her a few things. She's been quite the asset."

"You sure you want to trust her?" Locke asks, wiping the blood from his nose. "I get we need the girl as bait, but is she going to stay loyal?"

I turn to face Locke. "Becka could have killed me and ran off with her mother at any time, Captain. She won't betray us unless we give her a reason." Becka's stubborn, but she's not foolish; they need time to get to know her. "If you're worried, I'll keep a closer eye on her."

"You do what you want, kid. But Iona." Locke turns to my Aunt. "Eran is right. We can't just stop using fire. I'll have guards posted around the camp, and everyone must have a mask while on duty."

"Fine," Iona agrees.

Triana sits on the table provocatively. "You know, Iona. There are other ways to stay warm." Sliding from the table, she wraps her arms around Iona from behind, rubbing her cheek like a cat. "I'm sure we could all be a little closer." She smiles as Iona gives her a flushed look. But she quickly steps back when her antics go too far.

"Hahaku, can your men spare any pelts?" Iona asks.

"I'll see what I can do." He turns to Locke. "My hounds will join the patrols. Even if we can't see them, we will smell them."

With the matter settled, Hahaku helps Yanna to her tent while Eran and Locke set out. A heavy sigh escapes Iona's lips, and the tough act falls to the ground. "Are you going to be ok? I ask.

"I'm fine, Colton." She tries rubbing her migraine away.

Taking Iona under the arm, Triana helps her to stand. "I've got her. You should go get Becka before sundown."

Strangely I haven't seen Becka once since I returned, and it's worrying. Usually, she'd find a way to mess with me by now. Free from the hospice's gloom, I start looking for her. Mask hugging my face, the aura in the camp dances between grim and glee. Some embrace life to its fullest, yet others have little hope to share.

A hand taps my shoulder, and I look for the source. No one is there. Then a finger pokes me in the side, and a giggle reveals the culprit. Only a wisp of red hair catches my eye before a finger flicks me on the nose. "Haha, Becka." I rub my nose till it stops hurting. "Where have you been?"

"Foraging." She grabs my arm and starts dragging me to the edge of the camp. "Come on. There's something I want to show you."

Ripping my arm from her grasp, "Becka, I'm not in the mood for your antics." I'm about to leave to check on Tatanya, but my bracelet hanging like a lure changes that. "How did you get that?" My hand reaches for my arm.

"Follow me, and I'll tell you."


She sticks out her tongue like a child and starts running for the woods.

"Hey." I chase after her. Crates and wagons turn to trees, I never lose sight of her, but she's always out of reach. Stay calm, I say to myself. She wants you to lose focus. Remembering Hahaku's lesson, be a wolf, not a deer. The world slows down, and I look to her feet when it's clear she's going to flee right, and I make my move.

Leaping from a fallen tree, I land on top of her, pinning her down. Gasping for breath, I hold out my hand. "Bracelet, now." Her game is over, and she places her lure into my hand. Once it's safely back on my wrist, I help her up. "Let's go." Then it hits me. The stench of decay is everywhere. I'd taken my mask off in the chase, and the smell is almost unbearable.

Through the tree line, the last embers of the sun are about to be swallowed by the mountains. "Wait a few minutes. I promise you won't regret it." Her persistence wins me over; we wait. The sun disappears, and the only light is the faint fleckers from the camp. In the darkness of the night, I fail to see what Becka was doing. Then It happens.

Among the dead trees, plants start to glow. Fireflies flow like a river between the trees, scattering in the wind. I've never seen anything like it before. Becka wraps her arms around my neck, and we enjoy the moment. "How?" I ask.

"Mother and I saw a lot traveling. Since the Captains won't let me leave the camp, I've been going stir-crazy." She kneels, drawing her freshly forged dagger. A single firefly lands on the tip before flying away. "The Captains think I'll run off in the night. Idiots."

Hand on her shoulder, I try to be reassuring. But, the sliver of doubt won't leave. I know she wouldn't harm her mother. But would she go against her family for us? Family is all I ever had. I'd do anything to protect them. "Thank you. I'm sure my Aunt will be grateful for this. But, are you prepared to fight your father?"

Sheathing her blade, she closes the distance until we're nose to nose. Her emerald eyes dig into me. Without a word, I can tell this discussion touched a nerve. "We should gather what we can."

Confused, "How the hell are we going to catch fireflies?"

She snorts. "We're not. We're after these. " Dangling a mushroom like a penis.

Kneeling next to her, I ask, "So, do you know how to transplant them?"

The rustling of trees feels my ears, and one of Triana's girls comes out of hiding. "No," she smiles, "That's why you're here." Becka looks at the other girl waving at us. "It's not like she's any help."

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Hahaku: Mercenary captain and friend of the family
Becka: POW from the north
Locke: Mercenary captain
Eran: Elderly Blacksmith
Triana: Friend of Iona's who knows poison

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 26
New land, old faces

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.


The mud is so thick that it tries to pull my boots off. Becka's idea had worked. Our forces replaced all oil lanterns with glowing mushrooms. It's a little colder, but we kept the forges going, thanks to Becka.

After weeks under the threat of attack, the Sentianl of Trajan is a welcome sight. Though scars decorate the massive stone guardian, he remains eternally on guard. His shield is ready to hold the line against whatever the north throws at him.

Nestled in the mountains lays the last stop before we depart for Bloodcrest. Titos, the capital of the northern frontier. From their mines, Imperial steel arms the legions. In a direct fight, there is no question they could hold off a force three times their size. But a fortified location turns into a tomb when the poison spreads.

"That's just wrong." I look at the posts lining the trenches. Only one road can access the city. Two wagons wide, it would limit any force from overwhelming the walls. And the warnings hanging from the posts, their moans and whimpers, are demoralizing. My hand grips my sword, but there's nothing to be done. All I can do is pray their gods will embrace them soon.

Horns sound our arrival, and the city's main gate opens. Refugees open a path for us in the mangled streets. The rag's over their faces hide the blemishes, but the bloodshot eyes say it all. These people are sick. Did they encounter the poison as we did? Or is there something else happening?

"Aunt Iona, do you see it?" I ask.

Iona glances without turning her head, her mask hiding her expression. "Yes, don't say a thing, ok? If they've been exposed and don't know it. Telling them will only cause a panic."

It's painful to admit, but she's right. Our situation is grim enough. I look back to the refugees. We can't take what little hope they have left. And we can't risk losing men with an unknown enemy so close.

On the inner walls, the famed Silver Scales stand. In unison, they bang their spears, signaling to open the gates. Slack chains tighten, and the doors open with a deep moan. A madman rushes through, only for a bolt to pierce his chest. Shriveled hand to his chest, he looks in awe past the gate. Through broken teeth, he smiles before going limp.

Aunt Iona kneels next to him, closing his eyes and offering a prayer. "May you now know peace."

"Iona, Colton. It's been far too long," a familiar voice says. "Welcome to Titos." Heir of the Hadi family and older brother to Melissa. Alexander Habi welcomes us in polished-scale armor. "Please, follow me."

With a quick gesture from Iona, we gather on the other side of the gate. While the bulk of our forces heads to the barracks, Alex asks Iona and me to escort Tatanya to her uncle's home. Not caring that Becka had tagged along.

You could easily compare the districts to paradise and the void by smell alone. Merchants and lords fill the market without a care in the world. They laugh and gossip, safe from the threats outside their city. Our masks earn us a few confused looks, but they help combat the perfume these people bathe in to hide the rot in this city.

"Alex, why are you here?" I ask. "I doubt your family wants to risk losing their heir."

"My father owed Lord Titus a considerable debt. And considering how my brothers shun responsibility every chance they get. The task falls to me."

"How's Melissa?"

"She's fine," I hit a nerve. "But she's not your concern." Those hazel eyes stare me down, warning me to tread carefully. "Now that you're married to such a prize." He eyes Tatanya. "You can keep your urges in check."

