"Wilderness Encounter"

Chapter 1
Wilderness Encounter

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

The western sky is ablaze with brilliant red and gold radiating from the setting sun. A slight breeze wafting an intoxicating scent of juniper brings a smile to her face as she sits in the shadow of a cottonwood. Cherishing her solitude she gazes upward watching the clouds mesmerized by their slow journey across the azure dome succumbing to the serenity of the moment her eyes close in slumber.

Deep in the Santa de Cristo Mountains tracks of an intruder into paradise garners musing into his identity; she estimates the trespasser to be about 5'6-5'9 weighing about 180 from the imprint in the soft earth. No one has been wandering her mountain since she chose its isolation some years ago. She moves stealthily though the forest winding her way in a long circuitous route. Now, sitting in the dark cabin unwilling to kindle a fire from the embers resting in the hearth although the smoke will not be seen in the darkness the aroma wafting on the breeze could lead a human to her abode.

The moon casts a pale yellow sheen over the valley as the nocturnal creatures search the darkness for their next meal. The sounds emanating from the shadowy pines are a pleasant lullaby soothing a mind trouble with questions about the foot prints, yet she feels safe in the small cabin she calls home. Wrapped in a throw drifting off to sleep her last thoughts are of tracking the human interloper to see where he is camped.

As the sun peaks over the mountains she stands sipping her morning coffee dressed in her hiking boots and camos. Her back pack is loaded with rations, a first aid kit, socks and a waterproof poncho. Diablo and Paddy are in the corral, but she does not plan on riding; she plans to move more quietly than she could on her mustang. Grinning pleased with the adventures she is about to embark on; yet concerned about why she is heading out, she places her cup on the counter grabs her pack and out the door she goes.

Its mornings like this in the quiet of the early dawn that drew her to these mountains in northern New Mexico. Standing below a Juniper she sees the eagle soar against the pale blue sky, hears the wind rustling the aspen's leaves as it moves down the slopes and the scent of sagebrush taints the air. About a mile from her cabin she picks up the trail of the now familiar boot tracks. Keeping in the trees paralleling the tracks she follows the trail as it turns north slowly climbing toward the crest of the mountain. No one lives in this direction, where the hell is the human going. She has been on the trail for several hours, when she moves under a small overhang hidden behind a huge boulder. In the dark shadow of the niche she sips from her canteen and chews on a small piece of jerky. Off in the distance, she hears the sonic echo of a jet passing above the soaring eagle. Shaking her head in sad recognition, even here in her glorious wilderness there is still the infringement of the modern world.
Higher up the mountain she notices the tracks of a mountain lion trailing the human's boot prints; but later the tracks veer off following those of a doe and fawn. Torn between following the human and protecting the fawn she hesitates before moving in the direction of the boot prints. The thought creeps into her consciousness, when I came here I vowed not to interfere with nature; it would be wrong to protect the fawn from the lion's natural instinct; and with that she moves on up the mountain.

The climb grows steeper with pine needles and aspen leaves lying heavy on the ground. Glancing at the sky she notices a buildup of clouds in the west, Guess it's time for the afternoon showers; they never last very long. As the first drops of rain filter down through the branches of the pines, she slips her poncho from the backpack throwing it over her head. Still moving parallel to the tracks not wanting to accost the intruder and figuring that the human would stop during the downpour she slows her pace. Pausing to count the time between the clap of thunder and the lightening strike, she then moves closer to the mountain looking for an overhang where she will have some protection from the bolts of fire descending through the rain.

Moving through the trees and deep undergrowth, she slips on the wet leaves losing her footing slides down the mountain trying desperately to grab on to a root, a tree, even the soil anything to break her rapid descent. When this fails she simply resolves to her situation that somewhere down the incline she will come to a halt, against what or in what condition is unknown. Folding her arms across her chest she relaxes hoping that when she finally comes to a stop, she will still be able to move with nothing broken. Suddenly she finds herself airborne catapulting over the side of the mountain into a small ravine as she hit the ground she rolls against a huge rock pain shoots through her whole body causing her to black out as she plummets on winding around the base of a cottonwood.

Not far off the unknown male she was tracking hears the crashing noise of her rapid descent down the mountain. Hearing no scream he stood there in the silent forest wondering what had made the ruckus. Then knowing someone had been on his trail since early morning, he turn heading back down the mountain until he came across an area where the pine needles had recently been disturbed. Seeing the groove in the underbrush where she had catapulted down the mountain he follows the rutted brush trail rain dripping off the brim of his hat. He approaches the edge of the cliff with some care trying not to lose his balance as he glances over the edge. At first he sees nothing then as his eyes adjust he notices the lump that appears to be human lying against a huge cottonwood curved around the base.

Taking a rope from his pack, he attaches it to one of the stately aspen about 10 feet from the edge then careful slips over hoping the rain soaked soil does not give way; lowering himself hand over hand to the ground. The ledge is not very wide and from the looks of it could give way at any moment. Staying close to the wall of the mountain, he removes his pack and reaches to see if the man is okay. Checking he finds a faint pulse and gradually moves the body from around the cottonwood and back toward the mountain wall. As he lifts the man moans caused by the movement escape his mouth; laying him near the wall of the mountain he is surprised when the hood of the poncho falls off revealing the beautiful face of a young lass. Now, what is a lass doing this far from civilization? Well, there is not much choice I have got to get the two of us off this ledge before it gets dark. Taking stock of the situation, he ties the rope around her waist then a second loop just under her arms. Now he is ready to begin his ascent, if the soaked ground doesn't hold, we are both in trouble.

Knowing the action will jostle her he begins climbing hand over hand up the rope his muscles bulging with the strain as he finally reaches the top. Checking the knot holding the rope around the tree he goes back to the edge glancing over to see if she is still sitting in the position he had placed her; confirming she is he begins the arduous task of pulling her up the side of the mountain. With every pull he hears groans of pain, a slight whimper and once when he hit the snag of a tree she cried out. Gritting his teeth he continues to haul her up. There is no other choice if he is to help her. As the edge of the cliff begins to give way he moves further back from the rim straining to pull her the rest of the way to the top. Relief spreads across his face as her head rises above the rim. Dragging her toward where he is standing, he reaches down removing the rope from her. Dropping the rope back over the edge of the cliff he lowers himself retrieving her backpack as parts of the muddy soil pelt him he climbs quickly before the whole top gives way and he finds himself tumbling to his death. Reaching the top he coils the rope replacing it in his backpack dons the pack and stows hers under some brush a little ways back in the forest, then stooping down he carefully lifts the lass into his arms and starts back up the mountain. Remembering that there is a small cave about two miles further down the trail and just a tad below where they are, he moves through the trees. As the rain begins to slack off, he feels her trembling from the cold or shock not sure which. As soon as he reaches the cave he will be able to assess her injuries. Trudging through the rain laden with his pack and the weight of the lass, he feels a sense of relief when he reaches the place of sanctuary. The entrance is not large enough to stand up and doesn't enlarge until about 3-4 feet inside. Laying her near the entrance, he shoves his pack in ahead of him as he enters the hole he moves toward the back where he is able to stand. Opening his pack he takes out a small flashlight to assess the area. Spreading one of the survival blankets on the ground, he places a second one on the edge of the first one then returns to the entrance dragging the lass toward him until he can lift her; then with care places her on the makeshift bed.

Removing her poncho and clothes soaked with rain and mud from her tumble he ensconces her in the survival wraps. After a careful examination it appears she is badly bruised but doesn't seem to have broken anything which is a miracle in itself. The contrast of her well-worn jeans and the pale lilac lace panties and bra brings a smile of interest to know this woman better; he can't help but admire the luscious curves of her body, the nipples of her beast standing tall inspired by the cold. For a moment he lets his mind wander to a more sensuous stimulation creating the same firm tips on her lovely formed breast his gaze slides to the soft blond mound at the juncture of her long slender legs which he envisions wrapped around his torso. His shaft throbbing at the lovely sight before him strains with wanton desire against his skin tight jeans begging for release.

Shaking his head he exits the cave in search of some small branches of wood that might be dry enough to burn. Finding an area that was protected from most of the downpour he gathers an arm full and returns. Making a small pit in the center of the cave, he gets a blaze going. Seeing that she is still sleeping he starts back down the hill to retrieve her pack; two miles down and back, he should be able to make it there and back in little over an hour. With the blankets and the small fire warming the cave she should be okay. It will be good if she sleeps until I return; she doesn't need to be wandering around these woods at night alone. And what the hell was she doing out here in the first place?

The rain subsides as he starts back to retrieve her pack. Once again he's climbing, I'm glad I kept up with my training after I left the Air Force; if I'm going to be rescuing damsels in distress in the wilderness, it's a damn good thing. Moving through the forest he soon reaches the area where he stowed her pack. Pulling it out from under the brush, he starts his trek back to the cave as the sun makes its final descent below the western horizon; the brilliant colors of the setting sun are hidden as the gray of the rain clouds darken by the ebony shadows of night creep through the mountain range.

Before he reaches the cave smoke wafting on the slight breeze gliding through the trees, teases his nostrils. Slowing his pace moving careful not to disturb a leaf or a pine needle, he circles higher on the mountain coming in from the opposite direction. Standing in the darkness of the pinon he checks the area and when he is satisfied that he is alone except for the night creatures forging for their supper he moves toward the cave.

As he enters the cave with her pack, he is relieved to see that the chill has left the cave and she is still sleeping. Adding a few branches to the embers smoldering in the small pit, he pulls some jerky from his pack. As he chews on it he prepares the pot for coffee. Watching her sleep he sips on the hot brew.

Who is she? What is she doing here? Was she the one trailing me; and if so, why?
Hearing her moan in her sleep, he rises to check and see if she is warm. She is rather hot but it is from a slight elevation in her fever not the temperature in the cave. He removes the top blanket and again checks to see if anything is broken as she seems to be favoring her right arm. Deciding that it could be fractured, he takes two of the straightest branches making a splint tearing one of his shirts in strips to bind the wood in place. Then looks through her pack and removes a flannel blanket wrapping it around her placing the survival blanket over that.

Lying down out of sight of the entrance in the shadows he closes his eyes in rest his last thought, who is she? As he ponders the haunting question, he succumbs to the weariness raping his body and sleeps.

Hearing movement, and without twitching a muscle opens his eyes shaded by his hat and notices that she is struggling to sit. When he is sure no one else in is the cave, he sits up , "How do you feel, Lass?"

Glancing in his direction, "Who are you? Where am I?" She winces with the movement as she tries to turn toward the man across the cave.

Grinning, "I'm Liam Carter. You're in a cave about 2 miles from where I found you lying on a ledge wrapped around a cottonwood; you were soaked from the rain and mud. It was the closest place I knew where we could get out of the rain; and you were in need of shelter."

Wincing, "Ouch, is my arm broken?"

"It may be fractured, but without an X-ray I wasn't sure and decided to splint it. Are you hungry?"

"No, Mr. Carter, but I would like a sip of water. Did you find my pack?"

Rising from his shadowy seat and squatting in front of her he hands her an open canteen, "the name is Liam; and yes, I have your pack." Looking into her pain ridden eyes, "Lass, who are you and what are you doing in these mountains alone?"

With a tinge of red creeping across her face she asks, "You undressed me" lowering her eyes embarrassed by the answer she knows she will get.

"I did! You were shivering with the cold and shock from your slide over the cliff. You will be severely bruised but I don't think there is anything broken. Your breathing seemed even and unlabored so I don't believe you have any broken ribs."

As she attempts to stand a gasp of pain escapes her as teeters on the brink.
Before she takes a tumble his strong arms wrap around her then he gently lays her on the blanket covering her with the flannel. "Lass, who are you?"

She is exhausted from the tidbit of movement and the pain trying to get her breath before replying, "Constance Welch, Connie for short." Closing her eyes she tries to let go of the pain ravaging her body when she barely hears his words."

"Where do you live, Connie? Is there someone who will miss you when you don't return? What were you doing in the woods alone?"

She laughs and then winces with the motion, "Liam, There is no one to miss me. And these mountains are my home. I don't like intruders into my private world; and someone is trespassing on my land and my solitude."

With that admission he realizes she is the one who has been tracking him through the forest, "Is that why you were out in this weather, trying to find who?" The pain etched in her face speaks volumes, "Sleep Lass, we'll talk more later." When he hears her even breathing indicating sleep he slips from the cave to heed a call of nature; he always thinks well in solitude and he has some concern about her admission. The way she laughed when she said she wouldn't be missed keeps haunting him. There must be someone who will miss the petite gal.

Standing under a tree near the cave's entrance he gazes at the ebony sky where a million brilliant stars salute the earth below. Off in the distance he hears the lonesome howl of the coyote searching for his mate, and thinks of the lass injured and sleeping in a cave when she should be in a warm bed somewhere. Shaking his head he returns to the warmth of the cave and soon nods off.

Morning comes all too soon as he listens to the labored breathing of the petite lass lying on the other side of the cave. He throws more wood on the fire, to keep the chill from the interior. Breakfast will be slim, some beef jerky and a sip or two of water from the canteens; there's not enough water between the two of them to make coffee. Soon as she wakes we gotta make some plans to get out of here. Wonder where her cabin is, she did say she lived in these mountains.

Hearing a rustling noise he glances across the small fire and sees her sitting up, "Connie, how are you feeling? Could you eat some jerky, or maybe a sip of water?"

Making sure she is covered with the blanket she responds, "Water would be nice." As he moves toward her she wonders why she cares whether she is covered or not, he has already seen all there is to see of her. After all he is the one who took her wet clothes off!

"When I get back we need to talk." He sees the concern flash across her face, "I'll only be gone a few minutes; I need to see about the weather."

As he moves out the entrance, Connie eyes her clothes a few feet away. Now would be a good time to get dressed but as she starts to move toward them, the pain slams her back down where gasping she tries to relax enough to ease the ache.

Poking his head through Liam straightens up his arms full of wood; his entrance is just in time to see her wince. "Connie what's wrong?"

With what is supposed to be a smile, but really passes for a grimace, "Nothing, I just thought to dress while you were out, but it didn't work. Every inch of my body is a solid bruise, it even hurts to breathe.

Sitting down near her after putting more wood on the fire, "Now, let's have that talk. How far is your cabin from here?"

"She is quiet for the longest time just sitting there looking at him as though he might attack her at any moment. Then with a slight nod, "From where I started my slide down the mountain, the cabin would be about five miles as the crow flies but more like eight the way I was following what was probably your trail. Was it not?"

"Yes, Connie, it's my trail. I live about ten miles from here on the other side of the mountain. Curiosity got the best of me and I set out to see what was on this side of the mountain. I didn't know anyone lived here. You said you moved here for the solitude, so did I." He waits for her to respond but when she remains silent, he continues, "We have very little water and beef jerky. It seems both of us were traveling light."

This time she does grin at him, "Yes the idea was to find the trespasser and tell him to get off my property. However, it looks like he found me; and a good thing he did since my actions bespeak of an amateur which I am not."

Liam can't help himself as he bursts out in a hearty laugh, "Connie, accidents happen to the best of us. It could have been me, I was doubling back to catch whoever was trailing me. I was about a mile from where you lost your footing. Again, I was curious as to what caused the disturbance I heard." Then pausing, his voice turns serious, "You never screamed, were you unconscious?"

"Hardly! after struggling unsuccessfully to slow my descent, I just crossed my arms lay back on my pack and rode it out. Would have been okay, but I went over the cliff." Grinning up at him, "You'll have to tell me what happened after that 'cause I don't know."

"I found you wrapped around a cottonwood about twenty feet below the rim and about ten feet from falling into a canyon where you could not possibly survived. The rain had loosened the soil, I wasn't sure we both wouldn't go over the edge. But back to the problem at hand, we need to get out of here. You to need to rest here for several days before you try to hike out, but we need food and water." Watching her face take on a stubborn streak, "Now, don't go getting all het up, you couldn't even get your clothes on, how are you going to hike down the mountain with a pack?"

"Well, you got me there, cowboy! Okay, It's probably closer to my cabin, but how you gonna find it."

Grinning, "Well, I found my way out of the jungles of Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a few other undesirable places around the world, I just might be able to find one lone cabin. How far were you from the cabin when you picked up my tracks?"

Pondering his statement, "Well, you just might at that; about 2 miles north east of the cabin. Liam, I have two mustangs you might want to saddle and bring along; assuming you're successful in your quest the saddles and tack are in a lean-to next to the cabin. You'll find the horses in a small barn to protect them from predators when I'm away."

Standing, "Let's get you moved closer to the fire and the wood so you won't have to move around too much." Lifting her off the blanket and sitting her down near the fire, he moves the blankets then gently places her on the corner making sure to keep her covered with the flannel. "You're light as a feather, no wonder you sprouted wings going down the incline."

Taking one of the canteens and a small portion of the jerky he starts to leave, "Connie, anything distinctive that would identify the cabin as yours?"
"There's lilac morning glories' growing on the porch railing. Liam, take whatever you think we need from the cabin."

"Okay, I'll get back as soon as I can. You gonna be okay?"

"Get on with it. I'm not a hot house flower. I'll be fine."

With that he leaves the cave and heads back in the direction he had been hiking before he had found the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, especially one covered in mud wrapped around a tree teetering on a small ledge. "Wow!"

Connie tries not to move agitating her body any more than she has too. Looking at her watch to check she notices that the crystal's cracked the hands frozen in time. Putting another small log on the fire she allows her eyes to close as the warmth penetrates her body and her mind relaxes in the lapse of pain caused by her stillness. Laying there with the flames shadowy illusion dancing on the walls she wonders how many times over the centuries the cave has been a source of comfort and shelter from the harsher elements of nature to those passing through these beautiful mountains. Who has been its inhabitants, two legged or four, friend or foe; no matter, perhaps a bear has wintered here, coyotes with her pups, or an Indian away from his campgrounds. The Apache roamed free through this area for years.

Author Notes Wilderness Encounter is co authored by carterD and Catherin Elizabet Belle.

Chapter 2
Wilderness Encounter

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Normally he would have noticed tracks of the puma trailing the deer or the squiggly marks of the rattler slithering through the dirt, but on this trek Liam's thoughts are occupied with the unknown events that had brought Connie to the mountains to live alone. Maintaining a good pace he soon reaches the boulder with the spruce growing out of the top and turns down the mountain as directed. A couple of miles down the mountain Liam spots the cabin but the corral is empty, then he recalls she said the mustangs would be in the barn with the tack in the lean-to.

Smiling he checks out the cabin finding the food she indicated. The cabin is comfortable with a bedroom, curtains on the windows, and a hand braided rung by the fireplace. Off in the corner he sees a computer, printer, etc. Must be how Connie keeps up on the outside world.

Liam stands daydreaming, "Hum, I can see Connie sitting in the rocker in front of the fire. Whoa! What the hell am I thinking? As soon as she can be moved she will return here and I will trek over the mountain to my home. That will be the end of that."

Opening the barn he sees two mustangs in stalls, nibbling on hay but looking up when he enters the barn; walking out to the lean-to picks up one of the saddles. The one with the white stocking stomps his feet and snorts at the audacity of the stranger putting a saddle on his back. "Easy boy, I won't hurt you. Your mistress needs you, Easy boy. You're little feisty, huh." Liam repeats the process with the roan which seems to be a little calmer. "Well, boy, I'll bet you're her pack horse. She would want a strong will horse to match her own personality. Yup! That's the way of it."

Going back to the cabin he rummages through the bedroom selecting a pair of jeans, a shirt, and warm socks to replace the ones covered with mud. Wrapping a blanket around them he ties the bundle on to the horse he designates the pack animal. Selecting jerky, air-tights, and coffee along with a slab of bacon Liam grabs a cast iron skillet and coffee pot then returns to the mustangs.

Shutting up the cabin and the barn he attempts to mount the feisty steed only to find his butt planted firmly on the ground, "He sure don't take too kindly to my sitting atop him. "Well, boy it seems you're a one rider horse. I'm sure I could stay on you in the end, but I won't push the point. Something tells me Connie would have my head." Liam removes the stuff from the tamer one, then mounts and rides out leading 'cantankerous'. "I see you would rather accept the pack than me. Okay, fellow that suits me long as we get back to the cave in a timely manner."

Looking at the sun on the downward slope to setting, "Well, I must be about 10 miles from the cave' boys, but with you we should be back by dark. Let's ride."

The wind whispering through the aspen creates a melody touting the beauty of the mountains. Off in the distance Liam hears the sonic boom of a jet passing overhead, a noisy interruption to the serene music nature offers. Hearing the birds cease their chirping as he approaches he can't help but wonder about the negative impact of man's intrusion on such a beautifully unspoiled world.

As the sun sinks below the horizon sending rays of gold and red radiating across the western sky, Liam nears the cave. Leaving the mustangs saddled and securing them to a nearby tree, he enters the cave with the two packs. He is surprised to see Connie sitting up with her back against the wall of the cave and a warm fire permeating the enclosure. "I got some extra food from your pantry; and some clean clothes to replace those caked in mud. How are you feeling, Connie?"

"Did the mustangs give you any trouble?" She seems anxious as she asks.

Laughing, "Let's see, the one with the white stocking strongly objected to my riding him. We agreed he would carry the packs, while I rode the other one."

Connie's face broke out in a wide grin, "That would be Diablo. I raised him from a colt, and I'm the only one who has ever ridden him; so I'm not surprised. Paddy on the other hand has a milder temperament, and doesn't seem to mind much of anything as long as he gets his treats." Looking at him she continues, "Well, I hurt all over, but I did manage to get myself in a sitting position this afternoon. That is as long as I don't move too often. Where are the mustangs?"

"Tied to a cottonwood not too far from the entrance where there is enough grass for them to graze," with that he proceeds to unpack the pot and taking one of the canteens he filled back at the cabin puts water on to boil for coffee.

While the coffee is brewing, he fries some bacon then heats a can of pinto beans. When the food is ready, "Think you could eat a bit, Connie?"

Grinning, "That coffee sure smells good; think I would like a cup first?"
Pouring a cup he hands it to her as he begins to dish up a couple of plates of the bacon and beans. Sitting a plate near her he devours every morsel on his own plate; watching to be sure she eats what he placed before her.

Sipping from the cup she sits quietly looking into the fire, then sitting the cup on the ground she picks up the plate and begins to eat sparingly of the food. "Liam, you mentioned being in the military; where are you stationed?"

"I'm not; mustered out about 6 months ago. Tried to filter back into the everyday routine of civilian life, but it wasn't working too well. My grandfather left me this place in the mountains some years back; and I decide to check it out. Been here about a month and don't really plan on leaving anytime soon. I prefer animals and solitude to being around people, Guess that makes me sound a little weird." He sits staring into the flames as though he had drifted far, far away.

Seeing the distant expression reflected in his eyes she watches and listens to see if he will continue. When he doesn't, she waits until his eyes turn bright indicating he's returned to the present. "Wherever you find your niche is where you should be. Not everyone likes the hustle and bustle of existence in the world of greed and violence." Pausing she looks down at her hands, "I know what it's like to feel out of sync with the rest of the world" but continues no further.

Only the crackle and hiss of the fire disrupts the silence as the two occupants sit drifting off into their own world of memories, pain, and heartache as reflected in their continence observed only by the bats hanging in the upper reaches of the cave; leaving through an exit not visible to the human eye in search of their nightly meal. The two humans show no indication that they hear the flapping of their wings as the bats soar above and out into the darkness.

Unaware of the passage of time they sit lost in their own thoughts when suddenly both start to speak at once. A smile crosses Connie's face as Liam's eyes sparkle, "What were you going to say Connie?"

"You can start home anytime. I'll rest here until I can travel. Diablo and Paddy will see me back to the cabin. Take enough of the food to see you home."
With a harsher tone than he intended, "Connie, what the hell are you talking about? I'm not leaving until you are able to ride and then I'll be escorting you home."

The firm set of her jaw and the flashes of fire shooting from her green eyes reflect in her firm enunciation of the words spewing from her mouth, "That's ridiculous, I've been living in these mountains for several years and I can certainly find my way home. Did I not tell you how to locate my cabin!"

The idea is so ludicrous that he can't believe they are having this
conversation. But then he has never met a woman like the one sitting across the fire from him. How the hell do I respond to her? Well, Lass it ain't happening; I will not be leaving and I will see you to your cabin. And that's the end of that."

Connie jerks around so quickly she can't stop a gasp of pain, "Who the hell do you think you are giving me orders?"

Grinning in spite of himself, "I'm the man who rescued your ass."

Knowing when she is out gunned, Connie glares at him but says not another word as she closes her eyes in frustrated acceptance.

Putting away the residue from their meal Liam leans back against the wall closing his eyes. He finds himself admiring this stubborn independent female still glaring at him after their conflict of wills. He smiles knowing he can be just as resilient as he needs to be. After a short rest he places more wood on the fire and rising moves toward the entrance, "I'll see to the horses."

Connie takes advantage of his absence and tries to struggle into her jeans unsuccessfully, then finds her sleeve won't go over the splint Liam had placed on her arm, "Damn! Damn! Damn! Can't even dress myself! What a real fix I'm got myself in."

Crawling back into the cave, "What was that you said, Connie?"

Still frowning and hurting from her efforts trying to dress, "Not a damn thing of importance, just cussing myself out from my carelessness."

Looking around to see what could have upset her, he sees her clothes spread out around her, "Okay little lady, let's see what we can accomplish." He moves toward her and before she can protest he lifts her to her feet. "Now, put your hand on my shoulder for balance and lift one leg at a time while I pull your jeans up. Do it Connie!"

Doing exactly as he tells her she grits her teeth from the pain of movement but refuses to acknowledge it to this arrogant male. Helping her set down he takes a knife from his jeans slitting the sleeve of the shirt to accommodate the arm he splinted, the helps her to don the shirt. In spite of herself she responds in such a low voice Liam almost didn't hear her say, "Thank you."

He understood her reluctance to accept help 'cause he would be just as rebellious in similar circumstances, "You are most welcome, lass. I'll make a fresh pot of coffee while you rest. I moved the horses closer to the cave, so we can hear if there is any disturbance; and I'll check on them through the night."

Reluctantly, Connie closes her eyes and exhausted from the effort of dressing succumbs to a restless sleep.

Watching her sleep he remembers the feel of her hand on his shoulder and the warmth of her body as he slides the jeans up her legs edging them over the lilac colored panties; then buttoning them at the waist sliding the zipper upward trying to keep his mind in neutral. Oh, how he yearned to touch that most private anatomy of feminine sensation, but he would not even though his shaft was painfully swollen pushing at his jeans in pure agony. The rhythmic cadence of her breathing enhancing the movement of her pert breast only increases the hunger ravishing his soul a pictures the lace bra barely containing the delectable orbs. "Hell, I need a dose of cold air." And with that he moves toward the entrance hoping the air is cold enough to douse the fire burning inside his body and displayed for all to see in his throbbing cock.
Standing in the darkness listening to the night sounds of the mountains, the lonesome howl of the coyote calling for his mate echoes across the night. The stars twinkling like diamonds against black velvet brings thoughts of romance in the moonlight with a certain stubborn woman of the mountain; and the cool of the night can't compete with the vision. Returning to the cave Liam is glad that the only illumination is from the campfire hoping Connie is still asleep or that she will not notice the pulsating shaft determined to push through his jeans. "Ah, she is still sleeping, a reprieve from her accusing eyes; and they would do just that, too."

In the early hours of the morn, Liam hears one of the horses neigh, and immediately moves to the entrance as he sees Connie try to sit up, "Stay put. I'll check on the nags." As the words leave his mind he sees darts shoot out of her eyes and smiles as he realizes he dared to call her mustangs 'nags'. Oops! There'll be hell to pay the way she cares about those horses.

Each day Connie moves around more and more; on the fifth day she finds she has only an occasionally twinge from the activity and ventures out of the cave to see about her animals. As she crawls out the entrance, she sees Liam standing with the horses and is surprised that he seems to be whispering to Diablo as he brushes his mane and Paddy's muzzling him with his nose. "I see you and the boys have become better acquainted." At hearing Connie's voice both horses whinny acknowledgement and turn toward the familiar sound.

Grinning he turns toward the sound of her voice, "Yeah! They're easier persuaded that their owner."

Slipping her arms around Diablo's neck she stands with her face against his shiny mane, "It's time to go home boy." Then turning she glides her hands over the neck of Paddy laying her head against him then stepping aside she looks at Liam. "It's time I started home."

"You'll not be going alone, lass," As she glares at him he continues, "We have already had this conversation no need to repeat it."

"You are a bossy bastard."

"It has been said of me! But in this I will have my way." He strolls toward the entrance to what has been their home for some time, crawls through the narrow passage. When he straightens up, he sees that Connie has already packed up what is left of the supplies and the few utensils he had brought from her home.

When he returns with two of the packs, "Liam, we'll split the packs between the two. Since you are insisting on seeing me home, you might as well ride." With a twinkle in her eyes, "That is if Paddy doesn't object."

He couldn't help himself and burst out laughing at the way she phrases things. "I'll get the other packs then we can start down the mountain."

The blue dome overhead is clear and the air is crisp as they start toward her home. A feeling of fall and the intoxicating aroma of sage permeates the breeze drifting down the steep mountain side. The two companions ride silently through the pines dotted here and there with a stand of Aspen. Toward midday Connie halts under a tall pinon and sits quietly in the saddle, "Let's give the horses a break."

Liam steps down from Paddy taking his pack with him moving near the base of a Fir he puts his pack on the ground, "Want some jerky?"

While she doesn't answer him, she does hand him one of the canteens of water. "Liam."

Looking up from his position beside the tree, "What's on your mind girl? Spit it out."

Standing in front of him in what could be construed as a defiant stance, "I'm not very good at saying thank you, but I am grateful for your rescuing me and the way you cared for me. I would probably have died otherwise."

Understanding what it took for her to utter the words of thanks, he doesn't acknowledge her comments just repeats, "Want some Jerky?"

Taking a piece of the dried beef from him, she chews on the stuff listing to the familiar sounds of what she considers to be her forest; and trying to come to terms with the fact that she is no longer alone in her sanctuary. Gazing off into the distance her mind tries to sort out how she really feels now that her solitude has been invaded. Well, it will take some getting used to.

Watching the oblique look emanating from her green eyes, Liam wonders what thoughts are consuming her. What's it to him? Why should he care? Damn it, he does care and that could be a problem. "Let's get moving." He wants to add before I do something stupid, but he doesn't.

Connie grins as she mounts Diablo and moves on down the mountain with Liam trailing a little behind on the narrow trail. The ache seeping through her bones is a nagging reminder of her plunge down the steep incline. As long as she keeps ahead of him, he won't be able to see the pain radiating across her face. It's another couple of hours to the cabin, "We should get to the cabin about midafternoon."

"That would be my guess. The trip has gone a little faster than the first time I made the trek," remembering that he had walked down, but rode Paddy on the return. Was that really only 10 days ago?

Without turning, "Yeah, you did have quite a trek." and keeps moving on down the mountain. Her mind wanders as Diablo sets a steady pace now that he is on familiar ground headed toward home, 'Liam's not such a bad fellow; after all he did rescue me and stay with me until I could travel. He is a little bossy, but maybe that's the Air Force's influence.'

Rounding the bend in the trail at the old rock that has the tree growing out of it both realize that they are within a mile of her cabin. "Bet you'll be glad to get home?" But as he speaks the thoughts running through his mind are of a different nature, Will she send me packing; or let me hang around at least until morning. What the hell is wrong with me? I find myself not wanting to leave her. She is stubborn, hardheaded, independent, and opinionated; all of which I do not need especially in a woman no bigger than a tadpole.

As the cabin comes into view, Connie knows she has a decision to make regarding her rescuer. What the hell does she do? He has seen her at her worst, busted up, covered in mud, and naked. How much more embarrassment can she endure?
Approaching the corral, she opens the gate from the saddle allowing Paddy and Liam to move though closing it behind them. As she starts to step down she almost falls her legs are so weak. Liam is there instantly to prevent her tumbling into a heap on the ground. Standing there held in his arms a warm flush spreads through her body creating a slight tremor. No! No! It's from spending the day in the saddle, I'm just exhausted. Tilting her head backward to look up at his masculine face gazing into his eyes twinkling with mischief, she knows her denial is alive.

Seeing the flush on her face and feeling the tremor ripple through her body, my shaft immediately reacts, pressing against my jeans begging for release. Looking into her glowing green eyes, slowly I lower my face to hers brushing her warm moist mouth with a whisper of a kiss; deepening it when she does not object surprised and pleased with her invitation to continue. As my tongue slips inside her mouth she catches it in a moment of stillness sucking like it was a tasty lollipop. My rod immediately responds to the sensation created by the sensuous suction. Time seems to stand still; releasing my tether she drops her hands from my back where they had been soothing and tempting all at once. She says not a word but goes to work unsaddling Diablo as I turn to do the same for Paddy.

Leaving the horse in the corral we put the saddles in the lean-to and taking the packs into the cabin she turns, "Liam, you might as well stay the night. You have a long trail home, do you not?"

His eyes dancing in the suntanned face he responds in hopes the distance will make a difference to her and she will let him stay, "Bout 20 miles from here."
Catching the gleam in his eyes, she snorts, "don't go getting any ideas, I'm just being hospitable. After all you have been taking care of me for 10 days; it's the least I can do to show my gratitude."

"Yeah, just hospitable that's all. What was that little kiss outside just now, a hello?"

Making her way to the kitchen with her pack, she starts putting things away while Liam leaves his pack by the door and follows her. He sees the weariness in the way her body moves and the slight slump of her shoulders. "Connie, you need to be resting. You've been through quite an ordeal. How's the arm?"
Without answering him, "Make yourself useful, start a fire in the fireplace and there's wood in the bin and more by the lean-to if you need it."

As he leaves the room, she slumps against the counter. Damn him anyway, I can't believe how he makes me feel just being near him; and when he touches me I lose all sense of reality. Get it together gal! And with that she sets about preparing a pizza from the freezer tossing a salad to go with it; a quick meal, but nourishing."

Returning, he stands in the door way just watching her before entering, "Connie, I put the horses in the barn and lock up for the night."

Her immediate reaction is 'How dare he!' Biting her tongue on a smart retort, "Thanks Liam. Dinner is about ready, hope you like pizza."

The meal is eaten in silence. As they sit quietly sipping coffee, "You cooked, I'll clean up. Go make yourself comfortable, Connie."

She looks across the table and knows from the expression on his face that he is aware of how much she is hurting from the trip down the mountain. "I am rather tired. Think I'll sit by the fire for a while."

Liam takes his time cleaning up mostly to give her some space. When he feels that enough time has elapsed he moves into the living room and sees her slumped over sound asleep on the sofa. Going to the bedroom, he turns down the bed.

Returning to the sofa he gently lifts her in his arms carrying her to the room he just left, but he is reluctant to put her down, 'Damn I like the feel of her.' Placing her on the bed, he removes her boots. Wonders if he should take the rest of her clothes off; 'what the hell she can only get mad, and I've already seen her naked.' As he loosens her belt and slides her jeans down, she moans as he moves her but doesn't awaken. Next he takes her shirt off and draws the covers up over her. Gently kissing her on the forehead, he leaves the room.

Sitting on the sofa in front of the fire, he slips his boots off and stretches out watching the flames dance around the logs reaching toward the recesses of the chimney, while off in the distance a lone coyote howls for his mate. His last thoughts as sleep claims him, "I have found my forever mate."

Author Notes Wilderness Encounter is co authored by carterD and oldefoggie.

Chapter 3
Chapter 3

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

How long he had been asleep, he did not know, but what he did know was that his senses were now on full alert as he lay there on the couch, eyes open and listening. Something was wrong, but what, he did not know.

Everything was quiet, to quiet, as he slowly lowered his hand into his backpack and wrapped his hand and fingers around the butt of his pistol, and waited. Every nerve in his body on edge, his muscles bunched and tight, ready to spring, and his ears listening for the slightest noise out of place. He did not have long to wait.

Suddenly he could hear the horses raising hell and the unmistakable roar of a bear. He moved with a speed and fluid motion of years of training as he ran out of the house and headed toward the barn. There under the light of the full moon, he saw it, a huge black bear clawing and pounding on the door to the barn, doing everything it could to get inside.

Liam yelled at it with all he had, trying to distract it. Then without warning, the bear turn and charged him. He knew that the bear would cover the short distance and be on him in no time, but he was not going down without a fight. He took his stance and began firing. The sound of the 50 cal. Desert Eagle erupting sounded like a bomb going off in the small valley. He knew that each shot was making contact with the oncoming bear. He could only hope that it would kill the bear before it reached him. Then he placed his last shot directly into the opened mouth of the bear and it was upon him hitting him full force. As he felt its jaws close upon his shoulder they went flying through the air and onto the ground. He lay there on the ground with the bear on top of him. His shoulder hurting like hell as he felt the blood running from his wounds. He started cussing as he began to try and get from under the bear.

"GET OFF ME, YOU SON OF A BITCH," he yelled. Finally he stood up and looked down at the bear. It was truly dead as he looked at his pistol. The slid was open and he realized that he had emptied the magazine into it. He guessed that the bear weighted around four hundred pounds and would have done some real damage if it had gotten to the horses.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON," he heard Connie yell, and then silence. He turned his head toward her and saw her standing on the porch with a rifle in one hand and a flashlight in the other. The only other thing she had on her was the bra and panties he had left on her before he had covered her up in her bed. She stood there for a bit, her flashlight on the bear, just looking at it. Then yelled out," THE HORSES," and ran toward the barn.

Liam looked at her as she ran toward the barn, not saying a word. Then headed back to the house, grabbed his backpack, went back outside and setting on the porch, pulled out his first aid kit and began working on his shoulder.

Connie came out of the barn spitting nails. "Dam it Liam, everything was nice and peaceful around here till you showed up. I want you out of here," then she froze in her tracks, looking at him, blood running down his arm and chest as he tried to clean himself up.

He looked at her his eyes cold and dark and not saying a word, puts a fresh clip into the 50 cal. Chambers a round, walks over to the bear and put a round through the bears head. Then he looks at her stating in no uncertain terms, "I'll be gone within the hour." Then he walks or staggers back to the porch and begins working on his wounds.

She stood there, mouth hanging open, not saying a word as she stared at him, shaking her head back and forth. Suddenly she dropped her rifle and ran inside the house. A few moments later she came out carrying a large first aid kit and sat down beside him. He said not a word as she moved his hand away and took over cleaning his wounds. As she works on him, she tells him that he is going to need stiches. He reaches into his bag pulling out a medical suture kit and set it down next to her. He says not a word as she cleans his wounds nor as she sews him up. She knows perfectly well that he has to hurt, but somehow keeps it contained. The she notices his back, covered with scars that looked like bullet holes and long tears that had healed. Finally she finishes and begins putting her supplies away. Liam stands up, wincing as he does. He steps inside, gathers the rest of his things and heads out the door without saying a word heading for the woods.

Connie stands there for a moment before calling out to him. "Liam, please don't go, I'm sorry and didn't mean it." He stops and looks at her, still not saying a word. "Liam, I mean it, I'm sorry. I know I can be a mule headed bitch. It's just been so long since I've been around anyone and now you show up and save my life. I just don't know how to handle it. Please come back in at least till you heal a bit more. I don't want to find you dead from loss of blood or any other reason. Please."

He looks at her before saying anything. "I agree with you on one thing, YOU are a mule headed bitch. But at least for now we can take care of each other till we are both healed or you kick me out again. The other thing is that it's going to take both of us to skin that bastard.

