General Poetry posted May 12, 2024

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Founder- Anna Jarvis

How Mother's Day Was Started

by Debi Pick Marquette

Her name was Anna Jarvis, came from Philadelphia 

And when her mother passed away, she'd help departed Ma

It just so happened when her dear sweet mother was alive

She organized some women's groups, to help some mothers strive

Her ma would talk about her plans, so Anna always knew

Exactly what her wishes were, she'd make her dreams come true 

So Anna started it the day that she knew she would mourn 

After she buried her sweet ma, then Mother's Day was born

That was 1907, on May 12th, just like this year

But did she think her mother's wishes really would adhere

On May 9th, 1914, Woodrow Wilson, President

Proclaimed official Mother's Day, was a yearly event

Then later she was sorry that she ever organized

Because it all became a little too commercialized 

And that may be, but mom deserves a day she's specialized 

There's many childless women, big hearts should be recognized


So, Happy Mother's Day, my friends, I hope you'll have no qualms

To help me please find other words the world uses for Mom

Mom, Mum, Mother, Ma, Mama, Mommy
Mamma (Pronounced Mummaa) 
Mammy, Mam, Maamaa, 
Muma, Momoun, 



Childless women with big hearts is giving the recognition to aunts, friends, healthcare workers or anyone who has been involved with or in helping a child in any way.
For all of you we thank you with all our hearts.
I thank Debbie D'Arcy for helping me to see that these women do deserve recognition on Mother's Day too.
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