- Chaptet 9; part twoby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
The kidnapper contacts Sara.
Another Pretty Face
: Chaptet 9; part two by barbara.wilkey

While Col. Joe Barnes visited his parents, he was reacquainted with his best friend's baby sister, Sara. Sara became pregnant during her senior year and raised her daughter, Cassie by herself. His best friend, Josh, was killed during Desert Storm.

Sara stood in front of the TV as the six o'clock news began. She set down her paintbrush and listened to the headline story. She glanced at George with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Is it true? If missing children aren't found within the first twenty-four hours the chances of finding them alive are slim. Cassie's been missing for forty-eight hours."

George stared at the TV. "It's true, but your circumstances are different from most."

"How are they different?"

I can't tell her the evidence led us to believe Cassie was abducted to use in child pornography videos. Dani's working overtime to find the headquarters of this pornography ring.

"Is the reason the press hasn't hounded me, because the Task Force's shielding me? George, please be honest."

"Matt made sure you're off limits to the press." He sighed as he watched Sara answer the telephone. When her face went pale, he stepped closer. After she slammed the receiver down, he asked, "Who was it and what did he say?" He removed the tape from the recorder Joe had placed on it Saturday evening.

Sara wrung her hands. "He said if the police don't leave, they'd kill Cassie. She's alive. She called for me!" She ran to the door and opened it. "Get out of my house, now!" When George didn't move, she screamed, "Get out!"

"We're not going anywhere." He put one arm around her shoulders and took out his cell phone. After relaying the message to Joe, he led Sara to the couch.

"Don't you understand?" Tears streamed down her cheeks. "They'll kill Cassie. You need to leave my house."

Within ten minutes the front door opened, and Sara jumped up. "Joe?"

Jim held his hand out so George could give him the tape. "Sorry Sara. Joe's trailing a possible suspect. He won't be available until later. I came to get the tape so the crime lab can analyze the voice and surrounding noises. Hopefully, they can tell us who called and where they called from. Is there a message you want me to relay to Joe?"

"No. George's here. I'm fine."

As Jim walked out the door, his fingers fidgeted with the tape. He turned and asked, "Are you sure you're all right?"

After she nodded, he left.

Sara sat on the couch beside George and stared at him. "Why aren't you listening to what that man said? He has Cassie."

George took her hand. "I know he has Cassie. If we leave, you'll never see Cassie again. He'll take her deeper underground and do who knows what to her. We're your only hope of ever finding your daughter. We're getting close or he wouldn't have called."

"But if you get too close, he'll kill Cassie."

He swallowed. "That's a possibility." He brushed a hair strand from her cheek. "I know you only met me a few days ago. Don't you trust Joe enough to know he'll do whatever it takes to bring your daughter back alive?"

She leaned into his chest and wept.

Sara lay across her bed, waiting for Joe to return Exhaustion took over, and she fell asleep. It was after midnight when a noise woke her. She walked into the living room and saw Joe was on the couch wearing dark gray sweat pants and a white athletic T-shirt. She didn't know when he'd arrived or when George had left.

She knelt on the floor beside and touched the bloody gash in his arm. Without opening an eye, Joe said, "Please. Don't, it's nothing."

She jumped. "I thought you were asleep."

He sat up. "Not yet. I just got in a few minutes ago."

She stared at his arm. "What happened? Are more people dead?"

"Sara, I'm too tired to argue."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to either." She swallowed. "Are you all right? Can I get you anything?"

"I'm fine," he snapped.

"You're tired." She walked toward her room. "Maybe we can talk in the morning." She shut the door behind her.

Barely able to keep his eyes open, Joe lay awake on the couch. He sat up and cringed in pain from the gash. He knew it needed stitches but didn't want to take the time to go to the emergency room. He crept toward Sara's bedroom and knocked on the door. There was no answer.

After waiting, he opened the door. "Sara, I'm sorry I snapped."

She sat on her bed with tears streaming down her cheeks as she held the family album on her lap and glanced at Joe. "I deserved it."

