- Our Outdoor Catsby Teri7
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Our Outdoor Cats by Teri7

It started out like any other day. I was getting ready to go babysit Greyson and Tom was taking his shower. Nothing out of the ordinary until Tom calls out to me, "Come look at this cat!"

Of course when he mentioned a cat I was all ears and eyes. I walked to the front door where he was standing. There was the most beautiful orange and white cat standing there. I looked over at Tom and asked, "Do you know where this cat belongs?"
He looked back at me with this grin on his face and said," I think it belongs down the street. The house in the curve. It follows me around when I am outside doing things in the garden."

Looking down at it so lovingly I started to reach to pick it up, but Tom stopped me saying, "You do know that it has all it's claws don't you."

Now how could I know that other than the fact that it was an outdoor cat. As I have said many times before we have seven indoor cats that are all girls. They are all fixed and declawed and have been from the time they were very little.

I was all excited and happy to see the new cat around, but I was upset that it was going to have to be outside in the very cold weather today. I lovingly looked at Tom and asked if we could let her stay in the house until we got home from babysitting.

Of course, he said, "No. It would not be a fair fight for our cats since this cat has it's claws and our cats do not. Besides this cat could have fleas and ticks. Do you want our cats to have that too?"

I never understood how Tom could be so smart and in my mind I really cared about this little cat and felt sorry for it being out in the cold. I knew what he said was true regardless.

We wandered back into the house to finish getting ready to go babysit. I was just happy to see a cat outside to look at and pet at times.

While I was waiting on him to finish up I stood checking on Fluffy, Muffy, Sassy, Rascal, Angel, Curious and Precious. I always pet them and tell them we will see them later on Good Lord's willing, like they really understand me, but sometimes I think they do.

Finally we are on our way to Greyson's house and Tom starts talking about the cat.
"I think we ought to call this new cat Precious2" Tom blurted out.

I looked at him wondering what was going on in his mind, but agreeing with him.
"I guess that is o.k. She does have the orange markings like Precious, our cat."

We finally get to Greyson's house and as we walk in the door I hear this sweet little voice yelling out with glee, "mammaw, pap pap."

I got the biggest hug from this cute little guy. Somehow Greyson can always get my mind off things really fast, but as the day progressed I knew it was really cold outdoors and my mind wandered back to the little orange and white Precious2.

I said a very earnest prayer for her and all the little animals out in the cold. I asked the Lord to protect them and let them find a nice warm place to stay and food to eat. I guess some may think I am crazy, but when I have a problem I always talk to the Lord about it. I do know that He created us all and He knows how to take care of us all, too.

When we got home we saw Precious2 come out from our carport. She looked fine, but her little fur was nice and cold. Before I stop with this story I have to tell you about her bringing a few cat friends with her. A really pretty grey and white cat was beside her. Not too far away was a pretty calico cat. I think by the time we turned around there was about four or five new friend cats sitting at our house.

I know this may sound horrible to some as there are many that don't like cats at all. My husband and I do love our cats and other animals too. I was brought up having animals and still do to this day. I enjoy their company and they make me feel better when I am having a bad day with the MS.

I hope you enjoy this story about our new neighborhood cats.

You see my love does not end with animals as I too have a lot of love for others. I am thankful that God instilled that within me. It makes me a happier person. May God bless you all!

Written by: Teresa A. Shortess


Author Notes
I had to write a story about the new cat on the block. lol It was cuter than the story I have penned.


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