- Senryu (spindly spider twerks)by Dean Kuch
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A (Gothic) Senryu contest entry
Senryu (spindly spider twerks) by Dean Kuch
    Write a Senryu Contest Winner 

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Spindly spider twerks —

for femme fatale's affection.


A tacky affair.

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Writing Prompt
The challenge for this prompt is to write a senryu.
Write a Senryu
Contest Winner


Author Notes
Miley Cyrus may have made "twerking" a household word, but male black widow spiders are the real masters of the rump-jiggling dance move. These arachnids twerk their abdomens to avoid getting eaten by potential mates.
The vibrations caused by the male spider's twerking travel along the females' webs, alerting the females to the presence of a potential mate.

Many men get involved in tacky affairs of their own, and no good ever becomes of them. Lured like an insect into her lair, the web of deceit one is required to spin in such an extra-marital affair to stay out of trouble is a tacky web indeed. At times, it can seem overwhelming, and rightly so. Oft times, it's a tricky, sticky situation.

No males were harmed in the making of this senryu...

As always, thanks for reading!


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