- The Zig Zag Man In County Jailby michaelcahill
This work has reached the exceptional level
Jail tails and Angela gets acquainted with school.
Bel Air: A Bard's Guide
: The Zig Zag Man In County Jail by michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong language.
Kidnapping and child trafficking has stalled any trials as the Bard, Lucy and Tenaya try to find Angela. Millions of dollars at play.

Previously, Lucy and the Bard trailed Barry and the cat all the way to Caesar's Palace. Barry rode the elevator to the 12th floor where he got off and was greeted by Winston. Winston greeted him like an old buddy and shared a drink with him. We continue the story now as Lucy and the Bard return to the eighth floor to report their shocking findings.

Lucy looked at the Bard as the doors slid shut. "Not now. We don't know where Angela is. We don't know anything. I can't believe he let that fool in there like it was homecoming week. What's up with that?"
"Just keeping an eye on him. Beats having him in the chorus line at the Lido de Paris. The show has gone downhill… hairy man legs… not a good look. Miss, Miss? PLEASE!!! Shave those legs… and have that hideous mole removed. Reminds me of Jail. I forgot to ask Junior about that. I wonder if they still remember the Zig Zag Man in county."
Lucy laughed as the elevator opened to the eighth floor. "I suppose that had to be you, am I right?"
"Well, it didn't HAVE to be. No… you're right, it did. I didn't shave in county. It seems I bore a striking resemblance to Mr. Zag, so all the homies started calling me the Zig Zag Man… even made up a song that they sang to me all the time." The Bard broke into song, "The Zig Zag Maaaaaan, doin' what he caaaaaan! The Zig Zag maaaaaan!"
They entered the room to the unsurprised eyes of its occupants. Harpster smiled. "I remember that song. We never got around to recording it. A great hook though. Maybe you could cover it, Ruby."
Ruby laughed, "I'm thinking duet." She joined in with the Bard.
Junior burst out angrily, "I'm glad you find this all so amusing. My daughter is having a great time, I'm sure. Did you two find out anything? I can see you're having a great time."
Lucy stopped smiling and frowned at Junior. It was a smile with contempt, but more irritation that someone she had little regard for was right. "Barry knocks on the door… and of all people, Winston answers. He didn't see me. He invites Barry in like they're long lost buddies. I jump back on the elevator and here we are. The cat is in the room with them… the device too, of course."
The Bard didn't like Junior's attitude towards Lucy. He had the thought of knocking him out cross his mind, but felt that the others wouldn't appreciate it under the circumstances. He went with plan B. "Now, Junior Miss, were you monogamous in jail or did you play the field. I'm sure Suzy Q understands that a girl has needs. God knows… she fully understands!"
"Look, I wasn't anybody's anything. I was a leader in jail. I called the shots. They like brains in jail. You wouldn't know about that."
"Power, yeah… I've heard of that. The little white monkey that calls the shots."

Whiter Power: Tales of the Zig Zag Man

County Jail community racist feast
Homies all wrapped like bugs in rugs on bunks
Every race so neatly placed together
Thinking genocide on a local scale
America, slavery's legacy
Ain't theys be proud wavin' that flag out front?
Sambo sez, "Lookey dat. I best be gone
They's gots dat look in dem eyes, not again!"
He remembers tales of great grand pappy
talking about the darkie days gone by
"Eli Whitney's gone and done us in; he's
invented a mechanical nigga."
"Dat Cottin Gin gots no gin cuz, waz up?"
Well, work calls. The nine to five grind, salt mine.
Crystalline and white all day, all night, friend.
Gandhi G showed the way back in the day.
The Zig Zag Man rules the white power boys.
He is that little dude with all the brains
Just tryin' to survive his time in peace
and score mucho bags of Cheetos cuz.
"You know Ben, I am just afraid that someday they are going to take this thing all wrong. You know what I mean?" "Yes, Thomas. I do indeed. But, I am sure that future generations can read between the lines as well as we can write between them. It is obvious after all. Isn't it?" "I hope so. By then it will be history."
America! Send us huddled masses.
Bring shovels and strong backs for diggin' holes.
Freedoms comin' sooner than you might think.
Yearnings allowed, but seeking you can't do.
Zig Zags out of jail now a bit ashamed.
"I'm not with them" the only words he says.
Racial intolerance is a bad thing;
it is not conducive for hiz biz'ness.

The Bard finished his poem, complete with historical voice impressions. "But, how did you have time to lead, with all that heartbreaking romance afoot?"
"What the hell are you talking about, you moron? Crawl back under your rock. I wasn't with anybody."
"Ahhhh. I see. Didn't bother with names… no LASTING relationships… nothing permanent, all casual one bunk stands. Yes, it can be like that. Some of those men though, they don't know how a girl feels… the tender heart that tries not to be hurt. You look like you could use a hug." The Bard spread his arms wide and pursed his lips as though he were going to give Junior a big hug and kiss.
"Hey, screw you freak! Screw all of you. I didn't deserve to be there in the first place. I didn't know anything. It was Winston and that Doctor. And…  YOU… you were the one that hired him Daddy dearest. Not me. They told me you had a heart attack. What was I supposed to do. They had you wrapped up ready to freeze. Why would I think anything else. I DIDN'T KNOW! I'm glad we have all this time to persecute me. It sure helps bring my little girl home."
Harpster was bright red. "I was in that bag unconscious being kidnapped. You pissed away all my money just so you could walk around with your chest puffed out. Big man! Your own father and you didn't even have a question. You know what Winston was like when he got back from Iraq. You had no problem with whatever he was doing. He played you like a fiddle. Of course, you know nothing about music, so I can see where you wouldn't have a clue about that."
"All right whatever. We're not going to resolve anything now. Let's get back to my daughter. What's the plan? Why don't we trade this idiot for her?"
"This idiot is our best chance to save her. You don't know anything about him. You're just like everyone else in Bel Air, living in a world of make-believe. My friend here has lived in the real world. He knows all about it… too much about it really. So do Tenaya and Lucy. For that matter, so do Diamond and Ruby. They all know what life is all about. We know nothing. I'm trying to learn. You don't even know there is something to learn. Your whole life is a damn lie. Your pretend marriage, your pretend career… all of it. I can only hope that your love for your daughter is real. That's your only hope."

~~~~~~~All Souls School

Angela had suddenly come to know what punishment feels like. She didn't respond to the dinner call. I'm not hungry. Who wants to eat and look at those kids pretend to be grateful. I'll never give them that satisfaction. The director of the so-called school came into her room with a paddle and put it to immediate use on her backside.
"Now, you can go without dinner. Since you are too good to eat dinner with the other children, you can stay in your room alone." That is what Janine had said to her.
Angela sat on her bed in tears. She felt alone and helpless. I am here and no one that cares about me knows where I am. I don't even know if they care. Who am I to tell those kids how to act. Am I better than them…? I'm worse. I've lived an easy life. They have no life to go back to even if they are rescued. Who am I to tell them anything…? She would be alone until morning. They would call the kids to breakfast and she would answer. Until then she wouldn't make a sound. She understood now why they were afraid.


Author Notes
Slowing down and trying to find good direction with this. Any suggestions and input appreciated. Your help has been wonderful. I feel like I'm in too big a hurry.


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