- Captivesby davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level
Bille, Belle, and the other DDG Supporters face danger.
The Daredevil Girls From Bunker Hil
: Captives by davisr (Rhonda)

Tina has just met Kurt, a semi-ferocious, semi-good guy werewolf, who sees her to safety. Meanwhile, the Daredevil Girl Supporters have plans of their own inside the school.

End of last chapter:

Tina nodded and did as she was told. Soon, she had a large white wolf with clear blue eyes guiding her down the dark and winding road to town. Almost a shadow, he guarded her path until they parted ways at Bob's Quick and Go convenience store about three miles from school.

As she walked inside, Tina turned and waved farewell to her strange companion. He bobbed his head and then trotted into the darkness of the woods.

She was free, but couldn't help thinking about the others left behind. Were they helpless victims, or did they have schemes of their own? In order to keep going with her plan, she had to believe they were using any available resource to stay alive.

The Story Continues back at school:

Belle sat on the floor in her Texas History classroom, leaning her head against the wall. Disheveled dark curls fell lifelessly around a tear stained face.

Tall and muscular, her twin brother, Billy, sat with his arm protectively around her shoulders.

"We'll get through this," he said. She nodded, but didn't say a word.

So far, the kids had been treated well, but the threat of violence permeated the atmosphere like the stench of werewolf. Yes, they were allowed to get up and move around, and some students even drew on paper or played history board games, but everyone was nervous and distressed.

A copper colored werewolf stood at the door to the room, massive arms crossed over an equally massive chest. His name was Theo... he had introduced himself at the beginning of the occupation. He appeared almost human in countenance, and was kinder than the other werewolf assigned to the room.

"Listen kids," he said, "line up here in the front of the room. I'll take you to the bathroom two at a time until you've all had a chance to go. It'll be the only trip tonight, so do whatever you need now. When you get back, you'll be given a blanket, pillow and instructed where to sleep. Like my partner told you earlier, don't cause any trouble and we won't hurt you. This'll all be over tomorrow morning when Gelada's sister is released from prison."

Truman, the fiercer werewolf, snarled his agreement from where he sat at the teacher's desk.

One of the girls began to cry, silent tears furrowing soft cheeks. Billy reached over and squeezed her hand.

"They aren't really going to hurt us, Mary. They're here for other reasons. Just do what they say and you'll be okay."

Mary's face blushed crimson red. "I don't want to cause trouble, Billy, but I have a bladder problem. I have to go to the bathroom several times a night."

"I'll talk to them about it. Just follow me in line."

Truman banged a dark hairy hand on the desk, making several children jump in surprise. "Hurry it up, or you won't get to go at all."

The kids responded by falling in behind Billy, who they had adopted as leader. He looked around the room, taking mental inventory of the people inside. If he was going to be their leader, he would have to know who he was leading, and what he was leading them against.

He noticed Julia first. The witches had retrieved her from the sound booth and thrust her inside the room a short while earlier. She and Rasha stood together at the end of the line, their eyes trained on the largest member of the Daredevil Supporters. He nodded at them with confidence he didn't feel.

In front of the two girls, Billy counted five more pairs of students. With him and Belle, that made 14 students and two werewolves. He was going to have to do something to tip the odds in their favor.

Billy turned back around and faced their guards, a veiled look of defiance in his eyes.

"First two, let's go," Theo said. "I'll follow right behind, and don't try to escape or my partner will eat your friends."

Billy looked into the wolf's eyes, his lip curling in scorn.

Theo answered this unspoken reproof with an unenthusiastic snarl.

Billy leaned over and whispered just loud enough for the beast's sensitive ears to hear.

"There's a little girl named Mary who has bladder problems. She says she has to go to the bathroom several times a night, and is very concerned about how she's going to make it all night with your rule."

"We can't make exceptions."

"Do you have kids?"


"What would you do if it was one of them?"

Theo closed his eyes for a moment, then nodded his head ever so slightly,

"I'll see to it she gets to the bathroom."

"Thank you."

Divide and conquer, Billy thought.

Billy took Belle by the hand in a habitual manner as they walked toward the bathrooms.

"What are we going to do?" Belle asked.

"Whatever they say for now. It's the safest thing."

"I'm not so sure about that. I feel like, I don't know, like this whole place is a bomb just waiting to go off. We need a plan."

"Right now our plan should be to stay alert, and nothing more. If you want something to do, look around for possible weapons or escape routes. Take mental notes, but otherwise, don't do anything stupid... the werewolves have the upper hand."

"So, play it cool."

"Yeah, but be aware of your surroundings, just like my coach always says."


"Hurry up, you two," Theo said. "There are others waiting, including your Mary."

"Yes, sir," they said in unison.

