- Chapter 7; part 2by barbara.wilkey
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The safe house comes under attack.
Tantalizing Eyes
: Chapter 7; part 2 by barbara.wilkey

Steven works for Task Force 385 and is ordered to protect Leya Vegas. She's the granddaughter of a famous drug lord. Steven marries her to protect her from an arranged marriage. Peggy requests to be put on Steven's team to protect him from Leya.

In the first part of this chapter Steven buys Leya a different wedding ring and appropriate clothes. Peggy makes a sedutive move on Steven, but he turns her down. Leya and Steven worked out before Leya goes down to breakfast.

By the time Leya walked into the dining room, Jim was sitting at the table. "Am I too late for breakfast?" she asked.

Jim jumped up and fixed her a plate. "You're just in time. I'm running behind myself and would enjoy your company."

"Thank you." She smiled and took the plate from him. They discussed the weather and the kitten, before Leya worked up enough courage to ask, "What did I do to Peggy to make her hate me?"

"As far as I know, you did nothing. I think Peggy's making a play for Steven and sees you as a threat."

"I mentioned that to Steven the first time I met her, but he shook it off saying they were only friends."

"Last night, when she tried to climb in his bed, I'd say she made it perfectly clear what she wants."

Leya studied her eggs, before she asked, "You said tried to enter his bed?" She accented the word 'tried'.

"Yep, Steven tossed her to the curb. He made it clear he wasn't interested."

"You know this, how?" Leya's eyebrows rose.

"I had guard duty and couldn't miss the fireworks." He grinned. "Plus I was bored and wanted a little excitement so paid extra attention."

Guard duty? I wonder if the men know I went to Steven's room the night I found out Father beat my mother. Leya could feel heat in her cheeks.

As he gazed into her eyes, Jim grinned. "And yes we know you spent Friday night with Steven." He chuckled before he added, "Bob had guard duty and mentioned from the lack of noise in the room only sleeping went on."

Leya released a huge sigh. "He's right. I was upset because I was the reason those awful things happened to my mother."

"You don't need to justify yourself to me, or anybody for that matter."

Peggy walked into the dining room. "Is there any breakfast left?"

Jim pointed toward the kitchen. "A little, but not much. You're late."

Peggy glanced at Leya's full plate.

When Leya raised her plate to offer it to Peggy, Jim interrupted, "Leya, you don't need to apologize for anything." He took the plate from her and set it on the table. "Peggy knows what time breakfast is served. If she's late, it's her fault."

He went into the kitchen and came out with a small bowl of scraps and handed it to Leya. "Let's feed your kitten." He called over his shoulder, "Peggy, you want to come?"

As Leya and Jim went outside, they heard a cupboard slam in the kitchen.

After they sat on the steps in silence and watched the kitten eat, Leya asked, "Why'd you antagonize her?"

"We've noticed the way she treats you and none of us like it. I have a feeling more of the men will be standing up for you. Matt's also aware of the problem. He's thinking about removing her from the team but wants to give her time to get herself together. Maybe after last night, she'll realize Steven isn't interested and things will calm down."

"Or she'll hate me more, thinking the reason Steven turned her down is because of me. It's not. Steven and I are only friends."

Jim smiled. "Right! I bet Steven tries convincing himself of that too."

Unsettled by what Jim said, Leya put the kitten down and gathered the bowls. As she climbed the stairs to her room, she avoided everyone as she tried to quell the torrent of emotions. In her room she stared out the window. Could Jim be right? She grabbed a pillow from the bed and hugged it. There's no way Jim could be right. I don't love Steven. She adjusted the wedding ring and smiled. When he gave me this ring, I wanted to smother him with kisses. She sat at the table and stared at a piece of paper. Steven could never love me. I am the daughter of Hector Vegas, a famous drug lord. She didn't come downstairs for the rest of the day.

Around 2:30 AM, Leya was startled by sirens and the whizz of rapid gunfire richocheting off the building. She stood at the top of the stairs in an oversized pink T-shirt and matching bikini panties.

Derek saw her and yelled, "We're under attack! Get to Steven's office ASAP!"

"But I'm not dressed."

Derek took three steps at a time, grabbed her arm, and yanked her downstairs. "If you're dead, nobody will care what you're wearing."

Steven finished handing out the M4's and yelled, "Where's Leya?"

Derek led her down the dimly lit hall to Steven's office. "I have her."

Steven took her arm from Derek's hand and led her inside the office. "Geoff will stay with you. Under no circumstances are you to open this door." He pointed toward it. "As long as you stay put, you'll be safe." He turned to leave.

As she heard the rapid barrage of automatic weapons, she asked, "What's going on?"

Steven called over his shoulder, "I don't have time to discuss it but I'd guess your family has come to take you back." From the hall, he yelled, "Keep this door locked!" As he shut the door, he shouted, "Jim, turn that siren off. We don't need any added confusion."

After Geoff locked the door, he led Leya to the sofa. "Sit down." Noticing she was trembling, he sat beside her. "At least the siren's off. You'll be safe in here."

Leya glanced in the direction of hearing a ching-chink and then noticed Geoff chambering a round. Once he set his SIG Saure 9mm on the table, she didn't take her eyes from the door. "How did they find me?"

"Good question? We'll worry about that later."

After taking a deep breath, she asked, "What if my family forces their way into the house?"

Holding up the gun, he said, "That's what this is for."

The brrrrrrrrrr, brrrrrrr of rapid fire continued as Leya's subconscious led her to believe Steven was shot, bleeding on the steps by the front door unable to get help. She wanted to run to him, he needed her help.

As she stood, Geoff took her hand. "You need to sit. There's nothing you can do. The team's experienced in handling this type of situation. They'll be fine as long as they know you're safe. They'll get careless if they have to worry about you."

Leya sat down. "I hope you're right."

"I am. Now, cuddle in and wait." He put his arm around her.

About thirty minutes later, Steven pounded on the door. "Geoff, call Matt for back-up."


Author Notes
After this post, I will be back to posting only on weekends. School starts tomorrow. I appreciate all my fans and I value your reviews.


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