Essay Non-Fiction posted June 4, 2017

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Secret of Life

by Cogitator


"Wisdom begins with the definition of terms." Aristotle

"The first chapter of wisdom is truth." Thomas Jefferson

Language skills differ from one person to another. There are many languages on the planet that are used to convey thoughts and feelings to one another and most of them are used at a basic level of conversation that is not aimed at reaching a higher level of understanding. They are mainly used to socialize. This kind of conversation is called "small talk" for a reason.

There are twelve levels of enlightenment according to Buddhist philosophy. Enlightenment is just another word for understanding. If we seek to gain more meaning for our existence, we have to grow our understanding. "Illuminati" means enlightened. That is the twelfth level of Buddhahood called Nirvana.

Communication can be defined as "the sending or receiving of a MESSAGE that MEANS THE SAME to both sender and receiver." That is extremely difficult to achieve using human language. Probably the two methods that convey true messages best are higher mathematics and music. Mathematics is processed in our digital left hemisphere with logic and music's synchronicity is processed as emotion in the analog right hemisphere. When both hemispheres are well-developed, we can start climbing the ladder of enlightenment. What do we communicate about?

We communicate from our point of view about what we are able to discern when beholding the entire view. The universal view is constant truth. We can change our point of view, but we cannot change what is true. Communication from different points of view can enhance what we can behold of our universe. Any topic can be developed and enhanced by sincere communication and subjecting it to "Group Think." That is the reason for the creation of think tanks. We cause our human and societal conditions by group agreements that people are willing to adhere to. Some of those agreements are based on truth and some are not. Language and literacy of any group agreement will allow others to enter into or be expelled from the group. Birds of a feather...

We communicate about many things and can classify conversational topics on their level of enlightenment. The lowest level of conversation is people communicating about other people. The next level is communication about events, circumstances and conditions. The highest human communication is discussing ideas and ideals. Observing the magazine racks at the grocery checkout, watching vapid and inane television shows and the content on Facebook is pretty convincing that the most popular form of communication today is people talking about people.

Business, politics and religions contain groups of people that adhere to particular "schools of thought." These schools of thought are called isms, tenets or systems. Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Judaism, Catholicism are some major examples of "Group Thought." Once someone adopts an ism to live by, they find it difficult to change and usually remain stuck within the group. Thinking outside the box doesn't appeal to someone in a comfort zone with the rest of the herd.

Events, circumstances and conditions are usually encompassed by business, religion and politics. These are the areas that are used by the ruling class to maintain an obedient group of wage slaves. If everyone participated in developing ideas and ideals, there would be no ruling class. The population is brainwashed, hypnotized and propagandized into believing they need a master, or leader. That is not true for an enlightened mind. The enlightened mind is focused on Utopia.

The Utopian cannot be enslaved - that is the difficulty for the Fascist Oligarchy to handle - and he cannot be imprisoned.... Every genius who has known something of the inner light of consciousness is bound to be a little difficult to be absorbed; he is going to be an upsetting force. The masses don't want to be disturbed, even though they may be in misery. They are in misery, but they are accustomed to the misery. And anybody who is not miserable looks like a stranger. The Utopian is the greatest stranger in the world; he does not seem to belong to anybody. No organization confines him, no community, no society nor nation. His very way of being is rebellious - not because he is fighting against anybody or anything, but because he has discovered his own true nature and is determined to live in accordance with it. The Utopian challenges us to be courageous enough to take responsibility for who and what we are and to live according to truth.

Understanding business, politics and religion is no easy task for the average person. Each is the result of human creation and they have some interesting similarities, the first being they are all governments. They are created to maintain control of some or all the population in some manner. The military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about is a perfect example. All three use fear as the primary motivator to keep the wage slaves under control. They intentionally hide truth and facts from those who do the work. They rely on the ignorance of the public to divide and conquer. That is not what the founding fathers had in mind when they crafted the United States Constitution.

"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion." Thomas Jefferson.

If Jefferson is watching today's political atmosphere in the United States, he must be in tears.

The average intelligence quotient (IQ) is set at 100, just like the average emotional quotient (EQ). There are not many people who seek to know where their quotients fall in relation to other human beings. It should be understood that the scoring is based upon the tests themselves, not so much on human capability. We all use the same intelligence and emotion. What separates us is our attention span. We all have the ability to solve and understand our existence. If the world population were to experience an epiphany, the IQ and EQ scores would rise so much that they would be meaningless because of living through a mental and emotional orgasm some would call Rapture.

One of the reasons we humans measure things is to find out where there is room for improvement. Knowing where we fit in the structure of wisdom can motivate us to understand a "greater truth," thereby moving us up a rung of the enlightenment ladder. That is the "AHA!" moment Oprah talks about. No one can teach someone else how to do this. The motivation to seek a greater truth must come from the individual. The lower levels primarily seek satisfaction for their animal body impulses. Higher levels want to recognize the truth within. We can call the Illuminati level Nirvana, Rapture, Enlightenment or pure truth, if we like. They mean the same.

One very difficult truth to accept is that we only communicate with our own self.

