- The Money Trail, Cave Livingby michaelcahill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Petticoat takes off with the cash, the cave is explored.
Bel Air: A Bard's Guide
: The Money Trail, Cave Living by michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong language.
Our hero is stuck in a cave now with some orphans. The money is on the road and the cave is in danger of collapse. The Bard is looking for a way out.

Previously, Sgt. Petticoat found the ransom money that Barry had left in his office. It altered his plans considerably. He ordered negotiations halted and the prison along with Barry and the remaining children destroyed. The Bard, sensing the coming attack, ushered everyone into the abandoned silver mine saving their lives. Somehow, Barry survived the bombing because of the extra reinforced structure of the cell he and Susan happened to be in. Sgt. Petticoat wasn't aware that Barry had survived. We continue now as Barry remains motionless and Sgt Petticoat delivers instructions.

~~~~~~~The rubble of the prison
Sgt. Petticoat took one last look at the devastation and a quick glance at the bodies of Barry and Susan, unmoving, in what was left of the cell they had been locked in. They weren't mangled like the other prisoners, whose cells had collapsed on them. It appeared the concussion of the blasts and flying debris had done them in. He felt the handle of the satchel in his hand and decided that now would be a good time to take leave of… all of this.
Petticoat barked out some orders. "Get on this entrance! I don't want anyone getting out or in, ever. Get these bodies in the ground. Listen up. You didn't see them and you don't know who they are. All the kids left on those first two buses. Everyone else escaped. Get it?" The chorus of, "Sir, yes sirs", seemed sincere. Well, no difference to me. I'll be on the other side of this screwed up earth when it comes time to question me. Hmmm. Always wanted to change this damn name… Rock Rigid! That's the ticket. Hehehe. Rock Rigid Richman… yep, that'll work.

~~~~~~~~~The entrance to Winston's compound

The two guards at the gate gave former Sgt. Petticoat a crisp salute as he drove through the gates. They thought nothing of it.


~~~~~~~~~Barry and Susan's demolished cell

One of the soldiers dragged Susan's lifeless body out of the rubble of what was once her and Barry's cell. Another grabbed Barry's arms to pull him out as well. Private Ashworth jumped back when Barry showed surprising resistance to being moved.
Barry sat up and put his hand up to his head, drawing it away bloody. He took a quick inventory of his injuries. He found himself capable of standing and he demonstrated that. He assessed himself accurately. Private Ashworth extended his hand to assist, and Barry walked around it.
Barry looked at the leveled prison structure. "Where is the asshole that authorized the strike on this facility with me and my wife being held hostage, not to mention several loyal officers?"
"That would be Sgt. Petticoat, sir." Corporal Furcal fumbled with her weapon and looked away.
"Well, lovely. Where is that ignorant son of a bitch at the moment?"
"I don't know, sir. He was here a few minutes ago."
"Outstanding news, Corporal. Let me see if I have this correct. Sgt. Pantysniffer ordered that this place, filled with friendlies, including his commanding officer, be leveled to the damn ground and you mindless drones just, yuck, yuck, yuck, followed orders and did it. Is that the way of things here?"
"Well, I had nothing… sir, yes sir!"
"Hey. You. Over there. What the hell are you fine people up to?"
Three men and a woman were busy setting explosives at the mines entrance. One of them, a civilian it appeared, stood up. "We were instructed to make this entrance impassable, in or out."
"Well, ain't that just a swift kick in the shit-filled britches? Instructed? Do you like instructions, the four of you? Here's an instruction, STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Do you think it is smart that when the FBI comes in here they find us trying to blow up children? Let me answer for you… gee, we're idiot drones, we don't know. Now, go get that moron, Pantyboy, and bring him to me… in chains. Get it?"
Everyone jumped and ran towards the entrance. About five minutes later a breathless Freddie Boyle came running in. "He's gone sir. He left about fifteen minutes ago."
Barry ran to his office. He noticed the pain in his right leg, but ignored it. Dammit, he has the money. Not once did his dead girlfriend enter his mind. Two minutes later the station wagon he hijacked to get to the camp passed through the compounds gates in pursuit of Petticoat.