Watching him walk back to where she is standing, she burst out laughing. Noticing a look of consternation on his pain ridden face she puts her hands on her hips and looking into his eyes says. "Liam, Aren't we a couple of real fine 'mountain men'! I was injured by stupidity trying to catch whoever was snooping around my land and you had to be a hero wrestling a black bear. That strikes me as rather hilarious here in the Twenty-first century.

As he draws near his eyes dancing with a mixture of pain and mirth laughter erupts echoing across the mountains, "Well, now that you put it that way." Still holding his backpack as they walk toward the porch she retrieves her first aid kit as they enter the house a tinge of gray heralds the early dawn--- that quiet period of the day when the nocturnal animals ravaging the night crawl into their dens; that is except one, a four hundred pound black bear that will roam no more. And in the still gray dawn one hears the gentle flutter of wings as the small birds of the forest slowly wake to the glow of pale yellow creeping above the mountain peaks greeting the day with their melodious songs.

Standing at the cabinet Connie puts her first aid kit away, pickups the canister holding the coffee, filling the pot puts it on the burner to boil adding an egg shell to it as she prepares to scramble some eggs and fry bacon.

Liam returns from the living room where he left his pack but as Connie turns she sees his gun is stuck in his pants. With a hint of irony she asks, "You gonna shoot me now?"

With a solemn look on his continence he jokes, "Naw, You're not on my hit list." Immediately, he sees sheer panic spread across Connie's face and her body stiffen. She quickly turns back to the stove where bacon is sizzling. What the hell did I say? She actually turned pale.

Connie feels her panic rising and struggles to quell the memories racing to the forefront of her mind; memories she thought had died the last four years of solitude here in her haven. Would she never be rid of the fear of being found and having to run again? Where else could she hide?

Even the Feds couldn't keep her safe. Will she ever be truly free? Questions after questions race through her mind with no answers. She takes a deep breath as slowly sanity returns. No, if he were here to kill me he would have left me lying in the rain and mud to die.

As she turns to face Liam he notices some color has come back into her features, "Liam, how do you like your eggs?"

His lips open in a grin that doesn't quite reach his eyes, "After eating jerky for the past two weeks I'm not real particular, just cooked." He listens to her trying to put an air of levity in her voice and failing miserably. "That bacon sure smells good."

"Sit down Liam, breakfast is almost ready." Placing a plate of food on the table in front of him she pours two cups of coffee handing one to him she takes her plate and sits across from him.

Digging into the food he manages to say between bites, "Sure taste good."
Smiling she agrees, but when he looks across the table he sees that she isn't really eating just moving the food around on the plate and sipping her coffee. After a few minutes, she gets up places her plate in the sink, "I'm gonna check on the horses."

Rising from the chair he says, "Whoa there, Connie, not without me you aren't. That damned bear might have a mate." Placing his plate in the sink he takes his cup of coffee with him and follows her to the barn.

Approaching the barn she hears Diablo stomping and snorting. As she enters the building she coos to him laying her hand first on his flanks then moving slowly up his back until she feels the quivers subside. Laying her face against his neck feeling his silk mane on her cheek, she feels a calm seep through her body. Whispering in his ear, "Oh Diablo, you are my baby, my very special baby. I love you so." When he is calm, she moves to Paddy with her usual quiet unperturbed nature. "Paddy, love, you never let much bother you. You are truly my lady."

All the time she is seeing to her animals Liam observes the love between her and the horses. It's as if they are the only friends she has.

Putting feed and hay in the stalls for them, she closes the barn door. Walking a few feet from the building she stands looking at the black furry monster lying in her yard. Turning to Liam she asks, "Now, what the hell do we do with a dead bear?"

Author Notes Wilderness Encounter is co authored by carterD and oldefoggie.

Chapter 4
Chapter 4

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Liam looks at the bear for a moment, and then at the surrounding woods. "I know exactly what we're going to do with that bastard. We're going to skin him and save what we can, freeze what we can, and have bear steak for dinner. Now Connie, if you will please go get Paddy, I'll get everything set here."

Connie looked Liam for a moment as if he had lost his mind, and then turned and headed for the barn. When she came back out with Paddy in toe, he had by some means rolled the bear over onto its back and had set and cut into place a large limb in between its back legs, as well as had a large length of rope attached to it. She instantly knew what he had in mind and back Paddy up toward the bear, but not to close and tied the rope to the saddle horn. Then she took Paddy by the lead and headed toward the woods. Once they found the tree they wanted and hoisted the bear up, Liam tied the ropes and released Paddy. As Connie took the horse back to the barn, Liam started the process of gutting, skinning and saving what he could for them.

As Liam skinned and butcher the bear, Connie would take the meat into the house, clean it, wrap it up, and put into the freezer. Some of it she took over to the smoke house she had built and hung it up to start the drying and smoking process to make jerky out of it. Due to both of their injuries, it took them the majority of the day to finish the butchering. It was a long, slow, arduous process for the both of them.

Connie had just finished stretching out the hide and tacking it to the barn. As Liam had asked her to do; he would start cleaning it tomorrow. As Connie headed back to see if there was any more meat to be put up; she saw Liam leaning against a tree, his arm hanging useless by his side blood soaking through his shirt.

As she ran over to him, she saw that he was white as a ghost and on the verge of passing out. She put his good arm over her shoulder and headed them back toward the house. "I'll be OK Connie, just give me a moment".

"Shut Up Liam, I'm the one whose supposed to be mule headed, not you".
Once they got inside, she sat him down on the kitchen chair and took his shirt off. The majority of his stitches had come out and he was bleeding badly.

The only thing she said as she worked on him was, "Damn bear." As she worked on him, she noticed that he had scares on his chest as well as on his back and wondered to herself, what the hell did he do in the military to get that many scares? Finally, after about a half hour she finished.

"There you go Liam, good as new. Now whatever you do don't go playing with the bears again, and don't you dare pull those stitches out."

He smiled, nodded his head, "thank you." As he tried to stand, he collapsed on the floor, moaned and passed out.

Liam awoke to the smell of coffee and eggs. How long he had been out, he didn't know. But he found himself in her bed, fresh bandages on his wounds and nothing on what so ever. He looked around the room and found his pants and a clean shirt at the foot of the bed. He found out that moving too quickly was a bad idea as pain racked his body with each movement. Finally he was able to get his pants on and threw the shirt over his shoulders as he could not get it on. Then he slowly made his way towards the sound of Connie's voice, gently humming.

He stood there, leaning against the door frame to the kitchen watching her gentle swaying her body and humming to the music from the radio. Damn, she's beautiful. He could feel the primal urges beginning to grow in him and then he moved and his urges went away as pain ripped through him. He grunted from the pain and Connie turned quickly with a large knife in her hand ready to strike.
He smiled at her. "Easy there Connie, it's not like I'm in any shape to even think about trying anything."

Connie's face softened and then she started laughing as she set the knife down. Then she got a stern look on her face, glared at him with her hands on her hips; "What the hell are you doing out of bed Liam, your still weak as a kitten. Now sit your ass down before you fall down and if you pull those stitches out, I will skin you as well."

"Yes Ma'am," was all he said as he made his way toward the chair and sat down. As soon as he sat, she turned back around and he could hear her mumbling to herself as she continued to cook on the stove.

Finally she finished and brought two plates of food over sitting one in front of him; then sat down with the other and started eating.

As they ate in silence, Liam would look up at her now and them and knew that something was bothering her, but what he did not know. Finally he put his fork down and looked at her. "Connie, thank you."

"Shut up and eat Liam."

He didn't say a word as he continued to look at her, finally he decided, enough was enough.

"Alright Connie, you and I are going to have it out right here and now. You've had a major burr up your butt ever since we've meet. That and something got you paranoid beyond belief. So this is what's going to happen. I'm going to tell you my story on why I'm out here and then, you're going to tell me yours without any bull shit; and maybe, just maybe we can figure how to help each other out. Do I make myself clear?"

Connie glared at him. Her teeth clenched, face red and her body shaking with rage. She kept opening and closing her mouth as if to say something, and then stop. It had become too much for her and finally she let out a gut wrenching sob and broke down crying.

Liam sat there for a second in disbelief. Here was a lady hard as nails sobbing her heart out. He knew then there was a major problem, but what was it still the question.

Slowly he got up from his chair and walked over to her and put his good arm around her. "It's alright Connie, nothing that's bad that can't be handled. I'll do anything I can to help you out."

She held on to his arm, her face in his chest for a few more minutes crying, and then finally stopped, composed herself and looked him dead in his eyes. "I need to know, can I trust you".

Liam stood there, looking down at her and into her captivating eyes, stunned by the question. Then he broke out into a fit of laughter. Connie glared at him as he laughed and then hit him in the shoulder with her fist. He doubled over and fell to his knees as pain coursed through his body from her hitting him on his bad shoulder, but kept up the laughter. Connie realized what she had done and was on her knees next to him holding him and apologizing for hurting him.

Finally he stopped laughing and together they helped each other up.

"Connie, that hurt like hell, but I guess I deserved it. I wasn't laughing at you per say, but at the whole situation. Here we have both saved each other's asses. We've taken each other's cloths off, seen each other bare ass naked, and what's worse of all, you didn't take advantage of me at all".

"I, on the other hand would never take advantage of a beautiful lady such as you. But I will tell you in no uncertain terms, it damn near killed me not to".

Connie looked at him for a moment, and then started to snicker which soon broke out in whole hearted laughter. Liam tried to keep a straight face but was soon laughing as well and cursing at the same time as pain racked his body. Finally they both sat down, still chuckling over the whole situation.

Liam looked at her, his eyes now stern and hard. "To answer your question Connie, yes you can trust me without question and I will do anything I can to help stop whatever it is that's got you so scared".

As their laughter subsides Connie can't help but ponder, Finally, I have found peace here, if I tell Liam the truth will I have to run again? And where do begin?

Chapter 5
Liam's Story

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

"The first thing that you should know Connie is that I have been all over the world. I have seen things and done things that most people can only dream of. But at the same time, I have seen and done things that nightmares are made of and I have to live with it each and every day. But that's another story. "

He paused for a moment as he looked out the window. Once again his eyes seemed to stare off into oblivion. Then he took a sip of coffee and started his story again.

"The team I was on worked for the OSA, (Office of Special Assessments). We were a specialized select group; we have no commitments, no families, versatile in many areas, and nothing that could be traced back to any of us. In short, we were ghosts. All of us were active duty and recruited from the different branches of the military to join this organization and we left our normal lives behind so we could make a difference. Our mission was to track, gather Intel, capture if possible and return, or terminate the ones we were after. More often than not, we terminated and left without a trace. We would go after terrorists, drug kings, slavers, pirates, and anyone else deemed a threat to the country."

As he sipped his coffee, and looked off into space again. Connie asked, "Liam, I never head of the OSA. Are they with the FBI, CIA, or a branch of the military?"

Liam smiled and then chuckled. "Connie, "they", we are ghosts. They do not exist, and are known by no one. But they are there and they are real and never mention them again to anyone for your own sake. It would cause more problems than you could possible realize and put a lot of lives in jeopardy."

Connie just nodded her head and said not a word.

Liam took another sip of coffee and then continued. "Even our true identities of the team members weren't even known to each other. We talked; traveled, worked and communicated by the code names we were given. This was to insure that if one of us was ever captured, we could not give up the identities of the others on the team. An example of this was my code name, Viper. I was fast, silent, and of course, deadly, and I was very good at it."

A blank look came over his face as he sat there. Then in a whisper, barely audible, she heard him say two words, "too good". Then a shudder went through him and he looked at her with sad eyes and went back to his story.

"We traveled the world in our assignments, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, North Korea, Afghanistan, just to name a few. Most of the time we would slip in, do our job, and slip out and no one would be the wiser. Over time, I became a cold, calculating, and unfeeling machine. Life and death became one in the same to me, and to say the least, it changed me and I began to suffer."

Liam paused once again and stared off into space, and then started up again.
"Our latest and my last mission was in Afghanistan where we were after a tribal leader who was dealing in drugs as well as harboring and training terrorists. We had no reason to expect anything but a cake walk for us. But as you know the best laid plans of mice and men can go drastically wrong, and in this case, it did. We had an informant who was from the province we were heading into and we had no reason to question his loyalty. What we didn't know at the time was that he was also a terrorist."

"So much for Intel," Liam stated with a chuckle. He paused again as Connie refilled there coffee cups. Nodded his thanks and began again.

"We were into the second day of the mission when all hell broke loose. Our guide had led us right into an ambush. They had the high ground and we were surrounded, taking fire from all directions. I was first to get hit as I was point man, but soon we were all injured to some extent or another. Either way, we soon found that we could not fight our way out of that narrow valley and had to call in close air support. The last thing I remember was the world around us turning into a fire storm of explosions, flames, dust and screams as the gun ships and jets came in and plastered the hills around us with everything they had. The only thing I remember after that was being on a chopper with King Pin leaning over me telling me to hang in there and we all made it out alive."

He got up and walked over to the window and looked out, not saying a word.

Connie sat there waiting patiently, understanding all too well how hard this was for him to tell his story. She heard him take a deep breath and let out a long sigh, and then come back to the table and sat down. Connie slowly reached over and placed her hand on top of his and gave him a reassuring look as if to say, everything will be fine.

Liam gave her a sad smile and then resumed his story. "I don't remember much after that for a few weeks, except coming in and out of consciousness. Seeing doctors and nurses over me and working on me, some of my team coming in and talking to me and saying thanks for saving their butts, some general coming in and putting medals on the pillow and telling me to hurry up and get well. It's was all a fog to me for quite a while and I didn't find out what had happened till a couple of months later."

"Finally I was in good enough shape to be Med-A-Vaced back to the states for more surgery and rehab. That's when things went bad to worse for me."

"Liam, I'm sorry. How could things get any worse for you? You got shot to hell and survived it. I don't understand."

He looked at her for a moment and gave her another sad smile and gently squeezed her hand. "There are different kinds of living hell Connie. For me, it's one I have to deal with each and every day, and in some aspects, it's a lot like yours I believe. For me, it started with the nightmares. At first it was only now and then and I didn't think anything of it. But they got more frequent and progressively worse. Soon they were every night and sometimes even in the day. The sounds, visions, surroundings and feeling were so real that at times I could not tell the difference from dream and reality. I would sometimes wake up screaming and other times in a cold soaking sweat from head to toe. Other things/problems began to show up with me. My senses were on full alert all the time and I was ready to strike at a moment's notice. Any loud noises would either put me into a combat mode or I would hit the deck and cover my head. On top of that, if I was resting and someone touched me, the next thing they would be against the wall with my hands on their throat."

He chuckled for a moment. "I know it's not funny but soon all the doctors and nurses would call my name out and be out of range before they would even get near me, and it became a game to them. Who was the bravest and who could get the closest to me before they called my name."

"As my time in the hospital continued, I got progressively worse. Soon I couldn't stand to be around more than two people at a time and crowds threw me in a major fit of aggression, as well as not being able to stay in those small cramped hospital rooms. Soon I was spending more and more time by myself, going for long walks stretching into hours, or setting up on the hospital roof for hours on end looking at the stars. Anything so I would not sleep. I had no idea what was wrong with me and it was slowly driving me out of my mind. I was afraid to sleep and did all I could to stay away from others, not only for my sake but for their safety as well."

He paused and looked at her, but it seemed to Connie that he was looking through her, lost somewhere in the passages of his mind. Then he cleared his throat and started up again.

"Finally, one of the doctors I was seeing, a shrink, told me what was wrong with me. He said I had severe PTSD, (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome), and the odds were that it would be with me for the rest of my life. We tried counseling and medications, which I did not like. So I got rid of the meds."

"May I ask why you got off the meds if they were helping you, Liam?"

He looked at her for a second then smiled. "Because Connie I was walking around, barely functioning, and lost in a haze all the time. That's not me and besides, I like to keep my wits about me and I like to think, read, and write. It helps me and no one gets hurt. But to make a long story short, I was medically retired for the Air Force with full disability and released. I tried to make it in the city, but I soon found out that it was just too dangerous. Not only for me, but for anyone around me and I couldn't handle it."

Liam stared off into space for a few moments and Connie saw a visible shutter pass through his body and then he began again.

"I never went out during the day. There was too much noise, too many distractions, and far too many people out, which would put me way over the edge to the point that after a few minutes my mind and senses was seeing everything and everyone as a threat and putting me into either a shaking wreck or into full combat mode, which, to say the least, made it exceedingly dangerous for anyone around me. Finally, or at least I thought, I found out that around the hours of two to three in the morning I could safely go for walks. The majority of the city was quiet, hardly any traffic, and the only people that were out were the ones to avoid, which for me was easy. Most of the time, I could just look at them and they would turn tail and run like a scared rabbit. Sometimes I'd get one who thought he was tough and tried to prove it. But that lasted only a few seconds, then I'd be on my way again."

"May I ask Liam, what happened to those who tried to take you on?"

He looked at her with a slight smile and a sad look in his eyes. "Broken bones for the most part Connie, and a warning that if they ever came near me again they would not ever see the light of day. Either way, in about two weeks, I could walk at night with no problems. They, the night crawlers, the punks, gangs, dealers, would see me coming and just simply disappear." Then he smiled and chuckled a bit. "The only ones that ever picked on me after that were the street walkers and they would always tease the crap out of me. It got to the point where it became a game as who could get me to turn the reddest with them, and no, I never used their services, so don't even think it."

Liam paused and Connie asked another question. "Um Liam, my I ask why you didn't partake of their services. After all, you are male?"

He looked at her for a moment with a surprised look on his face, and then busted out in laughter. Finally he stopped laughing and smiled at her.
"I may be male Connie, but I am not a typical male. I think with my bigger head, not my other head," as he tapped his finger on his head. "Besides as many STD's and other diseases that are going around out there that can kill you, that's the last thing I needed to deal with, and besides, at that point in time, sex was the last thing that interested me. But to answer the question you might be thinking, yes, everything works fine."

Connie turned beet red and turned away as Liam looked at her.

"But that's neither here nor there at the moment so not a concern. Either way I continued my walks till the wee hours of the morning. My one and only stop was a small all-night coffee shop I use to stop in and get breakfast for myself. I had become a regular there and as soon as they saw me, they would greet me and the waitress would have coffee in front of me with in a matter of seconds. One morning, I walked in there and I knew instantly something was wrong. The waitress Susan and Joe the cook were both on edge and frightened and I saw why. There were, what I would call, five punks, or gang bangers over in one of the tables. They were loud, obnoxious, vulgar, and just looking to cause trouble for the fun of it. I guess they were in there twenties, thought they ruled the world and were high as a kite on whatever shit they were taking. Either way, I knew they were trouble and looking to prove just how bad they were."

He let out a deep sigh, took another sip of coffee and continued. "They kept calling for Susan to get over there and take care of them while making gestures of what they wanted and foul language. As well as getting louder and more obnoxious by the second. I could see the fear in her eyes, so as she reached for the coffee pot that was setting in front of me, I placed my hand on hers and told her to go in back, Joe call 911 and both of them get down and stay down. As she left, these punks started yelling for her to get her ass back there and a whole lot of other things I won't mention. Finally they got up and started on me. I told them that if they were smart, they would leave before they got hurt. They laughed, and then it started. One of them shoves my food off the counter and grabs me while another pulls out a sawed off shotgun and shoves it in my face, cussing me out while telling me how bad there going to fuck me up as well as what they're going to do to this place."

"Then it hit me----All the years, the training, the violence, sounds, visions, nightmares, pain came flooding back to me in one quick blinding flash. I remember screaming a blood curdling scream, and then nothing. The next thing I remember I was curled up in a corner of the diner, shaking uncontrollable as one of the police officers was talking to me trying to bring me back down, telling the rest to stay back and that I had and was suffering from PTSD. He said he knew because he dealt with it as well, but not on the level I had."

"I finally came down enough to where I could talk with him and as I looked around, I couldn't believe what I saw. The dinner had become a blood bath, all five of the gang were dead, two of them had their heads blown off, and the other three, their bodies were bent in unnatural positions. They also had a medic working on me for some stab wounds that I didn't know I had; they wanted to take me to the hospital for further treatment, but I said no."

"Then over the next couple of hours, the story came out on what had transpired. To make a long story short, it was a case of self-defense, the gang members all had records and two of them had warrants out on them for assault and attempted murder. As for Susan and Joe, neither of them were hurt and told me in no uncertain terms that I would never pay for a meal in their place again no matter what time I was there."

"As for the officer who talked me down, he and I became somewhat friends but soon realized that I was too far gone to ever be restored to normal society. He and I still stay in contact and I consider him a friend, or at least as close to a friend as I'll ever have. He also suggested that if I have somewhere to go and escape from the city, to do it before I got any worse."

"It was then I remembered the cabin and have been out here ever since and enjoying it completely. That's my story Connie on how I came to this mountain, no more, no less."

"But I will tell you one thing, you have it, PTSD, as well. Not as bad as I do, but I know it's there and it's starting to eat at you. So whatever I can do to help you out I will. It would truly tear me apart to see such a beautiful, intelligent women go down the same path as I have."

Chapter 6
Connie's past

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Connie knew in her heart the time had come to reveal the reason for her isolation in the deep woods of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Looking over at Liam reading in the corner of the room the late afternoon sun illuminating the pages of his book, he is almost healed and will be wanting to return to his home across the mountains. Creeping into her conscious thought, I don't want him to leave, not really. She shivered at the idea, being close to someone scared her.

Liam looks up in time to see the quiver run through her body, "Are you okay, Connie?" worry knitted his brow as sat waiting to see what she would say.

Smiling she rises to her feet, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Liam senses she is stalling for what he doesn't know, but he will give her a chance to spill whatever it is bothering her when she is ready, "Sounds good to me," and follows her into the small kitchen.

Connie puts the coffee on to perk but instead of moving to the table where he is sitting, she stares out the window seeing nothing her mind painfully recalling the first time she felt herself in danger.

Liam watches the slump of her shoulders observing her body as it becomes a ridged pole of steel. Taking two mugs from the cabinet pouring the coffee she turns placing the cups on the table then sits across from him. "Liam, once you asked me why I chose to live in seclusion, perhaps it is time to answer. You are almost healed and your need to be here is fast coming to an end."

"Connie, Yes I would like to know, but only when you are ready to discuss it."

"If I waited until I was ready I would never talk about it. I have tried to forget and here on this mountain I was almost successful. When we left the cave and you insisted on accompanying me, I was terrified."

Liam can't stand the pain in her face, "Why would you be frightened?"

"I had time to think as we moved down the mountain; and I realize if you were here to kill me you would have done so when I was lying in the mud with rain pounding the earth."

"What the hell are you talking about? And why would I kill you I only met you two weeks ago. Traipsed all over hell and back to save you ass. Connie you're not making any sense."

Connie looks at his angry face and manages a very weak smile, "Perhaps if you will sit quietly and listen I will try to tell you. Please don't ask any questions, Please don't. If you do I might not get through the telling."

"It all started about ten years ago in a small southern town in Alabama, I had gotten off work early and was on my way home when I decided to stop by the bank. There were some papers in the safety deposit box I needed to close out my Uncle's estate. The bank was rather busy so it took a little while for the attendant to let me in the vault to the papers I needed."

Connie seems to drift into another world as she continues her story. "While looking through the box I heard a loud commotion in the bank stepping out to see what the hubbub was, I see this man waving a gun in the air and shouting for everyone to get down on the floor. He takes a bag to first one and then another teller instructing them to dump the cash in it. Another man stands over by the door and one by the office holding a gun on the bank president. Just as the president pulls the mask off the gunman revealing his face I slide down behind the door but not before I get a good look at the gunman. Hidden behind the door I hear women whimpering and a child crying as the mother tries to quiet him. When the banker sees his face he lets out a string of cuss words and shoots him in the chest. At that moment an icy chill gripes me, fearing that he saw me duck behind the door."

The gunman by the door yells "What the hell did you do that for?"

"He saw my face you damn fool we can't leave anyone who can identify any of us. Now get the damn money and let's get out of here."

"The teller nearest the exit punches the alarm as they reach the door, immediately the gunman closest to her fires killing her instantly. Still hiding behind the door my hand in my mouth to keep from screaming immobilized by dread gripping my every muscle sure I was going to die. I glance up in time to notice a vehicle idling at the curb as the gunmen dash out the door and climb in with the driver speeding off before the doors are fully closed."

"As vehicle races away I crawl from my hiding place to check on the president. Blood is seeping out from under him as I reach to check for a pulse...there is none, he is dead. I cringe as I feel the wet of his blood seep into my clothes looking down I see my hands smeared with blood. Choking with horror I numbly move across the floor trying but in vain to reach the teller behind the counter."

"All of the patrons are still lying on the floor as I pull myself up barely able to stand I hang on of the desks. Just as I am on my feet, the police come charging into the room guns drawn, I quickly see gun and drop behind the desk I had been leaning against. With the arrival of the officers people begin to get off the floor some milling around in a daze others still sitting where they are."

"One of the officer's radios for EMT's while they began taking everyone's statement. Most of the clients never saw their faces because of the ski masks and being prostrate on the floor."

"According to those in the front of the bank the gunmen just miraculously appeared, and no one observed the one already inside putting on his mask.

I am still sitting behind the desk unable to move or stop trembling. Barely aware of movement and voices around me, I scoot back cowering against the desk trying to vanish as the officer approaches me."

"Seeing the blood smear on my clothes, he kneels in front of me, "Ma'am, where are you hurt?"

Getting no response, he moves closer to her only to have her slide under the desk away from him. Officer Kelly over here please." As the Officer approaches, "She is traumatized, see if you can get her to talk to you."

Officer Kelly moves to the opening under the desk but remains several feet away, "Ma'am, I'm here to help you. My name is Kelly, You are bleeding; can you tell me where you are hurt."

The soft voice of the female officer seems to garner a small response as Connie raises her head to see who is speaking. In a voice barely above a whisper Connie says, "I'm not hurt."

"That's good." Reaching her hand toward Connie, "Please let me help you so the medics take a look at you."

Slowly very slowly, Connie scoots forward where she can reach the officer's hand allowing her to assist her from under the desk. Then very carefully Kelly leads her to a soft chair just a few feet away. An EMT approaches and having observed the situation sees how tense her body is he squats down in front of her, "Miss, let me take a look at you. Where are you hurt?" Her posture rigid she sits staring out the window and just when he thinks she is not going to respond he hears.

"The blood is not mine." Then turning toward him no expression on her face only a sadness shadowing her eyes, "It is the presidents. He's dead." She remains quiet as he watches for signs of trauma, "Could I have a glass of water, please?"

Motioning to Officer Kelly, "We could use a glass of water here." As the officer moves to locate some water a lady stops her handing her a bottle of water.

"Thanks." Connie sits sipping the water realizing for the first time all the activity going on around her. The bank is full of police offers all busy, some talking to those who were in the building at the time and some looking around the bank. As she becomes more aware of her surroundings, she assures the EMT that she is okay. She quietly sits becoming aware that no one has been allowed to leave. Watching the officers interview each of those in the bank at the time of the robbery. When will they get to me, I would like to go home. With that thought she sees an officer approaching.

"Ma'am, I'm Detective Dan Rico. I would like to ask you some questions." He notices that she is shaking, "Are you okay?"

Perhaps the shock of what has happened and knowing I could be dead now is finally getting to me, "I'm fine officer. It's been a trying morning."

"What is your name miss?"

"Constance Welch, Connie."

"Miss Welch, There's blood on your clothes, are you not injured? He knows she is not as he has talked with the EMT and officer Kelly, but he asked any way.
Thinking of her crawl through the blood, a chill cause her to shiver and had anyone been looking they would have seen a sadness in her eyes, "I crawled by the president to see if he was alive."

"Where were you during the events of this afternoon?"

"Officer, I was in one of the rooms used by the safety deposit vault going through my box when I heard a loud commotion and poked my head out to see what the ruckus was all about."

His black eyes turn even blacker as he ask, "How come you were not on the floor with the rest of the people?"

"Sir, I don't think they ever saw me behind the door, it was only slightly ajar. They seemed more intent on the money than a partially opened door off to the side." She can't help it as she recalls the incident just moments ago a cold wave of fear ravishes her body.

Seeing her shiver but knowing he has to push her for as much detail as she can provide, "Tell me what you saw with as much detail as you can."

Looking down at her hands gripped so tightly they are white, "One of the gunmen was holding the president hostage, he grabbed his mask jerking it off and as he did so the gunman shot him instantly in the chest. After that it seemed they were more intent on getting out of the bank."

"Ma'am, think carefully, your answer could be very important; can you identify the one who shot the bank president."

She hesitates, "Yes, I think so."

Speaking to one of the officers, "Bill, continue to interview the people here getting their names, addresses, etc.; you know the drill. I'm going to take Ms. Welch downtown to a sketch artist."

Taking Connie by the arm he leads her through the bank lobby and out to his unmarked car. Nothing is said on the trip to the station by either the detective or Connie.

Starring out the window everything is a blur as the vehicle moves through traffic. My eyes are open, but why doesn't this nightmare end. When will I wake up and find I'm in my office? A shadow of fear races through her body leaving hair on her arms standing straight up and a numbness she can't explain.

Aware of her trembling the detective asks,"Ms. Welch?" Receiving no response, "Connie."

With a startled look she asks, "Did you say something?" All at once her expression is blank, her eyes full of pain.

"Are you alright, Miss?" as he pulls into a parking place outside the police station.

Giving him a smile that doesn't quiet reach her green orbs, "Yes, I'm fine."

Entering the building Dan leads Connie to his desk. "Would you like a cup of coffee while we're waiting on the Sketch Artist.?"

"Yes, officer, that would be nice." Connie looks around the room seeing several empty desks while others are occupied with officers either on the phone or working at a computer.

Dan knows he told her he was a detective, but doesn't bother to correct her. Just as Dan returns with two cups of steaming coffee Nell arrives with her sketch pad as he had briefed her from the phone in the kitchen.

Looking at Connie, "Miss are you ready to give us a description of the gunman?" Connie nods her head without responding to the question. "Good lets go to my office where it's quiet and we won't be disturbed. Connie takes the cup offered her following Nell down the hall.

Just as the two women round the corner Dan's phone rings, "Rico here." He listens without speaking for several minutes, "I'm on my way." Picking up his hat, he makes for the elevator just as Jack Nestor arrives. "Come on Nestor, let's go."

Arriving back at the scene of the robbery and murder the two detectives see Bill waiting. As he parks the cruiser the sun is sinking behind the towering building of bank offices. "What you got?"

"You remember the clerk who was shot as she supposedly reached to set off the alarm, Name's Kay Darwin." Continuing without waiting for Dan to answer, "Look what I found in her purse." With that he hands Dan a ticket to the Cayman Islands the plane leaving just after bank closing time today; and right next to her passport is a bank book showing a balance of ten million dollars.
Jack gives a loud long whistle, "that's a lot a dough!"

Bill continues "I asked one of the other clerks if she was due to leave on vacation; and was told she had quit, this was her last day."

"Well! Well! That's interesting. What else you got?"

Bill shakes his head, "Still waiting for forensics' to finish. Most of the people were told to lie on the floor and didn't see too much; or were too scared to notice. We have a list of the employees and those in the bank at the time."

Rico looks around, the three bodies have been removed but there is still the blood splattered floor where the guard was shot and splatters on the wall from the shooting of the President; and let's not forgets the splatter behind the teller. Such carnage and for what?

Has the Vice President been called Rico? We need to know how much money was taken."

"He's on his way in. He was playing golf at the country club, should be here in about 20 minutes."

"Thanks Bill. Jack, why don't you stay and interview him while I see if Nell was able to get a sketch of the gunman from Miss Welch?"

Arriving back at the station he finds Nell in her office with Miss Welch. Nell has already made copies of the sketch and is running it through the data base hoping to identify the suspect. "Ms, you have a good eye for detail."

Just as Dan walks into Nell's office face recognition pings. "What you got Nell?"
"Your timing is perfect. Take a look for yourself." Nell moves aside so that Dan can see what is on the screen.

He looks at the picture staring at him from the monitor, "What the hell that's Juan Perez; now what is the Julio Cortez Cartel doing robbing banks?" Deep in thought he turns, "Thanks Nell. Where is Miss Welch?"

"She's in conference room two."

Entering the elevator he dials Nestor's cell, "Nestor, let's make sure the press doesn't know there is a witness. The sketch matches a member of the Julio Cortez Cartel, Juan Perez. He has been busted a few times but there has never been enough evidence to convict."

"No Shit! I'm just leaving. Go talk to Captain Walters, Rico. We need to put her in a safe house."

Hanging up the phone, Rico walks into the Captains office and closes the door, "Captain." Laying the sketch and the computer printout on his desk, "We may have a serious situation here. The description provided by Miss Welch proved to be a member of the Julio Cortez Cartel. Right now they do not know there is an eye witness; we need to keep it that way until we have him in custody."

Sitting down behind his desk, "What else do we have to connect him to the robbery?"

"The forensic team was just finishing up and Nestor is on his way in. Bill Dykra was the first officer on the scene. He and partner, John Bells, interviewed the people in the bank. They are due back at the precinct within the hour."

"Do you have an address for Juan Perez?

"We're checking now, Captain. Also, I want to check with forensics to see what finger prints they might have found at the scene. If his prints are on anything, we might not have to acknowledge an eye witness."

"Get on it Dan."

He walks down to the conference room to talk with Miss Welch. Entering the room he sees her just staring into space, "Connie, can I get you something to drink."
Slowly turning she sees him standing in the doorway, "Coffee would be nice."

"Be right back, Cream or Sugar?"

She simply nods her head as her eyes take on that faraway look he saw when he entered the room. I'm worried about her; she has had a tremendous shock. Returning with her coffee he sets the cup on the table beside her, then sits across from her. "Connie, we identified the one who shot the bank president through your description. We are trying to locate him as we speak."

Knowing that if he is in the system means he has been arrested before, numbly she asks, "What was he arrested for?"

"He has been arrested several times on suspicion of laundering drug money, but there was never enough evidence to get an indictment." He sees her face blanch even whiter if that is possible.

Raising her head she stares him straight in the eyes never once flinching, "Why would he be robbing a bank if he is connected to the cartel?"

Dan is taken aback by her question. This lady is one sharp cookie. "We're trying to figure that out right now. In the meantime, we want to take you to a safe house. We need to have him in custody before anyone knows there is an eye witness."

Connie continues to stare at him waiting for him to say more, but he does not. His wanting to put her into a safe house seems to jolt her trance, "Officer, what am I supposed to do. I have a business to run."

"What type of business do you have? Is there someone who can handle the day to day affairs without you for a while?"

"No! And I have no intention of going anywhere but home. You have everything I saw and heard in a deposition that I sighed earlier today. Like I said I have a business to run." Rising, "Now, am I free to leave?"

With no more evidence than he has now, Rico has no choice but to let her leave. After all she is a witness, not a criminal. "Okay, Ms. you're free to leave. We'll contact you if we need anything more."

Without saying another word, Connie walks down the hall and out the front door, hails a taxi and returns to pick up her car at the bank.

Nestor walks into the station, "Rico, What is Miss Welch doing leaving. I thought we were going to put her in a safe house."

"She refused. Said she had a business to run and was going home. And, what evidence did I really have at this time to insist. We haven't even made an arrest." Sitting across the desk from Nestor, he picks up the phone dialing the lab, "Terry, how soon before you process the prints from the bank?"

Jack can tell by the look on Rico's face that Terry gave him 'what for' for asking about results before his team even had time to put their equipment away after arriving back from the scene.

As Dan hangs up the phone, "Got your ears blistered didn't you!"

Just as he hangs up with forensics the phone rings, "Rico." Dan listens for a few minutes then says one word. "Okay." Clicking off, Lets go Nestor."

Arriving back at the bank, "Bill, what you got for us?"

"Going through Darwin's purse we found a one way ticket to the Caymans. I asked one of the other tellers if she was due vacation. Her reply was that she quit, this was her last day. In a zippered pocket near the bottom we found a passport and a Swiss bank book showing a balance of ten million dollars."

Jack lets out a long loud whistle, "That's some serious dough!"

Dan talking to himself, "Now where would a bank teller get that kind of money?" Dialing the DA's office hearing his assistant pick up, "Rita, I need a warrantee for Kay Darwin's apartment." Pausing to listen, "That's the bank teller killed in the bank robbery today." He continues filling her in on the details known at the time.

"Okay, Dan, I think I can catch Judge Rubio before he leaves for the day. I'll meet you at the location with the warrant."

Surprisingly by the time they arrive at the Darwin apartment Rita is just parking down the street. She comes toward them waving the warrant. Rico is knocking on the land lord's door as she steps up beside him.

As the super opens the door, Rico shows his badge and the warrant, "We need you to let us in Miss Darwin's apartment."

"What for? I'm not supposed to let anyone in she might not like it."

He was an older gentleman with enough class for the complex, "I don't think she will object. She was killed in a bank hold up this afternoon."

"I'm sorry, she was a nice lady."

Looking around at the plush offices, security, and lobby Rico asks, "How long has she lived here?"

"She moved in about two years ago; didn't have a lot of visitors. Stayed to herself mostly."

Showing the picture of Juan Perez to the super, "Every see this man with her?"

"Yeah, he use to visit her occasionally; she said he was a business associate. Sometimes he stayed over." The super moves toward the penthouse.Rico and Nestor stop him noticing the lock has been jimmied. With guns drawn they enter the apt finding it trashed; moving from room to room finally declare it clear. Placing a call to headquarters, "This is Rico, send the forensic team to the apt of Kay Dawin. Hold on. Rita give them address on the warrant."

She takes the phone and proceeds to give the forensic team the address. "Rico, do this by the book. I want to prosecute Perez and get a conviction this time."

"Rita, you can count on it."

With that she turns walks out of the room and leaves the building. She has some research to do in case they can turn up enough evidence to get a conviction on Perez; or better yet Tafoya and Julio Cortez.

Once the forensic team arrives, Nestor and Rico return to the precinct.

Several weeks have gone by as they follow up on leads while waiting on forensics to process finger prints, etc. When Rico's phone starts buzzing, "Rico here." Listening for a few minutes, "On the way. Let's go Nestor."

"What we got?"

"Forensic got the security tapes from the bank, thought we might be interested."

Arriving at the lab, "Over here Rico, we have the tape ready to run starting with the security guard and bank president's arrival at 0800 the day of the robbery."

Watching the tape run through the hours of the bank robbery and murders, the two detectives see what the patrons did not see; the man already in the bank slip on his ski mask. "Well, I'll be dam! That's Jimmy Tafoya, Cortez's hit man; and there near the back of the bank is the mug of Juan Perez, who was identified by Miss Welch." Grinning, "Thanks guys, a real fine job."

"Rico, think we ought to stop by and ask about finger prints?"

"Yeah, let's see if we get thrown out or if they have had time to process them.
Walking into the lab, "You two again, don't you ever give up?"

"Not on your life, Tilly. What have you got?"

Smiling, Well boys, I think I can help you out. Fingerprints of Juan Perez is on the spent cartridge found near where the president was killed. And in processing the prints found in Darwin's apartment, we found prints matching Julio Cortez. Both have several arrests but no convictions...all on drugs related charges or money laundering."

Rico, gives her a great big smooch on the check whistling as he leaves the lab entering the elevator. "Nestor, let's see if we can locate these bad boys."

Based on the evidence they have Rico and Nestor got warrants for Jimmy Tafoya and Juan Perez, going to the club where they were known to frequent they arrested them reciting their Miranda rights. They were booked and placed in jail awaiting arraignment all the time yelling for their attorney. The arraignment before the judge was scheduled two weeks after their arrest; Rita Belker, assistant DA presented a compelling case and bail was denied."

