- George Againby aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
George makes another appearance.
The Life of Mrs. Armstrong
: George Again by aryr

Mrs. Armstrong comes out of retirement, and decides teaching has its own unique challenges.

Friday was a typical end of the week day. The few minutes of chatter revolved around the various plans, they each had for the weekend. It was chatter but well under control. Andrea told two of the other girls, that she was going to make cookies for her brothers. I smiled to myself. I knew she was hoping that her mother had the ingredients and I hadn't said a word about the things I had purchased for her stew and the cookies. When it was time to start class, I simply clapped my hands for their attention.

"If you recall, there are muscles, ligaments and tendons attached to the bones. We haven't talked about fat tissue yet but it's there. Also, there are miles and miles of blood vessels and nerves. And they all work together to either keep us alive or promote movement of some sort. The brain is the control center for everything to work. Our hearts keep pumping and we keep breathing. Our digestive systems either grumble because we are hungry or because we have eaten and in the digestive process. But these actions are due to the workings of our brain. It's actually a super computer when you think about it. Our senses help us prompt certain actions as well."

The entire class was mesmerized.

"I would like everyone to take a few minutes and think of something that involves movement of some sort. Oh, I would like you to write that down. Try to work out which sense is involved, and it can be more than one. Then think of the muscles, the bones, the nerves involved. I am going to get George out, so we can use him to demonstrate some of these actions. I'll give you thirty minutes to work on this, and before anyone asks, yes you can use your notes and the text book. By then I will have things set up and each of you can present your thoughts. I am aware that you will probably pick something that a couple of others are doing, so try to be creative."

I got out all the pieces of George. Poor George was, actually a collection, which included the skeletal system with the detachable muscles, the circulatory system for the heart and its associated arteries and veins, the respiratory system with lungs which would interlock with the heart, and the digestive system. I also had a three-foot body that had all the parts of all the systems including the red arteries and blue veins and the black nerves. Not every single nerve, artery or vein but enough to present the idea.

When it was time, I had each student present their answer and I demonstrated on the structure as much as I could. There were the typical arm movements related to a variety of senses, such as hearing and seeing a wasp and swatting at it. The leg movements included seeing and hearing a rattlesnake and then running. I thought the running part was a wise choice of actions. I was impressed with the action of blowing up a balloon. The correct senses, muscles were identified.

We had completed about half the class before lunch break and finished the balance in the afternoon.

They clapped and complimented each other on their achievements and raised hands appropriately to provide missed information. They were helping and learning together.

When class was done, Andrea and I headed home. The transit was quieter, and I wondered if it was the fact that we were an hour early. It was an enjoyable trip.

I suggested during the trip home, that I would put in the chicken pot pies, while she packed some of her things and we could both take them to the car. She agreed and even suggested leaving her back pack in the car.

While I took care of the pies, she put in a load of laundry and then packed up her small totes. The two larger ones would carry her clothing. We carried what we could to the car. By the time supper was ready, she had switched the load to the dryer. After the dishes were done, she folded her laundry and after taking out what she was going to wear home, we took those totes out.

In the morning all she would have to do was shower, get dressed and have breakfast. I planned on sneaking the groceries out while she was in the shower.

It was soon time for sleep. I guess Wiggles suspected it would be her last night, because that is where she slept.


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