- Haibun (full moon covets)by Gypsy Blue Rose
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Hora Haiku: A Gothic Tale of Terror
: Haibun (full moon covets) by Gypsy Blue Rose

The complicated love affair of vampires is not much different than any other love affair. She had a hard life from the beginning. A dark angel for a father and an evil and powerful witch for a mother. How can you overcome that kind of dysfunctional family?  She was a conflicted child and knew deep inside her little heart that her mother was not playing with a full deck. If you know what I mean.   So … anyway … Our love story begins circa 1500 in a place far away from here, somewhere in Romania. Our protagonist, Mirela is madly in love with Claudius.   His brother, Varcolac, is a werewolf and completely in love with Mirela.  After a deadly fight, Varcolac was banished from Bram Castle.  Now, the newlyweds must deal with their guilty conscience.   On top of ‘all of that', Mirela’s evil mother is lurking around trying to bring her into the dark side. Yeah.
After trying to commit suicide only to find out that vampires cannot die, Mirela has a break through …
full moon covets
Mirela’s sensual nature  –
female phases

Author Notes
MY HAIBUN COMPOSITION for haibun info click here

Horror Haiku (hora haiku) is contemporary
Kigo=moon (tsuki, all autumn)
Less than 17 syllables

--did you like it?
--how many syllables? It must be less than 17
--what does it make you feel?
--did it bring up some memories or random thoughts?
--is it as brief as possible without losing the meaning?
--if not, what would you take off?
etc..... I hope this helps. I know it's not easy to review haiku if you are not familiar with the form. :) Please feel free to ask.

Dean Kuch and I are writing a horror haiku book series about vampires, werewolves, witches, dark angels, etc... makes sense, right? What else would the king of horror and the queen of haiku write? hahaha... we are hardly royalty but we have fun.

Dean writes one horror haiku for the book and then I follow or vice versa. Our writing process is very unique. We don't plan the plot. We allow it to happen naturally. We never know what the other is writing.

Our first book in the series is for sale on amazon. It's called Hora Haiku: a book of dark poetry.

Our style of link haiku is called 'renga'. Renga is a genre of Japanese collaborative poetry. If you would like to read more about Renga, please click here

If you would like to read 'Hora Haiku: a book of dark poetry', please click here To read the second book, 'Hora Haiku: a gothic tale of terror' please click here


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