- Chapter Veinticuatro, (24) Part Unoby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Soni and Jim devise a plan.
Texas Dream Catcher
: Chapter Veinticuatro, (24) Part Uno by barbara.wilkey

Soni Adler owns the Rockin' A ranch. I35 goes through it. Drug & human traffickers use I35 for transportation to other parts of the US. Jacob Blackwood is an ICE agent. Will these two find love?


Jim stopped his horse in front of Soni's. "I want you to understand something. Your ranch and your family had nothing to do with my investigation. I was on top of Big Grizzly doing surveillance. That semi we found overturned? I was tracking ones like it, taking the license plate, the time, and date they were traveling down I35. That's it. After we compiled the information, then we would decide how to respond. Now all this other crap has happened."

"Nice story." Soni backed her horse up and went around him, pulling the other horse and it's rider with her.

"Soni, honestly I never heard of you or your ranch. I knew I was on privately owned property, but that's it."

Soni halted her horse, listened, and then whispered, "Hear that? We're being followed."



Behind Goliath and Mack, Soni and Jim stood and listened. He whispered, "You're right. First we need to do something about Mack, and then come up with a plan. Any ideas?"

"Skunk odor can last almost a month." Soni motioned for Mack to move away.

The dog did.

"You've got to be kidding?" Jim's eyebrows rose.

"I figured they would've taught you that in the Marines. If you were actually a Marine."

Jim lifted his T-shirt over his head and turned his back to her. "Does this answer your question?"

Soni stared at the Semper Fidelis tattoo. "Do you even know what it means? Anybody can get a tatt."

"Always faithful." Jim shoved his hand in his jeans pocket and pulled out his key ring with dog tags attached. "Here." His tone was sharp.

Soni took them and inspected the writing . "I guess that's one thing you were truthful about. Probably the only thing." She handed the tags back. "So your name is Jacob Blackwood."

Jim returned them to his pocket. "It is. While we stand here arguing, those men are getting closer. Do you have a plan?"

Soni pointed. "See that cave up there?" After Jim nodded, she continued, "I figured we could hide in there and then sneak behind them. Maybe follow them and see where they're staying."

"How do we get the horses up there?" Jim adjusted his hat.

"We don't." Soni looked at her two large dogs. "They take the horses and lead the men on a wild goose chase. After they're further ahead, they'll slip off the trail and head back to us."

"Can they do that?"

"Yep. But not with him." Soni nodded toward the prisoner. "I can't figure out that part."

"We'll leave him here. Get careless and let him escape."

"Won't that look suspicious?" Soni tilted her head.

"Not really. We could get into one of our arguments and forget to watch him. That's normal for us." Jim grinned.

"Very funny." Soni paused. "It could work. What about his horse?"

"Chase it away. It'll take them a while to find it, or he'll buddy up with another rider."

Soni's eyes met Jim's. "What should we argue about?"

"Anything, we can argue about anything. How about the weather?" teased Jim, and then he paused and said loudly. "I'm hungry. I'll hunt for a rabbit. Get a fire started and keep that smelly dog here." He grabbed his rifle and headed off.

Soni yelled at him. "You crazy? We need to get going. Your stomach can wait until we get back to the ranch."

Jim faced her. "I'm tired of following your orders. I'm starved. We're stopping." He motioned with his eyes that the dogs were interfering with the plan.

Soni gave one nod and hand signaled for the dogs to stand by her. "You're a jar-head. I'm always taking care of you. If I hadn't rescued you, you'd be dead by now. Alex and Grandfather aren't here to come to our aid. Our phones are in dead zones. We don't have time to eat."

Jim kept his eyes on the prisoner and whispered, "He's off and running." Then he loudly said, "Leave on your own. I'm eating." His eyes remained on the prisoner until he was out of sight. "Give your orders to the dogs. We need to get out of here. It's almost too late."

Soni grabbed the two horses' reins and gave one to each dog. She slowly and with a few words and hand motions explained what she wanted them to do. Then Goliath and Mack, with the reins in their mouths continued down the trail.

"Those two are amazing." Jim watched them. "We'd better get to the cave."

Soni followed.

As Jim entered, Soni heard a horse's hoof click on a rock, and then she ducked behind a boulder. She heard a rider close. Man, he's close. It's amazing. He swears in English.


Author Notes
Thank you Google Images for of a Marine with Semper Fidelis tattooed on his back. It means 'always faithful.' I appreciate the reviews and assistance you give me. If you have not read from the beginning, you WILL be confused. I do want to mention that my romances have a plot. I don't do the boy meets girl and they jump into bed and have passionate sex. To me that's lust and I prefer to write romances where the couple work to find lasting, unconditional love. I do NOT redefine each character in every post. I don't describe the physical features of my characters in every post. Please remember this is part of a much longer chapter, normally about a fourth of a chapter.


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