"shelley's contest collage"

haiku (sunset whispers)

By shelley kaye

Author Note:fanstory haiku contest

Author Notes the first contest i won on fanstory!! :)

Chapter 1
prehistoric peace

By shelley kaye

Author Note:CONTEST ENTRY (tanka: 57577)

twas a simpler time

of basic survival needs

prehistoric life

with diverse organisms

inhabiting earth in peace

Chapter 2
~ inside shadows ~

By shelley kaye

"God is watching"
Over us always ~
Delving into emotions


With love
And light
Together ~
Covering us within
Heaven's warmth hidden
Inside each of our hearts ~
Never forget ~
"God is watching...."

Chapter 3
//HE waits//

By shelley kaye

Author Note:FS Horror/Thriller Poetry Contest
*Best If Read Aloud
repitition intentional.

Creation of Fear by channeled on

His Goal

Silent Whispers

Look into His Eyes ~
He speaks
watching ~

"COME look into my Eyes ~
Resist me, you can not
Everywhere you go
And everywhere you are
Together we will be
Inside each other's Minds
Our Heart's last beat
    Our Souls
    Forever screaming

      FEAR //slashed//
      Everywhere you are
      And everywhere you go ~
      Resist me, you can not...."

THERE He waits
Eyes staring
Eyes glaring
Hidden behind black shades ~

He dreams of Darkness
Blood, the only Light ~

He stares at You with Eyes of black Anger
He glares at You with Contempt and Hatred
He laughs ~ An evil smirk upon His lips ~

His cold hands grasping at You ~

He holds
a Sharp Shiny Slasher
with Your Blood

He holds your heart
within His Pale Hands
the last throbbing Beat
Your Life drain out ~

Your Body cools....

He savors His Conquest
reliving it in His Memories ~

Look into His Eyes ~

//He waits//


Forever ~
Everywhere you are
And everywhere you go ~
Resist Him, you can not....

//He waits//




Author Notes I'll get you, my readers.... muwha-hahahaha ;-)

*the rules of the contest are:
"Write a horror or thriller poem for our Halloween poetry writing contest. We are looking for horror or thriller poetry. Put your readers on edge or terrorize them with your words for this contest."

....hopefully i have succeeded....

Chapter 4
Fine. Whatever.

By shelley kaye

Author Note:a 'she says, he says' dialogue story ;-)

*Tension trembles.*

"We're lost," she says.

"No we're not," he says

"Fine. You're lost."

"No I'm not."

"Fine. Then where are we? Hmmm?"

"I refuse to answer that question because whatever I say may be held against me."

sigh.... "We're lost...."

"We are not!"

"Fine. You're lost."

"I. Am. Not. Lost."

"Then tell me where we are - and don't give me that I refuse to answer crap."

"Okay, then I just plead the fifth."

"You never listen to me!"

"Yes I do! I'm listening right now!"

"Then go to that gas station over there and listen to someone giving you directions so we can get out of here!"

"Don't need to."

"Yea, right. Idiot."






"Oh, just admit you're lost."

"Can't. I'm not lost."

Sigh.... "Men!"

Sigh.... "Women!."




"Pfft. I'm done," he says.

"Hmpff. You're lost," she says.

*Silence surrounds.*

Chapter 5
the world's on fire

By shelley kaye

Author Note:note to readers: MUST read notes below BEFORE reading post*

lech walesa, hubble space, gulf war
Boris Yeltsin, anita hill, gorbachev resigns
bush and quayle, and clinton and gore

took three hour tour with oj on I5
mlb strike ends, sox wins the series
charles and diana divorce
police beat up rodney king
monica lewinski blows off the president
and heaven's gate collapses
are we still alive?

