- Perspectivesby Wendy G
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It's all a matter of how you look at it!
Perspectives by Wendy G

The message received by our prayer group yesterday morning was not good news.

Margaret had returned home from hospital after day treatment a few days ago – but had picked up a superbug. More antibiotics were needed.

The oxygen machine her family had ordered to assist her breathing was the wrong one and would need to be replaced. That would take time … would she have enough time?

She was too weak and tired to write her health update – her daughter had composed it for her and sent the update to us.


She’s a dear friend, an elderly lady of 86, much loved by all who know her.

She nearly died around Christmas 2022, eighteen months or so ago, from her chronic and severe lung disease, heart failure, and other issues. She had also developed double pneumonia.

We all prayed much for her, not necessarily that she would live, but that she would have peace and comfort at all times, knowing she was loved, by us and by her Lord and Saviour. We prayed that she would not be frightened when the time came for her to die.

The medical staff were hard-working and dedicated. Soon they too were all amazed and impressed by this lovely godly woman, so courageous and so gracious; she seemed to care for them as much as they did for her. After several weeks in hospital, she was well enough to return home. The doctors and staff had not expected her to survive.


A few weeks ago, she was hospitalised again, in the same little country hospital. Her condition worsened; she became so ill the doctors wanted to air-lift her by medical helicopter to a major hospital, but the logistics made it impossible. They hoped she would survive the hour-long road ambulance trip. She did. She finally returned home again.

Now this news. We knew she was winding down, that her time on this earth would not be much longer. She was not afraid to die, for she was looking forward to seeing Jesus, who had been very real to her through her long and difficult life. She’d testified to this many times.


 Another friend’s reply to the latest update: “I find this confronting, because I don’t see how God is at work in it ….”


God’s reply:

What?  I’m definitely “in it”! You don’t see how I am at work in Margaret’s life? I was the One who restored her to life eighteen months ago! I let you keep her for a little longer because I could see that she was precious to you ….

I helped her survive this recent hospitalisation, and the ambulance trip. I was the One who told the medical staff at the major hospital how to help Margaret. All these were my little miracles for Margaret.

She’s home again. She’s still with you because I was active in her life. I am still active in her life, still at work! I always have been. I’m there every day for her!

Margaret knows that, and she trusts Me. I will come very soon for her. You must trust Me too. Don’t be anxious, and don’t be discouraged. I know what I am doing. I know the plans I have for Margaret, and they are far better – far beyond all human understanding. When the time comes, rejoice that she has come home to Me – yes, to her eternal home. Shed tears for your loss, but be comforted to know she is safely with Me.


Margaret’s thoughts:

Thank you, Lord, for being with me at all times, through the good and the bad. You’ve given me help and strength when I was in tears, or lonely or sad, or in pain, throughout my whole life. You have provided for my every need.

Lord, I am old, and I am tired. My body is worn out. I know that You will come and take me home soon. I am not frightened. I am ready and I am at peace. More than anything I want to be with You, Jesus, in the place You have prepared for me.

Sometimes I have been surprised to find myself still here in my little cottage. I thought You would have come for me by now. But it’s obviously not just yet. Lord, I can’t wait to see You.


God’s reply: I will send Jesus very soon for you, my child. He Himself will welcome you home, here in My kingdom!


Margaret’s thoughts: Not long now. New home with my Lord. New body. No more pain, illness, suffering. Perfect peace, righteousness, justice, love. I’ll be fully and perfectly alive! Come soon, Lord Jesus!


God’s reply: I’ll come at the right time. My timing is always perfect, but you may well only see that when you arrive here. But - just remind your friend that I am "in it" for her as well, I'm in everything she's experiencing. Even if she doesn't see "how" at the present. She can trust Me as well. Love you. See you soon!


Author Notes
Photo shows Margaret (right) with me last year.

I am classifying it as fiction, because even though the story was based on our friend's real words, I am assuming this is the sort of answer God would give.

Sometimes it is hard to see how God can be in control when people suffer terrible pain or loss. Because He is a loving God, we can still trust Him, even through the worst experiences. He knows, and He understands.


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