Pausing her story Connie gives a deep sigh and continues, "In preparation of the case, Assistant DA determined that I would have to testify. I didn't like the idea at all, but I did see Perez kill the bank president. Took over a year to bring Perez to trial. After a long trying time he was convicted of murder and was sentenced to death. Tafoya on the other hand was convicted of armed bank robbery sentenced to 25 years."

About six months after the verdict I went to the office discovering the door bashed in and my business trashed....all my computers, printers, and soft wear ruin. Across the wall scrawled, "Bitch". This time no fingerprints were found, no leads at all.

Knowing that it was the cartel and proving it was miles apart.

Chapter 7
Witness Protection

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Because of the vast network of the cartel and believing they were responsible, the feds placed me in witness name, new hair color, new style, new job, new everything.

The hard part was I could not continue my profession and had to relocate. I had no living kin, so there would be no remorse at leaving family. With the office and my equipment destroyed, it gave me an opportunity not to reopen, or so the Feds thought. So with that I became Shirley Marshall, graphic design artist and found work with a big company in southern California. I was one of several in the department and really didn't stand out."

For three years my life was calm, I was even beginning to feel safe. Then it happened....the cartel found me! I became aware that there was some one following me; and even saw them outside my condo. It was always the same car, a black BMW Sedan; they didn't seem to care if I saw them. It didn't take me long to call my handler reporting my shadow. He assured me he would check into it. Shortly after I called the Feds, a black BMW ran a stop sign sending my car careening across the freeway landing against an embankment.

Some passerby called in the accident and pulled me from the vehicle just before it exploded from a ruptured gas tank. When I came too in the emergency, they were wheeling me into surgery. My ankle injured so badly they had to insert a plate and two pins. My left arm caught between the door and the steering wheel was severely sprained; a mild concussion, numerous lacerations, and lots of bruises.

The next morning when the doctor made his rounds, "How are you feeling Miss Marshall?"

Trying to sit up and failing miserably she leans back on the pillow, "I feel a little groggy, tell me what my injuries are."

"Do you remember what happened, anything about the accident in which you were involved"

Looking at him skeptical of the question, "Doctor, this car plowed through a red light at a tremendous speed ramming me and forcing me into an embankment. I don't remember much after that until I came to after surgery." Finding the buttons on the bed, she raises the bed where she can eyeball the doctor, "Now tell me the extent of my injuries."

"Miss Marshall, Is there someone we can call for you?"

Becoming frustrated that he is not answering her questions, "Doctor I want to know the extent of my injuries and I want to know it now!"

Sitting down in the chair by her bed, he details the injuries and the expected recovery period. "You will be in the hospital for at least two weeks. And I will be recommending physical therapy at that time. Is there any family member we can call or a friend?"

"No doctor, I have no family and I live alone." Pondering the next question, "Where is my purse and notebook from my car? What happened to those in the other vehicle, how bad were they injured?"

"Now that you're awake and alert, Miss Marshall there is a couple of police officers outside, who have been waiting to ask you some questions." With that he moves toward the door motioning for the officers to enter as he leaves.

Wondering why they would want to talk to her, she didn't run the red light. "What can I do for you officers?"

Miss Marshall, the Feds have asked us to look into the accident. The BMW that ran the red light ramming your vehicle was stolen and two men were seen fleeing the scene. There were no prints nothing in the vehicle to help identify the occupants." Pausing to see her reaction, "The Feds tell us that you reported a strange Black BMW sitting outside your apartment on several occasions."

An icy chill ripped through her body causing her to shiver. "Why did you call the feds and not the local police?"

With calm in her voice that belied the tension gripping her body, "If the Feds asked you to look into the accident, you already have the answer to that question. So why are you asking?"

"Your right, Miss! We do know the answer, but it's our business to be careful in a situation such as yours."

Just as he finishes his statement the door pops open and in walks her handler. "Shirley, how are you?" When she doesn't respond, he turns to the officers, "what can you tell me about the accident?"

As soon as the officers bring her handler up to date, they leave; and he turns his attention to Shirley. "Now, how are you feeling? When will you be released? What do you need while you are here?"

Shirley looks at him and laughs sarcastically, "Now what the hell do you think I need! I need to know how they found me; and what the hell you are going to do about it. Also, where is my personal things from my car?"

Taken aback by her open hostility, "Calm down, Shirley, we going to take care of this. And, your car was destroyed when the gas tank ruptured exploding."

As her pain escalates so does her anger, "Yeah, another whole new identity, new location, new job, and what the hell for." Catching her breath, "And how long is it going to take them to find me this time? Just get out, get the hell out and leave me alone."

As her voices raises to a resounding level the nurse enters the room, "Miss Marshall, what I can do for you?"

Shouting as much from fear as the pain, "Get him the hell out of here." As the nurse ushers him out, Shirley calms down and quietly ask, "Could I have something for pain?"

Patting Shirley on the arm, "Yes, honey, you sure can. Would like a cup of coffee also?"

As a tear slowly slides down her cheek, in a whisper she replies, "Please."
For the duration of my stay there was a guard outside my hospital room, at which time I was taken to a safe house. And once again a new identity, and repeat of everything all over again; this time in advertising of all places in Pennsylvania. From then on I never felt safe I was always looking over my shoulder. Everything and everyone became suspicious."

"Just as I was beginning to feel safe, someone broke into my home during the night beat me until I was unconscious. And would probably have killed me except an airline pilot living on the same floor heard the ruckus. He used his cell phone to call the cops from his room. Then taking his gun he started out the door where he saw two men covered in black wearing ski masks rush out of the room; before he realized what happened, one of the culprits took a gun butt to his head."

"When the police arrived we were transported to the ER. I was barely alive; the doctors didn't give me much chance of survival. Against all odds, I begin to mend. While it took me several months to bounce back, I did."

After months of therapy, I called the bureau asking for a new handler as I no longer trusted any one, especially the only person who was supposed to know where I was and what name I was using. The question haunting me night and day was always the same, how did the cartel keep finding me? Only the handler knew where I was. This time they moved me to Orlando as an office manager for a law firm."

Chapter 8

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

"With relocation to Florida things were different----I trusted no one. After a few months I changed apartments leaving no forwarding address; the only phone I had was a cell. Withdrawing all but a few dollars each month from my bank account converting the cash to cashier's checks, I then took the checks cashing them at various banks in and around Orlando converting them to hundred dollar bills."

"I thought about changing jobs, but the pay was good and I liked working for the firm. Unlike the other times, I never quit felt safe anymore. I went to work and home. I rarely went out and never dated. I guess I had become what some would term paranoid. However, it was some three years before I noticed a silver Cadillac Escalade everywhere I, home, shopping."

"Dread overwhelmed me, this was the third time the Cartel had found me. Enough was enough. I couldn't take anymore. I went back to the apartment opened my vault and removed a deed and description of land that my uncle owned in Northern New Mexico. Looking on the internet I plotted my trip to his property, I knew there was a small cabin built 'cause he use to talk about staying there mostly in the summer. As he got older he spent more and more time in those mountains."

"In late June I placed a few essential things in a paper bag including the cash I had been saving. Loaded the car and drove to a second hand store, bought some jeans, boots, a parka. Continuing to drive around town stopping at various locations, the Escalade was always somewhere close or driving by where I was parked. Toward dark I drove to a car wash whose entrance was at the rear; paused briefly so the escalade would park waiting for me to drive out through the carwash. Fear gripping me so much that I was trembling every step of the way, I then drove down the alley and kept going out of town. I never looked back: I was afraid I would see that silver escalade following."

"When I got to Orange Park outside of Jacksonville, I stopped at a ratty looking used car dealership traded the car the feds provided for a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 with camper shell. Using my true name of Constance Welch, and since I paid cash this dealer didn't ask too many questions."

"Driving Northwest until I was too exhausted to continue, I rented a room somewhere across the Georgia border in Tennessee. Avoiding Alabama I continued west through Oklahoma dropping down into New Mexico and Sangre de Cristo Mountains."

Reaching Cimarron, I inquire about my uncle's land at the local gas station. An old timer sitting inside by a wood stove, heard me asking about Carl Welch, "What's your interest in Old Bear?"

Laughing I walked over to where he sat, stuck out my hand "Well Sir, I'm his niece. He died several years back and left me the property. I decided to take a vacation and see what he found so enjoyable about living here. And if you refer to him as "Old Bear" then I reckon you knew him pretty well."

The old man, Mr. Cargill, gave me detailed directions and even offered to show me the way. Not being too familiar with the mountains, I took him up on it. I promised to have him back by supper time. And since it was only about noon, I figured that would work."

Mr. Cargill kept me entertained on the drive up the mountain, with tales of the adventures he and my uncle had; especially the one that earn him the name 'Old Bear'. Took about an hour to drive up the mountain to my Uncle's land. The cabin was actually better than I expected. I walked around the area with Mr. Cargill following me every step of the way, when I entered the cabin he gave out a whistle. "Well, I'll be damn, sure ain't changed much. Pretty dirty, but it'll clean up real nice."

I couldn't help but smile, they must have had some good times for him to remember the cabin and my uncle so fondly. "You visit up here a lot, Mr. Cargill?"

"Yup, when 'Old Bear' came up for the summer we spent a right smart time sitting on that there porch...chewing and spitting and spitting and chewing. Yup, He was alright."

Spitting a wad of tobacco out the truck window he ask, "Little lady, you gonna stay long?"

I wasn't sure how to answer him, I didn't want anyone to know I was here.
So I hedged, "Don't know Mr. Cargill just how long I'll stay." As we made the drive through the many species of pines and aspen I began to fall in love particularly with the isolation. By the time we returned to the store I felt like maybe, just maybe, I would be safe here.

And, Liam, I have been happy here for a little over four years; and even began to feel safe until I found your trail near my property. Then fear, no terror, hounded me night and day leaving a chill deep inside. I spent my nights sitting in a chair in the dark with a loaded shotgun; and every time I dozed I woke drenched in perspiration from fear, panic and paranoid set in.

After about a week with no sleep no rest and anxiety rising with each passing day I knew I had do so some thing or go crazy. That's when I decide to follow the trail that coming much too close to my property line and when it veered closer to the cabin. I had to find its origin and destination. None of the locals ever came this high up on the mountain, I had to know who was invading my haven. I just had to!

Chapter 9
Chapter 9

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Time passes quicker than they realize. Liam’s shoulder heals nicely with full use of it back, as well as Connie’s arm which is no longer in a splint. They know it is time for him to leave, but neither broaches the subject until that night at dinner when Liam brings it up.

“Connie, tomorrow I’m heading back to my place. I’ve been gone too long and I have things to take care of back there.”

Looking at him for a moment with a sad look in her eyes says, “Well it’s about time you got out of here. You’ve done nothing but eat my food, take up space, and just being an overall pest to me. I swear it will be nice to have some peace and quiet around here again.”

He smiles at her chuckling, “It’s always nice to know that some things never change.”

In their hearts though they know that neither wants the other to leave they're just putting on a brave show. In reality they have grown closer, each wanting more but afraid to take it to the next level.

The rest of the evening. Each lost in their own thoughts until they call it a night. Connie in her bed, Liam on the couch, so close yet so far apart. It is a restless night for each of them.  

The next morning they are both up early, neither saying much of anything as Connie fixes breakfast preparing sandwiches and coffee for Liam to take with him when he leaves.  Finally, it is time for him to head to his home on the other side of the mountain; both stand there looking at each other, not knowing what to say feeling very awkward.

Finally Liam says, “The hell with it.” Dropping his backpack he takes her in his arms holding her close. She sighs as she melts into his chest holding onto him, not wanting to let go. Liam kisses the top of her head pulling away looks into her beautiful eyes, “Connie, you’re one hell of a lady. Tough, beautiful, and mule headed as they come. But I am honored beyond words to have met you. Now, if you are so inclined, meet me at the cave one week from today. I need to check on a few things; may have a solution to your problem. I can’t promise anything, but I’m going to try like hell to keep you safe.”

Hugging her once more, he picks up his back pack, turns and walks out the door without another word.

Connie stands in the open door watching till he disappears into the woods; without warning the tears stream down her face as great sobs echo through the cabin.

Time drags until finally the week passes.  Connie is up early packing supplies that will be good to take she saddles her horses and is ready to go as the first rays of the morning sun flood the valley.  They make good time even though sometimes they move at a snail’s pace as they navigate around obstacles and rough terrain. Arriving at the cave around mid-afternoon Connie looks around calling out Liam’s name. When no answer comes, she hobbles the horses near the trees in a grassy clearing where they have shade and plenty of grass. Nearing the cave she sees nothing out of place but feels that there have been changes made, yet can’t put her finger on what.  Just before going into the cave, she stops looking around once again she spots what has changed; there’s a large pile of wood near the tree line camouflaged looking as if has always been there. She would have never known it was there if she hadn’t trained herself to be more observant of her surroundings. Looking around once more she calls out Liam’s name, when no answer comes she heads to the cave noticing the entrance that it has been widen and made taller.        

As Connie starts her entrance, she finds a lantern sitting just inside pausing for a moment to light it before continuing. As she stands up she is amazed at what she sees; Liam has been very busy setting up the cave. There are cots, sleeping bags, fold up lawn chairs, jerry cans of water, camping stove, and dehydrated food and other supplies needed to hold up in the cave for weeks at a time. Why had he done all this; for what purpose she wonders.

Just then she hears his voice outside yelling, “HELLO.” 

Slipping out of the cave she stands watching him as he comes up the hill carrying more supplies in his backpack. As he gets closer she is overwhelmed by a compulsion and running to him wraps her arms around him. The sudden weight change of her onslaught causes him to lose his balance falling backwards with Connie on top of him. Remaining in the awkward position eyes locked in a surprised stare  suddenly Connie jumps off of him her face a radiant blush apologizing saying that she didn’t mean it.

Liam lay there, trying to get up but looking very much like a turtle on its back. Finally he undoes the straps, slips out of the pack and slowly stands looking at her. “It’s great to see you too.  As he pulls her into his arms she lays head on his chest savoring the feel of his arms around her, she looks up into his blue eyes asking, “What is the deal with all the stuff in the cave? Are you leaving your cabin and moving into the cave.”

 “No Connie. I have an idea and its part of a plan I’m formulating to keep you safe. I’ll explain it to you once we’re inside the cave and I get some coffee, it been a nice little trek over the mountain.”

With that, Liam picks up his backpack moving into the cave. Connie stands there for a moment, full of apprehension as fear creeps into her soul; not sure she wants to know what he is talking about but at the same time curious. Finally her curiosity bolsters her courage and she follows him into the cave.  Sitting in one of the chairs he put in the cave she says not a word watching him prepare the coffee and setting the pot on the cook stove to brew. Connie follows his every movement with questioning eyes as he picks up his pack, sitting down beside her pulling supplies out.

“Alright Connie, first things first. This is for you, a satellite phone that’s encrypted and untraceable. It has a 72 hour battery life before it needs to be recharged and you can use it to call me anytime you wish. My number is set up in it; all you have to do is hit ONE and SEND then it calls me directly. I have the same thing and no one will ever know it’s you or for that matter where you are because it’s untraceable.”

As he hands it to her she accepts it with a slight nod; yet, she is puzzled by the phone.
“Now I have two pistols for you; they are easy to carry and easy to conceal on your person. The first one is a 9mm with 2 spare clips, each clip with 10 rounds of hollow points in them. The second is for close range emergences. It holds five rounds and is a 45/410 pistol. I have both kinds of ammo for it and depending on which is easier for you to handle, will be what we load into it. They also have clip on holsters and can hook on to your belt or on your boots if you wish. They are also, as of now, fully loaded.”  He hand her both pistols, holsters, and four boxes of ammo consisting of 9mm, 45, and 410 deer slug rounds.

She takes them looking at him her eyes large and round full of fear. Thinking to herself, what is he getting me into?  As she watches him, he rises pours coffee for both of them. She notices that his eyes have changed, once soft and gentle are now cold, hard and unfeeling.

As he sits back down looking at her with those steely eyes for a minute, a shutter runs through her. Then he taking a sip of his coffee he begins. First off Connie, I did some checking on this Cortez individual you said was part of the bank hold up and murder. He’s very bad news and the head of one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico and the United States. Anyone who crosses him ends up dead and he doesn’t give up once he goes after someone. The FBI & DEA are both after him and have been for years, but every time they get a lead on him he simply vanishes. They nicknamed him ‘the snake’ mainly because he’s so slippery. As of right now, you are the only one who has managed to survive as long as you have. But you are living on borrowed time; it’s only a matter of time before he finds you.” 

Liam pauses for a moment watching her. Connie’s face is pure white and she is shaking so badly the coffee in her cup is sloshing over the edge.  He reaches over taking the cup holding her hands to calm her.  “Connie, I know you’re scared but there is more I have to tell you. If we do what I have in mind, you will be safe for the rest of your life. I also know that my idea will scare the HELL out of you, but rest assured you will never be in any danger. Now as I was saying, I can’t prove it as of yet, but I am pretty dam sure that one of your handlers is on Cortez’s payroll. That is the only way they could have found you so quickly after changing your name and your location. They came after you three different times and failed each time to kill you. Now the next time they find you, Cortez will want to be personally involved to insure no mistakes are made assuring himself that you’re dead.”

Pausing for what he said to sink in, “Connie, I want you to listen to what I have to say and not say a word. This is what I have planned; and what needs to be done.”  Over the next hour, Liam lays out his plan to her in detail. Connie sits there the whole time with nothing short of a shocked emanating on her face, ringing her hands, and shaking. Finally he finishes sitting back he looks at her without saying a word.

Connie gasps as her hands fly to her mouth panic just under the surface, she shakes her head from side to side her whole body trembling.

“No Connie, we don’t want you dead. We want Cortez to show himself so we can eliminate him once and for all; then you can live out the rest of your life without fear.”

Liam reaches into his pack pulling out a bottle of cognac pours some into her cup handing it to her.  Connie is shaking so badly that he has to help her hold it; as she drinks it down in one gulp.

She looks at him with terrified crazed eyes shaking so hard she teeters as she attempts to rise from her chair. Slowly she reaches over, grasp the bottle of cognac with both hands taking a long swig from the bottle. She gags and coughs for about three minutes as she leans against the cave wall.  Looking at him her eyes burning with rage; but a look of complete and utter fear radiating from her ashen face.  “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAM MIND; ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME KILLED, OR WHAT?” her voice rising with each word, “That is the most asinine idea I have ever heard in my life. You think using me as bait to bring this psycho out in hopes of killing him is going to work when the FBI or the DEA can’t even stop him. That’s got to be the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.”

“Is it Connie? Think about it. You want to be free and be able to live your life without fear. We have to take him out completely! As for the FBI and DEA, they are constrained by what they can do by law and will go no further; and they do not have the resources that I do. They are unwilling to do whatever it takes to get the job done; I, on the other hand will do whatever it takes with no questions asked. So for now Connie don’t say another word, think about it overnight. Then give me your answer in the morning. In the meantime, I’ll get dinner going for us while you calm down and think about what I’ve said.” 

Connie stands there with her hands on her hips glaring at him saying not a word. Picking up the bottle of cognac downing another swig, gaging she leaves the cave.

 Liam sits there for a moment, shakes his head and proceeds to fix dinner. About a half an hour later, he steps outside the cave and finds her taking care of her horses. She found the corral and shelter he built for them.

He hears her talking to them as she brushes their coats.  Quietly as not to alarm her further he says, “Dinner is ready.” Without further comment he returns to the cave.

Fifteen minutes lapses before she enters the cave saying, “Thanks for the corral.”

Liam serves dinner; and while they eat silence permeates the cave.   It is late in the evening, the sun sinks behind the mountains and the stars are dancing around the quarter moon lighting the darkness.  Off in the distance, they hear a lone coyote calling out his loneliness as yearns for a mate; but no answer echoes through the night.

As silence roars in the cave, Liam picks up one of the sleeping bags and his rifle moving to the exit of the cave.

“And where do you think you’re going,” Connie inquires.

“I’ll stay outside tonight to watch over the horses. There were some fresh cougar tracks near here the other morning, and I don’t want your nags getting bothered by it. Besides, I don’t want to fall asleep around you and wake up with you beating the crap out of me’ cause you’re still pissed. So get some sleep, if you need anything, just call.” As he moves outside he leaves her setting with her mouth open glaring at him.

About three in the morning Connie crawls out of the cave to look for him. She freezes in her tracks when she sees him setting next to the cave entrance with his rifle to his shoulder looking through the scope at something out in the woods that she can neither see nor hear.

With one hand, he motions for her to get down and move over to sit beside him. Once she is setting next to him, he softly whispers.  “There’s a cougar about two hundred yards out there I’m watching just to make sure it doesn’t go after the horses. It’s downwind of them; they don’t know about the cougar yet, but he knows where they are.”

In a whisper, Connie asks, “How do you know it’s there? I can’t see a thing.

Liam reaches down beside him handing her a scope; as she puts it up to her eye everything changes.  “Starlight Scope”, he whispers; then points to the area he is watching.

Connie scans the area he is pointing to seeing a large sleek, beautiful mountain cat with its eyes glowing bright in the scope. The cat is on the hunt, slowly and carefully making its way toward the horses. Then she looks back at Liam sees his finger on the trigger; she can’t help herself from asking; “Are you going to kill it Liam?”

His face is one of pure concentration as he whispers to her. “I’m hoping not to. I’m going to try scaring it away, but if it gets within a hundred yards of the horses then I will. Now watch the cat and tell me what happens?”  As he caresses the trigger the only sound heard is a soft frump as the round leaves the barrel.

Connie watches the cat as the round strikes a tree about five feet from him with a blinding flash. The mountain cat snarls leaping about five feet straight back, turns and tears off into the woods as fast as it can.

Liam chuckles, “That cat won’t stop running for about five miles. She won’t be back tonight or for the next few nights is my guess.”

Connie sits there looking at him in disbelief. “OK Liam, two questions. First, what the hell was that thing you fired; and second, how the hell did you know it was out there?”

He looked at her for a moment smiling before he answers. “That was a specialized incendiary round used normally for fuel tanks and or gas tanks to make them go boom. It’s also great at night for scaring the crap out of things as you’ve just seen because of the bright blinding flash it causes upon impact. As for how I knew that cat was out there, coming our way. I have sensors planted out at three hundred yards and one hundred yards to let me know if we have any unwanted guest; and hands her his notepad.

As she looks at the screen, she sees red markers that pulse on the screen marking where the sensors are located.

“Anything that gets near or goes between those sensors sends a signal to my notepad giving me a good location of the intruder and which way he’s going. Then I can scope it in to see what the intruder is and decide what to do from there. As I told you Connie, I’m going to do everything I can to keep you safe.”

He looks at her, his eyes soft and gentle as she looks away saying, “I’m going to make some coffee, you want some?” He nods his head as she returns to the cave.    
About fifteen minutes later she returns handing him a cup of coffee sitting down beside him leaning her head against his shoulder. For a few minutes the only sound renting the air is a sigh coming from Connie as he slips his arm around her holding her close.  Under the starlit dome, they sit listening to the night creatures prowl the forest, and watching the heavens for the occasional shooting star as it streaks across the ebony sky. Silence continues between them, an aura of peace wrapped around them as they sit side by side. Finally the suns first rays lighten the eastern skies as the creatures of the night disappear into their lairs; and those who saunter through the forest during the day ventures out looking for their next meal.

Looking down into the valley below, they spot a small herd of elk grazing in a small clearing on the dew cover grass, yet ears perked alert for a predator searching for a meal of venison.

Connie stifles a yawn looking up at him.  “Liam, I truly believe you when you said that you would protect me, and I’m sorry I blew up at you. But what you said scared the crap out of me; I knew you were right but didn’t want to admit it.”

Saying not a word he pulls her tighter against him.

 She puts her arms around him quietly saying, “Liam, do what you need to do to keep us safe and not living in fear? I won’t argue; I will do what you want me to.” She shutters moving herself closer to him. 

As he gently kisses the top of her head, “So be it Connie, now I’ll set the wheels in motion and get things set up.”

With that he takes his arm from around her picks up his SAT phone, dials a sequence of numbers, and waits. On the third ring it’s answered.

“459,” came the answer.

“Kingpin please,”

“Wait one.”

Liam looked at to Connie and put his finger to his lips, indicating to her to be quiet.

“Kingpin here.”

“Kingpin, this is Viper. Do you still have the snake on your shopping list?”

“Affirmative Viper, every time we get a lead on him. He disappears and we have to start tracking him all over again. I have his file in front of me as we speak. We are also looking for a witness named Pebbles to see if she would be willing to help us. But have been unable to get a lead on her what so ever. Why?”

“Kingpin, I need you, Hound dog, Bam-Bam, and Bo-peep at my location in three days. Then we can bring out the snake.”

“Wait a minute Viper, why do you need Bo-peep?” There was a momentary pause. “You have Pebbles don’t you? Is she willing to help?” What else would you need Bo-peep for?” There was an unnatural excitement in his voice as he spoke.

“Yes Kingpin, I have Pebbles. She is willing to help and is under my protection at this time. That is also why I need Bo-peep. To protect her as we deal with the snake. I also suspect that the FEDS have a rat in their soup, and that will have to be dealt with.”

“We concur with the rat in the soup Viper. But as of yet have been unable to confirm. Either way, the team will be at your place in three days, OUT.” The phone went dead.”

Liam looks at Connie, smiling about to explain what had just transpired, when she speaks, “Alright Liam, who is Pebbles, who the hell is Bo-peep, and who or what the Hell is Hound dog and Bam-Bam?”

Liam looks at her with a gleam in his eyes chuckling. “Connie, first off, your code name is Pebbles. As for the rest, Hound dog is one hell of a tracker, amongst other things; Bam-Bam is our explosives expert; and as for Bo-peep, let’s just say to have someone protect you, that she is the best there is and they’ll be at my cabin in two days if not sooner.”

“But you told them three days Liam.”

“That I did Connie, but I know them. They will be here early to scope things out and snoop around without us knowing it, or at least that’s what they think. But we will know when they are in the area, as well as where they are at any given time.”

Connie looks at him with a puzzled look on her face as he taps his notebook she smile chuckling too, “We will have to give them a proper welcome won’t we Liam?”

“That we will Connie that, we will. But for now, we have to get packed and head for my place to wait for the team to show up.”

 They head back into the cave, share breakfast, and readies the packs to place on the horses. Just before they leave, Liam camouflages the entrance to the cave to give a natural look to the surroundings. Riding out he gives one last look!


Chapter 10
Chapter 10

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

 It is a long arduous journey for them, especially for the horses as there is no real trail for them to follow back down the mountain. There are boulders to navigate around, as well as downed trees and scrub brush to get through. Finally, toward evening, they come out into a clearing where Liam’s home sits.

Connie is amazed by what she sees in front of her; a very nice log cabin in good shape. Over to the side of the cabin, a large pile of firewood, two fair size green houses and a wind mill slowly turning in the evening breeze, as well as a barn that would be perfect for the horses.
She also notices that the windows and doors have steel shutters on them and are bolted shut.

The first thing Liam does is unlock and open the barn for her turning on the lights. He explains that the wind mill is actually a wind generator that runs the lights for the barn as well as the lights, sprinklers, and heating system for the green houses. It also generates electricity for the house. 

 As Connie takes the horses into the barn, unloading them she gives each one a good feeding and brushing.    Liam proceeds to the house beginning the process of unlocking and opening it.  Once Connie finishes with the horses, moves toward the cabin. She is completely taken aback when she walks into the house; she expected as Liam was male the house would be sparse and unkempt, instead she finds a home. The furnishings are of rustic design, large overstuffed furniture, nicely decorated, spacious, and a homey feeling to it. The walls are decorated with wilderness painting, some from renowned artist. There is a fieldstone fireplace burning brightly and hurricane lanterns throughout lighting the house. The only thing that seems out of place is one wall where there is a bank of computers and monitors. Over in the kitchen is a large, old fashion wood stove where Liam is standing cooking. She stands in amazement her mouth hanging open.

Liam turns looking at her and chuckles, “Your mouth always seems to be gaping open.” With a low chuckle, “Dinner will be ready in about half an hour Connie. So close your mouth and either look around or take a seat and relax.”

Connie snaps out of it, closes her mouth looks around. Touching the furniture, looking closely at the painting she is just amazed at what she sees.  “Liam, I never imagined your place would be so nice. It’s beautiful and nothing like I thought it would be.”

“I like my comfort Connie and I like to keep a clean home. I’ve got everything I need here. The wind and sun supply me with the power I need to run things, with a backup generator which will run the whole place if need be. The fireplace keeps the place warm and I do my cooking on the woodstove, so I’m happy. Besides living by myself, I don’t entertain and no one bothers me. The fact is, you are the first person I’ve ever invited here.”

“I’m honored Liam, but why here and not my place?”

“Two reasons Connie. First off we don’t want to take the chance of anyone finding or knowing about your place; and second off, you’re far safer here where I can better protector you than at your place.”

“How is that Liam?”

“That bank of computers and monitors over on the wall Connie. No one, or anything can get within a mile of my place without me knowing it. I’ve got sensors placed all around the place and if anything comes within range, it triggers the sensors and lets me know so I can check it out and take what actions are needed. So far the only thing that has triggered the sensors has been the animals that live around here; but that’s soon to change so we’ll have to be on our toes.”

“What do you mean Liam?” There is a sound of concern in her voice as she asks the question.

“The team that’s coming here to help us out Connie. I know them and how they operate. They will probably be here tonight. They’ll come through the woods to check things out before they let us know they’re here. That’s how they operate, and when they show up unannounced, you and I will have a surprise or two set up for them. We will have a little fun on top of it.”

“Liam, how do you know it will be them and not someone else?”

“Easy Connie, anyone who is on these teams has a tracker implanted in them. That way, they know where each one is and those in charge can keep tract of them while their on a mission and send help if need be.  And it just so happens that I know the frequencies of the trackers.

“But if you can track them Liam, Can’t they track you as well?’    
“No Connie, just before they retired me, they took the tracker out. But I’ve kept in touch and sometimes they call me.” Liam had a far off look in his eyes as a shutter passes through his body. Then he looks at her smiling he continues his work at the stove.

Quantico Virginia, Marine Corp Base

Deep in the sprawling complex of land that makes up the base of Quantico, located in an isolated area of the base stood the building of the Office of Special Assessments. A sprawling two story building surrounded by arrays of antennas, satellite dishes, high fences topped with barbed wire, and guards 24/7. The building itself is unique--- No windows, and only one door in or out of the building which is also manned by guards at all times. The only signs that are posted in and around the building read,” NO TRESSPASSING. USE OF DEADLY FORCE AUTHORIZED.”   

Those who work there are sworn to secrecy and never speak of their job or the location of the building. Those few, who had stumbled upon the building, are detained, questioned, warned, and released. They are also advised never to speak of the place under penalty of jail or worse. The only ones who know of this building or even the existence of this organization is the President and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. No one else is authorized, especially those in the political arena of Washington D.C. Where they couldn’t keep their mouths shut and keeping a secret is impossible.
Once King Pin finishes his conversation with Liam, he contacts his team telling then they have a mission. The three others are now all gathered in the briefing room kidding around with each other waiting to be briefed when King Pin walks in. His look is serious; as he approaches the front of the room he stands there looking at them. “First things first,” he states. “Which of you is responsible for the brawl at the bar off base last night which sent four people to the hospital and got the bar closed down by the police?”

Hound Dog and Bam-Bam look at each other, grin and then busts out laughing. At the same time Bo Peep slowly stands sheepishly looking up at him.

“That would be me Sir, sorry. They were drunks who started grabbing at me, then one of them smacked me on my butt and I lost it. Sorry Sir.”

Hound Dog and Bam-Bam start snickering again, and then lost it as she glares at them. King Pin stares at her as well for a moment and then chuckles. Finally he regains his composure clearing his throat. Upon doing that, his team gets quiet looking to him.

“Bo-peep, you are restricted to base for the next six months, except for missions, and you ARE NOT EVER to go to any more bars that are inhabited by rednecks or jarheads; and if you do go to any bars once you are off restriction you will keep that butt of yours out of harm’s way. Do we understand each other?”

“Yes Sir, sorry Sir,” then she sits back down glaring once again at the other two who are still snickering.   

“Alright, now that that’s out of the way, we have a mission,” states King Pin. The room went quiet, everyone listening with a keen interest.

“We have an excellent chance to bring Cortez, the Snake out of hiding and on our terms for once. As of now we have a line on Pebbles, the witness and she’s agreed to help us.” On the large screen behind him, Connie’s picture shows up. This is the last known picture of her. Now we are also bringing Jammer with us; he will be with me.”

Hound Dog speaks up. “Sir, Jammer has never been on a field mission. May I ask why we are bringing him?”

“Good question Hound Dog, and the answer is twofold. First off, we suspect there is a rat in the FBI’s soup and we’ll be using him to bring the Snake out. As you know, there have been three attempts on Pebbles life. Cortez does not tolerate failure and if he keeps with his track record, he’ll show up personally to make sure the jobs done right this time. With Jammer, we’ll be able to intercept any and all phone communications between the rat and Cortez before and during the mission. Jammer already has his name and has things set up to monitor the rat. This way we can deal with Cortez and him at the same time.”

“Sir, two questions, first are we to capture and detain or otherwise; and the second question is, why can’t Jammer work from here like he always does and communicate with us via satellite,” asks Bo- Peep.

“Our mission this time is to eliminate Cortez and all that are with him. As for why the Jammer is coming with us this time. We need him because of the location as we don’t know what we will be running into.” A different picture shows up on the screen behind him; a high definition satellite view of a clearing with a cabin in the center of it with smoke coming out of the chimney, a barn to one side and two green houses.

“As for your second question, we are heading to the mountains of New Mexico. The cabin you are looking at belongs to one of our own who is guarding Pebbles as we speak. We will chopper in ten miles northeast of the cabin. Make our way there and do recon before we make our presents known.  The danger lies in doing the recon in the area, because the cabin belongs to VIPER and he will be on guard full time. We are taking Jammer with us to locate any sensors that happens to be along the way. When we arrive be sharp and be on your toes, Viper will be waiting for us but where, we won’t know. Now get your gear together, and whatever else you think you need. Our flight takes off in two hours. We’ll be landing at SOCOM, (Southern Command), at Cannon New Mexico. Your information packages are in front of you with pictures and topographical maps of the area; and never forget we will moving into Vipers territory.  If you hear something out of place, or he calls to you, just raise your arms, don’t move letting him come to you. Now move it people.”   
“Sir, what happens if we don’t freeze and just react as we would to any threat,” asks Jammer.

“Then Jammer you will be dead.” Jammers face went blank, but his eyes showed pure fear as he watches them head out the door.  Then hurrying to catch up he gathers the supplies he needs.

The flight to New Mexico is uneventful. Each member of the team reviewing their information packages and the maps of the area; if someone has a question they ask and it is answered. Beyond that, they sleep as much as they can on the flight. 
The C-130 lands at Cannon AFB in the early hours of the morning. It taxies to the remote area at the far end of the runway coming to a stop. The only other aircraft visible is one of the team’s specialized Black Hawk helicopters designed for stealth and speed with a marvel in electronic gear. Once the C-130 touches down, the Black Hawk begins revving its engine ready to take off as soon as they are on board.  
Once stopped, the back end of the C-130 drops down and the five passengers disembark heading for the chopper. The only other person who is in site or has any idea of their mission is the commander of SOCOM. But his knowledge is limited to only what he needs to know. As the team walks toward the waiting chopper, he salutes holding that position till they’re all aboard the Black Hawk. The only one that acknowledges the General is King Pin, who turns, salutes back, nods his head climbing on board.

The General has known and worked with these teams for years, and he always makes it a habit of being there when they take off as a sign of respect and honor for them. It does not matter what time it is, he never misses seeing them off. He also knows the hazards of their mission, and more times than not; not all return alive.  He stands watching as they lift off disappearing into the night; pulls out his phone making one call. All he says is, “their airborne,” and hangs up. He says a silent prayer for them as he gets into his vehicle heading home.

Once they are air born, King Pin dons a headset talking with the pilot giving him directions that will take them northeast of the cabin; giving him the coordinates to the location of the drop.

The pilot acknowledges with a nod. He has flown these teams before quickly finding out he does not want to know more; it is safer not to ask questions. The pilot flies in total darkness with no running lights and no flight plan. He uses his on-board radar and Infer red headset to see where he is going; flying through valleys and between mountain ranges, keeping clear of the few towns and ranches on the flight path.

Unaware the chopper activated one of the sensors planted to keep an eye on the area signaling Viper back at the cabin who wakes with a start when his computer beeps at him. Going immediately to check the monitor on his computer which is automatically running an analysis on the signal it received from the sensor.  As the data appears on the screen Viper sees the invader is a helicopter, type unknown, flying in a northerly direction. 
Liam is ninety percent sure who it is; everything he knows about the team and how they operate indicates that it’s them and they are on the move to his location. But there’s that last ten percent probability that it might not be them and trouble is on its way. Either way he knows he has to check it out. If it is the team, he’ll track and watch; otherwise, he’d deal with the threat in his own way.    

The drop zone is a small clearing three miles north of the proposed drop, not big enough for the helicopter to land in, but big enough for it to hover above and let the team repel down. Once they're on the ground King Pin signals the chopper pilot, all is well. With that the pilot increases power vanishing into the night.

King Pin looks around at his team who are in defense positions around the perimeter. As always he is pleased with what he sees calling them in.  “Alright team, remember, we are heading into Viper’s territory; he’s as deadly and quiet as they come. He also has severe PTSD, which makes him even deadlier. We are all targets till he knows it’s us, be on your toes. Remember, if you hear anything out of place or see something that does not strike you as normal, freeze where you are and don’t move. Let him contact you and do exactly as he says. Jammer, how far does your equipment go out?”

“One hundred yards Sir, full coverage in all directions. I have our trackers logged in so we will know where each of us is at any given time.”

“Good, Hound Dog, you take point, twenty five yards out, Jammer and I will be next, Bam-Bam, you’re next, tens yards behind us, and Bo-peep will cover our tails. No more than ten yards behind Bam-Bam, Bo-peep, and remember, he is as silent as they come, so you will probably be the first contact, if he decides to contact us, any questions?”

There were no questions, so King Pin gives the signal for the team to move out. Each one pulls their night vision goggles down giving the surrounding terrain a surreal appearance. 

     As they move off into the trees each on full alert and making their way toward the cabin, one thing occurs to each of them. Being oblivious to the sensor triggered by the helicopter each one wonders what Viper will think about them showing up unannounced.

Liam activates all his systems seeing that there are five personal tracker signals instead of the four he expected. “So,” he thought to himself, “they brought another member of the team with them. I wonder who the hell that is.”  Through his years with the team, he had acquired a lot of knowledge; looking at the clock on the wall he smiles. One of the Intel satellites will be passing overhead in about five minutes and this one has an inferred ability that can see in darkness. Liam punches the codes in on his keyboard watching the monitor. The terrain below the satellite comes on line and Liam directs the camera to where he wants it. As the satellite comes into range, five images appear on the monitor. They are spaced apart and moving quickly but very cautious. He knows by the way they move, it is his old team and as he expected they are early. But one thing bothers him, who was the fifth person? Quickly he changes clothes and is putting on his web harness when Connie walks out of the bedroom gasping when she sees him. He is now dressed entirely in black and armed to the teeth.

“What’s going on Liam?”

Liam looks at her seeing the scared look in her eyes, and knows he has to get her busy before she starts to panic. “Good, you’re awake Connie. We have some visitors coming our way. I have good reason to believe it’s my old team, but I want to make sure and I’m going to need your help.”