Passing through the arch of a fortified estate, the Trajan banners wave proudly in the wind. At the entryway, one of the house slaves greets us. "Greetings, my lords. My master is expecting you. But first," he pinches his nose. "He asks that you all bathe and change for dinner."

Cleaned and dressed, the four of us enter the Trciunium. Without warning, Becka stops dead. Hand over her heart, her breathing grows heavy, and she bares her teeth like a dog. "You..." she mutters under her breath. Finding the target of her ire, I see the man staring at us from the head of the table.

"Well, hello, little fox. I never thought I'd see you again." The man says, draped in the finest silk. The only imperfection is several deep cuts across his cheek, yet he wears them like a badge of honor. "I see even a bath and a change of clothes can't fix your personality."

Becka reaches for the knife on her leg, and it takes careful maneuvering to make it look like I'm just embracing her. She fights against me, but I tighten my grip. "He was there, Colton, he..." she claws into her breast, and things start coming together.

"He was there with Cato?"

She nods, shaking with anger. Mangus hurt her, and possibly lady Runa as well. He's right there, and he knows she's cornered, unable to do a thing without incurring his wrath. Whispering into her ear, "He'll pay Becka, I promise." My words calm her, and those eyes meet mine.

Ruining the moment, Tatanya walks past us and embraces our host. "Uncle Magnus. Must you goad people like that?"

"Forgive me, niece. Bad tidings sour my mood, but I am glad you are safe. How was your journey?"

Tatanya walks back to us, pushing Becka away. "It was dirty and uncivilized," she caresses my cheek. "But it had its moments." She wraps her arm around me and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Then I am grateful." Drawn to my aunt, he eyes her from head to toe. "I must say, Iona, it's nice to see the woman under all that armor. If it weren't for those eyes and scar, I'd mistake you for lady Orianna herself."

In sharp contrast to her armor, the dress shows off her feminine side. White silk hugs her frame while a legions cloak hangs from her shoulders. A thick leather corset protects her torso, and a short sword hangs ready for battle. Delicate leather sandals replace her heavy leather boots with golden jewelry hanging from her neck and arms.

"I'm only wearing this till my clothes are clean, Lord Magnus. And should you be leering? You're married."

"Forgive me, but how many men can say they've seen the great Iron Iona out of her armor." Our host gestures to us to sit. The house slaves fill the table with a lavish feast. "When can we expect the rest of your forces to arrive?"

"This is it," Iona says.

Her words get a small chuckle out of our host, but the reaction becomes grimmer. "I'm sorry, but did you say this is all you could muster?" He pushes himself up, a vein thumping on his temple. "We were expecting no less than a thousand men. And you sit there and tell me this is all you could muster?"

"I was expecting Hunter to have joined us by now," she says, taking a bite of her meal.

"Hunter!" Magnus circles the table, towering over Iona. "You're placing your faith in that poacher? Do you understand the situation we are in, Iona?"

Reaching into her cleavage, she pulls out a vial of the poison. "Do you?"

Taking the vial, he examines it. "I am well aware of these bobbles, Iona. You saw what happens to those foolish enough to bring them into my city. So that begs the question, why do you possess one?"

"We've been finding them in villages from here to the Heartlands," Iona says.

"That's not possible," Alex says. "We have checkpoints across the region, confiscating every vial we find. And I can assure you that we would know if the northerners were smuggling this across The Scar. "

Dumbfounded by Alex's words, I speak up. "Never underestimate people when they are desperate, Alex. You'd be amazed." I remember how people would find ways to smuggle goods around the capital. Distractions and using urchins were common tactics; if that failed, more desperate people were always willing to risk their lives for a better life.

"Colton, this is far more complicated than people smuggling a few stolen goods in the streets," Alex says. "This weapon could change the borders of the world. The Empire and its allies would never allow that to happen."

"Desperation can be exploited, Alex," I counter. "Do you honestly believe people will stay loyal if they feel abandoned or starving?"

Fixated on the vial, Mangus returns to his seat. "I can assure you, boy. They will stay loyal once we have a countermeasure." Handing the poison to one of his guards, "Take that to the alchemist."

"At once, my lord."

Mangus's eyes land on me, and all he does is shake his head in disbelief. "Don't give me that look. To find a cure, you start with the poison."

"But are you taking precautions? All it takes is a candle to ignite," I say.

"Boy! It's being taken care of."

Muffled voices bounce off the walls then the door flies open. Stumbling into the room, an imperial Commander falls on one knee. He's covered in blood and gore, and his missing arm is haphazardly mended with a blood-soaked cloth. " lost."

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Becka: A northerner POW
Tatanya: Coltons wife
Alex: Member of the Habi family, and Melissa's older brother
Mangus: Tatanya's Uncle and younger brother of Lord Titus
The Commander: Leader of what remains of the Tenth Legion

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 27
The Mist

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


I'm amazed the Commander is still conscious, let alone talking. Any man I've seen lose a limb would be a mess. Needle in hand, I work on the open wound near this neck. I'm no physician, but I know how to stitch.

"Dammit, boy!" He says.

"Commander, it will go more smoothly if you stay still," I say, offering him some booze for the pain. Chugging the whole wineskin, he allows me to work. One final stitch, and I close the wound. Now comes the arm. Peeling the cloth from his stump, I fight the urge to gag. It's a clean cut, and while it's not bleeding, it's beyond my skills. "We should get a proper healer to deal with this." Joining my Aunt, trying to get the taste of vomit out with wine.

Pacing frantically, Lord Mangus processes the news. "You lost Bloodcrest? How?" He demands.

With an actual healer working on him, the Commander stares Mangus down. "We were overwhelmed. I had no choice but to pull my men out." He holds out his stump. "I'm lucky I only lost my arm!"

"That's impossible. We destroyed every bridge. There's no way they could have crossed, not in overwhelming numbers." Disbelief resonates with each word," Explain yourself, Commander?"

Stonefaced, the Commander, shakes his head. "I warned you about the tree line. Their roots bridge the Scar, allowing raiding parties to cross with impunity."

"But the towers-"

"Never got built. The Northerners saw to that. And they used those same trees to make a bridge. Large enough for their army."

The situation is weighing him down, and Lord Magnus's demeanor goes from calm to dreadful. "We can't allow Bloodcreat to stay in their hands, Commander; it must be retaken."

Retake it? Is he insane? If they have the numbers to take the keep, how can we take it back with what we have? The Silver Scales have all but become the City Guard. We have less than one thousand men, and I can only assume the legion's numbers have been gutted.

With a fresh cloth dressing his wound, the Commander points at Becka with disdain, "This is all because of her and that priestess." His words are full of anger and sorrow. "Had you kept Cato in line, the Northerners wouldn't be out for blood."

Mangus ponders, rubbing his chin in frustration, looking for a solution to the mounting threat. Stopping, he sees a possible way out of the darkness. He eyes Becka, and I know what he's going to suggest.

I shove Becka behind me. "No," I say, even with the guards creeping towards me. "They won't stop with her. They'll go after her mother and anyone who was part of their capture."

With a snap of his fingers, Mangus signals his men to stop. Paling at the realization, he looks to all of us to find a solution. Unlike his brother, he refuses the drugs offered to him by a slave.

"Who is leading this force?" Iona asks. "Did you hear the name Bloody Bear?"

The mention of that name causes the Commander to grit his teeth and clench his fist. Hunched over, he nods, "That monster butchered my men. It was like a game to him!"

"Did they use the poison?" Iona asks.

"I don't know." He fights to remember, "Wait. Yes." He has a slave bring him a piece of charcoal and parchment; like a madman, he sketches a man with vases on his back, holding one of them with a flaming wick. "They threw these trying to break our line, but the winds kept changing.

Worry and relief hit me. Our enemy doesn't have a countermeasure. So they can't use it without risking themselves. But the fact that so many vials found their way here is worrying. "Lord Mangus, what do you plan to do with the confiscated vials?" I ask.

