- The Heart Grievesby Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
Making Amends
The Heart Grieves by Begin Again

Cassie dropped tiny pebbles in the water, making ripples dance across her tear-stained reflection. Between each sniffle, she whispered, "He'll come. He won't come. He'll come. He won't come."


Cassie hadn't heard his approach. Startled, she almost fell into the creek when he spoke. "Ooh!" Her arms flailed as she tried to catch her balance.

Jason's hand pressed against her back as he moved her away from the danger. Laughter danced in his eyes, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Have you gained wings, or are you attempting to be a newborn bird?"

From underneath her wet lashes, she glared at him. "Neither! How dare you startle me and then make fun?"

"What? You weren't expecting me?" Jason quizzed.

"Of course." She saw his eyebrow raised at her response. "Well, you're late, and I thought maybe you'd changed your mind, or it was a dream."

"A promise is a promise. Cassie. I gave you my word."

She felt his fingers brush against her face, gently lifting strands of her long blonde hair to the side.

"You didn't always keep your word." She pulled away, and he let his hand drop.

"True, but not by choice." He lifted her chin with his finger, so she was looking at him. "You understand it wasn't my decision, right?"

She nodded but turned away. It was too painful to think about it. "You were always late. If you hadn't been-" A wave of grief washed over her and surged from deep within her heart. "We both died that day, Jason. My life ended too."

Jason wanted to wrap his arms around her and pull her to his chest, making it all disappear, but he knew he couldn't. "Maybe I shouldn't have come, Cassie. My intentions were not to bring you sorrow."

"What did you expect? We planned the rest of our life together, and now it's gone."

"I should go." He waited for a response, but she stood staring deep into the water. "Goodbye, Cassie." As he walked away, his image disappeared into the air.

Cassie spun around and yelled, "Don't go, Jason. I'm sorry." She knew he was gone, so she prayed into the wind, "Please come back tomorrow. I will try to begin again, but I can't do it without you by my side."

A faint whisper touched her ear as she wiped a tear from her eye. "I'm always here, my love."



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