"Nothing pains some people more than having to think." Dr. Martin Luther King.

"Learn to see. Everything is connected." Leonardo da Vinci.


When we recognize a friend, an acquaintance or family member, we usually don't give much thought as to how that is possible. How do we differentiate one human being from another?

Cognition means to KNOW and re-cognition means to know again. We separate individuals by using the amount of knowledge we have of them. We call such knowledge a memory. Of course, there are commonalities in all of us that allow for recognizing ourselves as human beings, thereby seeing other human beings.

Every commonality we recognize in others must be contained within ourselves or else we couldn't re-cognize it. Friendships, clubs, religions, et cetera, all exist for those who have "something in common".

Our universe is what we know. Moreover, it is the understanding of what we know. Our consciousness seeks to understand but for many, it stops seeking too soon to recognize the commonality of all life. More problematic is the fact that groups that have something in common very seldom allow new thoughts and ideas from outside their circle into their milieu. Additionally, what some call knowledge within themselves is often not true. Truth can be discovered within ourselves, but too few take the "road less traveled."

Truth has no need for belief or faith. We either know it or don't know it. We certainly were born with it, but it has been buried under Society's compost pile. We have to dis-cover it to recover it. In fact, there are no inventions, only discoveries of what was always available in our in-tuition. We have to use reflection to find our cognition.

We create our universe as our conscious knowledge allows. If we prevent new understanding to enter our human mind, no progress will be made. Conversely, the open mind has a chance to find truth again. If a hundred readers were to read these words, there would be a hundred different takes on it. Regardless of the point of view, opinion or judgment formed in the mind by these words, the underlying truth will remain the same. The point is that we should seek others' points of view.

If we look for the kindred spirit in someone else's eye, we will recognize it. If we make prejudiced or biased judgments based on physical looks, we have accepted that hate inside us unless we stop it. If we recognize evil, we are echoing evil. Evil is "live" spelled backwards. If we truly want to live and rid ourselves of evil, we have to change our attitude. There is no better way to assign responsibility for what we behold than by looking in the mirror.

Physicists are working on defining the Grand Unification Theory -- acronym GUT. It is intended to formulate the connection of the physical microcosm to its macrocosm. After Einstein started the ball rolling with his Special Theory of Relativity, it continued rolling into Quantum Mechanics and the train of thought then rolled on into trying to prove that the universe was one Relativity Ball, from microcosm through macrocosm. Because the wave/particle has a dual quality that continually interacts and transforms, I have doubts about GUT proving that the universe is physical in nature. Metaphysical, I can envision.

To me, this metaphysical universe is the software I call the Grand Operating Design. The physical world (hardware) and the spiritual world (software) must coexist for us to recognize our universe. Just like the operating system of a computer that operates its universe, the Grand Operating System (GOD) operates ours. GUT is the particle and GOD is the wave of life's universe.

Our brain's left hemisphere is digital and identifies particles as forms. The right hemisphere interprets waves as emotion and is where Agape and compassion reside. If we do not use both sides to contemplate truth, we will fall short of understanding.

If we all recognize the Grand Operating Design in everything we behold, our mutual universe will become the heaven so many seek. We can call this omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent software, "The Source" as Dr. Dyer did; we can call it "The Force" as Star Wars did. There is no point in putting a face on it because it is formless, nameless, unseen and yet unknown. If we recognize this to be true, it is the Nirvana of Buddhism, The Heaven of Christianity, the Paradise of Islam and the Peace of Mind all people want. If we want to let its power change our universe into the image of heaven we want, all we have to do is change our attitude from looking outward to looking inward.

If you re-cognize the meaning of these words, you will never return to where you were at this moment. Truth will eventually enter. Let it happen.

Making breakthroughs to higher truth necessitates thinking about what is not true. We were all born with the truth instilled in our intuition. There is no conflict between good and evil, only between truth and untruth. Only the human ego chooses to think of good and evil. The truth is that none of us ever did anything "wrong." All of us acted the best we could under the circumstances and there are only three circumstances to our consciousness -- Time, Space and Understanding. We all exist forever in the here and now of the Space/Time continuum, so the only way we can create a better universe for ourselves is to address our understanding of what we are and how we use consciousness. We need to separate the wheat of our thoughts from the chaff of our thoughts, so to speak.

We have this wondrous capability of stopping a thought and examining it. We call this contemplation. "Con" means against and the template of our thought is what we consider when thinking. Most people who meditate do this exact action but remove judgment from their observation. This is analogous to dumping a picture puzzle on a table and attempting to put the pieces together. The template is the finished picture, each piece we examine is a piece of knowledge that will not make sense until it fits into its proper position and the picture will not be finished until we commit to getting it all together. Divine consciousness is the picture of the enlightened and every thought we have can contribute to its creation.

James Cameron's "Avatar" is a genius depiction of the conflict between the military/industrial complex and Mother Nature. It is an amazingly spiritual description of how we are all connected, as well. When a member of the indigenous population greets another, they acknowledge them by saying "I see you." This means that the kindred spirit they share is what is communicating. This is exactly what I am doing by expressing these words -- I SEE YOU.