With that, Liam walks over to the wall next to the kitchen, pushing on one of the panels. As it opens, Connie sees that it is full of various kinds of weapons; reaching in he pulls out M89 sniper rifle, picks up a 20 round loaded magazine, puts it into the rifle, and chambers a round. Next he picks up a second magazine placing it in his web vest. The last thing he picks up is the silencer for the rifle screwing it into place. With that he turns to her. “Alright Connie, here’s what I need you to do for me. I need you to monitor the computers for me while I’m out in the woods. Here’s a headset for you so that we can stay in contact with each other; I’ll also be telling you what I need you to do from here.”

He then proceeds to show her what is what on the screens, as well as what buttons to push when he advises her it is time. She nods in understanding and says she will do what he ask when he asks. Then she puts her headset on and sits down at the monitors. As she looks at them, the only monitor that is active is one that shows five different signals, spaced apart and moving in a line towards their location. The second monitor shows all five, plus one more; he explained to her that sixth blip is him so she would know right where he is at any given time. 

“Is that them, Liam?”

“Yes, I believe so, but that is why I’m going out there to make sure. As I told you Connie, nothing is going to happen to you. So set back and enjoy the show.”  With that, Liam turn and walks out the door into the darkness.

Half an hour later, Liam calls her. “Connie, you there?”

“I’m here Liam, they are still moving toward us.”

“Alright Connie, turn the outer sensors from active to passive and listen. Then turn off the second line of sensors leaving them off till I tell you to turn them back on. I’m in position now and watching, if they’re the good guys we’ll have some fun with them.”

“What if there the bad guys Liam?”

He could hear the strain in her voice.  “Then Connie, you will have nothing to worry about and they will never be heard from again.”

Liam takes his position setting up. He knows that if it is his old team, they will be wearing inferred headsets to see anything in the area, as well as having motion detectors. So he has to become invisible yet still be able to observe each of one.

Connie comes on line. “Liam, I’ve got you on the monitor and the other five are almost to your location.” Connie hears a double click which means he acknowledges her.

Liam freezes as he hears the first one coming up the hill. Watching, he sees that they move quickly and quietly always scanning the area on alert. He also knows it is his team as the first one passes, he instinctively know it’s Hound Dog. As he watches the rest of the team go by, he smiles slightly and chuckles quietly to himself. He still has it, they didn’t spot or hear him; and he now knows the fifth person is Jammer. Bringing up the rear is Bo-peep; Liam waits till she is out of site.  “Connie, they are the good guys, so it’s time for some fun. Are you all ready?”

“Ready here Liam, just say the word.”

Once again she hear the double click waits. As Connie watches listening, she hears them walk past the first sensors and advises Liam that they have passed the first line. He then advises her to wait five minutes and turn all the sensors passive. Time seems to drag as she watches the clock and the monitors, at exactly the five minute mark she hit the buttons.

Out in the woods, three fourths of a mile from the house, Jammer freezes in his tracks speaking one word “freeze”. Everyone freezes in place.  “We have sensors going off behind us and in front of us. Someone just activated them; they know right where we are.”

King Pin came on line. “Alright team, close up and be ready. Viper knows we’re here and is probably watching us as we speak. Remember; don’t make any threating actions or moves toward him whatever you do. Stay alert just in case it’s not him.”  Slowly they move together.

“Liam, something else just showed up on the sensors. I now have seven signals, six moving, and one stationary. The seventh signal is in between you and right in line with the last person on the team. I have no idea what it is, but it’s about one hundred yards north at this time.”   

Liam moves quickly and quietly till he has Bo-peep’s back in sight. He lifts his rifle looking around the area through his IR scope. Seeing nothing on the ground posing a threat to her, he pauses in thought for a moment then scans the trees around her. There he finds the extra blip, a large mountain cougar perched on a tree limb almost directly above Bo-peep. Looking at its intended pray and getting ready to pounce the minute she passes under its perch, Liam has no time to give Bo-peep a warning but fires two quick shots, hitting his target. The cougar screams once in outrage and pain, falling out of the tree three feet from Bo-peep.

When Bo-peep hears the scream, she crouches, her finger on the trigger of her rifle scanning the area. When the cougar hits the ground next to her, she jumps away from it. Crouched there looking at the cat shivers run down her spine.  She hadn’t heard it, nor seen it; without a doubt it would have been too late for her and she knew it. Slowly she stands up moving toward the now dead cougar, her finger never leaving the trigger. Poking it with the end of her rifle convinced it is truly dead, she kneels next to it for a closer look. Two holes, close together and a small blood pool shows where the rounds entered the heart. She heard no shots but instinctively knows who killed the mountain cat. Slowly she rises with the barrel of her rifle pointing to the ground scanning the area. Nothing shows through her night goggles, but she doesn’t expect to see anything. Viper, she thinks to herself, will only show himself when he is ready and not a moment before. Slowly she raises her hand and waves, not knowing where he is, but knowing that he is watching. Then she turns moving out to meet up with the team.

Liam watches her till she is out of his sight then waiting a few more minutes to be sure he walks out to the dead cougar. He estimates that it weighs around 140 lbs., male in good shape.  Something is wrong, normally a cat this size stays clear of people but for some reason it hadn’t; and paid for it with its life. I’ll come back later to skin it, but for right now I need to has his old team to track. 

“Liam,” Connie calls. “The seventh signal is no longer showing movement; it just faded from the screen. Are you alright?”

“All good here Connie. A male cougar decided to try and have Bo-peep for dinner. I had to take it out to save her. Where’s the team now?”

They’re about six hundred yards in front of you and it looks like they are coming together. The fifth signal is moving towards them at this moment.”

Liam starts moving toward them, carefully and quietly. He knows Bo-peep will advise the rest they are being tracked.

King Pin waits for the team to gather, finally Bo-peep shows up. He looks at her with annoyance “what took her so long?”

 She glares at him for a moment then answers, “We’re being tracked by Viper. I just had a cougar try to make a meal out of me and Viper took it out. Dam thing hit the ground three feet from me, dead. It was up a tree that we all walked under and not one knew it was there. I checked it out; it had two holes both heart shots.”

“Did you see or hear where the shots came from,” asks King Pin.

“No! I scanned the area, but there was nothing and no one showing. So I waved and headed here. Viper is tracking us and probably watching us right now.”

King Pin nods looking at Hound Dog. “Do you think you can find him Hound Dog?”

“Only if he wants to be found King Pin, and right now, I do not even want to think about it. I’ve tried to track him before in our exercises and every time he’s turned the tables on me.”

“OK, we know we’re being tracked. Keep together; your rifles down. He’ll show himself when he’s ready. Let’s go people.”

Slowly they make their way toward the cabin; arriving at the edge of the clearing where the cabin sits they hold their positions and wait.

Liam watches as they spread out and began to scope the area. This is what he is waiting for. He signals Connie to do as prearranged. 

Without warning, flood lights come on lighting the entire area around the cabin. Their night vision goggles now useless, the team takes them off watching the area toward the front of the house and to the sides. The next thing they see is a young woman come out and stand on the front porch, looking directly in their direction. They yelling at the top of her voice Connie intones, “KING PIN, KING PIN, VIPER SAYS GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE. COFFEE IS READY AND STEAKS ARE WAITING. AUTHENACTION, FOXTROT UNIFORM, FOXTROT UNIFORM,”

Then she stands there watching five forms materialize out of the thick inky woods. Some seem to rise up materializing from the ground and some from behind trees, making their way toward her, slowly and cautiously.

Finally they are very near the porch when Connie speaks,“Hello, I’m Pebbles. Viper will be with us momentary and we thank you for coming.”

Hound Dog responds, “May we ask where Viper is?”

Connie looks over their heads smiling says, “He’s right there.”

 The team turns around and sees Viper fifty feet behind them, rifle cradled in his arms, smiling, as he makes his way toward them.

King Pin just shakes his head walking up to him. “Alright you SOB, how did you know we were here?”

Liam chuckles. “Your chopper triggered one of my sensors.”

King Pin says not a word for a few seconds and then reaches out and grabs him in a bear hug, laughing the whole time. Within seconds the rest of the team, save Bo-peep are all on him talking up a storm and pounding him on the back. 

Finally Bo-peep muscles her way in, stands in front of Liam, grabs him by the ears, pulling him down gives him a big kiss, then lets him go. “That is for saving my butt back there.” She then proceeds to punch him in the stomach as hard as she can, “and that’s for shooting me in the butt four times you asshole.”

Connie stands there watching as the rest of the team break out into major fits of laughter, as Liam, doubles over, and trying to catch his breath laughing at the same time. She wonders what that is all about, especially him shooting Bo-peep in the butt. At the same time, deep inside of her, she feels the twinge of jealousy go through her when he is being kiss by another woman.  Finally the team calms down but continues to rib Viper about Bo-peep finally getting him back. Viper is finally able to stand up straight and as he looks at Connie, he sees that she is standing there with her hands on her hips, glaring at him.

“WHAT, is that all about, if I may ask, and why did you shoot her in the butt?”

Everyone goes quiet for a moment, and then busts out laughing again telling Viper that he is dead meat now and giving him no mercy with their jabs and comments.

Finally King Pin speaks up. “Ms. Pebbles, during field exercises we use paint guns to shoot our adversaries. It would seem and is a fact that Bo-Peep backside makes a very desirable target. Liam here is the only one she has never been able to get back, until now. But knowing Viper and the rest of the team here, if the opportunity presented itself again to nail Bo-Peep backside again, they would not hesitate. It does make a very desirable target.”

Bo-peep states. “I give you fair warning right here and now. The next one of you who shoots my butt will suffer for it in a major way, and that’s a promise.”

The team starts to snicker again, but freeze when they see the look that Bo-peep is giving them, as well as Pebbles glaring at them at the same time.

“Oh God, we’re dead meat now, there’s two of them to contend with,” states Hound Dog in no uncertain terms.

“And WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT,” ask Connie as she glares at him. Hound Dog seems to whither under her look says nothing.

Bo-peep walks up to Connie and introduces herself. “Hello Pebbles, my name is Bo-peep and I can see that you and I are going to get along splendidly. Especially in dealing with these Cretans, don’t you think?”      
“I completely agree with you Bo- Peep. Now would you care to come inside with me for coffee and breakfast, or do you think your flock here will be lost without you?”  Pebbles asks with a wicked grin on her face.

Bo-peep turns looking at the four men and only says, “BAAAA”, turning she follows Pebbles inside as they roar with laughter.

The four men stand there flabbergasted. No one has ever referred to them as sheep nor glared at them as Pebbles had and gotten away with it. Finally King Pin speaks,  “Hound Dog, I think you’re right. Now we got two of them to deal with and unless I miss my guess, we just got slammed hard by both; and they didn’t lay a finger on us.” 

They all look at Viper as he shrugs his shoulders. “Don’t look at me. I’ve had to put up with them a lot longer than any of you have.” With that they go inside.

The rest of the day, they eat, rest and make plans. Hound Dog, Bam-Bam, and King Pin scout out the surrounding land, looking for the best places for them to set up giving them the best areas for kill zones.

Jammer sits with Viper at his computer control center learning what he has to work with in order to help out as best he can. Pebbles and Bo-peep stay together, learning about each other as well as Bo-peep telling what she expects and requires of Pebbles when the time comes. Pebbles takes Bo-peep up into the mountains showing her the cave and explains what Viper thinks will be best for her when the time comes. Bo-peep comments, “The place is perfect, quiet, secluded, and easy to defend if necessary.

That night, after everything is set and in place, they sit, eating, and trading war stories, mostly to embarrass Viper in front of Pebbles with his exploits. Viper takes it all in stride but throws it right back at them; all having a good time. Finally they call it a night and hit the sack, except for Viper. He never sleeps the night before a mission, and now all his skills, knowledge, anxieties, and fears come flooding back to the forefront. Memories long forgotten come back as well. Some cause him to shutter, but overall he smiles and looking forward to the hunt.
Putting on his gear he moves into the night.

Viper returns early the next morning and is in the process of tacking the cougar’s hide to the barn when King Pin and Bo-peep approach.     

“Is that the bastard that wanted to make a meal of me?”

“That’s the one Bo-peep, and when I’m done with it, I’ll be sending it to you and the team as a reminder to keep a watch above you as well as around you at all times,” Viper replies.

“We’re getting ready to have a meeting to set things up Viper. We figure you probably have a plan in mind already; we’d like to hear it so we can discuss its pros and cons. Besides, we have to find someplace for Pebbles to be safe, “King Pin states.

Viper turns smiling at them as he chuckles and without another word heads for the house.

Both Bo-peep and King Pin look at each other wondering what he is up to; then follows him into the house. Once inside they gather in the living room waiting for Viper to start. 
He stands there for a few moments, looking at the team then begins, “First off we know that Cortez never travels alone. So we can pretty well be sure that he will have somewhere between four or more men with him when he arrives. My guess is on the high side, probably at least eight people, all armed. We know for a fact that he always travels in armored SUV’s, bullet proof glass and armored plating on and in the vehicle. So you’ll have to use armor piercing rounds. When he gets here, his men will come out shooting and hose anything in site. That’s including the rat that I hope to lure up here as well. Bo-peep and Pebbles will be at a safe location well away from here when the time comes. Bo-peep, you and the horses will go with Pebbles to the location up in the mountains where everything has been made ready for you. Under no circumstances is either of you to return here till we make contact with you giving the all clear. If you have any questions Bo-peep, Pebbles will fill you in on where you’re going and what you’ll find there. Any questions Bo-peep?”

Bo-peep shakes her head in the negative.

“OK then, Bam-Bam we’re going to need clay mores, and remote control mines set up along with anything else you can think of. Also how long will it take you to get set up?”

“Give me twenty minutes and I’ll be ready to dance,” grins Bam-Bam.

“Now Hound Dog and King Pin, I’ve got sniper locations set up for you unless you’ve already picked out places for yourselves. Jammer, you’ll be with me. I’ve got an alternate location set up with back-up computer systems like we have in here for you. You’ve locked into his phone and computer system so we can monitor the suspected rat?”

“Even as we speak Viper. All his system are being monitored and recorded, also my systems let me know where he is at any given time.”

Viper nods his head looking at the team. They are the best at what they do, trained killers, keeping this country safe.  Looking directly at Connie with a hard stare, “Now for the hard part, Pebbles are you willing and ready to follow this through completely without question, or do you want to call it off?”

Connie looks around the room at the faces watching her; no judgment or feelings shows in their countenance as she looks at them. A shudder runs through her as she realizes that everything is up to her. Either continue on in a life of fear or assign a death sentence to those who have hunted her trying to kill her three times already. She takes a deep breath staring into Vipers eyes, “Let’s finish this. I’m tired of running and being afraid.” Her hands shaking as she gives the okay.

 Bo-Peep reaches over hugging her saying, “We are all proud of you.”

As Viper smiles at her his face turns to cold, hard, and emotionless granite.  “Jammer, you ready?

Jammer reaches down beside him pulls out his laptop opening it up.  “Ready Viper.”

Viper reaches into his pocket pulls out a burner phone handing it to Pebbles. “Alright Pebbles, now it’s up to you. Make the call, but don’t give him your location right away. Sound scared and unsure; let him think he’s getting it out of you and make it good.”

Connie laughs. “That will be easy, I’m scared as shit.” As she dials the number the team listens in as Connie talks to Agent Eckhart for about fifteen minutes playing her part to the hilt. Finally she gives in giving him her location.  He advises her to keep the phone on and handy and telling her he will be there as soon he hangs up.   

Viper looks over to Jammer, “Got the trace and the exact coordinates. “Wait one, he’s making a call. I’ve got the number and am recording. I’ll put it on speaker so we can hear them.”

They all sat quietly as the phone rings. Finally it’s answered.

“Cortez please.”

“Uno memento.”

The team waits as they sit on the edge of their seats listing.


“Cortez, its Eckhart. I found her and she’s still alive.”

“Where is the PUNTA BITCH? I will personally take care of her this time and make her beg before I kill her.”

I’ll send you her location. She’s in New Mexico, north of Albuquerque in an isolated location and alone. You will be able to deal with her with no problems.”

“No! This time you will meet me at my airfield and you will go with me,” Cortez demands in a firm voice.

“I can’t get involved in this Cortez. There is too much at stake. We can’t be seen together.”

“Listen Gringo, you are involved and you will be there tomorrow or I will kill you and your family.”

With that, the phone went dead. Eckhart stares blindly at the phone, but inside, he is afraid. He knows Cortez would do exactly as he said. He puts the phone down and starts making arrangements.

Back in New Mexico, the team just looks at each other and smiles. Connie is shaking up a storm while Bo-Peep is holding her hands.  Viper nods his head as he walks over to his computer console, flips some switches and checks his monitors turning back to the team. 

“Alright, we know their on their way and we know what we have to do. Jammer, I’ve got all my sensors on and they are now under your control. Once we…..”

Jammer interrupts.  “Wait one, we got an incoming call.” 

Then the phone that Connie used to call the agent begins to ring. Everyone freezes in place and looking at the noisy instrument. Viper picks it up handing it to Connie, saying, “Answer it.”

Slowly Connie reaches out, taking the phone and in a scared, weak voice answers, “Hello.”

“Connie, its Agent Eckhart. My team and I will be there tomorrow to pick you up and take you to a secure place where you will be safe and under guard full time. Stay right where you are and don’t leave, I’LL see you tomorrow.” 

Then the phone goes dead. Connie sits there, looking at the phone shaking badly. Po-Peep reaches over and takes the phone from her giving it to Viper. Then she puts arms around Connie and holds her; Connie breaks down tears streaming down her face.  Viper looks at the rest of the team who are very uncomfortable siting and waiting. “Alright, we all know what we have to do so let’s get set up; get some rest and food in us. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day and hopefully very productive for us.”

Walking over to Connie he gently places his hand on her shoulder, “everything will be alright; you will be safe.”

 Turning a Bo-peep.  “As soon as the two of you are ready, head for the cave. Everything is set up for the two of you and Pebbles knows the way. Remember; do not under any circumstances come back here till you hear from one of us. That way we will all know that the two of you are safe.”  He gives them a slight smile, “Jammer, let’s go. It’s time to set up. The team follows.

 An hour later, Pebbles and Po-peep are ready to go. The horses are packed and the team has gathered around them to wish them good-bye. Connie looks at each one of them noticing there are no expressions showing on their faces and no signs of emotions on any of them.

She walks over to each one of them giving each one a hug and a kiss on the cheek saying, “Thank you.”  Then adds, “If any one of you gets hurt in any way, I will personally kick your butts.”
Walking over to Viper putting her arms around him she gives him a long kiss. They hold each other until Viper clears his throat telling her, “You better get going while it’s still light."

Connie backs away from him with tears in her eyes saying not a word the two women mount Diablo and Paddy riding into the trees.  The rest of the day, the team spends setting up; then the waiting begins.

They are restless that night getting very little sleep. Jammer is set up in the alternate location, tracking the agent via his Cell-phone as he makes his way cross country; he uses one of their spy satellites to watch an area one hundred miles in all directions.

Finally Jammer notifies the team that the agent has landed making his way to a small airfield just north of Albuquerque. Watching via the satellite, he sees that there are three black SUV’s and thirteen people standing around, waiting. Shortly a Lear jet lands and bringing Cortez to the rendezvous; he signals everyone to load up.

Jammer watches as the agent and Cortez argue; soon he pulls a gun pointing it at the agent. With the gun pointing at him the agent turns getting into one of the SUV’s with Cortez right behind him the caravan moves off down the road.

Jammer notifies the team they are on the way and what they are diving. Everything is now set. Viper’s team has been set up since sunrise. Four of them, King Pin, Hound Dog, Bam-Bam, and Viper have been in there sniper locations waiting for what seems like hours. Their fields of vision cover the entire front and sides of his home; everything is covered for a crossfire effect which no one can escape. They each have a 50 Cal. Sniper rifle loaded with armor piercing ammo and incendiary rounds, as well as their personal weapons of choice. Jammer is in the underground bunker Viper built for his backup computers keeping the team advised as things progresses.  Now, they wait.

An hour and a half later, Jammer comes on line telling them they are five miles out closing fast. Viper does a com status check with each team member and all is ready.  Finally the three SUV’s come racing down the driveway pulling side by side in front of the house and stops.  Ten men ran out of the two SUV’s spanning the sides and front of the house, each armed with an M-16 or AK-47; they wait. Cortez and the FBI Agent step out of their vehicle.

As Cortez nods all twelve men begin firing; shooting up the house and all that is inside of it not hesitating one second till they run out of ammo; reloading they wait their weapons still pointing at the house.

It is at this point that Viper gives the go ahead. Bam-Bam set off four claymore mines, each one with 700 steel ball bearings set up so they will criss cross each other making a very effective kill zone. As they detonate 2800 ball bearings shred anything that is in their path; seven of the ten are killed outright and the other three badly wounded.

Cortez screams jumping back into the SUV yelling at the driver to get him the hell out of there. Agent Eckhart jumps in as well slamming the door shut he curls up on the floor. Cortez starts screaming at Eckhart “You bastard! You set me up I’m going to kill you.”

 Then without warning, King Pin fires at the driver. The 50 Cal. round goes right through the driver’s side window hitting the driver in the head, causing it to explode covering the inside of the vehicle with blood and other matter. The three remaining wounded gunmen are trying to get to the other vehicles while shooting at everything and anything. Hound Dog and Viper dispatch them with no problems. Cortez and Eckhart are trying to get to another vehicle, shooting as they go when Bam-Bam sets off a mine under the vehicle the two are trying to get to; the explosion sends the two of them flying through the air slamming them back into the vehicle they just left.  All at once quiet stills the air; the only sound is the crackling of the burning vehicles.

As the agent slowly makes his way to his feet holding up his FBI badge he yells “I’m with the FBI; cease firing.” He stands there looking around as he continue to yell that he’s with the FBI. However, he doesn’t see Cortez rise pointing his pistol right at his head. Just as Cortez pulls the trigger killing Eckhart Hound Dog fires taking Cortez’s hand off at the wrist, with the pistol still in the grip of the severed hand. Cortez screams and keeps screaming as he falls to his knees next to the vehicle holding the bloody stump where his hand use to be.

King Pin, Bam-Bam, Hound Dog, and Viper slowly make their way to his location. Bam-Bam and Hound Dog checks the bodies as they move through the carnage. If there is even the slightest sign of life in any of them, they put bullet in their head moving on. 

Finally they all stand around Cortez, looking down at him, as he cries, screams, and laughs, vowing vengeance as he declares they are good as dead. Laughing again he says, “I’ll soon be free; kill each one of your and their families and there is nothing you can about it.”  His screaming and cussing gets louder and more vehement.

With the riotous caterwauling King Pin looks over at Viper saying, “It’s your call.”
When Viper nods pulling out his pistol pointing it at Cortez head, he finally realizes that the ones around him are not DEA or FBI and are not there to arrest him; He starts screaming about his money and power and how can give them anything they want. It takes only seconds till Viper pulls the trigger.

The team stands there looking around at the carnage when Viper says, “Damn, how the hell and I going to clean up this mess?”

King Pin smiles, “Not a problem Viper, the General sends his compliments.” Then he pulls out his phone punching in a number. “This is King Pin, all actions completed and we need a cleanup; three vehicles, thirteen KIA [Killed in Action], all parties unhurt.” Pausing to listen, “Yes Sir, Yes Sir, I am sure he would like that very much; and he sends his regards. Thank you Sire.” With that Kin Pin closes the phone turning to Viper, “There’s a cleanup crew on their way. They will take care of this mess as well as fix your place for you. The General says tell you, “Thank you.”

Viper stands among the carnage not knowing what to say; then unexpectedly he breaks down in sobs as he grabs and hugs each one of his old team members.

Chapter 11
Chapter 11

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

The cartel is dead; Liam and his friends made sure of that.

When he returns to the cave where Pebbles and Bo-peep are, he assures her that she is free and has nothing to fear.  Walking across the cave to stand in front of her he puts his hands on her shoulders. “You will never have to live in fear again; or run for your life. No one will be looking for you ever.”  As her eyes meet his he sees questions radiating from their depths.

Without a word she leans against him laying her head on his chest wrapping her arms around him. He kisses the top of her head nuzzling her hair as he breathes in the scent of her. That fresh intoxicating aroma he has come to associate with her.  Placing the tips of his fingers under her chin he raises her face to his and looking into her eyes he brushes a kiss across her lips. “Connie, when you’re ready I will take you back to your cabin.”

Lowering her head and in a whisper. “Are you sure? Am I really safe?”

Taking her by the shoulders he pushes away from her just enough to get her attention. “I am sure! You never have to be afraid ever.”

Walking away from him toward the back of the cave where the cots are and with her back still turned toward him. “Liam, I would like to stay here for a while. Can I do that?”

Hearing the quiver in her voice he reaches her in three long strides. Seeing the lone tear sliding down her cheek he tenderly wipes it away with a hand that only minutes before was killing men in cold blood; and with a voice full of compassion. “If that’s what you want Connie, there is no reason why you can’t stay for a while.”

Gazing into his brilliant blue orbs she wonders; One minute his eyes are cold and cruel and dangerous; the next so full of tenderness one feels safe.  Each a contradiction when in contrast. How can a cold blooded killer be so gentle?  “Yes, I would like very much to stay here. I feel safe here.

Liam just looks at her back knowing that it will take some time before she truly believes she is safe; I plan on being around until she feels comfortable alone.  He nods to Bo-peep and they both move silently outside the cave. “How would you feel about staying with her for a while?”

Standing in the shade of the pines listening to the breeze whistling a curious look crosses her face. He is interested in this woman; I do believe the Viper is smitten.  “I’ll have to talk to King Pin.” Smiling. “I’m kinda in trouble.”

Looking down at her with those eyes of steel. “Okay, What did you do to get on his wrong side?”

Laughing, she relates the incident at the bar. Liam can’t help himself, he burst out laughing.  "Ah, Bo-peep nothing ever changes with you does it?”

Grinning that mischievous smirk she is famous for. “Guess not, Viper.” Looking back toward the entrance to the cave, “I’ll go talk to King Pin. You gonna stay here?”

Liam nods in acknowledgment sitting down against the mountain just outside the cave. He knows King Pin will agree; they all are familiar with the signs of PTSD in any one who has lived with fear, atrocities and death or near death.  These things leave their mark deep inside a human being; and they have a strong hold on Connie. As soon as I know she accepts her freedom without reservation, I will be free to get on with my life on the other side of the mountain. While I wait for her to feel really free, I can rebuilt my home; my haven here in these beautiful mountains. For the first time in weeks he allows his thoughts to wander through a futuristic haze----one in which he knows he will never indulge.

A small ping on his IPad alerts him to the return of Bo-peep and a second person who he knows is King Pin walking into the small clearing. “You knew we were coming.”

Glancing up he smiles. “Yes, King Pin.”

His eyes turning even darker than normal. “Viper, you are concerned about Pebbles? You think Bo-peep can really help?”

Listening to the soft mountain breeze whisper through the aspen his blue orbs take on that faraway look King Pin knows well. Then after a few ticks of nature’s clock responds, “She does not want to return to her cabin, but wishes to stay in the cave where she feels safe.”

Hesitating as his gaze meets King Pin’s. “I think Bo-peep might be just the tonic Pebbles needs to regain confidence in herself.”

   “Your request is granted, Viper.” With a sternness he does not really feel but knowing its necessity. “Bo-peep, you will complete this assignment and upon returning you will still be restricted to base. Do we understand each other?” 

She boldly looks directly at Viper. “Understood Sir.”  With that she turns silently entering the cavern to observe Pebbles without her knowing; what she sees confirms she is needed here.  Pebbles sits on one of the cots her knees pulled up to her torso with arms wrapped around them staring at the wall, no tear, no expression---just blankness radiating from her visage.

Slowly she sits down near the entrance giving Pebbles space to process what Viper has told her. After some time with neither moving, Bo-peep glancing at her watch sees they have been sitting like this for over two hours. It’s time for her to step in. Rising from her position on the floor she takes a couple of steps calling. “Pebbles, its Bo-peep.”

Looking up her eyes still blank as though in a trance she slowly moves her arms and lets her legs slip to the floor of the cave. Starting to ask, “Where is Li,” but catches herself just in time as she remembers they all have code names. “Where is Viper?”

“He was sitting just outside the cave when I came in. Do you want me to get him?”

The green orbs take on a glow of life. “No, I asked to stay here for a while. What are you doing here?”

She wonders just how much to tell Pebbles but decides to relate enough truth to gain her trust. “I know what it is to live in fear, thought you could use someone to talk to. Besides, I’m in a lot of trouble with King Pin.  Thought if I stayed here, he might forget the brawl I got into.”

Connie’s eyes light up. ‘You were in a brawl! What happened?”

That was the opening she was looking for. “Me and the guys went out to have a few drinks. Some drunks swatted me on the butt. Nobody lays a hand on me unless I want it. Let’s just say four of them went to the hospital and the bar was closed by the police.”

Amazement in her voice. “Were you hurt?”

Laughing. “Not me, Pebbles. But unless I’m on an assignment I’m restricted to quarters.” With a sheepish grin, “I do like my freedom.”

As Connie erupts in laughter Bo-peep realizes she has indeed found a means of communicating with this troubled woman and laughter erupts with a roar.

The two men standing outside the cave heard the amusing sound emitting from within. Nod to each other and start back across the mountain to what is left of Viper’s home.

After opening some MRE’s for dinner Pebbles and Bo-peep talk well into the night. Soon Pebbles is yawning. Bo-peep looks at her as her eyes droop. “Pebbles, let’ call it a night. We’ll have as long as you want to get to know each other.”

“Sounds good, I am rather tired.” With that Pebbles moves to the cot she has been using and is soon sound asleep. 

Bo-peep sits in the darkness wondering how to help this young woman who has endure so much fear regain her comfort zone.  Soon she drifts in to a light sleep ever alert; she is on duty and will be as long as she is looking after Pebbles.

Sometime during the wee hours of the morning, Connie is awakened with a sense of panic rising, but as she looks around the cave she sees Bo-peep on a cot near the entrance. As her fear subsides she lays back down on the cot but sleep eludes her. Lying there in the darkness she thinks of what Bo-peep had said about the brawl she had and how she came out unhurt. If I could learn from Bo-peep I would never have to be afraid again. That’s it! I’ll ask her to teach me to defend myself. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before. With a plan in her head sleep soon claimed her until the smell of coffee tickled her nose in the early morning.  “That coffee sure smells good. Got an extra cup?”

“Sure thing, Pebbles.” Handing her a cup of the elixir. “How did you sleep?” 

As she takes the cup replies. “I slept great. Better than I have in a long time.  Thanks for staying Bo-peep.” Taking a sip of the warm brew. “I’ll fix us some breakfast in a minute.”

“Just relax, I’ve already got it started.” Bo-peep continues her preparation of the early morning meal keeping an eye on Pebbles observing her body language and expressions. She is surprised to see less tension in her actions than there was last night. Her face seems more relaxed and she wonders what caused this change overnight.  “Chows ready.”

Pebbles moves to one of the chairs set up near the small fire taking the plate from Bo-peep.  “Thanks, I’m hungry.” They sit eating in silence, a silence that seems to echo through the cave.

  Finishing her meal. “I’m going to look after my horses.”

“Whoa there Pebbles, not without me. Viper told me to take care of you and that is just what I intend to do.”  Seeing Connie’s face grow tense she adds. “Besides maybe this will help get me out of trouble with Kingpin.”

With her words, tensions seems to drain from Pebbles body and with a broad grin. “Well, You’ve been so kind, I will help you get out of trouble if I can. Let’s go.”

Watching her with the horses is an eye opener for Bo-peep. The love emanating from Pebbles as she brushes and cares for each horse seems to fill the shed with an aura of peace. The way Diablo nuzzles her neck and Paddy rubs her mane against her face reeks of mutual understanding. It reminds her of the stories she has read about the old west and a cowboy’s trusty steed. A smile spreads across her face, I’m glad for the opportunity to stay with Pebbles. It’s nice to be a part of helping someone who has the capacity to love an animal. As she watches her curry the horses she notices a reluctance to end the brushing of the animals. “Pebbles, your horses are fine animals.”

Looking at Bo-peep a tear slides down her cheek. “They’re my family…..the only family I have. I don’t know what I would do without Diablo and Paddy.”  Finishing her care of the animals, the two women sit outside the cave enjoying the warm sun filtering through the pines and listening to the lark’s melody sailing on the breeze that rustles through the trees.  Pebbles’ mind drifts to the thoughts that she had in the middle of last night, do I dare ask Bo-peep? Liam says I am safe, but how can I know that I am truly safe? If I could learn what she did to take care of herself in the brawl she was in, I could feel safe. Then I could take care of myself.

Watching Pebbles wondering why she is so quiet, but hesitant to ask. Feeling that she should let her set the pace she continues to sit quietly waiting for her to initiate the conversation. One of the things she is good at is waiting…one has to be in their line of work.

Raising her head looking toward the sky in a small voice barely above a whisper. “How did you learn to take care of yourself like you did when the guy swatted your behind?”

Bo-peep sees the seriousness glaring from Pebbles eyes and ponders how to answer her. “Pebbles, serious, relentless continuous training….pushing beyond human endurance. Why do you ask?”

Looking up at her as responds. “I know that Viper says I am safe, but I don’t know when if ever I will truly feel that I don’t have to be on alert and ready to run again. If I could learn from you, I could at least help myself.”

“Just how much to you want to learn? There are ways to defend yourself and ways to cripple or even kill an individual. How far are you willing to go?”  Pausing, “Before we go any further with this discussion take time to think about what you are asking; because if we embark on this journey you will hate me before we are through that I can guarantee!”

Jerking her head facing Bo-peep. “What do you mean I will hate you?” A glimmer of darkness even a touch of fear flickers across her face then disappears as fast as it appeared.

Without hesitation and in a harsh tone Bo-peep replies. “If you embark on this project there will be no quitting by you and not by me; I finish what I start and I will expect the same from you. Are we clear?” Keeping eye contact with Pebbles. “Take some time to be sure this is really what you want. We’ll talk about this in a few days.” With that she rises and disappears into the cave leaving Pebbles with a stunned look on her face.

As the sun dips behind the horizon Pebbles enters the cave where Bo-peep has coffee simmering on the small fire. Sitting on the cot in the far reaches of the cave, she glances at the woman across from her. “You were very harsh, Bo-peep; almost cruel.”

Picking up the coffee pot and pouring the elixir into two cups, she walks across the short span and hands a cup to her. “Learning the tactics of defense is harsh; it will stress you beyond your endurance----mentally and physically then demand you keep going.” Waiting for her statement to sink in she continues. “A little bit of training is more apt to get you killed than to protect you that is why I say there will be no quitting.”

“You’re right. I need to give this some serious thought. Perhaps we can talk more about this tomorrow.” Smiling. “Let’s just relax for the evening.”

Silence permeates the cave as Bo-peep listens to Connie’s even breathing. Being sure she is sleeping she slips out of the cave putting in an encrypted phone call to Kingpin and as she hears him pick up on the other end. “Bo-peep here.”

“Talk.” Listening to Bo-peep’s update on her assignment he asks. “How is she doing?”

Thinking about the question she responds. “She is still unsure of her safety. It will take some time for her to understand the cartel is no longer a threat.”

His voice hardens. “Hang loose on that thought. We doing some further research to make sure there is no one left to cause trouble. I’ll get back to you in a day or two. Out.”

Bo-peep sits in darkness going over Kingpin’s statement. “Damn what is he not saying?” Returning to the cave she lies on her cot more alert that she was last night. Something is in the wind.

Chapter 12
Chapter 12

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Bo-peep guesses it to be just before dawn when she hears low moans and tossing coming from across the cave. Raising up on one elbow she realizes that Pebbles is having a nightmare, but decides to see if it wakes her. Soon, the groans and movement stop, then slow steady breathing echoes through the room.  Pebbles has a lot to work through. No wonder Viper asked if I would stay. Bo-peep wonders, what Pebbles decision will be regarding the training.

The quiet of the night is soothing as off in the distance she hears a coyote’s lonesome howl echoing across the mountain.Slipping out of the cave she sits watching the ebony night turn to gray as the sun makes its way above the horizon. Soon the smell of coffee brewing wafts into the open air,.Well, Pebbles must be moving about. Returning to the cave she sees that Pebbles is preparing breakfast.

Looking up as Bo-peep enters Pebbles asks. “Where have you been?”

“Sitting outside watching the night fade listening to the birds herald the dawn. You been up long?” Moving toward the fire, “Want some help?”

Smiling Pebbles replies. “No, it’s about ready. Figured we would need a hardy breakfast before getting to my training.”

Even though the answer is obvious the expression on Bo-Peep's face turns serious as she asks. “What is your decision, Pebbles?”

Looking down briefly then raising her head her green eyes piercing into the inky orbs across from her. “I want to feel save, so I figure I better go all the way. Teach me to kill.”

Her eyes turning to steel her voice icy. “Pebbles are you absolutely sure, ‘cause there will be no quitting once we start.”

Straightening her back she glares at Bo-peep. “Damn straight, I don’t want to ever be vulnerable again. Do, we understand each other?”

“Let’s eat and we’ll lay out a plan that will be strictly followed, no exceptions.” Taking the plate handed to her she moves to the small table where Pebbles soon joins her.

Eating in silence with only the sound of small critters moving around in the far reaches of the cave, each lost in their own thoughts and the seriousness of the commitment both have made. Quietly, without looking up Pebbles speaks in a whisper. “Call me Connie, that’s my name.

Hearing Pebbles but not responding, too much information; then, looking at her downed head. “This is your last day of relaxation. Early tomorrow morning we get busy on your training.” And in a firm voice void of emotion. “So be ready!”

At the tone of Bo-Peep’s voice she looks up responding. “Right.” Then continues her meal.

O400 hours

Banging a spoon on one of the pans Bo-peep yells. “Rise and shine, it’s time for fun and games.”

Pebbles opens her eyes with a start and sees Bo-peep standing in battle dress hands on her hips glaring at her. “What the hell.”

“Get dress, your clothes are beside your bed, snap to.” She turns and stalks outside the cave to await Pebble’s exit.

Stunned by the metamorphosis of her companion, she crawls out of the warm cot picking up the pile of clothes beside her bed; and is surprised to see they are the same type of clothing Bo-peep is wearing, fatigues.  Okay, I asked for this, but just what did I ask for. Dressing quickly but meticulously she exits the cave to find Bo-peep standing rigid against the back drop of pines sheltering the white trunks of the aspen.

With no preliminary remarks. “Today we’re going to hike five miles up hill and back down with a sixty pound pack.” With that she picks up her own pack. “Turn around.” With Pebbles back to her she helps her on with the pack. She is pleased when she doesn’t bend under the weight. “You’re to keep pace with me, let’s go.”

Bo-peep starts up the hill setting a pace she hopes Pebbles can keep up with as she falls in behind her.  No words are spoken. The sun just sneaking over the mountain peak sends yellow rays glistening through the trees.
Pebbles feels the weight of the pack as they move steadily upward. As the day warms, she feels sweat slithering downward between her breast while her legs begin to ache, but she refuses to accept the possibility she can’t last the five miles; she has hiked this mountain before is this so different? Feeling the breeze on her face as it ripples the pines they move steadily upward.

Shortly Bo-peep stops on the side of the trail as she is slightly ahead of Pebbles, but in glancing back she is pleased that the distance between them is not lengthening. When Pebbles stops beside her. “How are you doing?”
Remembering Bo-Peep's words when she asked for the training she replies. “I’m fine. You’re the one who stopped.

Bo-peep smiles at the audacity of the woman, but admires her determination. She is going to need all she has to get through the rigorous training she needs. “Point taken, let’s move on.”

