- Anonymous Fanstory Assassinby michaelcahill
This work has reached the exceptional level
Anonymous Fanstory Assassin by michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong language.
"Some of these were quite crass but this one at least followed the rules and wasn't offensive. The best of the worst." -A comment written on a piece that was voted for.-

I found the comment rather offensive and would like to take a moment to respond to it. Unlike your comment, which was not signed, I have no problem attatching my name to what I write.

Your comment is like the shy-boy, I imagine you once were, when that coma patient looked like your best bet to get your first kiss. But, forty-five is a little old to be called a boy and she was a little too cold to be called a coma victim. Still, the principal is the same. Do the deed, then escape with your identity unknown, whether an anonymous quote or a stolen kiss from a chilly corpse.
Of course, I'm just speculating. There aren't any facts to back up your activities with dead bodies. I am simply taking a leap in logic based upon your predilection for sneak attacks where you don't leave any evidence of who you are. I make the assumption that you do this in other areas of your life.
Let's just say I have thrown in the allegations of necrophilia purely for entertainment purposes to draw attention to my piece and create a splash. So, I will stick to what I do know.
There was a contest on this site that eighteen individuals entered. That gives us pertinent information right off the bat. Each person in the contest displayed certain qualities by entering the contest. They had the nerve to compete with seventeen other writers publicly for all to see.

They faced the possibility of failure also for all to see. In fact, they faced the possibility of ending up in last place. They faced the possibility of ending up in last place without a single vote. They might even be the only writer without a single vote. I've had it happen to me. It doesn't feel like a very successful venture. Yet, they had the courage to expose themselves to that possibility.
You have now bestowed upon one of these writers the gift of your vote. You have declared them, the best of the worst. In other words, their piece of crap piece is better than every other piece of crap piece entered. Congratulations. It has further been noted that they possess the rudimentary intelligence to follow the rules. Kudos to them! Are they aware of how rare that is? The other intellectually challenged entrants lacked the ability to do that. Can you believe it? Well, fear not! They have been publicly exposed as idiots.  
You have pointed out that they also managed to compose a piece that wasn't offensive. Bravo and strike up the band! I am hoping that this was intentional on their part and not some fluke. I would hate to think that they were trying to be crude and failed. Their fellow participants were embarrassingly crass. You would think that in a public forum that they could try to display some civility and decorum. Nope. Apparently crass is a way of life for these people and they must have a sense of misguided pride in that fact or why would they parade such crudeness publicly for all to see?
What shocks me, and I am sure the anonymous reviewer as well, is why would these authors chose to foist their shocking scribblings on the rest of us in a public forum like this.
Now, I must ask. With all of the expertise that you have graced us with, won't you now reveal your name to us so that we may know who considers themselves so superior? We would like to meet you. And while you are at it, there are eighteen less than stellar authors that are anxious to see how a top of the line writer like yourself would write a piece that answers the challenge that each of us has failed at.
I may have thrown a lot of sarcasm into this piece, but nothing is more aggravating to me than someone that dismisses another person's effort with a casual and superior tone. It is done often here in contests and it is done here in reviews as well. There is no greater insult than disregard. I would rather be punched in the face than looked past as though I am not even there.
The remark that begins this piece is a direct quote and it is not uncommon here. I have seen that attitude in more than one area on this site. It is fortunate for an individual with an attitude like that that the safety of being anonymous exists. There are many that are lucky they live two thousand miles away or in an unknown location.

Arrogance is an ugly quality. There are arrogant people here. It might surprise you to know that we know who you are. We tolerate you. We don't bother going to battle with you because there really is no point. We let you make your snotty little comments as though you are God's gift to writing, we say "thank you" and move on. We have no regard for you at all. I am putting it kindly.

The person that left that remark above should know this. Every single person that read it thinks you are a no talent gutless punk that doesn't have the balls to state your name or post a single line of your writing. We think of you sitting in the dark with a smirk on your face and we, as one big happy family, laugh our asses off at you.

No morons were harmed in the writing of this piece. Well, I stubbed my toe on the end table. But, I'm tough, I can take the pain.


Author Notes
Not my usual mode, but the contest in question was a good contest with some excellent entries. The winner has every reason to be proud of that accomplishment. For some gutless punk to try and take away from that is maddening to say the least. Please note that I am being sarcastic when I pretend to mock the writers in the contest. I am taking what the idiot that made that remark said and expanding upon it to show how totally ridiculous it is.


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