"You didn't destroy them!" the Commander stands, only to have the healer pull him back. "Lord Mangus, listen to me. You can't keep those vials; you must destroy them!"

"And how do you propose I do that, Commander? Burn them?" His words ring a harsh truth, "I've had this weapon stored in safe locations, places where a flame can't ignite them." He looks to all of us like children. "The enemy has given us a boon, and we will use it to our advantage." He stares at Becka, "Why did you bring her, Iona?"

"She's bait for the Bloody Bear."

"I see," the plan becoming clear. "Dangling some meat, crude but effective."

With Bloodcreat gone, we have to make our stand here. But will the Bear take the bait? The trench will ensure no large force can reach the walls. But my gut is telling me something is off.

"I'm curious, Commander. If they overwhelmed Bloodcreast, how did you manage to break through? How did you escape?" Alex asks.

The Commander winces as the healer applies something to his stump. "We set the trenches ablaze, and in the chaos, we emptied the larders and came here." With new bindings, he continues. "But that madman, I swear he looked right at me, promising to finish what he started."

This Bloody Bear, the more I hear about him, the less human he becomes. In my mind, I see a giant clad in crimson fur, wielding an axe in each hand, laughing among a mountain of bodies at his feet.

That day starts to creep its way into my mind. But Becka rests her head on my back, the warmth of her embrace soothing me. Tatanya sees this and cups my hand, vying for my attention. Giving her what she wants, she rests her hand on my shoulder, trying to push Becka away from me.

Slaves enter the room, offering us our clothes. Bells start to ring, and panicked voices begin to echo in our ears. Iona, Becka, and I grab our gear and quickly dress as we leave the estate.

Climbing the walls, we join our fellow mercs. Behind us, the crowds run aimlessly, not knowing what's going on. On the other side of the wall, screams and cries fill the streets, and the sight below is horrible; flames gazer from the sewers bringing a tidal wave of green mist, engulfing the area in a haze of death.

It's as if the void has opened, pulling everyone into its grisly embrace. A few poor souls reach the wall only to be consumed moments later. Their bodies are now dead on the ground.

My hand grips my sword, and it is like I'm five years old again. People are dying in front of me, and I can't do a thing about it. Becka's fingers intertwine with mine, and my heart stops pounding. Looking around me, I'm not the only one that feels this way. Then the trenches ignite, turning the barren land into a field of fire.

The Commander manages to scale the wall, joining our group. No words leave his mouth, only shaking his head at what has transpired. Unable to watch anymore, we return to the safety of the market. Crowds of people begin asking an endless number of questions. But we ignore them.

Outside the estate's walls, Mangus, Alex, and Tatanya wait for us. Shoving his way past us, the Commander pins Mangus to the wall. Unafraid of the blades ready to open his throat. "Where were you keeping them?" He demands.


"The vials! Where were you keeping them."

Mangus, now fearful for his life, signals his men to sheath their swords, "I...had them stored underground. In vaults connected to the sewers. There is no way they could ignite in such a damp environment."

"Did you plan to ignite the trenches if the enemy came here?"

The realization hits Mangus hard. "We can't let this poison enter the market. Alex, have your men cover every sewer grate they can find. I want everyone in their homes and off the streets."

"At once." Alex rushes to a group of Silver Scales, who, in turn, spread the message.

Mangus leans on the wall for support, the confident man now on the verge of despair. Tatanya tries to help him but to no avail. He's in utter shock.

"How? How?" His gaze darts between us as he pulls himself to his feet. "How did they know?" He mutters, pointing at my Aunt. "It was you. Everything was fine until you brought that animal into my city."

"Uncle, please calm yourself."

He pushes Tatanya away. "Guards! Take the girl." Pointing at Becka, "Have her crucified. I want this Bear slain and mounted on my walls."

I shove Becka behind me. "I told you, he won't stop with her."

"Boy, this is bigger than your pet; stand aside," Mangus demands.

Footsteps fill the streets, and Tristan arrives with the other Merc captains in tow. Mangus' guards go for their blades but stop when it's obvious they have no chance.

"They're out for blood; giving her over to them won't stop it." I continue to defend Becka. "It's obvious. You have a traitor in your house."

"Impossible; no one in my house would dare betray me. Take her." He says to his guards, but I drew my blade in defense. "You dare draw your blade on me? I'll have you hung for that!"

Before things escalate, something wooshes over my shoulder, biting into the wall. Recognizing the spear, I spot Hahaku walking out of the crowd. Calm and collected, he retrieves his spear.

"Are you trying to kill me!"

"That breeze. It's refreshing. It clears the mind." A flag dances in the wind; its tail is whipping towards the city's main gate. "It's funny; if it were blowing in the opposite direction, we'd all be dead. And this bickering would not matter."

He's right. The walls wouldn't have protected us. And accusing one another is a waste of time. The cries are silent now. I feel the guilt gnawing at me, but it all happened so fast; we could not stop the poison from spreading.

"So, it's good that we're all still alive. And not at each other throats because that would be playing into our enemy's hands." Hahaku continues getting silent agreements from everyone.

Mangus regains his composure taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. "You're right. Have every sewer covered and every gate barricaded. Iona, how long will this poison stay in the air?"

"A few days at least."

"Then we wait. And pray that God will be merciful a second time."

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Becka: Northern POW
Hahaku: Mercenary Captain and close family friend
Tatanya: Colton's wife
Mangus: Tatanya's uncle and younger brother of Lord Titus
Alex: Member of the Habi family
The Commander: Leader of what remains of the Tenth Legion

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 28
Dawn and Duty

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.


Dawn embraces our encampment as Becka, and I lay in my tent, enjoying each other's company. Our journey has been crazy, but we've grown closer because of it. I can open up to her like Melissa, a comfort I haven't had in a long time.

The tent flaps open, and a cloaked woman enters. At first, I thought she was one of the camps laborers, but her mask is coated in delicate gold trim.

Her cloak falls to her feet, and the maiden removes her mask, revealing herself to be Tatanya. Placing her mask down, she undresses, allowing me to see her lovely figure. Like a goddess, she walks toward me, offering the sweet taste of her lips.

"Why are you here?" Becka tries to burn a hole through Tatanya's head with a glare. "Aren't you worried you'll be mistaken for a whore?"

I expected Tatanya to spit hot coals, but she laughs it off, sliding herself into my lap. "They couldn't afford me. Unlike you." She moves her hips working her magic on me, and I can feel Becka's nails digging into my back. "Colton is my husband; he deserves loving from his wife before marching into the unknown."

Edging on the verge of release, Tatanya climaxes without me, biting down on her lip to hide a moan. Sweat glistens off her body, and I catch her before she falls out of my lap. Like a ragdoll, she hangs loose in my arms, breathing heavily. "Got you," I say.

"Nice catch, soldier boy." Pulling herself up, her painted fingers intertwine with mine, rubbing the scar Becka had left on my hand with her thump. Then her finger dances across my chest, resting on the mark left by the poisoned bolt that nearly killed me. "My God, so many." She continues tracing each scar, worry escaping her lips. "You don't need to fight anymore."


She forces me to look at her. "Apologize to my Uncle, and I'll vouch for you and your Aunt. You're nobles now. You don't need to die like dogs." She takes my hands and slides them across her body. "We can be a family." She kisses me.

Again, the Empire tempts me with acceptance, and all I have to do is give up a part of myself. The fog creeps into the tent, and the uncertainty of the future comes with it. Tristan, Hahaku, Becka, and the others are family, just like my Aunts and sister. "I can't, Tatanya. I won't abandon them."

Sympathy turns to anger. Tatanya crawls off of me and dresses. "I offer you a way out, and you throw it in my face." Throwing her cloak over her shoulders, she covers her face with a mask. "Once a mongrel, always a mongrel." Her words cut deep, but I've gotten used to hearing them. One last look from those eyes, and she disappears into the mist.