As the women move further up the hill they are unaware of the two blips showing up on Vipers I-pad. “Well, well, let’s see who is rambling around.” Moving in stealth mode he moves toward the intruders. In the shadow of the trees he observes the two women noting that Connie is the one with the pack and wonders what is going on. Maybe I should venture over to the cave later today to see how things are going; and what this is all about.

Moving higher up the trail following Bo-peep who sets a stiff pace, Pebbles realizes that while she has carried packs before they were never this heavy or at this pace. Taking deep breathes to get plenty of oxygen in her lungs; and setting her jaw firm in determination she refuses to give the least hint that she is tiring; and tiring quickly.  Reaching the five mile mark the two stop in the shade of a large pinon. Gazing out across the terrain below, Pebbles remembers why she fell in love with this mountain the first time she visited it as a child. The many hues of green give the panoramic view sprinkled with the aspen and tall oaks.  Tired, but exhilarated without removing the pack, she turns to Bo-peep. “Do we go higher or back down the way we came.”

Bo-peep shows no expression on her countenance but inside there is hiding a broad smile at the gumption that has been shown by her pupil. “We’ll return the way we came. Watch your footing, I’m going to set a heavy pace; and I don’t want you tumbling down the mountain.”

Pebbles can’t help herself as laughter escapes from her lips. “That’s how I met Viper.”

With a confused expression on her face Bo-peep says. “HUH”?

“Remind me to tell you what a stupid fool I was and how I got myself into a heap of trouble.” Moving out from under the spreading needles. “Well, are we ready to get back to the cave?”

Bo-peep nods her head and moves down the trail setting a pace twice the rate as she did scaling the hill, Pebbles falling in right behind her watches where she puts her feet as she doesn’t want a repeat of sliding down the mountain.  Descending is easier, but the pack doesn’t get any lighter.  Pebbles is really feeling the pain in her shoulders by the time they reach the cave, only sheer  granite of will keeps her on her feet.  As she starts to remove the pack, Bo-peep reaches to help her. With the weight of the pack gone, she arches her shoulders and grimaces at the pain radiating across and down her back.

“Walk around for a while to help loosen the overworked muscles; then I’ll give you a good rubdown.”

With a sigh that she tries unsuccessfully to hide. “How long?”

Snapping a reply. “Till I tell you to stop!” She stands watching Pebbles as she moves toward the small corral and to her horses, hearing both whiney as she approaches. Watching the transformation from a stressed look to a radiant glow as she approaches the shed, once again Bo-peep sees the strong bond between Pebbles and her animals.

Pebbles wraps her arms around Diablo as Paddy nuzzles her shoulder. Checking on their water and food she picks up a brush and begins to detangle his long flowing mane, then moves to Paddy. Each stroke is a warm caress.

When she finishes with the animals Bo-peep says. “Okay, let’s get something to drink and eat. Then we’ll talk about tomorrows routine.”

“Go ahead and clean up Bo-peep while I fix us a bite to eat. “  Pausing, Pebbles stretches her aching shoulders as she reaches to fill the coffee pot unaware that she is being observed.

With not an ounce of compassion she asks. “Are you alright Pebbles?”

Straightening her spine and squaring her shoulders she responds with a strong voice. “You bet!”

Bo-peep isn’t surprised at her answer. And can’t help a smile as she walks to the corner of the cave to clean up. She has pride in herself. I hope she has the determination to complete the task she has embarked upon. This is only the first day.

While the coffee boils, Pebbles fries some bacon and scrambles eggs wrapping them in a tortilla, one of her favorite meals.  As she works in the small area she can’t help but think of how well stocked the cave was. Liam did a fabulous job; he certainly knew what they would need. As Bo-peep approaches her. “It’s ready if you are.”

Grinning she replies. “I could do with a good meal! What’s this?”

Laughing. “Bo-peep, it’s my version of a burrito but I did leave off the green chili seems Viper forgot to lay in the chili.” Pouring the coffee Pebbles hands Bo-peep a cup and sits down across from her.

 As the two women enjoy the meal silence permeates the cave.  Bo-peep senses that Pebbles is in deep thought; and waits quietly to give her a chance to express her thoughts. Even as they clear away the dishes and sip on their coffee Pebbles says nothing; yet there is a darkness shading her eyes giving the illusion that she is in deep concentration over something very serious.  Realizing it is time to question her Bo-peep chooses her words carefully. “What causes the darkness that shadows your green eyes?”

Pebbles looks up, but says nothing.   The words on the tip of her tongue frozen in time hang on the edge of her pale lips. Why can’t I speak? Why is it so hard to ask? Is it because I am afraid of the answer? Staring into the glow of the smoldering embers like a statue of marble she sits unmoving desperate to know and scared of the answer.

Unsure of what is causing the statuesque appearance Bo-peep knows she must break the silence. In a commanding voice she demands. “Pebbles what is wrong? Tell me, now; this instance!”

The harsh tone of her voice reaches the granite figure before her and she blurts out, “Oh, Bo-peep.  “How can he murder men in cold blood; then be ever so gentle and tender in the next?
How can you? How do you do it?”

She is not surprised. Yet, she is unsure how to answer the question knowing she must reply with total honestly. “Pebbles, I’ll try to keep the explanation simple. When you owned your own business it was what you did to support yourself, but it was not who you were.” Pausing to see if Pebbles is following her; seeing the shadow in her eyes lighten a tad she continues, “Sometimes killing is what we have do it but is not who we are.” The sparkle gradually returns to the green orbs staring back at her. “Just as you’re trained in Publishing and had to stay atop of current advancements, we have been trained and also must keep our training abreast with whatever we may encounter in our work.” Watching Pebbles’ facial expression she adds. “It is our work, not who we are. Do you understand?”

A small smile escapes as the corners of Pebble’s mouth turns slightly upward. “I think I do. I want to defend myself. And if that means killing then so be it.” Looking directly into Bo-peep’s eyes. “Are we clear?” With that she drifts off into that other world where she was before Bo-peep had demanded an answer; her eyes open but not seeing.


Chapter 13
Chapter 13

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Silence awakens Pebbles after a rewarding night of sound sleep. Glancing toward the cot where Bo-peep slept she sees it is empty. Letting her eyes roam around the interior she spots her in the midst of sit ups. “Is that how we start the day?”

Not breaking her rhythm. “Yup! Are you ready?”

Hitting the floor and stretching out on her toes and palms her body suspended Pebbles answers. “I’m ready.” And begins the count. She keeps a steady pace through fifty pushups when her arms begin to ache from the momentum. As she begins to lag she hears a firm voice echo through the cavern.

“Push! Push! Push until you think you will collapse then push harder. Your goal is one hundred.”

Pebbles can’t believe what she is hearing, the cold unrelenting tone spitting out the words. Holding her body suspended in the air briefly, she renews her rhythmic pace. No matter how hard she makes it, I will not quit.

Bo-peep completes the pushups and begins preparing coffee and breakfast keeping an eye on the progress of her pupil. With satisfaction she notes the grim determination mirrored in the face glistening with perspiration. Taking bets in her head as to whether Pebbles will complete the goal set for her. On second thought my bets on her. Just as the coffee starts to boil she intones ninety-eight, ninety-nine, and one hundred! In spite of herself Bo-peep lets a smile creep into her eyes but not quite allowing it to quite reach her lips.

Pebbles lies on the floor unmoving panting with the exertion her sweats clinging to her moisture riddle body.  The harsh tone of the orders barked at her shocks her into action.

“Off the floor! On your feet! Now!” Bo-peep keeps her head down not looking at Pebbles desiring to appear intimidating in her demands.

With a look of disbelief, she slowly rises to her feet. “What the hell?”

 “Walk around until you cool down. Don’t give your muscles a chance to cramp.” Resuming her attention to the meal she watches Pebbles out of the corner of her eye to see if she is following instructions making sure her legs and arms are free of cramps.  In watching her breathing Bo-peep is aware when Pebble’s body begins to relax. “How about a cup?”

“Managing a smile. “Sounds good. Can I quit parading around?”

Laughing at the good nature displayed by the comment. “For now.” The two ladies sit quietly consuming their meal. Each lost in their own thoughts. Bo-peep realizing it is going to be hard to be firm with a woman who seems to rally no matter how much she yells, but she also realizes that it is only the beginning.

The rest of the day Bo-peep is busy laying out a regime for the future activities, but knows she will need equipment she doesn’t have and gradually prepares a list.  She puts Pebbles to making an inventory of the supplies they have giving her no time to ask questions. As they finish their chores. “Pebbles, dig out a couple of MRE’s for dinner tonight.”

With their chores complete and their lists made they sit quietly in the cool of the cave. And once again Pebbles has that faraway look haunting her eyes.

As the shadows grow outside the cave turning gray dusk to ebony, inside the two relax with coffee. Bo-peep keeps glancing at Pebbles aware that she starts to say something then stops.

After watching her wrestle with the dilemma for over an hour Bo-peep looks at her. “Alright, Pebbles, out with it! You got something on your mind. Either don’t know how to say it or afraid to. So spit it out.”

Pebbles nods her head then looks up at Bo-peep. “Tell me what happened to Viper? I need to know so I can try to understand better.”

Bo-Peep eyes turn cold and hard her face a mask of rage as she stares unflinchingly at Pebbles.

Then, without warning, Bo-peep sighs, shaking her head. Looking at her coffee cup as though it was a thing of importance, she slowly reaches out absently picking up the pot pouring herself another cup placing it back next to the fire.

With a grim expression and dark haunted eyes. “Pebbles, I guess you deserve to know. But bear with me because it’s still not easy for me to recall the events let alone talk about it. What has he told you about his last mission?”

“He said that the team was out on a mission and were led into a trap where the whole world seemed to explode around all of you. He doesn’t remember anything other than that.”

Bo-peep nods her head and is silent for a few minutes as Pebbles sits quietly. Finally, she begins to speak.  “We were on a mission and being led by a local who said he could take us to the one we were after. He had checked out and for all we knew was legitimate. We followed him into a narrow valley with high cliff sides. All of us had been watching him to see if he started acting strange like he was waiting for something, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.”

Bo-peep paused taking a sip of coffee then began again. “We got around the center of the valley when they hit us, the terrorist, from all sides. To make matters worse, they held the high ground. We took cover as best we could and returned fire but it soon became obvious that we were out manned and out gunned. All of us had been hit, most more than once. Viper was the first to get hit as he was on point. We called in close air support and had gunships, F-16’s, F-18’s, and A10’s dropping their loads all around us, but we were still pinned down and the bad guys were closing in. Finally Viper took the radio and made a call.  He talked for a few minutes to someone he called Mad Dog.  When he finally got through, he yelled at us to give him all the grenades we had, both smoke and otherwise. We gave him all we had and he started tossing the smoke grenades around us. Soon it was so thick, you couldn’t see anything. Finally we heard Viper yell for us to stick close to him and kill anything that moved. Then he said we had ten minutes to get the hell out of the valley before it turned to dust. The next thing we knew, Viper stood up, screamed like a maniac, started throwing grenades out in front of him and running toward the entrance of the valley where we had just come in. Needless to say we followed him hot on his tail shooting at anything that moved. I saw Viper go down once, get back up and start lobbing grenades again screaming as he went. After what seemed like an eternity, we made it out and our support chopper was there waiting for us. When I next saw Viper, he was just standing there looking back at the valley with a smile on his face. He was weaving back and forth, trying to remain up right; he was covered in blood, his own. I counted at least twenty holes in his uniform as King Pin was trying to get him on the chopper. Then we heard it, both sides of the valley erupted in massive explosions; starting at the far end and coming toward us. As we watched the scene unfold I heard Viper say that will teach them; then he passed out.”

Bo-peep pauses for a moment and taking another sip of coffee which by this time is cold yet she doesn’t seem to notice its temperature.  “What we did not know at the time was Viper had called a friend of his, Mad Dog, who was a B-52 pilot and he was part of a flight of three looking to help out if need be. The flight of Buffs came in and over the valley and dropped their full load of five hundred and thousand pound bombs on either side and in the center of the valley. Viper knew that if we did not get out of there we would be nothing more than a spot on the landscape. He got us out of there and saved us all. When we landed tension was still running high when the Doc’s and nurses started to work on us all, as a unit we told them to take care of Viper first. One Doc said there was nothing they could do for him, he was good as dead anyway. With extreme calm every one of us drew our weapons pointing them at the stupid Doc. If he dies, so do you! So what’s it gonna be? That got the whole bunch moving real quick! They worked on Viper for sixteen hours non-stop. None of us left his side; and before you ask we would have killed the doctor without a second thought or an ounce of remorse. How Viper survived is a miracle in itself, and to this day he still doesn’t remember what he did or how he saved us. They shipped him to Germany; then home for more treatment. That’s when the nightmares and PTSD kicked in. We owe him our lives and will do anything for him! And GOD help anyone who hurts him.”

Pebbles looking directly at Bo-peep understands the meaning of what she said.  “I had to know Bo-peep; I think I may be falling in love with him. But I’m so scared, I don’t know what to think or do.”  
 Seeing the seriousness mirrored in Pebble's expression. “That’s not news Pebbles!  Let’s call it a night; we’ll be getting an early start in the morning on the training.”

Rousing from her reverie Pebbles inquires. “Peep, what’s next? How will the training progress; and what can I expect?” Finally dawning on her what Bo-peep had said. “What the hell do you mean that’s not news?”

Without answering her question Bo-peep replies. “Get some sleep.  Tomorrow will be a long busy day.” Smiling to herself she lies back on the cot. She has no idea she’ll be toting the supplies across the mountain. Should prove rather interesting.

As silence echoes through the cave, Bo-peep is aware of Pebble’s uneven breathing signaling she is not asleep, but chooses to remain quiet.

Across the room Pebbles lies in the darkness thinking about what Bo-peep told her earlier. She thinks, every time I feel drawn to Liam, something happens that scares me.  Will there ever be a time when I will be able to trust. And what the hell have I got myself into with Bo-peep. In the blink of an eye she turns as hard and cold as Liam did when he was killing those men. Trying to turn her thoughts off so she can sleep, she suddenly realizes that her only hope of never living in fear is to learn everything she can. With that realization and the thought that killing is what they do, not who they are, she drifts off to sleep.

Bo-peep manages to get her usual cat naps now that Pebbles breathing is even in slumber.

Chapter 14
Chapter 14

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

While darkness prevails in the cave Bo-peep is aware that the gray of dawn is slowly seeping through the trees cresting over the mountain heralding the approach of the golden glow of daylight.  Rising from her bunk she slips to the entrance listening to the sounds of the earth waking. Hearing nothing that merits alarm she turns to the morning’s ritual putting the coffee to boil.

 The tantalizing aroma permeates the cave. Pebbles opens her green orbs heavy with sleep gazing across the cavern she stretches and with a gaping yawn sits on the edge of the cot. “What’s the order of the day?”

 “Rise and shine girl. It’s going to be a busy day.” Smiling ‘because Pebbles has no idea on what she is embarking.  And because she really is looking forward to teaching her how to protect herself; something every woman should know in today’s harsh world. “We are going for supplies.”


Without turning around Bo-peep responds. “Let’s eat.”  And begins dishing up bacon and eggs with thick slices of rye bread.

Pebbles joins her but silence prevails throughout the meal. When the last bite is eaten Pebbles gathers the dishes stacking them in a basin pouring water over the top of them and proceeds with KP.

While she does the dishes Bo-peep empties two of the back packs. “We’re going to Viper’s cabin. We need to pick up weapons for your training along with some supplies; food, water, etc.”

 Pebbles looks at the back of Bo-peep’s head her eyes boring into her skull emotion rampant in the verbal eruption. “I told you I don’t want him to know!”

Bo-Peep slowly turns toward her staring with eyes cold as the arctic wind. “Right now, you need to control your emotions. They are your worst enemy and will get you killed.” Pausing for her words to sink in. “And, Viper already knows.”

Gasping at Bo-peep’s words and tone of voice, she recoils. “How could he know? We haven’t seen him or talked to him. Or did you phone him on that gadget you carry?”

“Girl! You have so much to learn. He has tracked our every move outside this cave.” Picking up the dish towel wiping the last of the dishes she continues. “Viper knows everything. There are no secrets when you deal with him. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but it is one you better learn and learn quickly. He hates liars!”

Pebbles stands in shocked silence, not moving just staring at Bo-peep as she walks to her cot.

Bo-peep doesn’t back down one inch. “We’ll hike to Viper’s place, pick up what he has at the cabin. What he doesn’t have I’m sure he will be glad to provide for us in a very short time.” Pausing. “Now get a move on.”

Without a word Pebbles walks out of the cave to see to her horses giving them food and water before time to start across the mountain. She has a thought that causes her to pause. “Hey Bo-peep, why don’t we take the horses? Paddy will accept you riding her.”

“Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting off that easy.  We are hiking over and back; and on the return we’ll be carrying some hefty packs.” Bo-peep watches her for any reaction; and takes satisfaction when Pebbles only visible sign is a shrug as she closes the door on the horse’s shelter. Well so far she is showing a lot of grit. She may prove to be a quick learner, well at least a determined one.

The sun has just risen over the tall pines at the mountain’s peak. Strapping on the backpacks, the two women start up and over the mountain with only water in their canteens. “This is an easy trek Pebbles; our packs are empty. On the return they will be sixty pounds or more.”

Starting up the hill Bo-peep glances over her shoulder. “Keep up! No matter what, keep up with me. Do not fall behind.”

Pebbles nods her understanding and follows. As they traipse through the pines she can’t help but remember the time  when she was tracking Liam.  Wow so much has happened since I followed Liam’s tracks; and went cascading down the mountain. At least it’s clear today.  As they move upward, she is aware that Bo-peep has picked up the pace.

It is some three to four of hours after sunup when Liam’s IPad pings while he’s working on the cabin. Glancing at the screen he sees that two humans are entering the quadrant abutting the land where Connie’s cabin is located. Time to check it out.  He leaves the cabin in a direction that will bring him in behind the intruders should intervention be advisable.  As he nears their location he moves toward them with the stealth of the hunter he is. Getting close he sees that Bo-peep is in the lead with Pebbles right behind her. What the hell!

Bo-peep knows where they are and is aware that Viper is probably tracking them. But unless he wants them to know he is there, not even she will detect his presence. I’m good, but not that good when it comes to Viper.

Observation tells him the packs are empty. Connie is keeping the pace and Bo-peep is well armed. He decides to keep close without revealing his position. King Pin is not sure all the cartel is dead. And he promised Connie she was safe.  Hum! At the pace Bo-peep is setting they should arrive at the cabin in two to three hours.

Bo-peep maintains silence as they climb toward the crest; she’s in working mode and unnecessary conversation is not part it. She has yet to clue Pebbles into non-verbal signals used in the field, but notes that she has avoided talking. 

Pebbles puzzles at the absence of conversation but doesn’t break the silence.  Her ears attuned to the sounds of the forest as they follow the trail. She is aware that while her steps echo through the silence, she hears not a sound from the foot falls of Bo-peep. How can she do that, not a sound?

As she reaches the crest Bo-peep stops in the shade of a pinon looking out across the way. She knows Viper is watching but even with all her skills she has not been able to detect his presence. Damn! No matter how hard I hone my skills I can’t seem to match Viper.

Pebbles, her thoughts elsewhere doesn’t realize that Bo-peep has stopped and when she shakes off her daydreaming she is right on top of her. Although her normal reaction would be a loud exclamation of shock, by sheer determination she remains mute.

Still maintaining her silence she frowns at Pebbles as she almost collides with her.   Then motions for her to sip from her canteen still not speaking. Turning she picks up the pace. As they start their descent a slight breeze ripples the needles creating a soft whistle wafting through the air.

As they move downward, Viper follows their progress as he skirts their location intent upon arriving back at his cabin before they do. He smiles. Pebbles is maintaining the pace but he sees the packs are empty and wonders how she will fare on the return trip.

Slipping through the shadowy woods he listens to the forest as he crosses the trail of a roadrunner and hears the caw of a crow some distance away. The sky is clear with the sun almost directly overhead.  Even with the pace Bo-peep is setting it will be a couple of hours before they reach their destination. There’s plenty of time for me to prepare a meal for them.

Bo-peep glances back from time to time, Pebbles seems to be holding up well at the pace she has kept both ascending and descending. Aware that the sun is directly overhead. We still have a ways to go to reach Viper’s. Moving on through the pines time seems to pass quickly. Noticing the position of the sun, she figures it to be about 1500 hours. Glancing at her watch she sees it is a quarter past.  As they round the bend of the slight trail she has been following she sees the cabin through the trees. They had been hiking for over six hours with only one stop and Pebbles had kept up. Hum better than I expected.

As they approach the cabin still maintaining silence Bo-peep is not surprised to see Viper with the grill going. He waves at them as they emerge out of the forest into the small clearing where his home sits. 

Only when she is standing in front of him does she break the silence she has maintained since beginning the journey.  “Good to see you are preparing to feed us. We’re hungry. Is that steaks your grilling?”

  Pebbles stops beside Bo-peep as she is conversing with Viper. Quietly standing there she gets a whiff of smoke wafting through the air although they are up wind of the grill. She sees the clouds moving across the azure sky noticing the shadows beginning to grow under the many trees as the sun moves downward toward the horizon.

  Viper looks at the two women. “Okay eat first; and then you can tell me why you’re here.”

  Grinning as she turns away Pebbles says. “Well maybe we just desired your company!”

  Bo-peep chimes in. “That will be the day!” As Viper throws a towel in her direction she moves to the wooden table removing the empty pack. “Come on Pebbles dump the pack. Let’s relax for a bit.”

  Viper watches the two women as they settle at the table curious why Pebbles is so quiet, but chooses to wait them out. He still has his IPad near, he doesn’t want any surprises that he hasn’t planned. Glancing at Bo-peep. “Want a beer?”

“Hell, Viper I thought you forgot your manners; of course I want a beer. How about you Pebbles?”

“Nah, I’m good.” Sitting with her eyes watching Viper but her mind wandering. Her thoughts rampant with interest as to what Bo-peep has planned for her training but unwilling to ask. Is it because of fear or uncertainty?  No it can’t be. I’ve lived with fear too long, it doesn’t feel like fear.  We kept a good pace today, but it was exhilarating. As she sighs she notices that Viper is watching her.

“What’s on your mind, Pebbles? You seem a million miles away.”

With a smirk. “You know what, I’m just hungry. Are you ever going to feed us?”

 “You’re a saucy lass!”

With a slight grin. “You already know that, so watch your tongue.”

 His eyes dancing with pleasure and his face placid. “Steaks up grab your plates and dig in; beans and potato salad with hot rolls and butter on the counter indoors.” Turning the grill off, he places the platter of steaks beside the rest of the food. As he walks by Pebbles, he pinches her on the butt; and shows some surprise as she swats him but he fails to see the look of promised retaliation in her eyes.

Bo-peep takes pleasure in the expression on her face and the fact that Viper missed it. One of these days he is going to pay for that.

As the sun makes its final descent over the horizon, the three sit on the stoop sipping coffee watching the lengthening shadows turn the forest to ebony.  High overhead the velvet sky is littered with millions of twinkling stars.  And not far away the lonesome howl of the coyote echoes through the canyon.

As Viper waits for the two women to explain the purpose of their visit, a tenuous peace settles in the small glen he calls home. Finally Bo-Peep reaches in her pocket taking out a list of paraphernalia she requires for the task ahead.

Taking a pen light from his pocket he shines it on the piece of paper in his hand. Taking on a commander’s firmness. “What the hell is this? Are you going to war?”

Bo-peep just grins at Viper and responds in an all business tone. “Well, how long will it take you to supply me with things on the list? A Week? Two?” Then winks at Pebbles who tries not to react to the harsh tone of both Viper and Bo-Peep’s voices. “And this is the other list, we’ll pack these items back over the mountain in the morning.” Then in a softer tone. “Viper, you can supply these items from your store room can you not?”

Looking at the two women sitting in the shadows of the night he wonders. What the hell are they up to? But something tells him he won’t get a straight answer. “On the first list, give me a week. On the second, yes I can fill it from the store room.” Pausing to see their response and when there is none from either one. “Now, are one of you going to tell me what you two are doing?”

Before Bo-peep can utter a word Pebbles straightens her shoulders and the words tumble out. “Hell no.” Her radiant green orbs flashing fire into the darkness and as her mouth closes shut the muscles in her jaw clinches taut.

Bo-peep smiles into the darkness. Well! Well! Well! Pebbles may have some grit after all. She’s going to need it in the weeks ahead.  Viper looks from one to the other as Bo-peep gets to her feet and looking down at him with her hands on her hips. “Got it commander?”

Looking at Pebbles whose features are still tense, then at Bo-peep whose stance is demanding an answer.  With eyes of steel he nods in acknowledgement and moves inside the cabin without saying another word.

The women pick up their packs where they had laid them when they arrived and follow him into the cabin. He begins pulling the requested food items from his walk-in pantry. When he has laid everything on the counter Bo-peep begins separating the items into two piles. As she does she starts to load the packs. 

Watching how she is placing the items in the pack, Pebbles mimics her actions. Soon both are loaded and ready. No words are spoken between the two but a time or two Bo-peep indicates a better way to load the stuff for her.

Sitting by the hearth where a small fire is radiating warmth into cool mountain air filtering through the night Viper watches the activity of his two uninvited, but welcome guest. Whatever those two are planning it is by mutual agreement, but why so secretive? That’s not going to be a problem, I’ll soon know what they’ve hatched.

As the two finish loading the packs it is nearing midnight and the air is cooler although the wind has subsided. ‘Pebbles, let’s call it a night, we’ll be leaving at dawn. Viper, where are we to bed down, or do we sleep in the barn.”

With A look that would kill. “There’s two beds in the room at the end of the hall. They should suit you nicely compared to the cots in the cave.”

Smiling in spite of herself Bo-peep can’t resist. “Now, Viper where’s you hospitality?” Leaving him standing in front of the fire his countenance very unfriendly, she moves toward the room he indicated with Pebbles right behind her.

Unsettled by the events of the evening, he sits puzzled by the silence as no sound filters through the walls. When he hears rhythmic breathing sifting through the night he sets the alarms and retires. Still puzzled by the lack of conversation from Pebbles.  And the failure on Bo-peep’s part to supply what he considers pertinent information, he lays awake listening to the silence. In the wee hours of the morning he is not surprised to hear activity in the room down the hall. Stealthy he rises preparing coffee for the entrance of the two whose actions seem mysterious. Yet, he is sure there is a simple explanation. The question is will I get the answer.

Viper hearing their footsteps turns as the ladies enter the kitchen their packs sitting on their backs. “Coffee?”

Bo-peep looks at Pebbles as she replies. “Sure, how about to go!”

While a little perturbed at the answer Viper without any change in his voice inflection or the emotion free expression on his countenance reaches for a couple of thermal cups. Pouring the coffee and closing the top he hands one to each of the ladies standing statuesque only a few feet from him.

Pebbles takes her cup, smiles, and turns walking out into the cool mountain air.

Bo-peep moves to follow when Viper in a very low voice. “Bo-peep, what the hell is going on here?”

In a calm firm tone without cracking a muscle. “None of your damn business.” He starts to grab her arm, but halts his movement when he sees the fire spilling out of her eyes like daggers.

In almost a whisper she looks at him with fire enunciating each word slowly and firmly. “I have given my word, my sworn word; and I will not break it even for you!”

Viper stunned by the vehemence in her words and actions concedes she will not tell him; standing tall towering over her with controlled furor born of much discipline. “If anything happens to Pebbles, anything, you won’t be able to hide. I will hunt you down and kill you.”

Bo-peep with complete understanding nods her head in response to his threat; no, his promise, turns and walks into the gray dawn.

Chapter 15
Plying her with whiskey

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

The trek to the crest of the mountain is laborious even in the cool early morning breeze.  Bo-peep maintains a steady pace but less vigorous than the trip over the day before. Silence is maintained as Pebbles keeps in stride with ‘peep’ remembering to keep her breathing regular. Traversing the mountain trail she is more aware of the path and the sounds around her.  Even noticing the quieting of the birds as they near the nesting trees.
Even so it is hard not to let her mind wander. What did Viper say to Bo-peep and what was her response? I know they had words, even though the sound was barely above a whisper. It was the look in ‘peep’s eyes when I came out of the cabin that was revealing.

As they top the crest, Bo-peep halts under an oak not saying a word. The two hikers sip from their canteens listening to the pine needles swaying in the breeze; overhead soaring against the blue sky is a magnificent Bald Eagle that garners their attention. Glancing at ‘Peep’ a smile turns up the corners of Pebbles lips but ‘peep’ just motions for them to move on.

The downward part of the hike is easier going yet Pebbles remembers how quickly a miss step can send one plummeting out of control and maintains constant vigil as to where she is planting her feet. The pack is beginning to take its toll on her shoulders and back; gripping her jaw firmly with determination she refuses to slow down or give in to the ache.
How does she do it: how does Peep sustain the stride without seemingly to tire?

While Bo-peep is alert to Pebbles tiring, she pushes on. How much can she endure before throwing in the towel; this is just the beginning. Although she is very alert she can’t help thinking of the last conversation with Viper. Damn! He is really hooked on this woman. And, why is she so determined he is not to know what she has asked of me. Damn! Damn! Damn! I don’t like keeping things from Viper or King Pin.

The sun is slowly sinking behind the acme and as the shadows lengthen bringing a gray tone to the sky, the radiant glow in the west highlights the summit. Pebbles scans the landscape realizing that they are only about a couple of miles from the cave. Good! It will be good to see Diablo and Paddy. They’re the only ones I can really trust.

Suddenly Bo-peep stops dropping down in the shadow of a pinon motioning for Pebbles to do the same. Without hesitation she does, listening, wondering what prompted the action. Moving deeper into the shadows Bo-peep waits; she doesn’t have long to wait. Ah, so he did follow. I’m not surprised. I really expected it. Well, he wants me to know that he will follow through on his promise; or I would have never heard him. He is a top notch operative but right now he is a number one rat!

As she hears him move off into the forest, she stands moving forward; Pebbles right behind her. Not long after they arrive outside the cave and for the first time since their departure, Bo-peep speaks. “Let’s get these packs off and in the cave. Then I’ll show you how to treat your aching muscles.” 

Removing her pack and laying it by the entrance she responds, “I wanta check on the horses first.”  Opening the door to the shed, she brings both of her mounts out into the makeshift corral; mounting Diablo bareback circles the corral leading Paddy. As she picks up the pace she is one with the mustangs and everything else ceases to exist outside the fence.

Bo-peep stands in awe as she watches the trio’s interaction, seeing Pebbles face aglow and her eyes dancing with joy as she quietly coos to the horses. Leaving Pebbles to her riding, she drags the packs into the cave unloading them on the small table.

Soon Pebbles enters the cave “The horses are taken care of for the night and secure in the shed. I heard a coyote off in the distance; his howl sounds so lonesome, yet I find pleasure in the sound.”  Moving to the table to help put the items away she asks, “What did you want to show me?”

Smiling Peep says, “You seemed to have taken care of stretching your aching muscles by riding bareback.” Pebbles beams with the compliment, but says nothing. “Okay, let’s get something to eat and plan what we are going to do until Viper brings the requested equipment.”

Looking at Peep, “Okay.”

Bo-peep sketches a plan for the next week that includes several five mile hikes with sixty pound packs; calisthenics to promote strength, endurance, flexibility and increase the cardiovascular system due to regular and consistent demands. Their days start at dawn continuing throughout the day. Pebbles is improving daily, but something about the stature of her body bothers Peep, something she can’t quite recognize. Late afternoon on the sixth day it becomes clear, Pebbles is always very tense and not getting the full benefit of the workout routine. She needs to loosen up. Wonder how much booze is in the cave. Viper should be arriving any day with the supplies I asked for; and I included a case of scotch in the request.

   Finishing up the ten mile hike they approach the cave only to see Viper standing in the shade of the barn. Bo-peep notices the tension increase in Pebbles shoulders as they near the corral. Damn I gotta find out what is going on in that girls head.  Drawing near Bo-peep hails him, “Howdy, Viper, Did you bring the stuff I requested?” She is surprised to see Pebbles move on by without stopping, remove her pack and enter the cave without a word.

In what becomes an angry stance Viper demands, “Bo-peep, what the hell is that all about?” As he waits for a response he watches every step that Pebbles takes, the stiffness in her spine and the haughty glare in those sparking green eyes he knows so well. “Damn it are you going to answer me?”

Not sure she likes his attitude Bo-peep stiffens her spine and glares at him, “Buster!  Back off now!”

Two sets of eyes ablaze like fire breathing dragons then with a low but firm voice, “Viper, I’m not sure, but if you brought the case of scotch I asked for I intend to find out.”

“You gonna get her drunk?”

“Well, now if you know a better way to loosen her tongue other than smothering her inhibitions with booze I’ll listen, that is short of torture.”  Removing her pack, “The attitude has been building ever since we left your cabin. I have an idea what is bothering her, but I need to know for sure before it goes any further.”

Looking at her with concern radiating from his blue eyes, “Wanta share?”

Pondering the question she hesitates briefly, “No, if it’s what I think telling you would only complicated the matter.”

Puzzled by her statement he replies, “Okay, I put everything you asked for in the cave. Let me know it you need anything else.” He turns to walk away.

Hesitating only a minute but not giving him time to move away, “Viper, I know you are tracking our movements and that you will continue. So I have one request, don’t let Pebbles know.  Her awareness of things around her is improving every time we move through the forest. And if what I suspect is true, her trust will be even more tenuous.”

Looking intent at the seriousness in her face and the tone of her voice, “Okay, Bo-peep I’ll make sure.” Without another word he disappears into the forest.

As she enters the cave Pebbles ask, “What did he want?”

“He told me he put the supplies I asked him to get in the cave and asked if there was anything else we needed. I also told him I would let him know if there was.” Moving toward the back of the cave where the new packs of equipment were laying she reaches into one of the packs holding up a bottle of scotch, “Hey Pebbles, Let’s reward ourselves; have an early dinner and relax with a glass or two of scotch.” Wagging the bottle in the air, “Whatcha say?”

Grinning, “Hell yeah.”

Laughter echoes through the cave, hysterical laughter. The two ladies have been drinking for several hours with dinner dishes still on the table and two empty scotch bottles laying among them.  Bo-peep seems drunk as she intends; however Pebbles is soused. “Pebbles what were you saying?”

Taking a swallow of her drink she looks through half closed eyes, “I don’t know; what were we talking about?”

That was just the opening Bo-peep had been angling for, “What’s with you and Viper? Don’t you like him?”

Slurring her words, “What’s it to you?” She sits her glass down and reaches for the bottle but finds it empty. “Any more of this stuff?”

Bo-peep goes to the pack removes the bottle; and returning to the table opens it pouring Pebbles glass full this time. Sitting across from her she replies, “Nothing really. You grew hostile after we got to his cabin. Just curious.”

Settling down listening to the still of the night and the rhythmic breathing of Pebbles she ponders how to get beyond the distrust expressed; and the hangover she knows she will have in the morning.

The rest of the night passes slowly with the sound of drunken snoring emanating from the other cot, Bo-peep places her hands under her head and smiles. Yes, the day is going to prove very interesting. Hearing the bats return to the inner depths of the cave, she rises being deliberately noisy in preparation for the days hike.  Shortly, she hears sounds of Pebbles moving on the floor of the cave and bangs on the canteen insuring an angry retort from her.

“OOOOHHHH! Stop that infernal racket!” Holding her head and trying to stand at the same time proves fruitless as she stumbles back to a sitting position beside the cot.

Bo-peep hands her a steaming cup of coffee, “Get a move on gal. We have a ten mile hike today with sixty pound packs, with clouds moving in from the west.” She isn’t surprised when Pebbles groans in protest.

Still cradling her head, “We can’t hike in the rain, it’s too dangerous. I’m going back to sleep.

Not understanding her admonition of the danger, “Get a move on! We leave in ten minute and we are hiking in the rain or snow, make no difference to me.”

“Looking at Bo-peep with eyes shooting darts she manages to get to her feet. Placing her hands on her hips in a defiant stance slurring her words yells, “I’m not hiking in the rain!”

Bo-peep halts what she is doing matches her stance to the one Pebbles maintains, “Is that your final word?”

Without hesitating, “Hell yes!"

Shaking her head she starts picking up her personal items placing them in the pack she had when she arrived at Viper’s request. And here she had stayed at the request of the angry woman standing defiant in front of her. “Well, Pebbles, I never figured you for a quitter. Guess I was wrong.  Laying the loaded pack by the entrance, “I’ll let Viper know I’m leaving.”

Defiance still ringing in her voice, “What the hell you mean you’re leaving. We had a deal!”

“Yeah, we did, but DID is the operative word. You were to do what I said no exceptions. You have just refused to make the scheduled hike across the mountain today because of the prospect of rain.” Sneering, “That breaks the verbal agreement we had, Pebbles.”

At that final declaration from Bo-peep, she collapses on the floor of the cave burying her head on the cot convulsive sobs roaring through the emptiness. Bo-peep continues to stand near the exit not sure what caused the melt down, but letting it play out of its own accord. Although her words are muffled Pebbles speaks, “Hiking in the rain is how Viper found me.  I would be dead now if he had not.” She is interrupted by a siege of hiccups. Raising her head her eyes bloodshot from a night of drinking and her face red and swollen from the heaving sobs, “Peep, I was a fool trying to catch him sneaking around my place; and in spite of my hiking experience I still slipped and cascaded down the mountain stopped from going over a hundred foot cliff by wrapping around a tree. Hiccup! That’s where he found me.”

Moving to a chair near her, Bo-peep gazes into eyes full of fear. “Pebbles, you have survived greater trauma than sliding down a rain soaked mountain. You have escaped the drug cartel and a dishonest greedy federal officer who traded your safety for money.”
Watching a new awareness peeking through the red swollen tear soaked eyes she continues, “You wanted to learn how to defend yourself so you would never have to be afraid again. What has changed?”  As she waits for Pebbles to answer, she acknowledges that the break down was well over due. Now, we can really get to work; as soon as she realizes the running and fear is behind her.

Sniffles and a series of hiccups followed by a slight smile turning up the corners of her mouth, “I really lost it, Peep. What’s wrong with me?”

Grinning as she stands, “Pebbles, not a damn thing. Get your ass in gear we’re late with ten miles of rough terrain ahead of us. You got five minutes. Move it?

Jumping, no stumbling to her feet, Pebbles dresses quickly grabs her pack and crawls out the door in the allotted time. Stepping into the clearing she feeds the horses, then straps on her pack as a slight mist begins to layer a thin film of moisture across the land.  

Moving down the mountain Bo-peep pauses to catch a glimpse of Pebbles and isn’t surprised to see her step livelier and her face aglow with what she believes to be peace enhanced by determination. She really is carrying a lighter load……It’s gonna be alright.

Chapter 16

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

The hikes continue over rougher terrain along with endurance training. Pebbles muscles become as taut as her trainers as she makes progress in the art of self-defense. She works hard at moving through the forest without making a sound; yet Bo-peep always hears her. What the hell am I doing wrong? A question she continually asks herself, but her determination to succeed keeps her from asking Bo-peep. As they near the cave, the sun is sinking behind the western slope and the whinny of her horses reach her ears. They are down wind, so she knows the horses have not caught their scent. Just at that moment Bo-peep signals for them to become obscure, moving stealthily through the trees they reach the edge of the clearing but remain hidden in the shadows. When they see who is standing by the corral, their eyes meet and a grin breaks out on their suntanned faces. Rising from the shadows they approach the pen, “Howdy, King Pin. What are you doing here?”

Turning at the sound of her voice his eyes sparkling, “Bo-Peep that’s an unfriendly way to greet your commander. I expect you to show a little respect.”