the world's on fire
it's always burning
since life's been turning
the world's on fire
we lit it
now we're trying to fight it

nelson mandela, vaclav havel
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, toni morrison
eileen collins, thabo mbeki, hilary clinton
vladimir putin, vicente fox quesada,
vojislav kostunica, and another bush in
everyone needs therapy, cheapest is paper and pen

anthrax scares
reality tv dares
then comes osama bin laden
and no one can forget 9/11

the world's on fire
it's always burning
since life's been turning
the world's on fire
we lit it
now we're trying to fight it

arafat, north korea withdraws
rumfeld, california gets new "governator"

hussein captured, enron, war with iraqi
al-qaeda, gays finally allowed to marry
still stuck with the bush - more years: four

sandra day o'connor retires,
princess di dies, mother teresa dies
pope john paul II dies,
katrina hits as wind and rain fly
and pluto's a planet no more

the world's on fire
it's always burning
since life's been turning
the world's on fire
we lit it
now we're trying to fight it

the world's on fire
It's always burning
since life's been turning
the world's on fire
guiding light hits fifty
and gets blinded
as the world turns follows
as the fire burns
on and on and on and on....

Author Notes okay like ya all remember we didn't start the fire by billy joel right? will this contest asked ya to like "continue" with the song for 1990 to present

like here is the original lyrics:
we didn't start the fire
Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio

Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe

Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom
Brando, "The King and I" and "The Catcher in the Rye"

Eisenhower, vaccine, England's got a new queen
Marciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser aand Prokofiev
Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc

Roy Con, Juan Peron, Toscanini, dacron
Dien Bien Phu falls, "Rock Around the Clock"

Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team
Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland

Bardot, Budapest, Alabama, Krushchev
Princess Grace, "Peyton Place", trouble in the Suez


Little Rock, Pasternak, Mickey Mantle, Kerouac
Sputnik, Chou En-Lai, "Bridge on the River Kwai"

[ Joel Billy Lyrics are found on ]
Lebanon, Charlse de Gaulle, California baseball
Starkweather, homicide, children of thalidomide

Buddy Holly, "Ben Hur", space monkey, Mafia
Hula hoops, Castro, Edsel is a no-go

U-2, Syngman Rhee, payola and Kennedy
Chubby Checker, "Psycho", Belgians in the Congo


Hemingway, Eichmann, "Stranger in a Strange Land"
Dylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion

"Lawrence of Arabia", British Beatlemania
Ole Miss, John Glenn, Liston beats Patterson

Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British politician sex
JFK, blown away, what else do I have to say


Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon back again
Moonshot, Woodstock, Watergate, punk rock
Begin, Reagan, Palestine, terror on the airline
Ayatollah's in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan

"Wheel of Fortune", Sally Ride, heavy metal, suicide
Foreign debts, homeless vets, AIDS, crack, Bernie Goetz
Hypodermics on the shores, China's under martial law
Rock and roller cola wars, I can't take it anymore


We didn't start the fire
But when we are gone
Will it still burn on, and on, and on, and on...

Chapter 6
if you can find it....

By shelley kaye

okay okay
i'll tell
my secret





ssshhhhhhhhhh ~
if you really want to know me
read between the words i write*

Author Notes like i was going to make it easy for you lol
ya wanna read "my secret"?
.... to find it ....

if ya don't know how to "find it" left click on the fifth star and hold while moving your mouse to the sixth star ('highlighting' the secret) hehe ;-)

*innocent sarcastic grin* ;-)

Chapter 7
it's simple really....

By shelley kaye

Author Note:please see contest announcement....

our mission
as human beings
is simple....

it is
to treat
living things
with respect
and love

any questions?

Chapter 8
pure refreshment

By shelley kaye

Author Note:

FanStory Site-sponsored Naani Poetry Contest ~ SECOND PLACE WINNER!!!!

i sit refreshed looking
at moist grass while rain pours
much-needed love on arid earth
in rebirth

Author Notes
For this contest you are challenged to write a Naani poem. Naani means an expression of one and all. It consists of 4 lines, the total lines consists of 20 to 25 syllables.


Chapter 9
what is my purpose?

By shelley kaye

Author Note:*Disclaimer: This writing has been freed from the learned prisons of capitalization & punctuation

what is my purpose?

i hope it is
to write
with faith
that one day
these simple words
could maybe help
open the mind
heart and soul
of at least one person

what is my purpose?

i hope it is
to treat
as i would want
to be treated by them

what is my purpose?

i hope it is
to love
and be loved

what is my purpose?

only God knows....

Author Notes *contest entry 'what is your purpose' please see announcement for details....

