- Grow a Littleby HarryT
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High school basketball tryout
Grow a Little by HarryT
Childhood writing prompt entry

Finally, the anticipated sound of the last bell
Grabbed my gym bag and ran like hell

Pulled open the locker room door
Humidity sopping with old sweat poured

Sat on a bench, unzipped my bag, took out my shoes
Changed into gym shorts then faked some of Magic's moves

Trotted to the door and out into the gym
Bounced a basketball, feeling fit and trim

Coach said, "Loosen up, three laps up the stairs
Get a partner I want you guys running in pairs"

Drenched with sweat after the up and down ordeal
Thirty of us listened to his "we are family" coaching spiel

"Okay, now, count off by fives; I want a full court scrimmage"
He watched, I played in Magic Johnson's point guard image

After the scrimmages, Coach blew his whistle
I chewed my tongue like it was rubbery gristle

"First cuts today," He started down the line
"Come back, come back, cut, cut," chills rippled my spine

He stopped in front of me, his words a disheartening spear
"Sorry, son," he said, "grow a little and maybe next year."

Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem about your childhood. It can be good or bad, happy or sad.
No more than 20 lines.
No free verse.

Author Notes
Personal experience


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