Both women standing statuesque she replies, “Commander, I am on an assignment, an assignment that is not completed at this point. Did you have some vital information we need; or did you just come to harass.” At that very moment Viper crawls out of the cave. “What the hell is this, a convention or something? Pebbles we have been invaded.”

Moving toward the front of the cave the women remove their packs and turn to the ‘interlopers’. “Bo-peep, since we have uninvited guest perhaps they can pay for their unwelcome behavior by serving us a well prepared dinner while we relax in the shade.”

King Pin and Viper glare at the two conspirators in disbelief then burst into roaring laughter.  “Viper, we arrived too early; I guess we will have to accommodate these two females. What the hell is in that cave to cook?”

As the two men disappear into the cave to search out the supplies, the women being tired and dirty from their hike and neither one happy with the invasion grin at each other. Bo-peep speaks in a low voice, “What you say, we teach them a lesson?”

Pebbles looks toward the entrance where they have disappeared, “I would like that. But how do we do this without them catching us.”

Pondering the question posed by Pebbles, “Where is the last place they would look for you?”

In low laughter and gazing at the sun sinking behind the tall pines on the crest of the mountain, “I think there is only one place they would not look to quickly. Viper’s places is booby trapped with his sensors, but there are none around my cabin. We could go there.” Pausing in thought, “Bo-peep how do we keep them from following us?”

“I think we’re about to find out how much you have actually learned about sneaking through the woods without leaving a trail. Let’s go before they return and catch a glimpse of us; and no talking.” Quietly and without fanfare the two pick up their packs and move around behind the corral and shed for the horses; slipping into the forest and heading down the mountain Pebbles in the lead knowing exactly where her cabin is.

About an hour into the hike Bo-peep stops in the shade of a small stand of juniper mouthing the words she asked, “How far are we from there?”

Following her example Pebbles responds in like manner holding up two fingers. Acknowledging her Bo-peep moves out and Pebbles slips into the lead. The shadows are lengthening as they move silently down the mountain. Bo-peep is surprised at how silently Pebbles is slithering through the trees, careful where she places her feet as they slowly descend. They have been traveling for about an hour when the sun slips below the horizon. Pebbles halts in the deep shadows gazing at the thousands of sparkling diamonds glittering in the ebony dome. As Bo-peep stands beside her they watch the glow of a full moon spreading its halo across the land. A cool breeze slithers down the mountain, but no scent of the men is carried in its wake; and the night is silent except for the howl of a lone coyote some distance north of them. Pebbles soon reaches a path down the mountain that is familiar, but continues to be cautious where she steps and what she brushes against.

Soon they reach the clearing where her cabin sits, here Bo-peep leading them around the edge of the forest checks out the area as well as the cabin.  When she’s relatively sure the place is vacant they move into the clearing staying in the shadow of the corral and barn approaching the cabin from the blind side.  Reaching the porch, Pebbles reaches into a flower pot pulling out a small plastic box and removes the key to her cabin. When they are inside, Bo-peep speaks first, “If we are to stay hid, we can’t have a fire. Do you have food for us to eat other than what is in our packs?”

Grinning she responds, “There should be plenty in the panty to survive without cooking; if nothing else I always kept a large supple of jerky for my hiking adventures.” Removing her pack as Bo-peep does, “How long do you think it will take them to find us?”

“Well, let’s see, considering you told Viper that you were not ready to return to the cabin, a day or two at the most.”

As a serious expression crosses her countenance Pebbles ask, “Peep, how about you teaching me some of the moves of self-defense while we are here. We could use the barn.”

Looking equally as serious she asks, “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“I think I am, but I guess you have the final say.”

Bo-peep is pleased that she is leaving the decision to her; an indication that she is more willing to accept the guidance she has been requesting. “Okay, we start in the morning. “And the two ladies settle in for the night.

 Back at the cave, “King Pin, where the hell did those two go? They challenged us to cook for them, then disappear. What the hell is going on?”

Standing with his hands on his hips glaring at Viper, “I’m damn sure I have no idea. Did you piss them off?”

“Hell no! Well not to my knowledge.” Pausing to ponder the question, “Pebbles was acting odd the last time they came to the cabin. She would hardly talk to me and they refused to tell me what they were up to. Bo-Peep requested some training gear saying it was to keep in shape while she was ‘baby siting’. They loaded up supplies from my storage house and hiked out the next morning. A week later I delivered the gear requested and after being told to leave, I did.”

“Well, I’ve checked the perimeter, there is no sign that would tell us the direction they might have gone. Is Pebbles that good at tracking through the woods?”

“Bo-peep is, but not Pebbles, she’s a rank amateur.” Viper stands looking off down the slope. “She doesn’t plan to be gone long, her horses have supplies for three or four days at the most. And she never leaves them housed in the lean-to longer without exercising them. Those damn horses mean everything to her.”

“Where the hell are they? Would they have gone to Pebbles cabin? Damn it there’s no one still after her.”

“Not likely King Pin, she was adamant that she was not ready to return. The ground has not been disturbed and I saw nothing in the forest to indicate a struggle. Wherever those two females have gone it was under their own steam. No sensors have pinged my IPad signaling intruders, so they have not gone toward my cabin.”

Glancing around the area, “Something tells me this has to do with you, Viper. So what the hell did you do?”

Shaking his head at King Pin’s words, “I have no idea. Let’s eat what we cooked, wait out the night and if they don’t return hell let’s go home. Bo-peep is one of us and capable of protecting Pebbles if she needs it.  And, right now I’m not sure she isn’t the one who needs protecting.”

As the sky turns from ebony to gray dawn, “Get your gear Viper, let’s get back to your cabin where all the electronic equipment is set up. I’ll contact Bam-Bam and see what the satellite can pick up.” King Pin sees the anxiety growing in Viper, Hell if he ain’t hooked on this woman.

Chapter 17

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Sitting on the porch sipping coffee and eating jerky they watch the sun cast a pale glow behind the trees standing statuesque on the crest of the eastern slope. Listening to the meadow larks sweet trill renting the air. “Pebbles, I can see why you love it here. It is so beautiful.”

Still looking toward the eastern glow. “I know. I don’t ever want to leave my home….and this is my home.” Still gazing into the distance. “I just want to feel safe; and know that I can protect myself.”

“Well, what you say we go to work!” 

Taking the cups Pebbles places them in the kitchen and returning to the porch finds Bo-peep nearing the barn, jogging toward her arriving just as she opens the door. Before closing the door behind them, Pebbles lights a lamp then draws it toward the center of the building. The light illuminates the interior with an eerie sheen of pale luster. 

Moving just under the lamp suspended from the ceiling Bo-peep motions for Pebbles who moves within four feet of where she is standing on the dirt floor. “Pebbles you are right handed so I want you to move your left foot forward standing on the ball of your right foot; bounce like there is a spring in your legs. Now, as you move your left foot forward, slide your right foot an equal distance forward; keeping a light spring in your legs staying on the ball of your right foot.  Now reverse it, step back with your right foot and slide your left foot equal distance backward. Okay, this also works from side to side; remember step slide, step slide. You can double or triple the motion in any direction. Practice these movements until you have a rhythm that feels comfortable.”

 Doing the movements for about thirty minutes perspiration dripping from her face Pebbles stops asking. “What do I do with my hands?”

Seeing that she is getting the rhythm Bo-peep responds. “Take your right hand placing your fist in front of your jaw with your elbow protecting your body like this. Now, tuck your head where it is protected by your left shoulder; bringing your left arm up to protect your body with your elbow and your fist slightly forward. Pebbles, like this. Continue practicing."

Amazed at the stamina Pebbles seems to have she has her keep up the routine for almost an hour. Not once does she complain or even act like she is tiring her clothes soaked sweat pouring off her face. “Take a break; rinse your mouth out with water then take a small sip.”

 Following instructions, she continues to casually walk around the barn. Hearing Bo-peep move from her position, she turns back meeting her in the center. “What now?”

“Taking your boxing stance with arms and fists in position.  Now, step, slide, jab-moving your arm straight out; keeping your body in balance by moving your right foot the same distance forward as your left foot. Then to get out reverse, step with right foot, slide left foot.  Again, step slide, jab, cross, over left hook putting your hip and shoulder into the action, step slide. Keep a fluid motion always with the body…look at the body as a gate, swing from the center putting your body into the motion with each punch.”  Bo-peep nods for her to start.

Pebbles attempts the punches and body movement, but finds synchronization rather awkward. “It’s okay Pebbles, get your rhythm going with the boxing stance, hold your arms in position when you feel comfortable with the motion add the jab and retreat.  Slow and steady.” Watching her as she works on the routine, Bo-peep decides to call a halt to the day’s workout. “Pebbles, let’s call it a day. Tomorrow’s another day.”

But Pebbles doesn’t stop; in the next instance she steps slides jabs; steps slides retreat. While the movement still needs work she is improving; and in such a short time. Her whole body soaked she slowly begins to walk in a circle around the barn to cool down.  “Okay, ‘Peep’, tomorrow will be better.”

Putting the lantern out the two walk toward the cabin noticing the sun is on the westward slope and shadows are lengthening under the trees and around the buildings.  Neither speaks, what is there to say. Pebbles mind is filled with all the things she accomplished over the last few days and how much she still has to learn. While Bo-peep wonders how long before they can progress to the weapons when the real work begins.

After dinner siting in the cool of the night listening to the nocturnal sounds including the lonesome howl of the coyote for his mate Pebbles remarks. “Bo-peep, tomorrow I’ve got to check on the horses. They need more food and exercise.”

Looking out into the darkness. “Well, I can check in the cave for more gear to proceed with your training while you do that. But let’s don’t tarry to long, that could be an invitation to be found.” Pausing. “Are you still determined that Viper not know what we are doing or where we are?”

Without hesitation or moving a muscle. “Hell yes!”   

“Well, Pebbles, let’s leave early enough to put us there by dawn. We’ll tote empty packs, but we’ll pilfer the cave and be loaded on the return.” Rising from her chair she moves to the inside with Pebbles right behind her. After the work out all day, both are soon asleep as the silence of the cabin echoes into the atmosphere of the mountain sage. 

On the other side of the mountain Viper is pacing around the cabin like a caged tiger, talking to himself, snapping at anyone who speaks to him. His frustration at not knowing where the women are, especially Connie, is complete. All his sensors show nothing of their location, even Jammer is unable to locate them with the satellites that he hooked in to check the surrounding areas for one hundred miles in all directions. It is as though they have disappeared off the face of the earth. But in reality, they are only ten miles away keeping themselves hidden.

King Pin, Hound dog, and Bam-Bam have tried to calm him down reassuring him that they were both safe, and they would have heard otherwise if there was a problem. King Pin also reminds him the she is with Po- Peep and she will allow nothing to happen to Pebbles.  It doesn’t help, Viper just keeps on pacing and glaring at anyone who gets near him.

What none of them know at that moment is that far to the south, events are taking place that will place them once again in harm’s way.   South of Merida, Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula, a mansion rises from the depths of the thick, dark jungle. The mansion with only one road in and one out is surrounded by high walls, guarded at all times. This is the home of Cortez known as the snake, the notorious drug lord, who is now no longer alive. His cousin Jose, who does not know of his demise, and runs all operations is concerned that he hasn’t heard from him. He contacted two of his dealers located in Albuquerque sending them to go to his last known location to find out what they could reporting back to him. If they did not, they would be dead. The two dealers had no choice in the matter, but instead of going themselves they sent two of their enforcers to deal with the problem.

It was 3:00 AM in the morning when Vipers sensors start going off; Viper, as well as the rest of the team are up and moving in mere seconds looking at the monitors. A long vehicle is coming slowly up the driveway with no lights on. King Pin and Hound Dog arm themselves heading out into the night and disappear. As they watch, the vehicle stops about 500 yards from the house, turns off the engine just sitting there. King Pin reports that there are two men inside both armed, watching the house while one of them is on a phone.

Jammer goes to work, locates the phone signal, tracing the outgoing call, jamming the signal.  Unable to make contact with anyone on the phone looking at each other the two men exit their vehicle slowly making their way toward the house; both puzzled by what they don’t see. They know why Cortez had come up here, they naturally expected to see the place shot up. Instead, under the light of the full moon, they see a man setting on the porch looking at them. Suddenly flood lights bright as day illuminate them and the area as the man in front of them speaks, “I highly suggest that you both drop your weapons and get your hands up if you want to live. You’re covered and don’t have a chance.”

Both men looked around, see nothing and began to laugh. One of them raises his pistol barking, “Where’s Cortez?”

It is at this point, a single shot rings out and the man pointing the gun falls over.  His partner looks at the dead man then gazes up to see Viper walking toward him. Dropping his gun he raises his hands.
“A wise decision,” states Viper, “Now you’re going to answer some questions for us; and one way or another you will answer them.”

King Pin and Hound Dog come out from the woods and all three stand looking at the remaining intruder.

“Alright now, we don’t care who you are, or where you’re from. What we want to know is why you’re here and who sent you. Now talk.” 

The drug dealer looks at his dead partner once again, then at the three men standing in front of him. All he sees as he looks at them is cold unfeeling eyes staring at him obviously not caring if he lives or dies. He couldn’t spills his guts fast enough telling them everything he knows.

When he finishes, Viper, King Pin, and Hound Dog look at each other; knowing what has to be done. Hound Dog says, “I’ll handle it.” Then another shot rang out and the second dealer falls dead.  Viper searches both bodies finding their cell phones.  The three enter the cabin, once inside he hands the phones to Jammer.

“Trace the phones back to their origin Jammer. Then hack into their phones and see what you can find out.” Jammer nods and starts working on the trace.  Twenty minutes later, he has the answers. Once he advises the team, they know that the Hydra has grown another head and is still in business.
The four of them are setting in the living room, each saying nothing but all knowing what needs to be done. King Pin looks at each of them one at a time with his gaze each of the team simply nods their heads saying not a word. The decision is made. King Pin pulls out his SAT phone making a call.

“Sir, this is King Pin, the snake turned into a Hydra and his organization is still a threat. We need to go south to finalize mission. Yes Sir, Yes Sir, I’ll send you what we have. Also Sir, request reinstatement of Viper for this mission. No Sir, Po-Peep is still on protective assignment. Yes Sir, we’ll be waiting for pick-up.” Then he hangs up.

Looking at the team, “We have a mission and Viper you’ll be coming with us. Our mission is to finalize the termination of the Cortez Cartel once and for all by whatever means necessary. Pick-up is two hours from now. “ 

The chopper arrives at the time designated taking them to Cannon AFB, New Mexico, home of Southern Command, Special Forces.  Once there they are taken to one of the special ops buildings and told to wait. They didn’t have long to wait.

Their boss, like them, went by a code name. No one knew the true rank or name of their team mates, but they knew who was in charge and as he steps in the door, they all stand.
“Be seated gentleman.  Your mission, so far has been a success, now though we have to finalize it and finish this Cartel once and for all. Your information packets are in front of you, you’ll be able to familiarize yourself with what you’re heading into on your way down. Jammer, you’ll be staying here. We have everything setup for you to monitor, advise and keep in contact with them at all times. The four of you will leave here heading for Albuquerque International airport. Once there, you will travel as tourists and fly to Cancun, Mexico. From there, four of my operatives will pick you up. You’ll spend the first night there, the next morning you’ll head for Merida where you’ll stay at a safe house I have; you’ll find everything you need there and anything else you need the operatives will get for you. Any questions?”

King Pin speaks up. “Sir, we’re used to working on our own with no outside help. Why the four operatives and can they be trusted?”

The General looks at them for a moment and smiles. “Yes King Pin, they can be trusted and I have used them in the past. As for why, your heading right into the heart of the Cortez Cartel and they have people everywhere. That and I know for a fact that the local police as well as most of the local military are on their payroll.”

“How will we know them Sir,” inquires Hound Dog.

“They will find you when you land at the Cancun airport. Any other questions? If not, wheels up at 0800 tomorrow morning.” With that the General turns exiting the room.
The rest of the day, the team goes through the folders, reading the information that has been compiled as well as terrain maps, photos of the mansion complex, security, and a blue print of the inside of the mansion.  The one thing that concerns them is the large basement reinforced with tunnels running out in different directions. They toss around different scenarios finally coming up with three different options; two are perilous at best and extremely dangerous, the third option is the one they decide on as it offers less risk to the team.  
The next morning they head out, playing the part and looking like tourist, but aware of all that is around them the whole time.  Their flight is uneventful finally landing in Cancun, Mexico.  Once they pick up their luggage, go through Customs, their passports stamped, they head for the main entrance not sure what or who they will find there. 

Walking outside the first thing that hits them is the oppressive heat and humidity enveloping them like a wet hot blanket. The next thing is the taxi and bus drivers trying to get them into their vehicles; offering their services as guides, telling them that they know all the hot spots and can get them anything they desire as well as locals selling anything from gaudy sombrous to colorful handmade hammocks. More times than not, any of the four would just look at them and they would quickly back off and leave without a word.

 Finally Hound Dog sees something mentioning it to the others, “Hard left, four waiting with a sign.”

Standing to the left of them are four beautiful women of Mexican descent dressed to kill and standing in front of a stretch limo holding a sign that reads Davis Party.  Davis is the name on the passport that was given to King Pin. The four of them look at each other heading toward the women. Viper softly makes the statement, “The General always had a strange since of humor” causing the other three to chuckle. 

As soon as they introduce themselves to the ladies, they giggle. Going to the men, each one wraps their arms around them, kissing and continues to hold on.  At that point a punk, in his twenties, walks by loudly calling the ladies, “PUNTA’S.”   Quicker than anyone can realize, Viper grabs the punk throwing him on the ground and in fluent Spanish, “If you ever refer to my sister’s like that again, I will break every bone in your body.” Then he stands walking away. The punk doesn’t say a word, just darts through the many venders.

Viper looks at the seven of them apologizing, I can’t stand foul language being addressed to these beautiful ladies. They all chuckle shaking it off, except the one lady who chose Viper. She seductively walks up to Viper, put her arms around him saying, “Thank you,” kissing him like he had never been kissed ever. 

The eight of them get into the Limo and head for the hotel. The ladies motion to them to watch what they say because they do not trust the driver.  Forty five minutes later they reach the Le Blanc Resort, where they check in and are taken to their rooms. They are given two adjoining suites; each suite with a view overlooking the ocean, two master bedrooms, full-bath with hot tub and marble shower, full kitchen and wet bar, large living rooms;  very private.  Once the porters delivers their bags to the rooms and leaves, one of the ladies goes to the phone and orders an early dinner for them, then asks everyone sit down.

“My name is Contessa and this is Catalina, Elizabeth, and Lucia. The General sent us to help you out with your mission.  We have worked for and with the General for years now and our specialty is getting information by any means possible; and we are experts at doing just that.”

The four men look at the ladies and something tells them these ladies are far more dangerous than their appearances indicate.  Contessa speaks, “As of right now the plan is this, for the next two days we play tourist here in Cancun. This will placate those who are watching. On day three, we’ll head for Merida where we have a safe house where you will find your equipment. The General advised us what you needed and we have it waiting for you. While in Merida, we will play tourist for two more days and on the third day, we will take you where you need to be to complete your mission.  Are there any questions?”

King Pin says. “First off, the General told us that four of his operatives would pick us up, but he did not tell us that four heart stopping ladies who are probably as deadly as they are beautiful would be picking us up. So please forgive us if we seem hesitant in believing you. We are not use to such luxury or dealing with such beauty.”

The four ladies laugh smiling as Contessa says, “The General said that the four of you would be uneasy, as well as untrusting. He told me to ask you if you had ever heard of one of his teams called the Dagas. If so, then you have your answer.”

King Pin and his team sit there in silence, their faces showing neither expression, nor emotion.  Finally Viper looking at everyone says, “Ladies, I have heard of the Dagas or daggers if you will. Your reputation precedes you as well as your methods and beauty. I am Viper and these other three are, King Pin, Hound Dog, and Bam-Bam, and it’s an honor to meet you.”

Lucia responds, “We also have heard of you and the others; it is our pleasure as well to work with you. But the General did warn us about Hound Dog. He said that his name says it all. What did he mean by that if I may ask?”

Hound dog sighs, “OH SHIT,” as Bam-Bam, King Pin, and Viper busts into uproarious laughter to the point they are holding their sides as the ladies looks on. 

Finally King Pin gets some of his composure back speaking up. “Hound Dog can tract anything or anyone anywhere and once he hones in on his target, they’re as good as dead. But mainly we call him that because if there is a skirt within fifty miles, he’ll find it. We also call him Horn Dog on the side when no one’s around.”

All Hound Dog can say is, “Thanks ASSHOLE,” as he turns a brilliant red, causing everyone to break out in laughter again.  
Finally King Pin asks. “Why such a delay in getting to our job?”

“As I said,” Contessa replies “We, You are being watched. There are two Cartels in this region. One here in Cancun and the other, which you’re after in Merida. They both have people everywhere on their payroll from police, military, and even in the hotels watching and reporting. So to divert suspicion, you four play the part of tourists and we are your guides. We four have an appointment out there on the same day we drop you off.”

A puzzled look came across the four men as they look at the ladies.

“We, the four of us, “continues Contessa, “use what we have to get information and get close to our target. As of now we have the complete lay out of the estate, locations of monitors, sensors, and the underground complex of the mansion. We will go over those when we get to the safe house in Merida. It’s too dangerous to have that information here. Our rooms will be searched while we’re sightseeing or shopping. “

There is a knock at the door of their room; Contessa holds up her hand motioning everyone to be quiet. Elizabeth goes to the door.  It is room service delivering dinner; once room service leave Contessa continues, “As I was saying, our rooms and belongings will be searched and then reported to whoever they are working for. “I know for a fact that the young man who delivered our food works for them and is reporting what he saw in here. That is why you have to play tourists with us as your personal guides. Now, if there are no further questions, shall we enjoy our dinner and get to know each other better. “

Viper asks “If I may Contessa, I have a few questions. First off, what do you mean; the four of you have an appointment to where we’re going; and seconded off, where will you be staying in case we need to get ahold of you if we have any questions?”

 Contessa and the other three ladies just look at him with a dumbfound look on their faces, then just starts giggling non-stop.

King Pin speaks telling them, “Viper has been out of circulation for quite some time, but was brought back in because of his expertise for this mission. Contessa nods her understanding and looking at Lucia nods to her.

Lucia acknowledges Contessa with a nod of her head, she stands taking a seductive pose in front of them she slowly walks back and forth in front of the group. Swaying her body in a way that she knows will drive them wild with desire.

“We use our assets to their full potential not only gather information, but to get to our targets; and once we have what we need we arrange accidents or our targets simply disappear off the face of the earth. As for our appointment, Jose, who is now running the Cortez Cartel is nowhere near as smart as Cortez, but he is even deadlier than Cortez. He was Cortez’s primary hit man and doing all the dirty work for him. The four of us have a score to settle with him. As for our appointment, Jose is a pig and thinks the more the merrier and this fact alone will give us the opportunity we need as well as to confirm that he is there so you can do what you need to. When you see the four of us leave the compound, it’s all yours.”

 Lucia sits back down smiling sweetly at them. “As for your second question as how to get ahold of us if need be. That won’t be a problem, we’re staying with you.”

Lucia and the other ladies are watching the four men to see how they react. They all notice the same thing; three of the four had reacted to Lucia’s movement very slightly, but they did react. The fourth member of the team puzzles them; Viper shows neither movement nor reaction what so ever. He just sits there watching and listening, unmoving and unreadable.  Lucia considers two possibilities for the lack of reaction from him. Either he is gay or he has that much self-control which she has never come across before; either way she will find out before the night is over. 

Viper nods his head without saying a word.  For the rest of the evening, they eat, make small talk, discuss the mission, and talk about humorous events that happened on previous missions. Slowly, as they get to know each other, they begin to relax trusting each other to a point; only to a point. They are also teasing each other for the fun of it. Finally King Pin makes the statement that they have a busy day tomorrow asking the ladies which rooms they are taking. Looking at each other they smile, rise, each choosing one of the men leads him into a room shutting the doors.

The next morning Viper is up before anyone else. He calls room service and orders a European style breakfast for all of them which consist of rolls, cheese, meat, fruit, and lots of coffee. He is setting there when the other three ladies and men come out of their rooms looking refreshed and ready to go. They again make small talk as they get their coffee and breakfast sitting down.  Contessa looks around finally asking where Lucia is. Viper looks at her, smiles slightly saying, “She’s still sleeping.”  Contessa and the other two ladies look at each other with a shocked expression on their faces, get up heading into Lucia’s room.

Hound Dog looks at Viper, “What did you do to her last night?” Viper smiles but says nothing. After about ten minutes, Contessa, Elizabeth, and Catalina come out of the room, sit down staring at Viper without saying a word. Finally Lucia comes dragging out of her room walking over to Viper, sits in his lap, wraps her arms around him and snuggles close. Looking at him she says one word, “Animal.”   

Everyone just sits there looking at them with a shocked expressions on their faces as Viper sits there with a mile long grin on his.

 Hound Dog speaks, “That’s it then. I relinquish my throne as number one Horn Dog and I bow to your greatness, OH GREAT STUD.” 

With that the room busts out in laughter with unsavory comments. Viper turns beet red and Lucia keeps sitting on his lap with a look of complete contentment on her face.

About two hours later, they all head out the door and spent the rest of the time in Cancun shopping, eating, and enjoying the beaches as well as the night life for two days, then set out for Merida.

It is about a four to six hour road trip to Merida on State Hwy 180, which cuts straight through the jungle. On either side of the road dense jungle encroaches onto the highway trying to take back what once belonged to it; and is so thick one could not see five feet into it. There are no signs of life along the road, only sparse traffic, no road signs or bill boards, and the occasional business or home has been abandoned; now derelicts with the jungle reclaiming the land once again. About half way to Merida, in the middle of nowhere, they stop at a toll exchange. The only civilians there are the ones working the booths, the rest are heavily armed soldiers who watch everyone with suspicion. It takes about fifteen minutes to clear the exchange, answering questions and showing there pass ports; and then they’re on their way.     

Reaching Merida, they drive directly to the safe house which is named Casa Esplendida, (House of Splendor), which apply suits it to perfection. High fenced in yard for privacy with exotic flowers and fruit trees, fountains and a private pool. The inside is even more ornate with everything one could image in one’s mind for the life of luxury. Plush furniture, four bedrooms, large bathrooms with tubs and showers, interior fountains, formal dining room exotically decorated with an erotic touch.

Having unloaded the Limo taking their bags to their prospective rooms, they gather in the living room.  Contessa looks around the room for a few seconds before speaking. “We will be spending a few days here playing tourists before the mission and then a few more days after that to kill any suspicion that we had anything to do with such events. Usually there is a maid and cook here to take care of all our needs, but I sent them on vacation till we are gone. They are my relations and would not say anything to jeopardize the mission, but to keep them safe, I sent them away. We, the four of us will take care of what we need here as well as be your guides. Now, do you wish to relax the rest of the day or go over what we have in the way of Intel and equipment?”

King Pin’s response, “I think we would like to go over the data first so we can get a good idea of what we’re heading into then do an equipment check. After that, we can be tourists, if that meets with your approval?”    
No one argues; Elizabeth walks over to one of the bookcases in the room, presses a switch that no one can see and the bookcase swing open. In it is every type of weapon they will need, ammo, night scopes, and laser markers, web belts and harnesses, camo cloths, and boots, all they need for their mission. Opening a drawer she pulls out paperwork setting it on the table for all to see.

“Here are the blue prints to the house, as well as guard schedules, camera and sensor locations, as well as a diagram of the underground bunker under the house and the exit locations of each of the four escape tunnels. At any given time there are at least two dozen or more there. Twelve are always on guard and heavily armed. The others are usually in the underground bunker, dealing with the drugs and are also armed. There are, as well, two generators that run the house and security systems with two large underground fuel tanks located behind the house. The power out there is spotty at best and more times than not, the generators are running everything. Are there any questions?”

The four men looked at the blue prints and layout of the grounds and security systems, for a few minutes without saying a word. “Where will the four of you be in case there’s trouble and we have to come in and get you out,” asked Bam?

Catalina leans over placing her finger on a second story bedroom, “We’ll be right here, if not there, we’ll be by the pool. But if you do not see us leave, finish your mission by whatever means necessary.”
King Pin, Viper, Hound Dog and Bam just look at them saying nothing. The rest of the day and into the evening, they study the Intel and check their equipment over. It us late afternoon by the time they finish. The ladies fix a delicious dinner and drinks for them. Once they finish eating, instead of going out on the town, they decide to stay enjoying the pool relaxing in each other’s company.

The next morning Viper is up early as always and fixes breakfast for everyone. He has champagne with orange juice, omelets with roasted peppers and onions, fresh whole roasted jalapenos, fresh made salsa and coffee for all.

Once they finish eating they play tourist and for the next few days hitting the road. Shopping, seeing the historical sites, such as the Mayan ruins at Tulum and Coba, as well as the historical district of Merida. During the evenings and well into the night they enjoy the night life, bars, dancing, and walks along the sea shore before heading back to their place calling it a night. Though they all play the part of tourist, they are always alert and going over the mission in their minds.
Finally the appointed day arrives and all is in readiness. At the established time they all load into the limo and head out. Contessa advises them that the driver is her brother and will say nothing. As they head for the meeting, the four men change cloths placing their other cloths into plastic bags to take with them. Nothing can be left in the vehicle that can give any hint of what is to come. They turn down a dirt road that cut through the dense jungle finally coming to a stop.

“From here, you’re about a mile from the complex. The first monitor is about half a mile ahead. When all is done we will be waiting at the intersection of the main road and this one, the day after to pick you up. Remember, you’ll have to be changed before you get back in and your current gear disposed of. Good luck,” states Contessa.

The four men just nod to the ladies, getting out without a word they disappear into the jungle.

They slowly make their way toward the Cortez complex, through dense bush, vines, and bogs. Not a word is said among them. Only hand singles for instructing’s and warning on poisons snakes and plants that would burn you at the slightest touch to your skin. It is hot, sticky, and dirty; finally after about four hours of fighting their way through the jungle they reach the high wall surrounding the mansion. Not a word is passes between them, King Pin looks at each one of them and nods and they head to their assigned positions. Each one of them goes out one of the escape hatches. Once they reach there finding the hidden exits to the tunnels, they set up clay more mines pointing at and into the tunnels. Anyone who opens the hatch would trigger off the mine, effectively killing anyone in its path.  If anyone survives the traps, then one of the team members at that location will deal with them.

Once they are in location accomplished their designated task, they contact King Pin via secure radio advising him all is set. Now they wait.

The only way the team can see over the high wall is from the trees that grew thick and high in the jungle surrounding the complex. Each one of the team selects a tree, maps it out to see where they will climb to and waits till nightfall to insure they will not be seen. That night, amongst the noise of the night creatures and the insects, they put on their night vision goggles and slowly make there climb up the trees. Once they are at their vantage point, they each insure that they blend in with the surrounding canopy of trees settled in, and wait. Each one of the team is on full alert, not only to make sure they are not spotted from the well-lit compound, but from the poisons snakes and biting insects that inhabit the trees. 

As they wait they scope out the compound watching the guards make their rounds, going in and out of the mansion. They keep their eyes peeled for the ladies, watching and hoping they are unhurt. The four of them are spotted out by the pool by Hound Dog at one point during the night. They are with Jose, playing to his ego and giving him all their attention. Hound Dog advises the rest of the team that they are spotted and in good shape, before they all went back inside the mansion and he lost sight of them. The rest of the night is quiet.

 The next morning, there is a lot of activity on the compound. As the team watches, a panel truck arrives pulling up to the house begins unloading package and taking them into the house. From what they can tell, they are drugs of some type to be processed and cut; then will be sent out to their destination.  At around ten, the panel truck leaves. Shortly after, King Pin spots the ladies as they get into their Limo leaving the compound. King Pin advises the rest of the team that they are safe and have left. Each acknowledges the call; then waits another hour to insure they are well clear of the area.

An hour later King Pin calls the team, “King Pin set,” and waits for the response.
“Hound Dog set.”

“Viper set.”

“Bam set.”

“Bam, contact Snoopy, release Gopher, wait ten and release Baby.”   As Bam acknowledges, King Pin sets up the laser tracker aiming it to the best advantage on the mansion.

Fifteen miles off the coast, and thirty thousand feet in altitude, a lone modified F-22 circles in the cloudless sky, unseen by ground or airborne radar. In its weapons bay were two, GBU-28’s, laser guided, 2000 pound bombs. Both are made mainly of fiberglass with no markings, serial number, and invisible to radar. One of the bombs will blow on contact, the other had a hardened steel nose casing that will bore deep into the ground or through harden concrete; in short, a bunker buster. Bam contacts the aircraft.

“Snoopy, Snoopy, this is firecracker over.” His response is almost immediately.

“Firecracker, Firecracker, this is Snoopy. On station, awaiting instructions, over.”

 “Roger Snoopy, copy loud and clear. Release Gopher, wait ten, then release baby. How copy, over?”

“Snoopy acknowledges, standby.”

Ten seconds later Snoopy calls back.

“Firecracker, Firecracker, Gopher headed home, over.”

The entire team hears the conversation and knows what is headed their way and holds on to the trees they are in. As they watch the compound, Viper and Hound Dog see that they are setting up lunch by the pool. They have no idea they are being watched or what is coming to crash the party.

The majority of the people at the mansion gathers around the pool area starting to set down to eat, when there time runs out.

From thirty thousand feet, the GBU-28 is released. As soon as it is released it deploys its fins and the laser tracker in its nose, locating the beam that is coming from the nose of the F-22 as well as the beam from the ground. It locks onto the beam adjusting its fins and homes in following the beam down making small corrections to itself as it does. Silent and deadly it comes on till it reaches the roof of the mansion where it punches through the roof, the second and first story floors, and into the bunker below, exploding.

Two thousand pounds of high explosives erupt in the bunker. Its explosive force traveling in all directions. The floors above it, already weakened from the impact of the bomb going through them, heaved upward and outward, as flames, shockwave and debris fly in all directions. The mansion blows outwards in all directions, and the two underground fuel tanks explode as well, adding their own explosive force to the destruction covering the area in flaming fuel. Those who are around the pool are tossed about blown apart or covered in the flaming wreckage. As for those still in the house as well as in the underground bunker, they are vaporized. The ensuing shockwave and fireball travels through the escape tunnels like a juggernaut concentrated till it reaches the end, blowing the escape hatches into the sky setting off the traps the team set.

The only ones in the compound that escape are those who were walking the perimeter of the walls, knocked down by the shock wave. They are slowly getting up, dazed and confused as they look around trying to figure out what just happened. Slowly the five remaining men stagger their way toward the smoking ruins of what once was a palatial mansion, not knowing that they had been targeted with four scopes zeroed in on them. The five men, all bleeding and dazed, slowly gather at what once was the front, trying to decide what to do. The vehicles that had been there were now tossed around and in flames.  They look over the smoking and flaming remains of the house and the gaping hole in the ground where it once stood knowing that no one could have survived. Shock registers on each countenance.

 Then the second one arrives King Pin had moves the laser where the men are gathered and watched to see if there are any other survivors. The five stand together trying to get their wits together when everything around them goes up in a blinding flash as the 2000 pound bomb detonates.

There are no survivors.

The team watches for a few more minutes and then makes their way to where they are to meet up. Bam contacts the F-22 and tells Snoopy to head back, and be safe. Snoopy acknowledges heading home.

The four meet at their pre-arranged location, all four of them have minor injuries with blood dripping the arms and hands from flying pieces of the debris. Not a word is said as they fix and bandage themselves up. Finally Hound Dog speaks, “I don’t think it will be necessary to look for survivors. Nothing could survive that. How long do you think we have till others show up to see what happened?”

 “I don’t know,” King Pin replies, “But we’re not staying around to find out. Let’s gear up and hit the road. We’ll dispose of most of our gear in the bogs and swamp as we go changing when we get to the road.”

The four nod and they head back into the jungle. It takes them the rest of the day and well into the night to hack and fight their way through the ten miles of jungle, dumping their equipment as they go. The wounds on their bodies act like a magnet to every type of insect imaginable looking for a meal, and soon are covered with bites and welts. Finally, early in the morning with the sun beginning to rise, they hear the sounds emanating from the highway. They slowly make their way toward it till they can see it without being seen; changing their clothes they wait.

A limo pulls over to the side of the road. The driver gets out opening the hood up, the four ladies exit the passenger side leaving the door open joining the driver at the front. As the driver pretends to work on the engine he watches the road. When there is a break in traffic, he waves toward the jungle, not knowing if they are there or not. One by one, the men run from the jungle into the waiting Limo. Then the four ladies get back into the Limo. The driver closes the hood entering the vehicle drives toward the safe house. 
They spend four more days at the safe house, with the ladies doctoring, feeding, and helping them recover. The local police and military are questioning everyone and anyone on about what happened. The local news is reporting on it as well and finally the official story comes out that underground fuel tanks at the complex exploded causing major damage with no survivors. While there are a few in the higher offices who suspect what really happed; but know the truth will never be known.  A major drug cartel has been taken out, completely.

Finally they all start back to Cancun where the men say their goodbyes heading back to the states and the cabin in the mountains.                    

Chapter 18

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

As the sun peaks over the crest erasing the shadows from the terrain the two women are traipsing up the mountain toward the cave with empty packs. Setting a stiff pace about half way there Bo-peep veers off the trail continuing with caution. Pebbles understands the tactic not hesitating to follow suit.  As time slips toward mid-day they approach the cave from above. Pausing in the shadow of the pines they check out the area to insure they are alone.  Bo-peep nods to Pebbles as they approach the cave from the north side. Entering the clearing in front of the cave Diablo and Paddy whinny a welcome. However, before going to the lean-to she waits outside the cave while Bo-peep checks the inside.  Returning she says, “It looks like the men left everything here. Check out your horses; I’ll load our packs and we’ll start back down the mountain.” Watching as Pebbles runs to the lean-to she smiles. They make good companions for her especially when she has been so afraid for so long. Moving into the cave looking around, she finds the weaponry she had asked Viper to provide still in the packs.  Hum! It’s going to be a load to haul this stuff down the mountain and all the food we are going to need.  Giving it some thought, she packs weapons in both packs as well as the necessary food, mostly MRI’s.  Dragging the packs out the entrance she sees Pebbles riding Diablo and leading Paddy.

Watching the three together she decides to ask. “Pebbles, would you like to take the animals with us? Now don’t get excited, we aren’t going to ride, but we can trail them with us if you would feel better.”

Joy written all over her face. “Oh Peep that would be wonderful. There is plenty of feed in the barn and more fresh grass at the lower level.”

“Okay, saddle them and we’ll be on our way.” Waiting for Pebbles to take care of the horses, she looks around the area for any sign that Viper is lurking around knowing full well he would want her to know he was keeping his promise, but sees no sign. “The packs are extra heavy and with the horses we’ll stay on the trail unless….she didn’t finish the sentence. She wanted Pebbles to sense her meaning; and she was not disappointed when she nods in acknowledgement. Always on the alert Bo-peep heads out leading Paddy with Pebbles and Diablo right behind. Pausing occasionally they are pleased to hear nothing but the normal sounds of the deep woods with a roadrunner skittering through the brush and the whistle of the wind through the pines. Toward late afternoon they arrive back at the cabin; Pebbles puts the horses in the barn after a good brush down with fresh hay and oats to eat. Picking up her pack where she dropped it, she enters the cabin where Peep has unpacked laying the weapons on the table. Watching Pebbles approach. “Be careful how you unpack, you have the same weapons you see here in your pack. So, listen as I explain how to remove them since you are not familiar with them.”  As Pebbles halts with the pack in midair. “What weapons have you handled?”

