- Tribulationby Mystic Angel 7777
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Contest entry - 308 words.
Tribulation by Mystic Angel 7777
Assassinate Me A Thriller! writing prompt entry

After seven years of tribulation, I am resolved. There will be no end to this until the evil is dispelled from this earth and I am ready to do my duty. The true revelation is for each of us to stand and affix hope in a world gone sour.

I am near and HE is coming. I fear for the pain they will inflict on me. I cannot be weak. I must be strong. I tremble as I wait. Never could I have imagined taking another life -- not even one who has taken so many without care.

Each step brings him closer. He is the one who unleashed pandemic. He is the one who would complete the prophecies and rebuild the temple. He is the one who will waken Babylon and destroy all that is good in mankind. I pray for strength with shaking hands which grip a weapon I cannot be at peace with nor ever think its discharge right.

His people rove relentlessly throughout the crowd. Will I be caught before I put an end to this? As they move closer I move deeper into the pulsing throng. My heart pounds fiercely.

Only a few feet more and he will be at arm's length. I must pray to be sure. I MUST be sure before I take a life. Dear God I am not strong enough and I have doubts. Is he simply a confused man or is he really evil? Will I be a tribulation saint or merely a hated assassin? HELP ME to understand!

"I killed your parents simply for being old and I will kill you too," he said coldly as he stared blankly into my eyes. "Those who believe in a living God have no place in this world of mine."

It was then I found the strength to pull the trigger.

Writing Prompt
In 500 words or less, write a thriller (or/and horror) prose involving an assassin/assassination or hitman/hitwoman. No poetry or script, please. Be creative and have fun! :)


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