- Introduction and contentsby Mike K2
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A project in process.
Going In Through The Out-The Doors
: Introduction and contents by Mike K2

"In Through The Out-The Doors" An attention grabbing title that most likely has confused everybody. Did I mistake, confusing, "The Doors," for, "Led Zeppelin?" No there are several reasons for the title. I see a bit of humor in this, but one reason for the title is the way I have gone from being a fan. Simply calling myself one in the 1980's; as opposed to really appreciating their music and becoming one. Which has been the case since, August of 2008.

Until this month, what I knew of The Doors was through their, "Greatest Hits Album". Then I had an idea. I wanted to come up with a song, the poem called, "Spirit Woman." The first consideration is how would I want the lyrics sung and what music.

Jim Morrison immediately came to mind. It was my recollections and understanding of this. Oliver Stone's movie, "The Doors," also figured into this. Personally, I wasn't impressed as it was very long and I felt that it exploited his dark side and tried to make him more into a cult figure.

But I considered some elements to be genuine and I think that his music would be best suited for the song. In a sense, I have become a fan through reverse osmosis. To me the Doors Hits, doesn't even approach who the doors actually were. Only recently I could appreciate them for their contribution of music. More will be written about this in later chapters.

Most of this book is actually formed from the research that I conduct and my feelings as they change. There will also be some comments about my record industry thoughts, feelings and trends. Also stories, like how I heard of, "The Doors" and a couple of my own stories involving music. One chapter is very interesting as I had a dream involving Jim Morrison giving me voice lessons.

Jim had a ghostlike quality about his music, long before he died and I think that is what also fits into well with my life and some of its events. My high-school sweetheart was very much like a ghost and she too passed away. Some people in my life has chosen to bless it, coming into it as if they are a ghost. I sense their feelings though their aberrational nature and that is as much spiritual as anything else.

"Spirit Woman," was to be a song that I even inquired about commissioning, but has turned into a concept. Its line length doesn't fit into the fewer syllable lines that make up most of the doors songs. I may have to rewrite or split them up. Each change will be presented as a new one, leaving the original, "Spirit Woman," poem intact. In addition, I decided to team it up with the, "Rope Swing," perhaps a concept that Jim might have decided to tackle have he remained alive and as industry trends changed. As Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull put it, "The dreaded concept album!"

"Spirit Woman," is presented as a fan of Jim Morrison, that loves him and cares for him, yet doesn't dare let herself get wrapped up with him for mysterious unstated reasons. She is also conceived from real life experiences of mine, that too has it mysteries, which I like to maintain; also with it's dark side. A beautiful one as well.

"The Rope Swing," is about society and how that works out is any body's best guess. I intend to keep it to kids and teenagers, yet draw parallels to everyday adult life and politics.

In general, this may be a mixture of both song and monologue, hopefully with music. Being a work in progress, this book will shift around quite a bit. Also making this very difficult for me and recordings will be produced or licensed music added. As I develop the ability and finances.

For FanStorians: Though I plan to do my best at assembling this material. My postings will be very low, as I have very, very limited resources at this time. I also expect lower ratings, as I will make any valid changes as suggested, but won't repost them to earn a higher one. All are welcome to view my material.

For Doors Fans: I have become a member of, "The Doors," official website and Ray Manzareks as his Web Guru see fit to validate that membership. You have viewed this from a thread. If you would like to respond or contact me, but don't plan on writing or reviewing other writer's material on the FanStory site, I ask that you do so from the site where you found the thread.


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