A pair of fingers tiptoe across my back. "Finally. I thought that she'd never leave." Pulling me down, Becka crawls on top of me, and we start a game of our own. Sliding her hips back and forth, we savor the moment for as long as we can. But like all good things, it's over far too soon.

Becka collapses on top of me, trying to catch her breath. Head resting on my chest, I tuck a few locks of hair behind her ear. Staring at me with those beautiful green eyes, my hand goes for her arm. We had her slave tag reforged into an armband, the Madames stone necklace acting as its centerpiece.

She sits on top of me. "Are you going to keep your promise? When all this is said and done, you will make a home for all of us, right?" That's a promise I want to keep, but I'm worried I can't honor it.

The glint from her armband distracts me. "It suits you." My hand crawls across her body, resting on her cheek. "Becka, I..."

The tent flaps fly open, and Tristan stands there with a grin. Dawning his hide armor and plate, he gestures to the gate. "You two better hurry up. Don't want to get chewed out again." He closes the flaps giving us some privacy.

Dressing, we help each other with our armor. Like that day at the brothel, I stare at Becka's neck tattoo, which she quickly covers. She never told me what it meant. Even now, my curiosity is killing me.

"You ever going to tell me what it means?"

With a playful grin, she walks up to me. "Ask me again tomorrow. Maybe I'll answer." With a quick kiss, she struts out of the tent, taking her bow and quiver with her.

Rushing out of the tent, I catch up to Becka and Tristan, and we join the stampede marching to the gate. Winter rains brought fog and clouds the area in a white mist. Though we can't see for leagues, the black banners of the mercenary army are easy enough to spot.

In the market square, the men whisper to one another. When Captain Locke howls at them to shut up, we all look to the battlements. Dressed in Imperial armor, Iona looks down at those gathered.

"I trust you all had an eventful night?" she jokes, offering a smile and getting a few nods and laughs. "Good, we've been tasked to clear the bodies from the district. As well as covering any sewer grates we can find. Salvage what you can, but don't pointlessly burden yourselves."

Triana and Hahaku join her, "Archers and Javilens will join me on the rooftops," Triana says.

"The rest will be with me on the ground," Hahaku says. "We will go street by street, burning the dead and covering grates as we go. If all goes well, we will have the district cleared by day's end."

The Legion Commander joins them, dressed for battle. Even without his arm, he has managed to fasten his shield to his body. At our rear, the remains of the tenth stand ready for battle. The desire for payback is painted on their faces like warpaint. Should the enemy come, they will join us in battle.

Reaching into his belt, the Commander pulls out a small piece of parchment. "Our enemies are on the move. And the Bloody Bear is at their head." This news is worrying, but I hold my tongue for now. "While they may outnumber us, we have the advantage of the terrain. If they breach these walls, we will funnel them into a wall of shields."

The trenches limit our enemies' movements, but the fog is thick and could easily hide their forces. A fist hits my arm, and I see Becka smiling. "Don't worry; I'll watch your back."

"We both will." Tristan joins us, handing Becka a hand full of arrows. "Here, Sophia forged these for you. They're armor-piercing, should go through most armor." He then gives me an imperial short sword. "Take a look."

I draw the blade, marveling at the black onyx steel. I sheath the sword. "Where did you get this? You can't find black steel in the Empire." I tie it to my belt, debating if having two swords is a good idea.

Before Tristan can answer me, one of the other mercs elbows him in the ribs. "Would you shut up!" He gestures to the Commanders staring down at us. Iona's eyes dig into me, and I cave under her gaze.

Now with our full attention, she has an animal carcass brought to her. Pouring something on it, she ignites it, creating an icy blue flame. Seconds later, it's gone, little more than ashes in the wind.

"We'll burn the dead with this. But we have precious little of it. Those of us in the streets will gather the bodies in the open. Once doused with this mixture, archers will ignite them." She dawns her helmet and puts on her mask. Jumping down from the battlements, she gives a reassuring look to all of us. "Move out!"

The gate's heavy chains go stiff, pulling the door open. A haze of green dances at our feet. As if the dead were crawling away from the district, only to fade into nothingness moments later.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out a copper coin split in two. On its plain surface, I had cut a simple triangle with a line through it. Standing at the side of the gate, one of the mercs holds a bowl full of these half coins. It will be back in my pocket by nightfall if all goes well. Putting on my mask and helmet, I walk into the fog.

In these dead streets, the results of the attack bleed into cobblestones. The victims huddled together, crimson tears running down their faces. They knew they would die, but they died together; there's comfort in that.

One of the mercs in our group draws his knife, ready to carve out a new bladder. When he makes the first cut, a pungent gas is released. The organ is like its owner, green and rotten, making it unusable.

With that idea gone, we start to rummage through the dead. There's very little we can salvage, but it's better than leaving it behind. A whistle grabs my attention; on the rooftops, Becka points to an open area down the street.

I grab one of the dead and start to drag them to the open area. In this fog-covered nightmare, the ghoulish sight is in every street and alley. People tried to claw at doors and windows, desperate to escape, only for their neighbors to abandon them.

I throw the body on the pile, and the others follow suit. We amass so many dead, but there are still many more to gather. A loud thud startles me, and before I draw my blade, Hahaku points to a pile of rubble now covering a sewer grate. "Remember?"

"Yeah, sorry, I'm not used to how quiet it is." Looking around the open square, men pour oil on piles of bodies, adding Iona's mixture. One word from Hahaku and the pyres burn their blue hue. Despite the moist air, the fires rage on, creating steam that dances with the fog.

"We're too exposed." Hahaku walks around the square, eyeing each street and alleyway. "The main roads are easy to cover, but all these alleys." He whistles to his men. "Have the alleys boxed off; we don't have time to find every grate."

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Becka: Northern POW
Tristan: Colton's childhood friend and Hahaku's son
Hahaku: Mercenary Captain and close family friend
Triana: Mercenary Captain and old friend of Iona
Locke: Mercenary Captain
The Commander: Leader of what remains of the Tenth Legion
Tatanya: Colton's wife

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 29
Hold the line

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.


It takes great effort, but our group manages to get another cart in place. Now it will be harder to traverse this alley. Across the street, other groups create makeshift barricades creating a bottleneck on the main road.

We prepare to regroup, but the sound of chanting fills the air. It's far, and I can barely hear them, but it's there. Men rallying themselves into a frenzy. With our focus on the outer city wall, none of us are prepared.

An arrow flies into one of our men's eye, killing him instantly. Our enemies strike, crawling their way to us like rats through the sewers and alleyways.

Some of them go for the battlements, but Tristan and I cut them down, protecting the few men guarding the wall. Puzzled by their lack of action, I look across the field, and my blood runs cold.

Fires burn in the distance, and snake-like tendrils creep slowly over the trenches. On the main road, the head of the infernal beast inches closer, its flaming eyes screaming with blood lust. Our enemy is here.

"Tristan. Take Colton and Becka, and go warn the others." One of the men says. We both hesitate, "Go! We'll buy you as much time as we can." He threatens us with his weapon. "Go!" He knows staying here is a death sentence, but he shows no fear.

I look all around me and see a similar resolve in all of them. "Die well," is all I can say before Tristan pulls me away, taking a black banner with us. Signaling Becka to follow us, she leaps from roof to roof, providing us cover.

A horn roars beyond the wall, and panic races through the streets. Each alley we pass hides a possible foe. The glint of their spears and swords dancing just behind our defenses. We run back to the main square, barely making it over the scrap wall encircling our forces. Catching my breath, I hear the Captains yell orders to their men. On the rooftops, Becka and the others ready their bows.

What happened? Where are the others?" Iona asks.

"Enemy...wall...buying time." I manage to say, trying to catch my breath. "Told us...warn you."

A thunderous bang rings through the air, followed by the crunch of thick wood shattering. Battle cries echo in my ears, only to fade moments later. Then those chants ring through the air, sending a chill down my spine.

