- The Quest Goes Onby davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level
C-Daddy and Sarah are rescued only for a new quest to begin.
Destiny's Angel
: The Quest Goes On by davisr (Rhonda)

Cadence and the Student Council officers find Sarah and C-Daddy in the mall's toy store in great danger. With the help of a mysterious explosion and a handyman, they rescue the captives.

Last of Old Post:

"I'm so sorry I caused all this trouble," Sarah cried as Cadence untied her arms from around the upset chair.
"This isn't your fault," Cadence assured her. "The Serpents are the ones to blame."

The Story continues:

"They said that my mother was at police headquarters arranging for a transfer of custody," Sarah said.
"She was finally going to take me home to live with her in North Baltimore. Miss Uriel, I didn't even stop to think about Daddy and how much it would hurt him to lose me. All I could think of was seeing my mother again."

"That's okay," Cadence said, "we all make mistakes, and falling for lies is one of the most common ways of all to be deceived."

Sarah nodded, her tired eyes betraying the ordeal she had been through. She took in a long ragged gasp and looked over at three approaching figures.

"How is she?" C-Daddy asked, making his way clumsily to Cadence. Mia and Shanice were close behind, shards of the rope that had bound him in Shanice's hand.

"I'm fine," Sarah answered, rising to her feet and brushing debris off her jeans.

"Did they hurt you?" Shanice asked.

"Not really. Most of the time I didn't really know what was going on, kind of like being both awake and asleep. I remember following the twins out of the school, and listening to their lies. I kept waiting for my mother to show up like they promised, but she never did, and when I figured out what was going on, there was nothing I could do about it. I do remember talking to you on the phone, though, Miss Uriel. After that, it's all been a blur up until I came to in the toy store tied to a chair."

"And they didn't hurt you?" Cadence pressed.


"Then why were you screaming like a crazy girl?" Mia asked, hands on hips. "We heard you half-way across the mall."

"You would have had to have been here to really understand," Sarah explained. "The twins were beating C-Daddy, and threatening to kill all of you once you showed up."

"Is that why you were screaming, too?" Shanice asked C-Daddy.

"I wasn't screaming," C-Daddy said. "I was suggesting loudly that the twins stop hitting me with canes like I was a pinata."

"Very loudly," Sarah added, "but he was also demanding they let me go since they had him. I thought it was sweet under the circumstances."

"I wonder why they didn't," Mia said.

"Because they want me," Cadence replied quietly, "and I don't understand why."

"Is that what they've said?" Mia asked.

"In so many words, but there is more to it than what they said, it's what they haven't. They have thrown out hints, like wanting a 'complete package' and linking me with C-Daddy. Either they think I'm more important than I am, or there is something C-Daddy isn't telling us."

"Sounds like my cue to speak," C-Daddy said. "First of all, let me thank everyone for coming to our aid, and I'm sincerely glad Sarah has been rescued. I'm sorry she has been used as a pawn, but the Serpents aren't known for compassion or playing fair.

"Cadence, you are right, there is more to this story than meets the eye, but I'm not at liberty to discuss just what that is yet. For now, I have something for you."

They all watched as he took a large brown envelope from beneath his shirt and hand it to Cadence.

"This is the package that was stolen from me," he said. "I found it hidden in the closet they put me in when I was first captured. I wasn't there long, but discovered it filled with the Serpents' belongings. As I suspected, they have been living at this mall for some time. Luckily, I managed to look around a bit and secret the package away before they returned. I want you and the kids to get out of here with it and make your way to Destiny's Angel. Don't stop until you get there. I will catch up with you as soon as I can."

"I'm really glad you found it, but I'm no longer worried about that donation," Cadence said. "I just want to get everyone out of here safely, and to get you and Sarah medical help."

"There's way more to this package than a donation, or hadn't you figured that out by now?" C-Daddy said. "Take the kids and the package and get out of here as quickly as you can."

"But what about you?" Candace asked. "You really need to see a doctor this time."

"I have some business to attend to first," he said, pointing towards the twins. "Now hurry and go. This place is not safe for any of you."

"It's not safe for you either," Cadence said. "These people have beat you up twice and hung you off an upper floor like a puppet. I'm not so sure you should give them a third go at you."

"The first time they caught me off guard, and the second time was strategy on my part to find Sarah."

"What did I tell you guys?" Cadence asked.

"I know," Shanice responded, flashing a smile, "but I have to agree with Miss Uriel, C-Daddy. Even if you were at your best, I don't think you could take these guys, and you are definitely not at your best."

"Which is the best guise of all, my dear child. It's always best to make your enemy think you are weaker than you are--that's when they make their biggest mistakes. I'm not a person to underestimate, and neither, you'll find, is your teacher. Now go before it's too late."

Author Notes
Special thanks for the artwork, "Apprehension" by cory.still

This is a fantasy novella about a high school chemistry teacher who is also the sponsor of the Student Council at Benjamin Franklin High School in inner city Baltimore. She and her officers receive an offer of a huge sum of money that will help her group fulfill the Christmas dreams of many of the kids in the area. Through a series of adventures, they finally have a show down with a group of gods who are trying to take over the world by sowing hate and despair.

Baltimore .....Setting of most of the story
Ellicott City ..... A quaint shopping district outside Baltimore where part of the story takes place
Benjamin Franklin High School .....School Cadence where Cadence teaches
Destiny's Angel ..... Store in Ellicott City owned by Nick Collins
Time and Time Again ..... Charles' store next door to Destiny's Angel
American Rescue Workers .....Shelter where C-Daddy lives

Serpents ..... Bad Guys made up of gods and humans
Henry/Hypnos .....Twin of Thantos: one of the bad gods - god of hypnosis and sleep
Bram/Thantos ..... Twin of Hypnos: one of the bad gods - god of death
Ares: Evil sister goddess

C-Daddy ..... Homeless man who ends up at the center of the adventure
Nick Collins ..... Mysterious Angel Donor. Owns store, "Destiny's Angel"
Charles ..... Nick's son
Alvin ..... Young man who works at the mall
Barkley: Cab driver

Cadence Uriel ..... 30 year old Chemistry teacher
Shanice ..... Student Council president
Leonardo (Leo) ..... Student Council Vice President
Mia ..... Student Council Secretary
Sarah ..... Student Council Treasurer


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