Chapter 10
savour the delicacy

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
an entry for josipher's cinquain writing prompt contest
cinquain & reversed cinquain = 2-4-6-8-2-2-8-6-4-2
ALL lowercase and NO punctuation

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong sexual content.

my tongue

is tasting you

a rich delicacy

as my hands wrap 'round your hard cone

you melt

i lick

your drippings make my hands sticky

savouring refreshment

soft smooth and cool

ice cream

Chapter 11
simply because

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
'the question' writing prompt: if god called you today and asked this question: 'why should i allow you to come into Heaven' ~ what would you say?

the answer's simple

in four words, five syllables:

because i love you

Chapter 12
a magical ride

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
free verse
all lowercase
no punctuation

joy is joyous
in dreamland tonight
when luna and the dreammaster
take her
on an unforgettable flight

they ride stallions
through the sky
three horses
side by side
flying free
black, brown, and white
in the midnight blue
way up high

through the stars
and past the moon
to the planets
they will visit soon
a red one
an orange one
a blue one too
even one with rings

racing around and around
oh the joy it brings
to joy in her dreams
to fly on horses
with her friends

faster and faster they all fly
on a magic love that guides
their way back home
through the dark night

until the morning light
calls luna and the dreammaster
to their next destination....

(taking me to my land of oz)

Author Notes
*important note - please read*


the following was copy&pasted direct from the announcement:

In Honor of Fictionwriter (Joy). Joy has been requesting me to send my muse, Luna and her muse (my grand-muse) The Dream Master, on one of their fantastic adventures. The purpose of this contest is for YOU to send JOY, together with my two muses, on the adventure of her life.

Luna has been my muse for years. She loves to play on the moon and swing on stars, fly with fairies and dance in the meadow at night with the noctural creatures. She can be very mischievous and loves a good trick. The Dream Master is very powerful. He lives in a glorious castle in the sky and is the Giver of Dreams. Beings from far and wide come to him to ask him to grant them good dreams. Usually (if he is not irritated with Luna), he grants all requests. He and Luna have a long history together. They have taken many grand adventures, to other galaxies, to King Arthur's Court, to the bottom of the sea to visit the Sea God, to the land of the ten foot high talking flowers, the list is endless. They travel via magic carpet, by flight (the Dream Master can fly and Luna holds his hand) and by teleportation. They have an on again, off again, romantic relationship. At one time they were engaged to be married. All of this is documented in my portfolio if you are interested.

Your poem should be at least 24 lines, and remember, Joy will be accompanying the two on this adventure. IMPORTANT: The last stanza of the poem should not only wind up the trip but should indicate to me where they plan to go next, and will be the subject of my next poem about the pair.

Rhyming or free verse, it matters not. Just make sure Joy has a great time!

Use any art you like.

if you read the profile of "fictionwriter" (all lowercase) you will find she loves to ride horses - i took that fact and ran with it.... or should i say flew with it hehe ;-)

thanx for reading ~ do please leave your two cents and fanstory will leave you theirs....

shelley :)

Chapter 13

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
free verse
all lowercase
no punctuation

heaven is
hope & love
without that
there is

Author Notes *writing prompt contest: "why do you believe there's a heaven"

anonymous comments from voting booth:

~ I like the concept conveyed in so few words, yet perfectly explained.

~ Seems likely. Was straightforwardly stated.

~ I like this poem, short, sharp and to the point

Chapter 14
flying rainbows

By shelley kaye

Author Note:*member-created writing prompt ~ sedoka poem

caterpillar crawls
wrapping self in warm blanket ~
metamorphosis begins

transforming nature
into free-flying rainbows ~
beautiful butterfly born

Author Notes *member-created writing prompt ~
*the following is copy&pasted from the announcement:
Sedoka Poem
Write a sedoka poem. A sedoka consists of two unrhymed three-line stanzas, each with a syllable count of 5 - 7 - 7. No obscenities or sexual themes, please.
Often these stanzas go at the same subject from different perspectives, but that is not a requirement.