Solemnly she replies. “Only the shotgun over in the corner of the room.”

Lifting each weapon individually Peep begins to detail the arms in front of her: a marine K-Bar designed for hand to hand or close combat; eighteen inch machete for going through heavy foliage mostly jungles; a commando axe for survival; assorted throwing blades; and night vision goggles. Also, she laid out a P320 pistol and an FN H CQC Assault Rifle. “You will become proficient with all of these weapons in the coming months. Keep in mind this is deadly and there is no turning back. I can’t emphasis this enough. Pebbles, a little bit of knowledge will get you killed. “

With an eerie expression creeping into her eyes. “Will I become cold unfeeling like you and Viper?”

Her voice taking on a somber quality to impress the seriousness of what she is undertaking. “You will find it comes automatic when needed. If it doesn’t you will die right where you stand. Emotion can’t ever be a part of this serious business.”

Standing straighter, squaring her shoulders in an even tone with no inflection. “I’m ready!” She puts her pack on the table next to the weaponry already lying there and proceeds to carefully remove the arms. Bo-peep watches as she picks each one up with respect and caution.

“First order of business; tomorrow we will continue with sparing until you can take me down. If and when you succeed we will start training with the weapons.” Picking up a couple of MRE’s. “Let’s eat, tomorrows another day.”

Each day starts with Calisthenics’, followed by a five mile run over rough terrain, then a ten mile hike with sixty pound packs. Closing out the day sparing continues, but with a few changes as Pebbles is becoming more adept. When the days training is done, she cares for her horses.

One day toward the end of six weeks. “Bo-Peep, let’s take the horses out for a ride; they need the exercise. Diablo is restless and Paddy could use a work out.” Pausing. “I promise to work harder to make up for the time.”

Considering what Pebbles is asking she agrees to the break in training. “Okay! That’s sounds good. We’ve covered most of the trails, what do you suggest?”

“There’s a seldom traveled road a few miles south east of here that runs down the mountain toward Cimarron. There’s a half mile stretch a ways down that will give the horses a chance to run. I doubt we’ll see anyone. Not too many people in these parts as you may have noticed.”

“What about hunters?”

“Too early, they’ll start coming in around mid-November.” Looking out into the forest seeming lost in thought.  “How about it? Other than Viper, you and the crew I haven’t seen anyone in this part of the forest. Even old Mr. Cargill doesn’t come up anymore.”

Bo-peep looks at her with a question in her eyes. “Who’s he?”

Laughing. “He’s an old friend of my Uncle and the one who showed me where the cabin was located. That was some four years back.”

“Okay, Pebbles, let’s get a good night’s rest and start out at dawn.”

Before the rays of the sun rises above the skyline of pines high above the cabin, Pebbles saddles the horses. Mounting Diablo she hands the reins of Paddy to Bo-peep who looks like she is not sure about this riding bit. She can’t help her reaction, the look on B0-Peep face is priceless and she burst out laughing. “Peep, have you ever ridden a horse?” 

With looks that would kill Bo-peep responds, “A horse, HELL no; a motorcycle yes, but no damn horse.”

Choking back the laughter she mutters. “Okay, mount on the left side. Paddy’s gentle. You’ll do fine; just let her have her head and she’ll follow Diablo.”  Seeing that Peep manages to get in the saddle, she moves Diablo down the trail.

“Hey, Pebbles, what do I hold on to?”

Snickering she halts alongside the trail. “Loop the reins over the saddle horn, then grasp on to it; grip the horse with your knees and roll with the gait.”

Sitting in the saddle her eyes piercing the early dawn with daggers of fire. “How the hell did I let you talk me in to this?”

Giggling so much she can barely speak. “Well now ‘Miss don’t mess with my ass’ are you telling me you are afraid of this marvelous example of a gentle equine?” And with that she nudges Diablo moving on down the trail at a leisurely pace.  And much to Bo-peep’s surprise Paddy follows right behind him with her hanging on to the saddle horn. Remembering to grip the sides with her knees she soon finds the ride comfortable in a rocking chair like movement.

As they move through the forest steadily traveling in a downward direction, Bo-peep is aware of the cool mountain breeze whispering through the trees. High overhead toward the east  a magnificent Bald Eagle  soars against the baby blue sky dotted with a few billowy clouds drifting across the dome.  It’s no wonder Pebbles loves this mountain hideaway. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. Soon she feels the strain of griping the horse with her knees and her butt aches. She eases off with her knees only to find she bounces around coming close to being dumped. Quickly she grips the animal with her knees and finds the stability she almost lost.

After about an hour’s ride Pebbles pulls to the side of the trail near a small cluster of scrub oak and dismounts. “Step down Peep.” Taking Paddy’s reins Pebbles tells her. “Walk around a bit or you will be stiff and very sore.”

“Hey, girl! I’m in good condition.” She can’t help but rub her backend finding that straightening her back is a little painful.

Smiling as she gives Diablo and Paddy a sugar cube. “Suit yourself! But you’ll be real sorry come tomorrow that you didn’t listen.”  Leaning against the trunk of an aspen just a few feet off the trail she watches as a roadrunner darts after a small rodent. Keeping an eye out for rattlers even though it is a little cool for them to be out of the den; one just never knows.  Resting her eyes as she leans against the tree she is aware that Peep’s is moving around. Good! She’s still going to realize she has muscles she forgot about.

“Peep there’s a small stream a little further down we’ll stop and give the horses a cool drink. It’s back in the woods a bit, but nice.” Mounting they continue their ride when shortly Pebbles picks up the pace to a trot moving down a well-trodden path. Hum! Peep is beginning to get the hang of this riding. It’s better on Paddy when she is comfortable in the saddle. After a short ride slowing the pace she moves into the dense pine weaving through the trees until they emerge into a small clearing with a clear stream and a small pool of water glistening in the sun’s rays piercing the statuesque firs.

As Paddy moves up beside Diablo, Peep gasps at the beauty of the scene before her. “It’s so beautiful. Do you come here often?”

Before answering she dismounts reaching for Paddy’s reins she leads both mounts to the small pond where they drink their fill of cool water.  As she stands between the two horses she responds. “Not so much lately. I use to come about once a week until I fell down the mountain and Viper rescued me.”

Standing in the silence of the clearing listening to the ripple of the water coming into the pond and gently exiting the other side, Pebbles finds a serenity she thought she had lost and feels a peace creep through her body and mind. With a sigh she turns to Peep. “Ready?”

Nodding she asks. “How far to the stretch you talked about where the horses can run?”
Taking the reins of Paddy she mounts.

Stepping up into Diablo’s saddle she can’t help but grin as she responds. “About five miles; and the term is gallop not run.” Without waiting for a retort she moves back through the trees to the trail with Peep following. She doesn’t encourage conversation and Peep seems to respect the quiet. Long about the time the sun is directly overhead Pebbles pulls up without a word dismounts putting her finger to her lips to signal silence and squats in the shade of a pinon.  As she waits soon not far off the trail barely visible through the trees a deer and fawn pause to listen then move off in the direction the women just left. Mounting Pebbles says. “They are going to the pond for water; I have seen deer there before.”

“How did you know they were there?

Turning to face Peep. “Not hard, they are up wind from us so they were not alerted to our presence; and I heard them moving through the brush. Besides the deer follow the same trail to the pond year in year out; or at least they have since I moved here.”

Looking at Pebbles with a new respect. “You know more about moving through the forest undetected than you led me to believe. Why?”

Halting Diablo and turning back to face Bo-peep.  “I had lost confidence in myself after I fell down the mountain and Viper nursed me back to health. I should not have made that stupid mistake cascading me down the mountain. It was really carelessly stupid. And you were part of his team….a perfect killing team.”  Shaking her head. “I am an amateur.”

With eyes flashing with glee. “Amateur? Maybe at some things but as you have discovered, so am I. How about we learn from each other?” Looking past Pebbles at the trail ahead. “You teach me about horses and riding; and I’ll continue your combat training. Deal?”

“Deal! Let’s go.” Moving on down the trail they soon reach the area giving almost a straight half mile. Halting at the north end of the stretch, she waits for Paddy to come up beside her. “Peep, take the reins in your left hand but keep them loose, grip the horse with your knees and hold on to the saddle horn with the right hand. When I kick Diablo into a gallop Paddy will follow. Let her. If you follow instructions you may stay in the saddle otherwise you will take a spill. Got it?” Looking down the trail, “When we reach the bend we’ll turn and return at full gallop. Stay on the horse! You won’t like it if you hit the ground and I don’t make a good nurse.”

Grinning Peep replies. “Got it.”

The words barely out of her mouth Pebbles touches her knees to Diablo who instantly leaps into a gallop with Paddy right on his tail. Leaning forward whispering in his ear he races like the wind making a quick turn at the bend returning to the north end of the straight stretch. When she pulls Diablo to a halt, she is pleased to see that Paddy with Peep, a little discombobulated, but still in the saddle is not far behind.  “Well, you stayed in the saddle. How do you feel?”

“Like a damn clumsy fool flopping around like a fish lying on the river bank.”

Moving off into a small cluster of pines far enough not to be readily seen Pebbles dismounts taking a small brush from her saddle bags and begins brushing Diablo.

Peep steps out of the saddle still holding the reins but discovers her legs are wobbly and hurt like hell from her crotch to her knees; through clinched teeth. “You got another one of those. If so I can help.”

Seeing that Peep’s is not moving she looks away with a gleam of pleasure at finding something she is not so expert at and knowing that she is in real pain. “Unpack our lunch from the saddle bags while I see to the horses. There’ll be time later for your help.”

Relieved but not too sure she can walk, she reaches up to remove the saddle bags from Paddy and finds she is not sure how to do so. Finally she finds the right way and struggles to set out the food in the nearby shade.

Pebbles finishes with the two equine then sets down beside Peep. Looking out into space but seeing nothing she comments. “There is such a feeling of being free riding like the wind---one with the horse. I can’t explain it; you have to experience the thrill.”

Every time she moves a groan escapes her mouth. Without turning Peep responds. “Yeah, like me beating the hell out of those guys at the bar!”

Laughing Pebbles starts putting things back in the saddle bags. “Well, looks like we are both going to learn; me how to be a combat ready killer and you to be an expert horseman.” Looking her trainer who is fast becoming a friend, directly in the eye she. “Let’s ride. We have about five miles or more to cover before dark.”

Moaning with every move. “You expect me to get back on that ‘rocking chair’?”

Ducking her head and turning her face Pebbles hides a smug grin. “Unless you want to walk all the way back to the cabin in the dark without weapons.”

“Ugh, how far?”

Keeping her back turned trying to stifle a laugh.  ”Oh, I’d say about two miles as the crow flies, but along the trail about five.”

“Pebbles, you are evil. You’re laughing at me. What’s so damn funny?”

She can contain herself no longer laughter roaring through the trees. “Peep, you beat the shit out of men twice your size, stalk and kill members of the cartels and then a ‘little bitty mustang has you groaning and carrying on like a wimp.” Her face buried in Diablo’s mane. “I just find the whole scene funny.”

“Okay, I’ll get on the damn nag.” Putting her foot in the stirrup with effort she throws her leg across and plops down in the saddle just as Pebbles nudges Diablo.  With a sudden jolt Peep finds herself in the rocking motion that has taunted her for hours as Paddy follows Diablo up the trail.

With shadows lengthening under the trees they arrive at the cabin just as the sun sinks below the western horizon turning the sky to dark gray as the moon creeps over the eastern hills. With the setting of the golden orb a chill encompasses the eastern portion of the Sangre de Christo Mountains and the nocturnal predators start their nightly hunt. The whoooo of the owl followed by the flap of his wings as he takes flight is silenced by the echo of the coyote’s lonesome howl somewhere high on the ridge behind the cabin. By the time they reach the corral the ebony dome is alive with millions of glistening diamonds. Dismounting Pebbles opens the doors to the barn as Peep manages to literally stumble almost falling to the ground beside Paddy as her legs bend of their own accord.

Peep pauses in the doorway gazing at the magnificent pale moonlight spreading across the land whispering more to herself than anyone else. “It’s beautiful!”

As she continues inside the barn Pebbles mutters. “Yup, it’s a small piece of paradise.  At least it was until the cartel found me; now I’m not so sure!”

While she removes the saddles and tack, rubbing down the mustangs and putting our fresh oats and hay, Peep sits one of the bales watching the tender way she takes care of the horses pondering her remark as she enters the building. “Pebbles, once we complete your training no one will ever be a threat to you again. You’ll be able to handle any situation; and if not I’ll only be a phone call away.”

With a questioning look she turns to look at Peep. “Are you serious? Would you really come?” Anxious to hear what she will say, but scared at the same time she stands perfectly still her eyes boring holes in the woman sitting near her.

With shiny orbs of black fire. “Not only would I come, but the whole crew would be here if we were not on assignment.” Watching a slight change of expression cross Pebbles face. “Let’s call it a day, I could sure eat; how about you?”

“Sure thing.”  Tossing a bottle of horse liniment to Peep. “Rub your legs and rear end with this.”  Putting the horses in their stalls she secures the door behind her listening to the nightly sounds of the forest as they quietly cross the short distance to the front porch. Sounds that she once thought didn’t exist but had over time become a comfort in her solitude.

Reaching the cabin door just as Peep yells at her. “Hey, this is for horses. Not people!”

‘Damn it woman, Use it or don’t, but come morning you’ll wish you had when you can’t get out of bed.” Continues into the small kitchen area to prepare something to eat.

Grousing all the time Peep strips and massages her legs and butt with the liniment feeling the warmth seep through her bones.

Later relaxing on the porch in the cool evening breeze with their dinner coffee, conversation seems an unwelcome intrusion as they sit the silence broken only by the lone howl of a coyote. The pale glow of the moon creating a mystical aura mesmerizing two weary ladies unwilling to break the spell each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Peep speaks in a low vice. “Are you ready to go in, tomorrow we get back to sparing so we can move on to weaponry.”

Pebbles stands stretching her body easing the aches. “Yes, I’m ready to go in and to move forward toward my goal.”

The last sound echoing across the mountain was the slamming of the screen and the latch locking the cabin door.

Chapter 19

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

In the gray dawn Pebbles turns the horses into the corral. Lightening the lantern in what recently became a training arena. Today, sparing with Peep would take on a more serious note all because she had gained some of her self-confidence back.  It came like most things in life from a most unusual source. The simple knowledge that she is a good horseman and Peep, her combat trainer, knows nothing about horses. What a silly thing to jolt me out of my stupor! Hearing the squeaky door hinges she turns to see a silhouette of Peep in the opening. Without waiting even a moment. “Ready to begin, Peep?”

Stepping into the interior closing the door behind her and waiting for her eyes to adjust.  “You in a hurry or something?”  She notices a difference in attitude but couldn’t imagine what prompted the change. Moving to the center she lunges at Pebbles who side steps then moves in with a jab, a cross getting out again; and thus the day’s sparing begins. An hour passes as the two continue perspiration dripping from the faces of each and hair glued to their heads. Peep steps back and drops her arms with Pebbles following her move.

With her hands on her hips taking a few deep breathes. “Now, to answer the question posed awhile back. “No, no particular hurry; just determined.”

Laughing. “Well, I felt the determination in your ability to ward off my punches. Pausing in thought she ponders the question she is about to ask. “Are you ready to try to take me down.”

Pebbles will never admit she isn’t sure; with a grin as big as the Rio Grande gorge.  “Hell yes!” And begins to circle her opponent; thus the challenge is on.  Peep cuts her no quarter and is pleasantly surprised to see how much Pebbles has learned when she has her on the ground. Only years of experience enabled her to turn the tables and pin Pebbles to the ground in a death hold. Releasing her she gets to her feet offering her a hand up.

Pebbles looks up at her then with a look of exasperation takes the offered help, “What did I do wrong? How were you able to get away from me?”

Seeing the seriousness of her question. “You didn’t do anything wrong; all your moves were correct but you hesitated giving me a second and that was all I needed plus years of experience in life and death situations.” Waiting for her words to register she continues. “Pebbles, you’re learning faster than expected. We will begin training with knives tomorrow. Think you’re ready?” 

With no expression and little effort.  “I sure hope so.  Peep, I’m gonna check on the horses….maybe work them. Wanta help?”

“You bet.”

With a smirk of delightful mischief Pebbles walks out to the corral and opens the gate, walks over to Diablo grabs a hunk of mane and swings astride her babe. “Okay, Peep! Your turn.
It takes her a couple of tries but she soon sits astride Paddy feeling a small degree of accomplishment. It’s refreshing to learn something new. As Diablo begins trotting around the corral, Paddy waits for the signal from Peep to move. “Hey Pebbles!  How do I get her to go?

“Push slightly forward with your knees.” Watching as Paddy begins to move. “Use your knees to give her direction.” Grinning with pleasure Peep continues around the corral; soon she and Paddy keep pace with Diablo and Pebbles. After about a thirty minute workout they dismount and Peep again feels her legs give way but catches herself by grabbing Paddy’s mane. Following Pebbles example she picks up a handful of fresh straw brushing Paddy’s coat to a shining luster.

In the next few weeks their days are much the same. Pebbles becomes more experienced and most proficient in hand to hand combat receiving a few knife slices for her effort; and left a few mild slices on Peep to testify to her adeptness. While Peep received numerous dumps from the saddle resulting in a sore rear anatomy.

Over coffee on the front porch in the late evening the hoot of an owl echoing on the cool breeze drifting through the forest Peep quietly says. “It’s time to work on your shooting prowess.” Where can we set up?”

Still gazing into the darkening sky it is several minutes before Pebbles responds. “Just a few yards behind the barn is an embankment where we could set up bales of hay with a target. If the ammo goes through the bales they will go into the side of the mountain.” Looking at Peep, Will that work?”

“Yes, we will use that for you to become familiar with firing a pistol. When we get into the actual combat we will use special paint guns, the symbolism is most accurate. And we have the whole forest as the battleground.”

“Do we have the equipment?”

Standing up reaching for Pebbles cup. “Yes, I left them back in the cave.” Reaching the screen door. “We’ll need to retrieve them in the next week or so. We’ll work with the P320 pistols first.”

Catching the screen before it slams Pebbles enters behind her. “Peep, soon we’re going to have to use the fireplace. The nights will soon drop down into the twenty’s and thirty’s. Do you think Viper will see the smoke and come around?”

“That I don’t know. I could contact King Pin but I don’t what he could tell us.”  Waiting to see her response she continues to clean up the dishes from dinner.

As Pebbles picks up a towel and moves to dry the dishes. “Nah, maybe he’ll mind his own business. I’d still prefer he didn’t know, but we need heat, and soon.” They finish up in silence and without a word retire to their own bed.  

Unlike the inside of the cabin, the forest is alive with the nocturnal predators on their search for prey. The mountain cat’s cautious search, the coyote’s lonesome wail, and the flap of the owl’s wings as he soars through the trees searching for small rodents scampering on the forest floor. With the dropping temperatures the bears will be seeking their lairs for the duration of the winter snows and blustery winds. 

Waking in the wee hours of the morning Pebbles lay abed her thoughts full of unanswered questions. How do I feel about Viper? He saved my life first by rescuing me, then by taking care of the cartel and the crooked FBI handler. How will I ever truly feel safe? As she ponders the many queries she realizes her priority has to be achieving proficiency skills of the non-existing unit that Bo-peep belongs. Once that is accomplished she will be able to deal with any emotional entanglement, aka Viper. With the comfort of that thought she succumbs to a peaceful rest something she has not experienced in many years.
The aroma of fresh coffee wafting through the cabin causes her to carefully open one eye seeing dim light emanating from the front room.  She hears the faint but now familiar sounds of Peep moving around in the kitchen area. Smiling she gets out of bed and starts her hundred pushups. I have a lot of work to do; might as well get started. The sooner I complete my training the sooner I can deal with other stuff.

Aware of the activity in the bedroom Peep peeks in and finds pleasure in what she sees and quietly returns to her preparation of breakfast. It isn’t long before Pebbles enters the area reaching for a cup of hot coffee. “You’re up early. What’s the plan for today?”

“Thought we would up the schedule; what do you say to setting up the firing range, then hiking to the cave and retrieving the guns. After we get back we can see if you’re able to take me in hand to hand.” When she hears no response she turns facing Pebbles. “Well, girl, what you say?”

Green eyes flashing fire hands on her hips fully dressed in camos. In an instant she moves toward the chest with the backpacks removing them.  No words are necessary between trainer and trainee. Breakfast is devoured, water and jerky placed in the packs and two ‘warriors’ walk out the cabin door. Stopping by the barn putting hay and oats out for the horses and filling the water trough, they start the trek up the mountain. A couple of miles from the cabin the hikers hear the hiss of a big cat, instantly on alert both drop to a crouch. Pebbles sees Peep pull a gun from a shoulder holster dropping down until she spots the cat, but instead of firing she watches to see what the animal does.  Remaining still hoping to appear non-threatening they wait crouched in the shadow of a clump of scrub oak.  Both are relieved when the cat saunters off in the opposite direction. As they move out they’re more alert to their surroundings aware the cat could double back.

As they move toward the cave Pebbles finally speaks. “You carry a gun.” It is a statement more than a question.

Peep stops on the trail. “Yes, there’s a gun in the holster, one on my leg, and a knife sheathed under by coat. I never go anywhere unarmed.”

Indignation sounding in her voice and eyes that could kill. “Why not me?”

Her tone harsh and unyielding. “We’re not having this conversation. I’m not stupid! There is no way, I’m giving an amateur weapons of this kind then allow them behind me.” Turning to move up the trail Peep halts and turns as she hears Pebbles.

Yelling. “When?”

“When I’m damn sure I can trust you to protect my back; and not one minute before. Do I make myself clear?  And make no mistake it WILL be my decision. Turning her back she continues toward the cave.

Pebbles stands aghast at the turn of events, the harshness of Peep words, and the reality of her distrust but after a few seconds follows her up the trail. With her jaw set in steel determination. I will earn her trust; I will.

The journey to and from the cave is a silent one, neither speaking. Arriving back at the cabin late afternoon, the weapons are placed in the cabin; and as discussed earlier they adjourned to the barn where they engage in hand to hand combat. Peep disgusted at the stupid mistakes Pebbles makes. Knowing it’s her temper over the earlier reprimand, she puts the pressure on until she finally takes Pebbles down hard getting her in a choke hold until she is semiconscious. When she releases the hold
Pebbles drops to the ground gasping for breath.

Anger emanating from every pore Pebbles barely able to speak above a whisper chokes out the irate words. “What the hell you do that for?”

Getting down in her face more like a drill sergeant than a trainer Peep yells. “Do I have your attention? Are you ready to listen?”

Sitting on the ground resolved that she has no choice whether to listen or not she simply nods in the affirmative. 

Peep sits on the ground in front of her, watching the anger drain from her face and a dejected look takes its place. Her voice retaining the harshness. “You let your anger defeat you this afternoon. It will get you killed and anyone with you.  Emotions are a liability; and you absolutely must get them under control or no amount of combat training will save your ass. Pausing for the concept to sink into her brain she continues. “Not one of the unit including, or especially, Viper would trust you with a weapon or to protect their back as long as you let your emotions rule your actions.”

Once again truly contrite Pebbles looks into Bo-Peep eyes asking in a barely audible tone. “How? How do I control them?”

Chapter 20

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Over the next month Pebbles works diligently, her concentration on the task at hand soon tempered her emotions. They continue the hand to hand combat; and add the use of both knives and guns to the exercise. She’s quite proficient, becoming more and more deadly with both.

Bo-peep forces her to test her endurance and expertise on a daily basis. They have just completed firing at the established range; and to her pleasure Pebbles is most accurate with a fixed target. Watching as Pebbles inserts a new clip. It’s time to see how she does with moving targets; I’ll have to contact Viper, we’ll need the paint guns. “Hey, let’s talk.”

Placing the pistol in the shoulder holster Pebbles turns facing Peep. “What about?”

“It’s time to see how much you have learned; and we need equipment we don’t have. We need the paint guns I mentioned earlier.” Pausing to observe Pebbles reaction; and seeing no change in her expression she continues. “That will necessitate contacting Viper.”

Without moving an inch from where she is standing, she simply nods understanding and turns to police her brass.

Peep thinks. Well! Well! Well! Scanning the area she is sure that no one would find any evidence of the range if they should wander into the area. Pebbles says she has rarely seen anyone here with the exception of Viper.

Standing in the shade slightly to the left of the firing range Peep puts in a call to Viper on the encrypted phone. When he doesn’t pick up she wonders why. Checking to see if she had the correct frequency. Nope she is on the one Viper gave her. She calls headquarters, “Bo-peep for King Pin.”

The reply. “On assignment.”

HUM! What’s going on. “Can’t reach Viper?”

“On assignment.”

“When and where?” Silence on the other end told her there would be no reply.

“Put Jammer on. He is there, right?”


“Yeah, whatcha want?”


“Hey, you’re on a special assignment. What’s up?”

 “Damn the whole crew is off somewhere. Jammer, I need a drop at Viper’s. You have the coordinates. Can you handle the drop?”

“What you need?”

“I need paint guns, a supply of 2 colors of paint, ammo for P230’s, and a generous supply of MRE’s.

Pondering her request.  “Are you still babysitting?”


“I’ll get back to you.”  Breaking the connection.

Bo-peep stands holding the phone in her hand wondering what the hell’s going on. Viper should be at his cabin; he’s retired. Why is he on assignment? Well, maybe it’s just as well, Pebbles is secretive, especially where Viper is concerned. She turns toward the cabin. “I need a cup of coffee, Pebbles; you game?”

Picking up the last piece of brass and removing the paper target from the bale Pebbles moves toward the cabin right behind Peep. “Sounds good to me. What’s next?”

Bo-peep turns attacking Pebbles who immediately responds. The two combatants are equally matched. Pebbles giving as good as her trainer.  Each combatant moving with deliberate and deadly calm each move calculated to take the other down. Jab. Cross, upper cut, move out. Move in, jab, cross, uppercut; constantly moving each perfection in defense and aggression.  Even on this cool November day high in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains sweat pours off the two who know that this melee can only end one way. One of them unconscious. In each of their minds the question hovers. Which one?  

Secretly, Bo-peep is pleased at the way Pebbles handles herself, but doesn’t have time for reflection or she will be the one on the ground.

Pebbles in deep concentration is determined to put her opponent on the ground. I have worked toward this end, I have to succeed. Watching her opponent, anticipating every move, she senses her opening and in a wink she has Peep completely subdued.

As Bo-peep signals defeat she gradually lets up on the strangle hold alert to any sudden move she might try. Quickly Peep moves to reverse their positions; instantly Pebbles clamps down on the throat and this time Peep goes limp.

Releasing her hold Pebbles steps away just as Peep leaps to her feet. “Well, done! Then continues her way to the cabin as though nothing had happened.

Pebbles where she released Peep watching her walk away.  “Hey Peeps, What was that all about?” When she doesn’t halt her motion, Pebbles follows her to the cabin.

Just as she reaches the steps she turns. “Testing your awareness and readiness.” With a slight grin.  “You passed.”

Just as they sit down to dinner, Bo-peeps phone clicks. “Bo-Peep”.

“Jammer here.  Drop will be at 0400 hundred two days from now.”

“Will you need a flare?”

“Appreciate it, Bo-Peep.”

Replying. “Can do.” She clicks off. “We’re set on the equipment drop. Rendezvous in two days.”

“Peeps. Where?”

Looking up to watch her response. “Viper’s cabin.” Seeing a slight tension in her jaw she waits for her reaction.

Pebbles thinks for a moment. “Should be okay, you said they were on assignment.” Then goes back to her dinner.

Pleased with her response Bo-peep realizes that one day in the not too distant future she just might qualify for their elite organization. Now, wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants; especially to Viper! Hum, I kinda like the idea. Wonder how Pebbles would feel? Of course, there is still a lot for her to learn. Yup, that might change the direction of the training.

“Whatcha you thinking, Peeps?

Knowing she has been caught she replies with a partial truth. “Just going over some of things we still have to cover to be sure you accomplish your goal.” Not wishing to explain further. “Let’s clean up this mess and call it a night.”

As they move to do just that a whinny is heard from the direction of the barn. “That’s Paddy, not much disturbs her I’ll take a look.” Picking up the shotgun in the corner she steps out on the porch and sees a puma lurking around the corral. Not wanting to kill the cat, she fires hitting the ground just in front of him; watching as he races into the cover of the trees.  With Peeps on her heels she continues to the barn quieting the restless horses. Making sure the door is secure she returns to the cabin.

“Will the cat return, Pebbles?”

“Probably not, but I’ll be sleeping with one eye open the rest of the night.” Pebbles lays on her bed the shotgun close at hand her eyes riveted to the ceiling and her ears cocked to every tiny sound emanating from the surrounding forest. As the moon reaches its peak in the ebony sky shattered by a million glittering stars, a lone coyote’s howl echoes through the pale glow of the globe orbiting the earth. She soon dozes off in spite of her declaration. Across the room, Bo-peep also aware of the coyote’s nightly escapade smiles into the darkness as she too dozes.

The equipment drop Bo-peep requested is delivered exactly on scheduled.  And the two women hide in the surrounding woods outfitted with night vision goggles. As the helicopter moves off into the distance, they venture into the opening to retrieve the packages. In a whisper Pebbles asks. “Will they have bugged these?”

Pondering the question Bo-peep responds. “If we were in a dangerous situation, yes; but since it is not I doubt that they would.’

“But how will we know?”

“We don’t know for sure; so we’ll exam each package thoroughly.” Pausing as she approaches the downed chutes. “With the team on assignment, I doubt we have to be concerned. However, since we don’t want Viper to know what we are doing, we’ll check.” She doesn’t tell Pebbles that she has a tracker embedded like all of the team; and if they want to locate her they can.

Not far from the clearing behind Viper’s cabin the hoot of an owl rends the air as he returns from his nightly hunt. The slight breeze rippling the upper branches of the aspen whispers an enchanting melody spawned from nature’s mellow side. Taking the boxes apart and checking each item for any form of transmitter that would disclose their location, the ladies once satisfied that there is none, load their packs and start back over the mountain just as a faint yellow glow lightens the eastern horizon.

Like all of their hikes silence is maintained. The sky brightens with the coming of dawn; and the serenading larks remind Pebbles of one of the many reasons she loves her mountain home. It will be past noon before they reach her little piece of paradise. She once again feels safe in her forest haven. With each day of training she is more and more confident in her ability to protect herself. Now training will be serious, and I am ready. I must devote all my concentration to perfection with whatever challenge Bo-peep assigns.

Observing Pebbles as they move toward their destination Bo-peep recognizes her progress; and surprisingly finds that she looks forward to her complete success. Aware that they are about an hour from the cabin she considers a stop; then decides to press on. Why, it’s just a walk in the park.

Chapter 21

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Over the next few weeks the training becomes extremely intense; sometimes eighteen to twenty four hours a day always with a full pack; but now they carry a full arsenal of weapons. Always with the same result, Pebbles growing more adept at combat tactics and stealth. Bo-peep finds it harder to track her through the forest and more difficult to sneak up on her. She has an uncanny sense of movement, even the shift in the breeze, a small rodent scampering across the forest floor or the brush of a twig; nothing goes unnoticed; it’s as though she has the nose of a bloodhound.

 Just before the sun sneaks over the ridge Bo-peep lies awake listening to the early morning sounds of the forest. Hum, let’s see what shall I propose to advance Pebbles education? As she ponders the scenario for the day she hears Pebbles moving into the kitchen area. Shortly the smell of brewing coffee wafts through the cabin stealing her thoughts as her body demands the brown elixir whose aroma so temptingly commands her immediate attention.

“Good morning, Peeps; I thought that would arouse you from the reverie keeping you in the bed.”

‘You knew I wasn’t a sleep?”

Smiling at her companion who had earned her trust. “Of course, your rhythm was not synced with your normal sleep pattern.”

Her face placid but inside she is extremely pleased at Pebbles words of observation. “Just considering how to proceed with training. You have become adept at tracking, concealment, and locating the target; as well as hand to hand combat with both pistol and knife.” Watching to see what reaction her words elicited, pleased at seeing none, not even a flicker of an eyelash, she continues. “It’s time to work as a team. For this first outing I will take command.” Taking a cup of coffee from Pebbles she continues. “On this foray we’ll scout Viper’s area. Our mission will be to get in and get out without his knowing it.”

Pebbles face is expressionless. “Peeps, his place for several miles out is protected with sensors that are connected to his computer and alerts him instantly. Do you know something I don’t?”

For the first time since the conversation began Bo-peep laughs. “Hell no! In fact this is the stupidest proposal I’ve ever made. We will be going into dangerous territory with the deadliest ‘good guy’ killer I know.”  Looking at the slight sparkle in Pebbles eyes. “We’re absolutely guaranteed getting caught; unless he is still on assignment. Which is not likely as long as it’s been since we picked up the equipment there.”

“Yeah, but what if we were ro succeed, wouldn’t that be great?”

“Pebbles, I like your attitude, but when we leave on a mission we have to prepare for every contingency; including capture. The one thing we can be assured is Viper ‘probably’ won’t kill us, but he might make us wish he had just to teach us a lesson.”

“Then we better not get caught, had we!”

Shaking her head, but secretly agreeing that it would be a real coup. “We’ll spend the day preparing for this mission and leave tonight.” Her face taking on a stern look her voice becoming harsh. “Pebbles you agree that my orders are to be followed without question?”

With no malice or patronization her tone firm without inflection she simply replies. “Yes Sir.”

The rest of the day they spend cleaning weapons, loading packs and canteens. “Peeps, I might remember where some of the sensors are.”

“That would be good, but we don’t know when he left on the last mission or if he has returned. Knowing Viper he has probably relocated them for security reasons.” Thinking for a moment about the possibility. “We better go in blind on heavy alert. This is not the kind of mission any of us like we usually have more Intel. The only reason I proposed this, it’s Viper place. And while he is dangerous he will check the disturbance before he acts.”

It is almost sundown. “Peeps, I’ll check on the horses before we leave. They will need plenty of feed and water while we are gone. How long do you think it will be?”

“A good five days that’s if we move fast until we reach his area.”

She fills the cistern that feeds the water trough in the barn, laid out plenty of hay and filled the self-feeding grain bin. With all the things she added she knew the animals would be okay.  As she tends the horses, she has the eeriest feeling that this proposal of Peeps is very important to her goal. “I will do exactly as I am told. I be damn if I won’t.

The sun slips behind the western horizon as the two combat ready women start their mission. Upon Peeps signal they move out but unlike other treks to Viper’s cabin this time Bo-peep intents to head south skirting the outer edge of Pebbles property.  After a few miles checking the compass she alters their course just slightly northwest and moves on breaking west into unknown territory. Off in the distance the hoot of an owl rings out as he swoops through the trees searching for his dinner. The plan is to come in from the west which would lead Him to believe it is not the women. Not a word is spoken, Pebbles is now knowledgeable of all hand signals used in the field and follows directions perfectly. Moving quietly through the forest always alert to the sounds and movement around them. Several hours into the trek Peeps halts motioning for Pebbles to squat then directing her gaze to about 20 yards to the left. There a doe and her fawn are curled under a small scrub oak hidden except to the trained eye. Their eyes lock in admiration of the animals and on a nod from Peeps they move out without disturbing the duo.

The moon high in the sky illuminates the forest with a dim glow, only a trained hunter would see the humans in the shadows. A rustle in the fallen pine needles halts their movement; frozen in time they watch as a field mouse races across their path scurrying into the dense undergrowth. With a nod from Peeps the two move stealthy through the night. Toward the witching hour the howl of the coyote calling his mate echoes across the cool night air answered by another off in the distance. The sounds of the forest are both please and assure no predators are within the area.  Pebbles is aware of her surroundings ever alert she strives to remember all she has been taught. I will not fail. I will not.

As the ebony sky turns to gray dawn Peep checks the compass and the time. She is pleased that for Pebbles first time out she has held her on in all ways….speed, stealth, and silence.  We still have a ways to go and getting past Viper in to his compound is a real challenge. Peeps stops under an aspen motions for Pebbles to join her; touches her watch holding up five fingers to indicate a five minute rest. Yet neither removes their pack or does more than squat leaning against a tree ever alert to the sounds around them. Not far from them the song of the meadow lark herald’s morning as the forest comes alive with the critters of the day.  As the allotted time draws near Pebbles is on her feet ready to move out. They have been moving steady through the night with only the brief rest. Peep’s eyes glow with pleasure but she is careful to keep her face turned as she signals to move out. Let her find out for herself what she has learned ‘cause there will come a time very soon when she’ll be tested.

Remembering the last time she was on a mission and Viper shot the cat that was perched in a tree over her head ready to pounce, Bo-peep keeps her eyes all around her including in the trees. As she is about to remind Pebbles to look up also, she sees her scanning the trees in the area. Guess she remembers the cat, too.

They’ve been on the trail for thirty-six hours nearing what she presumes is the edge of Vipers property. He never really disclosed how much he has or in what direction it lay so there’s no way of knowing for sure until they reach the outskirts of the cabin. Waiting for Pebbles to move up the trail beside her, she removes her pack and sits back in a small clump of trees. Maintaining about ten to fifteen yards separation she’s surprised when she does not hear Pebbles approach.  As Pebbles appears in the grove she notes the pack laying on the ground removing hers she moves near enough for conversation if Peeps initiates it. As she sits down Peeps leans in very close and in a whisper. “We’re still some ways from the cabin, but, we could be discovered any minute. We’ll rest hear for thirty minutes, have some jerky.”

Without saying a word Pebbles nods her understanding removing jerky from her pocket she chews away; then takes a sip from her canteen. She waits pondering what she will do if Viper is there and decides to treat them in a harsh manner. I’m not going to let him get away with it. That’s the whole purpose in the training to protect myself against all who would cause me to be uncomfortable….and that would do it. Even though she is ponders what she will do she later is ever alert to her surroundings; noticing the shift in the wind and hint of smoke floating through the air. Reaching for her pack she stands as Peeps does both moving deeper into the trees. They are down wind so unless they have crossed one of his sensors they have not been detected.  No sound heard moving in the direction of Viper’s cabin if she has calculated correctly they are only a couple of hours out; and coming in after night fall was the intent. As they near the compound, they begin to leap frog their way toward the object of the mission each guarding the others back.  Their movements well performed for the pro and the amateur quickly moves into pro status.

Approaching the cabin some twenty yards apart, Pebbles sees the vehicle parked near the barn as Peeps does the one behind the house alerting them to danger. Knowing if it is Viper with the crew they are in big trouble. He will most certainly want to teach them a lesson. Damn! How will Pebbles react? Well, we’re about to find out.

Signaling Pebbles to hunker down, Peep moves toward the back of the house in her approach.  She motions for Pebbles to move in behind the barn, both realizing that it is only a matter of time ‘til someone inside challenges them. Just as Bo-peep reaches the back of the house she feels the cold end of a gun barrel at her neck. She freezes for a moment then drops and rolls coming up on her feet moving aggressively toward the attacker and the battle is own.  It takes only a few minutes for King Pin to settle their scuffle with him still standing.  “I see being on holiday has not dimmed your talents.”

“You bastard, what holiday?”

Pebbles cautiously moves around the edge of the barn toward the front of the house.  She sees Viper headed in her direction at the same time the area is brilliantly lit with flood lights. Ducking back behind the edge of the building still in the shadows she waits, and as he approaches she aggressively attacks.

Hearing the ruckus Viper’s team moves to the front edge of the barn and stands watching the melee going on in front of them---King Pin, Bo-peep Hound Dog, and Bam-Bam.  The four warriors watch in awe as Pebbles holds her own with Viper; taking bets on who will be standing in the end. 

