- The Bard VS Kolov & Barryby michaelcahill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
The prison is fought over with the children's fate at stake.
Bel Air: A Bard's Guide
: The Bard VS Kolov & Barry by michaelcahill

The story ends up with a struggle to free dozens of imprisoned children. The Bard is mentally ill and a poet. But, he has skills that may just save the day.

Previously, the Bard slipped his cuffs on the way to his cell. Fluffy turned on Kolov when it became apparent that kids were being abused and held for criminal purposes. When the reached the childrens cells a fight broke out and Kolov overpowered Fluffy. He then went after the Bard thinking him handcuffed. The Bard surprised him, breaking his arm. We continue now as Kolov rises up to continue fighting with the Bard. 

Kolov screamed as he threw a right hand at the Bard's head, "You Bastard, mock me? I smash you!"
The Bard, with a huge smile on his face grabbed Kolov's wrist as it rocketed towards his head and bent it upward breaking it. The sound was louder than what one would imagine. "OOOHHH! I hate when that happens." The Bard jumped back as Kolov hit the ground falling from his own momentum.
Kolov yelled out. "Bastard! I kill you."

The Bard, still smiling, said, "That is highly unlikely. I suggest a series of roundhouse kicks. Perhaps a weapon if you happen to have one. You know to entertain the kiddies."
Kolov, forgetting all training, lunged at the Bard who sidestepped him like a bullfighter. Kolov crashed head first into the solid rock wall that separated the cells. "Hello. I'm over here. That's a wall. Human. Wall. Human. Human. Wall." The Bard pointed to the wall and then to himself as though he were teaching a remedial class in English.
Kolov, his head now bloodied, once again lunged at the Bard. This time, the Bard winked at Fluffy, who had regained her footing. He jumped behind Kolov and grabbed him from behind. He then presented him face first to Fluffy. She landed a lovely right cross with great force. The Bard held Kolov up for about five seconds, then jumped back, and watched him drop to the floor.
"Ladies and gentlemen and kids of all ages." He started prancing in front of the cells housing the children. "They said it couldn't be done. They said the crazy Russian giant was tooooooo mean! They said he was tooooooo stinky! They said he ate tooooooo many bugers! EEEWWWWWW! But, Fluffy has done it. She has become the CHAMPEEEEEEEEN OF THE WHOOOOLE WOOOOOOORLD!"