Chapter 15
~ poets ~

By shelley kaye

Author Note:fanstory's site sponsored cinquain (2-4-6-8-2) poetry contest

they write
in silent waves
words crashing in their hearts
an ocean of emotion roars
~ poets ~

Author Notes fanstory's site sponsored cinquain (2-4-6-8-2) poetry contest

Chapter 16
tanka (autumn turns to winter)

By shelley kaye

Author Note:FanStory Site-sponsored Tanka Contest ~ 3RD PLACE WINNER!!!!

as leaves fall like tears
in an autumn's chilly breath
winter's affect blows
through branches bared, bent like arms
waving a rainbow of hope

Author Notes *affect = emotion

Chapter 17
one tear falls

By shelley kaye

Author Note:writing prompt 12.15.10 ~ tetractys (1-2-3-4-10)

tear falls
slowly down
tracking mem-ries
and sinks in an ocean of emotion

Author Notes writing prompt 12.15.10 ~ tetractys (1-2-3-4-10)

Chapter 18
haiku (sheets of rain)

By shelley kaye

Author Note:haiku duel writing challenge

sheets of rain
fall from darkened sky

depression storms

Chapter 19

By shelley kaye

Author Note:writing challenge - 'classic haiku 575' - 6.9.11
*note: checked in dictionary: 'tired' is 1 syllable

cute caterpillar

cold, tired ~ snuggles in cocoon

butterfly awakes

Author Notes okay 575 is so not "classic haiku" BUT since I LOVE HAIKU so much i HAD to accept this challenge LOL

Chapter 20
butterfly springs

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
daily writing prompt 6.16.11 nonet poetry

___ caterpillar slides along the leaf ___
and drinks drops from april showers....
feeling chilled, he wraps himself
( in a soft warm blanket )
and dreams of flying
through may flowers
~ butterfly ~

Chapter 21
haiku (autumn tapestry)

By shelley kaye

Author Note:fanstory sitesponsored contest - haiku ~ 5.21.11

rainbow tapestry

bears the faint prints of our soles

autumn's fallen leaves

Author Notes


Chapter 22
what's there?

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
just having a little fun :-)
member-created contest - what do you think - see announcement for details

what's there?

christ waiting with open arms,
happiness to heal all the harms,
only tears of joy full of magical charms,
comforting clouds to skip and prance....
    outrageous music to get your freak on and dance!

          after life

Author Notes member-created contest - what do you think - see announcement for details

Chapter 23
Classified: For Rent

By shelley kaye

Author Note:daily writing prompt 1.2.12 a house for rent

For Rent: PH apt fully furn.
lrg windows w/view of clr bl skies.
Free AC. Call Angel Michaels
@ 888-777-7777
For Rent: BM apt. Coal stove in ktch.
Blk shag w2w carpet. Free Heat.
Call Luci Fer @ 666-666-6666

Chapter 24
a cat's nature

By shelley kaye

Author Note:daily writing prompt 1.10.12 nature haiku 353

a cat's nature

kitty cat
sleeps all day, rests up....

      party time!

Chapter 25
female fantasy

By shelley kaye

warning: contains strong sexual content due to contest picture: The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife by Hokusai 1841

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong sexual content.

naked on the beach
skin flushed body writhes in joy
female fantasy

Contest Picture: The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife by Hokusai 1841

Chapter 26
tanka (daisy petals dance)

By shelley kaye

Author Note:a tanka acrostic

thank you reviewers for helping! you're lifesavers!

    daisy petals dance
    and asks questions of the one ~
    is this love or not?
    silent you must be to hear
    your heart's answer in the breeze ~.............

Chapter 27
for me,

By shelley kaye

Author Note:daily writing prompt 10.23.12 six word poetry contest

shy and quiet,
writing is talking

Chapter 28
(shy, quiet, soft-spoken)

By shelley kaye

Author Note:daily writing prompt 3.13.13 senryu yourself

shy, quiet, soft-spoken,
i listen to what's around me ~
and learn lots!

Chapter 29
a day to begin again

By shelley kaye

Author Note:disclaimer: this writing has been freed from the learned prisons of capitalisation and punctuation

to me
easter means
love lives

it's a day of rebirth and new beginnings

Chapter 30
spiritually free

By shelley kaye

Author Note:all lowercase - no puctuation

my beliefs are free
from religious restrictions
of choosing just one

Author Notes spirituality is choosing bits and pieces from ALL religions because there is not one religion that holds the whole truth, just the bits and pieces one must search through....

