- horror haiku (burn Hades heathens)by Gypsy Blue Rose
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Mirela remembers who she is, and she's angry ...
Hora haiku (Horror haiku)
: horror haiku (burn Hades heathens) by Gypsy Blue Rose

burn Hades heathens

sulfurous fiery sea --

thy sin is murder



Author Notes
Horror Haiku: a Book of Dark Poetry Co-Authored by Gypsy Blue Rose and Dean Kuch

click here to read previous chapters

I wrote this haiku and created the presentation. The beautiful artwork is by Spanish graphic artist Victoria Francis

Dean Kuch and I have decided to write a gothic horror story using haiku poetry. We plan to publish it when it's finished, whenever it may be.

The story is evolving as we go. We don't have a fixed plot. I write each haiku as the muse moves me, and Dean does the same. However, we do follow each other, and thus our story unfolds.

Dean and I thank you for following our story. We can't wait to see where Claudiu and Mirela will take us next. Hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride.

~ Book Summary~

In Romania, circa the 1500s, Mirela awoke in a cemetery not knowing who she was or how she got there. She was chased out of the cemetery by Moroi and was hounded through the woods by varcolac.

Mirela noticed a castle in the distance and on her way there, Muma Padurii, captured and dragged her below ground to Strigoi infected caves.

Above the caves, Bran Castle reigned in darkness. Inside the castle, a two-hundred-year-old vampire named Claudiu sensed Mirela's presence. He searched the castle's underground tunnels until he found her.

Mirela was guided to the castle by an unknown force. Claudius sensed Mirela's presence and searched for her until he found her roaming in his castle's tunnels. As a vampire, Claudius was guided by his extraordinary sense of smell.

After, Claudiu and Mirela met, Mirela remembered who she is. She is the daughter of Naamah and Elua, powerful magic users. In a trance, Mirela curses her mother's murderers.


Hades= hell
Characters List:
(in this chapter I introduced and created two new characters: Naamah and Elua)

-- Mirela, Romanian human female, and daughter of Naamah
-- Claudiu, Romanian vampire
- -Naamah, powerful witch and one of Elua's eight mates
-- Elua, a rebel angel and the most important deity of Terre d'Ange.(land of angels)
-- Moroi, a type of vampire or ghost
-- Muma Padurii, an ugly and mean old witch living in the forest
-- Strigoi, troubled souls of the dead rising from the grave
-- Varcolac, werewolf


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