- Eavesdropping & Time For Actionby michaelcahill
This work has reached the exceptional level
Following Barry. Side tracked by an urgent matter.
Bel Air: A Bard's Guide
: Eavesdropping & Time For Action by michaelcahill

Trials and squabbles about Brewster's billion dollar estate are put aside when his granddaughter is kidnapped. The Bard and Tenaya are on the case that involves child trafficking.

Previously, The cat with the micro chip was dropped off at the vet. The vet scanned the cat to see if they could determine who owned it. The owner was called and a note was found by a clinic worker with a number on it. That number was called and it was Elsa. She sent Barry to retrieve her cat. In the meantime The Bard and Lucy were also on their way to the vets to see about the cat and find possible clues. We continue the story as both Barry and the Bard and Lucy arrive at the vets at almost the same time.

Lucy and the Bard pulled into the parking lot of the strip mall that housed the Long Beach Animal Hospital. It turned out to be a grandiose name for such a modest establishment. It stood between a cigarette store, No Butts About it, and a closed beauty parlor, Judy Fantasy True. Lucy let that last name roll around in her mind for a moment, trying to have it make sense. No wonder they went out of business… irritating name.
The Bard ducked down in the passenger seat. "Park, park."
Lucy pulled into a spot right away, there were plenty to choose from. "What is it? Why the drama?"
"It's him. I don't believe it. Public enema number two. Barry… walking towards the vet. Bright green shirt with awful floral print. Fashion felony. Breaker-Breaker… swat team… on my mark… bring the plain, navy-blue blazer…"
"Shush now. I say our play is to watch and follow. He might lead us right to her."
"Okay, madam loveliness… I'm up for that… down… yeah, down for it… cool... yeah, not up… down."

~~~~~~~~Inside the Long Beach Animal Hospital

"Can I help you?"
"I'm here to pick-up Elsa's cat. They called her."
"Oh, okay. Have a seat and I'll tell them you're here."
Barry didn't say anything. He took a seat by the door and sat down displaying as much impatience as he possibly could. In a couple of minutes Trin came thru the door holding Samson.
"What happened to your face, boy. Damn!"
"I was born this way." Trin had learned a long time ago to put up with ignorance gracefully. There is no point in trying to instill sensitivity in a moron. "Did you bring a carrier?"
"What? A carrier? Don't you have that sort of thing here?" Barry became even more irritated.
"Well, most of our clients bring their pet in their carrier and pick them up the same way. We have a small selection of inexpensive carriers if you wish. I think we have some temporary cardboard carriers in back if you'd like me to look."
"Yeah. Temporary. That's fine. I left the carrier on the… at home. Yeah, at home."
Trin went to the back and put together a sturdy cardboard carrier and placed Samson inside. He knew that the customer would have a fit if he handed him that carrier and asked him to put it together.
He came back through the door with the carrier and Samson. "We have a paper to fill out. Since it is an overnight stay the doctor has decided there won't be any boarding fee."
The desire to make a rude remark crossed Barry's face, but it managed to keep whatever he had to say to himself. "Okay, I'm in a hurry… you know… Elsa missed her baby… where's the paper?"
He filled out the form, took the cat and left without a thank-you or even a got-to-hell.

