- Comparisons......North, Sankey
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Up over....versus Down under.
The Little Dog That Wouldn't Let Go
: Comparisons......North, South. by Sankey

Louise and I bought our house just up the road from the later retired Doctor's private residence in St Clair. We still see him around the area from time to time.

Ch 9a

Initially, in my early period of part-time dwelling in the City of Penrith, I joined "The Liberal Party." Back in those days, I had the mistaken idea that I could make a difference in the world if I became involved in our conservative political party. In America to be "liberal" is to be on the Left side of politics. Also in America,  to be Republican is to be Conservative in politics. It is as much in reverse "Up Over" as it is "Down Under."
In America, you drive on (joking ok)...the wrong side of the road and your water goes down the drain in the opposite direction, being North of the Equator, of course. Added to this, descriptions of political preferences mean exactly the opposite of what they mean "Down Under."   The Republicans in Australia are the lefties or "Demoncrap" brand of society, The Australian Labor Party. Basically controlled by the Trade Union Movement. More recently there has been a much larger representation of the Trade Union movement in the members of the Upper and Lower Houses. On the other side of the coin, opposite to Uncle Sam, the "Liberal Party" in Australia is the Conservative group. Gets confusing, doesn't it?

One main difference with Australian conservative parties to have power in Government is the fact that they need a "coalition"...which is mainly with the other conservative group known as the National Party. The Nationals are mostly made up of rural members, including farmers and country folks. Formerly known for many years as the Country Party, the Liberals and the Nationals have had a pretty good relationship for some time. If one looks back in Australian history, one can see there were some difficulties between the two in the past.
I had, sometime prior to this, in Sydney, become a part of the "Young Liberals."  I did not last long in that group, as I found out as a "teetotaller" (non-drinker) I was not really welcome. Each event that was held always included consumption of the devil's liquor. I was most disgusted to find out if I wanted something  "soft" to drink at these functions, then I jolly well had to supply it, myself.

Following the unsatisfactory exposure to the Young Liberals. It was to be another 5 or 6 years before I joined the actual party, as above. Later on return to the family home in North Ryde, I would join the North Ryde Branch of the party, during the divided time between living in our home in that area and my part-time accommodation in Penrith.
The good thing about the North Ryde Branch was, I got to "press the flesh" a lot with our later to be Prime Minister, John Howard, also our local member. Some of you reading this, in the USA, may remember his name as the speaker at a conference in a Hotel not too far away from the Pentagon, on that sad, horrible day, much later, in September 2001, the 911 horror.
I remained a member of the Liberal Party, until around 1987, when I resigned. I was still a conservative voter, however, I had come to realise, in later years, the only way for a man or woman to change, is not by his political alliances, but by a change in his or her heart. By the working of God's Holy Spirit. That can only happen when we accept what Christ did, on Calvary, for us once and for all,  over 2000 years ago.
More recently I was asked to be a candidate for our local State seat for the Christian Democratic Party. As its name states it was of more of a religious bent. Sadly, my health had deteriorated and I could not conscientiously get involved as I knew I could not do much with my limitations. In any case, once again as with any other party, I could not agree with the compromises needed to achieve anything in politics. Especially from a so-called "Christian" Political party that has aligned itself with all kinds of religious denominations and faiths. All this to gain some kind of presence in the Federal or State parliaments of our land.


Author Notes
Illustrating differences between Northern and Southern hemispheres

Click HERE! for the Youtube on Equatorial differences

Picture is Sir Henry Parkes the Father of Federation in Australia.(Framed and a bust of same.) Until 1901, Australia was a collection of six separate states and 2 Territories. We became a Nation in 1901.


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