"Everyone! prepare for battle!" Iona yells. Weapons leave their sheathes, and shields form another wall of protection. At the center of the square, Iona positions herself with Hahaku's men. should they breach the wall, she stands ready to fight.

I take my position at one of the walls. Shield ready, I try to control my breathing, but my heart demands more air than I can give it. Something rumbles behind me, glancing at the pile. The wagon nearly topples from the force of the blow.

"Focus!" Hahaku yells while some of the men add more weight to the pile. "Assume positions." We lock shields staring down the street. Through the mist, silhouettes come into focus. A menacing figure towers over the others at the head of their forces.

Roaring like a beast, he sends a wave toward us. Many bear crude weapons half haphazardly forged, yet others are armed with legion swords. Their savage forms grow clearer, their war paint making them more monstrous than men.

"Loose!" Triana yells, and arrows and javelins rain from the sky, slaying many foes. But they are undeterred, trampling over their dead and dying without pity or remorse. Hitting the wall like a tidal wave. We manage to hold the line, but the enemy is countless in size.

One of them manages to jump over, throwing me to the ground with the full weight of his body, knocking my sword from my hand. I quickly stand, trying to deflect his attacks with my shield. Quick and clean, quick, and clean, I repeat Hahaku's words in my head, focusing on what's in front of me and nothing else. He hooks me with the back end of his axe, ripping my shield away.

I drew my second sword, slashing him across the throat. Warm blood splatters on my face, blinding me. Another attacker goes for me, but a sword pierces him under the arm. A hand pulls me to my feet.

Once my vision clears, I see my Aunt surveying the battle. "Colton, retreat and signal the others for help!" she yells. The gap I left is filled, but they have no end. The dead pile up, and our enemy uses them to climb our defenses.

"You need my help. I'm not going to abandon you here!"

"If we don't get reinforcements, we're all dead! Now go!" Like the men on the wall, that look of resolve is etched into her face.

I hug her, "Don't you dare die." I order Tristan to join me, and Becka signals to me that she's with us. I look back one last time before running into the alleys.

Crawling over a makeshift wall, Tristan and I search for a way to the roofs. The buildings are old and rundown, ready to fall and bury us. I turn a corner, and a maul nearly takes my head off. My attacker pulls his weapon from the wall and goes to strike at me. But it's a two-handed weapon, and these alleyways are narrow.

Tristan and I take him down together like wolves hunting a bear. With our foe taken care of, we continue the search. A drain leading to the roofs is our only way up. It's rusty, so we take turns. Tristan goes first, and the drain wails under his weight. As I climb, it starts to give way after I'm halfway.

"Colton, grab on." Tristan lowers his spear, and I grab it. Safe on the roof, I glance down at the battle. They're still holding; there's still a chance. I take the banner from Tristan, and we cross the roofs looking for the open spot to signal for aid.

On one of the larger roofs, I plant my feet and start to wave the banner, "Hey! Hey!" I yell, drawing the attention of the men on the wall. "Reinforcements! Reinforcements!" Alex joins the men on the wall raising his arm. A horn bellows, and I feel relieved. I look at Becka, and then a sharp pain fills my chest. With horrified expressions, Becka and Tristan yell my name as the banner slips through my fingers.

I'm falling, the world growing dark. A bolt lodged in my chest pushes me off the roof, and like a ragdoll, I tumble between the buildings landing with a thud.

Time loses all meaning until Becka's voice pulls me from the haze. "Colton! Colton, stay with me!" She begs, tears running down her cheeks. I try to reach for her, to show her I'm still here, but my arm barely moves. But she sees my attempt and smiles.

Behind her, Tristan guards us, "We can't stay here. Help me move him." Before he can touch me, something grabs their attention. Drawing their weapons, they engage enemies in close quarters. One lunges to kill me, but Tristan's spear sends a stream of blood out of his neck.

Panic fills every inch of my body. I'm powerless. I can't move, talk, or help my friends. Someone grabs me by the leg, dragging me away from the chaos. Before the fog hides them from me, I see Becka and Tristan still fighting to stay alive, desperately trying to save me.

Author Notes Character List
Colton: Main POV character
Iona: Colton's Aunt
Becka: Northern POW
Tristan: Colton's childhood friend and Hahaku's son
Hahaku: Mercenary Captain and close family friend
Triana: Mercenary Captain and old friend of Iona
Alex: An old acquaintance of Colton and older brother to Melissa

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 30
A Bear, a Wolf, and a Blue Flame

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


Colton, where are you? You should have been back by now. Shields and spears hold our enemies back, but even the dead begin to turn on us. Every fallen foe becomes a step for the living, and we inch closer to being overwhelmed. The horn sounded. Where are they? I look back to the wall, and the gate is closed. Dread in my soul; it's clear no one is coming.

I step out from the protection of Hahaku's men. If this is the end, I'm not going to hide. I bang my sword on my shield, drawing the gaze of friend and foe alike. A scream escapes my throat, and a chant rings through the streets.

But our enemy is undeterred. Several of them leap over our defenses. Screaming like madmen, they swing wildly, cleaving our men to pieces, laughing as they do it.

Clad in red fur, a man grins wickedly at me. From his beastly appearance, this must be the Bloody Bear. Blood dripping from him like a newborn, he creeps toward me as his comrades fight with Locke and Hahaku. With unnatural speed, he charges, and I barely have time to plant my feet before I'm sent flying.

The air is ripped from my lungs, but I have no time to catch my breath. An axe comes down, ready to cleave me in two. But I evade the blow as it digs deep into the wagon I landed on mere moments ago. I go on the offensive, but he grabs my arm and headbutts me, knocking my helmet off. With his one remaining axe, we trade blows, every strike sending a shock wave through my arms.

"Come on," he mocks, "This can't be all you've got! Give me more!" His barrage continues, each blow turning my shield into splinters and wounding my arm. I bandage myself, evading an overhead strike that cracks the cobblestones.

The larger battle fades into the mist. With my shield gone, all I have is my sword. Trying to keep out of range is pointless; he has the reach, so I have to be quicker. Closing the distance, I go for every opening I can find. Under the arms, behind the knees, and the hands, I get a few shallow cuts, but he laughs it off like it's nothing.

"Come on!" he kicks me away. On my hands and knees, I fight to stand. Out of the corner of my eye, the Bloody Bear walks toward me, disappointment oozing from his face. Like an executioner, he raises his axe above his head. "Give me the Priestess, and I'll ease your passing."

A spear pierces the Bear's shoulder, and a man rushes toward me, pulling me to my feet. Hahaku looks me over, checking for injuries. "Are you alright?" He asks.


Laughter echos in our ears, and our foe stands, breaking the spear shaft from his shoulder. "I thought this would be boring." Throwing the shaft at us, he grabs his axe, "But now you've made it interesting!" He rushes us, going for Hahaku's blind spot. Countering the blow with his shield Hahaku goes straight for the throat, but the Bear throws him to the ground.

Evading a swing for my head, he grabs me by the throat. My sword slipping from my grasp, I'm off the ground, flailing and kicking franticly, trying to free myself. Grabbing his pinkies, I bend them to the point of breaking. Landing with a thud, I crawl away.

I reach for my throat, coughing as I gasp for air. Finding my sword, the Bear kicks it away. Desperate, I grab the first thing I can. With Hahaku's broken spear, I ready myself for another round.

But, something is off; the Bear paws at his body, the devilish grin now a panicked mess. "No, no, no, where is it!?" He pulls a vial from his belt, but, Hahaku, with a dagger and stick in hand, shatters it before he can drink it.

Enraged, the Bear goes mad, clawing at us with his bare hands. His attacks are relentless, but his injuries are starting to hinder him. What was in that vial?