Belle took care of her business quickly and then looked around the restroom, like Billy suggested. There was a window opening to the outside of the school in the corner of the room. She slipped over and unlocked it.

Slowly, so as not to make any noise, she eased it open and looked out. There she saw the outer edge of the thick woods, housing more than squirrels that night. She so wanted to climb out and run, but feared repercussions to the other hostages. Wistfully, she lowered the pane, leaving it unlocked. It wasn't exactly an escape plan, but it did fall within the realm of Billy's guidelines.

Once they were both through, the twins met Theo in the hall. He pointed them back toward the room and said to send the next two. He would wait for them in the hall.

Two by two, the rest of the students made the journey to the bathroom, until only Rasha and Julia were left.

As Rasha walked by Belle, she slipped a note into her hand and hurried after her fellow Daredevil Supporter. Belle tucked it into her pocket. She would wait until Truman wasn't looking and then read it. For now, she followed Billy over to where they had sat against the wall earlier and dropped to the floor beside him.

"Well, what does the note say?" Billy asked.

"What note?"


"It might not be 'playing it safe' to read it."

"Then read it safely."

"That doesn't make sense."

"You don't make sense."

Belle started to giggle, then stopped when Truman emitted a low growl.

"Here, you look with me."

Billy leaned over her shoulder.

As soon as I get back into the room, scream "mouse" and start acting hysterical.
Make as much fuss as you can.

"Don't do it," Billy said.

"Since when have you started being the sensible one?"

"Since I became the one in charge."

"Sometimes being in charge means leading people 'beside the still waters' ... other times it means leading them into battle."

Billy tilted his head against the wall and closed his eyes. A moment or two later, he leaned forward.

"Okay, I'll back you, but you'll have to do the dishes for a whole week when we get home, even if our folks say you don't have to. Deal?"


What seemed like an hour later, the door creaked open and Julia and Rasha traipsed inside. Rasha cut her eyes over at Belle and raised a questioning eyebrow. Belle winked, and then took a very deep breath.

"Mouse! Mouse!"

Her scream echoed throughout the room, and then orchestrated bedlam ensued.


Author Notes
Thank you so much, BRUCEIORIO, for the use of your artwork, "Little Person 3".

General Summary of book:

Nancy Jordan is a teacher in an ordinary small town middle school. She is living a safe, uncomplicated life when suddenly her past comes back to haunt her--literally. Her students have somehow found out that she was once a member of the world famous, Daredevil Girls from Bunker Hill, a group of young people who fought evil supernatural beings in the early 1980's.

She is asked by her principal to share stories from her youth once a month in an assembly. Reluctantly she agrees. In the first assembly, set auspiciously on Halloween, she is joined by the former members of the Daredevil Girls, who are now grown and have lives of their own. With their help, she retells two of their adventures. After the last story is told, Nancy finds that her past has become a part of her present---will she be forced to fight again?


Nancy Jordan: Now a teacher, once the leader of the Daredevil Girls From Bunker Hill

Emily Jordan: Nancy's mother

Mrs. Pierson/ Witch Gelada: Nancy's boss and Miltonville Middle School Principal

Melba, Anastasia, and Matilda: Witch sisters of Mrs. Pierson/Gelada

Victor Brewer: Coach teaching across the hall from Nancy, perhaps a romantic interest.

Sean: Caterer and old acquaintance. Also known as the "Prankster".

Mildred: Witch and head of an organization of evil creatures. Locked up, for now, in a jail for supernatural beings.

Akhenaten II/Akie: Ahmed's alter ego as a reanimated mummy, the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten I and Queen Nefertiti

Sage: Sally's wise beyond her species, cat sidekick.

Daredevil Girl Supporters: Also students in Nancy's classes

Tina Alice: Leader of the supporters, tiny in stature, student all teachers love, very level headed. Blonde

Belle Conner: Girl twin who is larger than most kids in her grade and very outgoing. Dark hair

Billy Conner: Male twin who is a football player, large, strong, outgoing and plagued by a need for "fairness." Dark hair

Rasha: Athletic, smart, bouncy, African American

Julia: Small, energetic, speaks before she thinks sometimes, Hispanic

Sally Jordan: Nancy's little sister

Tabby: Daredevil Girl member-fast, smart, popular, African American. Real name is Tabitha

Elizabeth: Daredevil Girl member-strong willed, short, chubby, Cherokee heritage

Becky: Daredevil Girl member-Tall, gangling, awkward, slow in school, smart in ways of nature and the woods.

Bruce: Becky's little brother, the only "Daredevil Guy"

Kurt: Young and handsome Captain of the Shadow Wolves, a group of fringe werewolves who denounce the shedding of innocent blood.


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