Another term for thinking is reflection. I would suppose that virtually everyone has looked into a mirror and seen their reflection. When we look at our image in a mirror, we know it is a reversed view of what we are. Why? It is our consciousness regarding itself, obviously, but why is it reversed? One way of interpreting our mirror image is to realize that both sides of the mirror contain what the mirror's scope can envision, but they must be equal and opposite to exist at all. Our ego consciousness may choose to take its point of view from one side or the other and can call one positive and the other negative, but all ego judgments are faulty unless they come from the surface of the mirror.

The surface of the mirror is the equal sign of mathematics. Our true consciousness is available to us when we reside on the mirror surface or in the equal sign of mathematics. The Corpus Callosum that connects our left and right hemispheres is that surface and/or equal sign. If we want to reach higher truth, we have to visit our point of balance more often and contemplate what we think and feel.

If you've ever known someone who has come close to a perilous experience and said "My life flashed before my eyes," you may understand why Nikola Tesla could recite an entire book moments after he read it. The kindred spirit we all share records every human experience from the day our body became conscious. For whatever reason, Tesla actually existed in that spiritual state. There can be no other explanation for this ability.

Da Vinci, Carl Jung, the first Buddha and many others know that everything in consciousness has to be connected in order to exist. But, what is connecting to what? The answer is THOUGHT. The entire universe we exist in is the creation of our thoughts -- whether we like it or not. Lower levels of understanding may have issue for taking responsibility for creating their situation, but, until they do, they will suffer.

Thought is not a thing, but a process. It is more like a verb. Verbs denote action. It goes like this: Awareness -- we feel a stimulus of energy striking our form. This can be physical, emotional or self-generated. Attention - is this important enough for me to stop doing what I am doing? If no, ignore, if yes, analyze. In the analysis, what value am I to assign to this thought? Does it have the potential to create a higher truth? If no, ignore. If yes, ACT.

Every living being on this wondrous earth is addressing its MOST IMPORTANT action at this time, in this place, UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. There are no exceptions to this basic law. Since it is always and forever HERE and NOW, the only way to change our view of our universe is to examine our circumstances. Whatever is preventing us from recognizing our perfect self must be removed to graduate to the level we want to be. The only element that judges is the ego. It must step aside for us to move on.

In our human form, we have very limited ability to discern. We have to dig deep into our intuition to explain our being. This is not the teaching of public schools in America. What the ruling class wants is obedient wage slaves to perform actions that will feather their nests and maintain their power over the population. The oligarchy hardly knows how to tie their own shoelaces, much less how to unclog their toilet. As soon as those who do the work say no to the opulent and decadent oligarchy, they will disappear.

The ego lives in a hypnotized state. It is activated by triggers that make it execute actions that are not created by our true volition. Those actions are called habits or programs. Habits are programming and can be described by the development of technology. What we are experiencing today is the execution of programs created by those who actually understand how to make people do unnatural actions. The lower levels of understanding are subjected to becoming slaves to the system that runs the show. Waking the population to what is true is the only way to achieve world unity.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein.

John Lennon's song, "Imagine" gives us insight about how to "live as one." Eliminating politicians, religion and money can make us live as cooperative, communicative and caring human beings. We all imagine our lives and when we begin imagining a beautiful planet without pain and strife, we will create that scenario. Our collaborative thoughts can actually do that.

George Boole wrote "The Laws of Thought" and "The Calculus of Logic" in the mid-1800s. He is responsible for Boolean Logic which operates in every piece of software that exists in every computer and recognizing that 0 and 1 constitute the binary nature of being, the only true numbering system that can exhibit Duality of life. All computers have to follow his findings to exist at all. Understanding that one is the only number and that zero is the absence of that number necessitates the understanding of the wave/particle theory. The wave sensing the particle and the particle feeling the wave are what create our thoughts.

The human ego is a stubborn fool. In today's parlance, it defines the conservative mind and the current Fascist administration. If one of these egos is reading this, their cockles will rise, the hair on the back of their neck will spike and they will ignore virtually all logical statements. These narcissistic egos are hoarders and bullies, for the most part. They have no concept of sharing. Instead of seeing the connectivity of all things, they seek to isolate themselves in their own little private kingdoms, believing that fences will protect them.

"If someone is willing to give up some freedom to gain some security, they deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin.

The Mandelbrot Set will close this essay. Benoit Mandelbrot became famous for creating this three-dimensional set, visible online, along with many other fractals. We live in a three-dimensional world that is totally connected as depicted in fractals. Each pixel within the fractal can be compared to a Point of View of the human ego. Each fractal equation creates different universes with different points of view. We can all choose the equation we want to execute.

The interesting part of these fractals is that they have an equal and opposite negative value that is ignored in their pixel presentation -- their mirror image, to be clear.

The ego strives to believe in beginnings and ends. What if every thought was actually the Big Bang?

Non-Fiction Writing Contest contest entry


This is an updated version of the previous post. It is almost double in size and contains much more information.
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