"You don't deserve anything that's happened." He sat beside her and looked at a photograph in the album, noticing a pregnant teenager. "That's you, isn't it?"

She wiped her tears. "Dad took it. I went into labor at five-thirty the following morning. I was huge."

"You were beautiful. Were you alone when you delivered Cassie?"

"No. Mom and Dad stayed with me the entire eighteen hours." She smiled. "Dad left just before delivery." She turned the page.

Joe touched a picture. "I remember you at this age. Cassie looks just like you."

Sara closed the book. "I'm sorry for the way I've acted." She studied his arm. "Can I get you a bandage?"

"If it'll make you feel better."

When Sara returned, she cleaned the wound. "You need stitches." She placed the bandage trying to pull the sides of the wound as close together as she could.

Joe watched without flinching. "Somebody threw a knife at me, and it grazed my arm. We rescued seven teenage girls, but Cassie wasn't among them. I think we're putting so much pressure on them they keep moving her and probably the bulk of their operation. That's the reason for the phone call you received this evening."

Joe glanced toward the door. "We were easily visible, because we hoped to force them to make a mistake. After the phone call, we pulled back and started covert operations. Dani found additional information and Matt added men."

"Thank you for your honesty."

"That man will probably call again. When he does, I want you to tell him you told the police Cassie's a runaway. The police decided not to search for her anymore. If they ask about a man staying with you, tell them you have a male companion living with you."

He searched the room. "You can also tell them you hired someone to paint the interior of the house. I like all the colors but I'm not sure I like them in the same room."

"I'm sorry ...."

"I've asked you not to apologize. You're handling this situation better than most mothers could." He swallowed, then continued, "I know you don't like the violence that surrounds my life. I thought you knew about it. It never dawned on me it'd affect our relationship."

"It's not the violence as much as it's a fear you can't turn it off. What if Cassie or I make you angry and you ...."

"I would never hurt you or Cassie," he interrupted. "I can promise I'll never raise my hand to either of you."

"How can you promise something like that? You're a trained killer."

"I'm a graduate of West Point and I'm a member of Task Force 385. I'm not a trained killer." He paused, knowing Sara already knew that. Dani said Sara needed space and time. "I'm also a man that's very much in love with you. We'll put 'us' back together once Cassie's rescued."

She stared at the photo album. "Thank you for being so understanding. I'm pretty sure I don't deserve it."

He laid his hand on hers. "We've already agreed you won't put yourself down around me, remember?"

When Joe closed his eyes, Sara said, "You're tired, we can continue this later."

"Are you sure? If you need to talk, I'll stay."

"I'm sure." As Joe stood to leave, Sara said, "Thank you. This talk helped."

He wanted to hold and kiss her, but feared she wasn't ready. "Glad." He stood, walked out, and answered his ringing phone.

As Joe talked on the cell phone, he took off his sweat pants and put on blue jeans. "I'm on my way." He grabbed his shirt and shoulder holster.

Sara stood at the front door, as he jogged down the sidewalk. "Joe, please don't go. You're injured and tired. Let somebody else do it. If something happened to you, I couldn't stand it." Moisture welled in her eyes.

Joe stopped. "Nothing's going to happen to me. I need to do this. George will be here tomorrow morning. Matt placed some men outside your house. You can't see them, but they're there. If you need anything just step outside a door."

He went back, took her in his arms, and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry. I promise I'll be back." He turned toward his car, then glanced back at Sara standing in the door. He forced a smile. "I'll see you tonight, Munchkin."


Author Notes
Thank you lindansteph for your wonderful photography Under dark clouds. I feel Sara is under a dark cloud.

I want to thank all of my fans for supporting me through prayers and well wishes. I honestly draw my strength from you. My first chemotherapy went well. I didn't really start feeling any effects until day. My doctor told me Saturday and Sunday would be the worst and my hair will start falling out on Wednesday or Thursday. I have felt my energy drain from me often today and I have had to stop and rest. I'm not used to that. I wish I could personally give each one of you a hug.


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