- Inside the Haunted Houseby davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level
Sally enters the haunted house warily.
The Daredevil Girls From Bunker Hil
: Inside the Haunted House by davisr (Rhonda)

Sally wins the Courage Game by passing the other girls' markers, but is drawn, almost against her will, towards the dark forbidding mansion. She knocks on the door and it opens.

End of last post:

"Something inside me made me turn and point the beam of my flashlight towards the mansion. It was so close... I began to walk forward and away from the safety of my friends. Closer and closer I crept toward the sinister house.

"At first, I think it was pride that drove me, and then later, I realized it was something more deadly. Something or someone in the house was pulling me onward. I was no longer afraid as I continued to walk.

"Finally, I made it all the way through an old iron gate and up to a heavy wooden door. I reached a tiny hand up and knocked. I don't know why I bothered, as the house was supposed to be empty, but it seemed the proper thing to do.

"To my surprise, the door slowly creaked inward. I took a deep gasping breath and peered inside. Somewhere in the distance, I seemed to hear my sister calling my name. I wanted to turn around and run back to her, boldly declaring the trophy as mine, but that same force that pulled me towards the house now held me in its powerful grasp."

The story continues:

"Against my better judgment, and ignoring the cries of those older and wiser, I stepped through the heavy door into what once must have been an elegant foyer. A cold draft hit my face like an open-handed slap and pulled the air from my lungs like a plunger. A pungent odor followed reeking of filth and decay.

"The spell holding me in its evil talons suddenly broke, making me aware of the foolishness of my actions. I thought to bolt and run, but the old heavy door slammed shut behind me like the lid on a coffin. Gulping audibly, I continued to gaze ahead with morbid curiosity. I could hear movement, but could see very little by the tiny beam of my flashlight, the light of which seemed to be absorbed by the surrounding darkness.

"'Who's there?' I asked.

"There was no immediate answer, but the room gradually brightened, giving me a shadowy view of objects around. There were no glowing lamps, no overhead lights--not even any candles to explain the light--an eerie, green glow exuded as if from the wall themselves.

"I know I should have been absolutely terrified at this point, and, believe me, my heart was pounding so hard in my chest, it sounded like thunder, but I just couldn't tear myself away from the adventure aspect of the whole thing. I was always known in the group for being sneaky, although I prefer the term, resourceful, but not so much for bravery. So, why didn't I scream like a child possessed and try to get out of the creepy mansion? I'm not sure even I know. Maybe I was still trying to prove myself; maybe I was enchanted. Either way, I began to look around.

"The first thing I noticed was a large intricately woven rug spread across the entrance. Once colorful patterns were muted with time like a sad memory of prosperous days. It felt soft and plush under my sandaled feet, lending the illusion of comfort and hospitality. I was not fooled, but I was beguiled, and that's almost the same.

"Directly in front of this was an old cupboard like so many grandmothers have in their houses. It was about six feet tall, and had several glass shelves bearing dusty nick-knacks. 'Normal?' I wondered. Its appearance, like that of the rug, spoke of different times.

"A small table sat to my right with an elegant lamp perched proudly on it. There was a cream colored shade resting on top of a crystal base. Hundreds of tiny crystals dangled from the shade on invisible strings. The lamp was not turned on, but reflected the green light surrounding it.

"A shadowed hallway to the left of the table drew my attention. Almost involuntarily, I crept towards the open space. Silent was the little voice inside my head that should have been talking sense into me. I crept onward.

"The image of an old woman slowly took shape before me. Tangled gray hair peaked from beneath a dark hat, and long black robes cascaded down a powerful body. Great oval glasses perched atop a long nose, both lenses effectively reflecting green as completely as did the crystals on the lamp. The woman stood with her arms crossed in a way that seemed to chastise me for intruding into her home. It was at this point, I think, good sense finally crept back in.

"'Who are you?' I asked.

"The figure made no attempt to reply, but the surrounding glow began to pulsate angrily. I slowly backed towards the door, my eyes trained on the witch-like creature, until I could feel an ice cold handle touch my back. I reached behind and tried to turn it, but it wouldn't budge. Panicked, I whirled, grabbed the handle with both hands and jerked frantically. I cried out for my sister and the other Daredevil Girls. The handle refused to budge, and my cries went unanswered.

"Suddenly, I felt someone standing over my shoulder. I could feel and smell rancid breath on my neck, and hear raspy breathing in my ears. Hesitantly, I turned back to face my enemy.

"'Who are you?' I repeated.

"Again, she spoke no word in reply, but grabbed my arm in a death-like grip as cold as the handle on the door. I struggled, unsuccessfully, to free myself. The cold from her hand began spreading rapidly down my arm to the rest of my body, leaving me weak and disoriented. Quickly after this, my entire body seized with violent shaking, and then all turned dark.

"I will return the story to my sister, Nancy, as my memory of the rest of the night is shrouded in a dark and disturbing mist."


Author Notes
A very special thanks for the wonderful artwork, " She Walks in Silence" by shiloh106.

Some of you have noticed the appearance and disappearance of quotation marks. After much research, and consultation with experts (some of you included), I have found that in long narratives, you use a quotation mark at the beginning of each paragraph, and none at the end until the last paragraph. If there is a quote at the beginning of a paragraph, you use three marks, "'. If you hear of another way to do it, please share.

Nancy Jordan is a teacher in an ordinary small town middle school. She is living a safe, uncomplicated life when suddenly her past comes back to haunt her--literally. Her students have somehow found out that she was once a member of the world famous, Daredevil Girls from Bunker Hill, a group of young people who fought evil supernatural beings in the early 1980's.

She is asked by her principal to share stories from her youth once a month in an assembly. Reluctantly she agrees. In the first assembly, set auspiciously on Halloween, she is joined by the former members of the Daredevil Girls, who are now grown and have lives of their own. With their help, she retells two of their adventures. After the last story is told, Nancy finds that her past has become a part of her present---will she be forced to fight again?

Nancy Jordan: Now a teacher, once the leader of the Daredevil Girls From Bunker Hill
Emily Jordan: Nancy's mother
Mrs. Pierson: Nancy's boss and Miltonville Middle School Principal
Victor Brewer: Coach teaching across the hall from Nancy, perhaps a romantic interest.

Daredevil Girl Supporters: Also students in Nancy's classes
Tina Alice: Leader of the supporters, tiny in stature, student all teachers love, very level headed. Blonde
Belle Conner: Girl twin who is larger than most kids in her grade and very outgoing. Dark hair
Billy: Male twin who is a football player, large, strong, outgoing and plagued by a need for "fairness." Dark hair
Rasha: Athletic, smart, bouncy, African American
Julia: Small, energetic, speaks before she thinks sometimes, Hispanic

Sally Jordan: Nancy's little sister
Tabby: Daredevil Girl member-fast, smart, popular, African American
Elizabeth: Daredevil Girl member-strong willed, short, chubby, Cherokee heritage
Becky: Daredevil Girl member-Tall, gangly, awkward, slow in school, smart in ways of nature and the woods.

Daredevil Girls: Team of youngsters who fought against evil with the help of humans and good supernatural creatures.


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