Chapter 31
my last words

By shelley kaye

Author Note:a secret - member-created contest - fictional letter - please see announcement

    my dearest mikal....

      i love you with all my soul. i will watch over you and i hope you find love again. i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, i wish it could have been a longer life.

      i do need to tell you something. a secret i held inside of me from the day we met. i always wanted to come clean.... i almost did twice. i'm sure you'll remember those two times when i tell you my secret.

      before i begin, i must say i am your katrynna. now and forever. and i do love you. i was just always so scared how you would react if you knew the truth. the truth about who i was before.

      i was not born katrynna. i am not an orphan as i led you to believe. my parents and brother and sisters did not die in a car accident. the truth is, my family disowned me. they kicked me out and told me to never come back.

      they did this because they never knew me - the real me.

      you see, my birth name was kevin. i was born a male. i always knew something was wrong. i hated being a boy. it was not right. god made a mistake and put me in the wrong body. when i was 17, i came out and told my family. they shunned me. when i was 18 i tried to kill myself. i went into the hospital and got help. at 19, i changed my name and started living as a woman. when i was 21 i finally completed my physical trans. surgery.

      and then when i was 24, i met you. love at first sight. i wanted to tell you. but i was scared. i'm sorry. please forgive me. i love you. always have and always will.

                        your katrynna

Author Notes a secret - member-created contest - fictional letter - please see announcement

Chapter 32
.thank you.

By shelley kaye

us all never forget

~ vets ~

Chapter 33
Haiku (aromas arise)

By shelley kaye

aromas arise
as the sun descends through smoke

barbeque magic

Chapter 34
FAITH (clarity pyramid)

By shelley kaye

Author Note:clarity pyramid poem - seven lines in three stanzas - syllable count of 1-2-3 / 5-6-7 / 8 - title is first line in caps; the last line in quotes

It's hope
uplifts chins.

It cannot be taught
or from just one book sought
'cause God's too big for one thought.

"Faith transcends through all religions."

Author Notes

Chapter 35
a grand canyon

By shelley kaye

open crevices
tucked tight under white blanket.
a grand winter night

Chapter 36
haiku (caterpillar sleeps)

By shelley kaye

Author Note:contest entry: 'Stacked Reverse Haiku Poem'

caterpillar sleeps
within warm cozy cocoon
butterfly wakes

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

butterfly wakes
within warm cozy cocoon
caterpillar sleeps

Chapter 37
shades of blue

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
*contest entry - please see announcement for details
free-flowing free verse stream of consciousness (what i 'saw' in the picture), all lowercase, very little punctuation

shades of blue

wispy splashes
upon the canvas
lights . . . . darks

above you is black
below you is white

you're floating
through time

on a green cloud
of dusty memories

something's wrong

you're being pulled


by invisible, angry hands

into the white depths

of depression


you kick your feet
and move your arms to push away
up to the cool black

almost there

you see a rope
and grab it

hold on!

~ hold on for one more day ~

Author Notes *CONTEST ENTRY*
see announcement for details
free verse
stream of consciousness
(what i 'saw' in the picture)
all lowercase
very little punctuation


Chapter 38
I'm talking to you.

By shelley kaye

Author Note:quinzainne poem 7-5-3; first line makes a statement; next two lines ask a question relating to that statement

I converse with you through ink.

Can you hear my words

Author Notes A quinzaine is a poem with three lines that has fifteen syllables. No rhymes. There should be seven syllables in the first line, five in the second line and three in the third line (7/5/3). The first line makes a statement. The next two lines ask a question relating to that statement.


Chapter 39
if found, please notify me asap

By shelley kaye

LOST: Wandering Muse

last seen playing hide-and-seek

with my missing mind.

Chapter 40
just.... exhausted....

By shelley kaye

.............wired.... energy acquired.


