- Pop-Popby l.raven
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my father
Pop-Pop by l.raven

my father never made a fortune
he was a soft spoken man
part American Indian
  was proud of who he was
he was a humble man, a gentle soul

in a world where many were looking for
that pot of gold
my father found his treasure within his family
a family that cherished everything about him
he was our father, grandfather, friend, our hero
and those who knew him, admired and loved him
called him Pop-Pop

and though he wasn't a rich man
he left his family more wealth than
he will ever know
he left a love that towers over
the heavens

oh how he taught us to love
how not to put ourselves above others
to honor our family and friends
they would always be there for us

 Pop wasn't an educated man
but true to heart, smart in silence
and intelligent in wisdom

a man of courage and honor
he fought in World War ll
proud of his country
proud to be an American

I miss my father
 I miss his laugh, and his smile
but I know he is at peace with God
and for that I am thankful 

I hope he knew how grateful all his kids are
for all the sacrifies he made in our lives
always letting us kids know
we had a place to come home to

and at dawn when the sun
rises over the cool waters
we'll remember Pop-Pop
fishing on the St. John's river
and chewing his tobacco

my father passed away 12/14/2017
his birthday would have been on the 22nd
he was 89 years old
May He Rest In Peace



Author Notes
My father passed away from a brain tumor. The cancer had spread to other parts of his body. To get to his home. You took the dirt road to get to the dirt road. Once there it was surreal. I loved the mornings there. Every critter in the woods would come out for the corn he put there. My mother and father were married 63 years. He came into my life when I was 4. The picture is my father.


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