Reviews from

Take a Moment to Read...This is Me

Essay on life, essay on you

30 total reviews 
Comment from C. Gale Burnett
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know all too well what you are talking about. Unlike you, however, I do not have the strength you have in writing about it. But, I do understand. I think because I know what I need, I have a tendency to give what I need to others. I know their pain, and I am all to aware of mine.
You might need us, but we need you too. Keep writing these real-life stories. You are helping others in your own quest for peace.
Blessings and hugs,

 Comment Written 02-Sep-2021

reply by the author on 03-Sep-2021
    GALE!! Where did you find this???? So your know how Incredible that is? Divine? Jesus is present between us in a big way. So cool.

    I say this bc one, this was right when I found God week right when I was beginning to accept it.

    But I could Now Believe the Bible, and with that, I didn't Truly believe.

    Then I found apologetics. A lot of believers don't need this but I really had to win over that doubt that logical side.

    Apologetics is the defense of the faith through Logic and through Emperical evidence. I have been so Hungry to Share with Anyone, that I started making youtube videos!

    But I was AL.kst embarrassed to read this at first bc I was So new to the faith.

    I have grown as SO MUCH. And guess what? THIS showed me that Gale.

    I have my first class Thursday to prepare for my baptism in October. THIS is part of the preparation. THIS has helped show me how far I've come. HOW did you find it? God pointed you there. WHOA. WHOA.

    Gale you are a Very special soul. I'm so honored and grateful to Jesus that he brought is together.

    God bless you and hallelujah.

    If you're ever curuous about the videos.

    Gale, the devil has lied to the whole world they think Christianity is for dumb ppl. BUT. Gale you have NO IDEA what they are NOT telling us. NO ONE would doubt if I could debate them or At Least show them the Facts. It's agonist eerie it is So Real. ALL OF IT. It ALL HAPPENED. And they're is PROOF. Real proof for each event.

    Sorry I'm rambling. THANK YOU for this. I'm so pleased I woke up to this. AMAZED.
reply by C. Gale Burnett on 04-Sep-2021
    You are not rambling :)

    Yes, God has amazing ways and timing in all He does. I am pleased He has brought us together on this site.

    My road to Christianity was indeed rocky, too. Very much so, but God did not give up the chase. I believe it pleases Him that we don't come to accept Him because we're told to, but we have come to Him because we have personally explored on our own His existence.

    I'm excited about your October baptism.

    I just listed to 2 of your podcasts. Awesome! Thank you for the link.

    One of my favorite apologetics was Ravi Zacharias. I know we are all human, but it is a shame how the ending of his life has been a scandal.

    Keep the faith and keep doing what you're doing (and write some more!)

Comment from Megalips
This work has reached the exceptional level

I don't want to bother you, going back to this...when you wrote it (a while back now)...but Cat, whose poetry and thoughts I admire; she wrote a poem for incredible poem...and so, I thought I would come back here to you and know you...know you a little better....and this is an amazing piece, Greg, you have written....and you sound to be an amazing person. I have enjoyed reading quite a number of your poems today, just scanning thru...sorry not to comment on them, but to summarize here, my thoughts, that you are incredibly talented...and though pain may dull your senses, you are a light through your talent (though you may not see the light yourself)'s there all the same. It's the reason people find you and find you out...and you are meant to be found.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 18-Jul-2015
    I'm so honored. Ha, I'm a little embarrassed. I got ready eyed reading her poem but I just did again reading this. I'm not not sure if you know but thus review is very important to me. Very. This was an essay I didn't really proof, didn't really need to be perfectly written. I just wanted to write it so people could know a little bit more about me and to explain why I had been gone for a bit.

    Your words have really made me feel special honestly. I am saying this as genuinely as possible, Thank you. So very very much. Thank you. You're a really great person for saying this...
reply by Megalips on 18-Jul-2015
    Wonderful stuff, Greg...I'm keeping an eye on you!
Comment from S A Bullen
This work has reached the exceptional level

I'm sorry I've been an irregular reviewer and contributor for many months now, in fact, since i sold my house last september and moved to my little paradise, but I was delighted to have read this wonderful piece from you. Whilst the undulation of your life as well as mine and others takes us on different paths in a spirograph of journeys, we're all intrinsically linked by our love of words and emotion and this piece is just a treasure amongst them. This is your purpose; this is your gift. Sometimes your words save us. Hope you're well soon. Sheryn :-)

 Comment Written 09-Aug-2014

reply by the author on 26-Aug-2014
    You're amazing. Thank you so much. And thank you for your beautiful words. I love your reviews. So thorough. You get me. Thank you again. Truly.
Comment from Bryana
This work has reached the exceptional level

Dear Gregory, Your essay touched my heart and soul.
I understand how it is to be alone and lonely, I came to this country very young, didn't know anybody, no family.
I married a wonderful, and were together for 39 years until his death 16 years ago. I have two sons who have their own lives therefore Fanstory has been my family for the last 10 years. I write in two languages and this hobby keeps me busy. I have great admiration for you. Recognizing ones' problems is not easy but you have. Count on this, your family, We help each other. I remember Alvin, Chey and Gungalo with much affection, they were there for me when I was sad. They are gone now but they remain in my heart and thoughts.
Keep writing my friend, by experience I know is excellent therapy.
Have a wonderful Sunday.