Chapter 41
my life raft

By shelley kaye

Author Note:SECOND PLACE!!!! :-D


"i believe people are good at heart." that is my favourite quote from anne frank - because i believe it, too. or i used to anyway.... a small part of me may still have a tiny bit of belief left, but due to circumstances, experiences, people, and other "stuff", the majority of me does not anymore. this scares me. even more so than the actual act of not believing people are really good at heart. i'm scared because of the feeling of losing hope.

i'm 47 years old and i'm scared. there is so much pain in the world. so many homeless people on the streets and living in cars with no one to help them. i'm tired. so very tired. i feel like a cell phone battery that has been drained. i don't know what to do anymore. i don't know how much more i can take. maybe because i know many homeless people and there's nothing i can do to help. or maybe because i'm one of them.... but what i do know is that i believe writing this is a catharsis.

i believe writing is my life raft. i don't know what i'd do without it. i saw this writing prompt contest and just started writing. this is probably more of a diary entry than an essay, but i guess i just had to grab hold tighter of my life raft - my pen. i do feel better now. perhaps, maybe, "in spite of everything, i still believe people are really good at heart"?

i hope i believe.


Author Notes an essay? a diary entry? just writing to the prompt? i don't know.... but thank you for reading :-)

Chapter 42

By shelley kaye

Author Note:

3rd place finish!! :-D

even when you do not feel like it -


Chapter 43
butterfly lune

By shelley kaye

Author Note:'write a lune' writing prompt entry

a caterpillar
e m e r g e s
~beautiful flier~

Chapter 44
i share myself

By shelley kaye

Author Note:site contest entry - nonet 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

pretending is an art form for me
and writing is my expression
of the words i cannot say.
shy, quiet, soft-spoken,
total introvert ~
i share myself,
with my pen-
through ink

Chapter 45
ageless words

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
two stanza poem writing prompt entry
all lowercase - no punctuation

i am sitting in front of my computer
thinking about what to write -
my notebook is open before me
and i grip my pen tight -

i listen to the scratching sound it makes
as the words dress the naked page -
i cross my fingers hoping i win a contest
and that these words written will never age....

Chapter 46
controls our memory

By shelley kaye

Author Note:a blitz poem written for the hippocampus contest - see notes for details....


the hippo's campus?
the hippocampus control

controls learning
controls memory
memory regulation
memory recalling
recalling feelings
recalling emotions
emotions and flashbacks
emotional formations
formations organised
formations and sensations
sensations of taste
sensations of smell
smell is powerful
smell is amazing
amazing the memories it brings up
amazing amygdala
amygdala helps the hippocampus
amygdala helps with motivation
motivation is hard
motivational meditation
meditation is hard
meditation doesn't work for me
me and my brain
me, myself, and i
i like learning about the brain
i like learning about psychology
psychology is fascinating
psychology can help you learn about you
you and yourself
you and the inner workings of your mind
mindless is more
full of thoughts
fully aware
aware of the brain
aware of its different parts
part left
part right
right part controls the left side of the body
right side is controlled by the left
left to one's own devices
left alone
a lone thought
a lone memory
memory of learning
memories to remember


Author Notes


the contest:"Can Hippo Campus be Controlled?" Who dares to delve into their own train of thought to write whatever they wish, in whatever form they desire, keeping under three hundred words?

*blitz poem with some modified lines*

The Blitz Poem, a poetry form created by Robert Keim.

This form of poetry is a stream of short phrases and images with repetition and rapid flow.

Begin with one short phrase, it can be a cliche. Begin the next line with another phrase that begins with the same first word as line 1. The first 48 lines should be short, but at least two words.

The third and fourth lines are phrases that begin with the last word of the 2nd phrase, the 5th and 6th lines begin with the last word of the 4th line, and so on, continuing, with each subsequent pair beginning with the last word of the line above them, which establishes a pattern of repetition.

Continue for 48 total lines with this pattern, And then the last two lines repeat the last word of line 48, then the last word of line 47.

The title must be only three words, with some sort of preposition or conjunction joining the first word from the third line to the first word from the 47th line, in that order.

There should be no punctuation. When reading a BLITZ, it is read very quickly, pausing only to breathe.

