- Night Beginsby davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level
While Tina goes for help, Nancy faces Gelada in the school.
The Daredevil Girls From Bunker Hil
: Night Begins by davisr (Rhonda)
Artwork by cleo85 at

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Tina Alice escapes terrorist ridden Milton Middle school to seek help from a special police officer, Emory Settler. Meanwhile, back at the school, Nancy engages the witch Gelada.

Nancy lay curled on the stage, her hands and feet tied securely. The glow permeating the room all evening had faded to a greenish gray. She peered into the darkened auditorium, searching for signs of her friends, but saw only shimmering shadows.

They were all there... she had seen them scattered around before the light dimmed... trussed up and guarded by slobbering werewolves.

Bruce, discovered in his escape attempt, lay close beside her on the stage. A rather large werewolf dragged him in about half an hour earlier and dropped him on the stage. Her brother-in-law was bloody and bruised, muttering continually in feverish incoherence.

Gelada pranced into the room, laughing like she was sharing a joke with a friend and stirring Nancy from her reverie.

"I'm not waking you, am I?"

"Not at all," Nancy said. She rolled over and looked at Gelada. "I was just lying around counting floor tiles. You should try it--it's quite therapeutic."

"Are you suggesting I need therapy?"

Gelada pulled up a chair where she could sit near Nancy, resting the chair legs inches from Nancy's face.

"Do you think it would help?" Nancy asked.

"I doubt it, but I'm sure you could use some right now. You must be terrified."

"Gelada, your sister didn't scare me and neither do you."

"Really? Well, I will before this is all over, my dear. I'm better prepared than my poor sister you girls sneaked up on unaware. According to your own story, you caused her quite a bit of trouble. I think, personally, they jailed the wrong people."

"History will judge that," Nancy said, "and it will judge you, too. You were a great principal, and I haven't said that about too many of my bosses. You had a chance for a real life."

"What do you know about real life? You're just a kid. I've lived for over three hundred years, and have been just about every profession you can imagine. I can safely say, being principal of this school has been my least favorite."

"Don't argue with her," came Sally's voice. Nancy could tell she was lying on the floor just beneath the stage. "You aren't going to change her mind, and she isn't worth your time, or your breath."

Nancy looked over at Gelada and raised an eyebrow, as though waiting for a response. She received a mocking smile in return.

"You're right, Sally, she isn't worth it," Nancy said. "Do whatever you're going to, Gelada, but don't blame me if it doesn't go quite the way you've planned."

"Tough talk from the chicken nugget on the floor," Gelada said. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have a nice soft bed awaiting me backstage."

Gelada kicked a seat cushion at Nancy's face, and then left cackling so hard she almost fell over a chair left on the stage. Suppressing a laugh, Nancy scooted over to the cushion. She'd take what she could get.

Just as she was about to doze off, she noticed a change in Bruce's condition. His breathing was stronger and more even, and his muttering had stopped.

Nancy left the questionable comfort of her cushion pillow and rolled over closer to Bruce. She nudged him with her shoulder several times and gently called his name.

"Bruce, Bruce..."


"Wake up. Where's Tina?"


"Tina. Tina Alice," Nancy said.

"Where is she?" Bruce cried out in alarm and tried to roll over and sit up.

"Shhh," Nancy warned. "Be quiet or they'll hear us."

"Okay, but where is Tina?"

"That's what I was asking you."

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I guess I was the last one to see her. When I left, she was in the attic space over the caverns."

"You mean my stockroom caverns?"

"I think so, at least that was what Tina said."

"What was she doing there?"

"Hiding from werewolves," Bruce said, "and going for help. I gave her my flashlight."

"Why didn't you go with her?"

"I tried, but couldn't get in the crawl space. Then a werewolf appeared and I had to distract him."

"With your body?"

"Pretty much."

"Looks like you did a great job."

"Well, you know me, I always was an overachiever."


Author Notes
Thank you, cleo85, for the artwork, "Xtabay".

Special Note: The Daredevil Girl Supporters are a group of students from Nancy's class that have formed their own budding Daredevil group. They will participate in the real conflict of the book now beginning. Thanks for reading!

General Summary of book:

Nancy Jordan is a teacher in an ordinary small town middle school. She is living a safe, uncomplicated life when suddenly her past comes back to haunt her--literally. Her students have somehow found out that she was once a member of the world famous, Daredevil Girls from Bunker Hill, a group of young people who fought evil supernatural beings in the early 1980's.

She is asked by her principal to share stories from her youth once a month in an assembly. Reluctantly she agrees. In the first assembly, set auspiciously on Halloween, she is joined by the former members of the Daredevil Girls, who are now grown and have lives of their own. With their help, she retells two of their adventures. After the last story is told, Nancy finds that her past has become a part of her present---will she be forced to fight again?


Nancy Jordan: Now a teacher, once the leader of the Daredevil Girls From Bunker Hill

Emily Jordan: Nancy's mother

Mrs. Pierson/ Witch Gelada: Nancy's boss and Miltonville Middle School Principal

Melba, Anastasia, and Matilda: Witch sisters of Mrs. Pierson/Gelada

Victor Brewer: Coach teaching across the hall from Nancy, perhaps a romantic interest.

Sean: Caterer and old acquaintance. Also known as the "Prankster".

Mildred: Witch and head of an organization of evil creatures. Locked up, for now, in a jail for supernatural beings.

Akhenaten II/Akie: Ahmed's alter ego as a reanimated mummy, the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten I and Queen Nefertiti

Sage: Sally's wise beyond her species, cat sidekick.

Daredevil Girl Supporters: Also students in Nancy's classes

Tina Alice: Leader of the supporters, tiny in stature, student all teachers love, very level headed. Blonde

Belle Conner: Girl twin who is larger than most kids in her grade and very outgoing. Dark hair

Billy Conner: Male twin who is a football player, large, strong, outgoing and plagued by a need for "fairness." Dark hair

Rasha: Athletic, smart, bouncy, African American

Julia: Small, energetic, speaks before she thinks sometimes, Hispanic

Sally Jordan: Nancy's little sister

Tabby: Daredevil Girl member-fast, smart, popular, African American. Real name is Tabitha

Elizabeth: Daredevil Girl member-strong willed, short, chubby, Cherokee heritage

Becky: Daredevil Girl member-Tall, gangling, awkward, slow in school, smart in ways of nature and the woods.

Bruce: Becky's little brother, the only "Daredevil Guy"

Mr. Jordan: Nancy and Sally's father. Very involved in the Daredevil Girl adventures, is later killed by a drunk driver.


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