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2014
    Thank you so very much Bryana. I'm so touched by your review. Truly thank you for reading. Truly. You have made me happy today. Thank you so much for using a cert on it. I'm just humbled and so very honored. Wow. Thank you.
reply by Bryana on 23-Jul-2014
    Your story touched my heart as well. I felt it was written with such feeling and honesty.
Comment from 9999pool
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is an excellent inspirational piece of work about facing the beast, which we all have - big and small. I did read every word in this beautiful essay about coping with life in whatever circumstances or pain we are in. Life was never a bed of roses as we all know. It is easy to say that we must have faith and believe, but when the monster strike and we know we cannot get better by the day - what do we do? Still smiling and say everything is okay? No, we just cannot and we shouldn't. We should just allow our feeling to come out into the open and not be afraid to tell others how we REALLY feel. There is no heroism in pain and suffering! Let our tears fall and ask for help but try not to be a burden to others as well as we could.
Life is a treacherous journey into a mysterious destination.
There is no cure from pain except pain killers, but at most they make us drowsy and incapacitated and useless.
The question of why some suffered while others do not is actually not a question but a fact of life. ALL of us suffer in some way or another - emotionally, mentally or physically. There is actually no escape and to life a happy life is at most, a fallacy we all wanted to believe in.
Happiness is about the ability to find joy and contentment in what we do. To be loved and to care for others. To have gratitude and kindness for all things living. A compassionate heart usually makes us happy when we can afford to do so.
You have 8 friends needing your help and what you are going through can definitely help you to help them, though those same consolation words may not work well for you.
The fact that you wrote this inspiring story about reaching out to those who need help stem from your pain and anguish and this suffering had helped you to write this story.
In all my writings, i have touched on many aspects of life and how to live a happier one if we can. We must learn to create and innovate our dreams instead of waiting for a miracle to make them all come true. We have to continue to search and be enlightened that there is always something good for us to hold onto. Never let life defeat us even in a sure-lose game because though the odds are against us, it does not equate to a surrender. Learning to live with our handicaps and misfortunes is a sure way to start winning in life itself. Be assured that there is no winner in life - it is just a passing phase of happiness, lost dreams, contentment and then despair. Since life will continue to evolve and challenge us - it is this challenge that we must take or die with it.
God places a lot of obstacles in front of us as a learning curve. If we still did not learn from all our sufferings and pain in life - then we have learned nothing of use.
I know of many here suffering from severe and acute back pain - constantly and daily too. How do they cope when the pain strike. They just let it take their time and bear the pain. There is no escape and life was never an escape until we go to heaven (if we are lucky), smiles.
Ten months ago, I had a skin allergy predominantly due to the 25 stray cats we have in the house. Surprisingly, I did not pray to God to help me because if it was meant to be, then i shall suffer it with a smile. When the rashes gets serious and I have countless sleepless nights, I know I have to just take it as it comes. Now, ten long months of suffering finally sees an end to this allergy. A friend recommended a mediation to apply on the rashes and gradually, they start to disappear one by one. Now I know what it is like to suffer from unknown allergies. To-date no doctors could tell me what causes it. I have now isolated and quarantine myself in a small room to ELIMINATE the source of the allergy, smiles. It works but maybe God put his grand hand in this allergy design too, :)).
To sum it all, the pain and suffering, will continue until we leave this world. Do NOT expect life to be an easy. Be prepared for the worst and the worst is yet to come too, smiles.
Take one day at a time. Cry and lament if we want to. Complain to God if it need be but never think that the problem will easily go away unless it was meant to be. Fate and destiny are something beyond our control.
God gave you your loving and beautiful wife for all you have to endure now. Life is not about fairness either - because it is never and will never be fair. That I have come to believe. But that does not mean we can make it MEANINGFUL and JOYFUL despite the pain and suffering. Take the pain and suffering together with the joy and happiness and strike a balance, it usually balances out well, smiles.
You have our full support and if i can in any way help you with the book, let me know. If there are certain poems in my profile which you want to include in this wonderful book, do let me know as I will willingly give you the copyrights to them, smiles. The good and bad of life can be both included in this book to strike a balance too, :)).
Excellent write and extremely pen brilliantly.
A 10 Star write without a doubt, smiles.
Cheerio, hugs and love to you and your wife, bro Ritchie. :))

