- Freight-trains and kitchen Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens
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A very personal tale...
The Heart of Poetry
: Freight-trains and kitchen straws.. by Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Kelly Clarkson sings a country song as only she can do. She sings one that became a very personal reality recently. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger..'

On Monday of this week a Kidney stone and I went into battle. The stone won. If you have ever experienced this you will agree. If they decide to exit, there is nothing that can change their mind. Not will power, that's similar to trying to stop diarrhea, or an alcoholic stopping drinking on his own. Not holding your breath, that only makes your face turn red, and makes you feel like you are going to faint. Come to think of it, fainting might have been a good idea. It is like an outlaw in jail on a rampage. They are going to break out of the jail that is holding them. They will escape.

The bloody battle went on for hours. Finally at about three in the morning, amidst feverish chills with no thrills or frills ... it happened. The kidney stone made its escape. What was that like did you say? Well, if you can imagine a full size freight-train making its way through a kitchen straw, then you can somewhat figure out what this is like.

A specialist, called a urologist, and I will be having a serious talk about this in a couple of days. They are going to the source of this obstinate out-burst. My kidneys are facing extreme interrogation about why they have decided to behave in this manner. Especially to such a nice person as myself.

In the meantime. I am being bombarded with horse-sized pills called antibiotics, which are suppose to calm everything down. And I am relying on Kelly Clarkson.... 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger...' Believe me, I'll need all the strength I can muster should another little bugger decide to make a get away.


Author Notes
Between torn rotator cuffs and kidney stones , if I have a choice, I think I'll go with the sore shoulders.
BTW: Read Phillipians 4:13 and you will know where my 'real' strength comes from.


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