Chapter 47
cumulus clouds - haiku

By shelley kaye

Author Note:haiku site contest entry
haiku 4-5-4, all lowercase, no punctuation
*haiku are 1-4 lines of 17 or less syllables with reference word/s (kigo) and a satori ('to know')*

cumulus clouds
breeze by bright day star ~

shady respite

Author Notes

haiku site contest entry
haiku 4-5-4, all lowercase, no punctuation
*haiku are 1-4 lines of 17 or less syllables with reference word/s (kigo) and a satori ('to know')*

thank you for breezing by!
shelley :)

Chapter 48
parchment stains

By shelley kaye

Author Note:writing prompt contest: a 3-5-3 poem on passion


passion bled
from a writer's heart
stains parchment


Author Notes writing prompt contest: a 3-5-3 poem on passion

just wanted to say thank you to all who voted!!
shelley :-D

Chapter 49
within the darkness

By shelley kaye

Author Note:entry for fanstory's 575 site contest... SECOND PLACE WINNER!! :-D

. .within the darkness
. .crickets are heard yet not seen -. . . .
. . . . . . . .night-owl's alarm clock

Author Notes entry for fanstory's 575 site contest...

Chapter 50
bandaged in words unspoken

By shelley kaye

Author Note:

free verse for the 34-syllable contest


of a broken mind

lost dreams
of a scarred heart

icy rain
s p l a t t e r e d
on the windows to my soul

i bandage them
in words unspoken


Author Notes *entry for the "34 syllables" prompt:
rules: "Write a poem on any topic and in any format. But it must have 34 syllables total. No more, no less."
18 votes!!
25 reviews!

50th contest!!!!! :-D

thank you fanstory members!!

Chapter 51
in the shadows of the unspoken

By shelley kaye

Author Note:*an entry into the ABC poem contest prompt - please see notes for contest rules - and thank you for reading :-)


. . . . . across the page, words fall. . .
. . . . . between the lines
. . . . . c o n n e c t i o n s
. . . . . delve deep into secrets hidden-
. . . . . . . . . . . . .in the shadows of the unspoken


Author Notes *an entry into the ABC poem contest prompt...

Write a five line poem that creates a mood, picture, or feeling.
The first word of lines 1-4 are in alphabetical order.
Line 5 can begin with any letter.

Chapter 52
the deer

By shelley kaye

Author Note:contest entry - 575 lowku poem


spotted brown-eyed deer

froze in a shocked wide-eyed stare--

bbq dinner

Author Notes *disclaimer: it's just for the contest. no deer were hurt in the writing of this lowku.

*A Lowku is an unrhymed, three-line, 5-7-5 poem. The subject of Lowku is something gross, nasty, or disgusting we find in everyday life. Provide an accompanying picture that very closely correlates to the Lowku.

Chapter 53
why i write. . . in 10 words

By shelley kaye

Author Note:contest entry - 10 word poem - thank you for reading :-)

i write

to find out

what i want to say

Author Notes *contest entry - 10 word poem -
*Write a poem of any type that has exactly ten words.

Chapter 54
my pen whispers

By shelley kaye

Author Note:12 word poetry contest entry - please see notes for details - and thank you for reading :-)


my pen
w h i s p e r s
unspoken thoughts
r a c i n g within ---
my voice found in ink

Author Notes *12 word poetry contest second place winner*

*written as a 12-word gogyohka. . .
*A GOGYOHKA is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllables count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.

Chapter 55
unspoken passion

By shelley kaye

Author Note:575 passion contest entry - thank you for reading :-)


unspoken passion

from a heart and through the pen

a writer's blood f l o w s . . .

Author Notes

"there is nothing to writing. all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." -ernest hemingway

575 passion contest entry -
rules from announcement: "Write a poem on the topic of passion. Do it in only 17 syllables, using the 5-7-5 format. There are no restrictions or other rules.

Chapter 56

By shelley kaye

Author Note:
*TRIGGER WARNING - sad poems contest entry - please keep yourself safe


the blank page
w a i t s

the heart
b r e a k s
shards stab

the eyes
l e a k
a salty discharge

the nose
s n i f f l e s
can't breathe

the voice
c h o k e s
can't speak

the mind
s p i n s
can't think

a dizziness
c o n s u m e s
life without hope

d i e
e m p t y
on the blank page


broken heart

Author Notes

*trigger warning*
- sad poems contest entry -
- rules state: Sadness has overcome us all at one time or another. Either caused by a relative or close friend's death or from the girl or guy that broke our heart or just life in general. We all handle situations differently, some good, some bad. This contest gives us the ability to explore this. Your poem can also play into other emotions that are common to writing like this such as anger or depression.

heart i thank you for reading :)


Chapter 57
a perfect night in

By shelley kaye

Author Note:*love poem contest entry - please see notes for details - and thank you for reading :-)


~ love ~

just you

and me,

pizza with pepperoni,

and a horror movie - or two. . .



