- The Secret to Life, is Laughterby Danielle Lillard
This work has reached the exceptional level
Fiction inspired by a real couple.
The Secret to Life, is Laughter by Danielle Lillard
Flash Fiction contest entry
Artwork by seshadri_sreenivasan at

Randy was a runner, and was now in the midst of his fifth full marathon. His wife, Cheryl, was beautiful, and known for her incredible sense of humor. Few could ever truly match wits with her.

They had been together since the flood, raised their children, and were now enjoying retirement. Their house, always filled with laughter.

Cheryl could see Randy coming down the final stretch, she always came to cheer him on...
When he collapsed in cardiac arrest, and was rushed to the emergency room. Surgery and a medically induced coma, but Cheryl never left the hospital.

When doctors roused him, he was on a ventilator and terribly weak, he still managed to gently reach for Cheryl's hand.
As he did, she said in false disgust, "Are you seriously trying to grab my boob?"

Randy nearly died twice that week. Once from a heart attack, and once from laughter.


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