Bo-peep aglow with pride of her pupil’s achievement sees Viper collapses with sweat pouring off his body as shivers ripple through him. In a flash Pebbles sits on the ground beside him trying to keep him still. The four are at his side in two quick strides across the yard.  King Pin immediately recognizes the effects of malaria, keying his encrypted phone. “King Pin here, Viper’s down. Send a chopper to his cabin NOW! Hound Dog, Bam-Bam, gather blankets from the cabin and let’s get him as comfortable as we can until the chopper gets here.

Bo-peep says. “Let’s move him inside.”

King Pin calmly replies. “Hell no! That chopper better damn well be on its way or heads are gonna roll.”

Still sitting beside him as Hound Dog squats besides her wrapping him in blankets she asks?  “What’s wrong with him, Hound Dog?”

He looks at her taking her hand in his. “Pebbles, it’s a severe malaria attack. He’ll be okay as soon as we get him to a hospital. He’s had them before.”

She just finishes saying. “I felt the heat the first time I hit him but didn’t think anything of it. I just wanted to best him.”

King pin approaches. Hearing her last words he starts to laugh. “Little lady, the malaria has sidelined him, but something tells you he would have found you quite a challenge.”

Hearing a click in his ear King Pin punches the phone. “King Pin here.” Listening briefly. “Copy.” Turning to the crew. “Copter’s two hours out, pilot will be asking for a flare. Get one.” 

Viper’s ramblings incoherent as the five sit around him quietly chatting waiting for the sound of the chopper moving over the mountain. Soon King Pin pushes the on button on his phone. “King Pin.”

The voice simply says. “Now!”

King Pin nods to Bam-Bam who immediately releases the flare.

Again the voice in King Pin’s ear says. “Green Smoke.”


In just a few minutes the copter sets down with a medic and two corpsman exiting the open door a basket between them.  “We’ll transport to Kirtland, ETA two hours.”

“Roger that.” His team plus Pebbles watch as the copter lifts off and zooms south. “Okay, let’s take this in the cabin. As they all gather around the kitchen table Bam-Bam puts coffee on to perk when King Pin demands. “Bo-peep, what the hell were you two doing?”

She looks at Pebbles both burst out in a roaring laughter that has them doubled over holding their sides.

Standing his feet apart hands on his hips with that serious Commander Tone of voice King Pin barks, “I’m waiting.”

Trying to get her chuckling under control Bo-peep looks at Pebbles trying to keep a straight face. “Pebbles, we’ve been caught, guess we’ll have to confess. Whatcha you think?"

Still in the throes of snickering. “Is it the only way we can get out of here.”

And before Bo-peep can reply King Pin answers. “Damn straight. Now, I suggest you get on with this tale.”

Smiling Pebbles. “Peeps, can I plead innocent?”

”Not on your life! You’re why we are in this mess. Now come clean.”

Turning to face King Pin as the two others snicker behind their coffee cups. ‘You want the long or the short explanation?’

Barely able to contain his serious demeanor. “By all means let’s have the short version. I doubt I could last through a lengthy dissertation.”

Pebbles picks up the cup Bam-Bam set in front of her, “When I told Viper I was not ready to return to my cabin, as you know, he asked permission for Bo-peep to remain in the cave with me. In our early conversation she mentioned she was on restriction for a bar brawl and the guys were in the hospital as a result of it. Taking a sip of coffee.  “After thinking about all the times I had to run for my life I decided I wanted to be as good as Bo-Peep at defending myself. So, I asked her to help me without letting Viper know.”

 Stopping she glances at her partner. “You tell it from here Peeps.”

“When we left ya’all supposedly to prepare dinner we went to her cabin. Decided that since she had refused to go there when Viper assured her she was safe that he would never look there for her. I asked Viper to get us some equipment, which he did. Later with Pebbles ready for more advance training I couldn’t reach Viper. You’ll were on a mission so I call jammer and had him make an equipment drop at Viper’s. Which we retrieved by trekking over the mountain then returning to her cabin.”  Looking around the room at the three men she went on. “You saw the results of that today. I think Pebbles has done remarkable well in these few months. She has taken me down, sneaked up on me without my hearing, and her marksmanship far exceeds anyone here except perhaps Viper.”

King Pin ponders what he has heard.  “Pebbles what was your purpose?"

Thinking about what to say. “Sir, when I started out I just wanted not be afraid ever again. I’m tired of running and tired of living in fear.” Looking at Bo-peep she continues. “But it changed. I haven’t even told Bo-peep. I want to be a part of the team. I want to do what you do.”

Sitting quietly thinking about what Pebbles told him he ponders what her statement.  “HUM! An interesting turn of events.”  Rising. “Good night, ladies.” He turns and walks into one of the bedrooms and shuts the door.

Looking at Bo-Peep Hound Dog very sarcastically says. “Well, that went well.”

 At that point in time they all leave the room with only Bo-peep and Pebbles remaining. “Peeps, he didn’t have much to say. I guess it’s too much to hope for.”

Not responding to the statement.  “Pebbles, looks like we’re left to our own devises. You want the rug in front of the fire or the sofa?’

Realizing she isn’t going to say more. “I’ll take the rug in front of the fireplace.” With that both settle down for the night. Pebbles is restless, aware of ever sound in the house and outs. Her mind wondering what King Pin will say later if anything. After all her request was a surprise to everyone. In the early hours she gives up trying to sleep, rises and moves into the kitchen where she puts coffee on to brew. Then sitting at the table she waits for the others to rise. When she hears the first movement she starts preparing breakfast. King Pin is the first to enter the kitchen. Without a word, Pebbles sits a cup of hot coffee in front of him.

Observing the placid face as she continues the food preparation he sees how much she has learned and how far she has come from the woman whom he first met. Reviewing her assault of Viper before he collapsed he could find not one move on which to fault her. Picking up his cup he walks out the front door keying his encrypted phone. “King Pin, Put me through to the commander.”

Soon he hears a familiar voice. “King Pin, What is it?”

Smiling with the boss’s curt and to the point answer. “Couple a questions? How is Viper?

“He’s holding his own, be in the hospital at least two or three weeks.”

King Pin can see him in his mind moving his cigar from one corner of his mouth to the other surrounded by a plume of smoke as he continues. “What else is on your mind?”

“Would you be interested in adding a neophyte to the unit? One Bo-peep might be willing to vouch for?” King Pin holds the phone away from his ear expecting to be lambasted good. Oddly enough that does not happen.

“She’s been on a babysitting assignment. Are you referring to Pebbles?”

“Yes Sir!”

“Hum!” There is a slight pause before he continues. “That would explain the equipment she requested while we were down south. Can she cut it?”

“Bo-peeps says she can hold her own; and I saw her in action against Viper before he collapsed. She was good.”

“Can she kill?”

His voice becoming more serious. “Thats, to be determined.” Listening to silence on the phone he waits.

“Talk to Bo-peep privately, if she is agreeable provide Pebbles with an encrypted phone and the contact numbers. Nothing more at this time. Got it.”

“Yes Sir, Loud and clear. King Pin out.” Returning to the kitchen he finds everyone chowing down. He sits in the only empty chair between Bam and Bo-peeps. As he downs the food in front of him he listens to the camaraderie going on around him.  She seems to fit in with the group.  But the question is still unanswered can she kill without remorse? As Pebbles turns her back to the table placing dishes in the sink he whispers to Bo-peep. “Need to talk with you.” She nods her understanding.

Hound Dog gets up from the table a smile spreading across his face. “Pebbles you cooked breakfast, Bam and I will clean up this mess.”

“Whoa, there buddy. How come you’re volunteering me? I’ve done all the KP I ever intend to do.” But as he spouts off with all the bull shit he clears the table.

Laughing Pebbles wipes her hands handing the towel to Hound Dog. “Sounds like a fair deal. Thanks!” She turns to King Pin, “Have you heard anything about Viper?”

“Yes, he’s holding his own but will be in the hospital for two to three weeks.” Laughing he takes a sip of coffee. “The only way he will stay is if we make it an order.”

“Will it be an order?”

“You bet, already been given. I’ll keep you all appraised of his condition and when he will be released.”

“Peeps, if you have no objections I would like to get back to Diablo and Paddy. We’ve been gone longer than planned.”

“Start getting things together we’ll leave in an hour.” As Pebbles heads to the other room to start gathering their equipment King Pin and Bo-peep step outside. It isn’t long before Peep joins Pebbles continuing to ready their packs saying nothing about the conversation with King Pin. Within the hour their good-byes have been said and they are on the trail back to the cabin.

Chapter 22
Down the mountain

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

The mission neither a success nor a failure their return trip with loaded packs and additional ammo is made over the well-traveled path from Viper's to Pebbles'. Even though it's a familiar trail neither female is complacent. Moving through the forest they are ever alert to the sounds around them. About half way between the two locations Pebbles notices the tracks of a mountain lion trailing those of a deer. Pointing them out to Peeps, their sweep as they move through the forest includes branches above their heads.

The western horizon blazes with gold and reds as they reach the edge of the clearing that houses Pebbles cabin. They pause in the shadows searching the open area for anything out of the ordinary, when everything is order they move toward the cabin. Laying their packs on the porch Pebbles heads toward the barn to the whiney of Paddy and a loud snort from Diablo. Unlocking the barn door she moves inside to the delight of her mustangs. She opens their stalls and leads then out into the corral. With the two acting like young colts she burst into laughter. Standing on the porch observing the three together Peeps admires their friendship. As the sun sinks lower and lower casting the glen in shadows she returns the mustangs to their stalls providing fresh water, oats and hay. Closing and locking the barn door she returns to the cabin.

Picking up her pack entering the cabin she sees that Bo-peep has put a pot of coffee on the stove preparing some MRE's for dinner. "Thought we'd go light on the labor tonight, Pebbles. Don't mind do you?"

After chowing down the two relax while cleaning their weapons and reloading their packs. Pebbles learned the hard way to always be ready to move when the cartel chased her from place to place as she was relocated in the witness protection program. Now she isn't panicked but slow methodical and meticulous in her preparation for the unexpected. "Peeps what's on our agenda tomorrow?"

Glancing up to view her face. "Thought we'd have a short workout before dawn; then I figured you would want to work with the horses, maybe even a ride?"

Her hands go idle as she looks at Peeps. "It'll be best to keep their workout to the corral till they work off some of the pent up energy. Diablo likes to kick up his heels after being in the stall for a few days and in these mountains it will be less dangerous to my well-being."

Going back to her work. "Okay, what do you say to some sparing after exercising the mustangs?"

"Works for me." The two finish with their weapons and without a word retire to their sleeping area. Sleep doesn't come even though tired Pebbles lays with her hands behind her head; and her pistol under the pillow listening to the sounds of the night. Long years of living in fear and the training she has received with Bo-peep gives her a sense of everything around her, but also a feeling of comfort. A feeling she has not had sense the bank robbery and killing. Her eyelids begin to droop as the natural sounds of the forest and the steady breathing of Peeps become her lullaby sleep claims the aspiring warrior.

Up as the rises in the east turning the sky from ebony to gray, the birds chirping, and the breeze rustling the pine cones high in the trees. Pebbles gulps a cup of coffee and heads for the barn.

Waking at the sound of her exiting the cabin Peeps smiles. There she goes to enjoy her four legged friends, for that's what they are. Rising she dresses, grabs a cup and heads out to watch Pebbles with the two mustangs who have just entered the corral. As predicted Diablo kicks up his heels darting around the enclosure with Paddy trotting around the outer edge with Pebbles standing in the middle. After they have a brief romp she mounts Diablo bareback loping around the corral with Paddy right beside them. Surprise crosses Peeps face as Pebbles moves from Diablo to Paddy without breaking stride or dismounting. WOW! Slowing the pace she moves up to the part of the corral where Peeps is. "Wanta ride Paddy in the Corral?"


"Sure." Laughing she circles the corral returning to Diablo's back bringing Paddy up next to the corral fence. "Climb up on the fence and mount from there."

Very cautiously Peeps sits astride the mustang. "Riding without a saddle is different; how do I control him?"

"Like I said before, grip him with your knees and use the reins to direct him until you become more familiar with riding bareback." Waiting for Peeps to settle comfortably on Paddy. "Now direct him with the reins or voice as you would if he were saddled." She holds Diablo in place until Peeps has Paddy moving then falling in behind where she rides for a few turns around the corral. Pulling in front she increases the pace which immediately prods Paddy to keep up. With each turn around the corral she sees Peeps becoming more relaxed on the animal. She increases the pace to a trot maintaining the rate for some twenty minutes, slowing to a walk for about ten minutes. Dismounting she waits to see how Peeps will manage, and smiles with satisfaction when she crosses her leg over the horse slips off landing securely on the ground.

With a radiant glow on her face. "Wow, riding bareback you feel like an extension of the horse."

"Yep! Now we get to take care of them." Heading into the barn walking Diablo into his stall as Peeps leads Paddy into hers. "Now, we check their hoofs, brush their coat and mane to a burnished luster." Working side by side the two horses are groomed to perfection. Diablo nuzzles Pebbles even nipping her once until he got a gentle reprimand; then a great big hug.

Without thinking Bo-peep lays her face on Paddy's silken mane feeling the quiver of muscles underneath gasp escapes her mouth as a feeling of warmth, love, and compassion overwhelms her. She is stunned by the emotions those feelings that she had never experienced. Perhaps this is why the horses are so important to Pebbles.

Hearing the audible inhaling of air Pebbles asks, "Peeps, are you okay?"

Barely able to speak,. "Yes!" Feeling incapable of saying more, and glad Pebbles does not push her.

"Good! I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. Whatcha you say we see about breakfast." Turning the mustangs back into the corral she heads to the cabin with Peeps right behind her. After breakfast where Peeps is unusually quiet, they return to the barn for their normal workout sparing with knives and guns. Their workout is very intense, Pebbles more determined to qualify for the team. While Peeps uses the exercise to work through the emotions experienced with Paddy. After a couple of hours with sweat pouring off their bodies and clothes already soaked they take a break sitting on the porch watching the sun as it starts its western descent.

Sipping her cool drink Pebbles comments. "The nights are cool; you can feel fall in the air. We'll soon have our first snow fall." Then she sits looking beyond the clearing into the darkness of the trees where she sees a roadrunner dart across the edge of the tree line creating a sparkle in her eyes. A mere glint where before it would have created a laugh loud and clear. Yes! I have learned a lot, but is it enough? How will I know?

Both women lost in contemplation, Peeps trying to come to terms with the emotions Paddy elicited. And Pebbles ponders her qualifications to become a part of the team, Viper's team. Unaware the sun drops below the horizon setting the sky ablaze with reds and gold until Diablo whinnies, she looks up from her deep thought. Pebbles moves toward the corral opening the gate entering the corral putting the mustangs in their stalls for the night, Peeps catches up with her taking the reins leads Paddy in to the barn. With a hug and a kiss to each of her friends they step out into the cool mountain breeze with Peeps in the lead.

"Pebbles, I'll fix dinner while you shower, then you can clean up while I shower."

"Sounds good to me." As the shadows engulf the cabin they go about their chosen activities. Time slips by like a thief in the night. While Peeps bathes Pebbles cleans up the kitchen and brings in logs for the fire. There's a warm fire blazing in the fireplace when Peeps comes out. "Peeps, how about a glass of wine? It's the perfect time to treat ourselves."

"That's the best thing I've heard today." Sitting in front of the fire sipping their wine in silence, yet volumes are spoken. Honed by years of fear, trauma, and training the two have the power of keen perception; giving each one insight into the troubling thoughts wrestling around in each of their minds. In the stillness of the night basking in the warmth of the crackling fire they sleep.

The next morning, Peeps decides it's time to give Pebbles the encrypted phone King Pin left for her. "Pebbles, this is not an acceptance into the unit, only a security measure while roaming the forest."

Not even the flicker of an eyelash can be seen as she accepts the phone with only the comment. "If I have to use this, we will be in big trouble."

"Pebbles, why do you say that?"

Thinking before she answers. "Because you would be the obvious one to make any call to King Pin. So the next question. "What else should I know regarding the cartel?"

"If there is no one has told me." Taking Paddy's rein and leading her out of the stall she doesn't look back but assumes that Pebbles and Diablo trail behind.

The brisk mountain air pushes the clouds building in the north, "We'll ride for an hour going south down the mountain. The trail through the woods is fairly visible and not to overgrown. It will give the horse a good workout; and if you are agreeable we can spar when we return."

"Pebbles, I like the way you think."

During their invigorating ride they see the tracks of a puma trailing a deer, the tiny prints of field mice scurrying through the undergrowth, and the bald eagle wings spread soaring across the cloud riddled sky. True to their nature there is little conversation, both always on alert to the sights and sounds as they move through the trees and down the narrow trail. A couple hours later as they return to the corral Pebbles says. "Tell you what Peeps I'll feed and curry the horses if you will see to coffee and lunch."

"Hey, I think that is a good idea. Anything you particularly want to eat."

"Nope, I'll be in a while." Leading the animals into the barn and their stalls she takes the time to nuzzle the mane of each of her mustangs before she unsaddles them. Picking up the brush each stroke is a caress of love and devotion. Some thirty minutes passes and although their coats glisten she is hesitant to leave them, recalling they were her salvation when she first came here. The solitude was an escape but over the years before the cartel found her she grew to cherish the lack of human companionship. For a good many years humans meant not only fear but stark terror. Was she really free or is it just an illusion. "Damn it! That's why I chose to train with Bo-Peep. No one can ever hurt me again. I refuse to let them." Coming out of her reverie latching the stall doors, she exits the barn making sure the door's secure against the blustery weather.

Stamping her feet as she steps on the porch her nostrils are assaulted by savor aroma. "Something sure smells good! What's for dinner?"

Turning from the stove smiling with pleasure. "Steak, Potatoes, beans, gravy and toast."

"Well it smells too good to be MRE's so you have been in the freezer."

"Yup! There's a lot of meat in there. Where did you get it?"

Pebbles stands looking at her. Well hell do I tell her or will she freak out? Guess I better come clean.

"Peeps, its bear."

Stomping toward the front room glaring at Pebbles. "What the hell did you say?

She can't help it she doubles over roaring with laughter holding her sides. Peeps stands there with her hands on her hips every expression on her face and her posture demanding an answer. The question had never arisen because they had eaten MRE's during their intense training other than at breakfast and Pebbles had prepared most of their meals.

Trying to catch her breath from her frolicking laughter she tries to get the words out. "I said its bear meat."

"Where the hell did you get a freezer full of bear meat?"

"Well, that's a long story. Shall we eat while I explain?" Moving to the stove Pebbles prepares to dish up the dinner as Peeps stands in the big room looking at her. "Ah come on Peeps, it's not that bad. Get in here."

Finishing the meal Pebbles pours each a cup of coffee adding a touch of brandy. "Think you're going to need this."

"Yeah, I think so! Okay, I'm ready to hear this tall tale."

Over the brandy laced coffee Pebbles relates the events of the killing of the bear and the damage done to Viper as the bear charged him. How they split the meat and Viper took the skin to tan.

"Is that the rug in front of his fireplace you slept on the last time we were there?"
Grinning. "Yep! The very one."

"Well, I'll be damn!" They spend the rest of the night kidding each other about killing the bear. And teasing Peeps about her yelling 'cause she's been eating bear all this time.

Over the next couple of weeks their routine rarely varied. Several snows have fallen and the country is a covered in a blanket of white; the tree branches sagging with the weight of the wet snow. Their days are spent much the same way....working out with the mustangs and continuing the intense training honing both women's skills.

The morning dawns cold and blustery with the sun bringing very little warmth as it creeps above the tree line high on the eastern slope. The wind added to the more than a foot of snow blanketing the land makes for a brisk refreshing day to take the mustangs out for a long ride. Packs loaded and both women armed as they prepare for a mission. The plan is to ride to Cimarron for a few supplies, by horseback it will take a couple of days. Pebbles makes sure she has plenty of oats strapped to the saddle for the trek, "That should do" she comments as Bo-peep enters Paddy's stall.

"What did you say?"

Looking over Diablo's back. "Oh, nothing really, I just added a sack of oats for the mustangs."

"How long will it take to ride to Cimarron?"

Pondering the question, "With the snow here at the higher elevations it will take a while going through the forest, but I thought we would follow the road which will make for easier travel and be faster. I'd still say a couple of days by horseback maybe longer." With eyes sparkling with mirth she adds. "This ought to be good survival training."

"Yeah, but are you ready for it?"

"Peeps, I've been traipsing through these mountains for several years now in the snow. Yes, this is the first time I have made the trip to town in this kind of weather by horse. But we have a better chance of getting there on horseback than in my truck; and we do need some supplies." Pausing she watches for any adverse reaction to her comments but not expecting. She is not disappointed. "We have our thermal blankets, dry matches, kindling for a fire, jerky for sustenance and warm clothes. We should be fine."

Peeps adds, "And we are armed to the hilt."

"That we are, let's ride." Mounting they move out down the trail as the sun blast its radiant glow across the small meadow where the cabin sits. The air is cold and the globe of brilliance does little to warm the land. As is their custom there is no conversation, occasionally they motion to each other calling their attention to an animal or some beauty of this blanketed land, a roadrunner darting across the snow looking for an easy meal of mice.

As the sun moves lower in the sky dipping behind the western slope the temperature drops drastically. At Pebbles direction they move off the road into a small cluster of scrub oak with a hollow in the middle just made for spending the night. Removing the saddles and securely hobbling the mustangs they set up camp. Finding enough dry twigs to have a small fire coffee is placed on to boil. When the coffee is ready, Peeps pulls out the jerky from her pack and they sit quietly listening to the creatures of the night stirring in the darkness. After dousing the embers with snow and crawling into their bedrolls with the solar blankets around them, they settle in for the night.

Just as Pebbles dozes off she hears Peeps say. "I never thought this would be something you would do."

With a low chuckle.

"I love this forest in any kind of weather; I haven't done this often, but it isn't my first time."

The glow of the moon glistens against the solar blankets as the two sleep snuggled into their bedrolls off in the distance a lone coyote's howl echoes across the mountain, a lonesome eerie sound that lulls Pebbles to sleep with the familiar sound of the sleeping forest. Toward the witching hour the mustangs become restless and instantly the women are awake each one's hand holds a forty-five. Not moving but listening and in a few minutes the horses settle down; and the women holster their weapons snuggling back down into their warm beds.

The rest of the night is quiet across the snow covered land. As the darkness fades into the gray of dawn the sun creeps above the ridge to the left of their camp. Over a pot of hot coffee Pebbles comments, "We made good time yesterday. If the weather holds we should be at the store sometime tomorrow."

Chapter 23
Back to the Cabin

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Saddling the horses while Peeps breaks camp they're soon back on the trial. Although it's a bright sunny day a few clouds drift in from the north. Their packs are the usual sixty-five pound packs and the horse are loaded with bedrolls and oats.

Pebbles makes sure they stop to rest the horses every hour or so. At noon standing off to the edge of the road they hear an incoming bullet. Stepping into the shade of the trees shock spreads across her face as Peeps hits the ground red spreading across the front of her parka. Instantly she moves to her grabbing the straps of the pack dragging her further into the brush holding her pistol in the other hand.

She checks her pulse to see that she is still alive, she covers her with fallen limbs and leaves moving out into the forest away from her friend and partner. Deep in the darkness of the timber, she scans the east side of the mountain looking for the gunman or anything that would reveal his location. She sees nothing at first, then she catches movement about two hundred yards off to the left. She makes just enough noise to lead him away from Peeps; and in doing so discovers two men both moving toward her. The moment she has a shot she fires sees the one fall backward hitting the ground, instantly changing her location. In the snow there is very little she can do to hide her tracks she must come up behind the second assailant. After playing a worthless game of cat and mouse, she leaves a false trail by back tracking in her exact footprints and slips into a thicket. She waits. There is no panic just a quiet resolve that she will survive. She doesn't have long to wait soon his back to her trying to see where the tracks lead. She moves in combat mode and takes him own. The intense battle tests every skill she has been honing for the past few months. But instead of feeling out matched she becomes even more determined to put this man on the ground dead. She uses every move Peeps taught her as she tires she must end this one way or the other.

The assassin is surprised at the skill of this slip of a woman and becomes angry that he can't take her. Anger is bad for him and good for her, in his anger he become careless. In the blink of an eye her knife goes in and up as she hits him with a left hook flattening his ass as he hits the ground a look of disbelief on his face. With him on the ground blood and guts spilling out, pointing her pistol at him she demands. "Who the hell are you?"

He spits at her and in that instant a bullet hits him right between the eyes. "You won't shoot anyone else you son of a bitch." Leaving him where he fell she moves to the first assailant with extreme caution. She locates him and is pleased that her shot went right between his eyes.

With a sigh, she moves to where she left Peep. Taking the encrypted phone she places a call and when it is picked up. "Pebbles, here. Let me talk to king Pin."

"Pebbles, whatcha you need?"

"King Pin, Bo-Peep is down-shot, need med-vac NOW. Location eight miles south of my cabin. Follow the road from Cimarron. Viper knows where it is."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, two dead assailants close proximity."

"Pebbles do you have a flare to signal the chopper."


"Will call when we are airborne."


Pebbles puts the phone in her pocket, takes the leaves and brush off Peeps to see how sever she is wounded. Bleeding badly Pebbles does what she can to staunch the flow. "Damn you, Peeps! Don't you die on me!"

At the heated declaration Peeps opens her eyes. Pebbles tells her, "Help is on the way!" She tries to make her more comfortable. "I'm going to get the horses and the packs I ditched. The chopper should be here soon." Since her horses are well trained she figures they are not too far away, she finds them back in a grove of trees. When she reaches them she sees the tracks that she recognizes as those of the one she gutted. Leading the horses to where she left Peeps she tethers them. Then returns to the thicket where she dropped her pack before the attack. Picking it up she returns to Peeps just as her phone beeps. "Pebbles here."

"Chopper on its way. How's Bo-Peep?"

"She's lost a lot of blood, she's still conscious." She pauses. "I expect her to go into shock any minute."

"Hang tight."


She loosens one of the bedrolls from Paddy's saddle covering Peeps with it she tucks the solar blanket around her. Now she waits sitting beside her friend and mentor, she realizes that a question she asked herself has been answered. She has killed and feels no remorse what so ever. Only relief that she and her friend are still alive. What a good feeling to know that she will never have to be afraid again.

The time hangs in the balance with the temperature dipping lower as the shadows creep from the west covering the land in a gray pall. Off in the distance she hears the sound of the chopper just as her phone beeps. "Pebbles."

"How about a flare?"

Without a word Pebbles picks up the flare gun sending it sailing into the air to explode.

"I see green smoke."


"Be on the ground in five minutes. Will be setting down in a small clearing to the south east of your location. We'll be coming in on foot."

"Roger." Taking Peeps hand. "They're here Peeps, it will only be a few minutes and you will be on your way."

Unable to speak from exhaustion she mouths the word. "Okay."

Back in the shadows behind Peeps with gun drawn she waits until she recognizes King Pin leading the pack then she steps out to greet them.

As they approach the designated location King Pin and Viper don't see Pebbles standing still in the shadows behind Bo-peep. When she steps out the glance between them acknowledges the caution she took.

The medic immediately goes to assess Peeps injuries as Hound Dog and Bam-Bam arrive.

Facing Pebbles King Pin says. "Show me where the corpse are."
She takes him and Viper to the first one, they silently acknowledge the dead man is flat of his back with a bullet hole right between his eyes. As they move to the second one some distance away, they notice the tracks leading to and away from the body noting the trap Pebbles set. Aware he is gutted which would have been fatal they also note the bullet hole between his eyes. Viper looks at Pebbles. "Think that was an over kill."

"Hell no. He shot my partner and tried to kill me!" With that she turns stomping back to where the Medic straps Peeps into a gurney.

"King Pin, we're out of here, whose going back with us."

"We all are; let's move."

Pebbles doesn't hesitate. "Not me."

"What are you saying; you've got to be check out."

The stance she takes is one of pure defiance. "Nope, I've got two horses to get back to the barn and cared for, so I'm heading home."

With a degree of satisfaction King Pin asks. "Who's going with her?" Everyone stands there not saying a word when King Pin continues. "Viper, she's your assignment. Get on with it.
From his tone of voice Viper knows not to argue and acknowledges the order. "Okay Pebbles, it's you and me. Damn it, I'm not riding Diablo. He don't like me a'tall."

Laughing in spite of herself. "That's okay! Paddy kinda likes you, she'll let you straddle her. As she and Viper mount up and head south toward town the others move toward the waiting chopper. "Hey Pebbles, we aren't riding in the dark?"

"We have a bright moon and we'll be staying on the road." With a grin he doesn't see. "The only danger we might encounter now is a black bear."

Riding at a leisurely pace until midnight when she calls a halt. "The mustangs need to rest so we'll camp here."

"Hey this is not the way to the cabin? What gives?"

"We started to town for supplies when we ran into a wee bit of trouble as you could might remember. I still need supplies and there's no reason not to continue the trip."

Viper is impressed that it is a statement not a question. Recalling the first time he met her so riddled with fear that she thought even he was sent to kill. He realizes this is a different woman from the one he carried to the cave and nursed. This is one tough lady.

She removes the bedroll offering part of it to Viper and one of the solar blankets. Unsaddling her horses she settles down for what is left of the night. There is very little conversation between the two.

Viper's thoughts turn to his conversation with King Pin about Pebbles wanting to be a part of the unit. After what he saw earlier he has no doubt she could carry her own. The question King Pin had whether she could kill has been answered.

Pebbles lays awake listening to the nightly sounds of the forest, thinking about the condition of Peep wondering how soon she will hear. It will take some time to assess her condition and get back to her.

Soon the quiet sounds of the night becomes the lullaby that soothes her mind in a peaceful slumber. Toward dawn she hears Diablo snort and opens one eye; Viper is moving past him. A low chuckle escapes as she rises from her bedroll.

Viper looks at her with a snarl. "He sure is a one woman horse."

"Yep. How about some coffee and jerky before we hit the trail. We're a good day's ride from the town."

"Sounds good." Finishing their meal they move on down the mountain toward Cimarron and the General Store. They enjoy the cold crisp air with no snow clouds hovering in the North. Late in the afternoon they ride into the outskirts of town where there is not much activity. When they reach the General Store Pebbles dismounts. "Coming in or waiting?"

"I'm on your six." Stepping down he follows her into a relic of the old west; a wood stove over in the corner with several older men gathered around chewing tobacco and chatting. He watches as one of the older men rises coming to meet Pebbles. "Howdy ma am! What brings you off the mountain in this weather?"

Grinning. "Well Mr. Cargill, Why I thought I might see you!"

"That's decent of you little lady. Makes an old codger like me feel real proud." Moving back to his chair in the corner. "Will you sit a spell?"

"Let me order my supplies from Seth then I'll join you for a spell." She moves over to the counter carries on a conversation with the clerk giving her list of needs. Then she goes over to the stove sitting down with the old man. "Mr. Cargill, does your grandson still cut and deliver firewood?"

Before he replies he takes aim at the spittoon letting it fly hitting dead center. With his bulls eye the old men all congratulate him. The he returns his gaze to Connie. "Sure does. You in need of a cord or two?"

Praising him for his accuracy. "Yes, Sir. The snow is about a foot deep but the old road isn't too bad. We came on horseback, it looks pretty good with four wheel drive."

A twinkle in his eyes he says. "You rode all the way from the old place to here on horseback? How long were you on the trail?"

With a wicked gleam in her eyes. "My mustangs needed a workout and my friend there need to practice his horsemanship. Diablo didn't take to kindly to him, so he rode Paddy."

The old man hurrahed as did the others. Viper took it good naturedly and laughed with the old gentleman, giving Pebbles a wicked grin.
Pebbles phone clicked, excusing herself she steps out on the porch. "Pebbles."

"King Pin here. Bo-Peep will be okay. She'll be in the hospital a couple of weeks, then six months of rehab."

"Where will she be for rehab?"

"Right now she's at Kirtland, but will be moved to Canyon AFB in a couple of days. You can contact her there."


"I'll be in touch, Pebbles. King Pin out."

As she puts the phone back on its clip Viper comes out the door. "What's that all about?"

"King Pin. Bo-peep will be okay. They're transferring her to Canyon AFB in a couple of days where she will remain for a couple of weeks; then six months of rehab."

"Have you finished your business?"

"Not quite, I have to make arrangements for Mr. Cargill's grandson to bring the supplies ordered up the mountain."

Walking back into the store. "Seth will it be okay if Mr. Cargill's son takes my stuff when he delivers the wood."

"Sure thing. Pops when will that young'un be going up the mountain to Miss Connie's with the wood?"

"Two three days I reckon. That okay with you Missy?"

"That'll be fine." Waving at the crew she moves out the door with Viper right behind her. "Liam, there's a real find motel down further into town if you're interested."

Thinking about the way she phrased the statement he surmises she doesn't cotton to the idea. "What you say we move a couple of miles into the woods and spend the night then move out at dawn."

With no expression she replies. "Works for me."

As the two mount and ride out north toward the old road Mr. Cargill and Seth stand in the door watching them. "Seth, that young woman is gonna make a real mountain man. Her Uncle would be real proud of her." Turning back to the stove he mumbles. "I know."

The temperature dips lower as the darkness engulfs the land and the two riders move steadily up the mountain a cool breeze hitting them in the face. Each hunkering down inside their parka the mustangs prove their durability moving through the cold wet snow. A couple of hours later they move into a clump of scrub oak open enough to accommodate the horses as well as the two riders. They unsaddle the horses and settle for the night their main purpose is to stay warm. While they huddle together to keep warm, warmth is what they seek. It is all business with these two.

Sleep doesn't come easy to Viper, but it has more to do with admiration at the transformation of the woman beside him than anything else. Sleep finally claims him as the wind howls through the trees.

The howling wind lays with the coming of the dawn, but the temperature hovers at the zero mark. Pebbles and Viper rouse at the same time. She moves to make a hole in the sheltered ground to place a few twigs and kindling she had brought in her pack. Takes the small pot filling it full of snow to melt for coffee. Soon the raging fire has water boiling. Dumping coffee into the pot she hands Viper jerky and begins to roll up her bedding. Soon as the coffee boils she and Viper sip coffee chewing on jerky.
To this moment no words have been said when she looks up at Viper. "We'll rest the horses every couple of hours. We should reach the cabin in couple of days by staying on the road."

He starts to compliment her, but she doesn't give him a chance putting out the fire and covering it with snow. "Let's ride." He decides to keep his mouth shut. The trek back to her cabin is a cold blustery ride but uneventful. As they pass the scene of the fracas the only evidence is the blood red snow where she pulled Peeps back into the trees.

Moving steadily through the snow covered road, they spend one more night in the open before reaching Pebbles cabin.

She opens corral gate from the saddle, she enters and dismounting she leads Diablo into his stall followed by Viper and Paddy. Removing the packs and saddles Pebbles gives them extra rations of oats and begins brushing Diablo. Viper watches for a few minutes then picks up the other brush and sets to currying Paddy. Without looking up from her work. "Thanks Viper."

"I reckon your welcome." Not pausing in the task.

As the evening turns to ebony and the wind once again ravages the land from the north they move into the cabin. "Tell you what Pebbles why don't you take a hot shower and get into clean dry clothes and I'll prepare a meal fit for a warrior."

While there is no expression on her face or in her body language he does see a sparkle in her eyes. "You know what, I'll think I'll take you upon that."
Walking toward the back to her room she feels invigorated that she finally can protect herself. She no longer has to be afraid.

Soon Viper hears the shower running and smiles as he opens the huge freezer taking out what else- bear steaks.

Chapter 24
A new life for Pebbles.

By Catherin Elizabet Belle

Viper hung around with Pebbles for a few days sparing with her testing her abilities and finding them equal to or maybe even superior to Bo-peep who is one of the best operatives. One morning in the wee hours of the morn he made the decision to return to his cabin. At breakfast he spoke to Pebbles while they were eating breakfast. "Pebbles, it's time I return to my cabin. It has been a pleasure sparing with you over the past few days. Your skills are some of the best I've encountered. You've come a long way since that first time we met on the mountain. I'm very proud of you, but more important you can be proud of your accomplishments." Pausing. "But I need to get on with my retirement."

Sitting her cup on the table. "You staying with the team?"

"Pebbles, there were valued reasons for me to retire, they've not changed. I will always be available if the team really needs me, but I'm staying retired."

Clearing the table. "Your decision, but I think you're wrong."

Viper had been gone a couple of days when her encrypted phone buzzed picking it up. "Pebbles here."

"King Pin, Pack up, a chopper will pick you up in an hour at your cabin."

"Roger. How long will I be gone?"

Without answering. "King Pin out."

"Damn! Now what the hell am I supposed to do." Readying her pack arming herself, she goes to the barn fills the self-feeder of oats, hay, and water. She knows the mustangs will be okay for three or four days locking the cabin waits on the porch. The call comes through from the chopper. "Pebbles, we're here, throw smoke."

Doing as they direct it isn't long before the chopper sits down in the clearing away from the cabin. Automatically starting for the chopper she sees King Pin step down yelling above the noise. "Get a move on."

"Yes Sir." Sprinting full bore with her pack. As she boards the chopper with King Pin right behind her, the pilot lifts off. Inside the vehicle sits Hound dog, Bam-Bam with grim faces which makes her wonder what is going on. Soon the copter descends setting down at Vipers. The copter barely touches down when Viper climbs aboard. She is handed a head set like the others. Keys the mike as she hears King Pin's voice. "The first stop is Cannon Hospital for a visit with Bo-Peep."

The flight to Cannon is silent; some dozing in their seats others staring out of the chopper. Landing at Cannon a staff car is ready to take them to the hospital. Arrangements had been made for a private conference room for their visit. Bo-peep sits at table prepared for serving with a couple of waiters standing by to serve them when they enter. Bam-Bam says. "Well Bo-peep this is some rehab. I could use a little of this."

"All you have to do is get shot to hell. However, I don't recommend you volunteer to be a target."

King Pin standing at the head of the table clears his throat and every one of the team takes a seat. Pebbles waits until the others are seated and takes the seat across from Bo-peep.

The waiters serve a delicious Chicken cordon bleu, with rice pilaf and steamed asparagus with white wine. Very little chitchat goes on during the meal. Pebbles has the feeling their avoiding something but has no idea what. She keeps her council.

A gooey desert of chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream is served with hot coffee. When the dishes are cleared away, and the waiters retired with orders not to return. King Pin rises and remains standing at the end of the table. After filling his glass he passes a bottle of wine around the table indicating that each one should fill his own glass. When that is accomplished. "We are here to celebrate the return of one of our own to the ranks; although she still has many weeks of rehab before she is ready to return to duty." Raising his glass. "Bo-Peep, glad you're still among the living."

The team responds. "Here! Here!"

"Hell yes, I'm here boys and don't you forget." Bo-Peep sits down as the camaraderie ebbs.

King Pin continues. "Our next stop is Honduras, seems they've got a little drug problem and need our help. We're short a member on the team. Bo-Peep is physically out of commission; and she still has to serve her time for sending civilians to the hospital and tearing up a bar. And I'm not about to let her off on that punishment. We discipline has to be maintained, right."

No one on the team has been given the information he is about to divulge except Bo-peep. Standing silent waiting for the laughter to subside he turns to Pebbles with his glass of wine raised he calmly says. "Welcome to the team, Pebbles."

She sits stunned at the announcement, but not a hair on her head or a muscle twitches at the proclamation. Then she hears King Pin. "Your horses are in transit to a ranched we own where they will have the best of care and will be returned to your cabin when you are not on assignment."

The team immediately stands shaking her hand, slapping her on the back, and toasting the newest member of their elite team.

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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