~~~~~~~inside the silver mine

The condition of the mine became a consideration at every turn. The main group kept the children together in a tight group while one or two scouts slowly explored the shafts ahead. They searched for an alternate path out, but the main concern revolved around safety. It took time and the children especially fought boredom. Fluffy seemed to be the most adept at providing entertainment for the kids. She didn't have the versatility of the Bard, but she had a way with kids and they liked her.
"We're going to have to keep our eyes open for the Glackpacker. Do you kids know what a Glackpacker looks like?"
The kids liked the sound of that coming from Fluffy with her deep booming voice. "No!" They practically sounded like one giant excited kid, speaking with an echo, when they responded.
"Well. Now gather round… real close. Back in the day, the old miners would get a fever. It was a fever like you'd get when you had the measles, but it was all about gold. Goooooolllllllld. Sweet, precious, shiny gold. Once a miner saw another miner hit a vein of gold, it would do something to their mind. They'd get the fever. Goooold fever. They wouldn't leave the mine. They'd stay down here mining… looking for the gold. As time went by, they'd become white as ghosts. And they didn't eat. Most people would die without food, but the desire for gooooollllld kept them alive. Before long, they became light as a feather. They'd float around the mines, always looking for gold… always watching and hovering behind the other miners… waiting to see… waiting to see if any of them found THEIR gooooold. Their teeth grew and grew and so did their finger and toe nails until they were like daggers…"
A rumbling sound interrupted the story. The sound started seemingly far away, but soon it was right on top of them. Dirt rained down on everyone from the ceiling and the sound of old wood creaking under the strain of tons of earth and stone was both deafening and frightening in its implications of being buried alive. It stopped as suddenly as it started. The fear of it didn't stop. It might never stop. For now, the mood for ghost stories had passed.
The Bard, Lucy and Tenaya appeared among them suddenly.
The Bard spoke, "Okay, which one of you monsters farted? Oh… I'm an expert in farting. I know it was one of you. This was a young sharp fart that pierces like a knife. None of these old fogies can fart like that. This old guy here sounds like the Goodyear Blimp with a pack of woodchucks trying to chew their way to freedom. I suspect you!" The Bard pointed dramatically at a little boy about eight years old. "What is your name, son?"
The children were all giggling now. The child that answered answered with a soft voice, "Lucas."

The Bard picked him up and gave his behind a big sniff and staggered backwards like a drunk. He set Lucas down.
The Bard fell to his knees. "I kneeeeeew it. LeeewwwwcAAAAAssssss! OH MY GOD! That is Aborigine for Lethal Ass. We are in danger folks!" The Bard bowed down in front of the delighted child. "Please King Lethal Ass; spare us your deadly farting. We want to live. We are sooooooo young! Well, they are anyway." The kids were squealing with delight now.
One of them pointed to a rather large young boy and said, "It was him. I smelled it. I almost died. It sounded like a racecar! He he ha hoooo haaaaa." The boy that pointed him out started making sounds like a racecar. "Eeeeeooooow. PPPRRRRGGGGGGTtttttthhhhh.  PPPhhhhhaaaaattttt. Hhheeeeeeee."
The banter carried on for awhile and the adults were almost as amused as the kids. Lucy and Tenaya took Fluffy aside and gave her an update on what they had found.
Tenaya spoke. "There are air holes everywhere. But, we haven't found an alternate exit, yet. I found some roots that I know to be edible. Getting these kids to eat them, well, that's another story. We found a stash of tools. We are thinking that the plan should be to dig our way out. But the damn thing is, we have no idea where we are. Plus, it is dangerous as hell. We could dig right into the middle of troop exercises for all we know. The tunnel could easily collapse. The only wood here is the ancient wood that is holding this place up now. I am afraid to move a stick of it."
Fluffy seemed excited. "Well, that's better than sitting around farting our life away."
They all laughed at that. Tenaya continued, "I think that a rescue attempt is likely. We work for a wealthy individual that is quite fond of us. The entertainment committee" she pointed to the Bard, "is his best friend. It might be hard to believe, but that man is our best hope for survival. He's amazing. Crazy, but amazing."


Author Notes
Rolling along. It seems like an end may be in sight. Thanks for all your input. Lots of editing to look forward to. Remember, there are two books. So, any suggestions of any kind would be appreciated as always. This is still fun!!


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