Going for his eye, he snaps the end of my broken spear. Like wolves, we nip at him, trying to wear him down. In this dance of death, I lodge my weapon into his leg, and he falls to his knees. Hahaku goes for the kill, but our enemy blocks his attack. Ripping the spear tip from his body, he lodges it deep into Hakaku's belly.

"Where's the Priestess?"

"Guess..." Hahaku spits falling on his side.

"No!" Consumed with anger, I leap onto the Bear's back, stabbing him in the neck. He throws me off but starts gargling blood pouring from his wound. He tries to stop it, then a smile creeps across his face, and he offers his neck as a prize. Tears nearly robbing me of my sight, I slice his throat. The cut is so deep I take his head clean off.

The blade falls from my hand, dyed tip to hilt in blood. I rush to Hahakus's side. "Hahaku!" My heart is racing. I flip him over, rewarded with a groan. Ripping my cloak, I try to stop the bleeding. In the fog, the sounds of battle continue their horrible melody. "Help!" I yell, "Someone! Help!"

Footsteps ring through the streets and a familiar pair come into view. "Father!" Tristan yells, running to us to help. "Father, hold still." He's about to pull the weapon out, but Hahaku stops him.

"Vi..." Hahaku says.

"What?" I bring my ear to his lips.


Drawn to the Bear, I spot the broken vial on the ground. In its glass cradle, a few drops are nuzzled in its embrace. Offering it to Hahaku, he swallows the concoction. Moments later, the pain plaguing he's mind begins to fade.

Out of curiosity, Tristan sniffs the glass, "What is this? Gods, that's strong." He wipes his nose, trying to get rid of the smell.

"White willow. It numbs the pain." Hahaku lies down, staring up at his son. "Where's Colton?" he asks, only getting a look of guilt. "Tristan...Where..."

"He was shot. By Alex."

"What. Why!" I lose all control, and worry turns my gut into lead. Forcing Tristan to look at me, those eyes refuse to meet mine. Alex hated Colton, but would he jeopardize the battle for it?

"I don't know. After Colton fell from the roof, we found him barely alive. Before we could help him, we were ambushed, and they dragged him off."

My mind clouds, and I fall to my knees, tears turning this murky city into a blurry mess. They took him, my Colton. All thanks to that bastard. Standing, I take the Bloody Bear's head from the ground. Even now, that sick smile still lingers on his face, mocking us. Unable to take it, I throw him across the battlefield.

I sit next to Hahaku; we'll be overwhelmed soon. A hand pulls from my thoughts. Hahaku is smiling at me. Even through the pain, he manages to lighten the mood. I hug him. "I'm so sorry."

"You...did the could. At least we get to see the stars one last time."

Stars? How can there be stars? I'm sure the sun has yet to set.

"Look." Hahaku points to the sky. Sure enough, little blue lights dance in the sky. Then a thunderous sound shakes the earth, and horns bellow in the distance. What's going on? Are more of them coming?

With all my strength, I bring myself to stand. Taking my sword in hand, I walk towards the battle. "Tristan, get your father to the market wall." Turning to Becka, "Watch over them ok."

She notches an arrow. "No, I'm going with you!" she says.


"I'll watch your back!" The resolve in her eyes reminds me of myself back then, that will to keep living. Her stubbornness is admirable, but she's too impulsive.

"Fine, but don't engage the enemy unless it's vital! Are we clear?" I say.

"Yes, ma'am."

We edge closer to the wagon wall, and a few enemies break from the battle. My opponent uses wide, heavy swings that make it easy to spot his attacks. But if he gets a hit, I'm done.

Becka gets one shot off before her bow is broken, forcing her to draw her daggers. While she can out-maneuver her opponent, her strikes do little more than glance off his chainmail, creating sparks that dance through like fireflies.

Bodies litter the ground, and I lose my footing, barely dodging the flurry of blows, looking to claim my life. A metal fist kisses my enemy's face, severing his jaw. Locke pulls me to my feet, concern turning to anger. "What are you doing here, Iona?" He says. "We can't risk losing you." He points to the inner walls. "Where are our reinforcements?"

"They're not coming."


"They've abandoned us, Locke."

"Dammit! Where's Hahaku?"

"Injured. The Bear got him in the gut. But I managed to kill him. The Bloody Bear is dead!"

"Men, the Bloody Bear is dead!" Locke yells. "The Bloody Bear is dead!" Men on their last leg stand, and our lines fortify. With their leader dead, the enemy goes fur feral, now hell-bent on avenging him. Pitchers of oil soak the wagons, and our defenses are set aflame.

"Fall back! Fall back to the gate," I yell, searching for Becka in the chaos. I spot her arm under her opponent and rush to her side. Freeing her from the body threatening to crush her, we join the survivors running to the gate.

Guarding the few wounded, Tristan joins us while Triana readies her troops with what few projectiles they have left on the roofs. Of the hundreds that had come to fight for me, barely fifty of us are still standing.

Warriors flood through our walls, ready to swallow us all. I join the others, taking a shield from the fallen, and all eyes turn to me. We're dead, and we all know it.

"It's been an honor," I say as we lock shields, ready for the onslaught. I should be scared shitless, but my lips curl into a smile. "Don't make it easy for them. They got to earn it." Laughs fill my ears, but regret lingers in my heart. Luna, Enid, I'm sorry. I can't keep my promise.

A wave of bodies thunder towards us, screaming like wild men. Our lines are about to meet, and arrows rain down from the wall. The doors blow open behind us, and the tenth legion marches out, meeting the enemy. "Get the survivors inside now!" The Commander barks dragging me back. "Get inside. Now!"

Soldiers line the narrow hall, pulling us through like boats on a rope. Once free of the hall, our people welcome us with open arms tending to the wounded. It doesn't add up; they abandoned us. I try to make sense of what happened, but my thoughts are interrupted by Triana beckoning me to join her.

On the battlements, the Silver Scales pelt the enemy. Who, in turn, fire back as they retreat to the city's main gate. But beyond the trenches, a sea of orange and blue fires dance. The blue flames slowly swallow the orange.

Then it hits me, the blue flame. "Hunter," I mutter under my breath. I rush back to the survivors, "It's Hunter. Reinforcements have arrived." Though weary from battle, hope starts taking root once again.

I find Yanna tending to Hahaku's wound, but she shakes her head at Tristan. "He will be joining your mother soon," she says, "She is sorry, but he is too far gone. All we can do is ease his passing."

Kneeling next to Hahaku, I want to say something, anything. But nothing comes out. He caresses my cheek, rubbing away my tears. "Don't be sad," he turns to his son, "Pup, keep your promise to me." Tristan nods before walking away with Becka in tow.

"I've already lost Colton. I can't lose you."

He pulls out his dagger and offers it to me. "Please," he guides my hand to his throat. I hesitate, my hands trembling. Closing my eyes, I plunge the blade into his throat. With one final breath, he's gone, and I collapse on top of him, wailing.

Author Notes Character List
Iona: Main POV character
Hahaku: Mercenary captain and friends of Iona
Locke: Another mercenary captain
Triana: Mercenary and friend of Iona
Tristan: Son of Hahaku
Becka: Young warrior of northerner roots fighting for Iona
The Commander: Leader of what remains of the Tenth Legion
The Bloody Bear: Leader of the invading force

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 31
What say you

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.


We won, and the Bloody Bear is dead, but the cost was beyond measure. The faces of our fallen are blue and lifeless as the winter winds blow through the valley. The trenches meant to protect us are their final resting place.

Locke, Triana, and I stand with what's left of our men, saying our final farewells. Kissing Hahaku on the forehead, I thank him for always defending me. Torch in hand, all eyes fall on me, and I freeze. Words refuse to form, and panic races through me.

A hand on my shoulder calms me, and Hunter draws everyone's attention to himself. "We are here to honor those who held the line. Though outnumbered and abandoned, each was equal to ten of their enemies. And thanks to their bravery Ironwell took the head of the Bloody Bear himself." He gestures to me.

