- Welcome Homeby themundanegirl
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Alex arrives to her fathers to an unexpected surprise.
The Chaos Within
: Welcome Home by themundanegirl

“Alex,” my dad placed his hand on my shoulder giving it a slight shake. I must’ve dosed off again after our last stop. “We’re here, and before you get upset, I promise you I had no idea about any of this. If I knew they were planning something I would’ve warned you.”

                I could hear the nervousness in his voice as I sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes to be met with a driveway and yard full of cars. When I agreed to come down here Dad had promised me a smooth transition with no theatrics. I hadn’t seen or spoken to most of the family down here and years and the last thing that I wanted to do after a long car ride was to play catch-up with them all at once.

                “We can drive around the block, and I can tell Melinda to send them all home. Just say the word and they will be gone,” he said as I scanned the crowded yard and driveway that led to their two-story ranch-style home with a wrap-around porch that most middle-aged women in the south would kill for. I saw a few of the downstairs curtains rustle as prying eyes peeked out in anticipation for us to come inside and I knew there was no going back.

                “No. It’s fine, they already know that we are here, and I don’t want to be rude,” I said plastering a smile on my face. I knew he had nothing to do with this and no matter how unhappy I was about it I didn’t want to add to his guilt.

                “You sure?” He questions placing a hand on the gear shift, ready to place the car into reverse the minute I said so.

                “I’m sure, we’ve been spotted, and I believe they are becoming a bit impatient,” I nodded towards the rustling curtains. “Let’s go before they think we are avoiding them.”

                “You can leave the bags in the car, I’ll have the boys help me get them later.” He said as we got out of the car.

                I nodded and peered at my reflection in the car mirror smoothing a few flyaway hairs from my ponytail. If I had to walk into a house full of people, I wanted to at least make sure I didn’t look like a complete mess.

                As we grew closer to walking up the porch steps my decision to come inside and not take my dad up on his escape plan turned into more of a sense of anxiety. Before we could get to the front door it flew open and people rushed out to us, shoving my dad out of the way, and ushering me into several different hugs. Most of which were from people I didn’t recognize and a few from people I was sure I had never met before.

                I plastered on a fake smile, trying to hide the overwhelming sense of anxiety that was building up inside of me as I returned all the good to see you’s and missed you’s.  I hated to be crowded and above all, I wasn’t much of a fan of hugs.

                “Alright, ya’ll, let the poor girl into the house why don’t you? There will be plenty of time to catch up later.” A southern bell voice drawled from inside of the house that belonged to whom I could only assume was Melinda as she stepped out onto the front porch.  Her kinky curly hair was tied up into a neat bun atop her head and she had a warm inviting smile on display as walked towards me ushering me into the house.

                I remembered often comparing my wiry copper hair to her amber curls and wishing I could have hair like hers. It wasn’t until my sophomore year in high school and my extended stay at my friend Bella’s that I saw just how much effort went into maintaining textured hair, that I counted my blessings. I wasn’t one to put too much effort into my appearance and I didn’t envy Bella for the hours she put into hers each morning.

                “I’m so excited that our family can finally be whole,” Melinda said once we made it inside the open concept living room. She wrapped her perfectly bronzed arms around me engulfing me with the scents of freshly baked cookies and floral notes. With not a curl out of place and make-up done perfectly to accentuate her hazel eyes, she didn’t look to be a day over 35 even though she was in her mid 40’s.

                “How was the ride?” she questioned leaving one of her perfectly manicured hands on my shoulder.

                “Long,” I smiled, “but I’m glad to be here,” I answered as I took in the large house that looked to be right out of a southern living magazine. A few feet inside of the door was a very well-used piano, a grand living room that led into what appeared to be a dining room with only a small wall closing off the living room from the kitchen. A banner that read ‘Welcum Alex’ in glittery lettering hung from the banister leading upstairs that I could only assume was made by Izzy.

                “We are glad you are too sweetie,” she gave my shoulder a small squeeze and smiled warmly.

                What seemed to be an oven timer sounded over the steady chatter from the small crowd that had gathered in the living room. “Oh, that’s my cue. I hope you still like mac n’ cheese, I made it special for you.” She exclaimed excitedly as she rushed off into the kitchen.

                I didn’t, but I wouldn’t tell her that. When we were younger all Nathan and I would eat was mac n’ cheese and hot dogs. It wasn’t because that’s all we liked but it was all that we knew. It was all our mother could afford to feed us regularly.

                “Oh Alex, dear,” Melinda’s head popped back into sight around the small half-wall that separated the kitchen from the living room, “the boys are out back why don’t you go say hello? Izzy ran off to play with some friends she’ll be back later.” She winked as she nodded at the sliding glass door that led to the back porch.

                I shot an appreciative smile in her direction. She was providing me with an escape from the still-crowded living room and I was forever grateful.


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