- Harpster The Friendly Ghost!by michaelcahill
This work has reached the exceptional level
A Kidnapping to solve. Harpster comes out of hiding.
Bel Air: A Bard's Guide
: Harpster The Friendly Ghost! by michaelcahill

A kidnapping has occurred in the middle of several criminal and civil court cases putting them on the back burner. The Bard, a homeless Bel Air resident is in the middle offering his help.

Previously, we learned that Junior and Chief Sandoval had been released on bail by a substitute judge. Angela Blackwell, the Daugter of Junior and Susan Blackwell and Harpster's granddaughter was kidnapped. The Bard discovered the household in the safe room and Lincoln missing. We pick up now as Tenaya and Lucy have arrived to begin investigating the kidnapping. Someone is trying to open the front door.

The sound of a key wiggling in the door lock caught everyone's attention. Everyone had a curious puppy look on their face with their head slightly cocked to the side. The locks had been changed, so it had to be someone that had an old key.
The patience of the individual trying to gain entrance waned and the brass doorknocker began to strike against the shiny brass plate. It made a large noise and caused everyone's head to shift to the other side.
Finally, a male voice began to call out to Lincoln using colorful epitaphs describing body parts and casting aspersions on his ancestry, alluding to possible animal involvement. The language proved to be colorful and interesting and included pairings of words that were quite unusual.
The Bard, realizing that Lincoln had left some time earlier, went into action and approached the door. He reached for the handle and opened it.
"What the hell are YOU doing here? Where the hell is Lincoln?" Junior stormed through the door as though he owned the place. Indeed, he thought he did.
"Hi honey, welcome home. Did you remember to pick up Marsha's dress at the cleaners? We're having meat loaf tonight. Marsha has a date with the captain of the football captain. He's the big man on campus you know." The Bard closed his eyes and leaned forward with his lips puckered.
Diamond burst out laughing. Junior turned red with anger. He hadn't noticed his thought-to-be-dead, on-ice father standing off to his right, yet.
"What the hell is wrong with you idiots? What the hell is this black bitch doing in my house? I thought I sent her ass back to the swamp… Can somebody… "
He didn't get a chance to finish that last sentence. The Bard had him face down on the ground with both hands around his head.
"I saw this in a movie one time. Arnold ripped this guy's head off and bowled a perfect game with it. But, he never came baaaack. I think he ran off with the butler. I think you've probably said everything you have to say. Am I guessing correctly, Alex? Do I win the dream vacation?" The Bard had no expression on his face whatsoever. Everyone froze in place.
Well, everyone except Diamond. "I am a bitch, you got that right. But I'm more of a deep brown really. You can let him up now. I got this."
The Bard got off Junior and Harpster walked over and extended his hand. Junior reached up, grabbed the hand, and began to pull himself up. A moment later, he glanced up and saw the face attached to the hand and fell back to the ground. He didn't move. He didn't make a sound.
"By order of the coroner I thouroughly examined him. And he is not the least bit dead. He's clearly not been ever dead." The Bard sounded so much like a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz that Junior feared a bolt of fire from Diamond who screamed with laughter. Everyone could plainly see that were it not for the  peels of laughter, she would be singing "The Lollipop League".
Junior sat there stunned. The laughter and momentary release quickly subsided, as the seriousness of the current situation returned to cover everyone like a frozen blanket.
Susan walked up to her speechless husband. "They've kidnapped Angela. All of this other crap can wait. Your daughter is all that matters now. You WILL step up to the plate and be a father, starting right now."
"Kidnapped? What? Who? I just got out of jail… wrongly accused" he looked at his father, still in shock, "that should be obvious. This woman" he looked at Diamond, "is in my house. I don't have any idea what the hell is going on. I think someone better tell me. In fact someone best tell me what I've been doing in jail for killing a man that is standing here alive?" Junior didn't present an imposing figure standing up let alone sprawled out bewildered on the ground.
Harpster couldn't respond, as Tenaya had already jumped to her feet and stood over Junior. "I'll have you back in county in a heartbeat, idiot. You are by no means out of any woods. If you haven't heard, attempting to commit a crime is a crime too. We've got bigger fish to fry. You're even in this house because we may need you in getting your daughter back."
Junior had enough sense to respond appropriately. "I'm for that. I love my daughter."

"With that in mind, what part did you play in her kidnapping and where is she?" Tenaya went right into detective mode and began attempting to eliminate her first suspect.
Junior, clearly shocked, stammered his reply, "I… I… was in jail… I… I wouldn't kidnap my own daughter. I don't know anything. Just… help me find her. That's all I care about. Don't waste time on me. I don’t… I would never… it isn't me. You have to believe that. Tell her, Susan, you know how much I love Angela."
Susan just looked at him with something between pity and contempt. It was a familiar look, but no one had seen fit to come up with a name for it. "I don't think he had anything to do with it."
Lucy walked up to Tenaya. "Our first suspect may also be a victim, Lincoln. We know that a dollar turns his head. I have never had complete trust in him. But, I must say, I was beginning to think of him as part of the team. He came through when the chips were down."
Tenaya bit her lip, "Yep, I feel the same. We can't rule him out though. He had dealings with Winston and we know Winston's a suspect. If we rule them out then we are behind the eight ball. Anybody could be after millions of dollars."
Tenaya looked at Susan, "Does he" she glanced at Junior who remained on the floor, "have any enemies?"
Susan looked to be on the verge of laughter. All that came out sounded like an exaggerated sigh. "He has a tendency to make people unhappy. But, it is mainly entertainment people, singers, musicians, agents and the like. No one that would go to this extent I don't think. Dad's the big player really. John was on the fringe for the most part, new talent, oldies concerts… stuff like that."
"I have to ask, your marriage? Jealous mistress? Wild affair? Don't hold anything back. Your daughters life could be at stake. Even if you only suspect something… "
"Well, he has his tawdry affairs, not that I care, but there is nothing to be jealous off. Just untalented floozies trying to sleep there way to a record deal… and succeeding, I might add. After fifteen years with him, I don't have much interest in men." She looked at Junior, with more resignation than disgust, but plenty of both.
Tenaya looked at Junior, for a moment and shook her head, as if dismissing the possibilities that anything in his world could be involved. "I doubt the tapes are here, but lets check."
The Bard and Harpster went with Tenaya to the security room and discovered that Tenaya had assumed correctly. The day's tapes had been removed.
The Bard said, "Damn, that secretary has done it again. The information on those tapes could've exonerated me. Now, we'll never know… no? Too obscure?"
Harpster smiled at the obscure reference. I guess that’s why we're friends, I'm the only one that knows what he's talkin' about. Tenaya smiled as well. I know about the Nixon tapes. He always underestimates me.
Harpster chuckled under his breath and walked over to four old VCR's on a shelf. He pushed the eject button's one at a time and removed the warm VHS tapes from them. "I expect you won't make fun of my security system again. Ready for an episode of Harpster's Most Wanted?"


Author Notes
Trying to keep International intrigue out of this! Any suggestions or ideas. Love the input and help. It is most appreciated and keeps me on track more than you can imagine. Feel free to make any suggestions.


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