- When We Were Once Fiveby Mrs. KT
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Contest Entry: Children's Poem
When We Were Once Five by Mrs. KT
Suppose Mother Goose and Dr. Seuss had never graced our lives, our children's lives, their children's lives...(Please read aloud)



Suppose there was no Man in the Moon
Or no little Dish ran away with the Spoon

Suppose we'd never met Jack or Jill,
Would anyone care to roll down a Hill?

Suppose Humpty-Dumpty never sat on a Wall
Or Thumbelina grew very tall 

Suppose Jack Sprat only dined on fat
What would his Wife have thought about that?

Suppose the Old Woman never lived in a Shoe
Or there was no Horn for Little Boy Blue 

Suppose dear Horton never heard a Who
Would we see Whoville as we do?

Suppose there was no Cat in the Hat
And we never learned where Miss Muffet sat

Suppose no one knew of Fairy Dust
How would Dreaming have become a Must?


If not for the gift of all of these
Would we ever say "Thank You" and "Please?"

Would we dare to wish upon stars at night? 
Could we recite poems that thrill and delight?

Would we know what it's like to feel loved and alive?
Would we remember when we were once five? 



Author Notes
Contest requirements: Write a children's poem of any length or format beginning with the words, "Suppose...Suppose..." The poem does not have to be specifically about the topic and creative approaches are welcomed.

Note: Poetic License employed regarding lack of end punctuation and capitalizatiion.


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