The men hum a dirge and ready their bows. Arrows dance through the air and set the pyres ablaze. Crackling as they engulf the dead in their warm embrace.

"Goodbye, my friends," I say, igniting Hahaku's pyre. "May you find peace?" My body shakes, and I tell myself it's just the cold, but I'm barely holding it together. I'm alone like I was back then, scared, wounded, and not knowing what to do.

"Iona," Triana says, "We should get you cleaned up."
Following her lead, we enter the City. The district once home to battle and blood is now makeshift homes and barracks for our newly arrived allies. It's lively, almost happy, nothing like when we first came. Everyone greets us and bows politely, and I am not used to it. The Empire always shunned me, often seeing me as a tool. But Hunter's warriors have shown me the respect I've only received from friends.

We enter my tent, only a cot, desk, and chair decorate its otherwise bleak interior. The cool air is refreshing. I take off my armor and shirt. I look at myself and find scrapes and bruises coating me like dirt. These last couple of days took a lot out of me.

Wringing out a rag, Triana works her magic. Her hands glide across my skin like birds on the water, taking away days worth of stress. I feel lighter when she's done.
Triana rips off her wig and strips down to her skivvies. Like Luna, her hair is a pale white but short like a man's. Giving me the rag, Triana offers her back, "My turn?"

I clean her, marveling at her body. A few scars decorate her soft skin, but otherwise, she's flawless. It boggles my mind how she has such a feminine frame despite being a mercenary.

"Do you want to talk? It's been almost a week." At first, I ignore her question and focus on washing her back. But she stops me, and those beautiful blue eyes offer me a chance to grieve.

My defenses start to crumble, and I long for Luna again. In this unforgiving world, she's one of the pillars that kept me sane through it all. With Hahaku dead and Colton missing, hearing her voice would be a comfort.

"Good lord! Will the two of you cover yourselves!" The Commander says, entering my tent unannounced. I punch him, and a thousand needles dance through my arm. My flesh pops open, and a steady stream of red drips to the ground.

"Dammit, Iona." Triana leads me back to my desk, prepping a needle. "Iona is in mourning, Commander. Whatever you have to say can wait." Needle sterilized, she starts to work on my wound.

Spitting out some blood, "No, it can't." The Commander wipes away the trickle of red dripping from his nose. "The Bear may be dead, but these savages must be brought to heel." He pulls out a parchment with the Trajan sigil. "Their crimes would warrant death, but the attack left us with few able bodies and laborers. Mangus wants you to show them that submission is in their best interests, Iona."

"You mean you want to enslave them." I crumple the parchment without reading it. "I want no part of this, Commander."

"This isn't a request."

I wince from Triana, pulling my flesh back together. After leaving us for dead, does Mangus believe that I would ever desire to help him? His as guilty as the Bear is for the attack. "And if I refuse?" I ask.

He closes the distance between us, his musk burning my nose. "You may lose more than your nephew."

Warning or threat, his words cut deep. I bite my lip, fighting the voice telling me to punch him again. He is about to leave, but I grab his collar. "Tell me. You didn't care if we lived. So why did you save us?"

Leaning in, he whispers. "When I saw your allies flank the Bear's army. I knew the choice was either keep you alive or face their wrath. I'd like to see retirement, Iona." He pulls himself from my grip and prepares to leave. "Mangus will expect results, don't keep him waiting."

I slump in my chair, rubbing the migraine threatening my thoughts. I try to calm myself, but I'm dead to rights. The idea of losing Luna and Enid sends my body trembling. Brother, how did you deal with this bullshit? I ask myself.

"Done." Triana wraps my arm with a clean cloth. "Don't ruin my work, ok." Standing, she dresses, putting her wig back on. I grab my shirt, and she helps me back into my armor. We leave the tent, bombarded by the winter air. Our cloaks provide some warmth, but the icy winds are brutal.

A heavy cloak drapes over our shoulders, and a man's shadow towers over us. Finding the source, Hunter makes himself known. How does a man like him make so little noise? "Tell me you're not considering it," he asks.

Crossing my arms, I leave the warmth of his cloak. "They have Luna and Enid as leverage. I don't have a choice." The thought of them tortured or killed is something I can't face.

He signals us to follow him. "You have a legions worth of warriors, Iona. March on the City if they try."

"You want me to take this City?"

"No, I'm suggesting that you hold this City hostage. Under siege, it wouldn't last the winter. However, you could be persuaded against it if Tatanya were to join us."

Using their tactic against them, it's a sound plan. The question is can we pull it off? Triana throws Hunter's cloak over my shoulders. "You know, I just remembered. I need to check on my girls, you know, to ensure they're protecting Tatanya. There could still be conspirators plotting against Mangus." She disappears into the sea of people, and I run after Hunter.

Leaving the safety of the city walls, I'm taken aback by what's in front of me. Instead of a horse, a stag-like creature is nestled in the stables. "What in the gods' name is that?" I hesitate to get any closer to it. "I barely know how to ride a horse. I'm not getting on that thing."

Ignoring me, Hunter leads the beast toward me. Panic kicking in, I back up until I'm against a wall. Its nose is against my face, and a tongue glides across my cheek, nearly ripping my iron earring from my ear.

The beast kneels, and Hunter mounts it, offering me a hand. Reluctantly I accept. Standing, we ride down the main road, the pyres now embers in the wind.

Past the trenches, what's left of the Bear's army is corralled into a fortified encampment. Hunter's men confiscate every weapon they can find, burning the few remaining poison vials in a blue bonfire. But something is off. Everywhere I look, women, children, and the elderly mingle with the men we had fought mere days ago. "What is this, Hunter?"

He wraps his arm around my waist, making me uncomfortable. "That great army you saw wasn't as large as you thought." Pointing to small campfires, "One man lights three, then one becomes many."

"That doesn't explain why they're here." I gesture to the women and children.

"There's a rising power in the North, subjugating tribes to unite them against the Empire." We arrive at a tent. "It's not something every tribe welcomes." Dismounting the beast, he holds the tent flaps open for me. "I imagine this lot is like you, just looking for a home to call their own."

Entering the tent, what I see nearly sends me into a blind rage. Tied to a post like a beaten dog, the target of my anger welcomes me. Alex, the heir to the Habi family, once dawning scale armor is now draped in bloody merchants' silk.

On his flanks, Tristan and Becka get ready for another round of beatings but stop once they see me. Alex spits at me, anger pouring off him like steam.

"I'm surprised you didn't just kill him," I say, trying to keep my composure. "Where did you find him?"

"He was trying to flee through the mountains to the east. When we caught him, I was going to feed him to our hounds," Tristan says. "But, out of all of us, Lady Iona, you're the one he slighted the most."

My soul is screaming for justice. Gripping him by the beard, I put my knife to his throat. I could end his life right here with one flick of the wrist. But I want answers. "Why did you do it?"

"He defiled my sister. What other reason do I need?"

Rage blinding me, I cut off his beard. He took Colton away from me, but I won't do the same to Melissa. Of all people, she's one of the few I have no desire to hunt. Throwing his beard to the ground, I walk to the edge of the tent, embracing the cool air creeping through the flaps. Trying to gather my thoughts, I can only think about Colton and if he's still alive. Helplessness weighs on me, and I debate traveling north to find him.

"Lady, Iona?" Becka joins me. "Send me north. I know those lands better than any of you. I can find him."

"I can't ask you to bear such a burden alone, Becka."

"She won't." Tristan joins us. "Colton is like a brother to me. If there's a chance to bring him home, I want to be a part of that."

"Tristan, I..." I look between them, wiping tears from my eyes. "Thank you."

"Just make sure we have a home to return to."

I'm speechless. I've grown so accustomed to doing things alone. Yet these children are willing to risk their lives to help me. Hunter clears his throat and gestures to Alex, reminding me that our prisoner's fate is undecided. I won't kill him, but there are fates worse than death.