Author Notes

oh, and please do not forget something to drink and some dessert -- like. . . ring-dings & pepsi! :-)

*love poem contest entry - rules: Write a love poem in 15 words or less. Rhyming is optional.

Chapter 58
whispers. . .

By shelley kaye

Author Note:write a (575) senryu contest entry - please see notes for details - and thank you for reading :-)


whispers from the past

drift in a cool autumn breeze ~~

leaves bare memories

Author Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*write a (575) senryu contest entry
*contest rules: A senryu is a three line Japanese poem structurally similar to haiku. It is unrhymed and the subject is based human nature. Line 1 - 5 syllables - Line 2 - 7 syllables - Line 3 - 5 syllables.
*yes, i did make the third line (satori) to have multiple meanings depending on which word you stress when reading aloud...


Chapter 59
'til sunset

By shelley kaye

Author Note:

*two-line poem contest entry - please see notes for rules
**if the lines seem 'scrunched up' please use the 'print page' button below

. . . . .from sunrise. . . life's beset

. . . . . . . a c r o s s skies . . .'til sunset


Author Notes

*two-line poem contest entry:
- an essence poem is a poem of two lines of six syllables each with internal and end rhyme

**if the lines seem 'scrunched up' please use the 'print page' button below

***beset: troubled


Chapter 60
cumulus clouds float tanka

By shelley kaye

Author Note:fanstory tanka contest entry - please see notes for details on the tanka form - and thank you for reading :-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
. . . .clouds. . . .float
high in a bright blue sky ~~

shade respites
b e c o m e
island oases

Author Notes *fanstory tanka contest entry

Tanka is a Japanese unrhymed poem having about 12 to 31 syllables usually arranged in five lines.
The syllable count is 31 syllables OR LESS. The first English poets who wrote tanka imitated the Japanese models of a 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure resulting in Tanka poems that were too long in comparison to Japanese tanka because Japanese syllables are shorter than English syllables. To approximate this, some poets use a short-long-short-long-long structure or even just a free form structure using five lines.
The goal, as with most Japanese poetry, is to write as succinctly as possible. Tanka evokes vivid imagery and reflection for the reader. They are free verse without meter or rhyme.
The beginning two lines are descriptive and image-focused; the third line serves as a transition to the bottom two lines, which are reflective using metaphor, simile, or personification. The subject matter varies, but most tanka are emotionally stirring or profound, and many are about love. Tanka is usually written in the first-person narrator's point of view. Capitalization and punctuation should only be used when necessary. No end rhymes.

Chapter 61
as seasons circle

By shelley kaye

life is fleeting as seasons circle the earth

one side of earth
springs ahead
t o m o r r o w
the sun will come out--

while the other
f a l l s
back to normal
on their yesterday--

as seasons circle the earth

on one side of earth,
the maiden
picks fresh flowers
p l a y f u l l y -

while the other,
the mother
s e t t l e s down
in a blanket of leaves--

as seasons circle the earth

on one side of earth
p l a n t i n g
has begun

while the other,
it's time to
h a r v e s t
the year's gratefulness--

as seasons circle the earth

on one side of earth,
white snow
m e l t s
into green grass--

while the other,
a rainbow of leaves
d a n g l e & f a l l . . .
and b r e e z e over the land~~

as seasons circle the earth

~spring is playful...autumn settles down-

Author Notes is it. . . spring or autumn? it's BOTH!

thank you for reading this response to the SPRING PROMPT contest: "Write a poem about how spring affects you. It can be humorous, inspirational, romantic - whatever you feel as springtime returns."

"spring is playful . . . autumn settles down"

.....and thank you for voting for it! :-)

- free verse
- all lowercase
- a pinch of punctuation
- some repetition

*the triple goddess... plays, nurtures, reflects...
- maiden (spring)
- mother (summer-autumn)
- crone (winter)

**if the lines seem "squished", for best viewing results, please click on the "print page" button below...

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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