~~~~~~~The strip-mall parking lot

Lucy had already written down the license plate and run it through her connections on the Bel Air Police force. A quick inspection of Barry's vehicle revealed very little. She jotted down everything in view, just in case. Too bad he had the sense to lock it… glove compartments usually have clues…
"Here he comes, he has the cat. Well… he has a cheap carrier." The Bard was in the back seat now. He slumped down. Barry knew him at least well enough to recognize him
"Okay, I'm on it. I see him." She pulled out her cell phone. "Hey, partner. Paydirt. Yep… Barry. He's got the cat. Gonna follow… No, no contact. Yes. Call that vet… see what you can find out. About twenty minutes. Heading towards the pier. Yeah… not the docks again… I know."
"You're in good hands with All State. Like a good neighbor, I'm everywhere… The General is in the jeep… More ice… The penguin is sweating… You know I'll protect you Lucy, I have the name your price tool." The Bard started singing Mandy. Lucy smiled as she went through the thought process, State Farm Commercial… Like a Good Neighbor Song… written by Barry Manilow… big hit… Mandy… not so crazy… or maybe I am too. Lucy sang along.
Barry pulled into Jack-in-the-Box and got in the drive thru line. He took out his cell. Lucy parked about forty yards away, well within range of one of Tenaya's new toys. She put the lightweight headphones on and pointed the slim microphone towards Barry. At first she got noise, but then she got Barry's voice as though he was sitting right next to her. It worked. She listened to the one sided conversation:
"Yeah… I have him right here. Just getting a quick bite to eat then I'm on my way. Well, you know. About ninety minutes. Yeah. See you then. Yeah… okay then…bitch… rustling…a cat meows…yes, I'll have a Jumbo Jack and a medium coke…JUMBO Ja… YES… no fries… THAT’S IT! Okay."
"This guys a real jackass. He can't even order a burger without being a jerk. Ninety minutes… Hmmm. I wonder where his partner is. That's a long ways, about ninety miles or so. How the hell did the cat find its way down here." Lucy started musing. "Hell, that is a hell of a radius. All of L.A. and Orange counties. Riverside, San Berdo… Damn near to San Diego."

"Stars in the sky
starfish drift by
she smiles, my oh my


An oldie from ten seconds ago. Yes, what better place to commit crimes then the beautiful island of Catalina, a mere twenty-six miles across the sea. About ninety minutes for you and me… Cat a liiiii naaa aaaaa aaaaaaa!" The Bard sang most of his little speech and it sounded like a song right out of the fifties.
Lucy perked up. "Yes. I hadn't thought about that. He's heading to the damn docks. He's going for a boat. They've got her stashed out on the ocean, or somewhere on Catalina Island. That could be it. You're a genius. But, you already know that."
"No, I'm normal. Eveyone else, present company excluded of course, is an imbecile or a poor speller. Or BOTH!"
About ten minutes later, Barry pulled into the parking lot by the Long Beach pier. Lucy parked a distance away and, with the Bard, followed Barry on foot. She had her listening device on, just in case.

~~~~~~On Long Beach Pier

Barry seemed to be in a rush. He stopped by an extremely large yacht that had a party going on. He starred up at the deck. A short and round man recognized him and waved him aboard. Barry made some gestures that indicated he was in a hurry, and motioned the man to him. The man came down to Barry.
Lucy listened.
"Barry, my friend, what brings you here. The party is just starting to warm up."
Barry held up the box with the cat. "Meow. I guess you get the picture."
"Yes, I see. Well, sorry about that. You couldn't very well expect me to turn around with the girl on board. I did take it to the vet and made sure it was safe. Most would have thrown it overboard and pretended not to have seen it." Abdullah looked peeved by the intrusion.
Barry considered that and realized that he would have done exactly that. "Yeah. I suppose so. I just hated coming all this way for the damn thing. Not your fault, I guess. Next time, throw it overboard!"
They both laughed at that one. Abdullah said, "We are just about to enjoy our new acquisition. You are welcome to participate if you wish. No charge for a friend… the first time that is."
"No. It is tempting. But, I best get back. Elsa is waiting for her little Samson." He turned and left without a goodbye.

Lucy turned to the Bard. "We can't follow him on the open water. At least we have an idea where he is going. There's a girl on that yacht in danger. It could be Angela. If not, it's still somebody's girl. I'm calling for backup. He said, we're just about to enjoy her. I don't think we can wait. Ready for some action?"
In a perfect John Wayne voice, the Bard said, "line up the wagons in a circle, or they'll be no s'mores for you."
The two of them walked along the pier nonchalantly, heading towards the large yacht, where the party was going on. Back-up was on the way, but they weren't waiting. 


Author Notes
Getting somewhere now. Suggestions or input eagerly sought as always.


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