- Ghostly Winter Ballby Treischel
This work has reached the exceptional level
A Rondeau Poem of a Ghost Frolic at the Waterfalls
Animated Stills
: Ghostly Winter Ball by Treischel

Ghostly Winter Ball

The Ghostly choir sings, while gathered at the falls,
Seeking resonance as in those symphonic halls,
Drawn by the merry music of the water's sound.
A waterfall's clear tone is Nature's best around,
When eerie haunted tunes echo off frozen walls.

They gathered there to practice for their fancy Balls.
Soon phantom sounds are followed by their spectral calls,
While lady fairies gaily dance around the mound,
The Ghostly choir sings.

Wild water really dances while the chorus drawls
To hip hop melody the mad maestro installs.
Just can't stop twinkling toes from tapping on the ground.
Chances advance as spirited devil's play abound.
Moonglow shines brightly, as a magic mood recalls,
The Ghostly choir sings.


Author Notes
This is a poem motivated by my Muse upon seeing the image of the ice formation on the left side of the waterfall, that looked to me like a choir of Ghosts. So here is the result of that inspiration. Hope you enjoy it.

This poem is formated as a Rondeau Poem. It is my first attempt at this style.
A rondeau is a fixed form of poetry. It is often used in light or witty poems. It often has fifteen octo - or decasyllabic lines with three stanzas. It usually only has two rhymes used in the poem.
A word or words from the first part of the first line are used as a refrain ending the second and third stanzas. The rhyme scheme is aabba aabR aabbaR.
In this one I used a beat of 12 counts, except for the refrain.
I hope I succeded in meeting the requirements.

Because ice is an inanimate object, and ghosts are not, this becomes part of my Animated Stills collection.

This photograph is of Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis, Minnesota taken in March 2012 near sunset using a Kodak 981Z digital camera.


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