- The Garmentby Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level
a poem, rhymed. abcb, mixed meter
The Garment by Dawn Munro
    Inspire belief in the living God Contest Winner 

The Garment
by Deborah D Dawn Munro
copyright 2022

I'm constantly astounded
that the gift is not accepted,
that the Son of Man, by some men
is continually rejected.

It was Man, who in his arrogance,
brought death unto the earth,
yet God forgave us, sent His Son -
we celebrate Christ's birth.

His precious Son bore torture,
then Christ died a horrid death,
and all to grant eternal life
to Man. With final breath,

our Savior begged His Father to
forgive what Man had done.
Remember, this was Jesus -
God's begotten, only Son.

The life He led is written in
a holy, mighty hand,
to illustrate how we should live -
it's what our Father planned

when He re-wrote the covenant -
when Jesus intervened
and rose again, to live within
the soul that He had cleaned.

So as the glitter beckons and
the tinsel seems so right,
remember why we celebrate -
give thanks on Christmas night

and every day thereafter, as
it's written that we should -
reach out to touch the hem of One
whose Father's always good.
For Christ will make us whole again,
if only we believe,
and what have we to lose at all?
He granted us reprieve

from all mistakes, from sad regrets,
from sin, and things that spoil
the joy that God intended when
he shaped us from His soil...

Conversely, if we don't believe,
we've far too much to lose -
though merciful, our Father left
it up to us to choose.

Inspire belief in the living God
Contest Winner


Author Notes
Thank you for reading. The story of the woman who touched the hem of our Savior's garment is found in Luke, chapter 8:43-48


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