- The God Particle Of It Allby Mike K2
This work has reached the exceptional level
Sometimes it isn't the science, but human nature.
The God Particle Of It All by Mike K2

It started with elemental deconstruction,
by alchemists' grand scheme of reconstruction;
to make more common one's precious gold
so their success everyone could behold.

But in their failure they gleaned for success,
so with the periodic table they obsessed;
breaking down all to element's symbology,
but their predilections was still with astrology.

They tormented their minds and worked for their hour,
mathematics indicated there was more to scour;
so neutron, proton and electron came into being,
breaking them apart, created a earthly sun to be seen.

But man's inclination of flesh's vaporization,
those damned calculations had more realizations;
men made gadgets to reveal quarks, leptons and bosons,
but another sub-atomic particle exists, theorists are boasting.

This was the speculative, secret glue turning energy to mass
while scientists were damned to prove, with another blast;
created was a new gizmo, without size limits or financial control,
seeking the elusive God Particle would cause particles to roll!

Great news! Proof has been found that God's particle does exist!
Then another element of the particle saga will nag and insist;
driving man to theorize, explain, with questions that persist,
more resources and alchemical magic they will enlist.

The unforeseen particle of God in this all -is His humor is cruel,
we must amuse God as we never learn and remain our own fools...
Funny how, as we reduce life's particles in ever decreasing size,
we daunt ourselves with ever the more increasing questions that arise!

Perhaps God himself appreciates most our need to question forever more;
realizing that with our fall from grace and garden banishment ...
The need to explore.

Author Notes
Artwork developed my Michael W. Kohlman, copyright 2012. I was disappointed in not finding any artwork or photography regarding particle physics, and that I found seemed to have a public domain controversy that indicated it was copyrighted. My image was created like a photogram, but using BB's and self portrait on a computer scanner.

While I can lay claim to this poem, I can't lay claim to the inspiration; as the Higgs Boson or "God Particle," was discussed on the Les Kinsloving show Friday, July 20th on WCBM 680. A caller to the show brought up his amusement and observation was the smaller the particle, at the greater expense, always ends up creating more questions then the scientists actually answer.

I realized throughout the ages, this has always been the case and it fits in with my religious based theory that we keep God's attention though the amusement at us trying to explain Him away. I can only speak on a feeling, but he delights when we succeed, and hopes we don't destroy ourselves in the process, but overall I fear we are viewed as fools.

I am not anti-science at all, as we always have to put effort and resources into exploration, yet there is something delightfully futile at such a pursuit. In my case, my father thought about the same in regards to my art and photography.


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