Regaining my composure, "We will leave for Bloodcreast as soon as possible." I look to Alex. "Once there, the three of you will depart for the North." Tristan and Becka are unhappy about the idea but hold their tongues.

"You can't be serious, Iona. Just kill me and be done with." Alex protests, a twinge of fear in his voice. He sticks out his tongue, but I shove three fingers down his throat. He knows he's cornered, and death is the only way out.

"No. You don't get to take the easy way out." I pin him to the post. "You took Colton away from me, and until you bring him back to me, your life is mine, Alex." Pushing myself away, it gets harder to breathe, and I need air.

Leaving the tent, I'm light-headed, and it's hard to focus. The world becomes a blur, and my knees buckle. Through the haze, I find crates piled next to the tent. With a little effort, I sit down and clear my head. It's all going so fast, and I can't wrap my head around it.

Some camp occupants spot me, gathering at a safe distance. A little boy braves a few steps from the herd. He is ratty and sick, his clothes little more than rags hanging from his tiny frame.

I kneel, trying to look as unthreatening as possible. Reaching into my pack, I offer the boy a piece of dried meat. Before he can take it, a woman pulls him back, glaring at me. Taking a bite, I show them I mean no harm and offer it again. Though hesitant, they take it.

"Are you going to kill us?" The woman asks.

"Of course not."

"So, are we your slaves?"

"No." I stand, drawing the attention of the crowd. "The Empire. They want to offer sanctuary within their borders and have you replace the people you killed." The idea resonates with some of them. "But they made similar promises to my people." I walk into the crowd, and they give me a wide berth. "We, Arverni, were promised land if we fought for them. They didn't honor their word, and when we protested. They slaughtered us." I clench my fist, fighting back the memories of that day. "People like us are tools to them. Step out of line, and they'll make an example of you."

What happened to my people could happen to them. I spot that little boy among the crowd and imagine him crying in a sea of fire and death. I won't let it happen again.

"To fight the Bloody Bear, my nephew married the daughter of this land's lord." Drawing my sword, the berth between us grows wider. "In exchange for my mercenaries' protection and the Bear's head, the Empire would give one-third of the region as payment." Sheathing my blade. "But men at arms are not enough. We need farmers, smiths, and builders." Hoping my words reach them. "I will not force you to follow me, but I ask whether you would collar yourselves to the Empire, accepting their scaps, or do you want the chance to build a home for yourselves?"

Uneasiness flows through the area, dividing the camp. The woman and the boy step out of the crowd. Despite my warning, they look at Tito's with awe, and sparks of hope begin to shine in her eyes. " If the Empire will show us mercy? Why shouldn't we accept their offer."

"You'll never be seen as one of them." I turn to the crowd. "They left us to die, even when we were begging for help." Hunter steps out of the tent. "It was only because of Hunter's arrival that our lives were worth saving."

"She speaks the truth." He stands next to me, and like moths, to flame, the crowd gathers in reverence. "I was in the Imperial Captial when they purged Iona's people, and no mercy was shown, not even to the children." Hushed whispers dance through the crowd, Hunter's words cutting deeper than mine. "A little boy and baby girl were all I could save that day. And now that boy is in the Bear's maw, betrayed by his own side." Fear grips the camp, bringing worry with it.

"I know stories of the Old Bear and the bloody path to unite the tribes, but I can assure you. All promises from the Empire are fleeting. A friend becomes an enemy like the flip of a coin. But Iona is different." He gestures to me, "The North is in her blood, and she understands the importance of a promise."

Confidence fills me with strength, and I stand a little taller. "The Empire will demand submission, and it sounds like this Old Bear is the same. All I can offer is a choice." I offer my hand to one of them. "Join the Empire or return to the Bear, and hope they will be merciful. Or stand will me, and together we can build a new home we can call our own." A mixture of hope and dread winding its way through them. "What say you?"

Author Notes Iona: Main POV character
Hahaku: Mercenary captain and friends of Iona
Locke: Another mercenary captain
Triana: Mercenary and friend of Iona
Tristan: Son of Hahaku
Becka: Young warrior of northerner roots fighting for Iona
The Commander: Leader of what remains of the Tenth Legion
The Bloody Bear: Leader of the invading force
Alex: An member of the Habi family from the Eastern Plains

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

Chapter 32
Dear Luna

By Rinshikai

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.


Fuck, why is this so fucking hard. I slump back in my chair, my thoughts somewhere else. Give me a sword, and I can fight without fear, but quill and ink, and I'm paralyzed. I lean forward, the parchment mocking me, unafraid of joining its crumpled comrades on the floor. Resting my head, I sigh in defeat.
I have to tell Luna what happened. But I can't get the words out, no matter how many times I try. How can I tell her that I failed her, that I failed to protect Colton? Tears threaten to leave my eyes, and I want to curl up and cry. However, the door to my chambers creaks open.
"Go away," I say, not wanting any company. Yet footsteps enter my room. Without even thinking, I go for my knife. Once the shadow is behind me, I strike only to find my blade at Hunter's throat.
"You're getting better," he says, calming, pulling the blade from my hand. "Next time, make sure to plant your feet." He presses the hilt of my knife to my stomach, pushing me onto my desk. Hunter offers a bowl of stew, my gut growls like a beast, and my face gets warm.
"Told ya." Triana's words feel my ears as she sits beside me, eating some bread. "You've been here for two days, and we were starting to worry." She eyes the floor. "Still can't get the words to parchment?"
'What do you think?" I start eating. "This is a personal letter, but if it's intercepted..."
Hunter takes me by the chin, and we lock eyes. "I'll have it delivered with my reports to Giselle. It won't be intercepted, I promise." His words and calm demeanor reassure me. No matter the situation, he's always in control. "You're not alone, Iona." He leaves the room.
Before she leaves, Triana turns around and leans in the doorway. "Tell her what happened and that you love her. That's all she needs to hear." With a wink and smile, she's gone.
Alone with my thoughts, I finish my meal. Getting back to the task, I find a note with some rouge and a tiny perfume vial. Opening it, I read Triana's handwriting. "'For a personal touch." Laughing a the idea, I take her advice. Quill in hand, I start writing.

Barely a year has passed since we embraced, and there's so much I must tell you. The enemy was ruthless, and our so-called friends left us for dead. Had Hunter not saved us, I would not be writing these words.

In this snow-covered plain, I find myself standing on the battlements of Bloodcrest with what's left of our men. The winter winds try to hide the horrors that stain this land, but like the Scar, it's left its mark.

We won. We took the head of the Bloody Bear, but it cost us dearly. Hahaku took a blade to the stomach, and I had to make one of the hardest choices in my life. Even worse, Colton was shot and taken in the chaos.

Tristan and Becka caught the man responsible, and all three traveled North to bring Colton home. Now it falls to me to ensure they have a home when they return. It's strange for so long, I wanted land to call my own, and now that I have it, I'm at a loss.

Bloodcrest Keep is ours now. We have ample men to defend ourselves, but it will take more than soldiers to rebuild what was lost. So, I offered our captives a choice, the Empire, the North, or join me. Though this new alliance is fragile, we have a chance to make it work. I trust Triana, Hunter, and Locke, but they don't know me as you do. I wish you were here, counseling me like you always have. Gods only know I need it. It will be a hard road, but we will rise from this fall.

Stay safe, my love.

It's not poetry, but it's the best I can do. Dyeing my lips, I sign it with a kiss, adding a drop of perfume for good measure. Once dry, I seal it, praying for the strength to endure.                 

Author Notes Character list
POV character: Iona

I ask reviewers to provide a minimum of one thing they liked and disliked. If you see errors or something that should be fixed, please don't hesitate to point them out. I can't improve otherwise.

This will be the final chapter of this book. And I will be either working on the next one, or I'll start a series of short stories to flush out my world. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review my work. It's been a great help.

Edit: This chapter was originally just the letter portion. Taking feedback, I've added more to the scene.

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