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2014
    You are just the best. Thank you so very much. You're one of the ones I was referencing of course. Your review was so heartfelt and genuine. I can't tell you how much it means to me. So very much. Thank you. Life can be hard sometimes but your words make it better. Really. I love your perspective and advice. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Ritchie.
reply by 9999pool on 26-Jul-2014
    Hi bro Gregory,
    I am honored and humbled by your sincere reply.
    Pain in itself is evil - it made us monsters in disguise. We want to get away from the pain, but it will continue to haunt and taunt and there's no escape. But neither should we give up hope as the future is still open to options, smiles.
    Have a great day and remember that suffering can make us humble and more humane, :)) - though we do not need it.
    Cheerio, hugs and luv, bro Ritchie. :))
reply by the author on 27-Jul-2014
    So true. Hugs and a lot of love to you too my friend. Really.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear brother, thank you for posting this, I have no idea what you go through but you have my prayers and concern, and although that doesn't directly help, but at least I know how God compassionately heals the broken hearted, because His heart was broken along with His body, but not His love and not His heart, which is ours if we want it! Well written I loved it! Blessings, Roy. Check out my portfolio. You'll find a brother!

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2014
    Thank you. I'm so touched that you read this and were affected. Thank you so so very much.
reply by royowen on 23-Jul-2014
    You're so welcome, blessings, Roy.
Comment from Pearl Edwards
This work has reached the exceptional level

A very powerful and emotional write Gregory about your constant battle with mental illness. As with any chronic illness there are days when it all just gets too much and this you describe well in this plea. It's good to have the writing to help get rid of the demons. Years ago I used my writing as therapy (cancer and chemo) sometimes it seems like your only friend. Glad its not.

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2014
    Wow thank you Pearl. What a stellar review. And heartfelt. Thank you so much. You're a great find here. A true reviewer. Thank you so much.
Comment from dennis0530
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is writing about loneliness and its ramifications.
Undoubtedly, it is written with a heavy heart and sadness pervades the writing. On the bright side, it ends with hope and optimism.

I agree, this writing is not religious. It has more to do with a personal and social issue. There are so many sympathetic people around. But their sympathies are not always welcome. Many sufferers even consider them as intrusions into their personal lives.

There is a saying "God helps those who help themselves. And the choice to be alone is a personal one. No matter how many heaps of people you dump on somebody and say they are not alone; only they can decide on that condition.

The writer is a good example of using his strength and determination to rise up. His receptivity to sympathies and offers of friendship are starting to bear the fruits of healing.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2014
    Thank you Dennis! I'm so grateful you liked this. Truly thank you.
Comment from CALLAHANMR
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Gregory:)
This is an impressive representation of a troubled mind. I know because I lived this terrible life as a teenager. Reading this is like looking into a mirror of those years. The great Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard described this terrible state of mind as "despair unto death, a despair so deep that only passing through death could start recovery.

{I believe Kierkegaard meant the death experience - a trance-like time when one's soul hangs between life and death - a time when you can choose to live or due. This may be the "near death experience described by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross In her groundbreaking book "On Death and Dying (1969)", where she first discussed her theory of the five stages of grief.

For you, I believe this time came when you had your terrible accident and you had a lucid moment and escaped through love. My escape from despair came through divine revelation that led to my total rejection of despair and gave me a new and happy life.

I noted only one small error: Act as if [your ==> you're] happy.{A typo?}

I hope you totally escape this monster, that you eloquently describe. I'm certain your essay will give hope and purpose to many people.

Roger, Marilyn's writing partner

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2014
    Thank you Roger! I'm so humbled. Truly thank you. And yes it was a typo! You caught it! Thank you! I changed it. Divine revelation? You found God? I'd love to hear about it. Truly thank you my friend.
reply by CALLAHANMR on 23-Jul-2014
    Found God--I didn't know he was missing. Couldn't resist that one. I have a morbid streak. I'm Marilyn, Roger's partner.
reply by the author on 26-Jul-2014
    Ha I gotcha! Well hi Marilyn it's good to meet you! I have the same streaks ;)
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HI Greg, Tears you....we are truly a family on many wonderful people who truly love and care about us...what one doesn't say the other does...making the healing complete....I know when you are are so dearly missed...I am so sorry for the pain you have had to go through...if I could take it away I would....I miss ya when your take your time...we are always here for you...and God never leaves you...ya know I love ya....very well expressed...luff Lindaxxoo

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2014
    Thank you so much Linda. You are one of the ones I was referencing I hope you know. Truly thank you so much. I thank God everyday that I have so much good in my life. Thank you so much so very much for reading this. It really means a lot. It really does. Thank you for your kind words too Linda. Thank you.
reply by l.raven on 23-Jul-2014
    You are so welcome...and you are in my thoughts...and in my really mean a really do...thank you for your wonderful words...and get back when you can...just let us know you are ok...miss ya Linda big hug...