The two guards had huge smiles on their faces. The kids weren't exactly jumping for joy, but the Bard had certainly taken some of the edge off the terror of the situation.
Tenaya pointed her weapon at the guards, but not aggressively. "For now, I'd appreciate it if you'd lay those weapons on the ground and kick them over here beside me. You can make your choice to help us rescue these kids or not. We have no intention of harming you in any way. We aren't against your organization, just the renegades that are using this place to commit these crimes. Now hand those keys over to Lucy there."
Lucy took the set of keys, which consisted of eight keys in various configurations and a Los Angeles Lakers laser light, and released Lincoln.
"You are a sight for sore eyes! Are my girls okay? I'll see for myself. I don't know how… we'll talk later." Lincoln ran to the back of the facility to find his granddaughters.
"Lady, what about the rest of us? You're letting us out too, right?" A voice from another cell called out. It was too dark to make out his features.
Lucy addressed the other prisoners in general. "Be patient. We're getting these kids out of here first. Then we'll deal with the rest of you. We don't know you or why you're here. Just hold on. We know you're here."
"Yeah. We'll screw you then. You're as bad as they are. I didn't do nuthin'. You have no… "
"Hey buddy, you're just making my case. You think I want you're idiot ass running around with your big mouth? Stow it. We'll get to you. In the meantime, shut up. Don't interfere with what we're doing."
Lucy walked back to the children's cells to the sounds of silence. She looked at Tenaya as she unlocked the cells. "Those vans and a few at a time don't cut it."
Tenaya looked at Fluffy. "Get Barry in here. He's going to order some buses."
Fluffy didn't hesitate. "Done." She headed for the entrance.

~~~~~~~Susan arrives

Susan arrived in camp to find the newly self-promoted commander tidying up his office. "Looks nice. Could use a woman's touch though."
Barry didn't look up. "Sorry doll, I'm spoken for. I've got a jealous dame on the way from Vegas who'd scratch your eyes out for even talking to me." Barry slipped from behind his desk, gave Susan a big hug, and long kiss. That kiss reminded him of his long attraction to her.
There was something between them that transcended their criminal and greedy nature. They were hopelessly attracted to each other. It never failed when they were together that their blood began to heat up. Even the reprehensible are not immune to love.
Barry's phone vibrated in his shirt pocket. "Give me a minute. Business. Yes. Commander… What's that? Unconscious? Kolov? I'll be damned. Secure. Okay. I'm on my way. Make sure you put both guards on his cell. He's crafty in spite of how nuts he seems. Good work, Fluffy." He put the phone back in his pocket. "Ready to take a look at our inventory? Oh… we have a guest of your acquaintance. You'll get a big kick out of this."
Barry swaggered out of the office with Susan in tow. He had everything he wanted and everything had turned out perfectly. Just take care of that pest. The Bard… what the hell is he doing here anyway. I guess he doesn't realize who he's dealing with. He started chuckling under his breath.
They arrived at the prison doors and found them locked. He didn't know procedure, so he wasn't aware that there should've been guards out front having a coded conversation with him about the Utah Jazz basketball team. He knocked on the door.
The doors opened up and Fluffy greeted him and Susan. "I'm glad to see you! That fool slipped his cuffs and knocked Kolov out. I mean out! He didn't want to box with my AK though. I told him you wouldn't be pleased. He said to bring your fat pussy ass over here so he could insert a folding chair in it and then open it up and create something ironic. His words, sir."
"Yeah. Very funny. Where's the asshole at? Seems we need to have a little chat."
The Bard sidled up behind Susan and stood behind her and whispered, "I don't think we're going to get away with this. All he has to do is turn his head and he'll catch us. But, it is exciting."
Susan screamed and Barry wheeled around. The Bard grabbed his hand and bent the little finger back painfully. "No one ever talks about this little piggy. All the other piggies get the spotlight and the glory. Don't you ever wonder what this little piggy's fate is?"
"OOOWWWW! No! I don't want to know. OOWWW! Stop."
Susan lunged at the Bard, but Tenaya stopped her forward progress with a leg sweep that sent her sprawling across the cement floor.
Tenaya stood over her. "I suggest you remain there."
"Don't hurt her. Let go of me. What do you want? I… OOWWW!"
Lucy pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Barry. "You're going to get on your phone and cancel those vans. Then you will arrange for three school buses to arrive unimpeded to pick up these kids. Of course, that's what you will tell those idiots out there. The buses… we'll handle that. Or, my dear friend here will come up with some exotic, psychotic, and endless method to make your life unpleasant. Oh… and you can watch us do the same to this little bitch too while we're at it. I hope that is clear enough for you.  My friend can splain it to ju if you no comprendo."
The Bard had a vacant look on his face. "It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it's told."
"What? What the hell is he talking about. I'll do it… whatever. Just tell him to…OOWWWW!"
"It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again." The Bard started rubbing Lucy's head. "Yes, Precious, we gonna give him the hooose."

"Please, God. I said I'll do whatever you want. Make him let me go."
The Bard looked at Lucy. "Not many ladies'd git up two in the mornin' make a feller biskits and mustard. Thank yeeew. Ummm uhhh. This boy and I, we made friends right off the bat, mmm ummmm." He let go of Barry's hand.


Author Notes
I admit that some of this is to amuse myself. Hahaha. Getting closer to the end! Still open to suggestions for now and for future editing.


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