- Adam's Interview, The Peeping michaelcahill
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Adam is interviewed bringing up more questions.
Bel Air: A Bard's Guide
: Adam's Interview, The Peeping Chief. by michaelcahill

Many abductions committed. Are they related. The Bard, Tenaya and Lucy are trying to find out. Is it about the money? There is a lot of it in Bel Air.

Previously, Lucy, Tenaya and the Bard discussed the perplexing case and decided to talk to the only eye witness to Angela's kidnapping, her friend Adam. They went to her school and encountered the stodgy principal, Mis Delacroix who reluctantly allowed an interview with him. The Bard told him an interesting story about Principal Delacroix and King Kong. We pick up the story now as Adam reacts to what the Bard has just told him.

He was at that age in a male when there is an extra octave in their voices that would soon disappear. But for now, it cut through everyone in the room. The Bard looked pleased with himself. Lucy looked amused. Tenaya was happy that Adam would be easy to interview now. Ms. Delacroix looked like she was about to nag King Kong.
When Adam regained his composure, the Bard whispered in his ear, "remember, we don't want that to get out to the other kids. Well, your friends, that's okay… you know… and their friends. Detective Adrian and her partner have some questions for you okay?"
Adam smiled, "Sure, no problem. Angela is my best friend. Well, really she's my girl. Anything I can do. I want to help. I should have done more. I don't know… they were too big."
Lucy spoke up, "Hey, most dudes would have run like a dog. You manned up big time, takin on two grown men. We couldn't have done any more ourselves. You’re a hero in our eyes. We just want to get as much details as we can. Things that might seem like nothing to you might be something we can use, see what I mean. We're glad to have you on the team. We're gonna work together and get your girl back."
"I think the men were Philippino. That's what they sounded like. They didn't say much. The man that called out her name sounded like my grandmother from North Dakota… not like, ya know, a woman, but that way they talk from there. Like Ahhhn…GE… la. Funny way to talk. Like they are asking a question. The driver didn't say anything I could hear. The passenger just said that one word. The men in the back of the van were talking to each other. Something about "quick work", or "easy work". I don't know. It happened so fast." Adam seemed eager to help.
Tenaya seemed interested. "Why do you say Philippino?"
"They spoke Tagalog, just like my grandmother's nurse. She comes once a week and teaches me a little every time she comes. They talk so fast. It's hard to keep up."
Lucy looked frustrated. "This isn't connecting anywhere. Whatever they've got going on doesn't seem to have a damn thing to do with Angela. Why her? If it were just her, then I would get it. Kidnapping, probably for ransom. But, all these people involved for one-kid makes no sense. Four men to kidnap one kid? What do the other four men have to do with it? Eight men including Lincoln that we know of. Why Lincoln and Angela if it's a kidnapping? See? Nothing goes together. Nothing makes sense or connects."

a flower watches as clouds form
they are foreboding
they block the sun
the precious rays of life
become dim
fear sends calloused fingers
of shadowy probes
through the garden
they caress the stem that holds the rose
the thorns do not pierce them
simmering red hues, once bright
lose their shine and boastfulness
clouds bellow boisterously
with a victorious haughty guffaw
peals of laughter bring forth tears
that splash like applause
on the hungry ground below
the essence of life flows
through the garden
it is all connected
nothing is, as it seems
to that which grows

