- Chapter 5, part 6by barbara.wilkey
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Is there a ghost in the house?
Savannah Love
: Chapter 5, part 6 by barbara.wilkey

Paige was raised in Boston and inherited an antebellum house. Cash was hired to restore the house to authenticity. South vs North as these two attempt to find love.

By the end of the fourth inning, the pizza had been eaten and Paige and Mary Pat sat on the floor playing Twenty-one. Mary Pat leaned against Billy Joe's legs and said, "This feels good. You should try it, Paige. Your back has to be getting sore."

Paige scooted and leaned against a table leg. "It's all right."

Cash reached over and touched her shoulder. "Come here. I don't bite."

She looked at him and grinned. "At least you haven't bitten me, yet. There's always a first time."

How can such a beautiful woman be a pain in the butt? I'm sure she does it on purpose. Cash sighed and went back to watching the game.

"Seventh-inning stretch." Paige stood and stretched her arms above her head. "Anybody want ice cream? I have plenty left from this afternoon."

The three friends stood and followed her into the kitchen. Paige set three containers on the counter. "Choose which flavor you'd like. I have toppings too."


Paige turned her head as her eyes widened. "What was that? You heard that, right?"

The friends ran from the kitchen. Cash was the first to reach the dining room table. "A glass rolled off and broke."

Mary Pat bent down to pick up the pieces. "This doesn't make sense. Nobody was in here. A glass doesn't jump off the table."

"You're right. I majored in art, not science. But I know enough about Newton's Theory to know a glass doesn't move without help." Paige glanced at Cash. "Are you going to tell me a wind blew inside the house, or maybe we had an earthquake?"

"What did she just say?" Billy Joe picked up a piece and studied the broken glass.

"Newton's first law says, 'An object at rest stays at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it.' In other words, something or someone had to knock the glass over." Cash ran his hand through his short hair. "There has to be a logical explanation." He glanced at his friend. "Come with me. There has to be somebody else in this house."

Paige watched Cash and Billy Joe leave the room. "Good luck."

The women finished cleaning up the broken glass and ice cubes. As they stood at the kitchen sink, Mary Pat asked, "Are you sure you're all right? Maybe you should stay with us until the guys figure out what's going on?"

"I'm fine. There's nothing here that wants to hurt me. Just tease a little. Probably a deceased relative of Cash." Paige laughed.

"I don't see how you can make jokes about this." Mary Pat paused. "Do you think it could be that guy who was here this afternoon?"

"You mean Dr. Walker?"

"Yeah, that guy. He gave me the creeps."

The volume rose on the TV. Billy Joe yelled from upstairs, "Mary Pat, turn it down. It's not funny."

"I didn't do it."

Both women stared wide-eyed as the cabinet doors repeatedly opened and slammed shut.

"Guys, things are going crazy down here. We need some help." Mary Pat grabbed Paige. "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure."

Moments later an antique bronze Greek Revival Amphora vase rolled across the kitchen's wooden floor.

Paige sat beside the vase. "I already know you exist. You don't need to prove yourself to me. I'm not afraid, but you're scaring my friends. Cash is a stubborn Southern boy. It'll take more than this to prove your presence."

Paige heard a laugh, then answered, "It's true. He's as stubborn as a country mule." When Paige heard a sigh, she noticed the volume lowered and the cabinets remained closed. She patted the vase. "If Aunt Paula knew you were playing with her antiques, she'd kick your butt. I'll put this back." Do ghosts even have butts?

The two men walked into the kitchen. Cash's eyes met Paige's. "We didn't find anything. I don't understand what's going on."

Paige held up a bottle of bright red polish. "You ready to get your nails painted?"

"Maybe you should do his toenails, too." Mary Pat laughed.

"I still don't believe you have a ghost. There's a logical explanation. I just haven't found it yet." Cash took a container from the counter and glanced at Billy Joe. "How about some ice cream." He dished up two large bowls of chocolate ice cream. Handed one to his friend and went into the living room to watch the end of the game.


Author Notes
Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of a book title that perfectly decribes Cash's opinion.

Thank you for reading and reviewing. Errors in dialogue are intentional. I know my posts are short, but please remember they are part of a longer chapter which is part of a novel. I am over 21,000 words into this story. I cannot describe the main characters in each post, the novel would never end. The characters do continue to grow with each chapter as does Cash and Paige's relationship.


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