- Love Letters of Healingby Sally Law
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The power of love.
Love Letters of Healing by Sally Law
Love letter contest entry

Shingles...just the name sends chills down my spine. The chicken pox virus for older people made my life miserable for many months. There are rare cases of shingles when the person gets the dreaded breakout more than once. I lost count of how many little outbreaks I'd had, but four were severe. One...I will never forget. Eight weeks of the worst shingles I had ever seen or heard of.

I was not sure if a person could die of shingles, but I do know this, I was close. Misery was my constant, nagging itch.

I am recovered now and have not had a significant breakout in almost a year.

I attribute much of my recovery to my God who loves me and my sweet husband of 43 years, who just happens to be my best friend in the whole world.

He meant it when he said "in sickness and in health, till death do us part," on our wedding day. I did, too. His vow to me, however, has been tested over and over...and over.

The Bible says, "A friend loves at all times." We have been the best of friends since we were teenagers. This, too, was tested. During my many months of suffering, he suffered with me, longing for me to be well.

He would ask me continually what he could do to help. Most of the time I felt like he had already done enough; daily at my beck and call. He would continue to offer, knowing full well the state I was in. I rarely left the house when I was broken out and feverish. On top of that, I looked horrible and I knew it. The shingles had spread into my hair and my usual hairstyle was not an option. I could hardly look in the mirror.

My lack of sleep was evident; adding to my weakened immune system.

Sleep is a ridiculous notion when you have shingles, but necessary for recovery. It is impossible to lie on them for any length of time. They burn, ooze and itch 24/7. My husband was my caretaker, encourager, nurse, chef...and most of all, the love of my life. He made sure I knew of his love for me every day.

He wrote me a love note almost daily, especially when I was suffering the most, and not able to sleep like a normal person. I am sure this fed my soul and spirit, giving my body the strength to heal.

I saved these little love notes and share some of them today as a testament to their healing virtues, and of my gratefulness, that I am married to such a loving man.

Letter #1~
My love, I let you sleep since you were up most of the night. I will be home for lunch to check on you. I am sorry you are so sick! I love you very much! Jack.

Letter #2~
Sweetheart, I missed giving you hugs and kisses this morning as you were still asleep. I did not want to wake you. I will stop by for lunch and pick up your meds at the pharmacy on my way home. I love you!! Jack.

Letter #3~
I love you, my love. You were getting much needed sleep when I came home for lunch to check on you. I just could not wake you. I will see you tonight! I love you, Jack.

Letter #4~
Good Morning! Coffee ready for you. You were finally back to sleep, and I just couldn't wake you. Hugs and be redeemed later. I love you, Jack.

Letter #5~
I love you! I went to the grocery store early and have a big kiss for you when I get back. I have dinner taken care of for tonight. I was thinking maybe Chinese takeout from PF Chang's. I love you, I love you--Jack.

I have a giant pile of these post-it size love letters from this terrible one and a half year of suffering. All communicated the most important things: He loved me, cared about me, and wanted me well. To me, they were life giving.

I will always be grateful to God that he let me have my loving best friend as my husband.

Love heals--it really does!


Author Notes
Gardenias planted by my sweetie!


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