The Bard sounded much like Orson Welles as he recited his poem. Every ear, young and old, filed with the words.
Principal Delacroix seemed transfixed by the Bard's words. "That was lovely. Is that Walt Whitman? Just beautiful. And you recite it perfectly. I love that part about the calloused fingers that the thorns do not pierce. I'll have to look that one up."
"Not Whitman, no. An unnamed poet in a book I ran across. When I was a boy, poetry and music were a part of schooling just as much as reading and math. Sadly, that has faded from the landscape. But, I know you make sure education is well-rounded here." The Bard never ceased to surprise.
She addressed Tenaya, "Do you have what you need from young Adam here? Angela is a top student with many friends. If there are any other students you'd wish to speak with, I'm sure they would be happy to help find their friend."
"No, Ma'am. You've been most helpful. I think that Adam has told us everything he can. If we think of anything, we'll give you a call. Of course, if there is any news we will call you right away." Tenaya rose, as did the others at the same time.
The Bard leaned over to Adam and whispered, "Remember, if she turns her back on you, run".
Adam giggled softly behind the hand that covered his mouth. It would be known for many years by following classes, if Principal Delacroix turns her back on you, run. An introduction to poetry was added to the English curriculum of the Eighth grade. Principal Delacroix taught the two-week, one-hour-per-day course herself.
The trio of detectives left the school with some good information, but more questions and no answers.
Abigail Stevens had all three kids in tow when she knocked on the door at the Blackwell mansion. Harpster and Junior had retired down stairs upon seeing her car pull up. That left Diamond, Ruby and the three detectives to greet her. Everyone knew Lincoln's daughter, Abigail. They knew the three grandkids, Jenkins, Jazzy and June much better though. Kids were frequent visitors to the Blackwell mansion, at least in the days before Harpster's presumed death. This visit should've been expected. Lincoln baby-sat his grandkids often.
Ruby, the head of the manor now, had no problem answering her own door. She opened the front door and stepped aside.
Abigail entered already inquiring. "Where is that fool father of mine? He's supposed to be watching his beloved grandkids and I'm supposed to be at work."
No one had thought to contact her. Tenaya took the lead. "He left yesterday with three men right about the time Angela was kidnapped. We haven't figured out if there is a connection or what the hell is going on. We were hoping you could tell us something. That is looking unlikely. You haven't heard from him?"
"No. I don't remember him ever missing an opportunity to take care of these kids. Ironic really, he never had that kind of interest in me. I guess that is the way of it though. Lousy parents make great grandparents. He might not call me, but he wouldn't miss out on his grandkids. Something's up."
Lucy seemed to concur. "From what I know of Lincoln, those grandkids are his world. I'm guessing now that he didn't leave voluntarily. But, the connection to the kidnapping still doesn't make sense. Hell, I'm really starting to think that there is no connection. I think we should treat it as two separate crimes and make the connection later if there is one."
Tenaya looked around the room. "Hey, where did the Bard go? He disappeared."
Just then, there was another knock on the door. But this sounded more like someone kicking it. Lucy answered this time.
"Hi Lucy, I'm home. I caught Fred peaking in little Ricky's bedroom. Ha. Ha. Ha." The Bard had Chief Sandoval's arm twisted and jammed up his back.
"Let me go, dammit. Get this crazy fool off me." The Chief didn't seem too pleased.
"Luuuuuucy, Fred is cheating on Ethel. He's been making nicey-nice with Winston. I've seen the video. Steeeeeamy stuff! Listen to me. I'm crazy. I only do seven years no matter what I do to you. Get it? I don't like the way you treated my friends, see? Things aren't gonna go well for you."
"Help! Call him off. Dear God. Call him off."
Lucy tried to keep from laughing. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I have nowhere to go. Winston wants to kill all witnesses. He's crazy. He got a hold of meth and poppers in jail somehow. He's gone man. I'm just trying to keep away from him. At least you people aren't crazy."
Even the Bard joined in on the laughter with that remark. The whole lot of them laughed except for Chief Sandoval. The Bard let go of his arm. Sandoval remained seeing no better option.
They would have to figure out what to do with him… the least of their worries.


Author Notes
Lots of questions with no answers. People and children abducted and missing. Related? We're not sure. Any and all input sought and appreciated.

characters: Updated for book 2

Johnathon Blackwell Senior-Harpster, deceased former owner of a music conglomerate. Death prematurely announced. Actually kidnapped and now in hiding.

Johnathon Blackwell Junior- Senior's son and heir apparent to the family fortune. Currently in prison for Mudering Harpster. He is unaware the his father is alive.

Lilith Blackwell- Widow of Blackwell Senior and claimant to the estate. Filed billion dollar civil suit.

The Bard-Stewart Slater, homeless, writer, musician, mentally ill. witness to the death of Harpster amongst other things.

Detective Tenaya Adrian- lead is there is a murder to investigate.

Detective Lucy Smaldino, Tenaya's partner

Lincoln- The Blackwell family butler.

Ruby Dancer- singer and Daughter of Harpster though she doesn't know anything about it. Revealed to be his daughter at the end of book 1. Now the heir to the Blackwell estate.

Diamond Dancer- mother of Ruby and former mistress of Harpster. Refuses to tell Ruby anything about her father. Forced to reveal that Harpster was Ruby's father.

Dr. Khin- The Blackwell personal family physcian--Killed by Winston in the first book.

"Q & A"-- Q Aubrey Langstan--"Q" The Blackwell family attorney. Loyal to Harpster.

Daniel- Blackwell Senior's Deaf brother.

Esmeralda "Emma" Blackwell- Blackwell Seniors Mother

Winston- Blackwell Senior's son. War hero turned mercenary. Kidnaped father and the Bard. Accused of conspiracy to murder his father. Warrant is out, he's at large.

Susan Blackwell-Johnathon Blackwell Junior's wife

Angela Blackwell- Susan and Junior's daughter

Adam Jefferson-age 13, Angela's friend

Elsa, one of Angela's kidnappers

Barry, one of Susan's old boyfriends and apparently in on Angela's kidnapping

Trip & Antoinette (Nettie) Two kids on the boat that Angela is being held on. Possible victims themselves.

Abigail Stevens, Lincoln's daughter--Jenkins, Jazzy and June, Lincoln's grandkids.


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