Haiku Contest

For this contest you are challenged to write a Haiku poem. Haiku is a form of poetry that only uses three lines. A popular format is to have the first line contains five (5) syllables, the second line seven (7) syllables, and the third line contains five (5) syllables but a strict syllable count is not required.

An Example:
The red blossom bends (5 syllables)
and drips its dew to the ground.(7 syllables)
Like a tear it falls(5 syllables)

- The Rose by Donna Brock

Haiku doesn't rhyme. A Haiku must "paint" a mental image in the reader's mind. This is the challenge of Haiku - to put the poem's meaning and imagery in the reader's mind normally with only 17 syllables over just three lines of poetry.

To the winner goes a cash prize.