Free Verse: No rules! No laws!

Poetry Contest
Write a free verse poem.
You may chose any style or format and any topic.
Please don't enter a sonnet and call it a free verse.
This is for the many excellent free verse poets here.
Rhyme and meter are okay, but no rhyming patterns. Rhyme should just pour out
as part of the flow here and there as it comes to you.
It is okay to have a portion of your piece that rhymes, like an ending couplet for instance or a couple lines in the middle for effect. These are all things free verse poets use from time to time.
BUT, no patterns. No: abab, aabb, abba, abcb or any other formal rhyming pattern. This is the one thing the committee will disqualify you for.
If you think a bunch of meandering prose is free verse, go ahead and enter it. You will be crushed by the real deal. Free verse uses all poetic devices. It isn't words scattered on a page.
There's a reason for each word and where it is placed.

The contest winner will win half of the prize pool of 90.00 member dollars. In this contest at least 2 submissions must be made for the vote to begin.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

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