- Demented or Mystifying Mindby Tom Horonzy
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The Many Thoughts of a ...
Demented or Mystifying Mind by Tom Horonzy

I sat in church today and heard the Written Words found in this title; 
instead of listening to the Spoken Word being preached from the dais. I wrote a note to myself
 to write a series of 'mystifying' thoughts that commonly egress from the caverns of my mind.
My wife said my mind may be mystifying but surely not demented;
however, I thought demented was a better tease to attract readers.
Not knowing me, I don't expect you to know which is best.
Demented or Mystifying?
Time should tell.
Episode One
I went to sleep last night 
which isn't newsworthy in itself.
I do it every night, commonly after the sun goes down,
though, at my age, I may add a doze or two during daylight hours.
Strange. Mother tried her best to get me to snooze in my youth
but being contrarian, I rarely honored her desires.
Anyhow, I digress. What I came to write about is prayer.
Some folks incant prayers before closing their eyes;
while others pray as they arise. Are they dichotomous? 
Anyhow, many may even convey and pray twice a day.
Me? I, at times, go against the flow, which is unique,
as I find myself praying while asleep,
 unquestionably interfering with my rest.
Perhaps I enter into the Outer Limits,
an Orwellian world where I'm "No longer in control."
Some offerings are formal. They begin with "Our Father,"
while others casually start with, "Hey, Dad, what's up?"
which isn't as stupid as it sounds, for He knows everything, anyway.
I find Him much more reliable than CNN, Fox News, and the Big Three, 
for God is resolute and doesn't lie as talking heads do.
I cannot recall everything we shared, but felt directed
to let you know our world is better when we let Him be in control
rather than Sleepy Joe, Vladimir, and other not-so-sane cronies.
So, for now, Nanu Nanu, until the next release
from either my mystifying or dementing mind.

Author Notes
I never know what will cross my mind, and so I have thought that writing them as they're thought of is better than losing them in the nooks and crannies between the caverns upstairs beneath my graying hair. And so the question is, am I demented or mystifying?

My plan, for today, is to wile time away, writing such fastidious nonsense, now and then when my wanders from its Abbie Normal or should that be abnormal flow. We'll have to wait and see, inclusive of both you and me.

The picture is my own and seemed apropos.

Just having fun - Tom


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